Dance Academy (2010) s01e15 Episode Script

My Life en Pointe

Previously on Dance Academy Relax, T, we'll get you home before you're a pumpkin.
Hey, man.
Uh, Lucas Hewett.
Recovery isn't always smooth.
So, when were you going to ask to go back to dancing? I guess you'll tell me when I'm ready.
That was perfect.
I knew you could do it.
You're the little girl in the training bra.
High-pitched voice, habit of spying on guys in the bathroom? That's you, right? Ever even kissed a guy? You haven't, have you? We should get going.
We'll miss curfew.
I loved my first pair of pointe shoes so much I took them to bed with me.
Before my first class, I spent hours carefully preparing my feet and the shoes.
But nothing could have prepared me for how much it hurt to dance en pointe.
It's like the most intense pain.
Blisters, blood, totally inhumane.
And then one day, you get used to it.
I know you can't have forgotten how vastly superior I am to you.
Who's better, me or Christian? You.
Which just goes to show, you can talk yourself into anything.
Genius! Pure, unadulterated, 'let me die right now 'because I will never be this happy ever again' geniusity.
I saw them last year in the States.
I think they played better then.
That is so pretentious! You can't tell me magic didn't just happen here tonight.
They weren't bad.
Not bad? Better than not bad.
Say it.
No, I am not kissing you again until you admit that was the most amazing music ever played in the entire world.
The entire universe.
Katrina! This is well outside curfew.
And don't think it didn't escape my attention that you skipped afternoon classes today.
It was just jazz.
I thought you'd approve, Miss Raine.
The day is getting close when you'll discover that the joke is increasingly on you, Katrina.
This is Petra Hoffman.
On exchange from the Berlin Ballet School.
Your new room-mate.
Petra, ignore everything Katrina tells you.
Welcome to the National Academy.
Standard issue.
Teachers in Germany are the same.
Well, Petra Hoffman, welcome to Chateau Karamakov.
Just throw the clothes off that bed.
It's yours.
You can take them down if you really hate them.
You can tell everything about someone by their feet.
How they stand in the world.
How grounded they are.
How they dance.
I think they're beautiful.
They're just snaps.
I collect love.
I mean, more like signs of love, public displays of affection.
Well, you'll have to give me a copy of the photo you took before.
My boyfriend'll love it.
So that was your boyfriend? So, was it worth it? Let me think.
Fifteen awesome bands and the opportunity to spend it with thousands of people who didn't talk about ballet once the entire day.
Yes, it was worth it.
Really? Miss Raine trapped me after jazz.
She knows you skipped.
Yeah, I spoke to her already.
You know, she watched Lucas and I kissing for a very long time before she interrupted.
Don't you think that's weird? She did the same with me and Isabelle.
It was kind of creepy.
Sitting right here.
Sorry, it was a long time ago and I can barely remember it.
Oh, sorry.
Uh, Petra Hoffman, German exchange, Tara Webster and Ethan, my brother.
What's with the photo? Oh, if you don't like it, please erase it.
Petra's into PDAs.
Which are? Your favourite thing.
Public displays of affection.
Just the photos.
I actually really like it.
Now that you're the pash expert and everything.
Katrina, my office, now.
You're on shaky ground, Katrina.
If I hadn't known you so long Don't treat me any differently because you know my family.
I was going to say that I know you well enough to realise that detention won't change your behaviour.
One of our ex-students, Gus Walker, is doing some interesting community work.
You'll be spending this afternoon and the next four Saturday afternoons helping him out.
Couldn't I just clean out the shoe lockers instead? You do know this is just barre, right? Hi, I'm Petra.
You don't have to wear pointe shoes during warm up.
It's how we'll dance when we're professionals, so why not always do it this way? Your room-mate is taking Abigail's spot.
Blood sport.
I like it.
Watch those hips in the devant, Abigail.
Don't lose your line.
Lovely, Petra.
Good work.
Stretch it out and come into the centre.
Abigail? I spoke with Dr Wicks this morning.
She thinks you should restrict yourself to the barre for now.
But I'm fine.
You're still getting your strength back.
Sit this one out.
Take note, girls.
Look at Petra's lines.
Nothing is broken.
It appears effortless.
Lovely training.
Petra has the most incredible extensions.
Don't you think she's incredible? Incredible.
You know, she actually made me remember why I'm here.
Hey, you're not busy, are you? Not anymore.
I've been thinking about my show reel, and I need a dancer.
Do you know any? I might do.
Yeah? You remember that piece that Isabelle did for my contemporary showcase? Wait, are you only using me because Isabelle's away on exchange? Is she? I'm using you 'cause you're perfect.
Really? Yes.
I'll come back later.
Hey, no, no, no, come on in.
You remember the chory, right? It was a while ago.
Maybe you should get someone else.
No, wait, I remember it.
Well, good.
You're both cast.
My gorgeous, sweet Juliet and difficult, brooding Romeo.
No loud noises, no sudden movements.
Hey! Hmm, vintage, huh? I wonder how much these would be at the pawn shop.
Give them back or I'll crunch your bones.
You can't touch me.
Don't try it.
Bad things happen to bad little boys.
Lucky for me I'm a girl, then.
Really? You must be Kat.
So, Scout, you gonna give Kat her sunnies back? Hilarious.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Not bad.
Not bad? We killed it.
OK, you were better than I expected.
Better than anyone at your fancy ballet school? What makes you think I go to a fancy ballet school? You can tell by looking at you.
And Gus told us before you got here.
Scout's been nagging me all morning to get you to teach them some What do you call it, Scout? Proper girls' ballet.
Apparently I'm too male.
Will you? You serious? Good.
Tara, get closer.
Christian, can you pull her in? OK, cut.
Tara, what's with you? You're all stiff.
I'm still getting used to it.
Well, let Christian lead you.
He knows it.
OK, from the top.
Hey, we have a student? Hey, stay, OK? Stay.
No, I mean it.
I'm very busy.
You have to leave me alone.
Go home.
So, what do you know about public displays of affection? My brother used to say that our old dog, Ziggy, could read minds.
Hello? Hello? Be very quiet.
Is anyone there? Shh.
Thought so.
Saturday afternoons everyone tends to get out of here, which isn't so great if you've just arrived, right? Sorry, I'm Samuel Lieberman.
I'm Kat's friend.
You're the new girl, obviously.
Uh, cake? Why not? My, uh grandmother bakes a truckload each week.
I usually give most of it to Kat.
The girl is a cake - She seems fun.
- .
Ooh Sorry.
I'm not I'm not usually like this.
It's just around cats and and pollen and dogs.
Which doesn't make any sense.
This could get ugly.
I should I should probably get going.
You're scaring away the cute boys.
Cake? Second position.
Tendu and lower.
Tendu and close.
A couple more lessons and we'll make ballet bots out of the lot of you.
OK, guys, catch you next week, hey? Come and pack up.
Is that what you are? Hardly.
Then what are you? Good question.
I bet you're not as good as the guys on 'Dance Explosion'.
That lame TV show? As if! They're amazing.
They're alright.
You can see for yourself if you want.
I can make a call.
Really? Yeah, the producer's an old friend of the family.
Don't get their hopes up.
Lot of these kids do it tough.
No, really, it's fine.
Liz, it's Kat.
Yeah, look, I've got a bunch of dance freaks that would kill to come to a taping if you've got room.
Tomorrow? Amazing.
I owe you one.
Thank you.
How does tomorrow 10 o'clock sound? OK, guys, I'll get the bus, but I need you all to get permission.
That means signatures.
Careful! You were fine! I was about to fall flat on my face.
When have I ever dropped you? Alright! I thought you guys were getting along better these days.
It's got nothing to do with that.
You know what? I've got enough stuff.
But we haven't done a full take yet.
Yeah, well, I'll just use what I've got.
Thanks for your help.
Me too? So I'll just go.
Hey, how was your lovebird afternoon? Rudely interrupted.
How was your enforced slavery? Surprisingly enjoyable.
I thought you hated kids.
Shows how little you know about me.
Uh, who stole my sheets? Uh, dog? Oh, no.
She was lost.
I couldn't leave her alone.
You're a rule breaker.
I'm really not.
Petra, you've just gone up a notch in my books.
Don't fight it.
You, on the other hand We cannot keep a dog here.
We have to find his family.
Ziggy! OK, OK, OK.
Tara, keep up.
Are you allergic to everything? Yeah.
OK, bad idea.
I'll see you later.
I didn't know you liked dogs.
They're loyal.
And mute.
Here, he's hungry.
Oh, so I'm going to ask if they've got any spare sausages at the cafe.
No doubt another psycho calling.
I still don't understand why it had to be my number on the flyer.
Nice dog.
He's a stray and we're looking for his family.
Did you want something? Oh, I was I was just thinking, we don't talk anymore.
We never talk.
I'm busy, Christian.
What, you're blowing me off already? I thought we were meant to be getting along nowadays.
Do you have to work at being annoying or is it just a natural talent? OK, so, not another psycho.
Rather, the legitimate owners of Lady Curlington.
They're coming for HER right away.
Who would call a dog that? Um, where is she? Guys, where's the dog? Um Ziggy! Ziggy.
Yes, alright.
I completely spaced.
Just Oh, I'm on my way.
Sorry, Petra! And the smirk.
That's really annoying.
I smirk? And your mole.
What is that meant to be anyway? It just it just sits there.
Well, I don't think I can change that one, sorry.
And you've always got an answer for everything, even if it's just your Smirk? Yeah, exactly.
I'll get him.
Come here, boy.
Come here.
It's a girl.
Here, girl.
Come here, Ziggy, come here.
Come on, grab her.
Ohh! Ziggy! Oi! Don't go there.
Do not go there.
Come here.
Ziggy? Come here, boy girl, sorry.
Come here.
Come here.
Come here! Ziggy! Ziggy! Come on.
Ziggy? Good girl.
Don't go.
Ready? And now! Ziggy? Ziggy! Oh, I just missed you so much.
Come here.
Oh, good.
Guys, great, you're still here.
We'd better get going.
It's too late.
I've had to send the bus away.
Well, can't you just get it back? I'm so sorry.
There was this dog called Lady Curlington, but we called her Ziggy, and she went missing and we couldn't find her.
It was total chaos.
You promised.
I'll call the Academy.
They can find you another punishment.
I can't risk these kids with someone they can't trust.
The first time I went en pointe, I didn't realise how much I'd cheated my technique.
You can hide things in flats, but when your entire body weight is resting on two toes, there's no room for faking it.
Hey, where'd you go? Don't ask.
Your weaknesses are on display.
Hey, you guys should check this out.
It actually turned out surprisingly well.
It never happened.
So, you two kissed and made up yet? And all of the groundwork you thought you'd done unravels in an instant.

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