Everwood s02e08 Episode Script

The Burden of Truth

There are moments in life so archetypally perfect that there is only one right thing to say.
But as humans, each with our own idiosyncrasies, we may not always respond the way the universe or say, our parents, want or expect us to.
It is at moments such as these that we realize that the truth has a distinct cost that cannot be bargained down and at these moments we must choose whether to pay the price.
There she blows! You can say that again.
Emphasis on blows.
You know, it was my first choice? Didn't even have to go to Denver for it.
Phil just happened to have one in stock.
Talk about luck! Uhhh yeah Voted safest Boat in the Navy? Car on the road, 1988 and 89 by the association of car consumers and retailers.
Yeah, it's got heavy gauge steel doors, independent steel frames uh, it weighs 4,000lbs.
What do you think of your new wheels, Ephram? Oh, I ah, think it's really awesome you getting' me a car, Dad it's just Oh yeah, yeah, go on, hop in! Take it for a ride, Delia and I can go start on the paper work! Whuh, I was just thinkin' we could uh Oh you don't have to worry about that.
Go on.
Get acquainted! Thanks, Phil.
Not what you imagined hunh? Naahh, it's like two of what I imagined.
painted a color called ugly.
She ain't much to look at.
That's true.
But your girl will like her.
Oh, I don't have a girl.
And I don't think I'm gonna get one with this thing.
No offense but this is kind've a mojo killer and I don't have any to spare.
No, the girl that's right for you, she'll like this car.
What, some kind've weed out? Thanks, but my face has that covered.
There is a girl, who you like, who likes you.
She likes the car.
A specific girl, who likes this car.
Don't listen to me.
What's a guy with grease under his nails know about romance? Here.
Hop In.
Your future awaits.
If this is my future, even my past is startin' to look good.
"The Burden of Truth" Well, it may keep you out of school for a day or two at the outside But what you have, Lester, is an official card carrying case of influenza normalis.
The common flu.
Are you certain? Well, it certainly looks that way.
And I don't have record of you and Lester coming in for shots Well, the flu clinic conflicted with his oboe recital.
Ahhhh, the sacrifices we make for our art.
Tell 'ya what.
Take him home.
Wrap him up.
Give him some Tylenol.
Keep him full of fluid and electrolytes I'm afraid it could be Meningitis.
Meningitis? Why? Has he been exposed? No, it's just that's what Phil said he had.
Well, who's Phil? Is he another doctor? A mechanic? The guy who just sold my son a Lincoln? He's got the Sight.
Well, hearing actually.
He hears things.
Wuhhwhuh, kind of things, you mean like voices? Ya know, he might wanna come in and see me himself Well, he seemed pretty certain about Lester having meningitis and you know, I would just feel a whole lot better if you could do a test.
Okeee, we aim to please.
Let's have a look here, Lester.
Hmm, any pain there? Hmm-nmmm.
I gotta tell ya, Mrs.
Lester is exhibiting absolutely no signs of Meningitis.
Well, could you do a blood test? Well, we'd need to do a spinal tap and you'd need to drive him out to Denver for that.
I don't have a kit.
Give me the address.
I'll take him.
I really don't think he has Meningitis.
I've seen hundreds of cases of the common Flu and that is what he's got.
If you won't test him, I'm gonna have to find a doctor who will.
Phil's never wrong.
O - kay, I'll call the hospital.
Phil Drebbles, Marcus Welby of the paranormal.
Phil's just your average guy.
Has a repair shop, sells a few cars here and there.
Some years back, word gets out: he has predicted Sam and Jenny Hess will have a male child before the year is out.
Only everyone knows Jenny can't get pregnant on account of her ovaries were malformed at birth.
By St.
Patrick's Day, Jenny knew she was pregnant.
And around Halloween, Baxter was born.
Well, you can imagine.
The whole town beat for a path to Phil's repair shop.
Finally about eight months or so, he makes the mother of all predictions: a flood is gonna hit Everwood.
And, well, by now, his word is golden.
Everybody packs up, evacuates the town and -No flood! -Not a drop.
Drought that year as I recall Ooooooh, Oh Ho, Ohhh.
Oh you said you were afraid of drowning What are you doing here? I brought you your jacket.
I'm not cold! How'd you know where we were?! Oh uh, Madison left a note Yeaaaah.
For Dad.
She finally let me watch and now she might change her mind! You were pulled uuuuund-errrr OK, take five.
Hi, uh hey Ephram.
You left the house.
Was it on fire? Uhhh, Delia forgot her jacket Whaddya think? I, uhhb, I uhhhh, think, uuhhh, it's good.
Really?! Yeah, yeah.
Maybe if I could get that hook not to sound like ass Ah-hahaha.
Be right back.
I'm gonna grab a smoke.
Well I uh, don't go too far.
I wanna do that one right away again.
I was thinking maybe if you were to slow it down as we headed out of the verse? It's starting to sound a little punk.
Yeah, but that's what makes it cool.
Can we just try it that way, once? I joined this band because you gave me the impression that it was going to be co-llab- orative.
It is collaborative.
No it isn't.
You told me what you thought.
I told you what I thought.
And now we're doing it your way.
Only if it's better.
If it's better according to you.
According to the band, that's how it works.
That's how it works for you.
For me, it doesn't work.
I'm gone.
Come on.
We only have Chuck for an hour.
YOU only have him for an hour.
I quit.
Uhhh, sweetie, can you hang out here for a minute while I go talk to my friend? No, that's OK.
I'll take her home.
Thanks, Ephram.
I owe ya one.
So do we have to ride in your car? The proliferation of 15 minute coffee breaks to include more than three per day or the extension of said breaks to encompass greater than 20 minutes of downtime in the span of a three hour period should be avoided.
Thank you, Louise.
Ahhhh, moving onto this month's management topics.
You mean there's something left uncovered in the October management summit of 2003? I'm stunned.
A shame you inherited your sense of humor from our mother.
Excuse me.
Hello? Amy? You at school? What? Where are you now? Oh my god.
Uhhhm, I'm, I'm coming right away.
Just stay right where you're at, right near that phone, 'kay? Uhh, give me that number.
D- don't move.
Anyone approaches you you call 9-1-1.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
Ahhhm, I've gotta go get Amy and I need you to take me so that I can drive her back.
Why? Where is she? Wyoming.
This isn't the first time Jay's walked out.
He loves drama.
How long's he been with the band? Uhhh, he came in a couple months ago to replace this guy Kip who moved to Oregon to find himself.
How 1978.
If I can't get him to come back You guys might actually sound OK? He was soft on that song and then he was like, you guys needed to change the tempo? It was all him.
He plays like he's on speed.
He's pulling you guys down DOWN? I thought you said we sound good? Well, uh, you do sound good.
I was jubstsuh, I just mean What did you mean, Ephram? I - uh, he's just not as good as you guys, that's all And how good is that, exactly? What culinary delight are you preparing for us tonight, Madison? No, it's fine.
Ephram, I want you to tell me the truth.
Well, I think you guys need a better guitarist.
And? And? And uhhh, better sounds and better songs and uh Dr.
Brown, the casserole is in the oven.
It'll be ready in about ten minutes.
The vegetables should be done by then too.
Rice is on the stove.
Somebody check it too.
See you tomorrow.
You might wanna work on your bedside manner Ephram.
You just cleared the room.
Yeah, I noticed that, thank you.
Set the table doofus, if you can even do that Andy Brown.
Oh really.
Bacterial or Viral? So you have him quarantined there? All right.
Thank you.
I'll uhh, check in again tomorrow.
What is it, Dad? Ohhhh, nothin'.
A patient I diagnosed with the flue has life-threatening meningitis.
And Phil the mechanic is psychic.
I'm not cold.
I know.
Put it on anyway.
Got here as fast as we could.
Which, hunh, wasn't very fast.
You realize we are no longer in Colorado, we're in another state.
What are we doing her, Amy? I don't I dunno.
Well, I just left my practice for a day.
So did your Aunt Linda to rescue you from this little excursion so you might wanna give it some thought.
I was going to school.
And I was watching all of the kids going inside it.
The day starting.
Then I was outside, like watching them and I couldn't imagine myself inside it so I just kept driving.
What is happening to you, Amy? Are you angry with us? Are you trying to hurt us? No.
Do you need more attention? No.
Then what's going on? Come on.
If you could tell me what's going on Tell me what you're feeling.
Come on.
Let's go home.
Come on.
I see kids' flu symptoms aren't the only things you fix.
Hiya Doc.
How's your boy likin' that car? Loves it.
Just loves it.
Couldn't be happier.
Glad to hear it.
Listen, Phil.
About the Thompson kid.
Uhmmm, I don't know what I'm thanking you for exactly but uhhhm, you were right.
He had meningitis.
Un huh.
He was completely asymptomatic and five hours later he was at a hospital in Denver with his neck so stiff he couldn't turn it.
They diagnosed it even before they did the tap.
So I guess you could say you averted an epidemic.
Glad to hear it.
So I just wanted to uhm, to thank you for uh whatever.
The uhhh nurse at school was very grateful when I told her too.
You told Hazel? Great, there'll be a mob here by lunch.
So, Listen.
How did you do it? I mean, is it some kind of perception thing or do you read body language? Clairaudient.
Always have been, pretty much.
Whu-what is that? Hear things.
Just words.
Stuff that's gonna happen.
But all the time or, or, or, do you have to make an effort like, like, going online? Well, it's like, hearing a voice in your head, telling you things that you know are true.
Well, like, what kind of things? I mean, can you hear things about me, right now? You don't really want to get into this, do ya? Well I ahh, I'm just curious from a scientific standpoint.
I'm not a sideshow, Doc.
Come on, Phil.
There's no pressure here.
Just give your ol' college try.
You're gonna get a kiss you've been waitin' for.
From who? What are you talking about here? What kind of a kiss? You mean like uh, uhhhh, kiss - kiss? And you'll break a promise.
I eee Thi-this is like fortune cookies.
Are you sure about this stuff? And watch out for that file folder.
Somethin' like that could take your head off.
What're you guys playing? Spit.
Go ahead.
Tell her how much she sucks at it.
Look, I, last night, what I said, I, uh, I didn't, I mean, I uh think that you're a really really great singer and I, I uh shouldn't have said anything.
OK? I'm sorry.
Was that an apology? It was supposed to be, uh yeah.
Not great.
Oh well.
It was a rough draft I was gonna polish it up and give it to ya a little later.
It's OK, Ephram.
I'm just sensitive about my music because I really want it to be good, ya know? And guess I thought that, like every other garage band from Podunk USA that I could use it to get me outta here Yeah, I-I understand.
Yeah but, with piano, you can take that and use it a million different ways.
I, I, need a band and with Jay gone Well, maybe I can help out? You know, I-I can sit in on a session or somethin'.
It's really cool of you to offer but No, I-I-Ahhh could rearrange stuff, whatever.
He's better than you think.
You sure you're up for it? Well, I don't know if it's gonna help but Ya know what? We can use all the help we can get.
I'll call the guys.
Thanks Ephram.
Be right back, Delia.
No cheating.
What? Boys are so obvious.
Rose thinks maybe we should try antidepressants, they're working for Laynie Hart but I think Amy's different.
I believe that her depression is situational.
We set the precedent of, medicating her out of every rough spot then how does she develop those coping skills that she needs to get by in life.
Linda, I feel like we're losing her I'd like to try to help her.
Well, with all due respect, because I'm, I'm sure that there are some people maybe that really do get something out of the tea and the energy.
Harry, I know that you don't believe in this but you believe in me, right? Would you at least let me try? I was sure you meant the fear of the weight of water.
/ For you I cast myself.
JAY! What? It's boring.
I'm just trying to.
I dunno, do something.
It's not boring.
It's just not good.
We sound like every wannabe band from here to Boulder.
Yeah, except some of them sound like they practice.
Take ten, everybody.
Thank God the mad genius is back.
You know, you guys can really use a visionary like him? He just likes to make sure his presence is felt.
Oh believe me.
I'm feelin' it.
Do you still think you can help us? Well, right now you're going like this.
But, why not try repeating the four chord after the five chord before going back to the one.
More like That.
And then of course repeat the same chord but try and make the baseline more interesting.
Maybe uuuuuuhhh, a G-chord with a B-base? something like that.
Why didn't you tell me you were some kind of prodigy? Well, prodigy would imply youth while I'm actually an old soul.
At least somebody once told me that.
So, you like it? Yeah.
Hi Mom! Can I borrow the keys? I need to borrow the truck tonight.
Again? Moving may be the worst idea I've ever had.
Was it ever a good idea? Anyone? Sure, you wouldn't rather take Irv's rifle? Don't tempt me.
Ya know uhhh, I've actually never been to a major move.
Julia moved us to the apartment in New York and then when we moved here I hired a moving company.
And they packed up our stuff and drove it here and unpacked it and uhh we were moved.
I- I-I gotta go.
What wuzzat for? Your wakeup call, Bozo.
What'er you waiting for her, to toss a glass slipper? Why? Look, you like Linda.
She likes you.
You both are nincompoops who do nothing about it.
Well, what do you want me to do Edna? I offered to help her yesterday and she didn't want it.
You're a grown man with a post graduate degree! Figure it out! The thing is, I promised Delia I wouldn't go out with her.
You also promised Delia a horse.
I don't see Mr.
Ed galloping around here.
Besides, you know I-I-I think, you might be overestimating Linda's I KNOW that girl.
I know how she looks when she's excited about something.
And for reasons unknown given your complete incompetence in the dating arena, she's excited about you.
You really think so? Oh for Pete's sake.
The idea behind meditation is that great reward can come from stillness, the act of doing nothing.
I keep thinking about stuff.
That's OK.
Whenever a thought pops into your head, you just recognize it as a thought and then you just let it go.
OK, uhhhm, you wanna set an intention before we start? Is it OK if what I want is nothing? You mean that, you don't feel like you're going to get anything out of it? No, I mean, my goal is to feel nothing.
I tell you what, why don't we just uhhhm, start and explore so uhmmm, put your hands on your knees, palms up.
Close your eyes and just gently focus on your breath.
How long is it supposed to take? I have an idea.
I ahhhh, have some music that I found in India that might make this a little more fun.
I'm gonna go see if I can dig it out.
I'll be right back.
HEY! Is this where the moving party is? You're not Irv.
Ya know, your powers of perception are amazing, Doctor.
When uhhh, he told me he was tempting fate doing your heavy lifting, I said I would fill in.
I hope ya don't mind.
Sure! You up for manual labor? Yeaaah! I'm pretty handy.
These the last of it? I'm getting off pretty easy!? Uhhhh, not quite.
So, when you said you traveled light you meant uhhh Well, that I keep it all in storage.
You know I tried to embrace the Buddhist 'live simply thing'? But then I uhhhhm, started collecting Buddhas.
Yeah, uhhh, Enlightenment requires a lot of props, hunh? Ya still up for it? Oh yeah, I'm up for it, I'm so up for it! Phil says take it off.
I think he definitely meant cancer! He meant the bunion, Thurman.
Take off the bunion.
Now come back Tuesday.
What if it's a malignant growth? IT'S A BUNION! NOW GET OUTTA HERE! Make room for the next fraud loving crazy on the list.
Who's next, Louise? Doctor! I have to see you before the pharmacy closes.
I need Arithromyacin for a rash I am about to get which will be like hives and very painful and contagious, uuuh- uhh-uhh, according to Phil.
Ooohhh, FINE! That's it.
That's it! - Oh dear.
-Louise, Louise! I'm having a premonition, I'm, I'm, seeing the rest of the days appointments BEING CANCELLED! You can all go home.
You're all fine, you'll all recover.
Excuse me, gullibility police.
Stand aside.
YES! Real doctor coming through.
Uhhh, listen, uhhh, Phil.
Excuse me.
I don't know who died and made you C.
Everett Koop but the panic you're arousing in my patientsand other hapless members of this community.
It Has To Stop! Wasn't my intention to worry anyone.
Well, did you think that fraudulently diagnosing them with everything from gout to terminal illness would soothe them? You're whipping these people into a frenzy for no reason.
Thereby wasting my time and their resources.
But, the things that I tell them are true.
YES! In your mind they are true.
But you are NOT a doctor! YOU are a mechanic! You may have some special insight with regards to uh exhaust and cooling systems but when it comes to human anatomy and uhhh physiolo.
Phil? I-ah-Are you listening? I AM conversing with you.
Someone very close to you is sick.
What? Waaiiuhwhere? Well of, of, course they are! It's a statistical inevitability unless you're a hermit or an orphan.
How dare yo Yeah-uh-yes, Dr.
Abbott here.
Yeah uhhh, how can I help you? Whuh? No, I-I- I'm sorry, uhh, what prescription, for whom? Are, are you sure that it's Amy Abbott? Because I did not write any such prescription nor did Dr.
Linda Abbott.
Well, ye-yeess I am sure, noone else.
Uhhh Le- luh-let me get back to you.
You were pulled under.
/ When you said you were afraid of drowning, / I was sure you meant the fear of the weight of water / For you I cast myself, to sea.
/ I let the waves devour me.
/ But I have lost what I believed.
/ You were pulled under.
/ You were pulled under.
That was great! SO GREAT! Yeah, that was pretty cool! Awwhh Ephram.
Your song.
Your song was THE BEST! Unhunh! Uh-hunh-hunh-hunh! It was your song, I just tweaked it a little bit No.
Your song was the best of all of them.
You have to work on the others with me this weekend.
Sure, so what're you doing now? Can I get you a Coke or something? That was great, babe.
Ya comin' over?! Uhhhm, yeaaah, uh, after, after, I help the guys pack up I guess I'd better get going.
Uhhh, I'll see you tomorrow.
Why didn't you tell me Jay was your boyfriend? He's not my boyfriend.
We just hang out, sometimes.
Like now? Like when you, when he's got his tongue so far down your throat I thought I was gonna have to give you oxygen? And why should I have told you? I dunno.
Maybe so I wouldn't have talked about him in front of you? Jay can be a jerk.
Ya know, I talk about him too.
Naah, that's different.
I mea you should have told me, because Because what? Because, at the DMV, I kissed you and that, that meant something.
Ephram Maybe it did to you.
It can't mean anything.
Anything real.
Anything more than what it was.
You should have told me.
You lied to me.
I didn't lie to you.
I just didn't mention it.
Ya' know, we're not friends that way.
I mean, you're older than your sister, but you're still young enough to be somebody that I look after.
You have a crush.
OK? That's what this is.
That's what you have when you're sixteen.
Do you understand? Perfectly.
I got a call today from the Cloverton Pharmacy.
They wanted to know if they could substitute a generic for Amy Abbot's antidepressant prescription which THEY SAID DR.
LINDA ABBOTT HAD WRITTEN! Dad I What on earth were you thinking? You realize that by forging a prescription in your aunt's name, you could have been responsible for her losing her medical license? Did you think about that? Did she We haven't told your Aunt Linda.
Because it would have upset her.
Because it would have disgusted her.
Because she is one of the few bridges that you haven't BURNED recently! I didn't think.
Dad, I So what were you thinking? Do you think about any of us anymore? Do you think about anybody but yourself? I am, I am shocked at this behavior.
Even for you recently, well, it's gone from irresponsible to criminal! I'm sorry.
"I´m sorry?!" -You have got to be kidding me? -Oh let her speak Harold! I just wanted to feel better again like Laynie and that stuff Aunt Linda was doing wasn't working.
You could have asked You could have talked to us?!? I did ask.
You said no.
So it's our fault? Of course you don't take any responsibility for your own actions.
You blame other people.
You blame Colin.
You blame Dr.
You blame us.
No, I really just blame you.
I-I-I'll write you a prescription.
Harold! What? What?! What else do you want me to do, Rose? You're tired of doing nothing.
Amy's tired of doing nothing.
And I am completely out of ideas.
So if this is what everybody thinks will make this whole thing go away then fine! Fine! Let's make it go away.
Yhar, here.
Prescription for Amy Abbott.
Amy Abbott.
Wherever she is, she would never have done this.
Mom? When the people moved me, it was like little elves working while I slept.
One minute I was living in New York and the next thing you know, I was here in Everwood.
And not a single box did I see.
Well, I probably won't move again for another year.
You mean I gotta do this again in another 12 months? I don't have a tendency to stay in any one place for very long.
Is that why I'm drinking Merlot out of a mug? You're lucky it's not Styrofoam.
Mmmm, this? Is the only thing I've had with me the whole time I was away What is it? Keepsakes things that mean something to me.
As much as I could carry.
Well, don't keep me in suspense.
What made the list? Ohhh.
Just junk.
It has no value to anybody but me.
Come-onnnn! Show me.
If you want to.
Uhhhh, hmmm! My favorite book.
The Little Prince.
It's a good one.
I had it in French too but I gave it to this kid in Guinea.
Little con artist but I couldn't turn him down.
Hmmm, and this is before I left.
When Harry and I were young.
He looked like Alfalfa.
Hmmph!? Looks And let's see, this is uhhhm.
Was uhhh, a friend.
A friend that I lost.
Lost a lot of people.
That's how it works in places like that.
You move around so much that it's like pieces of your life just fall away This would be so much more daunting if you weren't here.
Thank you.
I do what I can.
You're a kind man.
No, I'm not.
Just I'm uhhh, gonna refill your wine glass.
You're nearly empty.
Hey Phil? Phil! I'm not available.
Psychic or mechanic? You got car trouble? No.
One of those things you said? Actually came true.
No kiddin'.
Then I tried the second thing.
Ya, wha, you Whaddya mean you tried? Well, I followed your advice.
I don't give advice! OK.
When I took the steps that would most likely lead me along the path that you predicted, it didn't work! That, that, kiss I was supposed to get? It never showed up! You got it right on the Meningitis thing.
H-Ho-How come I got gypped on the kiss? This is why I hate telling people stuff.
Ya know sometimes I think it just screws it all up.
I never wanted to get back into this racket.
I knew that kid was sick, I had to say somethin'.
Why couldn't it just end there? Well, the thing is.
If people think you know some truth about them, they're gonna want to know what it is.
People say they wanna know the truth a bout what happened to their long lost brother.
Or why their kid hates them or If their wife's cheatin'.
But knowing only makes them unhappy.
They don't really want the truth.
They just want good news.
I dunno.
I just wanna fix cars.
Maybe I oughta move.
I been thinkin' a lot about Arizona.
Nobody knows me in Tucson.
Well what happened last time? When you predicted that flood? I heard it, clear as a bell.
And uhh, nothin' happened? Oh no, it happened In Houston.
Too bad you can't just, predict another one Well seems like, that would lack credibility.
But what if it was something different.
For instance, say, an avalanche? Avalanche? Woof, looks like a tornado rolled through here.
I'm just not finished unpacking.
I'll say.
Here, broughtcha a housewarming.
Not wrapped.
How'd ya know? Just what I needed.
Yeah! Yeah! Listen! I'm not gonna beat around the bush.
Mainly because I don't know how.
But, I think that you and Andy Brown could have a good thing going.
If one of you would just wake up and smell the coffee.
Beg your pardon? Irv thinks you're lonely.
Now, I dunno if that's true but if it is, it seems the solution is right in front of your face.
I don't think so I do! He likes you.
You like him.
Any blockhead can see it! It's not that simple! Sure it is! Why does everyone have to make things so complicated these days? They're not! I liked the looks of Irv.
He liked the look of me.
We got hitched.
Well, you were lucky.
NO! We just weren't neurotic.
We didn't put up our own roadblocks and then stumble around them.
I'm NOT putting up my own roadblocks! Well ya shur as hell aren't taking any down, are ya?! Mom, you don't know anything about it! Well, then tell me!? I have a disease.
Is that what this is all about? Hep-A couldn't kill a flea.
Besides, you're not going to give it to Andy! It's not Hep-A, Mom.
It's HIV.
I contracted while I was working in Africa.
But I went on the cocktail right away and my counts are good.
I may never be symptomatic.
But still I c-c- can't bring Andy into this.
I can't bring anyone in.
Why didn't you tell me? Well there's nothing anyone can do and I don't want the whole town to know me as "the one who's sick".
I'm not the whole town.
I didn't want to worry you and to most people it still sounds like a death sentence.
But I'm fine.
I'm, I'm really fine! I'm your mother.
You don't tell me things because you think I can solve your problems.
You tell me because you NEED someone to tell.
Three years you've lived alone with this? See! I knew you would worry.
I'm O-K.
You don't have to be OK.
But I am.
I'm fine.
I'm home.
I'm, I'm doing great.
You don't have to be strong.
You're not alone with this anymore.
She'll never be much to look at I'm afraid.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Ya know, it doesn't matter though.
Car like this, it's not what's on the outside that counts.
You see the thing about big cars is that they've got a lot of room.
Which is uhhhm good for friends and movies.
You could fit a whole lot of life into a car like this.
That's what makes it cool.
I'm sorry that I upset you, Ephram.
Especially after you were so cool about the band and everything.
I handled it wrong.
I should've told you.
So why didn't you? Cause here's the thing.
That you're awesome.
You know, you've got it all.
You're what the girls are looking for But? But, you're sixteen.
And I work for your dad and I take care of your sister.
And I'm responsible for you too.
No You're Not! Yeah I am! In a way Can you just see where I'm coming from? You're younger than me and no matter how mature you are for your age or how much of an old soul may be, some maturity just comes with time.
And Ephram, you don't even know me! I might not know everything about you but I do know some things I know that you are the only person that makes my little sister think that it's OK to be a girl.
I know how, you feel, when you sing, since it's how I feel when I play.
I know all you really want from this Jay guy is for him to get you and he never will because the only thing he's interested in getting is himself.
And I know all this stuff about my being too young is just you being afraid.
Because it's easier for you to say that I'm too young than to risk something that is not what you wanted.
And most of all I know that, ever since I kissed you at the DMV, every time I've seen you, I've wanted to kiss you again.
And I don't know for sure but I'm pretty certain that you have too.
Thought so.
I'll be right back you guys.
The things you gotta do to keep a mechanic.
Just when you thought it was safe to unpack the glasses.
-Good help is hard to find.
-Yeah! How far do you think they'll get before they realize? Well, conservatively Montana? I gotta get going.
Yeah, you gotta beat the traffic Listen, Linda The thing is, I like you.
That's really all there is to it.
I'm sorry if last night was a little awkward.
Maybe it took you by surprise.
It kinda took me by surprise because I, I never thought I'd feel this stuff again.
Or anything like it.
I thought that part of my life was over Andy, listen Let me finish, alright? You may not know how you feel or maybe you do and have reservations.
And if that is the case, then whatever those reservations are, I respect them.
Or, maybe you just don't feel the same way.
But I know how I feel, so, I had to tell you.
And I hope that's alright.
What was that all about? Ohhh, you know, work stuff.
Is that you, honey? You're late.
Long day at the office? What happened, sweetheart? What's wrong Edna, honey, what is it? Script: Gaby Srt: Juanfran
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