Hangar 1: The UFO Files (2014) s02e02 Episode Script

Underwater UFOs

August, 1991.
The Pacific Ocean.
The USS Nimitz is returning home to Hawaii after a long deployment in the first Gulf War.
My name is Kevin Via.
I was a PH2 stationed on the USS Nimitz in 1991 when this happened to me.
Kevin is an expert at identifying all forms of U.
and enemy jets because he's the one responsible for photographing and documenting them for the Navy.
I had finished my evening shift, and as usual I had gone up to the deck to look at the ocean, hopefully watch the sunset.
And while I was sitting there, they locked the ship down.
This protocol could mean that there is an imminent danger.
Via has only thirty seconds to clear the deck.
He doesn't make it.
Everything is locked down before he has a chance to go under.
Kevin decides to wait it out.
I started feeling like something was buzzing inside me.
I started looking around.
Whatever was buzzing was everywhere.
I could feel it in my body, I could hear it, I could feel it on my hands against the rail that I was holding onto.
The next thing he sees paralyzes him with fear.
As Via looks over the ship's starboard side, he's astounded to see something rising out of the ocean.
In front of me was a very large object.
I mean, this thing was huge.
It was larger than the Nimitz.
I could see the water underneath it glow.
I'm not sure if it was lights coming down from the ship or the ocean itself was being illuminated.
It had to be that this thing came from out of the water.
I knew that I saw something from another world.
The craft continues to rise until it levels off above the height of the Nimitz.
And it sits there about 200 yards from the ship, for about 15 minutes, not making any sound, although he says the buzzing sensation remained the whole time.
The craft now appeared to have no apparent color, it almost looked like glass.
It started to move slightly, and then all of a sudden it went up and I mean up fast.
It was literally from where it was at me in front of the ocean to a pinpoint in the sky in a half a second.
Following the incident, Kevin Via is isolated for questioning.
When these guys started questioning, my first impression was, "Well, I'm not gonna tell them what I saw because everybody will think I'm a lunatic.
" I just wanted to go about my normal life and pretend like nothing had changed.
Although everything had changed.
Did Kevin Via witness a UFO? Underwater UFO reports are some of the most extraordinary encounters that we have on record.
We are surrounded by water on this planet.
71% of the Earth is underwater.
Most of which is totally unexplored.
But underwater UFOs, they could be very close, watching us without us ever knowing they're there.
Are UFOs lurking beneath the waters of our planet? If so, how big is this mysterious network of underwater craft and where are they coming from? MUFON investigates UFOs in the abyss right now.
The Mutual UFO Network, known as MUFON, is an independent organization, not bound to any government.
They investigate reports of UFO sightings from around the world.
Over the past five decades, they have collected more than 70,000 files secured at a location known as Hangar 1.
Now, MUFON is granting access to their vast archive.
These are the files of Hangar 1.
While we often look to the skies for evidence of unidentified flying objects, MUFON files contain many sightings of underwater UFOs.
Where do they come from and why are these mysterious craft hiding in our oceans? Think about how much space there is to hide in the ocean.
If there are UFOs underwater, we'd have no way to know how many there are or what they're up to.
But some of MUFONs files hint that there could be something very big hint that there could be something very big going on down there.
October 4, 1967.
Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia.
In the fall of 1967, a man by the name of Laurie Wickens is driving home late one evening with his friends.
In the distance, Wickens spots a strange unusual flashing object.
This object has flashing yellow lights, and it looks like it's falling out of the sky right towards the harbor.
Wickens is so alarmed by the speed and trajectory of the object towards the water that he pulls his truck over.
Wickens fears that he just witnessed a plane crash.
So he goes to the nearest payphone and makes an urgent call to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The senior officer on duty, Corporal Victor Werbicki, listens to Wicken's call and assumes he is drunk.
However, soon multiple calls start coming into the police department, all describing a similar crash into the harbor.
It turns out most of the town saw this crash.
We call it a crash, but we are not sure because it didn't go into the water immediately.
It was above water.
Above water and sitting there for a while and then submerged.
It doesn't appear that what people witness was any kind of earthly craft, and it's just plunged into the middle of Shag Harbour.
Corporal Werbicki rounds up a team of local fishermen to help investigate.
Werbicki sees this strange yellow light in the water, so he and his team get into boats and head towards it.
There aren't any signs of survivors, bodies, or even wreckage.
And, now, the yellow light and submerged object they had seen from the shore is nowhere to be found.
They are soon joined by the United States Coast Guard.
The Coast Guard arrives on the scene and they resume the search for another few hours.
They can't find anything and eventually call off the search around 3:00 A.
But once the police search ends, a secret military investigation begins.
What most people don't know is that on October 5, 1967, the Canadian Forces Headquarters dispatched the HMCS Granby to investigate.
They had specially trained divers who went down to do a thorough investigation.
Decades later, several of the crew members come forward to MUFON and finally admit that the Granby did, in fact, track a UFO underwater for an entire week! From the private interviews done years later, the story emerged that the Granby tracked that underwater UFO over a 25 mile stretch to a place called Government Point.
A military base at Government Point picks up unusual activity from the underwater object.
Suddenly the UFO starts acting strange.
This craft that had been eluding the Navy for a week seems as though it's stopped and given up.
It's just sitting there in the water.
So more ships are dispatched from Government Point to investigate.
What they did was surround the disabled UFO and they brought in Navy divers to go under to check on what was down there.
As they Navy closes in on this craft, their instruments suddenly pick up a second object.
There is another UFO in the water, and it's heading right towards them! The crew is completely stunned.
The second UFO positions itself on top of the first one, and it appears as though this second craft is repairing the first UFO.
Somehow they sent out a distress signal to their people.
The crew has no idea what they're dealing with.
They're completely out of their element with not just one unknown object but now two.
At this time, another witness reported a Russian submarine in nearby Canadian waters.
This prompted a few of the U.
vessels which were tracking the UFO to be pulled off that duty to investigate the Russian sub.
And while they were doing that, the two UFOs made their move.
The UFOs race towards the surface, blast out of the water, and vanish into the sky.
One underwater craft is strange enough, but the fact that this UFO apparently called for help and that help arrived immediately? What does that say? How many of these things are down there? There was another ship in the vicinity that was able to come to the rescue and assist this thing under the water, which shows me an organization here behind the scenes.
There's something far more going on than mere exploration.
Could there be an entire network of underwater UFOs operating on our planet, and we just don't see them because we're looking up instead of down? Coming up, halfway around the world, a Royal Navy ship tracks a UFO above and below the storm-tossed north Atlantic.
And later MUFON investigates a region infamous for both its water UFO sightings, and unexplained disappearances.
The Great Lakes Triangle.
The Great Lakes account for more disappearances per square mile than the Bermuda Triangle.
When we return.
Inside Hangar 1, MUFON files report that some UFO encounters occur not just in our skies, but in our waters as well.
In Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, an underwater UFO sighting leads to a military pursuit and reveals that a vast UFO presence could be hiding right here on Earth.
How far might this network extend? You know, it's interesting when you think about how there have been reports of underwater UFOs from navies all over the world, and they share so much in common that it's hard to believe these could just be isolated incidents.
There is definitely something going on beneath the water.
February 28, 1963.
The North Atlantic, Norway.
A twenty-year-old lieutenant Tom Preston is on board one of approximately 10 ships in the Royal Navy's North Atlantic Fleet that is participating in a training exercise off the coast of Norway.
Preston is on morning watch duty inside the ship's darkened radar-sonar room with five other witnesses, three radarscope operators and two sonar scope operators.
Suddenly a blip appears on the crew's radar screen.
There is something in the sky, about the size of a jet fighter, and it's headed right for them.
Preston is alarmed at how suddenly the blips appear on radar so he notifies his Senior Officer.
When the Senior Officer arrives, he's also concerned by what he sees and contacts the nearest ship to confirm that they picked up the same target and they did.
The crew attempts to contact the object, but it does not respond.
They don't know if this thing is a friend or an enemy.
All they know is that it's coming at them fast, so they scramble jets to get a closer look.
Within minutes, the jet pilots give visual confirmation that a UFO is flying over the ocean.
Preston and his crew watch the radar screen as the two jets approach the target, but as soon as they get too close, the UFO suddenly turns and dives directly towards the ocean.
There are three radar screens, with each radarscope displaying a different height level in the sky.
The UFO is traveling so fast that it crosses all three radarscopes within two or three seconds.
Next thing you know, it's zooming down through the various radar fields.
Well, when it gets down to the surface, the commander has already said, "It's headed for the water, watch out on sonar.
" The UFO crashes right through the surface of the water, and just keeps on going.
The crew can see it on sonar, cutting through the ocean just as easy as it was flying through the sky.
And it's moving so fast they can barely track it.
The fastest submarine underwater does about 60 miles an hour.
60 miles an hour is not very fast speed.
You do that on a highway.
This UFO is going much faster than any submarine, indicating it's clearly not manmade, or, at least, it's not any kind of manmade technology that we currently know about.
So the sailors have no clue as to what is racing through the ocean.
What causes the UFO to allow itself to go through the water is the kind of rotating field.
Its kind of pushing the water down, then it's pushing it out, and then back up.
It's digging a hole for itself as it's going down through the water.
The craft descends over 2,000 feet into the ocean depths before finally disappearing.
Preston and his crew report this amazing encounter to their superiors, but they don't get the reaction they're expecting.
Instead, they are ordered to never mention the incident again.
The crew is then forced to sign an Official Secrets Act.
The agreement states that if anyone reveals any information regarding ithis issue, they will be considered in breach of security and will face severe discipline.
Our priorities are completely messed up! An extraordinary event like this occurs, and instead of being in a rush to discover more about this mysterious craft that vanished under the ocean, the military's first order of business is to threaten and intimidate the witnesses into silence.
In this case, it seems like the Royal Navy is right in line with the U.
Navy when it comes to suppressing these UFO incidents.
But are these mysterious craft only limited to the high seas? It seems like these things could be hiding in any body of water! Hangar 1 files reveal what might be hiding not just in our oceans, but beneath our lakes as well.
When we return.
Hangar 1 archives contain reports of UFOs that travel the deep seas of our planet, hiding just beyond our view, but MUFON files also reveal that these underwater UFO sightings aren't just confined to oceans.
The mystery of ocean-going UFOs gets even more disturbing when you realize that MUFON has collected evidence wof these craft in our lakes, too.
I mean, it seems like these things could be hiding in any body of water.
January 2, 1976.
Sabine Lake, Texas.
A father and son are out on their usual Saturday morning fishing trip on Sabine Lake in Texas.
The Lake is calm and there's hardly a breeze in the air.
The boy glances over the side of the boat and he notices something.
There's a small light glowing beneath the water.
He tells his father, and when his dad sees the light, he asks his son if he dropped their flashlight into the water.
The boy shows his dad the flashlight, still in the boat, but suddenly the glow under the water starts to get very bright, and it's growing, as though something is rising up from the bottom of the lake and getting closer to their boat.
The light quickly grows larger, until it comes to rest directly beneath the boat.
This brilliant light remains underneath their boat for a few moments.
The father and son are unsure what it is, so they lean over to get a closer look.
It was a chilly morning, but as he leans over the side of the boat towards the light, his face suddenly starts burning from the heat.
It gets even closer, and they can see that this light is coming from a solid object, an underwater craft, but they don't get a good look at it, because it suddenly shoots away and it's moving very fast.
Here's the strange thing.
As this UFO shot away underwater, an enormous wake formed on the surface of the lake about a mile away, as if caused by a boat, but there was no object to be seen on the surface.
The kid says this wake was as big as something a barge would make, but they never saw the object emerge.
It stayed underwater and eventually disappeared.
The boy is freaking out, but then he notices that his father is also petrified and looks like he's going to be sick.
All of a sudden the dad motors the boat full speed back to shore, bypassing the dock, and plows right onto the beach, something the son has never seen his father do.
Whatever they had just witnessed in the lake was terrifying for both of them.
They leave the boat, and run up to their Uncle Dale's house.
Dale was the dad's brother and had been a radioman in the Air Force.
The father tells Dale about the lights, the bizarre craft that caused the wake.
The three of them return to their boat and they notice something strange.
There seems to be some sort of energy emanating from it.
It's almost like it's buzzing.
The uncle thinks something is odd and starts throwing bolts at the boat and lo and behold, every bolt sticks to the boat like a magnet.
The strange thing is, this boat is made of aluminum, and aluminum is not magnetic.
What did this boat come in contact with that caused it to become magnetized? Often, objects that come into contact with UFOs report extremely unusual electromagnetic readings.
This hasn't only happened with boats.
This has also happened with cars and other vehicles.
Additionally, people who have very close encounters with UFOs often report that the UFOs generate extreme heat, which would explain the hot temperature that the boy reported when he looked over the side of the boat.
It's interesting when you realize how many details of this underwater craft are consistent with other UFO reports.
Like how it was able to move so fast beneath the water.
Think about a UFO.
If it's capable of traveling in space at extreme speeds, so if they could nullify gravity, the weight of the water has no effect on the craft.
Which also allows it to operate at the same speed in the water as it would be in the air.
So whether it's a craft in the air or a craft beneath the waves, when you see enough similarities between these encounters, you have to consider that, "Okay, we might be dealing with the same thing here.
" If these are actually extraterrestrial UFOs, what's their agenda? What exactly are they doing in the waters of our planet? And, most importantly, could their presence be putting us in danger? Next, MUFON investigates a region infamous for its underwater UFOs and strange disappearances.
And later, are UFOs being created at a secret facility known as the "Underwater Area 51? When we return.
Inside Hangar 1, MUFON files contain evidence of underwater UFO activity.
From a naval encounter on the Norwegian sea, to a family fishing trip on Sabine Lake.
Underwater UFOs are reported around the world.
The big question is, "What is it about the water that attracts these UFOs?" In 2013, we spent three times more money exploring space than the oceans of our planet.
If an extraterrestrial is looking to hide on Earth, what better place than in the water? Are sightings of these mysterious submersible craft evidence of an extraterrestrial presence hiding on Earth? And if so, could they pose a threat? If these underwater UFOs are actually hostile, it's especially chilling because they're so close to us.
This isn't a tiny light way up in the sky above a mountain range.
This is something that could be waiting just below us when we're fishing or swimming.
But one region in particular has become infamous for its underwater UFO sightings, and the unsolved disappearances that accompany them.
An area that's come to be known as the Great Lakes Triangle.
September 12, 2009.
Lake Huron, Michigan.
One evening, a couple is stargazing at a campground on Lake Huron when they suddenly notice four very bright, reddish pink lights appear in the sky.
A UFO is flying right over their campground.
Then the UFO descends into the water at what seems like an incredible speed.
And then it just disappears.
According to Hangar 1 files, underwater UFO sightings like this are only part of a more disturbing mystery connected to the region.
The Great Lakes account for more unexplained disappearances account for more unexplained disappearances per square mile than the Bermuda Triangle.
Like many of these cases, the most infamous Great Lakes disappearance begins with UFO activity.
Lake Superior.
November 23, 1953.
On November 23, 1953, a radar controller at Truax Air Force base in Dade County, Wisconsin detected an unidentified blip over Lake Superior.
This prompted Kinross Air Force Base, now Kincheloe Air Force Base, to dispatch an F-89C Scorpion jet to investigate and intercept.
Now this was piloted by a First Lieutenant named Felix Moncla and accompanied by a Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson.
As the F-89 jet gets closer to its target, the pilot's radar controls get scrambled.
Moncla and Wilson now solely rely on radar navigation from ground control.
Ground Control vectors the F-89C toward the target and they are approaching the UFO at a speed of about 500 miles per hour.
Ground Control watches on the radar screen as the F-89 approaches.
The gap between the two blips starts growing smaller and smaller until the two blips become one.
Then all of a sudden, they both disappear.
The expectation was that one aircraft was passing over the other one and that they would start to see the two distinguish themselves again.
That did not happen.
What they saw instead was one blip stay there for a moment and then just vanish off the screen.
Personnel on the base desperately try to make sense of the event.
Ground Control is absolutely frantic.
An F-89 has just vanished into thin air.
They try to radio the jet, but they receive no response.
It is now clear that they have a catastrophic problem on their hands.
At this point, ground control deploys a Search & Rescue mission.
A Search & Rescue team is directed to the exact spot where the blip was last seen.
They go there, they find nothing.
Nothing is ever found.
Nobody can find the remains of this jet fighter in Lake Superior.
Of course, whether it swallowed the UFO, we have no idea.
What happened, we have no idea.
The jet fighter's gone.
An F-89C Scorpion Jet is a big piece of equipment.
There's no way something like this can just vanish into thin air without anyone knowing anything about what happened.
Different theories were offered as to why this happened.
So Felix Moncla's widow was told by the Air Force that he had flown too low and crashed.
Another Air Force officer stated, "No, no, he went too high and the plane exploded.
" And then you have a third explanation which was that he had somehow suffered vertigo and crashed.
Basically, they offer up any and every theory except the one involving the UFO.
Another explanation was offered by Harvard astronomer Donald Menzel, who was actually the leading UFO debunker in the world at the time.
Menzel's explanation was that what radar had tracked was called a phantom echo or a ghost plane.
Was called a phantom echo or a ghost plane.
"Ghost planes" are false radar images caused by atmospheric conditions.
When you look at the evidence the ghost plane theory falls flat, because if these are simply false radar images, how does that account for all the planes that have disappeared over the Great Lakes? 1950, Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501.
1956, a Canadian twin jet over Lake Ontario.
1961, a small plane over Lake Michigan.
1966, a Cessna over Lake Erie.
And the list goes on and on, right up to the present.
Due to the high number of disappearances in the triangle, authorities admit to implementing a special protocol for flying over the area.
The Great Lakes Triangle is officially recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration.
They have instituted what they call a "Lake Reporting Service" which requires all pilots flying through this area to provide continual status updates and if there is as much as a ten-minute gap in the reports, that automatically results in a Search & Rescue mission.
When you have Federal regulations and protocols already in place regarding a quote-unquote "unexplained" mysterious anomaly, al think it's pretty clear that the government knows a lot more about what's going on here than they're letting on.
What might authorities be hiding about the Great Lakes Triangle? With so many concentrated UFO reports, combined with the high number of disappearances, some researchers believe that there could be an underwater UFO base in the Great Lakes.
These disappearances might be the result of UFOs trying to protect their secret.
Underneath Lake Superior, if there are caverns, these crevasses, it makes sense that that's where they would want to be to cloak a base or a craft.
There could be underwater bases anywhere.
Maybe the Great Lakes Triangle, maybe a hundred other places on this planet.
All bodies of water can have an underwater base.
We have the technology, we had this for years.
That's cut and dry.
Going deep under the ground, deep under the ocean floor, that capability has existed since at least the 1960s.
But if these undersea UFO bases exist, who is building them? And why? Could it be that the reason the military doesn't seem too concerned about these strange undersea craft, is because they are the ones who are actually making them? When we return, MUFON investigates the existence of undersea UFO bases that might be hiding sophisticated craft from our world and beyond.
MUFON investigations have uncovered decades of underwater UFO sightings.
From military incidents around the globe, to frightening encounters with unsuspecting civilians.
Water provides the perfect place for UFOs to hide.
We know so little about what's in our oceans.
I mean the Marianas trench is over 36,000 feet deep! There are areas of unexplored ocean that are bigger than Europe.
There could be an entire fleet of underwater UFOs patrolling our world without being seen.
If UFOs are traveling through our oceans, do they have an underwater base of operations? The idea of underwater bases.
You know people will just automatically look at this and go, "There are no underwater bases.
But the fact is I mean look at the big boomer submarines and stuff, you know? I mean, they are like cities under the water! So if we're doing this, why not ET? But if undersea bases exist, are they of extraterrestrial design or could their origin be much closer to home? MUFON files reveal one case that might offer a clue.
Summer, 1983, the Caribbean Sea.
It was a hot summer night in 1983 and the USS Yellowstone was sailing north back to its home-port Norfolk, Virginia.
The conditions were perfect, not a cloud in the sky.
At about 3 AM, a sailor on the Yellowstone notices a glowing green spot in the middle of the ocean.
The seaman takes his binoculars to get a closer look, but can't make out a shape yet.
He can only tell that it's a solid object in the middle of the ocean, and that it appears to be directly in their path.
As soon as this guy realizes that this is something very out of the ordinary, he radios the officer on duty to report the object.
He tells the officer, "Look, we are on a collision course with something!" He asks what they should do, but his superior doesn't seem too concerned.
The Officer on Duty's only reaction was "Roger that.
" Without any change in course.
The ship continues on a collision course with the strange glowing object.
The seaman is confused and concerned.
So he repeats his warning with even more urgency, but this time he doesn't even get a response.
He's thinking, "Why am I the only one who seems to care that we're about to crash into something?" Now this ship is going full steam ahead towards this unidentified object in the middle of the ocean.
The seaman on lookout now has a clear, unobstructed view.
They're getting closer and closer to this thing, about to hit it, but they just miss colliding with the object.
Still, the sailor gets a good look as they pass.
It's a metallic, spherical craft, most of it is submerged, and it's easily forty feet in diameter.
As the ship passes the object, the seaman yells to the crew to get to the starboard side and look at what they almost hit.
But the other sailors miss seeing the object.
The sailor tries to explain what he saw to the officer on deck, but gets no reaction.
What did they nearly collide with in the middle of the ocean? And why was the ships' officer so intent on hiding its identity? How is it possible that a sailor standing watch gives warning of a collision and the officer on deck barely acknowledges the alert? Could the officer have been well aware of what was in the water, but didn't want to draw attention to it? Maybe authorities already know what's lurking in our oceans.
This is what they do time and time again.
The authorities will deny and ignore because they want the public to bury their heads in the sand when it comes to these encounters.
Is the military already aware that UFOs could be hiding deep in our oceans? Could it be that the reason the military doesn't seem too concerned about these strange undersea craft is because they're the ones who are actually making them? When we return, a top secret Naval facility known as the "Undersea Area 51.
" Hangar 1 archives contain many reports of UFOs that travel beneath the surface of our lakes and oceans.
But are these craft from other worlds? Or could they be highly advanced ships built by our own military? When we're talking about underwater UFOs, the big question is "What's the point of origin?" I mean, are these extraterrestrial craft that fly down from space and explore our oceans? Or could the oceans actually be their home base? One coastal UFO hotspot may hold the answer.
The entire United States coastlines have UFOs seen on the coast, but California has a lot.
December 24, 1994, the Southern California coast.
In 1994, a crew of four were sailing a boat from San Francisco to San Diego.
According to one of the passengers, a woman named Elizabeth, the crew was estimated to be about 25-35 miles off shore from Big Sur.
Suddenly, Elizabeth looks out across the ocean and spots a round object pulsating deep red to orange and sitting on the ocean's surface.
This giant pulsating red object shoots out of the water and into the sky without a sound.
This craft blasts out of the ocean right in front of them.
And as far as Elizabeth and her crew can tell, it keeps rocketing right into space.
Elizabeth's story is far from the only UFO reported in this area.
For years, there's a lot of mystery as to why the Southern California Coast would be such a hotspot for water UFO sightings, but in 2014, we may have gotten a piece of the puzzle.
May 22, 2014, Malibu, California.
A group of UFO researchers are studying Google Earth images of Malibu, California when they stumble onto something potentially huge.
They discover what appears to be a large, manmade structure beneath the surface of the ocean.
The structure appears to be over a half a mile wide and over 60 stories high.
If this structure is in fact ground zero for underwater UFO activity, it's the perfect location.
We know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the ocean.
So if the government has something to hide, what better place than on the ocean floor? Many researchers and UFOlogists speculate that this structure could access two primary military installations including China Lake Naval Base in the Mojave Desert, and the Naval Air Undersea Warfare Centre in Hawthorne, Nevada by way of an elaborate underwater and underground tunnel that stretches hundreds of miles.
This discovery could be the Holy Grail for UFO researchers.
UFOlogists have spent over 40 years searching for any potential evidence of an underwater base, and thanks to the Internet, that evidence is now, right there on Google Earth.
It's getting more and more difficult to keep this kind of thing under wraps.
Does this discovery reveal a secret underwater military installation? The government denies that these Google Earth images reveal an undersea base, but the idea isn't so far-fetched when you realize that there are already documented undersea Navy bases.
The Atlantic Undersea Testing and Evaluation Center, known as AUTEC, is a United States Navy facility located off Andros Island in the Bahamas.
AUTEC is an underwater laboratory that performs tests on the entire spectrum of undersea simulated warfare.
AUTEC has top-secret tracking capabilities for in-water and in-air crafts.
Its ability to track craft in the air is amazing.
It can track in-air weapons at a distance of 500 miles and up to a height of 70,000 feet.
Now, what's very interesting about AUTEC is their deep-water tracking range.
It's capable of tracking up to 63 underwater objects simultaneously.
Besides tracking underwater objects, what else could this sophisticated technology be used for? AUTEC is located in a 150 mile long basin at a depth of 6,000 feet.
Where it is, that water is absolutely still.
There are no currents, there's no swells, there's nothing.
Now that alone, plus the fact that there's very advanced technology there, could make it an ideal testing place for UFOs.
Are all of these underwater UFOs merely top-secret military craft? Well, when you consider some of the abilities we've seen in these reports, the way the Shag Harbor UFO seemingly broke the laws of physics.
The incredible underwater speed that far surpasses any known technology on the planet.
Just because the military is involved doesn't mean there's nothing extraterrestrial going on here, too.
It's entirely possible, with everything we know, that AUTEC is an "Undersea Area 51," a place where alien technology is reverse engineered in complete secrecy.
Whether underwater UFOs are military ships, intergalactic vessels, or both Hangar 1 files point to a worldwide network of these craft hiding just beyond our sight.
As reports continue across the globe, MUFON investigators keep watch above us and below.

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