Friends s07e15 Episode Script

226416 - The One With Joey's New Brain

Thanks for coming by.
We wanted to bounce some ideas off of you about the wedding ceremony.
- What's the matter? Are you okay? - It's just .
Monica said "wedding.
" We thought one of you could read something.
Okay, yeah, I guess I can do that too.
Too? I kind of have something else planned for you guys.
- Do you mind telling us what it is? - Sorry.
I'm kind of keeping this one on the QT.
Whatever it is, I hope it involves winking.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I talked to one of the DOOL writers - What is DOOL? -Days Of Our Lives.
You won't believe it.
My character is coming out of his coma! - That's wonderful.
- Wow, Joey.
And not only that.
I'm getting a new brain! So great things are happening at work and in your personal life.
You're getting a new brain? They're killing off one of the characters and her brain is being transplanted into my body.
What? A brain transplant? It's ridiculous.
It's ridiculous that you haven't had sex in three months.
It's winter.
There are fewer people on the street.
Who are they killing off? Cecilia Monroe.
She plays Jessica Lockhart.
No! She is so good at throwing drinks in people's faces.
I don't think I've ever seen her finish a drink.
The way she slaps people.
Wouldn't you love to? Don't do it.
And she's been on the show forever.
It's gonna be really hard to fill her shoes.
Help me out here.
When you come out of the brain transplant you are going to be her? Yes, but in Drake Ramoray's body.
Why is this so hard for you to get? I thought you were a scientist.
The One With Joey's New Brain Rach, so that guy there: Straight or gay? Oh, yeah, he's too cute to be straight.
Knockers will help us figure it out.
All right, straight.
And not subtle.
He left his cell phone.
We could have Gunther put it in lost and found.
Or we could use it to call China, see how those guys are doing.
What if he calls his own cell phone and I answer and we start talking and we fell in love? Would that be a great story? Kind of like a fairy tale for the digital age.
That does sound great.
I'm getting the phone.
What? Wait.
Why do you get the story? I haven't been out on a date in so long.
Phoebe, you had a date three days ago.
That wasn't a date.
That was friends getting together and having sex.
I get the phone.
No way.
You just broke up with Tag a week ago.
Yeah, and until now, I didn't think I would love again.
- Nice try.
- Wait.
How do we fairly decide who gets the phone? I don't know.
Maybe we could .
Ah-ha! Too slow! Ah-ha! Too cocky.
I'm dating him.
There's nothing you can do.
Yes, there is.
Are you going to kill him like you did Charles? Oh, my baby.
Cut! That was great.
And that slap looked so real.
How do you do that? - Oh, just years of experience.
- Can I get some ice here?! I just wanted to say how wonderful I think you are.
You're not the fan who's dying, are you? I'm Joey Tribbiani.
We did a scene together yesterday.
- I'm the guy in the coma.
- Oh, that was a real person? Since I'm getting your brain when you leave the show I was wondering if - I'm leaving the show? - Why? Did you hear something? Who told you that? - One of the writers.
- Was it bald or was it tall? You know, it doesn't matter, because it is not true.
And if it were true, how dare you come to me and ask me for tips about a character I've played for 20 years! Miss Monroe Oh, there you go.
Okay, look, I have an idea.
Why don't we see what kind of numbers he has on his speed dial and then whoever has more in common with him gets the phone.
- Fine.
All right.
- All right.
First name on the speed dial is "Mom.
" Oh.
I lost my mom to suicide.
You can't use that to get the cute guy and the last blueberry muffin.
Did I use that already today? Sorry.
"Ben, Carlos, David" Oh, I win.
He's got Barney's on his speed dial.
You don't know it's Barney's the store.
That could be his friend's house, a bar Who has Barney's the store on their speed dial? His new girlfriend.
What is that? I think it's the Dying Cat Parade.
Sounds like it's coming from across the street.
- Oh, my God.
- What? The thing that Ross was gonna do at our wedding? He was hanging out with me and said, "You're half Scottish, right?" No.
There is no way.
It cannot be Ross.
Why is your family Scottish? Why is your family Ross? He cannot play at our wedding.
I mean, come on.
That is just noise! It's not even a song.
If you listen very carefully I think it's "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang.
You're right.
They are writing me out of the show.
They don't know exactly when it's going to happen, but soon and then that's it.
If it was up to me, you would never leave the show.
- Yeah, thanks.
- I mean it.
I can't believe they'd do this to you.
And to your fans.
They're gonna be devastated.
They love you so much.
Oh, you're right.
Thank you.
What's your name again? - Joey.
- Thank you.
That is so sweet.
The only reason I came up to you before is because, well I'm really nervous about being you.
If you could help me capture the essence of the character .
Help me keep Jessica alive.
Please? Joey, I will help you.
Not because I owe it to this stupid show but because I owe it to Jessica.
- Oh, thank you so much.
- You're so welcome.
I've been watching some tapes.
How's this? Jessica Lockhart will never step foot in this place again! Never! Jessica doesn't have an English accent.
I can do an English accent? That baby's going on my resume.
- Hi.
How are you? - Good.
Remember when we were in the coffeehouse we decided I was gonna keep the cute guy's phone? I was gonna keep it in my purse, so if it rang, I could just pick it up? Do you remember going into my purse and stealing the phone? Ooh, now you lost me.
- You stole the phone.
- No, I didn't.
You're saying if I called it, it wouldn't ring? - No.
- Okay.
But while you dial, let me show you the features of my new ringing handbag.
Oh, it does work.
- Phoebe.
- That is a different phone.
Oh, is it? Hello.
Yes, hi.
Is Rachel there? Yes, she is.
Just one moment, please.
It's for me! That is damning evidence.
Oh, my God.
I bet that's him.
My digital fairy tale's about to begin.
Would you stop doing that? Hello? Yes, I'm the one who found your phone.
- Phoebe, you can't - Shh, I'm on a call.
Yeah, you can pick it up tonight.
Say, 8:30? At my apartment.
It's 5 Morton Street, apartment 14.
And then maybe, you know, after, we can grab a bite to eat or whatever.
Okay, I'll see you then.
I will be here when he comes over.
How will you know what time to come over? You just said it.
The essence of the character is rooted in her confidence.
So when Jessica enters a room, for instance she owns everything and every person in that room.
- You try it.
- Okay.
He's not mad at the room.
Try it again.
He owns it.
He owns the room.
It is his.
He owns, owns, owns the room! He owns it! It's a little weird, but it's getting better.
I'm gonna miss this woman so much.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
It's been 20 years of my life.
Hey, hey.
Maybe this is a good thing.
It'll give you a chance to shake things up.
Play different characters.
You're so talented.
Probably should've just left years ago when the offers were pouring in but I just got so comfy here and .
I turned down some amazing work.
Like what? Well, let's just say if I'd left 15 years ago the landscape of Mexican cinema would be very different today.
But, well, now .
Now's a different time for me.
Oh, hey, come on.
Don't do this.
Let me tell you something, okay? When I watch you do a scene, I'm thinking, "She is a great actress.
" But I'm also thinking, "She is hot.
" You think I'm hot? You own the room.
We should probably get the .
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we should get So when Jessica kisses a man she usually puts both her hands on the man's face.
I notice that.
Is that because she's so passionate? No, it's because that way the camera only sees her.
You want to try it? Yeah, okay.
That was good.
That was really good.
But I think that maybe your hands are just a little off.
They should Well, I feel like a snack.
Do you want some shortbread? It's Scottish, like you are.
Oh, no, thanks.
I don't like anything from my Scottish heritage.
What? Well, it's just that my entire family was run out of Scotland by Vikings.
It sounds like your family's ready to rediscover its Scottish roots.
You can't play bagpipes at the wedding! How did you know? - We heard you play from our apartment.
- Were you the ones who called the cops? That's not really important right now.
What is important is, while we appreciate the gesture we just don't feel that bagpipes are appropriate for our wedding.
- Why not? - Because we hate them.
Just give me a chance to perform for you, then decide whatever you want.
I'm not gonna tell you what song I'm gonna play, either.
Let's just say when it's over I'll bet there'll be a wee bit o' celebration.
Hey, hey! Who is it? It's Tom.
I'm here to pick up the phone.
Why do you get to answer the door? - Why shouldn't I? - Because it's my apartment.
Then I get to give him the phone.
Good luck explaining all the calls to China.
Wow, how long were we arguing for? You're not the man who left the phone.
- No, that's my assistant.
- Is he coming? No.
- Could you give us one second? - Sure.
We'll be right back, sir.
- What do we do? - I don't know.
Can you believe this? We were waiting for a hot guy and a hotter one shows up.
I know What? Rachel, listen if you let me have him, then I will really owe you one.
All right.
All right, I will let you have him.
But you owe me.
You owe me big.
Which one of you will I take to dinner? Oh, that'd be me, sir.
Well, you certainly own that room.
Actually, I rent the whole place.
I just got what you meant.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hey.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Jessica Lockhart! In my apartment! I am such a huge fan.
I am such a huge fan.
It's nice to know Monica! That's my roommate, Rachel.
That explains the women's underwear.
Oh, my God, it's true! Can I just ask you to do me just one favor? Certainly.
Would you slap me right here in the face? I'd love to, but my lawyer said I can't do that anymore.
All right, here we go.
No, wait.
Just one moment.
- You're a stupid bitch.
- I really can't slap you.
- My God, you're great.
- Thanks for stopping by.
- I am so sorry about that.
- Oh, no.
Being adored, I'm used to it.
Don't worry about it.
- Oh, my God.
- What? They sent me today's script.
They never send me the script.
- They don't? - I'm in a coma.
This must mean I have lines.
How does it happen? You get thrown from a horse into an electric fence.
A what? Jessica hates horses.
After this she's not gonna be crazy about electricity, either.
Loosening the saddle on Mother's horse was brilliant, Fredrick.
And the electric fence, inspired.
Thank you, sweetheart.
I can't believe she's really gone.
Look around you.
All of this is ours.
I don't think so.
Who are you? What's the matter, Dina? Don't you recognize your own mother? Cut! That was great, everybody.
Thank you.
That was so wonderful! I think that you're a better Jessica than I ever was.
- Oh, no.
- Of course not, but you were good.
Good news.
I got another job.
Hey, all right! What is it? A film in Guadalajara.
The airport? No, that's LaGuardia.
- This is Mexico.
- Oh, wow.
Well, how long will you be gone? Eight months.
- That's a really long time.
- Yeah, but you could come and visit.
I bet you could own a few places down there.
Oh, you know, I should probably buy a place in the city first.
And I just got what you meant.
That is - That's a tricky one.
- It's tricky.
Good luck.
You too.
Now, remember, I'm still learning.
One, two, three, four! You know this song.
Sing along.
So? No!
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