Hangar 1: The UFO Files (2014) s01e03 Episode Script

Alien Technology

Spring, 1941 A warm Missouri evening in Cape Girardeau.
Suddenly, the Serenity is shattered, as something streaks across the night sky And goes down in flames in the nearby woods.
A story that would've been buried had it not been for a local clergyman.
Reverend William Huffman, a small-town minister, got a phone call.
He was asked to administer the last rites at a crash scene.
As he's led through the wreckage, reverend huffman is astounded.
There's firemen there.
There's the police.
There's the FBI.
He's escorted to the middle of this scene, and he sees a flying saucer.
There was a casualty in this UFO crash the pilot.
Not just one casualty, but three.
And the report goes on to say that he realizes they are not of this world.
Still, the reverend does as requested.
That's what you did back then.
You had to have somebody minister to the victim.
But it's the activity beyond the reverend's view that is significant.
Reverend huffman is praying over these extraterrestrial bodies, but while he's doing that, the military is already taking charge of the scene.
Scattered throughout the site is wreckage containing remnants of never-before-seen technology.
They're securing the site.
They're labeling and packing away every piece of the craft.
The military recognizes that this technology far surpasses our capabilities.
It is beyond explanation.
This drops into your lap.
And what is this? It is the arrival of some kind of exotic technology vastly beyond anything that we had.
And that's the starting point.
With the material in hand, it becomes clear the military needs to thoroughly investigate the craft and its technology.
But the question becomes Where to study it? MUFON files suggest that some of this material may have been sent to Purdue university, home to many of the brightest minds in the country.
The government acquires this technology from the crash.
So where is the top research facility to work on it? Purdue.
A Purdue graduate student was visited by a government official who dropped some exotic technology into his hands.
He tells the kid it was intercepted from an unnamed foreign nation.
"Take a look at this.
Figure out what it does, how it works.
" Not much more explanation than that.
This technology was allegedly presented to grad students at Purdue university like fire from Olympus.
Some speculate that the recovered UFO technology is eventually reverse engineered.
And within seven years, what started at Purdue may have led to a breakthrough invention that ushers in the computer age.
That invention is the transistor.
Is it possible that a number of our technological achievements have been built on reverse-engineered materials retrieved from extraterrestrial spacecraft? MUFON opens its files right now.
The mutual UFO network, known as "MUFON," is an independent organization not bound to any government.
They investigate reports of UFO sightings from around the world.
Over the past five decades, they have collected more than 70,000 files, secured at a location known as Hangar 1.
Now, for the first time, MUFON is granting access to their vast archive.
These are the files of Hangar 1.
Over the past 70 years, technology has advanced at a staggering rate, providing mankind with capabilities that were once unimaginable, achievements that have revolutionized communication, medicine, transportation, and the military.
But what suddenly sparked this technological leap forward? MUFON files point to one possible explanation The Cape Girardeau crash, an event that may have led to the development of the transistor.
The transistor is a component now used in most electronics that acts as an amplifier for an electronic signal.
Before the transistor, we used vacuum tubes, which is why we had huge TV cabinets with tiny, little screens and radios the size of refrigerators.
The transistor breakthrough unlocks a world of possibilities.
What the transistor enabled is a vast miniaturization of the electronics to which we regularly have access.
What would've been a supercomputer the size of a room we now call a smartphone.
In the 1950s, portable radios utilized five transistors.
Today one smartphone contains billions.
It's really interesting to look at our technological breakthroughs since the 1940s Computers, the Internet, cell phones, nuclear power, space travel.
It's just staggering.
Just in the last few years alone, we've seen televisions go from three feet in depth, to less than an inch, and that's all thanks to the transistor.
You can really make a case that the world we live in today would not be possible had it not been for our acquisition of this extraterrestrial technology.
MUFON files suggest that the 1941 Cape Girardeau crash is ground zero for our technological boom.
But this isn't the only time we've exploited a UFO crash.
A pattern starts emerging where things fall from the sky, we collect them, do our best to study them, and figure out how they can benefit us.
Yet another UFO crash may have provided us with a vast amount of alien technology 1947, Roswell, New Mexico.
There are a lot of stories about what really happened regarding the crash in Roswell, new Mexico But I think the best account comes from a military insider who was actually at the scene, and that's colonel Philip J.
According to Philip J.
Corso, what crashed at Roswell was indeed an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
And Corso says that the military took that wreckage Studied it, and that accounts for the technological boom of the 20th century.
Technology from the Roswell crash may also be responsible for a number of postwar innovations.
A list of inventions that were seeded from the Roswell crash includes integrated computer chips, fiber optics, night vision, stealth technology, and even microwaves.
This is a big piece of the puzzle that our official truth has sort of whitewashed out.
If the files are correct, cracking the code to this technology will require vast resources.
This job is entrusted to the U.
The government didn't know what they were dealing with, so what they did was they brought in the sharpest minds in the country to look at this.
That's the way it's always been.
The sharpest minds have always worked on national security.
If the U.
Government has extraterrestrial technology and is reverse engineering it for military purposes, what other breakthroughs have they achieved Shielded from the public And the eyes of our enemies? We have got technology that's better than George Lucas, better than anything you've seen in Star Wars, Star Trek, whatever.
And it's kept absolutely secret.
Hangar 1 files point to a controversial figure who claims to be a member of this inner circle and comes forward to reveal not only where this top-secret work takes place, but what they are creating there.
Inside the walls of Hangar 1 are thousands of eyewitness reports of unexplained UFO activity.
In 1941, a baptist minister witnesses a crashed UFO.
Technology extracted from the site may have jump-started the greatest leap forward in human technology Beginning with the invention of the transistor And leading to even more innovations of the 20th century.
MUFON files point to one controversial figure who speaks out about inside information he holds on the military's deepest secrets.
1989, Las Vegas A man named Bob Lazar claims to have knowledge of a highly classified military operation that is experimenting with reverse-engineered UFOs.
I have degrees in physics and electronics technology.
I've worked in a number of scientific programs, some of which require top-secret and above-top-secret security clearances.
Lazar alleges to know where this work is taking place and also hints at an astonishing secret propulsion technology.
And he's about to blow the whistle on all of it.
What is your synopsis in a nutshell? My synopsis of what I know to be true? Yes.
The government is holding nine alien spacecraft.
The work is being conducted 15 miles south of groom lake.
Bob Lazar went on television in 1989, and he declared that located south from the secret, infamous Area 51 base, there's a area called s4, and that's where he said he worked.
Between December of '88 and April of '89, I worked as a senior staff physicist in what has to be the most secret project in history.
Area s4 is located approximately 15 miles south of the infamous Area 51 installation at groom lake.
For the duration of my employment at s4, I was paid by the United States Navy.
Lazar claims that s4 is an above-top-secret underground research facility hidden deep in the Nevada desert.
He says that s4 houses reverse-engineered E.
craft and UFOs that we've built.
These are amazing claims that Bob Lazar is making.
He comes out of nowhere and goes on TV saying that we're building a fleet of UFOs based on alien designs.
Nobody knows what to make of this guy.
Is he for real? Can we even trust him? He claims s4, or site four, which is ten miles south of Area 51, apparently it was cut out of the side of a mountain and concealed.
How deep it goes, who knows? Although many are skeptical about his claims, Lazar asserts that s4 is the real home of acquired alien technology A place where UFO retrievals are stored, studied, and reverse engineered.
This would be a perfect location, of course, to study any acquired alien hardware that you would've gotten.
It's about as remote as you're gonna get in the US.
It's totally off-limits to the public.
Lazar's most controversial claim is that intergalactic travel is made possible by an alien power source that he refers to as atomic element 115, or "ununpentium.
" He said it was a near-100%-efficient electromagnetic generator.
Some of the capabilities of the craft that Lazar had talked about operated on a very advanced gravitational pull, where you would bring the destination toward you, and then when you turned off the reactor, you would end up at your destination.
Warp the fabric of space-time, and you're at your destination instantaneously.
So this is space-time compression that Lazar's talking about, but he's attributing this technology to an element that, as far as we know, doesn't even exist one that goes against known science.
Naturally, people are going to be skeptical.
A deeper look into Hangar 1 files uncovers another surprise from Bob Lazar One that alleges the origins of element 115.
This is the most interesting part about Lazar's story.
According to Lazar, element 115 wasn't actually pilfered from extraterrestrials, it was given to us by extraterrestrials.
We're not just scavenging for extraterrestrial scraps.
Our government is actually in some sort of a partnership with extraterrestrials.
With such a questionable claim, the idea is quickly dismissed by mainstream scientists, and Lazar faces widespread ridicule.
At the time, Bob Lazar's claims of element 115 were considered to be ridiculous.
Lazar himself was said to be delusional.
I think that's very insulting to humans.
I think that says, "we're incapable of developing things on our own.
" I give humankind much more credit than that.
But in 2004, an international team of scientists appears to vindicate Bob Lazar by announcing the discovery of a new super-heavy element Element 115 Or ununpentium.
So now we finally discover element 115 in 2004.
It has the exact properties that Bob Lazar said it had in 1989.
Everyone laughed when Lazar told us about element 115, and he turned out to be right about that.
So maybe we need to seriously consider his claim that the aliens actually gave us this element.
But if we have been handed alien technology and are utilizing these secrets to build our own futuristic UFOs, how does the government keep these projects wrapped up so tightly? If you're in charge of keeping this from the public, you're gonna take extreme measures.
I know of one story from a former air force intelligence officer that's especially disturbing.
Many believe there are certain elements within the government that are willing to go to extraordinary lengths to keep their otherworldly secrets from being exposed.
We'll se just how far when we return.
According to MUFON files secured in Hangar 1, alien technology retrieved from UFO crashes has led to breakthroughs in everything from computers to our own ultra-classified military UFOs.
The secret that our government is reverse engineering alien technology This is something that would change the world.
If you're in charge of keeping this from the public, you're going to take extreme measures.
Some of the stories about this are truly disturbing.
California, 1989 A military defense contractor learns firsthand just how far some will go to keep their secret technology concealed.
This story comes from Edgar Fouche, a retired air force intelligence officer.
He tells about a friend of his named Sal, who was an engineer contracted by a top-secret research facility in California.
So Ed Fouche says that one day toward the end sal's contract, he starts to feel a little sick.
His supervisor sends him to the on-site doctor.
The doctor gives sal an injection and tells him to get some rest.
Sal goes home, falls asleep, and awakens to a nightmare.
Sal wakes up the next day and heads for work.
Then it hits him.
He doesn't remember how to get there.
He has no idea what he's been doing for the past several months.
He eventually learns that his contract has been terminated.
His security clearance is revoked, and he has zero memory of the projects he's actually worked on.
His old pay stubs are the only proof he ever worked there at all.
Every technological secret that sal developed and worked on is forgotten, erased from his memory.
Whether sal's story can be verified or not, you can't deny the intense lockdown of defense-industry secrets.
You got to ask yourself, if this kind of thing is going on, memories being erased, how did we even get here? But every once in a while, we still get a peek behind the defense industry's curtain Sometimes from a very unlikely source.
Hangar 1 files contain a surprising admission from the former CEO of the U.
Military's biggest defense contractor Written shortly before his death.
We have a letter on file from Ben Rich, the former president and CEO of the Lockheed skunk works, where he states there are two kinds of UFOs Those of extraterrestrial origin and those that we manufacture, and those that are of extraterrestrial origin had a great impact on the development of our own UFOs.
This is amazing.
I mean, here's one of the biggest military defense contractors in the world, and he comes right out and says, "we have technology based on UFO designs.
" Does Ben rich's letter shed light on even more technological secrets? Revelations that may hint at some of mankind's true capabilities.
We already have the means to travel among the stars But these technologies are locked up in black projects.
And it would take an act of god to ever get them out for the benefit of humanity.
Ben rich said that we have technology that is so far advanced that, you know, there's no way he could mention any of it.
We're 400 years ahead of what we see here.
Flying cars and this That's all real stuff.
We're just not seeing it here.
Ben rich makes this claim of unlimited possibilities.
We already have these technologies, but the government has yet to acknowledge its existence.
Yes, we have got technology that's better than George Lucas, better than anything you've seen in Star wars, Star Trek, whatever.
And it's kept absolutely secret.
The central question here is, "how did we acquire this knowledge?" According to Ben rich, we learned how to build our own UFOs by studying crash retrievals.
Then he came right out and said that extraterrestrials have been in contact with our civilization, and we've been pilfering their technology for more than 70 years.
Ben rich's statements seem to confirm what Bob Lazar claimed in 1989 That we are reverse engineering UFOs.
But Hangar 1 files suggest another startling disclosure That the United States may not be the only country with a history of reverse engineering alien technology.
During World War II, under the control of the SS.
, the Nazis and Nazi scientists were doing a whole array of highly advanced technological research.
Hangar 1 files suggest a history of reverse-engineered alien technology as a possible source for some of our most advanced weapons and aircraft.
But is America the only country to reap these extraterrestrial rewards? The files point to the possibility that enemy nations may have also been experimenting with extraterrestrial technology, at least since World War II.
Of course, when we're talking about very advanced, cutting-edge sort of technologies, it's not just the U.
Let's not forget the Germans.
During World War II, under the control of the s.
, the Nazis and Nazi scientists were doing a whole array of highly advanced technological research.
Is some of this advanced technology also reverse engineered from alien sources? One file reports a UFO recovery that occurred over a decade before Roswell in the heart of Nazi Germany.
1936 A mysterious disc-shaped craft is spotted flying erratically over the German countryside.
It suddenly plummets to earth, crashing into the black forest.
The disc is recovered by the military and soon comes to the attention of Adolf Hitler.
When Hitler hears about this weird flying disc, naturally he wanted to learn everything about it.
What is it? What can it do? And most importantly, how could he use this to his advantage? Hitler orders the crash debris taken to Wewelsburg castle a massive stronghold at the center of the Nazis' plan for a third reich-dominated world.
Inside Wewelsburg castle, high-ranking SS.
Officers study both science and the occult under the direct command of Heinrich Himmler.
Himmler oversaw the most esoteric, advanced, and sometimes outright frightening elements of the Nazi war machine.
We know that the Nazis pursued the idea of the wunderwaffe The superweapon.
This was their effort for victory through science.
They worked on things like directed-energy weapons, basically ray guns.
They tried to create a sun gun An orbital mirror that can focus the sun's rays at a target on earth.
Nazi scientists study the UFO and make a startling discovery.
Some of this physics appeared to have to do with propulsion technology.
The claim is that it contains an antigravity generator, unlike any technology on earth.
It is now known that the Nazis were experimenting with many advanced technologies, including antigravity, during World War II.
And some of that technology may have been more advanced than what the Americans had.
The s.
Works to study and reverse engineer the salvaged UFO Resulting in a secret project called Die Glocke A terrifying weapon intended to conquer the skies for the third reich.
We have stories of something called Die Glocke, the bell.
It could very well have existed, and it was a device that created a kind of electromagnetic field that seemed to be able to play with gravity and possibly even allow it to levitate.
But the prototype proves unstable and deadly.
It was said to be highly dangerous.
You get to close to it, you'd be dead.
Die glocke supposedly works through some kind of antigravity power source, but when the Nazis couldn't replicate it, they abandoned the project.
Despite the Nazis' lack of success, MUFON files indicate that for decades, other enemy nations may have also benefitted from recovering crashed UFOs and reverse engineering their technology.
There's no reason to believe that we're the only nation on earth that has this technology.
And if rival nations possess the technology that we have, this could be a potentially disastrous situation.
What if a crashed UFO ended up in the hands of one of our enemies and they were able to reverse engineer the technology? That's one of the worst-case scenarios.
Has this scenario already occurred? We believe that the iranian government reengineered UFO technology to capture our drones.
Hangar 1's archives recount a possible history of UFO reverse engineering conducted by Nazi Germany during World War II.
But more recent files suggest that some foreign nations may also be arming themselves with extraterrestrial technology.
We have evidence of crashes all around the world Russia in 1969, China in 2006, and the middle east in 1991 and in 2007.
If this really happened, then we have advanced technology that might be in the hands of our enemies.
December 2011 An American drone crosses into Iran's airspace.
It is captured by the iranian military without so much as a dent.
Iran proudly broadcasts the captured aircraft on international television.
American military insiders are thrown into a frenzy, uncertain how Iran could execute this feat.
This is a state-of-the-art military drone, and Iran brought it down out of midair without a scratch.
It's not like they shot the thing down.
They somehow were able to capture the drone in midair.
How could a small country like Iran have the technology to pull this off? The files contain reports that suggest the iranian military may have had help developing this technology.
So, after the drone is captured, the U.
is pretty embarrassed and rattled about what's going on.
And then a few days later, a different story emerges by a nuclear engineer by the name of Dr.
Mehran Keshe.
Keshe, a controversial nuclear scientist, claims that he helped design an iranian military UFO that was used to capture the American drone.
He describes the UFO as having capabilities that exceed any known aircraft, including a technology that many believe does not exist.
He says that the drone was captured intact by a tractor beam that was mounted on a secret aircraft that he designed.
A tractor beam is the ability to pull or tow an object without necessarily being physically connected to it.
The beam uses photons, or light particles, as a mean of achieving this.
In 2013, NASA announced that they have had some success with this technology, but on a very small scale.
The iranians claim that they brought down one of our drones with a tractor beam.
Not buying it.
We have had limited success, but what this scientist claimed just doesn't exist.
Could Iran have constructed this technology by reverse engineering alien materials? To answer this question, MUFON examines Iran's long history of UFO incidents.
Beginning in 1976, Iran experiences a succession of UFO encounters.
And in 2004, they appear to have recovered their own UFO crash.
In 2004, fars news agency stated that multiple eyewitnesses saw a UFO crash in the mountain of Kerman.
The crash is witnessed by many, but the iranian military arrive at the scene before any civilians.
By the time they are gone, so too is any evidence of a UFO crash, leaving many to ask, "what became of the UFO?" Our experts say that that 2004 crash was reengineered by the iranian government, and that technology was used by Dr.
Mehran Keshe to capture that drone.
What if a crashed UFO ended up in the hands of one of our enemies and they were able to reverse engineer the technology? That's one of the worst-case scenarios.
But within Hangar 1 files, there is evidence of a more immediate danger to our planet Because if UFO crashes have truly given us the wonders of our modern world, can we really trust the alien technology that we've grown to depend on? It's kind of like giving matches to a bunch of preschool students.
It's not gonna turn out really well.
Inside Hangar 1, MUFON files contain information that suggest that many of the wonders of the 20th century might be built on a foundation of alien technology reverse engineered from recovered UFO crashes such as the debris recovered in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Roswell, new Mexico.
And some foreign nations may already be using their own reverse-engineered technology against us.
But could we potentially face an even greater threat? This is the worst-case scenario We become absolutely dependent on technology in every facet of our life.
What would happen to us if it were suddenly taken away? August 13, 2003 MUFON receives sighting reports of UFO activity near three separate power plants in the northeastern United States.
4:10 P.
that day The second largest blackout in north American history begins.
Over 50 million citizens across the northeastern U.
and Canada are without electricity.
Entire states are blanketed in darkness.
Transportation systems shut down.
Medical equipment fails.
Radio and television broadcasts go dead.
Cities and towns across the northeast shut down.
People are trapped in elevators and underground on subway trains.
There's no drinking water flowing because pumps are now controlled by electrical regulators.
The Internet, cell phone coverage goes down.
It was total chaos.
Hundreds of thousands of blackout-related emergencies are reported, including several dozen fatalities.
So what caused this huge disaster? It's attributed to a software bug at an Ohio power plant.
But that doesn't account for the multiple UFO sightings near power stations right before the blackout began.
It's easy to interpret these events as an act of aggression.
Whether the 2003 blackout was caused by UFOs or not, it lasted less than one day and affected less than a quarter of the United States.
And look how bad that got.
But if, in fact, extraterrestrials could cut us off from our technology, what if they did it on a worldwide scale? One of the biggest threats to our power grid is from solar flares or its big brother the coronal mass ejection.
These occur when eruptions on the sun blast out showers of charged particles that can disrupt electronics.
In fact, I remember in 1998, when, suddenly, everyone's pager, back when we had pagers, suddenly died.
What happened was is that we'd had a solar flare that literally disrupted hundreds of millions of dollars worth of satellites from all nations.
If we were to experience another event of that size today, considering our dependence on computers and electronics, it would cripple us.
Many believe that vulnerabilities in our energy grid may pose the biggest danger to our world today.
Today we are collectively addicted to electrons.
More to the point, we're addicted to objects that conduct electron electronics.
When something happens that deprives us of our electrons, we're screwed.
I think that 100 years ago, we were more prepared to deal with that eventuality than we are today.
Forget about our inability to access our own personal bank accounts.
Government and industry would completely collapse.
Civilization wouldn't be able to survive.
If you accept the premise that E.
Technology is already here, that it's already happened and integrated into our lives, then what's the endgame? There are a few ways to look at this That this is great, that we've embraced these technologies from extraterrestrials, that we're catching up to them, that the human race is moving forward.
Here's another perspective on the whole situation.
What if this technology we're not supposed to have it at all, and these crash retrievals have messed us up on an evolutionary scale.
It's kind of like giving matches to a bunch of preschool students.
It's not gonna turn out really well.
For thousands of years, mankind flourished without this technology.
We conquered and mapped the world.
We built the pyramids, founded massive empires.
Now we all need our phones to guide us across town.
We need computers for everything from balancing our budgets to managing our elections to guiding our missiles.
Astrophysicist Carl Sagan in his final interview warned We've arranged a society based on science and technology, in which nobody understands anything about science and technology.
And this combustible mixture of ignorance and power, sooner or later, is going to blow up in our faces.
With this technology comes great responsibility.
While many wonder if we will ever know the truth about UFO crashes and reverse-engineered technology, perhaps the only way to continue uncovering this truth is to keep investigating and studying the files contained in Hangar 1.

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