Face Off (2011) s04e10 Episode Script

Alien Apocalypse

Previously onFace Off Kris's Egyptian mummy brought him his fourth win.
It means so much to me.
And in a difficult elimination, House was sent home.
Now just four artists remain.
Tonight, the artists are transported to a whole new world.
Being on the set ofDefiance is pretty amazing.
And with only three advancing to the finale, the stakes are higher than ever.
I'm panicking right now.
I'm feeling completely lost.
This is a nightmare for me.
There's a cool vibe to the character here.
It's so mediocre.
I think it's anyone's game right now.
Guys, come on, he's a mutant.
Give him a break.
In the end, only one will win the opportunity to be a guest lecturer at Make Up For Ever's academies in New York and Paris, the all-new 2013 Fiat 500, and $100,000.
Who will be the next great name in movie magic? Welcome to Face Off.
Hanging in there? Yeah.
You know, yesterday was pretty rough.
I thought they were gonna call my name.
You know? Last week, I really believed that it was gonna be me going home.
But there's one challenge left to get to the finale, and all the time my mind is, "don't be in the bottom again.
" Sucks that House is gone, though.
I'm really bummed.
It's definitely tough saying good-bye.
It is, man.
We're down to the final four now.
Somebody's going home.
Nobody wants to go home.
It's time to really push the envelope and make sure the makeups are shiny.
Final four, guys.
Final four.
Final four.
We're in the lab.
McKenzie's standing there with four monitors, and again, there's that whole fear of the unknown.
- Good morning, guys.
- Good morning.
For the minds behindBattlestar Galactica and Caprica comes Defiance, a sci-fi drama series and video game about human and alien species forced to coexist on Earth after years of war.
Now before I tell you more, I'd like to introduce you to someone who has helped bring Defiance to life.
Please welcome executive producer and co-creator Kevin Murphy.
Kevin, thank you so much for being here.
Oh, thank you for having me.
So can you tell these guys just a little bit more about Defiance? Defiance is a brand-new science-fiction adventure drama set 35 years in the future after aliens arrive and war breaks out.
The setting is a small frontier town called Defiance.
Seven races of aliens and human beings learning to live side by side, it's a melting pot bubbling over with really, really cool creatures.
Defiancehas got a lot of great concepts, and it's got really cool makeup.
So I'm really excited about this.
Your spotlight challenge is focused on some of the more exotic aliens in the Defiance universe.
And they are Liberata, Sensoth, and Mutant.
I really like the Mutant.
It's right up my alley.
I just don't want any of those fuzzy things.
If all these aliens happen to be living together in the town of Defiance, they might begin to procreate.
So your spotlight challenge is to choose two of these alien races and create their offspring.
I love aliens because I think they'll give me the chance to do something more original.
Anthony, you're up first.
I decide to pick the Mutant and the Liberata because I like more organic things.
I'm going for the Bioman because he's extremely buff.
And then I picked the Mutant because I like his deformed body.
Damn it.
Kris grabs the last Mutant.
This is not going the way I hoped it would go.
I'm watching all the characters I want get snatched up, and it's driving me crazy.
Eric, your pick.
I pick the 99er and the Sensoth.
The one thing I did not want to get was a fuzzy critter.
Not happy about this.
Now, before you get started, we've got one more surprise for you.
Kevin? If you guys really want to get inspired, you've got to immerse yourself in the world, and for that reason, we're sending you to the actual town of Defiance in Toronto, Ontario, where you're gonna tour the set and spend some time among the actual aliens.
That's right.
Oh, man.
Unfortunately, due to some family circumstances, Eric will not be joining you guys.
Everything's okay, but he'll be staying behind.
I'm really bummed I can't go to Canada.
Nothing seems to be working in my favor at this point.
For the rest of you, you're headed straight to the airport.
Have fun, guys.
I'll see you soon.
- Thank you.
- Good luck.
Never been to Toronto before, so this is a really exciting experience for me.
And to actually meet the Defiance makeup artist, there's nothing better than that.
- This place is awesome.
- I know, man.
It's sick.
Frickin' crazy.
It's just so cool to be here on the set ofDefiance.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
- Hello.
- How's it going? Good.
Welcome to defiance.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Stephanie.
I play Irisa, and I'm an Irathient alien, as you can see.
We're very feral and quite wild, and we talk when we need to talk, but otherwise we're not interested in having a chitchat, so you're very lucky today, guys.
Is that a silicone piece? Yeah, yeah, you can probably see, like, it's all Oh, yeah.
So you guys should go and meet Allan.
He's the guy that put all my prosthetic on.
And I'll see you later.
I've got a scene to shoot.
I'm so excited to meet with Allan Cooke.
I can't wait to ask him secrets.
Hopefully he tells me.
Today we're gonna glue on an Irathient makeup to Lauren here.
Special effects is, you know, a dream of mine, and the makeup of all these characters and getting a chance to see them come to life is truly inspiring.
So you normally do pre-painting? As much as you can do, so there's less time in the chair.
We'll call that done.
- It looks fantastic.
- Yeah, it's amazing.
- Thanks.
- Great job.
- Mark.
- Action.
There's Stephanie.
- We're gonna drink a toast.
- You want me to drink this? Then we're gonna talk about your uncle Eddie.
It was really co and inspiring to see everything.
It'd be a dream come true to work on this set.
Can't wait to get back in the shop and get creative.
I know.
We're back in LA, and we're all jazzed up and ready to start the Defiance challenge and create an alien offspring.
We pick our models, and we start sketching.
The two species that I have are Bioman and Mutant.
I want to use the bulk of the Bioman, gonna make him really buff, also gonna keep the glowing green eyes and teeth because I figured the Mutant would spoil the perfect gene from the Bioman, which would just make him a huge monster.
My concept is basically mixing the Liberata with the Mutant, making a Mutant Liberata.
Gonna be taking the main structure from the Liberata.
He has, like, a gorilla-shaped head, rolls on his neck, and also has a nose that looks like a baboon.
It's a very grumpy character, and from the Mutant, I'm just going to make it very grotesque, give him a hump, and make things very asymmetrical.
I look at the Liberata and the Bioman, how I'm gonna breed these two together.
The Liberata is basically naked, and the Bioman is all muscle with these little, spandex shorts.
So it's like, oh, here we go again with another full-body creature suit.
I'm gonna incorporate a lot of characteristics of the Bioman.
The Liberata has texture down the nose, so I want that element in there.
And the Liberata's face is a little bit wider than the Bioman.
So I'm gonna widen the alien's face out.
Hopefully, if I have time, I can lay some hair in there.
It's really weird to take something so big like the Sensoth and combine it with the 99er, which is actually a very skinny, mechanical creature.
I keep coming up with this big, sasquatch-looking thing with a little bit more bulkier mechanics.
I can't stand my concept.
So I'm just gonna sculpt a Sensoth, put machine parts on it, and see what I come up with.
What I really wanna do is get the face blacked in as well as black in the whole torso piece and cowl.
I'm working with wood clay because I can add a lot of bulk real quick.
I definitely want to get the face sculpted, so I want to spend more time on it to really get the expression that I want.
We all really want to impress the judges, so we're all going big.
Everyone's sculpting these massive pieces because no one's gonna play it safe.
Kris's Mutant's really cool.
It's right up my alley.
But I'm stuck with the aliens that I got, and I'm not really getting into it.
This is ridiculous, isn't it? I got freakin' Harry And The Henderson meets Robocop.
You know? I'm just like, shit.
Definitely not my first selection.
I'm feeling completely lost.
It's not a good thing.
Especially with that clock ticking.
I think this is probably the first time any of us are seeing Eric Fox a little worried and unhappy with his concept.
I'm really just getting bummed out.
I already know that I'm in a world of hurt for this competition.
Coming up I only have half my body molded.
Holy shit.
Gotta go to plan B.
He had a major blowout.
Mine is probably the weakest character up there.
Going into the finale, this is inexcusable.
It's really weird to take something so big like the Sensoth and combine it with the 99er, which is actually a very skinny, mechanical creature.
So at this point, I don't know if I can pull this off, but I'm gonna try.
There's only three artists in the finale, and I really need to get one of those spots.
- Looks good.
- Thanks, bro.
- Hey, guys.
- Hello.
We're gonna do a little walkthrough, see how you're doing.
All right, so which two aliens did you pick? I picked the Liberata and the Mutant.
How exactly are you going to utilize both of them? He's gonna have the hunchback, and his face and head are gonna be deformed.
Are his legs larger, to the point where you need - maybe an oversized pant? - Didn't really think of that.
Wrap it in some foam, but then use an oversized pant to give that heftiness to the body.
- You chose - Liberata.
Bioman and Liberata.
I'm trying to marry the two to try to keep the lip area and the nose.
Similar to what Liberata is, where it's very wide in the lip and the chin area, then also bring in the human element.
With the chest here and the muscles in the neck, really make them big enough.
Think of that when you're doing the chest.
Taking your shoulder muscles all the way out to the end of your shoulders.
I have the cross between the Mutant and Bioman.
So he's a big monster.
I think the fun thing is is I can have a little bit of freedom with the anatomy, since the Mutant is so strange and nothing has to really match up.
When you finally get this out in rubber - Mm-hmm.
- this is going to be a problem, - so tear out - Mm-hmm.
About three lines from the inside, - and that allows him to do - Have some movement.
Gives him a little bit more freedom.
That's a great idea.
He has the 99er, Sensoth.
I'm using the size of him with the mechanics of him.
Figured that would be the best way to incorporate these two characters.
Are you going to bring hair down to the legs? I'm bringing hair down the stomach.
But I definitely want to tie in a beard.
- Well, keep going.
- Thank you, guys.
I'm really bummed I'm stuck making Harry And The Hendersons.
But I think this is definitely a good opportunity because I can show the judges cleaner character makeup without all the gags and getups.
All right, guys.
We're heading out.
The upper body is close to finished, so when I come in the next day, I can sculpt the face mold and try to get him ready for foam latex.
Luckily, I only need to sculpt a small face piece and not a whole neck piece 'cause that's on the bodysuit.
Oh, cool.
I got a lot done today, but I still got a lot more to do.
That's time, guys.
But by the end of the day, I have had a revelation.
I'm actually really liking my piece.
Yeah! Whoo! So it's day two.
We have ten hours.
My biggest priority right now is to get the sculpture finished.
That way, by the end of the day, I can run foam in it.
Trying to give him that really big neck in the back.
- Awesome, dude.
- Yeah.
Get a good look at you.
I'm going to bounce back and forth from the body to the face.
I know that I got a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm gonna do the best I can.
Just trying to make it as gross as I possibly can.
Yeah, it looks good.
There's a lot at stake.
I'm doing this for my family, to repay them for everything they've done.
It's something that I know is obtainable, but I can't take that for granted.
I just gotta do the best I can and hopefully get to the finale.
Just so much clay.
Hard to believe that we're applying this shit tomorrow morning, huh? Here we go.
I don't want to let my wife and kids down.
$100,000 would change our lives.
So it's imperative that I get these molds done.
'Cause I can't be doing any of that stuff on application day.
I really want to manage my time efficiently, so I decide to call the sculpture finished and start molding.
The sculpt is going pretty well.
Just trying to bring the Bioman and Liberata together.
It's taking me longer than I expected.
I start to spray my body sculpture with crystal clear.
I want to let that really dry up so it de-molds a lot easier.
If you molded something without putting any of the spray on, it would stick inside that mold like you wouldn't believe.
We have, like, two hours left in the shop.
I really, really have to start molding this.
If I can't get this mold finished, I'm gonna be screwed.
Everybody else is doing these giant creature suits with arms, torsos, backs, and cowls, all into one piece, and some of the other artists still haven't started molding their characters yet.
_ So I feel a lot more at ease than the rest of the guys.
_ The clock is ticking faster than I've ever seen it tick.
I'm running really behind.
Oh, man.
It's really important that I get these molds done up because the foam has to bake overnight, and I don't want to have to run it in polyfoam.
It's gonna kill the movement and not be as comfortable on the actor.
I gotta get this in foam latex.
Everybody's scrambling to get their molds done, and I'm struggling to get my piece open.
Yo, Kris, can I get a hand? Oh, jeez, man.
Luckily, Kris helps me, and I'm able to open it.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you, dude.
And now I have to really clean it out and get it ready for foam.
But time is definitely a factor here.
- How many minutes? - Not enough.
If I can't get this mold finished and run it for foam, I'm-- I'm gonna be screwed 'cause I'm gonna have to run it in polyfoam.
It's gonna suck to have a shit.
That's something that could ultimately send me home.
It's impossible.
This is the final four.
One person has to leave.
I really don't want to be sent home tomorrow.
Fucking sucks.
Everybody is pretty quiet in the lab.
And then you hear Eric Fox.
He's a maniac.
Mine's gonna come out with a freaking beard.
His laugh is so unique When he laughs, you start laughing.
And you're crying and laughing because you're laughing at him laughing.
Yeah, buddy.
It's day two.
I'm molding, but it's taking me longer than I expected.
I know I'm definitely not gonna be able to get the molds finished in time for the foam latex.
I'm not happy about that 'cause I'm gonna have to run it in polyfoam tomorrow.
And that's the last thing I want to do because the movement on polyfoam is very limited.
I'm really stressed out at this point.
I only have one half of my body molded, and the stuff takes, like, half an hour to even set up.
There's no way I can get these molds completed in time for foam latex.
This is a hernia right here.
These molds are really heavy.
Holy shit.
The clay is stuck inside the mold.
I thought the clay was just gonna peel right out of there, but I'm sadly mistaken.
It's gonna take a long time to get it all cleaned out.
And just like Wayne and Eric, I'm not gonna be able to run it in foam latex.
Gotta go to plan B.
Latex and polyfoam.
I'm disappointed.
It's just not gonna have the same quality of movement as foam latex.
This is the first time I fucked up.
- Gonna have a polyfoam party.
- Come on.
How's your mold coming, Anthony? Fine.
I nearly got the core out.
The clay's all stuck in the back of the mold, as well as on the core.
I take him outside, get as much clay out as I possibly can.
In the last second, I'm able to finish it.
That's time! - Damn it.
- Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Anthony is the only one that made the deadline.
Me, Wayne, and Kris get to have a polyfoam party.
In the morning.
What a day, man.
Whoo! Fun times.
This is not a party I wanted to be invited to.
But I RSVPed that one.
Whoo-hoo! It's application day.
We got four hours in the shop and one hour at last looks at the stage.
Three of us are gonna walk into the finale, and one of us is gonna go home.
So we gotta do whatever we gotta do.
My foam pieces came out beautifully.
And that's a great thing because I have all the time I need to paint before I start applying and assembling.
- How you doing? - Hey.
That's the face that you're gonna be wearing.
You have this real powerful neck.
But I'm still working on the body, so I'll be a little bit, so just relax, and I'll be back.
Okay, cool.
Eric and Wayne and I have to run our suit molds out of latex and polyfoam.
I'm worried 'cause I've probably got the biggest piece out of 'em all.
Yeah, I'm gonna get you going here in a second.
I still gotta clean clay out of my mold, brush latex, foam it, seam it up, paint it.
This is really cutting into my four-hour application.
I think all three of us are feeling the pressure on this one.
I'm running pieces on application day.
That's not where I want to be.
I'm painting based on what the judges said about the last challenge with my spattering.
They said I overdid it, so I'm gonna hold back a little bit to create a more cohesive look.
So now it's time to de-mold the polyfoam from the mold, and I'm having a hell of a time getting this thing opened.
It's a very large piece.
I'm trying to pull it apart, and I'm just sweating everywhere.
I'm hitting it, breaking it, just ripping the mold apart.
I finally get the piece out of the mold, and actually, it looks really nice.
_ As I'm opening my mold, I see that my appliance is ripping right in half.
Oh, man, what a mess.
I need to fix this, or I'm going home.
Oh, wow.
The thing that's going through my mind is how lucky I am not to be in that polyfoam party.
I am definitely in a much better spot than I feel the rest of the guys are.
How's it coming, Anthony? Good.
I'm just about to start applying.
How's yours? It come off okay? I can't complain about it.
I got it out.
How's everybody else's? Kris's ripped pretty bad.
He's patching it and stuff, so Oh, really? I'm panicking.
My suit ripped in half.
I've got major rips on the seams.
I've gotta make something of this.
So I take dental dam.
I start barging it on the inside of the appliance to keep everything together.
I have to do it.
I have no other choice.
- Final four.
- Yeah.
Everybody goes crazy.
How much time do we have? An hour and 56 minutes.
Oh, my God.
It's really important that this piece turns out because it is the main part of my makeup.
I'm just really nervous.
Luckily, my piece comes out very easy.
That's at least some good news.
I'm just gonna get a base coat on here real fast.
Just keep your eyes closed.
Time is running out, and I'm taking a lot of time applying all the pieces.
So I look around, and everybody has at least some type of paint on their model.
I'm pissed off at myself, because once again, I'm gonna be painting at last looks.
What's the time? Ten minutes, guys! I'm running out of time, but I still have to do some sparse hair work while keeping most of him very fleshy and very grotesque, just like the mutant is.
Time's up, guys! I pulled through.
I actually got the suit on the guy.
I've got everything patched up, so I have something to start with once I get to last looks.
Coming up Oh, my God.
Just stressing out.
It's anatomically atrocious.
I think it's a bitchin' character.
Who is the winner of this challenge and the first person to make it to the finale? We're in last looks, and we have an hour left.
I need to do the whole entire paint job.
If it's not finished and the judges know that, then they're gonna send me home.
The atmosphere is pretty crazy.
Basically, the other guys don't have anything fully painted, so they're rushing to get it done.
I got one hour to finish this thing.
It's just gonna be paint, paint, paint.
There's a lot more seaming that has to be done than what I thought.
I'm just aggravated at myself because I have a weakness, and that's time management and getting pieces finished and pre-painted.
Oh, my God, dude.
This is probably one of the most difficult challenges I've had.
Just stressing out.
It's a madhouse.
Time, time.
It's a nightmare right now for me because I have 30 minutes left to paint everything.
Once again, I just grab a 5-inch chip brush, and I start painting as fast as I can.
Gotta paint you like a house.
At this point, I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna be going home.
Come on.
You'll have dirt on your hands too.
The beard on this piece is very important because it's gonna be covering the neck seam.
It's very important that I at least get something up there before time's up.
Time's up, brushes down! All right, well, that's what we got.
This is the worst situation I could be in.
There's only one person getting eliminated, and three are going to the finale.
I'm kinda worried because I don't have a finished paint job.
Oh, well.
Welcome to theFace Offreveal stage.
Tonight, one of you will be eliminated.
And three of you will move on to our finale.
Say hello to your judges.
Owner of Optic Nerve Makeup Effects Studio Glenn Hetrick.
- Good evening.
- Hey, Glenn.
Three-time Oscar-winning makeup artist Ve Neill.
- Gentlemen.
- Hello.
Creature and concept designer Neville Page.
- Hello.
- Hi.
And joining our panel this week, he's a highly accomplished producer and director, whose work includes CSI, Caprica, and Battlestar Galactica.
He's also producer and director of Defiance.
Please welcome Michael Nankin.
It's just really cool to have somebody so close to the project looking at our characters to see if we did them justice.
Michael, thank you so much for being here tonight.
Thank you for having me.
I can't wait to see what you guys have.
This week, your spotlight challenge was to choose two unique alien races from the Defiance universe and create their potential offspring.
Wayne, you're up first.
I was really worried about my alien baby.
But now he's looking so powerful, and I could really see his expression emoting through the makeup, so I'm feeling pretty good.
I did everything, pretty much, that I wanted to do with this character.
One thing I really wanted to make sure is that the chest and the body really read from far away, especially with the paint job.
Actually looks really cool.
It's intimidating looking at the presence and the silhouette of my character.
It's got no neck, it's all muscle, and his arms are humongous.
You've got elements from the Bioman and the Mutant.
He's a big, mutated monster.
I love it.
When my character comes out onstage, I'm actually pretty happy with it.
I think it looks really good.
It has a lot of the elements that I was going for.
It's a pretty cool piece.
Judges, why don't you take a closer look? It evokes much more Liberata than Bioman, I think.
- In the height-- - Well, I think it's the overall physique of him that sort of - Right.
- emulates Bioman.
The judges go in for their close look, and I'm dreading this 'cause I still think mine is the weakest character up there.
Can you give us some facial expressions? This nose, and that lip Just those two pieces kind of bring it to life.
Could we see the back? I kind of dig that divot.
The paint job on this, again, is-- this looks like they're putting it on with a chip brush only.
Or a baseball bat.
I'm already mentally preparing myself to be sent home on this one.
It's unfortunate, but I really don't think my alien's as good as the other three.
The paint job on this This looks like they're putting it on with a chip brush only.
I'm already mentally preparing myself to be sent home on this one 'cause I think mine is the weakest character up there.
See, this head shape is correct for the Liberata.
A sort of pointed skull.
That's accurate.
Looks like a Mutant Liberata, doesn't it? - Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
I'm hoping the judges like what they see, the tiny details and the grotesqueness of this character.
The green teeth and the green eyes distract me from everything.
Come all the way around to the back.
He had a major blowout.
Going into the finale, this is inexcusable.
I'm definitely gonna take some lumps from the judges.
I don't know if I'm gonna be a finalist or not.
I think it's anyone's game right now.
- This is really shoddy here.
- The hair work's rough.
I'm tired of being nervous.
At the end of the day, it comes down to whether or not I'm happy with something that I put out there on the stage or not.
He's definitely sculpted the most out of everyone tonight.
The judges will now speak with each of you to learn more about your work.
Wayne, please step up.
Tell us about your design, please.
My design came from picking the Liberata and the Bioman.
I wanted to bring the Bioman's essence into it by keeping the face more human and then bringing the Liberata into it with the nose piece that comes down and bumping the forehead out.
I definitely give you credit for the lip and the nose.
Thank you.
You have successfully bridged this large, elongated skull into the shoulders.
But I wish you put more of you into this makeup.
It's so mediocre, and a lot of that is the paint.
Wayne, overall, I really kind of like the whole character.
I think the back was quite well done.
I think he's a pretty cohesive-looking character, and I think you did a pretty great job.
Thank you.
From afar, it's hard to tell what you did on the face.
But when you get up close, there's some really nice detailing going on.
I found your proportions very pleasing to my eye.
And the bulge in the back of the head doesn't exist on a Liberata, and it doesn't exist on Bioman.
It's a creation of yours, and yet, it helps make it all sort of work.
- Thanks.
- Wayne, you can step back.
Hi, Anthony.
Would you tell us about your creation, please? My character is basically a Mutant Liberata.
I used forms of the Liberata, such as the rolls in the neck, the shape of the head, and just Mutated 'em.
I also added grotesqueness into it.
I think you've really been successful with this.
I think he looks actually like a Mutated Liberata.
I like your paint scheme, I love the fact that you did add those little tufts of hair, which really brings the Liberata's furry texture into the makeup, which was nice.
You've got the Liberata, and you've got the Mutant, and they go together in a very believable way.
- It's a really nice job.
- Thank you.
I think that the face sculpture is fantastic.
There's just so much character.
- I'm quite impressed.
- Thank you.
- Anthony, please step back.
- Thanks, guys.
Kris, you're next.
Kris, tell us about the concept, please.
I chose the Bioman and Mutant combination.
What happens is the Mutant's genes spoil the perfect Bioman.
I think, head to toe, there's a cool vibe to the character here.
I like that his head didn't get huge.
He's scary, off-putting, and from that standpoint, the design feels very appropriate.
The Mutant character is a really hard one because he's sort of a generic zombie.
Having said that, I think his face is really scary.
Makes me feel bad for the Bioman.
It's anatomically quite atrocious.
I think you know that.
I like the idea, though.
I think that the sense of proportion is very nice.
There's something quite redeemable about the makeup.
Okay, so he's anatomically not correct.
Blah, blah, blah.
Guys, come on, he's a Mutant.
Give him a break.
I think he's awesome.
He's scary, he's got green glowing eyes, and I think it's a bitchin' character, so there.
Thank you.
- Kris, you can step back.
- Thank you.
Eric, please step to the center.
So, Eric, tell me about your creature here.
Basically, a hardworking miner 99er got together with one of the cute, cuddly, little Sensoths, and this is the offspring.
It-- it disturbs me.
But it disturbs me in the right way.
Having said that, I wish it had been more of a blend.
What comes across is, rather than a genetic mush, you've got sort of a patchwork.
He's all Sensoth in one part, and he's all 99er in the other.
I actually quite like it.
You've given him this wardrobe, and he tells a story.
I think it succeeds in that.
I think you took a big stride forward personally as an artist this week.
Thank you.
I love you, I think you're adorable, and you've done some really funky stuff.
But, dude, this is not one of 'em.
The hair is just so funky.
It just takes me out of the whole moment.
I think particularly at a distance, it's got a really well-done quality about it.
You've elevated yourself to where there's an element of sophistication that you're starting to impart into your makeup, so that's wonderful.
- Eric, you can step back.
- Thank you, guys.
Okay, the judges have heard what you have to say.
If you'd please head back to the makeup room while they make their decisions on who will move on to the finale.
All right, guys, let's talk about tonight's looks.
Why don't we start with Wayne? His sculpting has been shocking.
The speed with which he approaches is mind-numbing.
He had the sculpture that was most appealing at a glance.
I think Wayne has a lot of talent.
I think he's really gonna go far in our business.
Okay, let's move on to Anthony.
It is the one that has the best morph of the two characters.
It looks like a Mutant Liberata.
And it has the best paint job of all of them.
The primary forms of the sculpture are really solid.
I think he also satisfies the equation of combining the by-product of their union, and this one felt the most complete.
Anthony created something that lived in the world of the show.
Let's move on to Kris.
He took on so much that there was too much surface area to actually design and sculpt for him.
He somehow managed to succeed in bringing out this mutant character.
If he would've put a torn-up, horrible, filthy shirt on this guy and given a little bit more attention - to the paint job on the face - Yes.
I think this probably would've been one of my favorite makeups tonight.
On one side, I felt like, you know, of these creature designs, the Mutant is the most generic.
They need to rise above that.
All right, and last but not least, Eric.
It's one of the nicest makeups he's done.
For him, it's extremely subtle.
For once, we don't have muscles, and we don't have blood all over everything.
Are these supposed to be that simian? Sensoth is-- is simian.
So the ape that he brought to the makeup is correct.
Yes, it is.
You know, the thing that just killed me was the hair.
Well, and, you know, in a funny kind of way, it's probably the one that's closest to being a character.
The face seems more specific than the other ones.
Although it's not really a hybrid.
It's a shoulder of one and a stomach of another and an arm of one.
Ultimately, what three get to go on to the finale? And that's tough because these guys all deserve to be here.
All right, judges, have you made your decisions? - Yeah, we have.
- I think so.
Okay, let's bring 'em back out.
All right, Glenn, who is the winner of this challenge and the first person to make it to the finale? All right, Glenn, who is the winner of this challenge and the first person to make it to the finale? Anthony.
You did a great job handling the hybridization of your two aliens.
And we particularly loved all of the character that you put into the face.
Thank you, guys, so much.
Thank you.
Anthony, congratulations.
You've made it to the finale.
It just feels so good to come back and win another spotlight challenge.
It's so surreal and humbling every time.
That never gets old.
Now, as the winner of this challenge, you have also won the opportunity to shadow the special effects makeup department - on SyFy's new series Defiance.
- Oh, wow.
- Oh, my God.
Thank you, guys.
- Good job.
To have that added education on top of this, it's just the coolest thing in the world.
All right, Glenn, who is the next person to make it to the finale? Kris.
We were a bit conflicted about your makeup tonight, but the essence of him really came through, and you've been a strong competitor all season.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you so much.
I'm really excited about this.
Being in the finale was my goal when I got into this competition.
Thank you.
I feel like a winner already.
We have two artists and only one spot left in the finale.
My dream has always been to make it to the finale and show everybody what I can do.
I want this so bad because I don't want to let my family down.
Glenn, who gets the last spot in our finale? The last spot in the finale goes to Wayne.
Once again, your sculpture is the strongest part of your work.
There are some really nice moments on both the face and the back.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Thanks.
Oh, my gosh.
I'm gonna be in the finale.
I'm just blown away.
But at the same time, it's bittersweet because Eric Fox isn't gonna be there, and he deserved to be in the finale as much as the three of us.
Wayne, you have our last finale spot.
Unfortunately, that means, Eric, you will be leaving us tonight.
Eric, you're a very colorful character, and I love that.
You've really evolved on the show by leaps and bounds.
And I really am excited to see some of your work that will be coming from you in the future.
Thank you.
Eric, it really has been great having you here with us.
If you'd please head back to the makeup room and pack up your kit.
- Love you guys.
- Chin up, man.
Good luck.
Three of you have done an incredible job to get this far.
Go celebrate tonight, and I will see you soon for your final spotlight challenge.
- Good luck, guys.
- Good luck, gentlemen.
Congratulations, man.
Damn, dude.
Oh, that's cool.
Love you, bro.
Love you too, man.
I'm really happy for Anthony, Wayne, and Kris.
They definitely deserve to be in the finale.
They've worked really hard, just as hard as I have.
I learned so much from you.
You pushed us all to go farther and bigger.
It's all good.
I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish by coming here.
I'm proud of everything I've done and had a blast doing it.
Good luck, man.
I think the most difficult thing about not making it to the finale is I didn't want to let my wife and kids down.
I just wanted them to be proud of me.
It's been a great experience, and I wouldn't change anything.
This has been awesome.

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