Face Off (2011) s08e02 Episode Script

Monkey Business

Previously on Face Off This is insane.
An all-new season kicked off with a shocking twist.
Please welcome your new champion coaches.
I can't wait.
Deep breath.
The champion-led teams were tasked with creating two aliens for a movie legend Seven-time Academy Award winner Rick Baker.
Yeah! I'm ecstatic.
But that was only the beginning.
Can you see the sweat on my forehead? It's all over the place.
- Okay.
- Needs a lot more work.
Oh, my God.
I have another big surprise for you.
You'll be making a third character.
- Oh, no.
- Oh.
Things are about to get real.
In the end, only one will win a VIP trip from Kryolan Professional Make-Up to one of their 85 international locations, a brand-new 2015 Fiat 500, and $100,000.
Find out what happens right now.
This is Face Off.
I have another big surprise for you.
There's a huge piece of information that I didn't share with you yesterday.
What now? There's something going on, and I don't know what it is, but things are about to get real.
Your spacecraft didn't crash-land on Earth.
- Oh, no.
- Oh.
It crash-landed on a planet controlled by primates who are not happy to see your alien invaders.
So you'll each be choosing one of these simians as inspiration for a third character.
We had a plan, and now that's out the door.
That's right.
You'll be making a tyrannical primate ruler who has no interest in making your alien intruders feel at home.
Keep in mind, Rick is the one who created those incredible makeups in Tim Burton's Planet Of The Apes, and he won an Academy Award for his work in Harry And The Hendersons, so this is not going to be easy.
And I want you guys to have every opportunity to impress Rick Baker, so I'm going to give you an extra day for this challenge.
Oh, thank God.
We have this extra day to do some type of monkey makeup.
This should be interesting.
Now that we have all that nasty monkey business out of the way, let's pick your primates.
Your options are squirrel monkey, brown lemur, white-faced capuchin, mandrill, and we have the olive baboon.
Team Laura, you get first pick.
That one's adorable.
That face is really expressive too, so I think we could do that.
I agree.
We're gonna pick the squirrel monkey.
- Okay, Team Anthony? - All right.
- We're gonna pick the mandrill.
- And Rayce? We're going to go with the white-faced capuchin.
All right, guys, why don't you take some time to work on your new designs while we have these amazing monkeys right here in the lab? - Good luck.
- Bye.
I like this profile.
- We're gonna make him a-- - Ruler.
- Tyrant.
- Like a tyrant.
That's what I was thinking, like, the scars would come in to play at.
'Cause a tyrant is not a pretty person.
Our original story was two aliens from a cooler, aquatic planet, and one is older than the other.
And now, our monkey, he's a tyrannical monkey that hunts aliens because they just drop a lot of their cargo on his planet.
So, our team chooses the mandrill monkey.
Oh, and his butt.
Let's give him a pink butt.
In our original idea, the smaller alien is the pilot, and the larger alien is the protector.
So our concept for the third character is pretty basic.
He's gonna be the ruler of this planet that is strictly just a monkey.
He's not supposed to be some hybrid.
Think you want to stay with the tribal theme? My team opts to go with the white-faced capuchin.
This particular monkey is 25 years old, and she looks it, so we're going to run with that.
I think we should tie them together somehow, like, the apes are the higher thing, and then, the arachnid are-- are their slaves.
It's gonna be the warriors, the beasts, the slaves? I like that.
Our original concept was, this higher intelligence alien crashes on this planet where arachnid is the native species.
So our monkey is the ruler of this planet, and she's enslaved the arachnid.
And she's an old character.
She was born into royalty.
I'm liking this though.
This-- what you have here.
Okay, then we can start working.
I think my team is very excited about this twist.
Alan gets to step up from the fabrication and start doing some more sculpting.
I'm trying to make sure that I keep in line with his nose like this.
Yeah, I agree.
I have a pretty good knowledge of animal anatomy, including monkeys, but I know Rick Baker is gonna look at that face extra close.
I'm sure Rick Baker will be looking for details.
First thing I need to do is finish detailing this alien warrior face.
These holes-- are they plugged? - Or they go all the way back? - They go all the way back.
You might want to put a little bit of clay in there, 'cause otherwise, if the plaster goes all the way through and-- - It might lock.
- It might lock, yeah.
I know that I should've been finished and in the mold room yesterday, so right now, I am just thinking, "I need to get that face done.
" We have to, like, bang these out and get you guys into the molding room.
I want my team to continue with the aliens as much as possible while Gregory begins on the monkey.
- The monkey face.
- Yeah.
I have my own special effects makeup shop in North Carolina, and so I feel comfortable taking a leadership role.
So I volunteered to sculpt the face for the monkey.
I'm a little concerned about having a squirrel monkey and changing it into a menacing, tyrannical leader, because it's sculpting something mean from something cute.
That can be a little difficult.
Sometimes, big works, and then other times, it can bite you in the anus.
I spent ten years in the Air National Guard, but I've always had a passion for doing effects.
I feel like this is my chance to prove myself, so I volunteered to sculpt the monkey face.
It's going to be the only prosthetic on this character, and it's Rick Baker that is judging it.
This is a big responsibility.
We got lots to do.
Okay, Regina.
What's your goal? Another half an hour? I'm a little worried about Regina right now, because she's spending a lot of time on the arachnid's face.
I think the sculpt's looking great, but it's just taking a long time.
I just have to get her moving a little bit quicker.
Hi, everybody.
- I'm back! - Hello.
- Hi.
This is our mandrill king, and he's really an overlord for this place.
What are you gonna do with the fur? We're gonna use four-way stretch fabric fur, so that way, it actually moves real organically.
Are you gonna have to hand lay anything? - Certain bits.
- I would hand lay the edges.
And again, your paint structure-- paint colors underneath, if you break them up a little bit, that actually shows through your hand laying.
So for this creature, we decided to scrap the old idea.
Good idea.
Yesterday, when Mr.
Westmore came in, he didn't like my face sculpture for the high intelligence alien, so I tore that off and started over.
We're playing with more organic shapes and everything.
I think it's great.
You've done a great job.
Let's see the next one.
This is your little bit of a twist? Just started on the monkey.
She's aged.
She's stern.
In the face here too, you know, you can give yourself a little bit more power here.
Actually, just getting possibly more of a muzzle, less human.
- So bring it out further? - Yeah.
We wanted to keep the pattern of the fur, 'cause he does have such a cute face.
We wanted to make, like, the widow's peak on the fur to, like, help give him more of a menacing look.
Are you actually gonna do fur on the face too like this, or are you gonna be painting? I'm gonna ventilate hair pieces for it.
How long will that take you? Maybe like an hour an half, two hours.
What? Took me six hours to do my first and last mustache.
Nobody ever wore it, thank God.
I'm gonna say good-bye.
Everything's really looking great.
You've really stepped up.
Good luck.
- We'll see you later.
- Thank you.
I know that I need to get this alien molded, so I go back into the mold room, and I get to work.
Are you just doing the splash coat? Yeah.
I'm mixing a bunch of plaster, but I'm rushing it, so I made it a little too thick, and it's almost setting.
I'm worried that I won't be able to stick burlap into it, which means when it's time to open it, it's going to crack.
Are you putting burlap in it? No, not yet, 'cause it's setting too fast.
It does-- That's not an option.
Kelly is making some big mistakes right now, so I can't really be Mr.
Nice Guy.
It needs three layers of burlap.
You don't have enough plaster or bandage to even do the job.
If I mess up my mold, then everything's ruined.
Start cutting burlap.
Or you don't have to.
I don't give a shit.
Don't be giving me attitude.
Are you putting burlap in it? No, not yet, 'cause it's setting too fast.
It does-- That's not an option.
It's day two of our first spotlight challenge.
I'm making my mold for my alien warrior face, and I'm rushing it, so I made it a little too thick.
Start cutting burlap.
Or you don't have to.
I don't give a shit.
I remind myself, "It's still gonna work.
I just need to add another coat.
" Don't be giving me attitude.
It's gonna be okay, Kelly.
It's gonna be okay.
All right, guys, good luck.
Have fun.
It's time for us coaches to leave.
- Good job, guys.
- Thank you, sir.
My biggest concern is Gregory's facial sculpt for the monkey, but overall, I think they're in a good place.
- We'll see you, guys.
- Bye.
- Make sure it doesn't tip towards me.
- Oh, yeah.
My team is molding four or five different pieces for our two aliens.
I know that I'm a fast molder, so even though I'm still sculpting the monkey face, I agree to take the lead.
Everybody's in the mold room at the same time.
The clock is ticking, and there's clay everywhere.
It's pandemonium.
Nobody wants to fall behind schedule, 'cause it's Rick Baker.
- Hey, everybody, time's up.
- Whoo.
It's the end of the day, and I'm a little worried.
All of our molds are done, but I'm behind on the face for the monkey, and I know the face can either make or break a makeup.
So I'm not feeling really confident at this particular time.
We are all exhausted, and we come into the house, and we just kind of collapse.
And then we hear a knock at the door.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- How you guys doing? - How are you guys? We're just here to hang out.
A little barbecue.
All right.
How is it going? I get to sit down, hang out with my team, and I'm getting to know these guys now, you know.
And that's important.
There's a lot on the line, but it's also like one of the best opportunities of your life.
Me being a father of three, I know you are a father, you are a father, I wonder how hard was it for you to cope with being away from your kids and your family.
You can use them as motivation, "What would they want to see me do right now?".
It's nice to sit down with Rayce and talk about family, because I know he left his family behind.
I left my family behind.
Everything is flaming up back there That's not a phrase you hear every day.
It's really nice to hang out with Laura outside of the lab and get to know more about her as well.
What's everybody's favorite movie? That's like you're choosing your favorite children.
- The Thing.
- The Thing? - Legend.
- That's-- Ah, Legend.
That's one of the movies that screwed me up as a kid.
I can't count-- Made me get into this field.
It's great, especially in a competition like this, to just get your mind off of things-- just to kind of step away from the stress a little bit and try to come fresh the next day.
Whoo-whoo! Hi.
It's day three of our alien-monkey challenge, and we have ten hours in the lab today.
So much.
What we've got to do is open the molds for our two aliens, clean them out, finish the monkey, all our fabrication-- there's a lot of work to do.
This is so awesome.
I run to my station, look at the foam pieces Look at them edges.
"What edges?" I know.
The foam's looking good.
We're in a good spot, and I know that we can get these two aliens prepainted today.
So we're going with a taupe, right? Mm-hmm.
I'm actually gonna make a whole suit.
I still have so much to do for the arachnid, so I take L200 foam and make plate armor to wear.
It's like the underbelly of a scorpion.
It really looks good.
It's really coming together nicely.
How much longer you think you got on this guy? Just a few little touch-ups here and there.
I'm gonna look it over and make sure everything's sealed up.
Thanks, Rob.
So, Alan and Daniel cast Alan's hands in alginate so we can use them as a positive.
We get them pulled out of the alginate, and I start sculpting hands that will be gloves for this alien creature.
Here, let me give you a hand.
I volunteered to make the crown for the monkey, but I've never really fabricated anything.
I start drawing out my interpretation of this crown onto the foam.
I get a dremel to the top of it and start moving it around and getting chunks out of it.
I'm ecstatic about how this is turning out.
I'm stoked.
I like this.
There you go.
How's it going? Ah, we doing good.
I look at Gregory's facial sculpt for the monkey, and it's look-- it needs, um a lot of work.
I feel like you lose the monkey aspect of it if you make it too mangled.
I wouldn't do anything to the nose, and if you're gonna do accents, just on the chin and on the eye and-- You got to make sure anatomy-wise the creature looks like a monkey.
I'm extremely worried.
The face is so crucial.
It has to be just right.
Well, Laura does not like it, and that's a bad feeling.
I don't want to go home for this makeup, but I don't know what I'm gonna do.
You got to make sure anatomy-wise that the creature looks like a monkey.
It's day three of the alien challenge, and Laura says my face sculpt doesn't look like a monkey.
Usually, wrinkles wouldn't flow like that around eyes.
They typically go like that.
I'm just telling him how crucial it is that the anatomy is perfect, and I don't think he's really getting it, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
It's almost time for the coaches to leave, so I meet with my team to make sure that we're all getting things ready for application day.
Do whatever it takes so that tomorrow we're just applying and painting, okay? And we know our colors and everything.
If we do that, then we'll be set.
Okay? You're doing awesome.
If my team can stay on schedule, then I think we're gonna be okay.
- Bye, guys.
Have fun.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Wow, it's bright out here.
So to prepare the hair for the monkey, I grab synthetic hair, yak hair, scrap wig hair, and then I just use the hackle and start mixing.
I'm gonna ventilate hair pieces for our character.
So you're gonna hand tie each and every hair? Yep.
- Or bunch of hairs? - Mm-hmm.
Ventilating hair is when you hand tie hair into this piece of lace.
It's one of the most realistic techniques to make hair.
This is so tedious.
*** We have ten minutes left, and I still need to open the hand molds.
The top comes off just fine, and I start pulling clay.
_ _ And I notice there's no fingers on them.
So now I've got two hands, all missing fingers, and we've only got a couple minutes left.
I'm not running these things in foam today.
I'm gonna have to jam them together with *** epoxy and some sticks.
*** run polyfoam tomorrow.
Okay, that's time, guys! This is one of the ***.
So, if I can't run it tomorrow, I could go home before anyone.
*** see what I can create.
- Ooh, wow, that's pretty.
- It's application day.
We have four hours in the lab, one hour at last look.
We walk into the lab, and I find my arachnid cowl, and it's kind of rough.
That one's all jacked up.
I have no time for this, but now have to fix this thing.
For the first challenge, to have to experience fixing a cowl like this-- Logan's going to learn a lot right now.
First thing I have to do is get these alien hands made.
I don't have time to grind down the hands, but I got to make them fit.
And I'm worried that this isn't gonna work.
- Hello.
- Good morning.
I'm Jamie.
The plan of attack is that Darla and Emily are handling the younger alien, Stephanie and Julian are handling the older alien, and Gregory is handling the monkey.
And then Emily will apply the hair.
Daniel is putting on the cowl while I'm taking the face and blending that, but I'm noticing it doesn't fit the model properly.
I'm having a little issue with the chin.
I don't think it's gonna fit, because this is pretty high up.
I'm really frustrated, because I'm spending so much time trying to get it on my model.
- Seem good? - Yeah.
You guys doing all right? I'd give us a four out of ten right now.
Having a lot of fixing to do creates this insane pressure for every one of my team members, but they got to move.
They got to get going.
As important as this is, it's not as important as getting those faces on.
Can I have you help Anthony? And Adam, can I have you help Logan? No problem.
How long do you think this'll take you guys? Keep working as I'm talking to you, but I'm worried about time.
Check that seam around the head.
There's also this section up here.
I like it.
My biggest concern for my team for application day is the paint job.
The goal is for it to be so translucent that it just layers up really nice.
The painting is very important in this competition.
Since the coaches won't be with their teams in last looks, I'm hoping to guide them through the paint jobs so that they can get these things finished.
Keep it a little more cohesive so it's-- if you look here.
You're gonna get a nice breakup of color.
This could be, like, broken up a little bit more.
The pressure's on now, because there's not much time left on the clock, and I'm the only one working on the monkey.
Painting is taking a lot more time than I thought it would.
This is stressing me out a lot, because it's just-- it's a mess.
You do only have 44 minutes though.
If you need to finish the face, I'll help you out a little bit.
You-- put your hand down.
There you go.
This is the brown.
This is the dark brown, like the base.
And then it goes up into this yellow.
Those are to set out the basic shapes and forms.
I've been behind all morning working on this cowl, and then I realized that we're actually caught up.
Are we gonna paint the eyeballs too? Yes.
And I think it looks pretty good.
I spent all morning making hands, and they aren't looking good.
I'm potentially the odd man out, because I don't have anything to really attach my name to.
So I might be going home tonight.
Other side.
The first thing we want to do is attack those ears.
We have a hour at last looks.
It is crazy in here.
I'm trying to put the final touches on this one.
Okay, Emily, you really need to get on the hair work.
Just let them do the painting.
We have a lot to do.
I'm popping in teeth.
I'm popping in eyes.
Give me a snarl.
I realize that I don't have time to do what I originally wanted to do with my paint job.
Teeth? Your plastic thing's coming out of them.
- Really? - In all honesty, it's probably not gonna stick.
This creature needs to have nasty fangs.
It don't need to have nice pearly whites.
So we tell the model, "Don't show your teeth.
" You're almost done looking like the coolest thing ever.
Ten minutes.
Wiggle your fingers inside those little holes.
The hands aren't even on the models yet.
They're ripping up the sides, and they're not holding in place.
You got bobby pins? So I grab burlap rolls, and I start wrapping them around.
Just trying to make sure they look like hands and not some messed up gloves.
That's time, everyone.
Rick Baker is gonna be like, "What on Earth is on this guy's face?" The monkey's in a really bad position, and the more and more I look at it, it just looks like a mess.
I can't.
It's really disappointing, and I'm just thinking, "This is what Rick Baker's gonna remember me for.
" Welcome to the Face Off reveal stage.
As you know, one of you will be going home tonight.
But before we see your creations, let me introduce you to our judges.
Owner of Optic Nerve Makeup Effects Studio, Mr.
Glenn Hetrick.
- Good evening.
- Hey.
Three-time Academy Award winning makeup artist Ms.
Ve Neill.
Hello again, everyone.
- Hey, Ve.
- Hey.
Creature and concept design expert Neville Page.
- Hello, everyone.
- Hey, Neville.
And of course, we are very lucky to have seven-time Academy Award winning makeup artist Rick Baker.
Hi, guys.
Rick Baker's my idol.
I still can't believe he's here.
This is just an experience of a lifetime that I would never think I'd ever get in a million years.
All right, well, you ready to take a look at some makeups? - I'm ready.
- Okay, let's do this.
Your first spotlight challenge was to create two aliens that emerged from a unique extraterrestrial crash site.
Then you had to create a primate ruler of the planet your aliens had crashed on.
Team Anthony, you're first.
When my team's characters walk out on stage, I really don't know what to expect.
I'm just excited to see what they were able to pull together in my absence.
I'm really proud of my team.
The monkey looks very powerful up there.
But at the same time, you know, I do feel that there's still more work to do.
I'm feeling kind of disappointed with our two aliens.
Now it's time to, you know, pay the piper.
I'm really happy with the mandrill, but I am not sure about the other aliens.
So we'll see what happens.
I'm really proud of the team right now, and I'm really happy with the work they did in that last hour.
Our pieces look like they stepped out of another world.
They're fantastic.
We did have some setbacks, but we pulled together as a team, and we made it happen.
I love the anatomy of the monkey.
This definitely looks like a regal, queen-like character.
I'm a little nervous, 'cause I'm seeing a few things that, in the past, the judges have not liked.
But overall, I'm still extremely proud.
My alien is definitely what I wanted.
I'm looking at the judges, and I'm like, "It looks great, right? Right?" I'm just at awe at how real they look.
I love the aliens, but I'm a little concerned about the monkey.
All right, judges, why don't you take a closer look at tonight's makeups.
Got some problems going on with the mouth there, don't they? Can you do anything with your brows at all? No.
Thank you.
They made a massive investment in fabricating wardrobe to the detriment of the sculpt.
I think that they should've spent more time on his head.
I don't think this read well from a distance.
- Yeah.
- This is beyond intense.
We've got Rick Baker, you know, face-to-face with our aliens, and I am not happy with this paint job at all.
This paint looks very matte compared to the other one.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
I am freaking out.
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This paint looks very matte compared to the other one.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
This is beyond intense.
I am not happy with this paint job at all, and I am freaking out.
This is all pretty great-looking.
One thing that's really that's really working on this though is just the general massing of the head.
Yeah, no, I think the whole thing works pretty well together.
Someone made an attempt to address the entire character.
What happens if you push your tongue against your upper lip like, "t-t-t-t-t"? Yeah, that's cool.
Ew, creepy.
All right, thank you.
This looks like it's a mistake.
It looks like it's on crooked, doesn't it? - Yeah, definitely.
- Thank you.
- It's actually pretty darn cute.
- Yeah, I like this.
This is pretty great.
This all works really well, considering it's all one piece.
Wow, there is some super cool color going on that I did not see from far away.
- Try to smile.
- That's even freakier.
Yeah, it is.
Thank you.
Can you tilt your head all the way down? I like the transition.
I think it's pretty cool.
I've never seen that shape before.
Yeah, and the forms work better close up, which is weird, you know? He's beat up, this guy.
The lip is so deep in here that the profile doesn't feel like a primate.
Okay, thank you.
Okay, the judges have checked out your creations but now would like to talk to their top and bottom looks.
Logan, Regina, Rob, and Adam from Team Rayce, we're gonna start with you.
Tell us your character's backstory and how it fits into your cryochamber crash scene.
This is the native creature.
We opted to go with an insect-like alien.
Sort of like the desert environment.
I think this is extremely well-managed piece of work.
Thanks very much.
I'm thrilled that you chose to predicate your design on an insect.
I think that's very right thinking in alien design, so You guys really brought it to life.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
Who did what? I sculpted and painted the cowl.
I sculpted the face.
I developed the overall concept.
I fabricated the arms, chest piece, hands, and then the weapon.
I think you did a great job with your attention to detail.
You've put all these different little paint schemes up on the head.
You even have those little hair things coming out of his shoulder.
That is so cool.
- Thanks very much.
- Thank you so much.
I'm really impressed with the sculpt.
There's some really beautiful forms happening in it.
- It looks really confident.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
It almost looks to me as if the body blends with the costume a little too much.
I think if some of that earth tone went down into the chest a little bit, it would pop a little bit more, but overall, I'm very impressed with what you did.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Awesome.
- Thank you very much.
You can step back.
Kelly, Daniel, Alan, and Ben from Team Anthony, you're up.
Would you please describe your character and how it fits into your crash site? Well, they come to mine gold to power their ships.
They are more technologically advanced and more militant.
I sculpted the face, Daniel sculpted the cowl, Alan did the armor, and Ben did the hands.
I got to tell you guys, I'm not really excited about this character.
I'm not real hot on the design of him or the paint job.
I don't think that this is the character that you say is a miner or whatever he's supposed to be.
- Who made the hands? - I made the hands.
I think I would've taken those off and just painted the hands.
I think they would've been more functional, less distracting.
I do have a certain disdain for the flatness of this sculpture.
It doesn't make anatomical sense.
There's also a severe lack of detail.
Thank you, guys.
If you'd please step back.
All right, Stephanie, Julian, and Gregory from Team Laura, if you please step forward.
So tell us a little bit more about this character and how the crash site inspired the design.
The creatures are used to a very moist climate, but since the ship dropped them on this really dry desert sand, they're starting to crack some.
I sculpted the back.
I sculpted the cowl.
And then I sculpted the face and painted the front and top of the cowl.
I really like a lot about this particular character.
There's some really beautiful sculpture happening in the face.
For me, when I see it as a head-to-toe piece, the face and the cowl and the paint work are quite lovely.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
I like the paint job and the kind of abruptness of the changes of the two colors.
Overall, I think these were very successful.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I think you did an amazing job, and I love that luminescent quality.
And it does really read like an aquatic reptilian race, which is kind of neat.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Thank you, guys.
You can head back.
All right, Logan, Anthony, Regina, and Rob from Team Rayce, if you'd please step forward.
Please tell us about your simian character that goes with this planet.
She is an empress.
She looks weathered and tired, but she's also supposed to be strong and wise.
Who did what on this character? I sculpted the face.
I painted the face, the hands, and fabricated the crown.
I dremeled down the teeth and sculpted them, and I also hand laid the hair.
I sculpted the chest piece, vacuformed it, and then L200-- the rest of the bottom and the shoulder pieces.
Well, I think she's pretty damn fabulous.
I even like the paint job.
She does look aged.
She has frailty about her.
I think she's a beautiful character, and congratulations.
- Thanks very much.
- I think this works very well.
I like the color choice.
I like the dark hair with the light streaks.
I also did that on Michael Jackson's were-cat monster, where I-- I'll do that very often, have white highlights to show off certain parts.
- I congratulate you.
- Huge honor.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
Little things, like the fact that the tear duct is sculpted into the prosthetic, allowing you to transition into the eye without having to deal with an edge right there-- great choices combined into a very successful makeup.
Thank you very much.
All right, you can step back.
All right, Gregory and Emily from Team Laura, if you'd please head to the circle.
Give me a background on this character please.
He's a warrior-- like, a tyrant.
He has been through many battles.
He's got battle scars to show for it.
I sculpted the face and painted the face.
I ventilated the front of the ape's wig, and I laid the hair.
Unfortunately, I feel that it is somewhat conceptually inarticulate.
I think it's suffering pretty severely, anatomically speaking.
None of it feels like a monkey-man combination.
I think this looks like a turtle in the muzzle.
It probably would've added to him looking more like a warrior if he had more ferocious-looking teeth.
I'm afraid this makeup doesn't work really well for me.
That whole muzzle feature feels completely wrong.
Around the mouth on most primates, it's kind of a continuous line.
It doesn't sink in and kick back out.
That's my biggest beef with this.
Thank you both.
If you'd please step back.
All right, if you'd please head back to the makeup room while the judges deliberate.
All right, judges, let's start with some of your favorites, which was Team Rayce's arachnid alien.
That was made by Logan, Regina, Rob, and Adam.
I was really impressed with the arachnid face.
They put so much energy into all the little details on it.
It just worked in that insect type of a character.
Yeah, I thought it was nicely fabricated actually.
- It was really well done.
- All right.
Let's move on to Laura's older alien.
It was made by Stephanie, Julian, and Gregory.
Love the coloring.
I absolutely loved the transition between the front and the back.
It looked sun-bleached and weathered.
I haven't seen that forehead shape before.
That, to me, is something.
All right, let's move on to Team Rayce's primate, which was made by Logan, Regina, Rob, and Anthony.
Yeah, I liked everything about this makeup.
I thought it was such a cohesive design.
And those Aztec-like jewels were an interesting touch.
I think the sculpture of that face is so beautifully executed.
It read easily enough as simian, but it still had an alien characteristic that made it unique, and it stood out from the other characters.
All right, judges, let's move on to the looks that you weren't so crazy about tonight.
Team Anthony's male alien, which was done by Kelly, Alan, Daniel, and Ben.
It was just too complicated visually.
None of it makes any sense.
It very much feels like someone just kind of pushing clay around and going, "Done.
" That was all Kelly.
What worked the least were Ben's massive mitts for hands.
I would rather see a really good, clean makeup.
Don't add too much stuff to it.
And that's exactly what they did.
Al right, let's move on to Team Laura's primate, which was done by Gregory and Emily.
For me, that one just didn't work.
Sorry to say, I think they made a lot of mistakes.
It's not a good facial sculpture.
And Gregory was at the helm of this makeup.
Yeah, he applied it and painted it.
Okay, that's everyone.
Have you guys made up your minds? - I think so.
- Mm-hmm.
Then let's crown a winner.
Glenn, why don't you tell us which champion's team came out on top tonight? The top team tonight is Glenn, why don't you tell us which champion's team came out on top tonight? The top team tonight is Team Rayce.
Good job, guys.
Your team had two of our favorite characters tonight, both of which were absolute standouts.
- Well done.
- Thank you.
Appreciate it, guys.
I'm more excited about the team.
There's more of a reward knowing that all five of these guys are growing and getting better, and they learned to bring it.
Congratulations, Team Rayce.
Nice way to kick off the competition.
Thank you.
However, we can only have one winner.
So, Glenn, who is the winner of our first spotlight challenge? The winner of tonight's challenge is Logan.
The sculpture of the primate ruler is great, but you were also responsible for the cowl on the arachnid alien, and that's what pushed you over the top tonight.
- Thank you.
- Congrats.
I'm very excited to win.
It feels great to have Rick Baker compliment my work, especially being self-taught.
I'm elated right now.
Unfortunately, Kelly, Gregory, and Ben, you are on the bottom, and one of you will be eliminated.
The rest of you are safe and you can head back to the makeup room.
It's time for you guys to step to the center circle.
All right, Glenn, tell us about the bottom looks.
Kelly, we definitely appreciate how big you went from a design standpoint, but your flat-faced alien just didn't work for us.
Gregory, your character lacked specific primate anatomy, and your paint job, particularly on the muzzle, was very muddy.
Ben, while we appreciated your work on the female cowl, I'm afraid the hands for both aliens ended up quite rough.
Who is going home tonight? The person going home tonight is Gregory.
Unfortunately, it seems that none of the parts of your makeup quite came together, and we just weren't seeing the concept in the final character.
Gregory, I'm so sorry, but you have been eliminated.
That means, Kelly and Ben, you are both safe this week and can head back to the makeup room.
When I was 15 years old, I went to the makeup union, and a business rep with the union told me to give up and that I was never gonna be a makeup artist.
So they were wrong.
So don't let this discourage you.
Thank you, guys.
It's been great having you here with us.
If you'd please head back to the makeup room and pack up your kit.
Thank you.
- Good luck, Greg.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Bye-bye.
Thank you.
This was a risk that I took, and it did not pay off, so I'm going home.
It's me, guys.
- Aw.
- What? - Yeah.
- What? I have no regrets.
I'm happy that I was a part of the competition.
My goal now is just to go back to doing what I do.
I love special effects make-up.
I like teaching it.
And I'm happy.

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