Lost Missing Pieces (2007) s01e01 Episode Script

The Watch

What'cha doing there kiddo? Just throwing rocks.
Good, good.
Get all that rock throwin' out before you get married.
It was either this, or being inside with Sarah and the wedding planner figuring out where all the flowers go.
Wise choice.
Listen, before tonight, before, before things get crazy, I wanted to give you something.
This was my dad's and I just I thought It would only be fitting.
I've never seen you wear it before.
Oh, well that's because I never did.
Your grandfather didn't really like your mother, and you know, he thought marrying her was a mistake.
He told me, to my face, that the day that I got married and he gave me this watch.
So I never wore it.
Dad, are you trying to tell me something? Unlike me, you have made the absolute right choice.
Thank you.
Oh here, that's yours.
I guess this is really happening, huh? Since they arrange those flowers, and you run out of rocks There's a lot of rocks down here.
Would you do me a favor? If you and Sarah ever have a kid, Try to treat him a little better than I treated you.
No pressure, right? I'll see you inside, kiddo.
- Yeah.
- Okay? - Yeah.

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