Dark Matter (2015) s03e04 Episode Script

All the Time in the World

1 Previously on "Dark Matter" With the Blink Drive, you just disappear from one place and reappear somewhere else.
It's an upgrade.
Makes your speech and mannerisms more human.
We're not leaving you behind.
These people need direction.
Without stasis, the disease ran its course.
You're saying Sarah is alive - as a computer program.
- Welcome back.
Bounty hunters.
Take back what's mine and take out the crew of the "Raza.
" [engines whooshing.]
- One.
- Breakfast in bed.
What Yes, it is a fine morning, and no, it's not a faulty relay switch.
I didn't take it.
Check behind the night stand.
How did you know [Three grunts.]
All right.
- Are you drunk? - Nope.
Isn't that one of Tabor's bathrobes? Maybe.
Is that our entire week's food supply? Guys, what's with the third degree? What the hell is wrong with you? You'd never believe it, trust me.
What's that? - My breakfast.
- No, that.
Get your nasty-ass fingers away from my food.
Mmm! I'm warning you.
[breathing heavily.]
Here we go again.
[dramatic electronic music.]
- Breakfast in bed.
- Yeah.
Hey! [grunts.]
What? Fine morning, yes.
Faulty relay switch, no.
I didn't take it.
Check behind your night stand.
How'd you know my holster was behind my night stand? And how did you know it wasn't a faulty relay switch? I knew because your holster is always behind the night stand, and it's never a faulty relay switch.
What is that supposed to mean? I have been reliving the same day over and over and over again.
Okay, I'll admit life on a ship can be pretty boring af No.
I'm not talking about repeating similar things.
I am talking about reliving the exact same day a couple dozen times already.
Five says "Hey," Adrian falls down, you're working on the relay switch, you want to know about your holster.
And then you follow me in here and we have this little conversation.
You don't believe me, of course, and so you take me into the infirmary where you run a neural scan.
- Like I said.
- Anything? I don't see any [together.]
Signs of neural issues.
Blood pressure is normal.
Cholesterol is Slightly ele Vated.
See, I've been here before.
You're having a case of déjà vu.
Mm, except that in this case, it's déjà do.
Over and over and over again.
See, I go to sleep, I wake up, I'm back in bed right where I was in the very beginning.
- A temporal loop.
- That's it.
Theoretically, a continuously repeating chronal anomaly fragmented from linear time.
Okay, I'm thinking of a number between one and ten.
- Usually, it's five.
- Sometimes six.
Occasionally, four and eight.
If you're reliving this same day, shouldn't you be more specific? That's just it Things always start off the exact same way, but then as the day goes on, they change a little bit Not much, but enough for you not to believe me.
The Butterfly Effect.
That's also very familiar.
The slightest of changes in early behavior result in larger differences down the line.
For instance, getting out of bed on the opposite side could create a delay that engenders a different chain of events.
I'd like to stress that this is entirely theoretical.
You had me going there.
That was a good one.
I'ma go to the mess and grab a coffee, and I'll five Five moping, and then Solara's gonna ask me to spar, and then you are gonna find a fingernail in that soup you picked up on Balda-4! I better not, or I'll know who's responsible! You believe this could be happening to me, right? I believe you believe this could be happening to you.
[upbeat techno music.]
All right, come at me.
I'm exhausted.
Why don't you come at me for a change.
[both grunting.]
Gotta stay grounded.
Keep a low center of gravity.
See? Even this imbecile can pick up on your weaknesses.
Imagine fighting someone with half a brain.
This imbecile wasn't even in the room when you took him down, so you should ask yourselves, how did he do it? I have a notoriously high center of gravity.
It's true.
He does.
No, that's not it.
Then what is it? Never mind.
You two are the only ones onboard with a memory of your past.
I'm gonna need you to tell me something about yourself.
Something that no one else could possibly know.
- Why? - So that later, when I reveal your secrets, you'll be amazed at how I could possibly know.
Uh, no, no, we won't, because we will have told you.
But you're not gonna remember telling me.
Why won't we remember telling you? Look, I don't have time to explain.
No, in fact, that's not true.
I have a lot of time.
But I would prefer not to, because you will not believe me.
Give it up.
Deep, dark secrets.
Let's go.
- Tell you what - No.
How many times do I have to say this? I'm not sparring with you! [scoffs.]
I have an idea.
Does it involve me being oconspirator in a plot to plant a human fingernail in Two's dinner? No.
I think I figured out a way to convince you that what I'm saying is happening to me - is really happening to me.
- Okay.
Have you figured out what's wrong with the FTL engines yet? Yes.
You guessed correctly.
- It wasn't a faulty relay switch.
- Okay, it wasn't a guess.
One of the antimatter transducer feeds was compromised by an impairment in one of the particle accelerators.
I got it.
Where are you going? To find Solara and get her to reboot me! Okay.
Check behind your night stand.
It's not a faulty relay switch.
It's an accel It's an acceleration translator ometer.
- What? - Shit.
Behind the night stand.
One of the accelerator particle something or other What's it's got caught behind the something.
- Hey.
- Hello.
I don't know.
I wrote it down.
This is blank.
Shit! [grunts.]
Are you sure about this? This is a very powerful stimulant.
Every time I fall asleep or I lose consciousness, the loop starts over again, so if I don't fall asleep or I don't lose consciousness, I stay awake 'til tomorrow.
The loop's broken.
Things go back to normal.
You think will work, right? I think you think it will work.
Come on.
Just hit me up with the jitter juice, let's go.
Consider the fact that this situation manifested itself after you learned that Sarah's consciousness was digitally uploaded.
It's not some symptom of depression.
- Maybe if you - No.
I'm not talking to Sarah or whatever that thing is in the ship's computer.
Her digital consciousness.
And it's very much her.
The revelation that she's still alive has clearly affected No.
She is not alive.
That isn't her.
I'm not talking to some computer program.
As you wish.
[engines whooshing.]
[knocking at door.]
[knocking persists.]
What?! [door hisses open.]
Hey! Do you know what time it is? It's about an hour until tomorrow.
I feel good.
But I need someone to talk to to make sure I stay awake.
Well, then, go see the Android.
Unlike me, she doesn't need to sleep.
- She's in her charging station.
- Then go bother someone else.
I cannot bug anyone who could knock me unconscious.
So that leaves you.
- You forgot Five.
- Nope.
I didn't.
What do you want to talk about? My day.
Starts the same.
Every single morning, I wake up, I realize I'm still in this infernal loop.
So I go about my routine.
So she says, "Hey," then I say, "Hey," usually at the same time.
Then you fall down.
Then I walk by the Android.
It's not a faulty relay switch.
It's called the Butterfly Effect, which accounts for the variations in outcomes.
For instance, if I get up on the wrong side of the bed, or I forget to go to the bathroom one morning But I couldn't remember.
So when that didn't work, I realized the solution's obvious.
I just need to stay awake past the point in time when the loop resets.
And I think I did it.
I did it.
Oh, for f I'm never gonna be able to figure this out on my own.
I need help.
Oh, but you're not gonna take me seriously until I can prove to you that I'm actually living in this time loop.
I need to convince you.
And how do you propose to do that? Teach me something.
Teach me something that I would never know in a million years.
Well, I've just discovered that one of the antimatter No.
No science.
Something I'd never know in a million years, not ten million years.
But something equally useless to me.
Well, I am programmed to speak over two dozen languages.
Just pick one.
Français, peut-être? - German it is.
- That was French.
French is fine too.
I'd be happy to teach you so long as I can continue to effect repairs on the ship.
But I am fully capable of multitasking.
Okay, great.
Let's just do this, all right? Allons-y! That's French for "Let's go.
" Oh.
It's a good thing we have all the time in the world.
Ou est la chat de Monsieur Michaud? Meeshee meesha me shooshee sho sho.
No, you can't just make up your own words.
You have to actually repeat the words I say.
There's an impairment in one of the particle accelerators.
Yeah, can we just get on with this, please? Ou est le chat de Monsieur Michaud? Ou est le chat de Monsieur Michaud? Ou est le chat de Monsieur Michaud? Ou est le chat de Monsieur Michaud? Eté compromis par une déficience dans l'un des accélérateurs de particules.
L'un des flux antimatière transducteur L'un des accélérateurs de particules.
[both singing in French.]
[speaking French.]
When did you learn to speak French? Today.
That's what I'm saying.
I'm trapped in a time loop.
You had me going there.
- No ugh! - If anyone needs me, I'll be effecting repairs to the ship.
L'un des flux antimatière transducteur a été compromis par une déficience dans l'un des accélérateurs de particules.
What did you say? L'un des flux antimatière transducteur a été compromis par une déficience dans l'un des accélérateurs de particules.
What did he say? He said one of the antimatter transducer feeds has been compromised by an impairment in one of the particle accelerators.
I did.
[engines whooshing.]
I've completed the repairs.
We should arrive on Gemma-13 in approximately two hours.
Finally! A change of scenery.
It's been way Too long.
- You believe me.
- Mm.
- You believe me! - Mm-mm.
You believe me.
Thank you.
I don't know what to believe.
Either you're telling the truth or you're suddenly, magically, a French expert on FTL drives.
Assuming we accept the fact that this is really happening to you, can you think of any precipitating incidents that may have triggered the anomaly? I don't know.
No, I can't.
If the same day restarts every time you go to sleep Doesn't work.
What else have you tried? Something has you trapped in this temporal loop.
Perhaps, instead of repeating the same actions, you should do things differently, see if that changes anything.
It's worth a try.
Hey, Fiver.
Hey, listen, I know it sucks that Six left, but it's not the end of the world.
Can still visit him whenever you want, right? [scoffs.]
Really? That's supposed to make me feel better? Gotta stay grounded.
See, even this imbecile This imbecile isn't here to coach.
I'm here for secrets.
One from each of you.
Let's go.
Name your price.
- Well, I'll tell you what - Deal! [both scream.]
Be nice to finally get off this ship, stretch my legs.
You've been on board less than a day.
Well, I'm a free spirit.
I like to roam.
Well, don't roam too far because we leave in exactly three hours.
Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later, all right? I thought you were looking forward to a change of pace.
Well, I am.
It's just that I wanna get around to a long overdue chat first.
- You know how that works? - Yes, kid.
Android showed me how.
Okay, well, we'll be in radio contact.
Let us know if you want to meet up.
Got it.
[door chirps.]
[tender music.]
[grunts softly.]
I was wondering if When you'd come.
I wasn't sure.
I'm still not sure.
Neither am I.
I don't really understand it either.
But I know what I know.
I know who I am.
I've missed you, Marcus.
Missed you too.
I'm sorry.
I can't.
Marcus, wait.
[gasps softly.]
[device chirps.]
[both grunting.]
Who the hell are you? The name's Ash.
Emperor Ishida sends his regards.
[dramatic music.]
[tense music.]
Breakfast in bed.
- Hey! - Mess.
Three was correct.
One of the antimatter transducer feeds was compromised by an impairment in one of the particle accelerators.
So lucky guess? He's never spoken French before.
That doesn't prove anything.
- Trina.
- What? That was the name of the first girl you ever kissed.
Her brother Draydon was in love with you.
- How - You Snuck off that space station in a dress and heels to avoid the GA.
- That is not true.
- True.
I was there.
Somewhat true.
They weren't heels They were sensible pumps.
That the whole antimatter particle accelerator thing [speaks French.]
I realize this is a little hard to believe, but come on, guys.
I've been possessed by an alien.
We've all met alternate reality versions of ourselves.
In the scheme of things, not that big a stretch.
We are caught in a time loop, people.
Deal with it.
Technically, you're caught in a time loop.
We're all caught in this time loop.
I'm the only one to remember it, that's all.
This Ash guy, how did he get onboard? I have no idea.
So if what you say is true The solution is simple.
We just don't go to that space station.
He doesn't get on board.
You don't die.
How does that solve my time loop issue? One problem at a time, all right? We need to go to that space station.
We need to capture that assassin and find out how he knew where to find us.
Does it really matter? If Ryo Ishida can track us, then, yes, it matters.
[engines whooshing.]
Hey, Fiver.
You know, if there's one thing that being caught in this time loop has taught me, besides French, that is, it's that you can't stay stuck in the bad moments.
Because if you work hard enough at it, well, you can turn things around.
You've got the power to change things.
Are you serious? That's supposed to make me feel better? [sighs.]
Low center of gravity.
Now in addition to aggravating me, he's creeping me out.
I was wondering if When you'd come.
Yeah, I'm sorry, I should've No, don't be sorry.
I'm just I'm so happy you're here.
Me too.
Look, this is just a little hard on me, so How do you think it is for me, waking up here, finding out this is my world now? You're right.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I was dying.
Betrayed by my own body and Now that body is gone and I I don't know what I am anymore.
But one thing I know for sure that I'm lonely.
And I miss you, Marcus.
I miss you so much.
I miss you too.
So much.
I know you're having a hard time accepting me as the Sarah you once knew But you need to know that despite all this, I am the woman you knew.
Even for the short time you remember spending with me.
- Three, come in.
- Yeah.
We're about to drop out.
On my way.
[suspenseful music.]
[engines whooshing.]
Okay, so we all know what we're doing? The Android and I pretend we're leaving the ship to head into the station, then double back to the hangar to monitor the airlock.
I'm with you two, here on the ship, waiting for company.
- Good.
- What about me? What about you? - Where do you want me? - Back in your quarters.
- Are you serious? - It's too dangerous for you.
What about her? She'll be fine.
Yeah, okay.
If anyone needs me, I'll be in hiding.
[quirky music.]
[quiet battle cries.]
[mimics sword slashing.]
Guys, guys? There's someone on board.
You saw someone? I saw something that looked like someone.
No one's come through the airlock.
There's more than one airlock.
Android, have you picked up any activity at any of the other airlocks? No, Two.
None of the other airlocks have been compromised.
I'm telling you, there is someone on board.
Three? Yeah.
On my way to check it out.
[both gasp.]
What the hell is that? Low center of gravity.
I almost shot you.
I could have sworn he went that way.
Look, I'm sorry.
Maybe I'm just seeing things.
[door chimes.]
If anyone needs me, which I doubt, I'll be in my quarters.
[dramatic tones.]
Look out! [both grunting.]
Crews quarters! We need help! [both grunting.]
The Blink Drive! Where is it? What's a Blink Drive? [straining.]
[gasping and choking.]
[glass shatters.]
So you're both reliving the same day? Both: Yes.
Any idea why? We're not sure, but we think it has something to do with this.
In trying to save his life, I hit the merc over the head with that.
The second I made contact Boom, it was this morning all over again.
The night before, I was in his quarters - What? - Shut up.
I was looking through his assorted crap and I remember fiddling with that thing.
- Well, what is it? - Both: We just told you! - It's a time loopy device.
- Loopy thing.
Where did you get it? From Tabor's closet and, before that, the lab of Dr.
Alfonso Rezov.
He was a friend of a cousin of a client, some sort of scientist, who needed help funding his various tech ventures, so Tabor The guy owed Tabor money so he took a bunch of his stuff as collateral.
I was getting there.
What do you know about the device? We took it from his lab while he was out so not much.
Oh, careful.
So one of you brainy types studies this thing and fixes the time loop.
What about the guy who apparently walks through walls? Walks through walls? How is that even possible? Phasing technology.
There have been rumors that various corporations are researching the possibility, but as far as I understand, a potential working prototype was at least a decade away.
Look, all we have to do is avoid the space station, and Ishida's merc Problem solved.
Not quite.
We need to find out how they knew where to find us.
I was afraid you'd say that.
But kind of expecting it.
[engines whooshing.]
Hey, you got the FTL engines up and running, huh? Yeah, yeah, I'm just taking a break.
Then I'm gonna help the Android study that device.
You know I know you're upset that Six is gone, and I'm upset seeing you upset.
And I really wish there was something I could say to make it all right.
I really do.
That actually makes me feel a little better.
Yeah? Thanks.
All right.
[inhales and exhales deeply.]
Come at me.
You seem unusually confident.
That's because we've already done this, and, using my foreknowledge, I can predict your moves and counter accordingly.
[both grunting.]
I was wondering if When you'd come.
I'm sorry.
I should've come earlier.
Just needed some time to come to terms to with the situation.
Yeah, you're not the only one.
I know that.
I know.
And? [engine whooshing.]
[warbling tone.]
[tense music.]
[both grunting.]
What did you do to me? I don't know what you're talking about.
- Ahh! - We've done this before.
Been on this ship.
Met you.
How? [warbling blast.]
We've got about 20 minutes before the paralysis wears off.
Help me get him to the infirmary.
Your armor's genetically locked, making it impossible for anyone else to use it.
If you're wondering how I found you No.
Not anymore.
I had a hunch the dormant Blink Drive was emitting a subspace signal.
The real question was identifying the specific signature so we could shield against it.
Already done, so no help is coming.
I don't need help to take out the likes of you.
That's tough talk for a man in his gitch.
So which one of these controls your phasing abilities? [scoffs.]
None of them.
[warbling tone.]
What the hell? This is Two.
The prisoner has escaped.
He's unarmed, but dangerous.
Stay here in case he comes back for his gear.
[tense music.]
[both grunting.]
Hey, sweetie.
Mind telling me where I can find a weapon? I don't know I'm just A kid? Don't bother.
The Emperor told me all about you.
- [gasps.]
- [grunts.]
I got him on C-level.
Why don't you pick on someone your own size.
[both grunting.]
Ahh! [both grunting.]
[both grunting.]
[both breathing heavily.]
Ahh! [both grunting.]
[both straining.]
[gun chirps.]
Talk about abs of steel.
I'm guessing that device required some concentration to operate.
[engines whooshing.]
I believe I've figured it out.
- You sure? - No.
Why don't we just track down the guy who built it - and ask him? - We don't have enough time.
We've got maybe five hours until the loop resets at which point we'll be back to square one.
Is there another way to test it? Yes.
I'll set the device to send me back approximately five seconds into the past.
If it works, then we can assume my calibrations were correct.
All right.
Good luck.
Be right back.
[ominous music.]
[door hisses open.]
[dramatic music.]
[tense music.]
- [crying softly.]
- You okay? I don't understand.
What's happening to me? You're crying.
It's an expression of sadness.
In this case, grief.
[dramatic music builds.]
[tense, warped music.]
Welcome back.
Where am I? You're in a highly secure research facility under the direction of Electus Corp.
You were transferred here following your capture - by the Galactic Authority.
- Why? We work with the G.
as part of an official, mutually beneficial partnership.
In your case, for instance, we have the resources to retrieve information otherwise inaccessible to them.
Where are the rest of my crew? Rescue is impossible, so put it out of your head.
Instead, I'd like you to answer a few questions for me.
What can you tell me of the Android Liberation Front? I'm not familiar with any such group.
You're lying.
You've consorted with known members and you're under suspicion of having provided assistance in their terrorist actions.
I wouldn't.
Then why do you have this? It's an upgrade that allows you to pass as human.
This is illegal tech.
You are illegal tech.
Why am I unable to move? Everything from your neural matrix to your physical form is state-of-the-art unsanctioned technology.
I need to know who created you.
Why am I unable to move? Your touch receptors have been disabled below the neck.
Why? Because I'm a scientist.
Not a sadist.
[tense music.]
[dark music.]
Hello, Android.
Welcome to the end of time.
What happened to the stars? We're in a place where the stars are few and far between.
A long, long way from home.
This is the future? Yes.
You've been doing some time skipping.
What happened to you? To us? Very bad things.
I've been waiting for you longer than I can remember.
And, now that you're finally here, I'm going to have to make this quick.
You have a little under two minutes before you jump again.
- I've seen things.
- Yes.
Future glimpses.
You're trapped in a temporal anomaly.
But I can help you get back.
Destroy this device when you return.
That will sever the time loop, solve your problem.
There's no other way.
But, if I can find a way to understand it, perhaps I can undo some of the things There's no point in debate.
You'll destroy the device.
I know.
Where are the rest of the crew? Gone.
A long time ago.
How? Please tell me.
What awaits us? So much.
Dwarf Star's conspiracy.
The doubled deception.
The Accelerated.
The fall of the House of Ishida.
A meeting with your creator.
The Black Ships.
What does it all mean? Not a happy ending for everyone, but a positive result for the rest of the galaxy.
Telling you may motivate you to try to change your future, and I can't take that chance.
I'm sorry, Android.
Forgive me.
[dramatic music building.]
I'll set the device to send me back approximately five seconds into the past.
If it works, we can assume my calibrations were correct.
All right.
Good luck.
Be right back.
Well? Aren't you going to go? I just did.
[all exclaiming.]
- What are you doing? - Ending the time loop.
And the potential for any further temporal anomalies.
It's over.
I hope you're right.
Well, only one way to find out.
I'm going to bed.
Tomorrow's a new day, huh? I hope.
[engines whooshing.]
You're back.
I've had some more time to think.
And? [breathing heavily.]
Feels pretty real to me.
We lost contact with Ash following his initial report.
I can only assume he made contact with the "Raza" but ultimately failed in his attempt to take the Blink Drive.
It's unfortunate.
His failure's a double blow.
I've lost one of my best operatives as well as the means to tracking the "Raza.
" But all is not lost.
Given time, I believe I'll have another way to locate the ship.
And with your help, take it.

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