Eve (2015) s01e02 Episode Script

A Real Girl

- You can't tell anyone about this.
- She's Project Eternity.
This is Eve.
My cousin.
I actually believed it was a human.
How can you keep something like this a secret? Because they'll destroy her if we don't.
Project Eternity is real enough.
And I'm going to find it.
This is the 21st century.
Don't tell me a woman can just disappear.
I want Mary Douglas found as an urgent priority.
She's our most direct link to Project Eternity.
Ah, she's not the only one.
I'm following up another lead.
Morning, Eve.
Why are you wearing that? Human protocols require me to wear coverings.
Clothes, yeah, but why that? Where did you even find it? At the bottom of your dad's wardrobe.
OK, here's another human protocol.
It's not cool to go through other people's stuff.
All right? I must learn.
I must seek out information-rich environments.
Well, plenty of information right here.
Wait here.
Hello? HelloWill.
I'm Doctor Calvin, but you can call me Katherine.
Er, Dad's boss? Not just his boss.
- Dad! - Your father and I are oldfriends.
Dad, your boss is here.
'Dad! DAD! 'Dad?' Hello.
I'm Doctor Calvin.
Eh - Who are you? - My name is - Eve, Eve.
Er, this is Eve.
Er, this is my cousin from America.
I thought your father was an only child.
You must come from the mother's side.
No, I came from upstairs.
Er, I can't believe I overslept.
Um, for some reason, Ithought it was a Sunday.
It is a Sunday.
Um What's the problem? Why should there be a problem? I, um Er, you ininin, er, mymy house? Can't I pop round to pay a social call on an old friend? Er - Mmm.
- Yes.
But, actually, I do want you to come into work.
- Right.
- Immediately.
I think I might have found Mary's secret.
- It's not my fault.
- You should have stopped her.
- You're supposed to be protecting Eve.
- Am I in danger? - No.
- It's all right, nothing happened.
- Oh, you think? Just look what she's wearing.
Is that my old Scout uniform? Yes.
You have to help her look morenormal.
- 'Come on, Nick.
' - Coming! Katherine's not stupid.
She'll soon work out what's going on unless you help Eve to fit in.
I mean, you're one of a kind.
The first ever humanoid artificial intelligence.
And you just want to be like everyone else.
My protocols dictate that I must adapt.
I must dress like a typical human.
I must fit in.
Well, Will doesn't seem to think I dress like a normal human, but I'll see what I can do.
Don't move.
Actually, just don't do anything.
You're a robogirl! So you can't open it? Well, Mary never shared her passcodes with anyone.
Well, it was worth a try.
I'll just get the security boys to blast it open.
No! It could damage - What? - Well, what whatever's inside.
Look, I'll justI'll take a look at it.
Come on, Robogirl, speak to me.
Oh, yeah, Lily told you not to do anything.
Manual override.
State your name and mission or or you'll be in breach of your protocols.
My name is Eve.
I have four protocols.
Cool! 'Eve.
' Sit down.
Don't tell her I'm here.
Here we go.
My cousin Charlotte's cast-offs.
Not my style but very normal.
I should change my coverings now? Just pick what you like and take your time.
I'm going to go over to Will's.
Back in ten.
These clothes do not fulfil my protocol.
Tell me about it.
Look at these.
Supermarket trainers.
What's that all about? I told mum she was giving me a social death sentence, but would she listen? Evidence suggests she did not.
I do not want a social death sentence.
I must look normal.
So, what's normal for a robogirl? Oh, very clever.
Well? She's based it on her own invalidation of Fermat's last - theorem.
You see, Mary found - Just open it.
I haven't seen this in a while.
What is it? An early experiment.
Experiment in what? Artificial intelligence.
Er, II think, maymaybe.
This is your idea of normal, is it? These garments will not help me to fit in? No.
What were you thinking? My conclusions were based on limited data.
You're not joking there.
Where d'you even find this stuff? The small human helped me.
The small human? Abe.
Hi, Dad.
This had better be good.
I've got a major situation at work.
Oooh You've told him.
Well, he found out.
You've got a robogirl.
It's OK, Mr Clarke, he won't tell anyone.
Will you? - What's it worth? - Everything.
If Katherine finds out about Eve, she'll take her apart.
I'll keep your secret, Robogirl.
By the way, what is she wearing? I do not fit in.
Katherine will take me apart.
Don't worry, we'll sort it - Hi! - Oh, another one.
You, zip it.
- Oh.
Oh, hi, guys.
- Come in.
- Hiya.
- Hi, Mum.
Mrs Watson, have you met my cousin, Eve? Oh, no, not yet.
Butheard all about you.
What a lovely tutu.
Er, Mum, did you want something? Oh, yes.
You know that new time travel film you've all been on about? Time Trek 4 - Revenge Of The Future.
Ta-dah! I've got tickets.
For all of you.
Go on.
Here we are.
Oh And Oh! And you too.
Time Trek! You do realise that time travel is impossible? Unless you're a shape-shifting android from the year infinity plus one.
Infinity plus one? Yeah.
All the kids at school are talking about this movie.
- If you haven't seen it, you're no-one.
- To see it is to fit in.
My protocols require me to view thismovie.
Is that a yes, love? Um We'll discuss it.
Thanks for the offer.
Oh, pleasure.
- Bye, Mum.
- Bye.
Right, let's sort these clothes out before anyone else barges in.
I'm on it.
I am still in breach of my protocol.
I am not fitting in sufficiently.
Well, it'll have to do for now.
Find other ways to fit in.
I will fit in more when I have seen this coolest movie ever.
Yeah, I don'tthink that's a good idea.
But my protocols demand it.
It's too dangerous.
I calculate that the potential benefits outweigh the risks.
Will, can you talk to her, please? Youyou can't go.
It's not safe.
Is she broken? I don't know, she's never done this before.
It must be some sort of distress call.
- She can talk to machines.
- Yeah, but what is she saying? She's confused.
She thinks she needs to see the movie, - but you're telling her it's too dangerous.
- How do we help her? I don't know.
You're the scientist.
I designed her physical systems, not her mind.
- Just do something! - OK, OK.
So What now? Eternity was Mary's project.
Everything was on a need-to-know basis.
And now we need to know.
That's MY problem.
OK? She's yours.
Look after her and nobody switches her back on until I say so.
OK? You've been talking about this movie for months.
Are you sure you're not ill? Mum, I just really need to do this maths homework.
Have a good time, Mum.
Come on, Abe's already bailed on me.
Don't make me go on my own with Mum.
I just feel bad, going without Eve.
Well, you can't put your whole life on hold for her.
Come on, then.
Hi, Mr Clarke.
- I really need to talk to you.
- Sorry, Abe.
Can we do this later? - I really need to get back to work.
- Is time travel really impossible? Of course not.
We're travelling through time right now, just very slowly and in one direction.
It's, um, just a little joke.
Um, backwards time travel, however, is impossible.
Imagine this You are locked in a room and your future self appears and passes the key through the window.
And you use the key to let yourself out.
So then, in the future, you would have to remember to go back in time to give yourself the key.
So the question is - where did the key come from in the first place? My future self gave it to me.
And where did he get it? From my future self.
You see? Now do you understand why time travel is impossible? One million per cent.
OK, that that is impossible, but I'll let it go.
- See you later.
- Yeah.
Are you OK? Reboot complete.
All systems functioning at maximum efficiency.
So what happened before? There was a protocol clash.
I needed to fit in.
I still do not fit in.
It's OK.
We'll take care of all that.
So You can talk to machines, right? - Where's the spiderbot? - The what? - Mary's project.
There it is.
For what it's worth.
You took it apart? Of course I did.
I thought I might find some clue about the nature of Project Eternity.
But I found nothing of any real value.
Well, that rather depends on how you define value.
Here, hold this.
What are these papers? Money.
You swap it for things you want.
Like new clothes.
Oh, yes.
Yes! Yes! That should be enough.
Eve? Eve? - Are you trying to be funny? No.
I'm trying to fit in.
Leave her.
I think she's a bit, you know, like your cousin Keisha.
What's your name? Eve.
What's your name? I'm Lee.
Now listen, Eve.
We're the GP2 Crew.
- We're blood sisters.
- Down for each other.
- Look.
That's our tag.
- You know what that means? - No.
It means this is our turf.
So you need to get lost.
I can't get lost.
I have an in-built navigational system.
Let me break this down for you.
You don't belong here.
So you need to go.
I'll be back.
Boys and their toys.
- Shouldn't you be getting on with some real work? - It's not a toy.
It's a stunning piece of engineering.
- Really? - Yes.
It's the most advanced piece of technology in this place.
All right, you've got my attention.
What does it do? Itlives.
- Lives? - Yes.
It's programmed to learn from its surroundings.
It's completely aware of its environment.
It reacts to everything.
Notices every speck of dirt Thank you, Nick.
That's very interesting.
Well, I thought the movie was awesome.
How can you say that? It was riddled with plot holes and totally predictable.
Well, what about the bit where the cyborg's evil twin shape-shifted into the Queen and blew up Buckingham Palace? Yeah, totally saw that coming.
Oh, no! Wait there! Can't believe that she'd actually think that I would stay in on a Saturday, in school.
- Who does she think she is? - Exactly.
That's what I Leanne Trevitt-Jones.
- My name is Lee.
- You can call yourself what you like, but I will not have graffiti all over my house.
Nobody touched your house.
Well, it's your tag.
You know our tag? Come on, it's all over the skate park, the station walls.
Do you know, I have turned a blind eye to your silly gang games, but just stay off my turf.
Ya get me? We never did it.
If that's the way you want to play this.
I shall be bringing this up with your mum at Zumba tonight.
And your mum.
Andyour dad.
Oh, and next time I'm going straight to the police.
- What are you looking at? - You, cleaning.
- I clean.
Since when? You told me domestic chores are a tool of patriarchal oppression.
Not if they're shared equally.
I should really go check on Eve.
Yeah, nice try.
Get scrubbing.
Whoa! Hi, guys.
What's that? The GP2's been round here? Never mind them.
Where did you get those trainers? What, these old things? I've had them for years.
But still rocking the label? Nice.
Yeah, it's how we wear them now, Grandad.
So, er, how's Eve? Still switched off.
Why? Just wondering.
Why are you asking? - What have you done? - Nothing.
- Abe! Eve.
Eve! Eve! She thought she was disrespecting some girl.
Who does she think she is? Seriously That'll teach her.
I made a tag.
Lots of tags.
You? Did you tag the Watsons' house? Yes.
Now can I join your crew? Not yet.
You've still got to pass another test.
What must I do? - You've got to take down Mrs Watson.
- Yeah! How do I "take her down"? Well, this one time, this old bloke disrespected us, right? And we jacked his mobility scooter.
Drove it right down to the end of the road.
And crashed it.
He was going nowhere.
Um, Mrs Watson doesn't have a mobility scooter.
Well, I'm not saying you have to do that.
Think of your own thing.
But make it good.
She's gone.
I'm so going to kill Abe.
Well, maybe it wasn't Abe.
- Maybe someone else got hold of her.
- Katherine? - I don't know.
- Eve! Where have you been? Hanging with my fam.
You what? Why are you hanging with these girls? Why are you trying to remove my tag? You did this? Why? I need to fit in.
- Why are you dressed like that? - I got crewed up.
These my bloods.
She trying to be street? Who knows? This lot aren't street.
They aren't even pavement.
L'ildog? I never liked that name.
What, you used to be one of these? Yeah, well, it was a long time ago.
Don't make the same mistake I did.
Your only mistake was leaving.
Leave her alone.
Or what? What are you going to do about it? You think you're so tough, don't you? Aren't you going to help her? Aren't you going to stand up for her? Go on, say something.
You never Eve! I jacked the car.
Mrs Watson is going nowhere.
Am I in the crew now? - How did she do that? - Who cares? Let's go! Yeah, you'd better run before the police get here.
I can't believe it.
Going to get grounded for life.
What are we going to tell your mum? Well, we don't want her asking Eve too many questions.
- I'll tell her I did it.
- No.
- Say it was both of us.
- But I destroyed the vehicle.
- Nobody ever needs to know that.
- Why not? Humans have their own protocols.
You're down for each other.
Like me and my fam.
They are not your fam.
Right? We are.
Oh, thanks.
You asked to see me? I want you to start work on a new project.
The spiderbot? With a few modifications.
Watch this.
Arachnokleen 3000.
Perfect for cleaning those hard to reach places - under the fridge, up the walls, behind the oven.
That's a bit creepy.
I want to join your crew.
I don't have a crew.
And I don't want you to copy me.
Justbe yourself.
But I don't know how.
Now you're beginning to sound human.
Mum says you and Will knocked the handbrake off her car.
Now it's a write-off.
They've towed it away! You didn't leave anything valuable in there, did you? Well, what do you think? You took a miracle of artificial life and turned it into a domestic appliance.
I gave it a purpose.
Everything needs a purpose.
- What? - No, I was just thinking about what your dad said.
About how he designed Eve's physical systems but not her mind.
So? So you have no idea how her mind works.
I don't even know how any girl's mind works.
You look great.
Really great.
But are you sure it matches your protocols? My protocols are satisfied.
You showed me there are other ways to fit in.
Upgrade initiated.
Uploading protocol zero.
I want you to play for my team.
But I would be risking discovery.
Your cousin is the only goalie we've got.
Here she is.
I've never seen a network like this before.
It won't let you in? It will let me in.
Just doesn't know it yet.
You have to recall the spiderbots.
They're going haywire.

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