Crossing Lines (2013) s02e08 Episode Script

Family Ties

- Are we nearly there? - I think so.
What do you mean "think so"? You don't know how far away we are? Only because I don't know where we're going, I don't remember.
Oh, my God.
I don't either! I'm so knackered! The club! The club! We're going to the club! Yeah, yeah, yeah, the club.
Which club? Wendy, you're bleeding! I am? - Oh, my God, Nigel! - I'm bleeding.
I think I'm going to be Shit! Make a wish.
- What did you wish for? - If you say, it won't come true.
Too late, you lot are all still here.
Only because it's working hours.
We were going to use 30 candles, but the fire department has rules against that much open fire.
Yeah, they'd have to be waiting with a hose in case you couldn't get the job done.
No McConnell's ever had any trouble getting a job done.
Why does everything you say sound dirty? Your mind makes it that way.
It's the way you think about me.
Yeah, you wish.
This better be good, Dougie.
I just left a woman with questionable morals and an astounding imagination.
We were called to investigate a traffic accident.
Did you say "traffic accident"? Yes, sir.
Three fatalities.
Well, I assume there's more to the story than that? The accident didn't kill them.
Lead on.
Can you send them all home now, please? You are not having fun? My people aren't big birthday folk.
You do not celebrate your birthday? More like counted them down.
When we were kids, my Da would remind us that every birthday brought us closer to being charged as adults.
You are serious? When theft is the family business, knowing when you "come of age" is an important fact.
So can you send them home? Please? Could you wait long enough for this? Everybody pitched in.
You got me a gift? It's heavy.
Come on, open it up.
Oh, you're not one of those, are you? Come on, tear it, tear it.
Fresh off the Heckler and Koch factory floor.
Hand engraved.
What do you say? She's, uh beautiful.
The Germans do know their weaponry.
They also make an excellent grenade launcher, but we thought that was more a Christmas thing.
It's perfect.
I'll show you how to use it later.
I wanted to teach you a few things on the range, anyway, so There's one more thing.
It's not new, it's used.
It's been mine for years, but I checked, and it fits your new pistol.
Happy birthday.
Just just excuse me for a minute, I'm just going to go to the go to the bathroom Is he reallyy? Is he? I think so.
Ah, damn, we should have taken a picture.
We still can.
- I've got my phone.
- I'll hold the door.
- You want to do it? - Yeah, yeah, I wanna do it.
This is gonna go on the bulletin board.
It's gonna go everywhere.
They all ingested drugs, and there are five more cases just in this E.
- Dead? - One.
Two knocking on the door, and across the city, we're hearing there may be as many as a hundred kids sick.
Very sick.
This blood, it doesn't look like overdose.
It looks like poison.
Right, I want autopsies immediately on all these kids, toxicology at triple-time.
Imogen? Get hold of Metro Narcotics, will you, and tell them to start spreading the word.
There's a bad batch of something that just hit the streets.
We have four fatalities, and God knows how many more to come.
Oh, and connect me with the Mayor, will you? Yeah, I know, I know.
Tell him I'm sorry it's late, but we have a situation.
A very, very serious situation.
All told, there are 16 dead, and 40 more are still in hospital.
There was a time when I feared that it would actually be more.
And you don't know what it is? We know it's cocaine based.
The victims that would admit to taking it said that's what they bought, but as for the toxin, no.
So, how can we help you? Our narcotics boys found that there was a new shipment dumped on the street last week.
It came from the Balkans via a smuggling route through Paris, and ultimately Calais, before crossing the channel to Dover.
There's a new shipment on its way now.
There's there's no telling how many more would die.
Ongoing, cross-border, and organized.
I believe we can get authorization.
I also hoped McConnell could come over and help us here in the U.
For what? A number of the victims were Irish.
Some of them are hesitant to talk.
Tommy might put them at ease.
If the Major doesn't mind, I don't.
It's a good idea.
So, we're a go then? I will need to talk to your narcotics team and get the information on Calais.
I don't want to go in blind.
We will do our own investigation.
Complete autonomy.
Can we start with a list of all the victims, living and dead? Of course.
Anything else? Not at the moment.
I'll see you soon, McConnell.
So, Tommy, chopper to London, the rest of us, on a train to Calais.
That sounds like a musical.
"The Train to Calais.
" Tommy Hold on a second, Louis.
All of a sudden, Lennon's talking to you like you guys are best friends.
I mean, am I the only one whose bullshit meter is going up here? Maybe he's come around.
We've been through a few things now.
He strike you as the kind of guy who can change on a dime? Well, even if he hasn't changed, I can handle myself.
I have no doubt about that, but I still think you should go with back-up.
I appreciate it, mate, but you were at the party.
I'm 30 now.
I'm all grown up.
Hickman wants to protect me.
From what? The evil empire, the British one.
I told him I'd be just fine, thank you.
I'll meet you outside.
What's with her? She baked the cupcakes for us.
And? She found yours in the fridge this morning.
I told you I'm not much a birthday guy.
Well, you asked what was wrong with her.
You should apologize.
Why do I end up having to apologize for something I didn't ask for or want? Just eat the cupcake.
Now, that'd feel like giving in.
Eat the cupcake.
Chief Inspector? Two more of the drug kids died this morning.
Time to get this sorted, once and for all.
Nice office.
- Chief Inspector? - Thanks, Imogen.
- I'm not in it much.
- Not much of a desk jockey, eh? The field is where I feel more comfortable.
Yeah, well, you and I have that in common.
Well, if that's true, it's the only thing.
How's that? I can't imagine having anything else in common with the likes of you.
- The likes of me? - Yeah, a filthy pikey son of a bitch whose family flooded my streets with poison and killed 18 young people.
You think my family did this? And you're going to help me bring them down, one way or another.
My family has nothing to do with drugs.
- Bollocks.
- Never have and never will.
I've had that wanker brother of yours in my lock-up a dozen times, higher than a kite.
Real salt of the earth family man, that one.
I don't dispute he was pissed or on gear, but we don't deal drugs.
All it takes is needing a fix one night, and not having the money, and you're a dealer.
And that shite caravan camp your family calls home is a perfect place to do it from, too.
Police don't even want to go there for fear of disease.
Maybe if you lot weren't so afraid, you'd start to see us as people.
Oh, not bloody likely.
Your brother killed 18 Brits, and he is gonna pay! Spend as much time as you like on him, but Colin's not your man.
Can I count on you to act like a copper instead of a Traveller, and help me? How'd you say it? "Not bloody likely.
" And we're off.
I've never been here.
It's easy to see how it became a big smuggling spot.
It's like a perfect set up.
There is always something crossing to the U.
or back from here.
- Good morning, Thierry.
- Major Daniel.
Long time.
Yes, a long time.
This is Hickman.
Part of my team from The Hague.
- Pleasure to meet you.
- You, too.
And the rest of the team.
We want to talk about some drugs coming out of Calais into the U.
The current smuggling route is further east.
There was a shipment of bad dope into London a few days ago.
A lot of users died.
We heard about it.
British narcotics thinks it originated through Calais.
Well, they're usually better than that.
Calais has been a well-travelled smuggling port, but not for some time.
We've had it locked for more than six months.
Are you sure? Sometimes I think we have more cops in Calais than civilians.
You got petrol at a station a mile back? How do you know that? The station keeper is my old partner, Gerard.
Nothing moves though Calais without us knowing.
How could the Met have it so wrong? Actually, according to our sources, your bad cocaine came from a different direction all together.
From Northern Ireland, and then down through the boroughs north of London.
You need some help? Fold laundry? Aye, I could.
Is that what men do where you're from? I'm from here.
No, you're not.
Not anymore.
A thing like that doesn't change.
"Where a man is born is just a fact.
Where a man is from is a whole 'nother thing.
" And that was the toast your Da gave at our wedding.
He was talking about me at your wedding? That's interesting.
Oh, a lot of us were talking about Tommy McConnell, right up until he offered his gift as a bounty on you.
As your wedding gift? That must've hurt.
It was my idea.
Is my brother here? No, and if he does come back and find you here, he'll kill you to collect that bounty.
Well, you'd finally get your gift.
In more ways than one.
No prize money today.
British intelligence is not usually this wrong, are they? Not in my experience.
Unless they mean to be.
They mean to be what? Lennon ran Narcotics, didn't he? Yes.
Well old bosses got a lot of juice with the troops.
I mean, most of their guys are still there.
What do you mean, Carl? What if he told them exactly what to tell us? You mean to lie to us? Why would he do that? To get Tommy alone.
What the hell is this now? - Armed police, stand still! - What are you doing? Keep your hands where we can see them! I'm a detective.
Kiss my bollocks.
- Disarm yourself.
- What the hell is this, Lennon? Non-compliance would be an unfortunate error in judgement.
If I disarm you, it will not be pleasant.
This is a birthday present, so it better not get scratched.
Thomas McConnell, you are being held for obstructing a police inquiry.
How's that now? We filmed you going to warn your family about my investigation.
Warn them? I only went there to find out where Colin was so you could cross him off your list.
Yeah, well, like I said, obstructing.
This is load of shite.
I asked for your help with an incident involving the death of 18 citizens.
You refused, and then you went to warn your brother he was a suspect.
- That's not what I did.
- Why did you go to the camp? To be sure.
So you do think it's a possibility? Go to hell, man.
I will let you sit here and think about what you've done.
You're going to ice me? I can sit here till Christmas.
Lennon's clerk says Tommy hasn't arrived yet, but I'm sure his phone has been there more than an hour.
They're lying, again.
Come on, let's go.
You drive.
So how are we in here, then? I'm thinking maybe a thousand pounds for every minute you've kept me in here unjustly.
That's close to 120,000 so far.
And from whom would you receive this money? Great Scotland Yard.
Good luck with that.
So you went to the camp to be sure your brother wasn't involved? To confirm I was right.
Well, why don't you just ask him? What? Your brother's got a question for you, Tinker.
You tell him to piss off.
Play nice.
So how's your day going, traitor? Dorn? I'm just getting your authorization now, Louis.
Thank you, but, uh, that's not why I'm calling.
No? I believe you know this Chief Inspector Lennon well? I do know him, yes.
Professionally and personally.
Do you trust him? Yes.
Why? What's happened? I need you to meet us in London.
Well, I guess these copper shites are no more your friends than mine, eh? Never said they were me friends.
How long have you been here? Not enough to be intimidated if that's what you're asking.
I'm asking if you were already here when that wanker Lennon brought me in.
Since this morning, about 8:00 or so.
Christ - Does Rose know? - No.
I was picked up in the pub.
At 8:00 or so in the morning? - You're some lump, you know that? - Yeah, I give a damn what you think.
- Aye, you never did, did you? - Let's get down to it.
- Down to what? - You remember "The Cant"? "Cant"? It's a secret language used by the Travellers.
How secret? Almost no one outside their world knows it.
Come on, lad, tell me what I need to know.
Will you shut the hell up! You think this shite can't find someone to translate? - This is Scotland bloody Yard! - And who would translate? And you always will be.
Oh, he asked his brother what we know.
That's a pretty damning question.
But it's not enough to catch him in it.
So what do we do now? Now? Now we're onto round three.
We're arriving in ten minutes.
We've been going through all the files Lennon provided, and none of the victims appear to be Irish.
He said they needed Tommy because there were reluctant Irish victims.
Well, we already know Lennon lied.
But 900,000 ethnic Irish people live in London, that's 12% of the city's population.
How can a drug be entered into a population like that, and completely miss a specific 12%? By being very selective who you provide the poisoned drugs to.
We've also gone through the witness statements.
A couple of them reference Irish dealers.
And remember, Thierry told us that most of the spiked drugs came from North London.
Now, there's a very large Traveller population in that area.
Tommy's family may be involved.
Maybe these guys should go to the camps and you and I head to Scotland Yard.
That's a good idea.
But be careful.
Those camps could be tricky for outsiders.
To hear Tommy tell it, that's a bit of an understatement.
That's all right, George.
Creightons, O'Quinns, you ever arrest anyone who isn't Irish? I don't seem to have much cause.
Think putting me in with these boys is going to scare me? I've been fighting these shites since I was a lad.
You all right, Paddy? Did you miss me? I've got something more interesting planned for you.
Major Daniel.
Where is Lennon? The Chief Inspector, he's not in.
I believe the question was "Where is he?" And you are? Louis, I'm here.
I'm Dorn.
Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
And as someone who knows the Inspector personally, I suggest that you pick up whichever device it is that connects you most quickly to him, so that we can stop him before he does something that will end his career, and I suspect, yours with it.
Probably a good idea to listen.
The ICC? Yeah, tell them I'll be up shortly.
Love to be a fly on that wall.
So would I.
I believe you two know each other.
Did you have a reason to arrest him, or are you just harassing him, too? That's not the question I'd be asking.
I'd be asking if I could take the man.
Defend yourself.
Fair play.
Defend yourself.
I'm not going to fight you, Da.
I realize this may seem an odd way to conduct myself.
- That is an understatement.
- It's chicken shit.
You send us in the wrong direction, huh? To get Tommy alone for a few hours? Yes! Sir, the rest of the team are near the camp.
They want to check out the area.
By all means, help them check it out.
You don't understand these people the way I do.
In fact, I hesitate to call them people at all.
Excuse me? Pikeys, Pavee, Tinkers, Travellers, whatever you want to call these animals! Stop! Right now, Miles, stop.
Would you give us a moment, please? I'd feel better if we had Tommy.
We have tracked his phone.
He's been here in this building for the last three hours.
He's having a reunion of sorts.
You shamed my name.
I raised you to be better than that.
You raised me to be exactly as I am! Never.
I spent 18 hours a day with you.
Everything I think, everything I know, it came from you! This is your mother's influence.
She wishes the world was as she'd like it to be, rather than how it is.
It's called optimism, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Jesus, you're just like her.
It's you I'm like! If you want to blame someone, you blame yourself.
Aye, come on then.
Come on again! I have known you for more than 20 years, and I can truthfully say, I do not recognize the man standing before me.
Let me explain.
No explanation that begins with the sentence, "I hesitate to call them people" bears listening to.
"Animals"? I have spent my entire life battling that attitude, that ethos.
It is a very short journey, Miles, from that manner of thinking to the gas chambers, to the mass beheadings.
What do you call someone who poisons, murders Soldiers? Enemy combatants? Madmen? I call them what they are, people.
Are you saying that you believe this to be a deliberate act? I'm saying I believe this to be an act of terrorism.
Why? Why this? A bloody copper? Sean.
Don't you let my son's name cross your lips.
He wasn't just your son.
He was my brother.
When he died He was killed by these shites here! These British copper assholes! - Your friends! - I was there! Do you remember? I watched it! I held him! Where were you? In jail.
We've never even talked about it.
We don't need to.
Aye, but you and I both know the truth.
You sent him to rob that cop's house because you didn't like him, because you had a grudge.
A cop's house, Da.
What did you think was going to happen? It gets 50 guys coming into our camp, all dying to have a pop at a Traveller.
They're tossing caravans, and Sean Sean's flying, high on adrenaline, pride's up, thinking he's invincible like Big Mick McConnell.
And he goes into your room and gets a gun, and he takes a shot at them.
take them on with a pistol? So I beg him, I beg him, I begged him to put it down, to come out with me, to surrender.
He should have stayed inside.
We walked out and he moved too fast.
He was only going to run, but he scared them, and a cop took a shot, and killed him.
It ended the way it was always gonna end.
It had to end that way.
Does that make you feel better? I did what you would have done, what you would have told me to do, and I followed that cop, and I found him, and I found his wife and his kids in a shitty little house with their shitty little garden.
Just like a place we'd live but without the wheels.
Why didn't you kill him if you knew where he lived? Because I'm not gonna shoot him in front of his children! Three months later, he killed himself in his car.
- Good.
- Jesus, Da, no one won.
It destroyed his life, but it destroyed us, too.
And there has to be a different way to live.
That's the other thing I learned from you.
You always said, "If no one else is going to do a thing needs done, then you do it.
" So that's what I did.
And I thought one of us going into their world might just make a difference.
So that day cost me two sons.
But it might save your grandchildren.
The drugs came from that camp, the same camp the McConnells live in.
They were poisoned on purpose to kill young English men and women.
- You know that for certain? - Conclusively.
And nothing happens in that camp that doesn't fall under the eye of its leader, Michael Patrick McConnell.
Chief Inspector wants you upstairs.
Tommy I don't hate you.
See you, Da.
- What did they do to you? - Nothing.
Just had a work-out.
- You okay? - Aye.
This is just what happens when my family gets together.
All right.
Open this.
CCTV footage, witness statements, street informants.
Then why did you ask Detective McConnell to come? Because I need him to get an admission out of them.
What, your informants can't testify? No, if they came forward publicly, their lives would be over.
As far as being a Traveller, Tommy's already is.
Tommy's what now? What's he saying about me? I'm going to need a conference room and all the available evidence you have.
- Evidence? - Yes, evidence.
I'm going to handle this the way you should have, by trusting Detective McConnell.
You're sure the drugs came from there? We thought they came through Calais first, but Yeah, that's the spot.
- How many ways in and out? - Just the one.
That road goes right through.
Now, Tinkers know their security.
- Tinkers? - Travellers.
That lot down there.
Well, not all of them are shite.
Whatever you say.
- Guards? - Probably.
I'm going to check in with the bosses, let them know we're here.
We'll keep an eye on them.
Good luck with that, they disappear in and out of that camp like Houdini.
I can't believe it.
That they might be involved? That Tommy lived here.
- He did? - Most of his life.
They are? No, no, all good here.
No, leave them.
Fall back and set up a loose perimeter.
We don't want things going too far before our other friends get there.
Terrorism? Yeah, they have reason to believe that the drugs were deliberately poisoned so they could kill as many English people as possible.
That's ridiculous.
It's just cut with something bad.
We found something, too, Tommy.
None of the victims were ethnic Irish.
What? Someone was very selective about who received tainted packages.
We have CCTV footage tracing the original drug shipment to a Traveller's camp, one that you're very familiar with.
- Apparently, it's your family's.
- We don't own it.
Yeah, but your family does run it, no? They run the clan? - Tommy - Detective McConnell.
I know, like these men here do, that you are not like the rest of them.
You said the opposite last time I was here.
It's all right, Hickman.
I needed to remind you what the others were like, - the ones you ran away from - I never ran away.
I needed to remind you because I believe that they're planning on killing a lot more people this time, and Well, I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me any other way.
- I want to go to the camp.
- Good.
We should all go.
I need to see some people who won't talk to me if you're with me.
I will not let you go there alone again, Tommy.
We'll go with you, but stay out of it when you need us to.
All right? Fine.
Tommy Can I talk to you? - I'll wait in the car.
- No.
What do you want? They arrested Colin.
I know.
- You have to help him.
- No, I don't.
It doesn't matter to you what'll happen to him? Last time I talked to you, you told me he was going to kill me to collect a bounty.
Do you want me to beg? I don't want you to do anything, Rose.
Please, Tommy.
I'll do anything.
I have children.
I can't raise them alone.
I mean it, Tommy.
- Anything.
- Stop it.
- It's beneath you.
- Is it? It used to be.
When you were What, when I was yours? If it isn't beneath you, it's beneath me.
Go home, Rosie.
I'm done trying to help them.
All of them.
All of you.
Let's go.
I would've thought he'd be back by now.
I agree.
I'll go back down and see what's keeping him.
That's far enough.
You're making a mistake here.
We are from the International Criminal Court.
We're going to be looked for.
You haven't hurt anyone yet.
Really? Then what the hell are you doing here? You know we've hurt people.
Just think about this.
Sit down.
All right, all right.
You lot showing up has ruined everything.
What do you know of the IRA? A good deal.
You think this was the IRA? No.
No, not at all.
But my part of it starts there.
We can still get the stuff out on the street.
Let's just get out of here, mate! No! We finish what we started.
- You brought hostages into our camp? - Not now! This is not what was agreed to.
And the drugs you brought in were outside the agreement, too.
You were only to use our network to move around.
We never made the agreement with you.
You think my husband and son don't tell me everything? And you think I actually give a shit? Two bombs in a shopping area exploded within a minute of each other.
The first was outside a shoe shop, and the second outside a catalogue shop.
The bombs were in cast-iron litter bins causing large amounts of shrapnel.
The first driving frantic survivors directly in the path of the second.
I mean, what kind of person does that? It was the second blast that killed my wife instantly.
Our twin three-year-olds died in hospital later.
I wanted to hold them one last time, but couldn't.
We were unable to find the bombers.
They had slipped away.
It was only years later that I found out that they used the Traveller's networks, the infrastructure, to slip in and out of London.
These Pavee bastards, they actually helped the men that carried out that attack.
The IRA is just another bloody political party now, and none of them can be arrested for it, even if it was them, but the Travellerss they're not off limits.
They're still fair game.
And it's time someone paid.
We just celebrated Detective McConnell's 30th birthday.
He was three in 1987.
Same age as your twins.
Yeah, well, at least he got to be 30.
The next shipment of poisoned drugs is down there in that camp ready to be put on the street.
That is a very exigent circumstance.
I say a massive raid is called for.
Massive raid? There's innocent people down there.
It's full of criminals.
No, there's women, and children, and old people.
Let me go in first and see what I can do.
I thought you wanted me here so I could talk to people? All units, stand by.
Tommy, wait! What? You don't have to get in the middle of this.
If I don't, none of what I've done has been worth it, none of it.
- Then I'm coming with you.
- No! It has to be me.
You said you only wanted to use our networks to hide from the law.
You never said you wanted to hurt people! You got paid! That's all that matters.
The Pavee don't involve ourselves in drugs.
You do now.
Why are you doing this, Aiden? For Belfast.
- For Dublin! - What? - You never even lived there! - Back off! As long as there are Irishmen under British rule, the struggle continues.
My father died for that.
And after we get this next batch of gear out there, the Brits will know we're at war again.
You want to start the war again? You're insane.
They'll call me hero one day.
Aiden you don't know what it was like then.
All the deaths, the tears.
No one will ever call you a hero for this.
The police are coming.
A lot of them.
You should go now and leave everyone here alone.
Go? I can show you how, but you have to let this all go.
No! The children, they'll all be in the middle! There's a tunnel, under that caravan, a false floor.
Anne, show them.
Hurry! It's your only chance.
Go, go, go, go, go! No shooting! No shooting! These are just women and children! They've gone! They've left! Tell them, your friends are okay! Lower your weapons! There's no one here that's a threat anymore! Lower your weapons! Stand down.
The people you're looking for are gone! I'm a detective from the International Criminal Court and I'm asking you to stand down.
I'm going to disarm myself.
If you do anything here, you'll be shooting one of your own first! I'm begging you lower your weapons and stand down! You said they've gone? The drug dealers, the ones responsible for the poisoning? Yes, all of them.
Your terrorists are in a house not far from here.
It's one of our safe houses.
You get a team to this address.
How are they doing it? I'm about to show you something no one outside the Pavee has ever seen.
We got all the criminals, and the drugs.
What you did took courage, Tommy.
I get that a lot.
We'll be waiting.
You were a hero out there, Ma.
Not as much as you were.
I told Scotland Yard where the tunnels are.
People are going to hate you for that.
Even more than they already do? But at least you can explain it to Da and to Colin.
Ma? I need you to do something else.
I can give you proof that your father and Colin were in Wales last weekend when all this happened, the drug distribution thing.
You want me to inform on them? They're being held as accessories to 18 deaths.
They'll lock them away for the rest of their lives.
I've never informed on the family.
It's not just the deaths.
They're accused of dealing drugs that kill people.
Our family would never deal drugs.
It's a line we won't cross.
It's important for the family now, especially for the future generations.
I'll never be able to come back.
We've already learned to live without you, Tommy.
Don't let them take your father and Colin from us forever, too.
Thank you.
I knew they had tunnels.
I knew it.
But you would never have found them if it had not been for Detective McConnell.
He only helped because he had no choice.
No, that's not true.
He didn't need to show you the geography of the tunnels.
He chose to do that, as an act of peace, despite everything you have done.
I was doing my job.
And do you feel better now? Has the pain gone? I'm sorry? No, it has not gone.
It will never go.
That will only happen with forgiveness.
I can never forgive those bastards.
Not them.
You must, you have to forgive yourself.
That's how it all begins.
Trust me.
Yes? Lennon, I need to talk to you.
About? My father and my brother were involved in some criminal activity.
In Wales.
Goodnight, there, Tommy.
Hey I owe you an apology.
An apology? Yeah.
I had a pretty good idea how much Lennon disliked you.
He told mee in his office when we met him, and I should have told you.
You're right, you should have told me.
Not sure I would have listened anyway.
You wouldn't have listened.
And it's me who owes you an apology.
For what? For my family.
I'm here swearing they'd never be involved in something like this, and there they are, right smack bang in the middle of it.
Back when I was a young cop, still in the blues, my brother was the biggest drug dealer in the area that I worked.
- Are you serious? - Oh, yeah.
Rule was never talk about it in front of my mother.
She didn't know? She definitely knew.
We all just pretended that she didn't.
Point is, we all got family hanging around our neck.
Doesn't reflect on who you are.
Not to the people who really know you.
Where is he now? Who's that, my brother? Runs the Narcotics Anonymous program in Queens.
So you're saying there's hope for my family? No.
No, after what I saw, they're completely lost.
What I'm saying is you can stop apologizing for them.
They're not your burden.
See you tomorrow? Sure no one else will have me.
Around here, that's a pretty big club.

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