Fangavaktin (2009) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

Everyday objects prisoners
can specifcally request:
Up to 150 CD's and/or DVD's.
Up to 5 video tapes.
Up to 20 cassettes.
A TV wth a maxium screen
size of 23".
A 6" table fan.
A chair.
General prison cell
maintenance regulations.
Well, come on in.
See how this cavern looks.
Everything in tip-top shape.
A crazy view, in full color.
No black-and-white shit here.
Fraulein? îlafur,
what are you doing here?
I was just
in the bathroom.
That's propably from the
previous occupants.
Isn't this a new fat?
- Yes, it's brand new.
Right out of the box.
What are you doing here?
- You can't sleep in the fats.
It was only this one night,
I'm between houses.
You'll have to excuse-
- It's a sales trick you know.
Get a feel for what I'm selling.
There's a good vibe in this one.
You're out.
I had nothing to do with this.
I know nothing about that cap.
Drug abuse is part of the
reason you are here.
That was just weed.
I had a small anxiety problem
and wasstressed out.
I started doing it because
it calmed me down
and made me feel better.
But I've dropped it now.
It's crucial that you see the
effects of your actions.
You must not lie to yourself.
- I'm not a junkie.
Anxiety and depression are
dealt with through
prescribed medication,
not illegal drugs.
I don't want any drugs.
- I'm not forcing them on you,
but I wll prescribe to you
a mild anxiety drug and
something to help you sleep.
You can pick this up
from the guards.
You can then just ask for more.
If you feel the need.
It's my cell you know.
- I'm the hallway manager here
and according to Article 8 of
the rules of conduct,
inmates are required to keep
their cells clean and tidy.
This cell is neither!
- Get out! I'm writing an essay!
The dirt pours out of your cell
and it reeks in here!
Inmates are getting
worried about this.
- Yes. People are miserable.
Think if we would get a special
recognition for the cleanest
hallway in the prison! How much
honor it would bestow upon us!
Are you going to ruin that?
Are you retarded?
- No! You!
Your lack of hygiene
clearly demonstrates that!
Everbody's talking about
these foreign currency loans.
Yes, do you have one of those?
- No, I wanted to apply for one.
Right. Why do you want one?
I'm not sure, propably
because I need a house.
It depends on the loan amount.
What's your National
Identifcation Number?
15-03-72I never remember
the last four numbers.
Can't you just punch it in?
îlafur Ragnar Hannesson?
- Yes.
I can't see you getting a
loan from anywhere.
Why? -The N.I.N.'s credit
rate is all shot.
Does it say that there?
- You've been blacklisted
I know what that is about.
- You're declared bankrupt
after 4 failed seizures from
the tax authorities. -Why?
For unpaid taxes.
- Taxes of what?
Your income, I'd presume.
- That can't be.
I haven't had an income for
years. It's always been seized.
By the tax?
- No, a friend of mine.
You took a shower just for me?
- No.
You want a dip?
- Huh? No thanks, I-
I'm just trying to be nice
to you. Open your mouth.
Nah, I-
- Open your mouth!
I don't want-
- Let me see that.
There we go.
That's great.
Wait, what's this shit?
Didn't we talk about this?
This was here when I got-
What are you going to do
about your debt?
What debt?
- Why were you in isolation?
I just picked it up-
- Exactly.
Waved it around like an
idiot. "Look what I found!"
How are you going to pay?
- Pay what?
How do you think this makes
me look? I have respect here.
I didn't know
- Danel? White stuff in a cap?
How can you be this dumb?
It's a hundred grand.
How much are you paid here?
Ten grand a week.
- Then it's ten weeks. Brutto.
And you do whatever
I say, get that?
Danel Soggy-Shoes.
Biff, piss into his shoe.
I don't have to go.
Jesus fucking Christ!
Do I have to do everything?!
Give me that, and move back.
What are you looking at?
- Nothing.
Then look at something else!
Forget this.
I can't be bothered.
Come on, Biff.
What's this Soggy-Shoes stuff?
- Remember that kids' TV show?
This is Danel, he is 7,
He wears shoes size 11.
Kindly arrange all the
newspapers back in the bin
when you've fnished
reading them.
I noticed that you use
too much soap when you wash.
As hallway manager, I need
to remind inmates about the
professional usage of
cleaning materials.
Do you know where all
that soap goes?
Straight into the ecosystem.
Think of the damage it-
A small misunderstanding
Yes, my ID-number is all
screwy and I want a new one.
Sure, under what name?
- îlafur Ragnar
Is that a private company?
- Nojust Hannesson.
You can't change your own
ID number. -Why not?
It's just not done.
- Then why do I keep hearing
about people doing just that?
- With companies, yes.
Aren't these just numbers
on a piece of paper?
Your ID number stays wth
your name forever.
Then I'll change my name too.
I'm fne wth whatever name,
just as long as I get a new
ID number. I need a home.
Photocopying machine
Er-er-ergonomical -Desk chair?
To help keep my back straight.
- M-m-microfber-
These are just essentials
that I'll need for my job.
J-j-job? You're a convict.
- I work here on behalf of
the community and expect
to be treated accordingly!
- Huh?
Open the gate.
- I was about to do that.
Thank you very much.
I must be entitled to a panic
button or a walkie-talkie,
just to ensure the safety
of myself and other staff.
You're not on our staff.
- Yes! Nonot directly.
But I have done much
work for you already!
I have found loopholes
in the regulations
that have gone unnoticed
by other members of staff.
I've also noted down typos
and grammar errors.
What loopholes are
you talking about?
Due to clumsy wording,
inmates can, for example,
use cellphones in hallways,
communal rooms, outdoors
and so on without fear
of punishment!
This must be prevented!
Good day. Just keep your hands
on your knees and sit still.
Ingvi says he won't do it.
I don't know what to tell him,
I'm not even the hallway
manager anymore.
I'll talk to him. Have you
waxed the linoleum panels?
I waxed the whole corridor,
and put up the notifcits.
It's unbearable that you
can't follow written orders.
Drop this off in the mail.
What is it?
Letters addressed to every
political party leader,
the State Prison and the
Minister of Justice that
contains suggestions for
new and improved faculties
in our society of
Do you think they'll read
what some killer has to say?
Get a move on!
They are waiting for this!
Thank you very much.
You look terrible.
Are you back on drugs?
He's not and never has been,
let's drop the subject!
I hope you aren't talking
to these people?
Of course he does. He
meets these people daily.
But he can avoid it.
- What's done is done.
Let's not make this any worse.
- I try to keep to myself.
This is what happens when
you go "fnding" yourself.
Stop it! Now!
We're behind you on this.
I know things have been
rough between us,
that we haven't seen eye
to eye on things, but I want
to use this opportunity
for reconciliation.
That's good to hear that.
- No matter what your kids do,
they'll always be your kids.
- We really care about you.
I think this is a perfect
opportunity for you.
You have plenty of time,
so I brought a book for you.
Now you can sink yourself
into the medical studies.
I talked to the rector, you
can do the academics here
This will be your
lifeboat out of this mess.
You are a father now. You
have others to take care of.
I'm not sure
- What else is there to do?
Why do youwhy can't you
just be there for me?
I'm throwing you a lifeline,
boy! Can't you see that?
Through med school you'll
earn the respect of your peers.
You'll redeem yourself! This
isn't an end, but a beginning.
You won't get unemployment
benefts if you have a full job.
I'm not getting full pay.
- Then you must be unemployed.
No, there's plenty to do.
- Then why aren't you paid?
Am I on a quiz show? I'm only
applying for benefts here.
Then you need to quit your job
and register as unemployed.
How do I explain that to my boss?
- What's the problem?
He has a job but doesn't get
paid, yet he's employed.
I'm a realtor. -Then you
can't apply for benefts.
You're unemployed.
- No.
I've never seen a case
like this one.
I'll just fgure out
another way out of this.
Hello Bjarn-
- Give the phone to the guard.
She wants to talk to you.
I do not want to speak
directly to Georg.
Alright then.
Why can't we speak normally?
He's asking why you refused
a conjugalvisit.
I'm not getting raped in here.
Realise what you have done.
You've ruined my reputation.
Everything I've done
All the respect I've earned,
gone in a heartbeat,
all because of you.
I'm ashamed of
being your mother.
Could you sh-sh-
- No.
She's ashamed
- Ashamed?
Because of me?
But what of all the good things
I've done that made her proud?
Is that all erased because
of one minor mistake?
She still has obligations
toward me. She is my mother.
He said that
I can't do this.
I'm aware of your bad leg.
I could have paid for a cab.
How do you think this looks
in the eyes of others?
Why do you do this to me?
- I don't know.
No, you never know anything!
I'm not coming back here.
I fear both this place and you.
- That's unneccessary.
You killed an innocent woman.
You're a woman's murderer.
Do you need money Danel?
- No, I don't need any money.
There's no shame in asking
if it makes things better here.
That's unneccessary.
I have an allowance here.
Are you sure?
- Yes, I'm sure.
Madam! Pardon my interruption,
but are you Danel's mother?
Yes, why do you ask?
My name is Vigg, I am
Danel's support liaison here.
Support liaison?-Yes, I
help him out here in prison.
I wanted to say that I'm very
happy that you visit him.
Not everybody here have
good people to turn to.
I see. Thank you very much.
You don't have to worry about
Danel, he'll be fne.
- He's clearly raised well,
and things will work out,
if he plays his cards right.
Is he in some sort of trouble?
- Trouble? Who isn't in here?
He has a minor problem
at the moment. -Does he?
I may be making too much
out of this, but he has
gotten himself into some
debts here, you know.
Debts? For what?
- I don't know if-
Is it because of the drugs?
- Yesit's because of them.
I don't believe this!
Is there something I can do?
I've been trying, but it's
hard to deal with these guys.
How much does he owe?
- It's about
3 or 4 hundred grand.
- I see.
And that doesn't include
the interests
- that grow every day.
How old is your mother?
- Huh? Why?
I don't mean any disrespect,
but I your mom's a deluxe.
Deluxe what?
- Asshole.
You don't understand me?
- No.
I'll break it down for you.
A regular asshole holds about
80-100 grams of contraband.
But a deluxe asshole can
hold up to twice that amount.
You think the lady is
willing to look into it?
- My mom?
Loads of cash to be had.
Think about it.
Have you tried talking to her?
- You can't just talk to her.
I only get to see them
every other weekend and
Friðjón, have you taken
care of what we discussed?
The document you
promised to get for me?
No. -But you made a
gentleman's promise on this.
I had informed the head
warden and she was excited
about this. If that fails,
then you'd made me a liar.
I said I might-
- Promise to look into it?
I think it's sad to
disappoint the head warden,
she was looking forward
to seeing this.
But on to other things.
Has it ever been the case
that a hallway manager
had some sort of assistant?
No. -But wouldn't it be good
to create such a position?
It wouldn't have to
be a paid position.
You want an assistant?
- Kenneth is useless.
He doesn't have the brains.
He can't even read.
Do you have someone
else in mind?
Can I have some more?
Is that alright?
Be my guest. -Maybe just a
whole slice. It's just so tasty.
- îlafur dear?
Your head is up in the clouds.
- No, not anymore.
I know you, îlafur.
- I'm getting a place to live
later today, maybe tomorrow.
This is temporary
Listen to me carefully.
I have a solution for you,
Free room and board,
freshly made meals
in a cultivating and
protected environment
where people respect one
another and work together
towards a common goal-
- Georg, let me guess.
You are talking about Sweden?
- No, this wonderful society
where I am now.
- You mean prison?
There's no way I'm
going to prison.
Am I right to suspect that
you are in need of money?
Me? No.
Too bad. Because I had
some money for you.
That's some great detailing
you've got there.
You think so?
- You clearly have it in you.
I should know, with a
Master's degree in Arts.
It would be great if you could
soften this side here a bit,
to get a better contrast,
but even so it's great work.
ThanksIt's still just
some doodle.
Doodle? Every artpiece
starts as a doodle.
That's how genius works.
That's how I started.
You think Picasso started
out with Guernica?
He started by doodling.
- Right, of course.
I can help you along.
Teach you some tricks.
Like shading. To
draw a light source.
That would be great.
When you have mastered
the light and shadows,
you can start delving
into the colors.
Have you read through
the regulations?
Yeah, I did.
- And what do you make of it?
It's only in the cells.
- I thought so!
That's what I thought.
You read it, tell us
what you make of it.
You want me to read it now?
- No, tomorrow. Yes, now!
You can't have cellphones
in the cells.
But what about
other places?
It doesn't say
- Yeah, man.
Well, I'm here. Now what?
Enter the bank and walk up
to the nearest free teller.
Yes, can I help you?
Hand her the phone.
- Phone for you.
- This is an armed robbery.
Follow my instructions
to the letter.
Gather up 500 thousand
in small bills and bag them.
Give the bag to the man
standing in front of you.
If you obey nothing bad
will happen.
There is no knowng what
this man can do, understand?
Yes, one moment.
Hello? He hanged up? I'm
supposed to get some money.
Yes, one moment.
These are retardedly good
cookies you have here!
Have you redecorated?
Everything looks great!
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