Fauda (2015) s03e05 Episode Script

Season 3, Episode 5

God damn it.
What? What is it?
Bro, you screwed him over,
so he tried to kill you. That's all.
Enough, it's clean.
It doesn't need a wax polish.
Go home, leave it.
-What's up, Doron?
-I'm fine.
-Can I have a word with you?
-What do you want?
Find a place to live, you can't
stay here like some lowly soldier.
-Get your act together.
Have you spoken with Ido?
Eli, a man's brain just blew up
all over me, spare me the bullshit!
I need you focused,
don't you get it?!
Don't worry.
-Damn it, this is just what we needed.
-What is it?
Suspected kidnapping.
A guy and a girl in a premilitary academy.
Their bags were found in Wadi Qelt.
Signs of a struggle,
lost contact since noon.
You guys are on standby.
I'm calling Steve. Wait for updates.
-They're gonna kill us.
-No, they're not.
[Quiet! No talking!]
[Tell her to shut up.
I mean it, I can't listen to her.]
Girl, be quiet.
Both of you, quiet!
I can't breathe.
She can't breathe.
Can you please pull over?
She's having an attack,
she's gonna faint.
Yaara, breathe, come on.
[-Pull over. Pull over.]
[-We can't stop here!]
[Stop the car for a minute!]
Girl, it's okay, just breathe.
[Dad, we can't stay here,
we'll be seen.]
-What's your name?
-Her name is Yaara.
-Please, let her go.
Yaara, look at me.
Look at me.
You must calm down now, okay?
Breathe deeply.
Now, don't move and don't talk.
If you both do as we tell you,
it'll all be over and you'll go home.
-You got that?
-No problem.
Good, then everything's fine.
[-what are we doing?]
[-Get in the car.]
I just want my son back,
but there's no lead.
If you're listening,
please bring back my son.
This is an ongoing event. We could be
kept here on standby for several days.
Dude, look at this mess,
you gotta clean it up.
Yeah, bro,
this place is a pigsty.
They're not soldiers, they're premilitary
academy students who were hiking
Guys, it's Noga, I've gotta take this.
-Hey, Nogi, what's up?
-Let's go.
Why aren't you asleep?
Dad, did you hear the news
about the missing hikers?
Yeah, I'm watching the news.
They probably just got lost hiking.
-Mom said you'd be out in the field.
-Yeah, look at me out in the field.
I'm in a tent
in the middle of the desert.
-So you sleep on the couch?
-Yep, it's comfy and cozy.
-Doesn't look it.
-It's very comfy.
Nogi, I have to hang up.
Don't worry, everything's fine.
-Love you, sweetie. Bye.
-Good night, Dad.
-What's up?
-It's Bashar.
-What is?
-The kidnapping. Bashar and his father.
Taken two hours ago
by a speed-cam north of Hebron.
Come, Gabi wants to see us.
What's taking so long?
Are you transferring one giga at a time?!
Well, well! Did you hear?
Two Hamdan family members,
Jihad and Bashar,
up until two days ago, we knew
where they were and what they were doing.
The other day we foiled an attack, this
morning he sends his uncle to kill you,
and now he and his dad
commit a kidnapping
-so the entire country is on high alert!
-What do you want me to say, Gabi?
-"I'm sorry, I fucked up," anything!
-Don't start with me, okay?
I have plenty to say to you, too!
You're just covering your ass
-before the inquiry committee!
-I am?!
-Calm down, you two.
They're not working alone.
Hani is helping them.
They're doing it for him
to clear their name.
We don't know that, we know nothing,
and I'll deal with you later.
This family is shitting on us and we're
standing there with open mouths!
I want the entire unit prepared.
Pray that you'll manage to fix this mess!
[Call the guys tomorrow and ask
what our plans are for that day.]
[Abu Rami, what is it?]
[Wait here a minute.]
[My good man, how are you?]
[-How's your health?]
[-Praise God.]
[-How are you, Abu Rami?]
[-Good, praise God.]
[Who are you with?]
[Ask Um Rami to go inside.]
[Um Rami, give us a minute, please.]
[-What is it?]
[-I need a favor.]
[Sure, talk to me.]
[We need a place to stay under the radar
for one night.]
[Sure, man, no problem.]
[Hello, how are you?]
[What is this? What have you done?!
Forget it. You're like a brother to me,]
[but you don't realize what you've done.
They're searching the entire city.]
[They're searching only Hamas members,
not Fatah officers.]
[Jihad, you're asking for too much.]
[I'd be risking my career,
my future and my reputation.]
[You need money?
I'll get you whatever you need.]
[Abu Rami, you know I hate
asking for help, but I have no choice.]
[So, Abu Rami,
now you've joined Hamas?!]
[This Hamas, as you call it,
is Abu Bashar.]
[-Let me go, you don't know everything.]
[-You must get them out of here, now.]
[-If you don't, I will.]
[-Salima, he saved Rami.]
[Two men from Rami's cellblock
used to beat him up.]
[It happened last year
for several months.]
[-Why didn't you tell me?]
[-Rami asked me not to.]
[They'd abuse and humiliate him
until Jihad intervened.]
[He somehow got Rami
placed in a different cellblock.]
[-What does he plan to do with them?]
[-Whatever he wants.]
[Tomorrow they'll have a prisoner swap
and you know who will be on that list.]
Do you think
they're searching for us?
For sure. We're near Hebron.
I bet the entire army is searching.
please, please let us go.
[Eat up.]
[That's nonsense, it's a lie.
I don't know where you heard it.]
[He's not my boyfriend,
we broke up long ago.]
[You can't keep me here,
I'm an Israeli citizen!]
[I was born in an Israeli hospital
and studied in Be'er Sheva!]
[Safaa, he kidnapped two kids
and is holding them hostage.]
[This is serious.
It's Bashar and his father.]
[My dear, spare yourself.]
[Spare those kids.
Help us find him before it's too late.]
[I told you, we broke up.
I don't know where he is.]
[Listen, you're clever and resourceful.]
[Think again.]
[Enough. I want out of here, please!]
[Jihad Hamdan. Tell me about him.]
[He's a nice guy, smart,
a good cook.]
[What did he tell you
his plans were after his release?]
[Did he have a job lined up for him?]
[You think he's involved
in what we saw on TV?]
[I don't know, you tell me.]
[I don't know,
but I do know one thing.]
[He's helped every inmate in here.
We're all in his debt.]
[You think any of us
will help you out?]
[Listen carefully, jackass,]
[you'll be standing in line
to talk to us.]
[You know what we'll put you through
until those kids return home.]
[You'll never catch him. You have no idea
what Jihad is capable of.]
Put him in solitary confinement
for a week.
It's all good, Captain.
[I'm being released soon.]
[None of you get visitations
for a month,]
[and I'll have everyone know
whose fault it is!]
[Where? To Ramallah!]
[Where? To Ramallah!]
[You, who is going where?
To Ramallah]
[Abu Hussein, please focus.]
[You called him a jerk.
Why is that?]
[Everyone says
he's helped anyone in need.]
[Sure, at first I also thought
he was a great guy,]
[but then he decided
that I told the guards]
[we have a mobile phone
in our cell.]
[-Did you?]
[-Of course not.]
[But once he suspects
that someone is a collaborator,]
[that person is finished.
It's a death sentence.]
[Okay. But is he still active
within the Movement?]
[I don't know, but he's connected
with them, and not just them,]
[with anyone he thinks
is useful to him.]
[You mean not just Hamas.
Who else?]
-Rami Issa from Hebron was an inmate here.
He did six months in a cell with Jihad.
You know him?
Oh, boy.
[Peace be upon you.]
[Get in, quick.]
[From here, I take you to this point,]
[and from there, you cross over
the West Bank into Israeli territory]
[where you take a taxi
and go south.]
[How? The whole country
is looking for us.]
[They're looking for you in the West Bank,
not inside Israel.]
[Tell the driver to drop you off here.
There's a house at the end of the street.]
[-Wait there for instructions.]
[-Hold on.]
[I don't get it.
Where is he taking us?]
[We cross over into Israel,
drive south]
[Your cell phone, please.]
[Any weapons?]
[Go ahead.]
[Abu Rami, thanks for coming.]
[-How's it going, buddy?]
[-Praise God.]
[How are Um Rami and the kids,
God bless them?]
[-Is Rami doing okay?]
[-He's good, praise God.]
[Okay, listen, Abu Rami.
We're in deep shit.]
[We have no lead
as to where those kids are.]
[You and I must work side by side
to resolve this.]
[Absolutely. Absolutely.]
[-We're doing everything we can.]
[-Thank you.]
She wrote:
"What three men?"
Write back:
"Let them in, I'll explain later."
"All right."
We're in.
[-Good evening.]
[Sorry about the time, did your husband
tell you we were coming?]
[Yes, come in.]
[Abu Rami isn't here,
I don't know when he'll be back.]
[Anything to drink?]
[No, thanks, we're in a rush
to collect the hostages.]
[-Are they here?]
[-Excuse me, but who are you?]
[-What do you want?]
[-We're from the Preventive Security.]
[Sorry, I don't know
what this is about.]
[You know who lives here,
whose house this is?]
[Amir, there's a staircase outside.]
[-I'm calling my husband.]
[-Hold her.]
[Let go of me!
What do you want from me?!]
[Sit down, we're leaving soon.]
God damn it! Fuck!
Eli, they were here.
[You know how it is]
They were at his house,
but they're gone.
I see.
[Enough is enough.
Where are they, Abu Rami?]
[Excuse me? Where's who?]
[Where are they,
you son of a bitch?!]
[Get your hands off of me!
Captain Ayub, tell him to stop!]
[Forget Ayub,
you're dealing with me now!]
[-Where are the hostages?]
[-I swear I don't know.]
[Just so you know, your wife
is already on her way to prison.]
[I had no choice! I had no choice!
He saved my son!]
[Where are they?!]
[They mentioned
smuggling them into Israel.]
[-Peace be upon you.]
[-How's it going?]
[Praise God.]
[-They're in your care.]
[-God willing, it'll be fine.]
[Continue with him.
May God be with you.]
[-God bless you.]
[-May God keep you safe.]
[-Peace be upon you.]
[One sec.]
[Hi, we've got four passengers.]
[-Copy that.]
[Let's go.]
I want roadblocks every few feet,
full coverage, got it?
Doron, you hear?
They're smuggling them into Israel.
We're checking possible routes.
Drive to Lehavim Forest.
Eli, he's smuggling them in
through Lehavim Forest.
Zoom in on this entire route.
Doron, we're sending the 35th Brigade's
forces to the Gaza envelope. Hurry up.
[We're on our way. Wait for us.]
[-Stop there and await instructions.]
[-We'll wait here.]
[Sit here.]
[Keep an eye on them.]
Doron, this is a quiet entry, the forces
will wait outside so we don't spook them.
After your initial contact,
we'll send backup.
We're on location.
Combing the area.
[Listen, don't panic.]
[I've done this before. They'll be
coming from that direction, got it?]
[-Which direction?]
[-That direction.]
[Don't worry.]
Fuck! Yaara, look, a sign in Hebrew!
We're inside Israel!
I bet we can run towards a road
where they can find us.
It's pitch-black,
he'll never notice.
[Was I not clear?]
Excuse me?
-No. Some water, please.
Can I have some water, please?
Just water.
What the fuck are you doing?!
What are you doing?
I said, don't move!
Go back!
[Sit down!]
-Go back!
You think I want this?!
You think I want this?!
[Bashar, enough! Enough!]
[What's with you?!
Get up, we've gotta move.]
Get up.
[-Peace be upon you.]
[-Who are you?]
[We're workers
trying to get into Israel.]
[-Hi, peace be upon you.]
[-Peace be upon you, pal.]
[You bastard!]
[An older man,
two young guys and a girl.]
[When did they pass through here?
[I don't remember.]
[-I don't remember.]
[-When? Talk!]
[-Just before.]
[Take us there. Take us there.
Take us there!]
[They'll be here in two minutes.]
[Good luck.
May God be with you.]
[Get in the back.]
[What's going on?
I don't do these things!]
[-Get in.]
[-Nobody gets in the car! Who are they?]
[-I'll pay extra.]
[-No! The IDF will demolish my house!]
[Bashar, no, Bashar!]
[Leave him be, Bashar!]
[Help me get them in. Help me.]
[Open the door.]
[Is this where they were picked up?
Eli, we're by the road outside the forest,
they've been picked up.
the only road
from that end of the forest
leads south.
Gabi, they're heading to Gaza.
Doron, the IDF is deployed from the sea
to Rafah. They can't cross over with them.
Go, go!
We're driving south,
keep me updated.
[It's here.]
[Got any water?]
[Drink up.]
[Dad, I've gotta pee.]
[Make it quick.
We won't be here for long.]
[-Hello, Safaa?]
Phone call alert.
[Bashar, you moron, hang up,
your line is tapped!]
It's Bashar,
he called Safaa, we're locating him.
[Do you love me?]
[Bashar, did you kidnap those kids?]
[Answer me.]
[Bashar, you can still back out,
they'll kill you!]
-Fucking Sderot?!
-There's a pumping station on the border.
Doron, they're in Sderot.
I'll send coordinates
once we have a visual.
-We'll be there in a few, Eli.
-Approach, but do not engage.
The Counter-Terrorism Unit
will be there in 15 minutes. Over.
Drive, bro.
don't do anything, Doron, you hear?
I heard you, Eli, I heard you.
[Bashar, I'm hanging up.]
[I'm scared, don't you get it?
They could come after me now, too!]
[Safaa, wait--]
-Eli, we're by the house.
they're outside the last house
bordering on farmland.
My team is there waiting.
Have them stay put. Counter-Terrorism
is there in ten.
Eli, there are four people inside.
Two on the floor,
two standing up.
Okay, Doron, stay put.
Counter-Terrorism is ten minutes away.
Fuck, ten minutes.
[-Dad, what are we doing here?]
[-Don't worry. I trust him.]
[-How will he get here?]
[-Bashar, be patient.]
What's going on, Sagi?
They're gone.
Eli, they're gone.
What do you mean, gone?
We're going in,
we can't waste time.
Okay, go, go, go!
They're not here.
-Eli, they're not here.
-Check again.
I found a door!
They're not here.
It's all closed off, Gabi,
they're gone.
Tunnel. It's a tunnel!
Look for an opening or a shaft.
Eli, they're a mile away from the border,
it must be a tunnel.
Look for an opening or a shaft,
it could be a tunnel!
Here it is!
Eli, there's an opening.
We're going in.
No, Doron, Counter-Terrorism
is a minute away! Stay put!
Eli, we're already here!
Go in!
Bro, stay here and cover us.
Subtitle translation by Hagit Harel
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