Dark Heart (2018) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

1 Excuse me? I'm very sorry, but you really shouldn't be in here right now.
Mass doesn't start for another hour.
And the church really isn't meant to be open.
I'm very sorry, miss, but I really must ask you to leave.
Help! S-Somebody help! Morning, sir.
If you think of anything you remember, just let me know.
Yes, I will.
No problem.
So, the priest found her when he came in to get things ready for the six o'clock mass, just after five.
How do.
And she was kneeling, you said? Yeah.
This is the position she then fell into.
Have you ever seen that before? Once, with an overdose, but the guy had a syringe in his hand and track marks all over his body, so Ah.
When was the last time the church was open? Last mass yesterday was at nine, then both doors should have been locked.
We're checking with the lady that does the flowers that they were, and for any other entry points that might have been forced.
The priest doesn't think she's a regular but says she might be familiar.
He's not making much sense.
No marks on her, no blood, no obvious defensive wounds from what we can see here.
And if this isn't natural causes, my guess is she was brought here already dead.
Couple of broken nails there, but let me get her back to the mortuary.
These clothes are all new.
And the ring looks bespoke.
It's not something you'd find on the high street.
Photos, please.
The ring and the stickers.
If she was brought here already dead, why would somebody do that - bring a body into a church? And why put her here next to the Virgin Mary and not there, in front of the main altar? There's care here, don't you think? Consideration.
What, aside from the possible murder, you mean? Contradictions in the church? Yeah.
Who'd have thought! Ed? Hey.
Oi, catch.
That's three of your five a day, there.
How's that? Orange, onion, potato.
Ha! Do you do school lunches or does your mum make you sandwiches? Sandwiches.
All right.
Well, I'm making you your favourite tonight, yeah? He's a hungry kid.
Can you call them, then, yeah? I can't call Interpol! Why not? Because he's not a missing person! Except he is, though, isn't he, Will? No! He's not.
He packed his bags, he booked a flight, he's used his bank cards multiple times in Italy.
That doesn't mean he is not missing! That's exactly what it means.
He's not missing.
He just He He left, Jules.
I'm sorry.
Like, maybe just move on.
You're not even taking it remotely seriously.
Oh, I am, actually.
You're not! No, I am! You could help me! I am trying to help you.
You're choosing not to help me.
Listen We know Paulo is alive and well.
Yeah? So maybe just put him on hold for a minute and concentrate on your son.
Because to be brutally honest, he doesn't look like he's had a wash or a decent meal in, like, a week.
Excuse me.
How dare you? How dare you?! Harry, get your bag.
Oh, Jesus, OK.
Don't be daft, Jules! Look Jules! Jesus! I mean, the day I start taking parenting lessons from you! OK, I'm sorry! I have cooked you both an entire meal.
The man with the emotional age of a fucking toddler! I've cooked you an entire meal! You complete wanker.
Jules, come on.
Look, I'll call Interpol, OK? I'll call them.
I'll call them.
Single stab wound here penetrating three inches, which punctured the abdominal aorta.
Ah, so she would have bled to death.
In about a minute.
But that means when we found her, she would have had to have been washed postmortem and redressed.
Yeah, I found evidence of exactly that.
Look, traces of dried blood inside her ear, and a bit of soap between her natal cleft.
But wherever she died, we're going to find a lot of the blood.
There's no defensive wounds, no marks on the hands That and the single wound suggests the attack was unexpected.
Anything in her pockets, any phone? No.
But the nails were false.
Look, two of them on her right hand snapped off.
So when you find where she was killed, you wanna find the ends of these, too.
Anything else? She'd had sex not too long before she died.
Found a small amount of ejaculate in her vagina, which early tests appear to suggest are from more than one man.
So what are we talking, two? Three? Don't know yet.
Still waiting for full results.
Is there any sign that the sex was non-consensual? Possibly.
There's some slight bruising, but give me a day or so Just one second.
So the ring was paste, but luckily for us, expensive paste.
A one-off made by a costume jeweller's in Hoxton and bought about eight months ago on a business credit card in the name of Suzy Moyland of Essex AF Ltd.
You got an address? So some sort of gang rape? Yeah, but I mean, how does that square with what we saw in the church, with the washing and the new clothes, the care after she's dead? Guilt.
It's Catholic.
She's my business partner.
Why? And when was the last time you saw her? Friday, I think.
Is there a picture of her somewhere we could see? I'm very sorry to have to tell you this, Miss Davies .
but we found a body yesterday and we have good reason to believe it was Miss Moyland's.
I'm so sorry.
No! What happened? Where was it? We're not 100% sure.
We're trying to piece it together, but there is strong evidence to suggest she was murdered.
So we're gonna need to ask you everything you know about her last movements.
First up, can you tell us what sort of business it is you run here? We make pornography.
Pornography? Yes.
Er, is that films or? Films.
Still, online content, everything.
And what role did Suzy have in the company? Several.
She produced, she directed, but mainly she performed.
So she was in them? She's? She's an actress? She was more than an actress.
She was a star, as Amber Ray Lane.
She was a porn star.
There you go.
All right? Thanks.
We met four years ago.
How did you meet? On a shoot, Go Along Girl.
Just clicked.
I'm sure that sounds strange to meet a friend like that.
We make friends at work the same way you do.
Why did you click, do you think? I don't know.
She was a lot younger than me.
She was 20, I was 35, but She lost her mum when she was a kid and I ain't got no children, so maybe we fulfilled some kind of need in each other.
She looked so much younger than her years and she was so tiny.
I guess I loved her a bit like a daughter.
So, can we just go over your movements this weekend, Kerry? Were you in London? No, I was at a friend's house in Suffolk.
From when to when? Went up Friday night, came back Monday morning.
Did anyone see you there? I have no idea.
We are gonna need you to find someone who can corroborate that.
Do you know what Suzy's movements were over the weekend? No.
That's if she wasn't shooting here.
Did she have a partner? Used to.
They were together a couple of years, but that ended two, three months ago.
Who ended the relationship? She did.
Amicably, or? You'd have to ask him.
A number for him would be useful.
Was there anyone else that she might have had an issue with? Anyone she'd fallen out with, owed money to? No.
She make good money here? No-one makes good money in porn any more, but she survived.
She adapted, like we all have.
How? Insta, custom films, Snapchat.
Do you have a list of the customers? Got credit card payment receipts.
And then family.
Um Did she have any brothers or sisters? Two brothers, both younger.
Was her father still alive? Yeah.
Are they a religious family, do you know? She was raised Catholic, but pretty lapsed, I'd say.
Did he know what she did, her dad? I don't know.
But if you do this job, you'd better do it knowing that 99% of men are gonna watch you having sex sooner or later.
But go easy when you tell him.
Maybe he's the one percent.
You know, I didn't expect a pornographer's office to look like that.
Well, it's a business, isn't it? They still need a secretary and admin and accounts.
You've made the phrase "double entry book-keeping" come into my head! Child.
Get the feeling she was ever so slightly lying through all that? It's me again.
Call me, please.
Just call me.
Teresa, there's someone here to see you.
I'm pretty sure I locked it, yeah, but I was a little distracted.
Distracted by what? Well, the man.
The man? I told Father Connelly about him.
Right, he never mentioned anything.
Well there was a man as I was locking up .
asking about what time the first mass was the next day.
Except I I'd never seen him before, and I thought he was odd.
And had you been drinking at all that night, Mrs Clark? Absolutely not, no.
And did you see in which direction that this man left? No.
Would you be able to come into the station and do an e-fit? Do you watch porn? Sometimes.
Why, do you? Sometimes.
We'll let you know when we're done.
Do you wanna go and do the neighbours? Yeah.
And when you say a row? Raised voices.
And both female or a man and a woman, or? Both sounded female to me.
An approximate time? Between 7:30 and eight, definitely.
I was trying to watch EastEnders.
I presume you do know about the stalker? 'First new message.
'Message received Saturday, 14th April, at 11:23am.
'Hey, it's me.
'I've found someone.
'See you there, 8pm tonight at 7 Ingham Court.
' OK, the management have flats downloading the past seven days of CCTV, so pick that up, speak to the officer who dealt with the stalker because apparently no-one was ever arrested and find out who she rents her landline from, see if we can trace who called her at 11:23 on Saturday morning.
We're heading to Ingham Court now.
Rob, any joy on Suzy's ex? Yeah, I've left a message for him.
If I don't hear back today, I've got a work address, so we'll call round.
Good stuff.
Thanks, Rob.
OK, wait here.
We might have some blood in here, guv.
Yeah? Might have a little bit here, too.
So, we now know the body was washed and re-dressed here.
There were new clothing tags found on the floor and the soap by the sink in the back room matches traces of the soap that was found on the body.
All reinforce the idea that there was care here, you know? Likeconsideration.
Other than the murder itself, it's worth remembering there was just one wound, one single stab wound, so this was not a frenzied attack.
So what does that tell us? Forensics have found multiple fingerprints in both rooms, so it's obviously going to take a long time to extract any information there, and we still don't know how Suzy's body was transported, but there were rubber drag marks on the parquet flooring which correspond with marks that were found on her shoes.
And Suzy's car, still missing, but my best guess is that she parked it in the service area when she arrived and then it was later used by the killer.
Where are we with the CCTV? None at the back.
There's one at the entrance, but we're trying to identify who owns it.
Well, do a sweep of the streets round the office block, see if we can pick up when the car left, and, obviously, do the shop that the clothing tags came from.
I would love to find her phone.
So, our key person of interest now is the man who called her the day she died, arranged to meet her Saturday night.
BT, we're still waiting on them to identify the call, right? But the lab's now confirmed that the semen of two men was found in the victim, so we're hoping that DNA analysis of the beer bottles will give us something.
What a lot to think about.
Good luck, everyone.
Josie, let's go and see the father.
Mr Moyland? There you go.
So Can I ask when the last time you saw her was? Ah, maybe a month ago.
We had Sunday lunch together up here, all four of us.
Oh, God! How am I going to tell her brothers? And the, er, last few days, you've beenyou've been here? Yeah, I've been here.
I have two sons to raise.
When was the last time you spoke to her? Last week some time, I think.
She rang most weeks.
And she seemed fine? Didn't mention any difficulties? No, none at all.
Did she speak to her brothers on that call? Yeah.
How old are they? 15 and 18.
And they never had any falling out or? Oh, God, no! They adored her.
When their mum died, basically Suzy helped me raise them.
So, no.
Whatever horrible idea you're reaching for, you're wrong.
They would never hurt a hair on her head.
And you? And me what? I mean, you had a good relationship with her? She got pretty angry when her mum died.
I mean, what kid wouldn't? And I took the brunt of it, which is fine.
That's my job.
But as she got older, as she grew up .
the closer we got.
So, yeah .
we had a great relationship.
And does the name Amber Ray Lane mean anything to you? The kids came home from school a couple of years ago.
Um somebody had seen something online and recognised her.
That wasn't easy.
I mean, nobody wants to think of their daughter or sister like that.
But Suzy and I spoke about it, and she said it was her choice, that .
it was what she did, not who she was.
She said she was happy.
That was good enough for me.
Oh, that's my boys.
Oh, we're gonna need to speak them as well.
No, no, no, not now, please.
Just one-one final question - is there anything now or in her past that you can think of that might help us in this investigation? No.
Listen, please, I need to be alone with my boys.
Something at the end there about her past.
Oh, yeah.
Pat Elland? DI William Wagstaffe.
You haven't been returning our calls.
Look, I didn't like it.
Who would? But it was her job, and it's what made her happy.
That was the deal we had from the beginning.
So why did it end? I think she met someone else.
What makes you think that? Dunno, just the last couple of months, she got really .
really distant, you know? She started not coming home after work, staying with friends .
not talking to me much.
It was just like It was like she lost all interest in us.
So she ended it? Yeah.
Did she ever mention someone else? No.
Did you ever find out if there was anyone? No.
Did it make you angry, Pat, when she asked you to leave? No, not angry, no.
Sad, yeah.
Yeah, really sad, cos I adored her.
And I always will.
Are we done? Yeah.
Thank you.
What do you think? Well, I think men have killed for a lot less.
I think he knows who she was seeing.
So, the beer bottle swabs gave us a match, name of Liam Bryce Williams, arrested in possession of cocaine four years ago, got a caution.
And then the CCTV footage you requested outside Suzy's flat - now, we've located a figure leaving the building on Friday night at 19:54, which corresponds to the time the neighbour overhead the argument.
The team have identified her as one Kerry Davies.
So, what was the row about? A film she was making on Saturday night.
I thought you said she wasn't working.
I lied.
She was making a gonzo flick.
A Sorry, is that G-O-N-Z-O? What is that? A kind of handheldstar.
Meant to make the viewer feel like they're kind of in the room.
They tend to be extreme, multiple male partners and the sex can be quite violent.
She wanted my boyfriend to be in it.
Leon? Do you know him? Hm.
Was he there? Tell me what the row was about.
I didn't want him to do it.
Why? Cos I have boundaries, too.
And I don't like those kind of films, I think they can be dangerous.
Because? Because there's a lot of stupid men out there who can mistake fantasy for reality.
Men like Leon? I meant punters.
So did you tell him that you didn't want him to do it? Yes.
Did he listen to you? I haven't spoken to him since Friday.
I've rung and rung.
And now you're scared he did it anyway.
Yeah? Maybe something went wrong, maybe-maybe he pushed it too far.
He is not a violent man at all.
I just don't know why he's disappeared.
Why do women make films like this, Kerry? I mean, I I guess I can kind of understand why men would .
but why do women? Money.
They sell well.
For whatever the reason, Suzy wasn't the sort of person to do something she didn't want to.
It would have been her choice.
What, to be abused and degraded for men's pleasure? Maybe hers, too.
Human sexuality is a complicated thing, DI Wagstaffe.
Who knows why people get turned on by what they do? Whatever your fantasy is, I bet you have absolutely no idea where that comes from.
Well, she'd obviously seen your search history.
Ha-ha! You see? You can be funny! Hm.
She's right, of course.
There are legions of dim-witted blokes out there who think that sort of shit's what women really want.
Not to mention the kids who watch this sort of stuff nowadays.
Yeah, I mean, that's obviously messed up.
I'm sensing a "but" coming.
No, it's just I mean, who gets to decide what pornography's all right? I mean, is it you? Me? Definitely not you, no.
Are you saying there should be a Government censor of sexuality? I dunno, but I've represented at least half a dozen young men in the last few years who have forced women to do exactly the sort of shit that you're talking about, genuinely believing they liked it.
So, you think it was this porn actor, then, this Leon, that killed her? Er He's one of the guys we want to talk to, yeah.
Why do you ask? Oh, I'm just curious.
I've got to get going.
Why? I thought you were staying.
Yeah, I've got a breakfast meeting and I like my own bed.
See you Friday, yeah? Oh, maybe.
Maybe? Oh, great, I get a "maybe".
Don't commit too hard.
I'll call you.
So, Leon Williams, porn actor.
And whichever one of you chose that photo's fired.
That was Rob, obviously.
His flatmate hasn't seen him since Monday and then Sean Days, who Kerry believes was the other actor used, he has also gone AWOL, so, known associates, phone tracking, anything, everything we can do to find them, please.
I went through the bank statements that we found at Suzy's apartment.
All seemed pretty normal, and then I found this.
She deposits 20K in four transactions over four days, then two days later takes it all back out again, also in four transactions.
Oh, sorry.
Just one second.
Hi, big fella.
What's up? Mum's been acting really weird.
Talking to herself and stuff.
I'm sure she's fine, mate.
She's probably just really tired.
You at home? Yeah.
Josie, call the bank, check the CCTV footage of her depositing the money, see if there was someone with her, yeah? OK, mate, I'm on my way.
Forgive me, Father, I have sinned.
I don't know where to begin.
You can't fucking deny it, because he called me! He finally called me this afternoon, and do you know what he told me? He told me that you beat him up, you had him arrested and then you made him leave! Don't deny it.
OK, yeah.
Yeah, I admit it, it was me.
Why would you do that? Why would you do that? Because he wasn't good for you, Jules.
He wasn't good for you.
He certainly wasn't good for Harry.
He's just not a good man.
He loves me.
We were gonna get married.
It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.
But I did it because I thought it was the right thing to do, and I did it I love you both.
You don't you don't know what love is.
What's that supposed to mean? You've never loved anyone.
Me, yourself, anyone.
You wouldn't know love if it spat on you.
Mum? There were three separate incidents all reported by Suzy after the third one, same thing each time.
Her block has communal gardens at the back which are gated, and on each occasion, Suzy said she saw a figure in the bushes filming.
All at night? All round about 10 or 11.
Now, the third time, she knocked on a neighbour's door, who went downstairs who actually ended up giving chase.
Did we get a description? Partial.
Average height, Caucasian, but what's better than that is he dropped his beanie and we have it in storage.
Can I? Yeah.
How are you doing? Fine.
You really don't do small talk, do you? Party Friday.
Do you wanna take me? Yeah, sure.
Charing Cross Tube, 8 o'clock.
See you then? OK, safe.
I know you can't divulge anything specific, Doctor, but I just wanted to say, as her brother and next of kin, I'm worried about her.
Yeah, I mean, if you could call her, that'd be amazing, but listen, if she tells you she's fine, just I need you to know that she's really not.
Yeah, OK.
You all right? Yeah, fine.
Forensics just found this.
What is it? False nail.
Shit, where was it? Stuck between two floorboards, and what's really sweet is it looks like there's material underneath it, like skin material.
I just need to get my laptop.
Shall we? Yeah.
I'd say that was a pretty good likeness.
Well, look, well, thank you very much for coming in.
I, um .
I spoke to her, you know.
The girl, the victim.
I'm sorry? Only once.
But, yeah, we spoke.
You didn't mention this before.
I've only just seen a photo of her in your office.
So, when was this? Er It was a few months ago, at the church.
And how did you end up speaking to her? She lookedsad .
and I asked if she was OK, and she said she was, and But I could see she looked a bit tearful, so I asked her if she'd like me to pray with her and she said she would, and so I-I-I sat down and we prayed, and then we just got chatting.
I remember thinking She was bright.
As bright as a button.
And she looked like she'd done well for herself.
She was dressed well, and lovely jewellery.
But there was something missing.
Like what? I don't know.
But she did say she felt she'd lost her way, lost her faith.
In God? Yeah.
But more her faith in the world, I think.
And did she? Did she mention anything specific that she thought might have caused that, like a person or an event? Something you think that might be useful to us? What else? Men.
They were taking advantage of her, used her .
exploited her.
She actually said that? Sadly, yes.
She did.
How are you? Very well, thank you.
It's nice to see you.
Good to see you, too.
Shall we go inside? It's more private.
So the film was actually live streamed.
What, as it was being made? Yeah onto a new website that she'd set up here.
£4:99 a pop.
It's encrypted, which means that it can't be recorded as it went out.
Obviously, this is porn and the Internet, so there's plenty of sites that have done just that, and this is it.
Jesus, this is horrible.
How long does it last? Yeah, OK, well, here's the thing - so it started at 9pm, and then at 18 minutes and 25 seconds, there, wait for it There, it stops mid-scene.
Does it come back? No.
No, it doesn't.
I've been on half a dozen sites.
They've all got the footage and it's the same on every one.
At 18 minutes and 25 seconds, it just It stops dead.
So, these are our two performers.
The first, Sean Days, he's seen leaving the building on CCTV footage at 20 to 12.
And this is 54 minutes after the footage cut out.
And the second, our man Leon, he never comes out.
Not from the front door, anyway.
And nor does Suzy.
Come here.
I know what you did!
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