Call the Midwife s13e04 Episode Script

Series 13, Episode 4

In the July of 1969,
the world was looking upward,
far beyond the small round of mankind.
Our planet felt tiny,
but our dreams were gigantic.
The universe was whirling
and yet within our grasp.
We were voyagers, adventurers.
We had started something new.
The power was ours.
The potential was ours.
We were all astronauts,
one way or another.
Pupil midwives,
I'm glad you all remembered
to hand in your casebooks
for your mid-course review.
You will each be spoken to later
about any areas of concern.
For now, let's concentrate
on this morning's work.
I shall be back shortly with your orders.
Look at the driver in the eyes
to ensure that he acknowledges
my authority.
Then I issue a reminder
by raising my hand.
Stop means stop.
Never mind "stop means stop",
Fred Buckle.
You're still convalescing from tetanus.
Arthur's not very experienced.
He seems perfectly capable to me.
Home. In your armchair.
What are your thoughts on Nurse Morris?
Norelle's doing well
and is bright and personable
but a terrible timekeeper
and not the tidiest.
Is that tea?
No, it's coffee,
which suggests she might be
sitting up late to study.
Joyce Highland and Rosalind Clifford
are doing particularly well.
Rosalind needs to work
on her self-confidence, though.
She works hard, does the lass,
but she's too easily flustered.
Ah. Nurse Highland's casebook
is most impressive,
very detailed and precise.
Joyce is clever and technically skilled.
She's starting to enjoy
the district work,
but she's still too focused
on hospital births.
Any sign of something
going amiss at home,
and she wants a transfer to the hospital.
She needs another home birth
to show her what the district
is really about.
I could assign her to Prue Stanton.
She likes to do things her own way
and won't go near a hospital.
You want someone
for her to learn from, don't you?
Good to see you, Mrs Stanton.
Oh! I didn't know
anyone was coming round today.
You missed your last two
appointments. And at this stage
in your pregnancy, if you don't
come to us, we have to come to you.
We're checking each of these pupils
from two different schools
for exposure to TB with a Heaf test.
It's going to be quite the morning,
by the looks of things.
- Come on! Fight, fight!
- Boys, boys, boys!
Quieten down. Now, St Edmund's
to the left, St Paul's to the right,
in two orderly queues.
CHILDREN CHATTER Right, everybody.
Let's have your left sleeves
rolled up, ready and waiting
For a small six-needle punch
to the inside of your forearm
to prick the skin.
We will check the reaction
when you come back on Tuesday morning.
LOUDLY: Now, if it is negative,
- you get the BCG vaccination
- Vaccination.
- SHOUTS: protect you against TB!
- TB!
- Who needs a megaphone?
- We might need a cattle prod.
We have lift off.
Come here.
This isn't going to hurt, is it?
Have you ever been stung by a bee?
- Plenty of times.
- Well, it's about the same as that.
It says in your notes
Dr Turner advised delivery
at the maternity hospital.
Because of my age. It's a good job
I don't take offence easily.
I told him I'm having it at home.
That's why I've been too busy
to come to the clinic -
I've been getting organised.
I keep trying to help her,
but she won't let me.
I love you,
but you don't know how to clean
and I can't eat your cooking.
Mrs Stanton, we do need to do
your routine tests,
regardless of where you have this baby.
I can't do this today.
I've too much to do before Ronnie
gets back from the warehouse.
- It's not a good time.
- In which case, you must come to
the mother and baby clinic
Tuesday afternoon
and bring your sample with you.
We'll check your iron levels
while you're there.
Have you been taking your tablets?
Course I have.
Er, you're only meant to take one.
One for today.
One for tomorrow.
And one for yesterday.
And what's your name?
- Samuel Chdozie.
- Here you are.
Thank you.
Esther Chdozie.
How are we doing?
Any fainters yet?
I like your uniform.
I want to be a nurse.
Last week, she wanted to be a vet.
- Come on.
- Pack it in!
I think animals might be better behaved.
You know Vi won't let me do anything.
She watches me like a hawk.
I'm like a spare part,
only one that's been left
on the scrapheap.
You have been gravely ill.
You will recover fully.
Whereas I am becoming older
with each day
and possibilities that seemed
to be within my grasp
propel themselves
farther off into the distance.
But I am glad to be here
to witness such a marvellous
occurrence in my lifetime
as a man reaching the moon.
At least Vi can't stop me watching that!
Hey. What do they say
here in England? An apple a day?
- Keeps the doctor away.
- Mm-hm! Ah!
I must finish my work.
I will see you at home, hmm?
Yeah! Like Bobby Charlton.
For asphyxia, I dry Baby briskly
remove mucus from the mouth,
use suction to clear the airway.
Repeat stimulation if required,
and mouth-to-mouth breathing if needed.
- And? There's something else.
- No, there's not.
Call for assistance
if Baby's condition doesn't improve.
I'm completely confident
this baby will be fine.
I'd love to feel completely
confident or even look it,
but I never do. And now
Nurse Crane has spotted it.
What did she say?
She said I need to
work on my self-confidence.
Perhaps I'm more confident
on the inside than on the outside?
If you can relax your arm
Try not to tense up.
Grade one. Negative.
Go and get your vaccination.
Are they all going to be negative?
This is really quite boring.
This is really very good.
We don't want anyone to be positive.
Grade three.
We've explained everything
in this letter to your parents.
They are newcomers. Perhaps we ought
to send someone out to see them.
I have no space in my diary
for several days.
I must talk to Public Health
about testing their neighbours.
And the letter will arrive there
this afternoon!
I can get there this afternoon.
I'll fit it into my district rounds.
We've had a donation of toys and books.
These will do very nicely
for Toy Corner at Saint Oswald's.
Why would anyone throw a rocket out?
I would've thought every child
- would want one at the moment.
- It is merely Apollo 8.
It has been superseded.
I remember the Wright brothers
and their canvas aeroplane.
That was a miracle then, also superseded.
I shall keep this, lest it be
treated with any disrespect.
Good afternoon, Mrs Stanton.
Did you bring a sample?
It had tomato sauce in. Don't fret
if the colour looks funny.
I'm fretting more about you smoking.
You know it's not good for you
- and it's worse for the baby.
- I beg to differ.
As it happens,
smoking makes babies smaller.
If I have an easy labour,
it's better for us both.
We'll talk about this when you're
in the cubicle. Put that out now.
Samuel gave me the letter.
Are my children sick?
The honest truth, Mrs Chdozie,
is that we don't know,
and we have to find that out.
They do not show any sign of illness.
I'm all right. I feel well.
We have company?
- Daddy!
- Daddy!
Children, what a welcome.
We must offer our guest food and tea.
You are welcome in my home.
Thank you, Mr Chdozie.
The nurse has come to say
that Esther and Samuel may be sick.
They will need to have X-ray tests.
It has been written in a letter.
- X-ray tests?
- For possible tuberculosis.
You can die of tuberculosis.
Not in this day and age, Mr Chdozie.
Not here. Medicine has come a long way.
Mr Chdozie, can I have a look
at your handkerchief?
It is nothing of any consequence.
Mr Chdozie, I think it is.
I'm sending for the doctor.
All finished for now, Mrs Stanton.
The foetal head is not engaged.
What does that mean?
Only that Baby's head hasn't
dropped down to your pelvis yet.
Is that because of my age?
It's perfectly usual
in any third pregnancy.
And what would you advise Mrs Stanton
to do when her waters break?
You call Nonnatus House
straight away, do you hear me?
Just in case Baby's head
is still on the high side.
Can't I have a fag first
and then ring you?
- All right, I'll do as I'm told.
- That is the correct answer.
Can I take a look under your shirt?
I need to listen to your breathing,
please, Mr Chdozie.
Oh, Lord, there's nothing of you.
Are you not eating properly?
He eats well.
I cook the best food that I can.
Deep breath, please.
And again.
And another.
And one more.
Thank you.
Being here
it is not the same
as in the newsreels.
I wanted to be a proper English man.
Watch football.
Have tea at the Ritz.
Instead, we have tea with the rats.
Your symptoms do all seem to be
pointing towards tuberculosis.
But there is plenty that we can do.
As you don't officially have a GP,
we will register the
whole family at my surgery
then arrange for X-rays at St Cuthbert's
as well as sputum tests.
But what are the costs?
There are no costs.
Medical treatment is
free of charge in this country.
Mr Chdozie, I want you to start
taking medicine straight away.
This is the prescription.
And this is free of charge?
I'm afraid a prescription
costs two shillings and sixpence.
What's this, Vi?
Chicken and marmalade?
No. It's poulet a l'orange,
because we need to widen
our culinary palates.
You never know
what we might be faced with
- at these, erm, official dinners.
- We're in Poplar, not Paris.
Oh, now, that is your fish knife.
You're meant to use the one next to it.
I don't want us
showing ourselves up, Fred.
Can I go to Nonnatus House tomorrow
for the Apollo 11 launch?
You don't need to ask permission.
If you feel like I'm keeping
tabs on you, it's only
because I care.
I don't mind it, actually.
Might go better with chips.
I've seen TB in doss-houses
and the homeless,
but, Phyllis, never in a young family
like the Chdozies, and never in children.
Once upon a time,
there were families like that
living on every street.
It was
all over Ireland when I was a child.
I can remember the nuns marching us
all down from the orphanage
to have our X-rays taken in a great
big van.
It was the same over here.
See, that campaign saved countless lives.
I just wish it had stopped
tuberculosis altogether.
- Ngozi?
- Hmm?
I have something to tell you.
I was dismissed from my job today.
I cannot do it well.
I sweep too slow.
You are ill, Felix!
In Lagos, I was a clerk
in a government office.
I'm not good enough
to sweep the roads.
There will be no more money!
We paid two shillings and sixpence
to get your medicine.
And because of that, I will get better.
I will find work.
- This is the land of opportunity.
- Mm-hm!
Sister Monica Joan? Are you unwell?
You haven't touched your breakfast.
I cannot partake
when I am tight with tension.
I have attained too much knowledge.
Those courageous astronauts
will be situated
on enough propellant
to blow them to smithereens.
It hasn't happened yet,
and it won't happen this time.
Only God is apprised of his own purpose.
The souls of the astronauts
are in his hands.
In which case, I will leave you
to pray a little longer.
Oh, shall I go and phone Nonnatus House?
PRUE SIGHS Make us a pot of tea first.
Chest X-rays have been booked
today for two o'clock,
and transport has been arranged
to get you all there and back
in one piece.
Boys, football is for outside,
not for in.
Ngozi, I know you're having
difficulty feeding,
but now's a good time to start weaning.
So just some ground rice
and cow's milk to begin with.
I also brought some tokens
for milk and orange juice,
plus some forms for free
school dinners from September.
Most children loathe school dinners,
but I adored them,
especially the custard.
In Nigeria, I was the one who would
feed others when they were in need.
Now we live like ghosts,
and I am so ashamed.
There's nothing wrong
in needing help, Mrs Chdozie.
And no shame in accepting it.
This is my fault.
- For bringing us here.
- Never!
You saved us
by bringing us away from the war.
Do you want some?
How much can I have?
All of it, sweetheart.
You can drink all of it.
There you go.
It's all right, Mr Chdozie, I've got you.
- And take this for the baby.
- Thank you for your assistance.
We've only just started.
I promise you.
Can you imagine
if your entire family had TB?
That has to be
the very worst kind of luck.
I don't think this baby's read
the instruction booklet.
His head's still a little bit high.
- Do you know what I'm going to suggest?
- Surprise me.
An enema, to make sure
Baby has room to descend.
Can't I just have bran flakes?
They usually make me go.
How about we get Mrs Stanton
up and walking to try to encourage
- her contractions?
- I'm not walking nowhere.
- I'm saving my strength.
- Honey, you can choose,
either a bit of light exercise
or a lot of hot, soapy water
where the sun don't shine.
Ignition sequence start.
Three. Two. One.
Zero. All engine running.
Liftoff! We have a liftoff!
32 minutes past the hour,
liftoff on Apollo 11.
Tower clear.
Dr Turner? I had
an urgent telephone call
from St Cuthbert's regarding
the Chdozie family's tests.
The written report will follow,
but I took note of the details.
The Chdozies. Let me see.
- Is it as you feared?
- It's worse.
The father has lung damage,
swollen lymph nodes,
cavities in his lungs.
We need to find him a bed
in an isolation ward
- as soon as we possibly can.
- I will attend to it immediately.
I'll go and see them now.
Can I tell you something?
I hope you know you can tell me anything.
I think my mother had TB.
Have you ever heard
anything said to that effect?
The nuns never told me.
The nuns never told us anything
if it could be avoided.
But the other day
Mr Chdozie's hanky with the blood
it brought back the sound
of my mother coughing.
And his hand, it was so thin
it felt like bare bones.
It felt like hers.
And suddenly I knew what it was.
That was why she died.
Do you think I'm imagining things?
You're not imagining your loss,
and you're not imagining your grief.
If you want to find out more
about your mother,
I'm sure it can be done.
But are you sure you really want to?
Why couldn't Felix stay at the hospital?
Because he needs to be
in an isolation ward.
We're trying to find him a bed.
And the children, too.
Please, take care of my children first.
We will find beds for all of you.
Do you want to listen
to your daddy's chest?
I think she's a little feverish.
We'll get her better.
Oh! Here comes Nurse Aylward.
How are we getting on?
She's not doing too bad, for a student.
That's enough cheek from you!
That's the way, honey. You know
the drill now. Slow, steady breaths.
SHE EXHALES I'll see you
- and Baby tomorrow, Prue.
- I bloody hope so.
Well, you've had a long day,
haven't you, sweetie?
We're making the best of it.
And Prue's doing
almost everything she's told.
I'm trying to get some information
- in regards to Miss Nancy Corrigan.
- Ann! Nancy's her nickname.
Forgive me, you would know her
by her given name of Ann.
- No E.
- No E.
She was admitted to your orphanage
in Cork as a child.
Nanny, would you PLEASE
come and look after this child?
Here, you can see the moon
clearly if you look now.
SHE EXCLAIMS I see the moon
and infinite configurations of the stars!
When has man been as close
to the face of God as this?
Oh, no, no. You keep looking.
I can't concentrate on space
with all this mayor malarkey.
It's all getting to be too much,
and Vi's barely started yet.
She's already got two shops to run.
What if she can't manage?
Then you will help her manage.
You are a team!
Regard Apollo 11.
There is not one astronaut
but three.
And they are magnificent.
Another midwife?
How many babies are we having?
- I have a message for Nurse Aylward.
- I'm here. What's the matter?
Your husband telephoned.
You need to call him right away.
- Is something wrong with Jonty?
- He didn't specify. And I didn't ask.
He sounded so tense, I just jumped
on my bike and came straight over.
I'll be back right away.
LINE CONNECTS Matthew, it's me!
Oh, thank goodness.
I had the most tiresome meeting
about investments
and things not going to plan.
The business, it's so stressful.
I have the most dreadful headache.
Jonty won't stop crying for you, and
I thought this was an emergency!
I imagined all sorts of horrors.
I have the most pounding
headache, Trixie.
Then take two aspirin.
I can't believe you called me out
for this when I'm on duty!
How much longer
until you're going to be home?
You have other responsibilities.
Yes, and they include a woman in labour!
I need to push. Please God,
tell me I can push!
Congratulations, you're fully dilated.
Just wait for the next pain.
- Right. Are we making progress?
- We certainly are.
I'm not sure what I'm feeling.
- Maybe a mouth?
- A mouth?
It feels like a textbook
description of a face presentation.
That would be frightfully unlikely.
It's so rare.
Prue, with your permission,
I'm going to have
to have a little check of the baby just
to make sure it's playing by the rules.
We need Dr Turner.
What are you looking at?
A mystery.
- Your mum?
- Yeah. Your grandma.
Do you miss her?
I did.
When I was in the orphanage,
it was like
an ache.
I had that in the orphanage, too.
Like a toothache in my heart.
And you didn't even know
what you were aching for.
Not sure I do just now.
Can't you use a bucket?
We don't want your germs in here.
TRIXIE: I'm going to tell you
when you can push again, Prue.
Use this little pause
just to rest and breathe.
I can't do any more.
I've got nothing left.
Honey, you're about to bring
new life into this world.
And that means that, deep inside you,
you'll find all the strength you need.
Now you can push, Prue.
DR TURNER: As hard as you can.
And we've got the little monkey's head.
Another push, Prue.
Steady. Not too hard.
BABY CRIES It's a boy.
- I've never had a boy before.
- Good things come to those who wait.
- And wait and wait and wait!
- Why did he take so long to come out?
Once he took the decision
to arrive face-first,
it was always going to slow things
down. But he is here.
And he's really
quite good-looking.
In your opinion.
He looks like he's gone ten rounds
with Henry Cooper.
Baby born at 10:47. Let's see
how fast the afterbirth comes.
I'll leave Nurse Highland
in charge of that.
Come on, Matthew!
- I'd like to call him after you, Ronnie.
- No, Prue.
It'd be an honour, don't get me
wrong, but it's not modern.
Give him something up-to-date.
Ah, there you are. Are you happy
to stay with Nurse Highland?
Yes, of course.
- Is the placenta done and dusted?
- It certainly looks interesting.
That swelling around his face
will soon settle,
although he might have a couple
of black eyes in the morning.
- Do you mind if we take a snap, Doc?
- As long as you get my good side.
I don't reckon this poor baby's
got a good side.
As soon as you're sure it's complete, write
it up in your notes and dispose of it.
I want to take my time with it.
I've never seen one
quite like this before.
It's dark and gritty-looking,
with a lot of tiny clots.
Surely you're familiar with
afterbirths from smoking mothers?
Yes, but this is so severe.
It would be.
QUIETLY: Prue smokes 30 a day,
at least.
Other than that, it looks good.
I'm happy to sign off on it.
Did you take aspirin for your headache?
HE SIGHS It helped a bit.
I think it's from stress.
Stress about the business?
Maybe it was just eye strain.
How about a nice, warm cup
of Ovaltine and a nice, warm bed?
And a nice, warm wife?
Nice, warm and
slightly tired.
not exhausted?
I did not give Miss Higgins permission
to go play acting Sherlock Holmes!
No, I did, and if that was
wrong of me, I apologise
- and will not mention it again.
- It wasn't wrong of you.
It was kind.
Shall I just give you the facts?
Miss Higgins was very persistent
and has managed to track down
a Sister Agnes Mary.
I remember her in court
and she was in the London branch
for a bit when I started training.
Well, she goes by her original
name now of Kathleen Flanagan.
She lives in a nursing home now,
no longer in the best of health,
but she has agreed to see you.
And she WILL talk,
if that's what you want.
RASPY BREATHING I've come with good news.
We've found Mr Chdozie a bed
on an isolation ward.
- The ambulance is already on its way.
- Please.
Felix, it is time to get ready.
You're going to the hospital.
My suit. Must put on my suit.
There's no need to change, Mr Chdozie.
Our sons, they make us proud.
A good man raises a fine son.
We do our best.
This is the man I used to be,
a man dressed for the world,
not a man on the floor.
Smart enough for the Ritz.
I'm thankful to you
for looking after my family.
You have looked after them in the past,
and you will look after them again.
We are more than happy to do our bit.
Ah! Samuel!
Go and see if the ambulance is here.
If it isn't, dial 999.
I'm glad you're here.
She's looking proper rotten.
I tried a cigarette just now
and nearly spewed up.
I've got a pain in my
stomach like I'm having another baby.
Nurse Highland, see to
Baby while I check Mother.
I don't need a thermometer
to see you have a fever.
Now let me have a feel of your tummy.
Oh, I think you're in for
a wee ride to St Cuthbert's.
There was no sign of it,
so I ran to the phone box.
By the time I got back,
it was pulling up outside.
- So now I have two ambulances.
- And they'll both be too late.
All the classic symptoms
of a partially retained placenta.
It should be spotted when we check the
afterbirth immediately after delivery.
What could cause it to be missed?
The midwife not paying
attention to detail, perhaps,
but placentas can be complicated things.
Nurse Crane tells me
you found Sister Agnes Mary.
Miss Flanagan.
I think I would like to speak to her
if you'd be kind enough
to give me her address.
I obtained it entirely for your purposes.
But rather than simply handing it over,
I suspect it might be better
if I drove you there.
Well, TB's on its way
to being eradicated,
not least due to
diligent public health policy.
I am not going to consume this. It
is not congruent with my thinking.
Some people would be glad
of anything to eat,
whether it's congruent
with their thinking or it's not.
That's NOT the way we speak
to our elders, Nurse Clifford.
I'm sorry.
I am not ungrateful for this repast,
but I have read that the astronauts
are partaking of
sealed pouches of paste
as sustenance on their journey.
Henceforth, until they are
returned to Earth,
I shall only partake of paste,
in communion with them.
And where are you going to
buy this paste in Poplar?
I shall make do with porridge.
St Cuthbert's telephoned.
You were right about Prue Stanton.
She's had a sizeable piece
of placenta removed.
I'm not surprised.
She was bleeding very heavily.
Nurse Highland was still checking it
when I left,
obviously not well enough.
The placenta looked a bit of a sight
because the mother was a smoker,
but Nurse Aylward signed off on
that placenta. She was in a hurry.
She left the house twice
to make phone calls.
Twice? I knew she did once, but
Look, I don't know what was going on.
She just seemed desperate to get home.
And she was the senior midwife -
I had to follow her lead.
Joyce, you have to tell someone.
This could prevent you from qualifying.
It could, couldn't it?
This is not your mistake.
- It'll be my word against hers.
- No, Joyce.
If you don't speak up,
it will be MY word against hers.
And I don't care,
because I care about you.
Thank you for calling, Shelagh.
I will speak with her.
May Nurse Highland and I
speak with you, Sister?
Most certainly, in due course.
I'm afraid, at this precise moment,
I need to speak to Nurse Highland alone.
Is it to do with Mrs Stanton?
Yes. And Nurse Highland.
I will gladly leave you alone
to discuss it.
But I cannot walk out of this room
without saying that the person
you really need to be talking to
is Nurse Aylward.
Nurse Aylward?
I'm afraid she declared
the placenta to be complete.
I see.
Mrs Stanton's wellbeing
is what matters most,
but my colleague's career matters, too.
Please don't say I'm just making a fuss.
There is a great deal of difference
between making a fuss and stating facts.
NANCY: What if I can't think
what to ask her?
Talk to her,
see what she has to offer up.
She's old and ill and may not be
strong enough to be interrogated.
If she says anything of meaning,
I will make a note of it.
Miss Flanagan is waiting for you.
I have checked hundreds of placentas,
and I have never made a mistake.
Possibly because you're not
in the habit of rushing.
Pupil Midwife Highland was
extremely reluctant to tell me
what had happened, but it appears
that you made two phone calls
during the delivery
and were in a hurry to get home.
I'm afraid that's true.
No-one is infallible.
We can all make mistakes.
And my mistake was making
my home life a priority,
worrying about a man
on the other side of London
instead of a woman
three feet away from me.
It's unprofessional and unforgivable.
I will resign if you think it's best.
I do NOT think it is for the best,
nor do I even think it's appropriate.
Well, what is appropriate?
That you recover your composure and
your dignity and we decide together
how to minimise the damage
to Pupil Midwife Highland.
My mother's name was Aileen Corrigan.
She smelled of violets and had
dark, wavy hair with a parting.
I used to think every young woman in Cork
had dark, wavy hair with a parting.
Well, unless they messed
with the peroxide bottle.
It was the influence of the films.
Ann was admitted in 1948.
No, it's this girl's face
that sparks a memory.
Round, as it is now, and the eyes
as blue as they are now.
I remember your mother for two reasons.
She was so very, very thin,
and she brought you to the convent
herself, while she was still alive.
She wanted to see where you would
sleep and what you would eat
and if we would love you.
And she
held your hands very, very tightly.
Nancy - Ann - has sometimes wondered
why no other relatives could take her in.
Well, they were a tubercular family.
None of them lived into old age.
Mrs Corrigan had sisters,
but they predeceased her.
I think she knew what lay ahead.
Why didn't I get it
when everyone else did?
Well, once upon a time,
I would have said God chooses.
But now I would cite natural
immunity or possibly vaccination.
Did you make a good life?
I'm a nurse. And I have
a beautiful, beautiful little girl.
Your mother would have liked that.
TRIXIE: I'm inquiring about
a Mrs Prudence Stanton.
TEARFULLY: Critical but stable?
Thank you.
"Critical but stable".
They do nobody any favours
talking in riddles.
I'm not asking for any favours.
If, on the other hand, I was given
the chance to turn the clock back,
I'd grab it with both hands.
What's done is done, lass.
It's how you move forward
that proves what you're made of.
Oh, lass!
Was it TB?
She held my hand, Phyllis.
She wanted me to be loved.
Well, she'd be happy now, wouldn't she?
Mummy! Where have you been?
Somewhere far away and back again.
Come with me.
What is this for?
It's to keep you safe.
Nancy? What are you doing?
Colette needs to be protected.
I've given her a Heaf test. If she
needs it, can she have the vaccination?
- She's not in the right age group.
- TB doesn't care about her age group,
like it didn't care
about our entire family.
Could you make an exception,
Sister Veronica, please?
Well, I suppose.
It could be permissible
to give the vaccination early
as long as the paperwork
is properly filed.
Please sit down, Pupil Midwife Highland.
Is there any news of Mrs Stanton?
She is improving. We hope that she
will be discharged within the week.
Now, we have come to a decision
regarding your case notes on Mrs Stanton.
They're to be written to make
it clear that Nurse Aylward
declared the placenta
to be complete and not yourself.
Nurse Aylward
is a woman of great integrity,
and she's only too willing
to admit a mistake
and is extremely anxious
that you should not be penalised.
- Will anything happen to her?
- We think not.
The placenta was in poor condition
because the mother smoked.
Problems may have been inevitable.
From now on, our main concern
is Mrs Stanton and the baby.
Surely everyone's allowed to make
one tiny mistake.
It wasn't tiny. It was elementary.
And it could have had
monumental consequences.
Perhaps taking some time off work
might not be a bad idea.
- Midwifery's a very demanding job.
- Midwifery is my vocation.
It's who I am.
- You said you understood that.
- And and I do.
But we're married now.
Marriage isn't just about who you are.
I mean, surely you can do good
in other ways.
My my mother gives her life
to her charities.
I mean, you ought to have a word
with her about Meals on Wheels.
- Meals on Wheels?
- Mm.
Driving around suburbia
with trolleys full of mince,
and then rushing home
in time to warm your slippers
and pour you a drink?
I've come to a decision.
If Sister Julienne agrees, from now on,
I'll stay at Nonnatus House
for three nights a week.
That way, I can put the patients
first when I'm working,
and when I'm not, I can be at home
and completely devoted
to you and to Jonty.
Trixie, we've been married
for eight months.
Are you a wife or a midwife?
Can't I be both?
I think only you can answer that.
Hmm. What's wrong
with the television?
It is in repose. We cannot risk
it breaking before tomorrow evening.
The BBC are to broadcast the moon landing
continuously throughout the darkest
hours into the next day.
We have invited our neighbours
to join us in the square.
The cathode rays must retain
their strength.
Oh, no, you don't!
They're too heavy.
- Ooh.
- Er, here
Do you want to see my picture?
It's lovely, dear. What is it?
Aliens killing astronauts.
Ooh! Will there be aliens on
the moon?
Not according to Angela.
She charged me sixpence to look
round her space museum last night.
I've brought more medicine
for the children.
Come in.
We are doing a ritual for Felix.
You are welcome to join us if you wish.
MUSIC: Telstar
by The Tornados
Oh, terrific!
It's fantastic!
Nurse, you can sit there, in the back.
ALDRIN: 13 forward.
11 forward.
Coming down nicely. 200 feet.
MISSION CONTROL: Eagle, Houston.
You're go for landing. Over.
Down at two and a half.
Forward. Forward.
40 feet down. Two and a half.
Picking up some dust.
30 feet, two and a half down.
Faint shadow.
Four forward. Four forward.
Drifting to the right a little.
Down a half.
- 30 seconds.
- Forward.
Contact light.
ARMSTRONG: Houston, er
Tranquility Base here.
The Eagle has landed.
They've landed! They've landed!
Why don't the astronauts come out?
Maybe they're having a rest first.
We'll just have to keep watching.
I want the aliens
to chase the astronauts.
ARMSTRONG: I'm going
to step off the LM now.
That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind.
What a journey to be part of!
Dad wants to call him Neil,
after that spaceman.
You can't get much more
up-to-date than that.
Are you going to weigh him now?
I think Nurse Aylward's going to do that.
- Right you are.
- Please. No rush.
Be good, my precious girl.
It is as though I am losing them forever.
DR TURNER: They'll be back
from the isolation ward
before you know it, and they'll be cured.
Have you got anyone to support you
while they're gone?
I had a friend who came here
before we did.
I heard she might be somewhere
south of the river.
If you give me her name,
I know someone
who's good at finding people.
Man had reached the moon,
but not every star was mapped.
Earth remained a place
where people could be lost
and need a human hand to guide them home.
Home is our centre of gravity.
No scientist can calculate
the pull that draws us back
or hurls us out into the dark beyond,
fragile and petrified and brave.
But still we travel onward
one small step at a time.
Now, I don't know
if you've heard about my excursion.
Of course! It's the talk of Poplar.
I know what you're thinking.
Two children out of wedlock.
Our mayor has organised a trip
to the seaside this Sunday!
Why have you made me a dress?
It's a changing cape!
Subtitle extracted from file & improved
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