Lewis (2007) s06e04 Episode Script

The Indelible Stain

(BARKING) Come on! Get him! Come on, Real Deal! Come on, Real Deal! Yes, come on my son! Come on, Real Deal! Yes! Yes! We now believe that we have identified .
to protect a citizen .
and wrongful (KNOCK AT DOOR) I've been asked to let you know - five minutes, Professor.
(AMERICAN ACCENT) Oh, thank you, thank you.
Well, I shouldn't worry.
This audience won't bite.
Ah, ha! They used to.
Times have changed.
Talks at Oxford are a lot more civilised now, and a lot less fun.
Well, I'll leave you to compose yourself.
Thank you.
(SPORTS COMMENTARY) 'Plays it wide.
This lad is so fast.
' 'So good to see a player take on the defenders in the modern game.
' 'Great skill to the touchline so it's going for a corner.
' 'Can Newcastle make the most of this opportunity?' 'The centre half has come forward.
' Oh, no! (GROANING) (APPLAUSE) Dangerousness .
is the term attributed to people considered to be a risk to the public, but whose behaviour is not a consequence of mental illness.
In the past, various attempts have been made to use dangerousness to try to predict criminal behaviour before it manifests itself.
But no reliable tool to measure an individual's propensity for criminal behaviour has been available, until now.
so with the mapping of the human genome, it may now be possible to locate the sequence responsible for criminal dangerousness.
And if this is possible, it could herald a new era in crime prevention.
And now we believe (SHOUTING) No platform for racists! No platform for racists! (HOOTER) (HOOTER) No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! That's your cue, darling.
I hardly need you to tell me.
Ladies and gentlemen, my mother taught me the best way to deal with naughty children is to ignore them.
(LAUGHTER) They're certainly entitled to their opinion, incorrect as it may be.
I was ahjust about to reach my conclusion and open the floor up for questions.
Are you happy to continue? Of course.
If you could introduce yourselves, that would be extremely helpful.
Yes? Nina Clemens, second year Law.
Given that past theories of dangerousness have tended to target ethnic communities where poverty and crime rates are highest, isn't your proposal just the latest Trojan horse by which to introduce racially motivated social engineering? I'm merely proposing a new tool, young lady.
It's up to others to decide how to use it.
Yes? Professor Lipton, senior lecturer in Criminology and Fellow of Milton Hall.
Professor Yelland, haven't we seen how others use a similar tool? Cuba, for example, where the theory of criminal dangerousness has been misused to imprison people before they actually do anything - mostly, of course, opponents of the Cuban regime.
(TANNOY ANNOUNCEMENT AND CHATTER) 10, 20 That takes care of food for a couple of weeks.
I was thinking of a couple of bottles of good champagne.
Isn't it all good? You haven't drunk much, have you? Thank you.
The streets of Catford aren't awash with the stuff.
Then allow me to educate you.
Would you like another glass? No, thank you.
What did you think? Er, of what? His talk.
As in you think he has a point? Or interesting as in how can someone so apparently clever be so apparently reactionary? It's not for me to say.
You're allowed an opinion, surely.
I'm just an administrator, Ms Clemens.
I leave opinions to those qualified to hold them.
I must say that my reception here at Oxford was a bit more robust than I was expecting.
ButI always hope that I'm big enough not to take offence.
Professor Yelland, may I introduce one of our brightest second-year students, Nina Clemens? Would the beautiful Miss Clemens deign to shake the hand of a racially-motivated social engineer? You can't deny, criminal dangerousness has always found most favour amongst those with a racist agenda.
Well, would you hold the Wright brothers responsible for the carpet bombing of Dresden? Or Einstein for Hiroshima? If they were in a position to predict how their work would be used and did nothing to stop it, then why not? Professor, would you like another glass of wine? Oh, thank you very much.
I've had enough.
Go on.
You've earned it.
Well, thank you.
Thank you.
It's time Professor Yelland was taken back to his room.
Why? He seems to be enjoying himself.
I'm very tired, Robert.
And very bored.
It's time to wrap this up.
It's very kind of you to walk me back to the college.
Not at all.
The wine was wonderful.
Always a highlight at these things.
I'm afraid I over-indulged.
Isn't that what good wine's for? (ANIMATED CHATTER) WOMAN: Here he is! CROWD: No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! Ignore them.
Come on.
No platform for racists! WOMAN: This isn't over yet, Yelland! Who said that? Where are you? No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! No platform for racists! (PHONE BLEEPS) Ta-da! Just letting Nina know what a brilliant night she's missing.
Her loss.
I've suggested she meets us in the college bar after her talk.
If she likes kissing her tutor's arse so much, shouldn't we leave her to it? Focus, William .
on the here and now.
I'm so tired.
You've had a long day.
We're nearly there.
I need to sleep.
You shall.
You shall.
All those people.
Forget them.
Forget them.
They're so angry.
They like being angry.
It makes them feel important.
Come on, nearly there.
Watch this step.
Easy, easy.
Yelland was furious about that protest, and the Q and A.
He tried to hide it but he was livid.
Did you see the local press scribbling feverishly away? She almost broke her pencil.
Well, I hope everything works out as you've planned, Anne.
After all, you have planned very hard.
I have some work to do.
Good night.
Good night, Andrew.
Oh, come on How was he? A little worse for wear, but fine.
Thanks for waiting.
Let me walk you home.
I was meeting some friends in the bar here.
I'll try not to enjoy myself too much.
"They who go feel not the pain of parting, "It's they who stay behind that suffer.
" Good night, Professor Fraser.
Nina's already been waiting over an hour.
Let's find somewhere to lie down and look at the stars.
How much champagne have you had? Not nearly enough.
Well, have any more and there'll be no point looking up at the stars, because they'll all just be one big blurry What's he looking at? So what I know is, he was a visiting academic by the name of Professor Paul Yelland.
Postmortem will confirm, but I suspect cause of death will bestrangulation.
He was here at the invitation of the Department of Criminology to give a public talk.
I was there, actually.
How come? Well, a friend saw an article and thought it might be interesting.
And was it? Not really.
But SPEAKER DESERVES TO BE STRANGLED is in my opinion a harsh review.
Any sense at this talk that he was anxious? No, this wasn't suicide.
The door was forced from the outside.
He'd forgotten his key, and forced the door in desperation to get in? The key was in his jacket pocket.
You can do this to yourself.
Apply enough pressure to the carotid bulbs and eventually your heart will stop.
But the extent of bruising around his neck suggests he struggled hard to stay alive.
And look at this.
Ah, right.
He managed to get his fingers behind the ligature, but then the killer was too strong.
What was his talk about? A potentially new approach to criminal dangerousness.
Well, right now he must be the world's leading expert.
Criminal dangerousness.
What? You don't need a master's degree in criminology to tell you somebody who whacks you and nicks your wallet is dangerous.
Little more to it than that, sir.
Crackpot theories about why people do bad things were all the rage when I was a cadet.
As no doubt were the twin innovations of suspects having motives and fingerprints.
There was no DNA testing.
You just had to be bloody good.
But what if good and evil could be determined at a genetic level? It's all hokum.
That's what they said about the earth orbiting the sun.
Bairns aren't born evil.
Given the right circumstances, people are capable of anything.
That's the second time you've checked your watch.
Do you have a woman simmering chez Lewis? No, I have a dodgy tooth about to explode chez my gob.
You are aware we have a brilliant new service now called dentistry? Yeah.
Been there, done that, got the bloodstained T-shirt.
Never again.
When was that? 20 years ago.
You haven't had your teeth checked in 20 years? If it ain't broke It's probably rotting on the inside.
(TEXT ALERT) That's the Tooth Fairy, appalled.
No, it's the Chief Super, requesting the pleasure of our company in her office before the (PHONE BLEEPS) Too late.
Oh, look, it's Action Man.
DI Peterson and his unit have been tracking local extremists, so he may have valuable information for the investigation.
We've monitored the anti-racist group that disrupted Yelland's talk.
Myra Barnet.
Figurehead, old school, hardcore.
And other cliches.
We thought they were pretty harmless, until now.
We still have nothing concrete to pin on them.
Needless to say, the Vice-Chancellor was on the phone within minutes.
A guest of the university murdered on the premises after giving a talk where, by all accounts, university staff and students tore him apart.
The PR consequences are obviously horrendous.
The paper are running the headline LYNCHED, exclamation mark.
From what I saw, he wouldn't have required much lynching.
What, you were at this talk? Yeah, with Dr Hobson.
I was just keeping an eye on things.
The university need this wrapped up quickly.
And so do I.
The Director of the Department of Criminology called me personally to request some protection for Professor Yelland during his stay.
I turned it down as unnecessary.
On advice from us.
Our intelligence said no one had any interest in targeting Yelland.
You couldn't have got that more wrong.
That's why we think the motive was personal rather than professional.
Liaise with one another and let's find who did this quickly.
ALL: Yes, ma'am.
Well, why are you sitting there, looking at me like dogs being shown a card trick? (RINGING TONE) Come on, answer the phone.
Come on.
Sorry! (ENDS CALL) Talking to local radio.
You could have done that in the car.
The acoustics would be terrible.
I needed to sound authoritative.
What did they want to know? Why Yelland was killed.
The spotlight is upon us, darling.
It's time to dance.
So what did he look like? We couldn't see much detail, just his bloated face in the window.
Oh, disgusting.
Will freaked out.
I'm not surprised.
Whenever we had dissection in Biology, he always had a note from home to excuse him.
Weird to think you were listening to him just an hour earlier.
Not just listening.
Accusing him of being a closet racist.
You probably pushed him over the edge! If only I had that kind of power over men.
You don't do too badly.
What's that supposed to mean? The hot professor.
To name just two.
Will? Emily, Will's just a mate from home.
Are you sure that's all he is? (DOOR OPENS) Yes.
How was your run? Knackering! I told myself I was being chased by the dead guy and did a personal best.
I thought you were going to run again, Nina? After much deliberation, I concluded my running days are behind me.
You loved it.
I stopped loving it.
And I stopped loving watching skinny doggies run round after a teddy bear on a trolley.
Are you going to shower now or can I nip in? Be my guest.
I've always wanted to learn how to run.
There's not much to it.
It's like walking, only faster.
Strangled by his own tie.
An advert for dress down Fridays if ever there was one.
I can confirm cause of death was asphyxiation due to strangulation.
He was two and a half times over the limit when he died, with the sleeping drug Zolpidem in his system.
Toxicology puts ingestion at around the time he was giving his talk or just after.
Enough to make him more compliant to kill.
Any amount would have that effect.
This particular brand activates relatively slowly, but would synergise with the alcohol to speed up the conking out process.
The conking out process being? An internationally-recognised medical term.
Is that it? I've pushed your boat into open water, Robbie.
Get rowing.
You wouldn't have anything for a bad tooth here, would you? I can take it out if you like.
Course, you'd have to be dead first.
Julie? Is this all the evidence from Yelland's room? Yes, sarge.
I've got an open envelope with no letter.
That's everything.
Gurdip, I need your massive geek brain to crack a laptop password.
It shouldn't be too taxing.
Then you can get back to online poker.
Yes, I've got it.
I'll ask her and get back to you.
Thank you.
(KNOCKING) Can I help you? Inspector Lewis, Detective Sergeant Hathaway, to see Professor Rand.
This doesn't have to be a problem.
Whichever way we spin it, the events may be catastrophic for the department.
I agree.
What happened to Yelland in his room in your college, Andrew, had nothing to do with what happened during his time with us.
Did you get to speak to Professor Yelland at all? I served him wine.
But other than that Did you notice anyone unfamiliar hovering around who might have slipped something into his drink? There were lots of people.
It was a public lecture.
I didn't know everyone.
They're all after Professor Rand for a soundbite now, press, local radio.
She's in her element.
Not the shy retiring academic type, then? Anne? You must be joking.
I once walked past her office and heard her on the phone, shouting at him.
At who? Yelland.
She sounded furious.
About what? I don't know.
But she was calling him a liar and a fraud about something.
You won't tell her I told you, will you? It could put me in a very awkward position.
We can't promise anything, Ms Hunter, but Lilian, please.
We're nothing if not discreet.
(KNOCKING) Come! Inspector Lewis and Detective Sergeant Hathaway to see you.
I hope we haven't come at a difficult time.
Not at all.
Can you tell us why you felt it necessary to request police protection for Professor Yelland? An academic from an unknown American university, pushing an improbable twist on an old theory - hardly the ace of spades in a pack of hate figures.
Actually, he and I were students here at the same time.
He was a high-flying postgraduate back then.
I don't think you're seeing the whole picture.
Perhaps because it hasn't been framed very well, Professor.
Yelland believed bio-technology could breathe new life into predicting criminal dangerousness.
Letter to The New Scientist, at best.
I think you're underestimating Yelland's proposition - unlike the vociferous crowd outside.
Rent-a-mob, according to our colleagues.
Vocal but harmless.
With all due respect, somebody must have wanted to do him harm because somebody did.
Look, the truth is, we wanted to develop Yelland's talk into something of an event.
Robert! An event? To maintain the profile of the department within the university.
And beyond.
Let's not be coy.
My wife never has less than one eye on 'beyond'.
I came across an article by Yelland a few months ago in a minor journal which gave him a few pages to lay out his vision.
So you invited him to Oxford to deliver this talk with the sole purpose of stoking up some controversy for your department? In a nutshell.
There's somewhat more nuance to this than my husband is presenting.
We invite an academic with an interesting point of view, put a few articles in the press to stir up the locals.
The protesters outside the lecture building? That was easy.
Robert's involved with a little anti-racist group.
All white, of course.
Happy to give self-righteous indignation an airing once in a blue moon.
Isn't that right, Robert? Yes, darling.
Spot on.
Yelland was well compensated.
I even went to his room to check if he'd suffered any ill effects.
You went to his room? I may be many things, Inspector, but I'm not a monster.
Is it just me, or does the air smell cleaner out here? No, it's not you.
Inspector! I'd like to confess to murdering my wife.
Sir? In advance of the inevitable.
In my experience, the ones who talk about it never do it.
I know she appears combative.
She's just protective of the department.
And her career.
I understand.
Just as you left, I remembered something shouted from the crowd as Nina and I walked Yelland away from the lecture building.
Nina? One of my students.
"This isn't over yet, Yelland!" Male or female? Female.
And even though Yelland was pretty drunk, it seemed to shake him up.
I thought you should know.
Thank you.
The woman who disrupted his talk Myra Barnet.
Maybe she was threatening to finish off what she started - the humiliation and destruction of Professor Paul Yelland.
(DOORBELL) If you're double glazing, I don't want it.
Jehovah's Witness, I don't need it.
Changing my gas supplier - you're all as crooked as each other so it's a general "no, thanks".
We're the police.
Please, have a seat.
Why did you disrupt Yelland's talk at the university? To convey the strength of feeling against his racist proposition.
"We"? The anti-racist group I belong to.
Is Robert Fraser a member? You'll have to ask him.
He told me that he is.
Then you have your answer.
(PHONE RINGS) Wouldn't it be courteous to have that thing turned off? I'm at work, not at the theatre.
Excuse me, sir.
Hello? Do you think it's possible your group has members who want to make the message stronger than mere protest? You mean do I think any of our members killed Paul Yelland? Do you? Medgar Evers famously said, you can kill a man but you can't kill an idea.
I've seen nothing to make me disagree with that.
When Professor Yelland was escorted out of the lecture theatre, somebody shouted, "This isn't over yet, Yelland!" Did you hear that after you were ejected? No.
Are you willing to give me a list of names of the members of your group? Oh, I'm sure your colleagues have us all on file.
I think you overestimate your significance.
I have no ambitions towards significance, inspector.
The struggle, always, is to stay relevant.
Is that all? (TEXT ALERT) Spare me from armchair lefties and their cheap disdain.
What was the call? Gurdip's made a breakthrough.
Yelland has two email accounts.
One for Paul Yelland, Professor of Criminology, writing to all and sundry about his work.
And the second? An email account for a small business he was running.
If you collect figurines, or things of that nature, and can't find the last piece to complete the set, Yelland's your man.
Was your man, Gurdip.
That sandwich is making me hungry.
Hi there.
It's a shame you're too chicken to get your tooth seen to.
This sausage is delicious.
As will be this soup.
So, Yelland had a sideline.
Sourcing and supplying rare collectables.
He had a couple of pieces in his suitcase, waiting to be delivered, but he also had a substantial sum of cash in his suitcase, having made a delivery two days earlier.
Which was? Applique Palermo vase to a local couple, Hazel and Brian O'Brien.
Brian O'Brien? I know.
What were his parents thinking? Or drinking.
It's part of the "Bizarre" range of ceramics.
Highly colourful, highly collectable.
After they met Yelland and paid for the vase, the O'Briens believed it was a fake.
They demanded their money back.
Yelland refused.
Brian O'Brien became abusive and then personally threatening.
"Return our money forthwith.
" Who says "forthwith" any more? I think they're trying to sound like solicitors with menaces.
"This is your last chance.
Ignoring me is the most stupid thing you could do.
Trust me.
" What? "This isn't over yet, Yelland.
" You have no idea who sent this? It's not the first one.
A few times I've had calls that are just silent on the other end.
Well, I can hear breathing but The number's withheld? Uh-huh.
Robert, you don't think it's your wife, do you? Anne doesn't know about us.
As far as you're aware.
If she did, she wouldn't hide behind anonymous texts and silent calls.
Whatever she had to say would be to your face, and extremely scary.
Perhaps we should cool things for a while.
You're beautiful.
You've fought tooth and nail to be here, unlike the privileged majority who consider it their birthright.
It's bound to cause some resentment.
This isn't just resentment.
It's racist garbage.
No, it's just nonsense, Nina.
Don't let it get to you.
Who is he? Her Criminology professor.
Nina's moving on, William.
Why don't you? So you follow up on this O'Brien lead.
I suppose I should liaise with Peterson's unit.
What do you think Hobson would see in Peterson? Who knows? (PHONE RINGS) Yeah, Julie.
'Sir, the fingerprint results are in.
Have you got a pen?' Yeah.
'So two sets of fingerprints' OK, so two sets of prints on the outside handle of Yelland's door, one of which belongs to Professor Anne Rand.
Fits with what she said about going to Yelland's room after the talk.
Why is Rand on our database? Drink driving two years ago.
Criminologist, heal thyself.
OK, that's great.
Thanks, Julie.
So, as well as Yelland's fingerprints, we've got two unknown sets on the envelope we found on his floor, one of which matches the unknown print on the door handle, plus one known print on the envelope belonging to an Adam Pettle.
No one heard of gloves? So let's start with Mr Pettle and work our way out.
So what do we know about him? Local boy.
Convictions for assault and breach of the peace, all during demos.
Anti-Nazi, anti-war, anti-globalisation.
In fact, anything worth being anti about in the last six years, he was there, hitting someone or breaking something.
How was he when your boys picked him up? Pretty cool.
But then he is an old pro.
Actually, I saw him at Yelland's talk.
He was almost certainly put on the inside to kick off if Myra couldn't get through.
Maybe he's decided to step it up a league, not just to hit this time but to kill.
For the tape, I'm showing Mr Pettle an envelope which we recovered from the crime scene.
Do you recognise this envelope, Mr Pettle? No.
Can you explain why we found a set of fingerprints on this envelope which exactly match your own? No.
Allow me to rephrase the question to help you focus more clearly on your answer.
Can you explain why this envelope, with your fingerprints and Paul Yelland's fingerprints all over it, was found in his room on the night he was murdered? What was in the envelope, Adam? Let's try another one.
Did you kill Paul Yelland? He's like the three wise monkeys rolled into one bloody-minded urban guerrilla.
What's your instinct? Well, he isn't exactly sweating like a killer, but he's holding on to something.
The complete set of Yelland's business emails, sir.
Thanks, Julie.
Any more on the O'Briens? No, but the camera footage you wanted is ready in the CCTV room.
I'm still printing the emails from Yelland's personal account, sir.
Right, thanks, Julie.
Go through them with a flea comb, fetch me any fleas.
(PHONE RINGS) Yes, sir.
Laura! You've managed to pinpoint the exact time of death and the person responsible? 'Well, in an ideal world, my answer would be yes to both.
' I'm calling you to let you know that I've managed to get you an appointment with my very very good, very very popular dentist.
Ah, much as I'd love to, I am in the middle of a murder investigation.
'Well, the dead can wait.
My dentist can't.
' 8:30, Robbie.
Likes his patients to be punctual.
Arrive late and he gets very stabby with the hypodermic.
Nina I just wanted to check you're OK.
Call me.
That your thing, Professor? Clever, inner city black girls? Who the hell are you and why are you in my office? I'm a friend of Nina's and I'm here to tell you to leave her alone.
I'm calling security.
Good idea.
We can tell them all about how you've been abusing your position.
While we're at it, we could tell your wife.
How dare you come to my place of work? Leaveheralone.
From now.
For good.
Stop dipping your wick into the student body.
Got it? As an international centre of excellence, we attract many leading academics from around the world.
Nothing like this has ever happened before.
You can imagine how shocked we are.
(KNOCKING) Your post, Professor.
In goes Professor Lipton And on.
OK, rewind.
Can you zoom in on that? Well, well, well.
Give me your phone! What? Before you have a chance to delete any texts or voicemails.
What are you talking about? I am assuming this is true.
You're having sexual relations with a student.
Where did you get this? I was sent it in the post.
I want your phone, Robert.
Now, please.
Don't do this, darling.
I want your phone.
This is nothing but a malicious lie designed to slander me and then humiliate you.
Why, God knows.
Maybe the sender is jealous of the attention you've had.
I want your phone.
There's nothing to find, and I urge you to resist your desire to look.
Please, don't let them do this.
Trust me.
And the other one.
(DOORBELL) We know you visited Milton Hall College after the talk.
We need to know why.
I wanted to give something to Yelland.
What? A letter from my mother.
You delivered the letter? They were both students here almost 40 years ago.
He pursued my mother while she was in a relationship with another man.
He managed to split them up and win her over.
After completing his master's, he was offered a research scholarship in a southern university in the United States.
She followed him.
Had to.
Why? Because she was pregnant with me.
Yelland was your father? Biologically.
When it became clear that having a half-caste child would be problematic for his career, he sent us home.
Wasn't it somewhat coincidental, Ms Hunter, that your long-lost father was to give a talk at the very department where you now work? It's best to tell them.
I wanted to confront Yelland about what he'd done.
I showed Professor Rand a somewhat controversial article he'd written and suggested him as a speaker.
When exactly did you find out that Yelland was your father? My mother told me a few months ago, the day before she killed herself .
in a long letter explaining everything.
The letter you slipped under Yelland's door? She never saw him again after we came back.
She saw herself as trash second-rate, disposable.
And then she started to drink.
I wanted Yelland to read what he'd done to her, in her own words.
We have an envelope from Yelland's room, Ms Hunter, but no letter.
I'm sorry I I'm not sure I understand.
We believe the killer must have taken it.
There were four sets of fingerprints on the envelope.
Yelland's, yours, and another, belonging to a lad by the name of Adam Pettle.
You know him? Yes.
Adam's my brother.
So Adam Pettle was holding something back.
His sister-in-law.
When you showed him the envelope, he must have assumed Lilian had put it in Yelland's room and killed him.
Question is, did she? What did you make of that story about her mother? I was watching her quite carefully.
She seemed genuine.
But why deliver the letter, kill Yelland and take the letter back? Maybe she wanted him to read it and weep, emotional revenge.
Then her and hubby garrotte him, physical revenge.
She takes the letter back cos it's the last words of her dead mother.
Leaving the envelope? What's a clue but a mistake by another name? It's so good to see you.
I didn't tell them anything.
Well, there's nothing to tell.
Come on, let's get you home.
They only kept you in that long to make you sweat.
Miss Clemens? Professor Rand.
I know my husband has asked you to meet him this morning.
You're not the first, you know.
He'll try and persuade you that you can continue to see one another.
I Look, with You can't see him any more, Miss Clemens.
I simply won't allow it.
Excuse me? I can't have you sent down over this, but really believe me when I say that I can and will make the remainder of your time at Oxford extremely difficult.
Are you threatening me? Of course.
Now, as a bright girl on the make, I'm sure you'll listen carefully to what it is I want you to do.
Professor Lipton.
Detective Sergeant Hathaway, how good to see you.
Have you got a moment? Yes, of course, come in.
I was wondering how long it would take you.
How long it would take me to do what exactly? I assumed you've been looking at the security film from the porters' lodge from the night Yelland was killed.
And you will have noted the time at which I entered the college and the time I subsequently left.
And you'll need to ask what exactly was I doing here for that hour? Yes.
I wanted to dig out a few papers in the wake of the Yelland lecture.
I'm ashamed to say that I dropped off when reading one of them.
It's rather alarming to realise one's faculties are showing signs of crumbling away.
What papers, may I ask? They related to the theory of dangerousness.
The impossibility of measuring it.
I took them home.
I give tutorials here, very little else.
Occasional midday snooze.
And reading Reading? A Tale of Two Cities.
Oh, well, in this case, re-reading.
Yes, I like to come here to read.
Thanks for agreeing to meet so early.
When you texted at six this morning, I assumed it must have been from my rancid little stalker.
I almost deleted it without reading.
Anne knows.
What? She received an anonymous letter.
At your house? No, at work.
The same person who was texting me? Possibly.
God, Robert, what's happening? What did she do? She was surprisingly calm.
Perhaps not so surprisingly.
She's the most controlled person I've ever met.
I denied everything.
It's so good to see you.
I don't .
think this is a good idea any more, Robert.
What? I've loved the time we've spent together, but I think we should bring it to an end.
I've been thinking about this Nina, please.
You're hurting me.
I need you! Let go! Nina, this This doesn't have to be the end of us.
There's no direct line back to you.
I'm careful.
Find someone else to give you the thrill of sneaking around behind your wife's back.
Because that's what really turns you on, not being with me.
Betraying her.
That's not true! Goodbye, Robert.
You cold little bitch.
You just made this so much easier.
(DRILL WHIRRING) It's all right.
Keith Poland? Yeah, that's us.
OK, surgery two.
Come on, let's go.
Lauren Let's go! (PHONE RINGS) Patricia Hutchison? That's me.
Upstairs, first door on your left.
Thank you.
(PHONE RINGS) Fred Mclintock? Yes.
The hygienist is ready if you just want to pop through.
(DRILL WHIRRING) (CHILD YELLS) (PHONE RINGS) James? Gurdip has found Yelland's vase on an online auction website.
It seems the O'Briens are trying to recoup their losses by palming off what they believe to be a fake.
The bids had started to come in so I bought it outright and will collect it at 9am.
I'll be right with you.
'I haven't told you where I am yet.
' Wherever you are, I'm on my way.
Pick me up on your way past.
(RINGTONE) How do you want to play this? Well, we're collectors.
We establish their identity, we establish they've got the vase, and then we show them our warrant card.
And what if it turns nasty? You take the biggest one.
What if they're both the same size? We do paper, scissors, stone.
After you, Mr Hathaway.
Thank you, Mr Lewis.
It can't be them! The arrangement was to be here at nine with the vase.
It's nine, and they appear to have a vase-sized box.
Can you see these two killing Yelland? Perhaps very slowly.
Mr Hathaway? Hazel? How do you do? This is my colleague, Mr Lewis.
Pleased to meet you.
I presume Brian couldn't make it? Ohwe use a male name online .
just in case people think they can take advantage of two old girls.
Her real name is Edna.
Well, my name isn't Mr Lewis, it's Inspector.
Mr Inspector? No, Inspector Lewis.
This is my colleague, Detective Sergeant Hathaway.
Have you got the cash? We're police officers.
Don't worry, we trade with anyone, even the rozzers.
No, I don't think you quite understand.
We are police officers and we'd like you to accompany us to the station to answer some questions about the murder of Paul Yelland.
(TEXT ALERT) That man ripped off a lot of people! And you were about to do the same to us.
This was going to be a one-off for us.
But he made a business out of it.
Did you go to the university the night he died? It's a free country last time I looked.
Did you call, "This isn't over yet, Yelland"? Free country, with free speech! What wasn't "over"? We wanted to try and scare him into giving back our money.
And that's all? Do I look like a killer? Well, you don't look like a "Brian".
Appearances can be deceptive.
Come on.
I'm very sorry to bother you, but I really need to see you.
If Yelland was ripping off a lot of people, that's a lot of potential motives for killing him.
But why take Lilian's mother's letter? Sir? Yes, Julie.
I've gone through Yelland's personal emails.
There's a correspondence you might be interested in.
Between him and who? Professor Anne Rand.
Why didn't you say you had private correspondence with Yelland when you were questioned? I didn't think it was relevant.
Surely you can do better than that.
I was embarrassed that I was asking the man for a favour.
To help find you a position in America? So were you, like he says, stringing him along, pretending to find him a position in Oxford, while he was actively trying to find you a professorship in the States? I was only surprised it took him so long to realise.
And when he did, he threatened to cause you a great deal of trouble.
You think I invited him over to kill him? Well, say I had killed him.
Why go to all the trouble of garrotting him with his own tie? It's a little self-indulgent compared to the more clinical alternatives, wouldn't you say? I wouldn't know.
I've never killed anyone.
The emails suggest you had a great deal to gain from Yelland's death.
And now he can no longer obstruct your American ambitions.
It's an interesting theory.
But I assume that's all it is, or you'd have arrested me.
The emails give you motive.
CCTV places you around the scene at the time Yelland was killed.
Around but not in.
Purely circumstantial.
If there is any evidence linking you to Yelland's death, it will eventually be found.
So this is what? An opportunity to confess and save the taxpayer money? Yes, if you're guilty.
IF guilty.
If, Detective Sergeant.
Only two letters, but a very big word.
(PHONE RINGS) Laura, before you tell me how very, very busy your dentist is, let me explain.
'Hathaway called me as I was about to go in.
' 'We have a new lead' I'd like to hear it, Robbie.
Just not right now.
We really appreciate you coming in to do this.
We are trying to contact her family, but they're in the West Indies visiting relatives, proving difficult to locate.
Ready? Yeah.
Yeah, that's Nina.
How? Severe blow to the back of the head.
Professor Lipton was Nina's tutor.
Have a word with him, also the university counselling service.
See if there's anything we ought to know about there.
Black, working class girl trying to make her way in the most rarefied, elitist environment in the country.
Did she feel alienated, marginalised, ostracised enough to fall in with bad company? Sir.
Also, any possible link to the Yelland case? She was at that talk and walked Yelland home from the college with Robert Fraser.
We shouldn't rule out tit for tat by the far right.
'No, we don't rule anything out.
Let me know how you get on.
' OK.
There's something I didn't want to mention in front of them.
The blow to Nina's head would have caused massive external haemorrhage.
And yet There's little blood with the body.
A very small amount of coagulant.
She wasn't attacked there? No.
Just stop it! Take a seat, Emily.
I need you to think really hard.
Is there anything you know of in Nina's life that might have led to this happening to her? Anything at all? I don't think so.
Will seems devastated.
They've known each other since childhood.
Well, at least he has a friend like you to support him.
That's not all you want him to be, though, is it? He barely sees me.
Not how I want him to.
How does that make you feel? Emily? It's my fault.
What is? What's your fault? She was so beautiful.
And clever.
I just wanted him to notice me.
What did you do, Emily? I just wanted her to go.
I wanted her to feel she didn't belong here, so she'd leave and I'd have Will to myself.
What did you do? I sent her texts.
Horrible, anonymous texts.
And silent calls to her mobile.
Anything else? I sent an anonymous letter to the wife of a professor she's been having an affair with.
Which professor? Emily, I have to ask you this.
Which professor was Nina Clemens having an affair with? Robert Fraser.
Come in.
Shocking events, Detective Sergeant.
Our little world has gone mad.
Please take a seat.
Thank you.
Brilliant young girl taken like that.
I have devoted my career to trying to understand the competing forces that lie behind what we call criminal behaviour - wellas, of course, have you from your side of the fence - what it is that makes somebody cross that line, when others don't.
It's not always clear.
Even I find I can't better Jean Renoir's observation that "the real hell of life is that everyone has his reasons".
But what reason would anyone have to kill Nina? You're her tutor.
Did she say anything to you in the days before her death that would shine any light on that? She did call and ask to come and see me, just hours before she died.
She confessed that she was having an affair with Robert Fraser, and that his wife had warned her off.
She was also receiving anonymous text messages.
Vile, racist stuff.
She suspected that Anne was sending them to frighten her into leaving Oxford.
Oh, but how rude of me.
I haven't offered you a cup of tea.
No, I'm fine.
I'm making one for myself.
Just as easy to make two.
In that case, thank you.
Good man.
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness" ".
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair" ".
we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we are all going direct the other way.
" Darkness and light.
Death and resurrection.
Social revolution and the brutality of the mob.
No book has more.
Sugar? One, please.
Will? So we have two independent reports of a relationship between Nina Clemens and Robert Fraser.
Nina told Emily and Professor Lipton.
Emily was motivated by love for a boy who only had eyes for Nina.
Whoever killed Nina was motivated by what? Love spurned? Jealousy? Hatred? Revenge? We shouldn't rule out a racist assault.
Nor a link to Yelland's death.
God, what a mess these kids have got themselves into.
Bring them all in.
The adulterous husband, the humiliated wife, the unrequited boy.
Sir! We have a report of a disturbance at Robert Fraser's residence.
Come out, you murdering bastard! Please come quick! Just hurry up! Just hurry up! If you're not gonna come out, I'm just gonna have to come in.
Did you tell your husband to break off his affair with Nina Clemens? Robert doesn't do "affairs".
He does periodic infatuation with girls too starstruck to see the wood for the trees.
So you helped Nina Clemens see the wood I knew Robert wouldn't finish it.
He only knows how to initiate.
So I go directly to the girls and I explain the situation very clearly.
And the smarter ones get it and comply.
And the less smart? I kill them.
Do you think this is a joke? I think it's embarrassing and humiliating that an academic of my standing should be put through this indignity by a man she's stood by and nurtured for 20 years.
You repeatedly insist that you're an unlikely suspect because of your standing.
Now, in the cases of Paul Yelland and Nina Clemens, you actually have very strong motive.
At this moment my instinct is to reach across this table, shake you by the lapels, and demand that you stop being so ridiculous.
But despite my "very strong motive", I'm quite able to control myself.
All thisdeath All these murders.
First Paul Yelland and now Nina Clemens.
You admit the affair between yourself and Nina Clemens? Yes.
Which she broke off the day she was found dead.
I know this might look How might it? That I may have killed her in a rage for rejecting me.
And did you? I .
loved her.
I can't tell you how many murderers I've heard saying those words, in exactly the same way.
And you know what? They all meant it.
I didn't kill her.
When you asked Nina to end her affair with your husband, how confident were you that she'd comply? I didn't take her word for it.
I followed her to where I knew she was due to meet Robert.
She ended it all right.
How was your husband left? Upset.
It bothers you, doesn't it, that he had feelings for her, that he might have loved her.
First and foremost, Robert loves himself! First and foremost, that may very well be true, but after that .
do you think he loves you? I don't think you do.
You can think what you like.
Thank you very much.
I tend to.
Let me ask you another question.
Do you think your wife killed Nina? Murderous rage isn't her style.
Isn't it possible that she killed Nina to make it look like the murderous rage of someone else? Likeyou.
Me? Why in God's name would she want to frame me? Did you know she was trying to find a position in America? What are you talking about? Without you.
What? I'll take that as a no.
She was using Paul Yelland to explore the possibilities.
We have their email exchanges.
She wanted to open a new chapter in her career.
New college, new position, new country.
You're not mentioned.
I don't believe you.
Try, because you should.
No, she wouldn't.
Perhaps the idea of fitting you up for Nina's murder appealed to her sense of justice after all you've put her through over the years.
Anne would never do that.
How well do any of us know anyone, Professor? Really? Do you think her husband killed Nina Clemens? Robert Fraser's a philanderer, not a killer.
Anne Rand, on the other hand, must rank as one of the most ruthlessly ambitious people I've ever met.
What about the boy? Will? According to Emily, he's carried a torch for Nina since they were at school together.
He sees her with another man, older, more powerful.
He can't compete.
If Will can't have her, nobody can.
Apparently he hasn't said a word in the cell.
He just stares at the floor in silence.
Emily coughed to the texts and the anonymous letter to Professor Rand.
What if she confessed to the lesser crimes so as to distract us from her greater one? They are smart kids.
If she did kill Nina Clemens, she'll be thinking she's got away with it.
Surprise her.
Push her harder.
(PHONE RINGS) Excuse me Dr Hobson.
Robbie, I need you to come and see me.
Hello, Emily.
May I, please? Yeah Thanks, Laura.
No problem.
Speak later? He came to discuss some forensic results.
And to invite me to dinner.
Ah, right.
When? Never.
Not my type.
Sotalk me through these.
Well, these red and blue fibres are wool, and they were found all over Nina's body.
Head to toe.
Front and back.
There were fibres in her nostrils and nasal passage, suggesting she fell face down onto a rug, and was alive long enough to inhale a few.
So Nina was hit on the back of the head and put on the rug still alive? Then rolled up in it and transported to where she was dumped.
But no rug by the body.
And the thin mustard-coloured fibres? From the head wound.
Cotton, from book cloth apparently.
Book cloth? Yeah.
Not used so much now, due to cost.
But in the past, textbooks, volumes of reference, compendia etc, were all covered with book cloth.
Sorry .
I messed your dentist around.
You must think I'm horrible, sending all those things.
It's not my place to judge.
If you'd asked me six months ago if I'd be the sort of person to send disgusting texts and letters, I'd have said you were mad.
Emily, is there something else you want, or need, to tell me in relation to this? Like what? Like exactly how far you were willing to go to get Nina out of the way so you could have Will to yourself? You think I killed her? How could you possibly think that? You and Will have strong motives.
Will loved her! That was the whole problem! Did he love her too much? He had an explosive temper.
He couldn't have hurt Nina.
You don't know him.
And you do? These belong to Nina's tutor.
I'm going to return them to him.
'Where are you?' Just finished with Emily.
She's shaken up.
I think she's told us everything.
Either that or she's a damn good actress.
You? I'm on my way to catch up with the SOCOs in that woodland where they found Nina's body.
We reckon she must have been dumped there rolled up in a carpet or a rug of some kind.
I'm going to drop off some of Nina's tutor's old papers, see if he can remember anything else of use, and then I'll come and join you.
I remembered this was in the kitchen.
It's Professor Lipton's as well.
One of a set, I think, but I could only find this one.
Ms Hunter? Detective Inspector Hathaway.
Still just a sergeant.
Um, I'm returning a couple of Professor Lipton's papers and a book that was in Nina Clemens's possession when Very good of you.
Come in.
I'll tell Professor Lipton you're here.
Sir! Sir! (PHONE RINGS) Sir.
'James?' We've found the rug, about a mile away from where the body was.
The size is About five foot by eight.
How did you know that?' Because I'm in Lipton's front room, looking down at where - Detective Sergeant? (DISCONNECTED SIGNAL) Let me take those.
Come through.
He won't be a minute.
Damn you! I understand you've brought some of my papers back.
And a book.
I gave them to Lilian, yes.
Yes, well, I'm afraid I've gradually taken the liberty of extending her administrative remit to include me.
Are you married? No, well, then as a fellow bachelor, you understand I need all the help I can get on the domestic front.
Inspector Lewis.
Ms Hunter.
And duster! Oh, whenever I'm here, I give the place a quick once over.
Andrew's Professor Lipton's a confirmed bachelor.
I think he stopped noticing the gathering dust years ago.
Sergeant Hathaway's just inside.
I'll let them know you're here.
Inspector Lewis! I feel honoured to be the focus of so much police attention.
Do you have some unreturned papers for me too? I'm afraid not.
Just a couple of questions.
We found the rug that Nina Clemens's body was rolled up in prior to being dumped.
I see.
Well, that is good news.
For us.
Less so for you.
You see, the size of the rug perfectly matches this discoloured patch.
And its colour matches these fibres which I've just found on your floor.
Well, the world is full of rugs, Inspector.
Of standard size and colour.
We also suspect that Nina was bludgeoned to death with a book, covered in old-fashioned mustard cloth.
And I have so many books.
Ipso facto .
as a rug owner and a voracious reader, I killed Nina Clemens.
Where's the missing volume, Professor? I can't keep track of everything I leave lying around.
Lilian just told me that she's been clearing up.
What has Lilian been clearing up, Professor? Your house? Or the scene of a murder? Why did you kill Nina Clemens, Professor? Were you jealous of her relationship with Robert Fraser? Did you want her? I do not prey upon undergraduates for sex! So, again, what has Lilian been clearing up? Lilian comes here every now and then out of the goodness of her heart.
Leave her out of it.
She is entirely innocent.
Well, not entirely, surely.
She served Yelland wine at the reception.
Ample opportunity to slip him a sedative.
She's on CCTV going into the college later that night.
And here she is two days after Nina Clemens is murdered giving your place a good old clean.
Andrew, what's going on? At our first meeting, you said you and Yelland met at Oxford.
Coincidentally, Lilian's mother was studying at Oxford at the same time.
Did you know her, too? I did.
So, Lilian knows all about you, and her mother, and Yelland? Doesn't she? Lilian knows nothing.
If she knew that you were the undergraduate in love with her mother at the time that Paul Yelland showed up, then she knows or strongly suspects that you killed him.
What? Or perhaps not.
Andrew? I didn't fight hard enough for your mother when I had the chance.
I have borne my cowardice all my life like an indelible stain.
Don't say that.
Would the outcome have been different if you'd fought harder? The entire universe would have been different! But she chose Yelland.
He stole her! He stole her and he destroyed her! When I heard about the suicide .
I tracked him down.
I persuaded Anne to invite him as the department's next guest speaker.
So his article that you gave me to show Anne was all part of a murder plot? I wanted him here to confront him, not to have him killed! You orchestrated his visit.
And then, after murdering him, you saw the letter that Lilian had left earlier and you took it.
Where is the letter, Professor? "We had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we are all going direct the other way.
" It should remain in the past tense.
"We WERE all going direct the other way.
" Intentionally or not, you changed the tense.
Did I? Why don't we check? I killed Paul Yelland .
because he destroyed the life of the only woman I have ever loved.
"I made a terrible, terrible mistake.
"Though he tried, I don't think Andrew was ever able to forgive me.
" "Andrew Lipton is the best man I've ever known.
" And Nina Clemens, Professor? Whose life did she destroy? Nina? Your mother's letter was on the table.
I left the room just for a moment, and when I came back it was gone.
I confronted Nina about it, but she denied taking it.
I don't understand.
She tried to leave.
I I grabbed her coat, I pulled her back.
She slipped on the rug, hit her head on that step.
But she was still alive on the floor.
You could have saved her.
You chose instead to finish her off with one of your beloved books.
Many of the mistakes we make in life can be rectified.
Sometimes we make a mistake which can't be remedied, can't be fixed.
We just can't go back to that moment before.
We're propelled forward.
What do you mean? Nina had the power to destroy me.
Who'd have taken care of you? My darling girl .
I couldn't let that happen.
But despite your best efforts, it will.
And so you needlessly ended her life.
He is a good man.
He looked after us when Yelland abandoned us.
He helped me get my job at the department, helped me cope when my mother He treated me like his own.
Professor Lipton, I'm arresting you for the murders of Paul Yelland and Nina Clemens.
You do not have to say anything, but you may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court.
Anything you do say may be given in evidence.
It's all I have left of her.
I'm sorry, Professor.
It's evidence now.
Hear that? What? The flapping of chickens coming home to roost.
If he hadn't killed Nina, we would never have got him for Yelland.
Now he's going to die in prison.
I've got a strong feeling he died years ago.
It's poor Lilian who's going to end up serving that life sentence.
Aargh! Damn it! You know, Lipton reminds me of you.
Stuck in the past.
Come again? He allowed his life to be marred by an experience 40 years ago.
You're allowing yours to be marred by a dental appointment in 1992.
Hardly comparable.
Well, I've booked you an appointment with my dentist tomorrow morning.
She's opening up especially.
I'll pick you up at eight.
I'll be going for a jog at eight.
You don't jog.
I just started.
You fancy a pint later? Big match, stupid-sized telly in a sweaty pub? I've got a book to finish.
Have you learned nothing from this case? Books are bad for your health.
Not if you just read them.
Why don't you invite Dr Hobson? Get in there quickly before someone whisks her away.
You said it yourself.
Stuck in the past, me.

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