Bull (2016) s04e13 Episode Script

Child of Mine

1 Hey.
It's slippery.
Watch your step.
You're good.
I got you.
I got you.
- All right.
- Okay, okay.
- Everything's in the bag? - Yeah.
Got it all.
Got it all.
- Are you sure? - Yep.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
All right, there you go.
We're close.
You're good.
All right.
You're almost there.
I can see the baby's head.
- I can't do this anymore.
- Yes, you can.
- You've got this, babe.
- No, I don't! Yes, you do.
Just listen to the doctor.
We're almost done.
With the next contraction, I need you to push with all your might.
You do that, and then you get to meet your baby.
- That's what you said the last time.
- Okay.
Here we go.
It's a boy.
What's wrong? Is something wrong? Something wrong with the baby? No, no.
He's perfectly healthy.
Oh, baby.
Miles, you're not, you're not saying anything.
Why why aren't you saying anything? Uh, he's beautiful.
It's just he's brown.
What? Oh, my God, Elisabeth, he is so adorable.
He is, isn't he? How's Miles holding up? Miles is having a tough time.
I mean, he loves him.
But he's It's been difficult with his family.
The guys at work.
You probably noticed we didn't put Joseph's picture on the birth announcement.
We didn't even talk about it.
I just showed him a card without a picture, and he went, "Yeah, that's great.
" Sorry.
I brought him to school, showed him to my second graders last week.
What an age.
Yeah, nobody asks questions, nobody judges.
They just want to know if he can have candy yet.
- Yes, you.
- Oh.
Yes, you.
Oh, my love.
Thanks so much for coming.
I know I sort of fell off the face of the Earth there for a while.
No, I was thrilled when you called.
I was thrilled when you said yes.
But I have an ulterior motive.
You've probably figured this out already, but little Joseph here, he didn't happen without some help.
I know you know Miles and I were trying for years; finally started doing the fertility clinic thing.
Lots of almosts, couple of outright failures, too.
And of course, one fantastic, thrilling success.
Unfortunately, in the process of arriving at that success, the clinic, apparently, mistakenly, used another patient's sperm.
I-I called because I remembered you work at a law firm now.
Well, actually, it's a trial science firm.
But there are lawyers there, right? Yes.
There are lawyers.
'Cause I need one.
I just want to be clear.
I love my son.
I thank God every day for my son.
And we are both incredibly grateful for this gift.
Duly noted.
So what is it you want to achieve by suing the clinic? Well, first and foremost, we want to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else.
I mean our son has a stranger's DNA.
We-we really feel like we're in a blind spot regarding so many things: I mean, medical history, intellectual aptitudes, social challenges.
We're not wealthy people.
I work in construction, my wife's a second grade teacher.
All right, for six years, we poured every cent we had in trying to get pregnant.
Took out loans.
We're in debt up to our eyeballs.
And we did it all so we could have a child together.
You know what I mean.
So, in addition to putting the clinic on notice so it cleans up its act and doesn't make this kind of mistake again, you also want to recover some of the costs associated with your treatments, because, while you are thrilled to have baby Joseph, it was not the outcome you were promised.
I have to warn you that reproductive negligence cases can be very tricky.
Juries have a hard time ruling in the plaintiff's favor when they've walked away with a healthy baby.
Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I don't know that this is necessarily ever gonna see the inside of a courtroom.
Let me call the clinic on your behalf, see if we can't get their lawyers over here and figure this out the old-fashioned way: across a table, with lots of coffee and some bathroom breaks.
You keep wanting to look past the fact that my clients have clear evidence.
I'm not looking past anything.
The clinic has already admitted fault here.
They've tightened up their practices and added new security safeguards.
They've sent letters to all of their clients informing them of this incident.
And now they're offering free DNA testing to any new parents who worry that they may also be victims of this mishap.
Which is all well and good for the clinic, but we're here to try and help the McConnells.
Of course.
And after much consideration and conversation, the clinic would like to offer the McConnells their sincerest apology and a check for $40,000 as reimbursement for the round of IVF that didn't follow protocol.
I'm sorry, but that number doesn't even begin to take into account that this "round of IVF" that did not follow protocol resulted in a child that does not share Miles McConnell's DNA, and could be prone to a host of genetic anomalies that my clients are not prepared for, an outcome for which they paid over $400,000.
Or we could just go to court.
But let's be honest.
We all know the clinic doesn't want this to become an ugly public trial.
Win, lose or draw, it's gonna irreparably tarnish their reputation.
And most likely, kill their business.
Give me a number.
I would say reimbursing the McConnells their entire $400,000 and adding another 400,000 for pain and suffering would be a fair number, wouldn't you? I'm not authorized to go above 400,000.
Well, then, we have a problem, because I'm not authorized to accept less than a million.
Wait a second.
You just said 800,000.
That was two minutes ago.
And now I said a million.
And in another two minutes, I'm gonna say a million five.
Are you sensing the pattern here? Let me make a call.
You make a call.
Uh, f-four hundred thousand would honestly plenty.
That doesn't even get you out of the financial hole you're in.
B-But it helps.
I mean, we should just take it.
Benny, would you explain to our clients how the game is played? Mm.
You know the only thing better than a six-figure settlement? A million dollars.
I I don't think my brain can count that high.
Taylor, thank you.
And thank you both.
It's our pleasure.
Oh, any friends of Taylor's are friends of ours.
Are you Miles? Miles McConnell? Yeah, maybe.
Who's asking? You've been served.
What is it? Mind if I take a look at it? It's a paternity petition from a man named Roderick Walton.
Okay, what does this mean? It means he believes he's your son's biological father, and he's suing you for custody.
All rise.
In the matter of Walton v.
McConnell, in light of the recent paternity test, there can be no doubt that Mr.
Roderick Walton is indeed the biological father of Joseph Patrick McConnell.
Therefore, Mr.
Walton does have a legal claim to the child.
I have to say I have never encountered a situation like this before.
Under the circumstances, it would be my strenuous recommendation that both parties and their counsel meet with me in chambers to discuss a joint custody resolution.
Your Honor, just to be clear, as the only parents this child has ever known, the McConnells believe it is their right and duty to retain sole custody.
Your Honor, also in the interest of clarity, my clients believe it is their right and their duty to demand full custody as well.
I beg your pardon, but I gave birth to this baby.
Benny's got this.
It's okay.
Your Honor, my client, Elisabeth McConnell, carried Joseph for nine months.
They shared a heartbeat.
She birthed him.
She's been nursing him - since the day he was born.
- Your Honor, my wife and I wish we had had all of those experiences.
The pregnancy, the birth, the months of sleepless unconditional love.
But Samara and I didn't even know we had a son until last week.
And I'll be damned if we're going to be enjoined from missing any more of his life.
Your Honor, if can just finish what Mr.
and Mrs.
Walton, do you have any other children? No, Your Honor.
Roderick and I have tried for years to conceive.
We've had 12 rounds of in-vitro fertilization.
I've suffered miscarriage after miscarriage.
It was soul crushing.
So when we discovered that there was a baby in this world that is biologically Roderick's, we knew that we had to raise him.
And I need to ask you this again: You would not be willing to entertain a split custody arrangement? No offense to the McConnells, but they're complete strangers to us.
This is my son.
And we have no desire to raise him with complete strangers.
Since both sides are refusing to entertain a resolution, I'm forced to schedule a custody hearing.
In addition, I'm going to appoint a guardian ad litem to investigate both sets of parents.
That guardian, Michele Downey, will then issue a recommendation regarding what would be in the best interest of the child.
For now, the McConnells will retain custody but I'm granting Mr.
Walton temporary court-monitored visitation for one hour a day.
If it please the court, my client is requesting, uh, the first visitation be today.
Well, since Ms.
Downey is already on the premises, I don't see why not.
Why didn't you fight harder in there? Visitation in-in five minutes? How in God's name can I be expected to hand my child over to a s complete stranger? He needs to eat soon, and he just doesn't take a bottle from anyone.
Can we go back and appeal it? In custody cases, there is no jury.
It's all about the judge.
She has the final say.
She has the only say.
Trust me, that judge is focusing on each party's reasonableness and willingness to follow court orders.
It would just be a huge mistake to use our capital trying to appeal the very first thing the judge made a decision on.
We need to play the long game here.
And you need to be as cordial as possible going into this visitation.
Don't even think about trying to manipulate your son into not liking Roderick.
Don't try and squeeze him too tight or cue him to be scared in any way.
The guardian ad litem is gonna be watching you very closely, and you don't want her to think that you are trying to sway your child emotionally.
I promise you, they will hold that against you.
You have my word, you'll have your baby back in an hour.
It's, uh, it's his feeding time, so he might be a little fussy.
It helps if you angle it.
Got it.
Thank you.
Hey, Joseph.
Hey, it's me.
Huh? It's your daddy.
Huh? God.
Downey, I understand you did an extensive investigation into both sets of parents.
I did, Your Honor.
And what can you tell me? So the judge can ask questions? Any time she wants.
Remember, there's no jury.
She's the whole ball of wax.
I feel I have a clear sense of both the McConnells and the Waltons.
I'll be honest, this is a difficult situation.
I believe both couples are good people and would be fit parents, but since both families are fighting for sole custody, it falls to me to make an assessment based on who's better for the baby long-term.
And have you come to a conclusion? I have.
I have taken lots of factors into consideration, Your Honor.
Uh, we use a combination of criteria to make this decision.
The primary three are the parents' emotional stability, the parents' physical ability to raise the child, and the parents' employment history and financial ability to care for the child.
With regards to the first two criteria, the two families are clearly both more than up to the task.
That leaves us with the third criteria.
These are photos of the nursery the Waltons have set up in their home in anticipation of Joseph's arrival.
And here are photos of the McConnells' one-bedroom apartment and the current accommodations they've set up for baby Joseph.
As you can see, at the present time, parents and child share a single bedroom.
Uh, in and of itself, not at all an unusual or undesirable arrangement, particularly at Joseph's young age.
With regard to the child's education, the Walton family has already secured Joseph a spot at the prestigious Hurstview Academy, while at the present time, the McConnells have not yet explored educational possibilities for Joseph outside the public school options in their neighborhood.
Again, in and of itself, not at all an unusual or unexpected answer given Joseph's young age.
Are we gonna be okay here? - Any questions for the guardian? - Yes, Your Honor.
Uh, Ms.
Downey, I'm curious, are you familiar with the studies that have been done on reactive attachment disorder? Uh, studies that were conducted to determine the effects on an infant child when it is ripped from its primary caregivers during its first year of life? Yes.
I am very aware of those studies.
I'm also aware of studies that demonstrate that when an infant is placed in a loving, stable home, the likelihood of the child experiencing reactive attachment disorder is slim to none.
This woman is not on our side.
But at the very least, you would concede that it can be a stressor on the child, can it not? I know that one of the biggest stressors on a family and a child is whether or not the parents are financially stable.
And the fact is the McConnells' financial situation over the past ten years has been, well, uncertain at best.
In fact, just two months ago, they were over half a million dollars in debt.
They had to borrow money for diapers and an antibiotic for the child.
It was only their recent settlement with the fertility clinic that pulled them out of their dire financial straits.
Be that as it may, Ms.
Downey, I hope you're not poised to make judgement based simply on the fact that one family has more money than the other.
Colón, let's not argue over the guardian's judgment until she renders one.
And with that in mind, Ms.
Downey, are you prepared to make a recommendation? Honestly, I cannot say either family is unfit.
But if forced to make a recommendation between the two, I would recommend the Waltons.
It's okay.
We're not done.
It's not over.
Why are you seeking full custody of your son? My son is currently a three-month-old baby.
But in the blink of an eye, he'll be a six-year-old boy.
And one day, he'll be a 16-year-old young black man.
And that young black man is going to need someone who knows how to guide him.
Someone to give him "the talk.
" Someone who knows how to show him exactly what to do with his hands when he gets pulled over.
Someone to bring him into the police station and introduce him to the local police so they know his name.
Do the McConnells know they need to do that? Do they even know how to do that? I doubt it.
Your Honor, this is an unfair and misleading characterization.
Walton, I need you to stick to facts.
Yes, Your Honor.
The reality is this child is going to have a piece of his identity that he wears.
All the time.
There's no hiding it.
And as much as we'd like to believe this world is color-blind, we all know that just isn't true.
What is true is that this world is a complicated place for a biracial child, a biracial teen.
A biracial man.
It's tough to find your way.
And Joseph is going to need his biological father to help him navigate.
He just is.
Do you have anything else you want to share with the court? I would like the court to know that I was raised by a strong, loving father.
As was my father before me.
And I'll be damned if I am going to turn my back on my son and perpetuate the stereotype of the absentee black father.
I have no further questions for this witness.
Good morning, Mr.
Now, yesterday we heard all about your impressive success in the business world, your considerable financial resources.
But that must come at a cost, does it not? I suppose everything comes at a cost.
How many hours a week would you estimate that you and your wife work? If I had to put a number on it, I'd say probably 60 hours.
- Each? - Yes.
Again, that's an approximation.
A lot of that work happens at home on laptops and telephones.
And do you work on the weekends? Sometimes.
Your Honor, I can assure you, that will change once we have custody of our son.
Will it, though? Isn't it true that you've already begun interviewing nannies? Night nurses? Weekend nannies? Just because my wife and I work long hours, that doesn't mean we aren't going to be hands-on parents.
That's how my parents raised me, and I was all the better for it.
I learned the value of a strong work ethic.
The value of a job well done.
Maybe so, but it's feeling like you're preparing to outsource your parenting, when this child already has two wonderful, loving, hands-on, full-time parents.
Miles and Elisabeth McConnell.
Two parents who don't understand the first thing about raising a black child.
Might I point out, Mr.
Walton, that white parents successfully raise black and biracial children all the time.
That's your opinion, sir.
I have no further questions, Your Honor.
What do you think? Reading a judge isn't the same as reading a jury, but, while Mr.
Walton was a compelling witness, I think he did himself as much harm as good.
They rested their case.
It's our turn now.
You still want to stick with the plan? Call Elisabeth as our first witness? No.
I think we need to remind the judge that this baby already has a father.
Those first moments in the delivery room, when you realized you probably didn't share DNA with your son, how did you respond? I was shocked.
I was surprised.
When I was holding Joseph, and the way he was looking at me, his helplessness At that point, I stopped thinking about DNA, biology, all that.
I just thought, "I'm gonna make the best life "I possibly can for you, because I'm your father, and you're my child.
" I know it's a hokey expression, but I really do believe God doesn't throw you more than you can handle.
So you went about doing that? Making the best life for your son? I'm sure trying.
He's got colic, you know, so we're up a lot of nights.
But no matter how tired I get, once he finally finds his way to sleep, I stay up a little while longer and just watch and smile.
Because he's mine.
I don't know.
It's, uh It's the way he looks at me first thing in the morning.
Yeah, it's He knows who I am.
It's got nothing to do with DNA.
He knows he can count on me.
He knows I'm Dad.
Nothing further, Your Honor.
He was a good witness, wasn't he? So far.
McConnell, can you tell the court where you were last Tuesday at 4:00 p.
? You know where this is going? It's nothing.
I had an appointment.
Would you tell the court what kind of appointment? A doctor's appointment.
What kind of doctor, Mr.
McConnell? Objection, Your Honor.
Counselor's badgering the witness.
Your Honor, there's a point to this line of questioning, if the court would just afford me a little more latitude.
Objection overruled.
The witness will answer the question.
A therapist.
A behavioral therapist.
A psychologist.
They must have hired a private detective to follow him.
Are you sure there's nothing I need to know? - No.
It's all good.
- And may I ask how long you've been seeing this therapist? Almost four years.
And can you tell the court what compelled you to seek the services of a therapist? Your Honor, counsel is on a fishing expedition here.
A, we were unaware of any effort on the plaintiff's part to request my client's private psychiatric records; and, B, seeking the services of a licensed therapist is something millions of people, many of them parents, do day in and day out.
Counselor, I need you to ask a question that ties Mr.
McConnell's therapy to the questions at hand here today, or change your line of questioning.
Of course, Your Honor.
I-I understand, Your Honor.
Uh, but I do have one last question that might make it apparent why I'm going down this road.
McConnell, isn't it true that the therapist you're working with is one that specializes in issues involving anger management and temper control? Yes.
Now I'm curious.
Is this an issue for you in your life? Your Honor, I sought treatment when we started trying to have a baby.
May I ask why? Growing up, my house wasn't always I don't know my father could be great some days.
Sometimes his temper got the best of him.
And are we talking about verbal abuse? Yelling, screaming, abusive language? Not just that.
So, physical abuse.
Sometimes, yeah.
Towards you? Your mother, your siblings? Everyone in the house.
So I wanted to talk to someone so I could be better for my children.
I didn't want the cycle to continue.
And did you have a reason to think that it might? I guess I-I just didn't want the cycle to continue.
I'd never been a father before.
I didn't know what to expect.
- I wanted to get ahead of it.
- Your Honor, the fact that Mr.
McConnell was proactive out of an abundance of caution means that he is a thoughtful, careful and concerned father, not a dangerous one.
I'm inclined to agree.
- Are we through with this subject? - Not quite.
McConnell, have you ever broken anything in anger? Sure.
I suppose.
Who hasn't? Have you ever yelled at a colleague, - a neighbor, family member? - Objection.
Your Honor, counsel has her fishing pole back out, in addition to badgering the witness.
Let's get to the point.
Have you ever been asked to leave a bar because you got in a fight? Mr.
McConnell? Once.
A long time ago, when I was in college.
Ever punch a hole in a wall? Your Honor, objection.
What Mr.
McConnell did or did not do in college has little to do with his ability to parent.
If we were all judged - by what we did - Overruled, Mr.
McConnell, please answer the question.
McConnell, I'm waiting for an answer.
Have you ever punched a hole in a wall? I was 16.
I'm a different person now.
I have worked on myself so I am not the father that I had.
I-I have worked on myself so that this is never an issue.
And are we just supposed to take your word for that? There's an infant's well-being at stake here.
You admit that you grew up in an abusive household.
You admit you're worried about continuing the cycle of abuse.
Shouldn't we be worried, too? Your Honor, is this really someone we should be awarding custody to? Good morning.
Can I get you anything? My baby.
Look, uh, I know this is a pretty difficult time.
What are you hearing? - It's not looking good, is it? - Okay.
We need to get a few things straight.
Okay? Testifying in a court of law, testifying like you're gonna do tomorrow It's a lot like riding a bike on a winding road.
You keep looking back, you're destined to falter.
We need you looking forward, eyes on where we're going and what we want.
Divorce papers.
Elisabeth, you filed for divorce? Y-Yeah, a while ago.
Why wouldn't you tell us something like this? Why wouldn't you tell mesomething like this? How'd you find out? It's a matter of public record.
Really? Wow.
I-I mean, it's not like I went through with it.
I pulled those forms less than an hour after I filed them.
Miles doesn't even know.
I-I was going through a crazy time, emotionally.
D-Do you think the other side knows? If the other side found out about your husband seeing a therapist, then they definitely know about this.
We need to talk to Bull and Benny so that we can all figure out how we're gonna get ahead of this.
And before any of that happens, you need to tell your husband; you need to tell Miles.
This is not something you want him to hear about for the first time in court.
I've always wanted to be a mother, and Miles has always wanted to be a father.
It's just always been part of the plan.
That's why we never gave up.
Even after all the disappointments.
And then suddenly it takes, and I'm pregnant again.
Two months, three months, and I'm-I'm still carrying him.
Ultrasounds and listening to heartbeats, and I'm-I'm still carrying him.
Seven months, eight months, and-and they keep telling me that he's healthy, that-that I'm healthy.
And I-I keep waiting for a pain, for something to go wrong in the middle of the night, but but it doesn't.
And then they wheel me into that delivery room, and I realize I'm about to give birth.
Oh, my God.
And he's perfect.
Better than perfect.
And he's ours.
McConnell, did you file divorce papers a year ago? I sure did.
Filed in one Tuesday afternoon at 2:00, asked if I could have them back so I could rip them up a little before 3:00.
Sounds a little irrational.
"Little" is kind.
IVF, you know.
I'd been taking hormones on and off for years at that point.
I-I wasn't myself.
Things had become tense and stressful at home.
We were going broke trying to get pregnant.
I actually began to wonder if maybe Miles would be better off with someone else.
Someone who could give him children.
Thank you.
No further questions, Your Honor.
These divorce papers How long ago did you say they were filed? About a year ago, maybe 13 months now.
You know, it sounds like, uh, you filed them just before you found out you were pregnant.
It all seemed to happen at once.
Also sounds like maybe you withdrew the papers when you found out you were pregnant.
Like I said, I withdrew them not even an hour after I filed them.
Do you remember the date? - I do.
- I'll bet you do.
Because according to your medical records, it was the exact same date the clinic called to tell you your test was positive, you were pregnant.
Yeah Well, I mean, yes, but that was purely coincidence.
I mean, I-I withdrew them first, same day I filed them, like I said, and then when I got home that evening, the clinic called with the news.
And are you sure that was the order of events? - Definitely.
- So it's not as if you found out you were pregnant and thought the baby would save your marriage? Objection, Your Honor.
Asked and answered.
Objection sustained.
Ask another question, Ms.
McConnell, are you sure you're not fighting for this baby because you fear your marriage won't survive without him? I'm fighting for my baby because I love him, because Ican't survive without him.
Thank you for your honesty.
But this hearing is about the baby's well-being, not yours.
I have no further questions, Your Honor.
Yeah? Bull, are you awake? It's Danny.
Um what's going on? Okay, well, you can't ask me how I got ahold of them, which means you can't use what I'm about to tell you as evidence, but I was able to get a peek at the Waltons' medical records, both his - and hers.
- Yeah? And Samara Samara had ovarian cancer last year.
It's in remission now, but obviously it could come back at any time.
Bull? Yeah? One other thing.
As a result of her illness, she has no eggs, and it would be impossible for her to get pregnant, ever.
Ah, Mrs.
Uh, if you would sit here.
Thank you all for coming.
I received a phone call last night about Mrs.
Walton's medical history.
And while she is in fine health at the moment, 18 months ago, things were far more dire.
Again, she has a clean bill of health today, but the often fatal disease she rallied against often recurs.
Now, I could subpoena her medical history, get her doctors on the stand, get medical professionals to talk about the possibility of this disease recurring, but I don't want to do that.
Truth is, even with all that, this case could go either way, and the judge, whatever decision she makes at least one family is going to be heartbroken.
So I'd like to propose a different solution.
We know the combination of Roderick's sperm and Elisabeth's egg created a beautiful, healthy baby boy.
Let's just do it again.
You can't be serious.
Oh, yes, I am.
Samara, your disease left you with no eggs to fertilize, right? So if Elisabeth was to donate an egg Wait, wait, wait, wait.
This is not why we're here.
This is not what we came for.
Hold on.
You want me to donate one of my eggs to the Waltons? I'm suggesting a way that might give everyone what they want.
But why would I ever agree to have a child of mine out in the world without me being able to raise him or her? Exactly why we're here.
That's the way we feel about Joseph.
And what if you didn't shut each other out of either child's life? Each family raises a child of their own, and that child would know that there were other people out there who loved him or her.
Better than a grandparent, another parent, and a brother or sister who, otherwise, wouldn't be there.
Now, I am not naive.
I know that this is not gonna be easy, but the upside the upside is so damn high up there it's almost unimaginable.
Now, look, if this hearing has proven anything, it's that none of you are perfect.
But you are all loving, caring, good people, and you all want what's best for Joseph.
So why couldn't that be the love of four imperfect people? And a sibling to go through the journey of life with? Your Honor, before you render a decision, my client would very much like to address the court.
If the Waltons have no objection? We do not, Your Honor.
McConnell? Your Honor.
Um, before you render a decision, I think we've all collectively come to a realization.
I-I know I have.
I can finally see why the Waltons felt the need to file for custody.
It's clear to me Clear to us That they're doing what they're doing out of enormous love for Joseph.
I don't know how to ask someone Order someone to stop loving a child who's at least partially theirs.
I'm not sure I know where we're going.
What I'm proposing Uh, what we're all proposing And, uh, really it's Dr.
Bull's idea Is that, in-in return for the Waltons withdrawing their custody suit, I'm prepared to donate one of my eggs so that Roderick and Samara might have a child of their own.
Are you on board with this? We are, Your Honor.
We think it's a very kind, generous incredible offer.
In addition, we would work out a visitation agreement, so Joseph could know all four of his parents.
And likewise, should the Waltons have a child that Elisabeth helped conceive, we pledge to work out a similar agreement for that child.
Samara and I have agreed to provide child support as well.
We want Joseph to always know we'll be there for him in any way he needs.
Just to be clear, does this mean you're withdrawing your petition for custody? Yes, Your Honor.
Counselor, looks like we've got a few things to figure out.
We certainly do.
- I'll give you a call in the morning.
- That'd be terrific.
And, uh, that reminds me, we need to set up a time and a place for tomorrow's visitation.
Oh, I don't know, maybe the four of us could work out the details over dinner? Excuse me? Would you guys like to join us and Joseph for some dinner? We'd love to.
- Taylor? - Oh, I don't know.
Seems to me like a dinner for new friends.
I'll get you next time.
Shall we? What do you think? Did we do a good thing? I hope so.
Did we do the right thing? I think so.
Did we do the best we could? Yeah, we did the best we could.
Now we just have to wait 20 or so years to find out what Joseph thinks.

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