Dance Brothers (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Chapter 9

Well, like I said, it's pretty hard
to rehearse our whole duet myself
without you, so
You can still do it solo,
up until the end if needed.
I have to stay off my ankle
whenever possible, so
How badly did you injure it?
I'm starting to get really worried.
Here we go.
- Nervous about your number?
- Yeah.
- Everything'll be just fine.
- Right.
- We need to get going.
- You?
Nah, you're an expert at performing.
Kiddo, you got this.
I'll watch your performance
from out there,
and then then we'll blow 'em away
with "Lullaby," right?
Hey, Angelo.
Thank you for this opportunity.
And for everything I've learned from you.
Don't mention it.
This is only the beginning.
Come on.
Out of the way! Get out of the way!
Give it a good push.
Are you even trying?
Good evening, Helsinki!
Thank you Karo and company.
Yeah, right.
I I have to stop this
and make one thing clear.
I'm kind of at a loss for words
since my warm-up act
stole my song after months of hard work.
Karo's grandma must've
stole your song first, yeah?
I had to reclaim what is mine,
because you were
disrespectful in every way.
Sorry, not sorry.
Yeah, that's just fine.
Hey, you haven't Hey, you haven't heard
You haven't heard the new fucking song!
- Fuck you! Fuck!
- Keep
Keep it going! Keep it going!
Why are you here at this hour?
I would ask you the same thing.
You weren't at home.
I was stood up.
For the second time, by the same guy,
so excuse me for not feeling social.
What's wrong?
Thank you.
I'm sorry it's not going well.
But there will be other opportunities.
Those are Sakke's.
Now that's horrible.
Mine are blue.
Those are the only ones
available for you now.
Maybe for once you can try to see
what it's like to be in Sakke's socks.
- You mean switch roles? How? Like?
- Just that.
- So, entirely?
- It's the solution.
Oh, no. Uh-uh.
Come on,
we can't switch now at this stage.
Why not?
It might not be a really big deal for you,
learning another role you wrote.
How am I supposed to learn your role
with the time we've got?
And your doctor said
you shouldn't be dancing with your ankle,
or you'll fuck it up permanently.
It's all good,
as long as I don't overextend it.
And your role doesn't require that, Sakke.
We must not give up now, all right?
Don't you want to show everyone?
Angelo and Karo and Bosch and our mother?
We will make this work, bro.
And then we will show them all.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two, three, four.
I'll catch you,
push you away, a step back, a look.
- Yes.
- And then a firm look.
We feel this pull between us, right here.
Feel the pull of this hand.
Let's practice the end a bit.
What, for example, have you
been doing when I am doing this?
Sakke, hey! Hi! Say hi to Sakke!
- Yo. Hey.
- Why you there? Why you not here?
Why you so boring these days?
We've been rehearsing.
You can't be rehearsing
all the time.
As a matter of fact, we can.
Are you at least coming
to the Bosches' party?
Hey, you, I have to get going.
Okay, then. Bye-bye! Have fun!
- Don't force it.
- Yeah, okay.
You're supposed to hydrate,
not gawk at the painter.
Strong lift, like this.
One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
One, two
What happened?
Wasn't sure your leg could take it.
Didn't wanna risk it.
Don't worry about the leg.
I'll tell you if I can't take it.
- Okay?
- Okay. Yeah.
Okay. again. Again, again.
Open the door!
- Yes you can. You're not trying.
- Karo!
- You'll make a public apology
- Oh shit.
- Shh!
- What did he say?
and admit that you gave me
the right and free rein to make "Lullaby"!
Do you hear me?
We can take care of this ourselves, okay?
Or you can leave it to the lawyers.
How's that sound, huh?
Open the door!
Do you realize what you've done?
Open this door!
Do you realize what the fuck you've done?
Ile dissolved my contract!
Ile dissolved my contract!
Shh, shh!
What the fuck?
Who the hell are you shushing?
What do you want?
Help with euthanasia, huh?
Oh, you want a picture?
Here's a fucking picture!
Angelo, Angelo, Angelo!
Huh? What?
This story You know this, okay,
but you weren't
you weren't at that brunch.
It was the wildest
of the millennium, okay?
- Hi, darling.
- Ingvil, you came.
- We Oh, excuse me, dear.
- Sure, go.
Hey, hi. Congratulations!
Welcome, darling boys.
Thank you, thank you.
- Congrats!
- You look amazing.
- Yeah. Thirty years together!
- Wow.
I mean, wow.
Hey, we have a small gift for you.
We thought we'd hang that on the wall.
Oh, wonderful.
Here are
two tickets to our premiere.
Best seats in the house.
Of course, I have to say
I wanna say I'm very sorry,
but we're gonna have to leave early.
My leg is still acting up.
We'll get you a pillow for it
and a little ice. Come.
Thank you.
I think you would've liked it.
Many of you have been asking how I'm doing
with all of this fabricated media frenzy.
I'm good, boy. I'm good.
And many of you have asked
where and when
you can hear the real "Lullaby."
It'll happen soon,
right here at Laundry.
Stay tuned, kids. Stay tuned.
What is wrong?
Are you still heartbroken?
Afraid so.
And we have a small issue
with our club, Laundry, so yeah.
Oh? Problem with renovations?
Oh, no, it's completely different.
But no, no, no.
Let's not talk about it now.
Are you having a nice time?
Now listen.
As your partner,
I must know about every crisis.
He lost all of his shares
in Laundry in a wager with Angelo.
So that's kind of a crisis.
But that's not really a crisis at all.
Well you see, this Angelo
is such a snake that he, uh
He wants to turn Laundry
into something with no soul.
There's nothing he touches that
No, I meant that
this Angelo guy is not a problem
because Firuz and myself
have the right of redemption
on all shares
that you and your brother Roni
might wish to divest of.
So Roni cannot give them away on a whim
or lose them in a wager or in a bet.
Not without our permission
in the very first place, you see.
- So it would be a breach of contract?
- Mm-hmm.
Yes, we can talk about it whenever.
Just come to my office.
For now let's forget all that,
because, shh, listen.
Tonight, everyone must dance
with Aida Azizi.
Okay, but you have to get Firuz
to go along. He's your dance partner.
Oh, hi there.
Are you all playing hide & seek?
Yeah, sort of.
Hey, Sakke, by the way,
- you still have my '91 issue of Playboy.
- Hey.
Could you please return it, okay?
It's got a lot of sentimental value.
The what now?
No, I don't have that.
- Sakke, come on.
- What are they talking about?
Return the Playboy!
Should we ask Uncle Johannes about it?
Okay, let's go visit him.
Now, you two have fun.
It's impossible not to have fun here.
This is the place.
Your song and the whole performance?
Absolutely awesome.
Your number one fan.
I am pretty proud of it.
Although there are easier ways
to get yourself unemployed.
You'll find better jobs. Really.
- You will.
- I hope so.
I see you continued
with your brother after all.
Yeah. The opportunity at Dance Fest
is is a dream come true.
You don't just skip it.
Never know, we might
go abroad or something.
And And Roni couldn't
do it without me, so
And everything is going well now.
I have partied much less
and I really miss you.
I miss you too.
But when you said you're not like
that person you were at Kiddo's,
I was there.
And you were like that.
You were horrid that night.
And frightening.
It was really so ugly and weird.
So you need to recognize
when you do it and deal with it.
For your own sake.
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