Leopard Skin (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Private Lives, Part 2

That was a first for me.
Same here.
Never got around to it before.
I find that hard to believe.
I'm frankly surprised myself.
You know what today is?
It's Wednesday?
It's bed day.
AS IN: we stay in bed all day?
What will we eat?
Carnivorous flowers.
With blackberry jam?
Where are we going to find jam?
I have some in my bag.
Alba (VOICE-OVER): As we
continued down the road,
our brambles drew back their thorns,
like cats retracting their claws.
Leopards revealing their true spots.
I don't want you to get mad at me.
When someone
always tells you what to do,
at a certain point your brain
welcomes it.
Your brain craves,
or at least my brain craves
This is really stupid.
I don't know what I'm saying.
It's like I'm trying to
regain my motor skills.
I don't know what you want from me.
I want your secrets.
You want my secrets?
Anything you want to tell me.
Anything you think
you can't tell anyone else.
I want to keep them safe.
My embarrassing confessions.
Shame, lust,
anything you think is despicable
and makes you horrible.
I want them.
You are sick.
[SOFT CHUCKLE] Everybody's sick.
Nobody's sick.
Marriage brings out the worst in people.
At first, Archie's bottomless
confidence, his smarmy charm,
his every self-aggrandizing gesture
all seemed to be able to paper over
any cracks in our relationship.
But, one day I
I turned over in bed
and I looked at him.
I mean, I really looked at him
for what he was,
and right then, I fell out of love.
I understood in my bones
that he was a powerful being
and that he expected
I should answer to him
according to his will,
and I realized what he wanted.
He wanted to get inside my head
and infiltrate my consciousness.
So I swore to myself I wouldn't sleep.
How many days and
nights was I awake,
I'm not entirely sure,
but it went into several weeks.
This proved not to be a good idea.
One morning, or night,
it's not entirely clear,
I woke up inside an enclosed space,
what I thought was a casket.
It was dark and musty and small.
And I thought, "Okay, I'm dreaming,
this is a dream of being claustrophobic
because I suffer from that
in real life."
An agoraphobic reaction in diving,
often called Blue Orb
or Blue Dome syndrome,
is what a phobic diver can experience
when she loses contact with
both the bottom and the surface
and becomes spatially disoriented.
And this is what this felt like,
like I was floating in space.
I panicked and I started banging
on the door in front of me,
because that's what it was, a door.
And I banged it so hard that
I realized there was no way
that I was dreaming
unless I was in the most
realistic nightmare within
a nightmare ever
and that's when it hit me:
I was inside my own closet.
I could feel my clothes
on the rack behind me
and my shoes on the cold floor
and I could see the keyhole
where the key had locked me in.
Where he had locked me in.
What's this?
BATTY: I don't know.
ALBA: Make sure to sand it
down, it looks dreadful.
In a blur, I could remember
flashes of an argument
and Archie wasted, high,
drunk, horny, violent,
had dragged me by the hair
into the closet because he knew.
He knew that was my biggest fear.
It is it is a terrible moment
when you realize you're the weaker one.
And this moment was the most
terrible moment of my life.
When divers panic, they react quickly
but irrationally.
Their attention narrows
and they lose the ability
to sort out options.
If, for example, a problem develops
with the regulator,
the restricted airflow
can prompt a panicked diver
to ascend rapidly enough
to cause an often-fatal
arterial gas embolism
in the bloodstream.
A bubble.
And that's what happened to me.
A bubble grew inside my chest.
It kept expanding while I
kept pounding on the door,
breaking my fingernails,
scratching the wood
like a possessed cat.
And when I finally broke the door,
I went downstairs and I found
him passed out by the pool.
There are those moments
when you're capable of
forgiving everything,
but this was not one of them.
I promised myself I would go on
letting him think
he was in charge
until the day I would kill him.
I don't have a good track record
keeping my promises.
But there's an exception to every rule.
What are you doing up?
I couldn't sleep.
Go back to bed. [SNIFFLES]
Why are you crying?
I'm afraid that I'm capable of
some kind of invincible passion
that drags everyone I love
to their doom.
Is that amusing?
No. No, no.
It's just, uh,
that's my entire history up to tonight.
Come to bed.
You go.
Good morning.
Good morning.
You got up early.
It's not that early. You slept all day.
I did?
I guess I was tired.
I wonder why I'm sore everywhere.
You don't have to do that anymore.
It keeps me sane.
What happened? Did I do something wrong?
I'm the worst person to ask.
Maybe I'll swim for a bit.
[VOICE-OVER] At first,
I fought against all of it.
My whole miserable existence.
I plotted my escape,
I plotted a second murder,
I plotted my suicide.
But then the most remarkable
thing happened.
My brain went quiet.
I mean, perfectly silent,
like someone shut it off.
Alba controlled what I ate,
when I slept,
showered, what I read.
My entire day mapped out
and perfectly executed.
She tried so hard to be strict,
to teach me discipline,
to punish me.
But much as I wish they could,
none of her punishments fit my crime.
My previous life
felt suddenly inadequate.
I stopped having nightmares
about Archie.
I was cured of my narcolepsy.
Loneliness vanished.
None of my insecurities
had any room to breathe.
I no longer wondered if
I was doing the right thing,
I only wondered how to best please Alba.
I was in a state of confusion.
What had I done to deserve this woman.
I turned to the world's
most famous self-help book
to give me ideas, but even that
she cut right through.
Love is rare because it rarely happens,
as somebody wise once said.
But here I was overcome by feelings
I have no right to feel.
The heart wants what the heart wants.
And not just the heart,
every part of me.
But there comes a time
where we must all face facts.
And the fact is
I can't make her complicit in my crime.
So I must lie and break her heart.
you asked to know my secrets so
I will share them with you.
Everything I said to you,
everything we did
together in bed is a lie.
I am a murderess, yes.
But you are twisted and depraved.
A witch who has bewitched me.
For this I despise you.
BATTY: [VOICE-OVER] To be continued.
Can we talk?
After dinner. Guests are coming.
Cancel it.
Can't. Phone lines are down again.
They said they will come back
by tomorrow.
SIERRA: Get down.
Alba? Is that your name?
ALBA: Yes.
We're not here to hurt you,
we just need a place
to lay low for a little while.
Who else is in the house?
What is there to think about?
LASALLE: Where are you?
MALONE: Still down
Mexico way, your Honor.
What number are you calling me from?
MALONE: A friend. It's safe.
What about your line? Any chance
anybody's listening in?
No. What the hell happened?
MALONE: They knew we were coming.
- What?
- The cops.
They knew we were coming.
The job went down like clockwork
but we were ambushed.
Your partners ratted us out.
I Back up for a second,
you're not making sense.
Do you have the diamonds?
- Yes.
- LASALLE: All of them?
- Yes.
- But you ran into cops?
They ran into us.
And not all of us made it out.
Yeah. Deep shit.
The tall drink of water
with the trigger finger
that couldn't shoot for shit.
- LASALLE: Where is she?
- Dead, man.
It was like fuckin' Bonnie and Clyde.
And Clover took a stray bullet
to the rib cage.
Is she gonna make it?
That all depends.
We're safe now, but there's
a lot of activity here.
The longer we stick
around, the worse it gets.
Of course. Uh, let me think.
MALONE: I thought it through for you.
You bring Clover and me 500 grand cash,
we hand over the priceless diamonds.
Hell of a time to be
renegotiating our arrangement.
MALONE: Number one,
my options are limited.
Number two,
I can't shake the brutal feeling
that maybe you're not surprised
that your partner's double-crossing you
and that makes me extremely insecure
about the value you put on my life.
Fausto, I may be a heel,
but I am not gonna send you to
your death over a hundred grand.
You think that through?
I'll believe you
when you bring me the cash.
LASALLE: I can't get down
there personally.
- How would that look?
- But you can send somebody.
I guess.
You got two hours.
- It's noon here.
- No, I can't do it
MALONE: You know you can.
That's two hours.
Two o'clock, Playa Perdida time.
Send somebody you trust with our pay,
and I'll hand over
12 million in diamonds.
You got a pen to write down the address?
Okay. Got it.
You remember that insurance
policy we talked about?
File a claim.
How did you?
Where were you?
Did you read this?
What the hell is wrong with you?
How long has it been
since you worked here?
I was fired three months ago.
CLOVER: For what?
I was accused of stealing.
CLOVER: Were you?
I was.
We're not so different, you and I.
What are you gonna do
with us when you leave?
CLOVER: That's outside my need to know.
I just drive.
Cars, trucks, bikes, boats.
If it's got an engine and a
steering wheel, I'm your man.
INOCENCIA: How are you
gonna leave us here?
We can recognize you.
I thought investigations
in Mexico took forever.
Before your description matches
anything, we'll be long gone.
If I was planning to kill someone,
I would say the exact same thing.
CLOVER: You're making an assumption
that's only going to cause you to worry.
The way I look at it, either
something is going to happen
or something isn't.
There's no need to worry.
Have you ever been shot?
Does it hurt more
or less than giving birth?
I wouldn't know.
You are very lucky.
CLOVER: Always been lucky.
Comes with the name.
ALBA: Inocencia!
If you so much as holler, get a cramp
or give me any reason whatsoever
to doubt that you're just walking along
like a happy little sheep,
I will blow your fucking head off.
Where's Maru?
She went to get help.
- Where?
- I don't know.
- The loop goes over not under.
- Says who?
Says me because this won't hold.
It'll hold. It's a hangman's hitch.
Let's get out of here
before they come back.
What about the diamonds?
ALBA: What about them?
Maybe we should take them with us.
You know, to give them
back to the police.
But she won't take
the Lord's name in vain.
We're not thieves, Inocencia. Let's go.
You know, I never miss what I aim at.
Never been known to happen.
Alba, set the gun down.
Kick it.
Anybody home?
You tell her we're on the clock?
We were dealing with something.
MALONE: Put her with the others.
SIERRA: Mouseketeer number four.
Did you get help?
One of the bags is missing.
What are you talking about?
MALONE: There was five.
Now there's four.
Don't look at me.
Clover, you take one of them?
- Hm.
- Well, if Clover didn't do it
and I didn't do it.
SIERRA: How come, all of a
sudden, you're off the hook?
MALONE: Reverse psychology
doesn't work on the person
who didn't do it.
Says you. How convenient.
You're the only person who had
access to them last night.
MALONE: Yeah, during my shift.
What about you?
CLOVER: We have a real trust issue here.
Why would I hide just one bag?
- Why wouldn't I take all of them?
- I'm sure there's a reason.
SIERRA: I didn't do it, Malone!
We're in this together.
Aw, bullshit we're in this together.
Touch that gun and it's game over.
Oh, pretty confident in yourself.
SIERRA: Yeah. I have a very
good fucking reason to be.
- MALONE: Do you?
- Actually, come to think of it,
splitting the take in two
suits me just fine.
You wouldn't even know
how to handle Lasalle
if I wasn't here holding your hand
and walking you through it.
SIERRA: That's right.
Your mental superiority is astonishing.
- And we all owe you, don't we?
- You do.
SIERRA: That's why you took
the bag and you hid it.
- I took the bag?
- SIERRA: Yep.
To play these mindfuck games on us.
CLOVER: All right, let's stop.
Is that the kind of amateur
you wish I were?
- Where did you hide it, Sierra?
- Where did you hide it?
I need you to touch that gun
so I can blow your head off.
Make it easy for me. I have witnesses.
MARU: Stop!
I took it!
CLOVER: What did you just say?
It was an honest mistake.
You took three million
dollars worth of diamonds
and hid it by mistake?
Where'd you hide it?
Under the couch.
MALONE: Explain.
Um, it's just
this is so embarrassing.
But I'm a sleepwalker.
You steal shit when you sleepwalk?
That's amazing. Did you ever eat
Twinkies and go on a shooting spree?
MARU: [VOICE-OVER] I was drunk.
And I woke up.
Well, I didn't wake up until after,
but I got up to go pee
in the middle of the night.
And this is not my house.
So I went to what I thought
was the bathroom, in my sleep.
And I sat on what I thought
was the toilet and I peed.
And in the middle of it, I woke up.
And I was, you know, shocked,
and I grabbed the bag and looked inside.
- [MARU] [VOICE-OVER] And then
I heard sounds coming from the stairs.
It was you coming down. And I panicked.
So I bolted back to the couch
and slipped the bag under.
I meant to put them back
but it's been kind of a hectic day.
You peed on priceless diamonds.
I thought you said
they were worth three million.
But you peed on them.
I meant no disrespect.
Okay. Let's stick to the plan.
Put her back in the tub.
You put her back in the tub.
I don't take orders from you.
MALONE: What's your problem?
CLOVER: Fuck you.
MALONE: Fuck me?
You don't even know the deal
I made with Lasalle
so I'd be a lot nicer to me
if I were you.
CLOVER: Lucky you're not me then.
Don't put her back yet.
MAX: Hey, Fausto. Is my fiancee around?
I, uh, I think you owe me an apology.
You're right. I'm sorry.
Is that all you have to say?
No. I am not coming back with you.
[SCOFFS] What does that mean?
I'm staying here a bit longer
because I'm thinking
through a lot of stuff.
What stuff?
I didn't know how to
break it to you but, um,
I know I've been getting
on your nerves a lot lately.
- Don't deny it.
- Yeah, that's true.
So you should come home
so we can talk about it.
Except I can't.
Because I'm sleeping with Fausto.
[SCOFFS] Bullshit.
I'm sorry.
Wait, you're sleeping
with Alba's butler?
You guys met last night
and fell madly in love?
I didn't say love, but
It's early.
Fausto and I met before
when he was a customer at the casino
and we really liked each other,
but he had a girlfriend at the time.
And so when we came for dinner
and he was here, I just thought
it must mean something, you know?
Mean what?
Fate. This is my fate
and I can't escape it.
You didn't know he was working for Alba?
How could I possibly know?
I assure you she didn't know.
One thing led to another.
Why do you think I kept getting up
and going to the kitchen?
You were in the kitchen?
I thought you went to the bathroom?
No, the kitchen.
What do you think I was doing there?
I don't know, what?
Use your imagination.
Hey, Roberto. Uh, I'm in a meeting.
Yeah. Let me call you back.
All right.
Hey, you get reception here?
Can I borrow that?
Go fuck yourself.
What happened in the kitchen?
Like they say. Once you go
Don't be predictable.
Let me borrow your phone a sec.
Just while you two sort this out.
What did you do to her in the kitchen?
Have a little dignity.
One sec.
You're a servant, right?
So you're gonna teach me, what, exactly?
We servants have a shit ton of dignity.
And let me borrow your phone
before I take it from you.
[SCOFFS] Are you threatening me?
Don't make waves.
What is your problem, asshole?
Max, don't.
You know, you should have seen
how vital and free she was,
bent over that kitchen counter. Mm.
I honestly don't think you've been
getting the most out of her.
- Shit! Oh!
- No, no, no!
Stop! Wait, wait, wait!
Stop, stop, stop!
You're gonna break his ribs!
That's the general idea.
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