Heroes s03e13 Episode Script


Previously on Heroes.
I'll take the catalyst and your powers, too, Hiro.
It's very important that we find our friend Hiro Nakamura.
See, this may not make any sense but we can't find him unless we get that package.
I can't believe it.
Hiro is stuck back in time 16 years ago and no powers.
The catalyst is within me.
Place your hands on the vat and focus your energy.
In theory, you should cause a chemical reaction at the molecular level.
Sergeant, I want you to know exactly what it is you've signed up for.
This drug is gonna change your life in ways you can't possibly imagine.
Are you really my mother? They're not your parents.
I'm your father.
No, you're not.
You're not a killer, Peter.
I am.
On the sixth day, God created man in his own image.
Now it's up to us to figure it all out.
In each of us is the capacity to decide what drives our actions.
So what is it that makes some choose selflessness, the need to devote oneself to something greater, while others know only self interest, isolating themselves in a world of their own making? Some seek only love, even if unrequited, while others are driven by fear and betrayal.
There are those who see their choices as dark proof of God's absence, while others follow a path of noble destiny.
But in the end, good, evil, right or wrong, what we choose is never what we really need.
For that is the ultimate cosmic joke, the real gift that God has left behind.
Oh, Peter.
You did it.
I tried.
It was Sylar.
Sylar, huh? There was no other way for this to end, Nathan.
That formula has to be destroyed.
It's too late, Pete.
There's a dozen Marines being injected right now.
The formula works.
Look, I know that you think you're doing something good here, but you're not.
Are you sure of that? Following Dad's insane plan? No.
I'm gonna stop it.
It's not Dad's plan anymore, Pete.
It's ours.
What are you talking about? The plan.
It's ours.
All of us.
Making the world a better place.
Don't tell me you're gonna try and get in the way of that.
You sound just like him.
I know.
I can't help but wonder how long it's gonna be before it's me lying here.
Remember what happened the last time you had a gun in your hand? I am gonna finish what he started.
I'm not gonna let you do that.
Eventually, you're gonna have to choose a side.
Now, either you're with me Pete? I'm sorry.
But you're wrong.
The formula's complete.
Peter's gonna need help at Pinehearst.
It's up to us to finish this.
Oh, my God.
Arthur Petrelli is dead.
No need to go to Pinehearst now.
Sylar? Don't worry, Claire.
Peter couldn't do it, so I did.
Just like Mommy wanted.
I know I repulse you, terrify you.
You see me as a monster, and yet you did this to me.
And before the night is over, I'm gonna prove to you, one by one, that you're all monsters exactly like me.
I know where he has to be broadcasting from.
Claire, you got six shots.
Pump after each one.
Keep Angela safe at all costs.
Think about it.
Manipulative grandmother, neglectful father, mother who abandons her own daughter.
All villains, really.
Meredith, you're with me.
You really don't think you can stop Sylar.
Yeah, I do.
Sylar's got my healing ability.
There's a spot back here.
Jab something in, it cuts off my brain, shuts me down.
And, Claire, you and I, we're more alike than any of them.
We can't be damaged.
I mean, except from a broken heart.
And that's what parents give us, isn't it? We're nothing alike, you sick bastard.
I'm gonna enjoy proving to you just how wrong you are.
You're not hunting me, Noah.
I'm hunting you.
Hiro's stuck in time.
It's up to me to rescue him.
Hiro doesn't even have his abilities.
How much trouble can he get into? Well, anything he does in the past could change the present.
Like, if he died or What? Mohinder? Wow.
He really cleaned this place up.
Suresh! Where is he? You said he'd be here.
We could get the formula.
I said I thought he'd be here.
The only way to save Hiro is for me to become a time traveler.
You can only read minds.
She can only run fast.
Really, really fast.
If Suresh isn't here, he's probably in his lab.
At Pinehearst? Too dangerous.
Someone has to get him.
She is really, really fast.
I've run out of time.
The infection has spread to my lungs.
By giving myself abilities, I've signed my own death certificate.
My hope is that by injecting myself with the formula, it'll be the cure.
Suresh, put it down.
It's a weapon.
I need to get rid of all of it.
My life depends on this.
Do you remember when we first met and you tried to convince me that people with abilities actually existed? And you didn't believe me.
Once I saw for myself what it means to be special, powerful, I coveted what you had.
So much so that I tried to recreate it.
So was it worth it? It's turned you into a monster.
That's why I need this formula.
This What did you do? Where the hell is it? It's time for a little payback, Doc.
You move, I burn your face off.
Stop! Hold up.
You wanna trash this place, so do we.
Why would you help me? They make this formula stuff, and we ain't so special no more.
You look at who you're allying yourself with, Peter.
With your brother in charge, think of all the good we can do.
Nathan's not in charge anymore.
How many Marines have been injected? Just me.
When you didn't return to the lab, Miss Strauss became concerned.
He's gonna ruin everything.
He's gotta be stopped.
Consider it done, sir.
I'll bring him to you I'm gonna wait until your brother's gotten rid of all the formula.
You're working for Peter? Yeah.
He's one of the good guys now.
Hey, did you find Suresh? Yeah.
Took this right out of his hand.
One dose.
The formula.
No, no.
No, no, no.
You guys realize how insane this is, right? Look, just because you wanna be a time traveler does not mean that's the ability you're gonna get.
Think about it.
What if that thing makes you glow in the dark or grow a second head? Matt.
What? You were always worried about what people thought about you, and now you can read minds.
I wanted to run.
Look what happened.
But it also turned Suresh into a freak.
Haven't you ever had faith in something even though everyone else said not to? Yeah.
I have.
Hello? It's dead.
It doesn't surprise you, does it? He's put us all on lockdown.
You're only giving him what he wants.
A child starved for attention throws a temper tantrum.
Well, I'd like to give him a good spanking.
There is a way to stop this, Claire.
You wanna be a Company agent, hunt down bad guys, that means making hard choices just like your daddy.
And let's face it, you are just like your daddy.
Okay, I will allow Dad, you and bio-mom to walk out of here right now alive to live happily ever after.
All you've gotta do is take your shotgun, hold it up to Angela's head and pull the trigger.
Oh! Is she even worth protecting? She wanted to blow up New York City, murdered her husband Okay, tried.
And, most importantly, lied to me.
Made me believe I had a mother and a family and then took it all away.
But if you're dead set on keeping her alive, you could always just give me Daddy.
Why are you doing this? You should ask your dad sometime about what he and Elle did to me.
I could have been a nobody instead of the monster I became.
And now Elle's dead and very soon your father may be, too.
It's your choice or fault.
All you gotta do is get rid of Angela.
You hurt him, and I swear I'll hunt you down and kill you.
From cheerleader to stone-cold killer.
Who's the monster now? You are.
Are you crazy? We need help.
But these guys, they wanna kill us as much as Sylar does.
Hello, Meredith.
I knew we'd be together again.
I just didn't think it would be so soon.
I'll make this quick.
Sylar's in the building.
One of you guys brings me his head, you get your freedom.
And what's to keep us from escaping the second you turn around? Sylar.
We're all locked in here with him.
Now get moving.
They don't stand a chance.
Think about it, Meredith.
What do you need to catch a shark? They're bait? You do know that the formula is highly combustible.
So what? I can't be burned.
What about Peter? Are you willing to sacrifice him as well? These are your accomplices, Peter.
Thugs! Killers! What does that make you? You didn't have to do that.
Why? Now this'll go twice as fast.
What happened? Do I have abilities? So far, all we know is that you can pass out really well.
Was it all for nothing? Give it a try.
Come on.
I'm the master of time and space.
That's good.
I am the master of time and space.
I'm the master of Do like Hiro does when he scrunches his eyes together.
Good idea.
Yeah, but scrunch gently.
You don't wanna jump back to the Stone Age.
Gentle scrunch.
Maybe too gently.
Kick it up a notch.
We're never gonna save Hiro.
What was that? I don't know, but that sure wasn't time traveling.
They say adrenaline can kick-start a dead heart.
Meredith's mine.
Mine to love.
Mine to kill.
You really think you can control me? One more thing to do.
What the hell? What happened? Get away! I can't control my fire.
Did Sylar do this? Yeah.
He pumped me with adrenaline.
I can't hold it back.
You gotta go.
It's bulletproof, remember, Noah? At the rate she's going, you're gonna need that one bullet I left you.
Shouldn't be too hard for you.
Hey, let me ask you one thing.
When this is all over and Meredith's dead with a bullet right between her eyes, what lie are you gonna tell Claire? Your life or hers, Noah.
You helped make me into who I am.
I just wanted to return the favor.
You know you've backed the wrong horse.
Everybody roots for Peter, but in the end he always winds up losing.
That's why you're up here and he's down there winning.
Define "winning.
" All my brother ever does is disappoint the people who believe in him.
You really hate the guy.
Feel sorry for him, actually.
Then why are you so afraid? You worried he's gonna stop you? I'm not afraid of anybody.
Miss me? Hey! Watch it, watch it.
Could you stop doing that? No, I can't.
I can't control it.
Calm down It's okay.
It's okay.
What happened? It was like an explosion in my head.
I could hear every thought from every person in the entire city.
What did you do I didn't do any Daphne! Matt! It's okay.
It's over.
What happened? It was like an explosion in my head.
I could hear every thought from every person in the entire city.
What did you do I didn't do any Daphne.
Daphne! Where'd you just go? I don't know.
I was out there, but I was watching myself in here.
And you were there.
And you were there and Matt, I think I traveled back in time.
Back in time? We have to save them.
He only showed us that because he wants us to go down there.
I don't care.
Come on.
Where's Angela? Well, you wouldn't pick before, so I had to up the stakes.
Save Daddy? Or is it Granny? Let me go.
Why are you even pretending? We both know you're going after your dad.
Even after all the lies he's told you, how he's neglected you.
What does that say about you, Claire? That's the thing about the truth, Claire.
It stings like a bitch.
Dad! Go to the keypad.
Punch in 29297.
Sylar ripped it out.
There's gotta be another way.
I don't know how much longer I can hold on, Noah.
All right, Meredith, I need you to take as much heat as you can in your hands, press your palms to the glass.
Okay, good.
Now, back away from the glass.
Claire, you do the same, move back.
Oh, God! It didn't work.
Stay back, both of you.
Come with me.
Just give me a minute.
Go now.
Stop Sylar.
I'm coming back for you.
I gotta get you out of here.
We gotta stop Peter before he ruins everything.
This situation is still deniable.
Deniable? Are you kidding me? I can spin anything.
But this is a disaster that you cannot be associated with.
Look, the document with the formula is all we need.
We find it, we can start over.
New game.
Our rules.
I can't run away, Tracy.
It's not running away.
I'm being a realist.
That's why you hired me.
Then you're fired.
I don't understand.
How can I travel through time? Because he zapped me, and I was able to hear thoughts a thousand times louder, right? And then you zapped Daphne, and she could travel a thousand times faster.
Your power is like a supercharger.
Wait, going faster wouldn't mean I can time travel, I mean, would it? According to Einstein, yeah.
The space-time continuum.
Theory of relativity.
If you can travel faster than the speed of light, then you can actually move through time.
How do you know so much about Einstein, Einstein? I actually paid attention in high school, mostly.
So, if I can supercharge other people's powers, that means I have an ability.
Yes! You keep zapping me with supercharge and I keep running, maybe we can go back 16 years.
Okay, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
Come on.
What if you can't control your speed? Or you end up in the Dark Ages? What if this guy runs out of juice? We'll be back before you know it.
You found him.
Yeah, it worked.
The formula must be destroyed.
And I know where it is.
I'm the one who stole it for Arthur Petrelli, remember? Nemesis, you have a chance to make up for your past and for me to make up mine.
Take me to it, please.
He's right.
Be the good guy Gal.
Back in a flash.
We have come for the formula.
It doesn't belong to you.
And you are Hiro Nakamura.
It is my sacred duty to see that it is destroyed.
Sorry, I've got plans for this little piece of paper, Pikachu.
Pikachu? Excuse me.
Time to go.
Hey, give me a hand with this.
That's the last of it.
Now we can blow this place to hell.
No, wait.
Wait! We gotta get the people out.
My brother's still here.
I don't give a rat's ass about your brother or you.
You broke my heart, Peter.
Son of a bitch.
No, Nathan, don't So, you killed Arthur.
I certainly did.
Then you saved the world.
I was right about you all along.
You are a hero.
I don't think so.
You're wrong.
I always wanted this for you.
I dreamed about it.
And now that Arthur is dead, there's no one to hold you back, no one to take advantage of you.
Except you.
Gabriel, I cared for you.
I gave you love, I gave you guidance, everything a mother You are not my mother.
Are you? And I can tell if you're lying.
No, I'm not.
For a brief moment, I wished you were.
Why did you do it? I told you.
My sons have been such a disappointment to me, and I wanted another chance, a chance to give the love that only a mother can.
That's a lie.
I told you I could tell.
I wanted you to work for the Company.
You had a skill that I needed.
You saw me as a hero? No.
As a killer, a monster.
You were flawed, weak, malleable, someone I could manipulate because that's what I do, because you're right, I'm a monster, too.
Is there any good in this world? Tell me something.
Just make me believe that you're not the same as me.
I know who your real parents are.
You're telling the truth.
You're not the son of a watchmaker and a woman who collected snow globes.
Who am I then? If you kill me, you will never find out.
Tell me.
Tell me.
I want the truth! Claire.
We need to leave.
Get Angela out of here.
Mom! Claire! No.
What are you doing here? I told you I'd come back for you.
Come on.
Claire, okay, let's go.
This whole building is gonna come down in flames.
We'll be buried alive.
Come on.
No, I can save you.
No, get away.
We have to get out of here.
You gotta go.
I love you, Mom.
Go! Oh, God.
You flew! That wasn't me, that was you! You took the formula.
I had to.
Everything you're against.
I had no other choice.
Why'd you save me? Why'd you do it? Because you're my brother and I love you.
It's not what I would've done.
Nathan! There is good and there is evil, right and wrong, heroes and villains.
And if we're blessed with wisdom, then there are glimpses between the cracks of each where light streams through.
We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made, when meaningless existence comes into focus and our purpose presents itself.
And if we have the strength to be honest, then what we find there staring back at us is our own reflection, bearing witness to the duality of life.
That each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, of either, of all.
And destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make, by the love we hold on to and the promises we keep.
I think our only real option at this point is to get the Unites States Government involved.
And you're saying all of these people have abilities.
Them and more.
A lot more.
The important thing to remember is how dangerous these people can become if left unchecked.
I had a solution.
It proved unsuccessful.
It's all there.
All the evidence you need.
What exactly is it that you're asking to do? I want to round them up and put them in a facility where they won't be a danger to anyone.
All right, Senator.
Let's get you whatever you need.
Thank you, Mr.

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