Mike & Molly s03e10 Episode Script

Karaoke Christmas

All right, I got Vince a bottle of that bug spray he calls cologne and Mom a set of crystal wine glasses.
I don't know why you blow money on expensive wine glasses.
I've seen her drink Chardonnay out of a cereal bowl.
I've seen her suck it off a blouse she spilled it on, but those glasses are more for guests.
Does this mean we're done shopping? 'Cause if I hear the Chipmunks sing another Christmas song, I'm setting myself on fire.
I'm almost done.
I still have to get something for Carl, Samuel and Kevin.
Who's Kevin? Our mailman.
You call the mailman Kevin? That's his name.
What do you call him? I call him the jerk who stole my Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.
He doesn't steal any of my mail because I buy him a nice Christmas gift.
Well, we shouldn't have to bribe civil servants to get them to do their jobs.
Said the police officer who accepts a free meal at every restaurant he eats at.
I keep the city safe.
I shouldn't get a free patty melt once in a while? Merry Christmas.
And Merry Christmas to you Debbie.
I'm just saying, friends and family are one thing, but let Santa cover the meter readers and the UPS guy.
I know, but it's Christmas.
Don't be such a grumpy Grinch.
I'm sorry, ma'am, your card's been declined.
Oh, I don't I don't think it is, Debbie.
I just used it at Brookstone and Williams-Sonoma.
Maybe just rub it on your shirt and give it another swipe.
I mean, I know it's the credit card company just being overly cautious, and I know it's to protect me, but it's kind of a pain in the rump, right? Declined.
Did you pay the bill? Of course I paid the bill.
No biggie, no biggie.
Plenty of plenty of other cards.
If you could just spread that over those three, we'll be right as rain.
I don't think I'm allowed to do that.
Oh, they don't give those name tags to cowards, Debbie.
Molly, there's a lot of people waiting.
I know; I feel their horrible stares.
Happy holidays, everyone.
Just be a a sec.
Give me you credit card.
So, all your cards are maxed out? Mike, you are embarrassing me.
Here you go, Debbie.
Thank you for your patience.
Don't get too friendly.
We're not buying her a Christmas present.
For the first time in my life I see love.
I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Christmas And some happy new hair.
Oh, my God.
It's a miracle.
It's a Christmas miracle.
My gift to you, doll.
You get to bang a complete stranger without actually banging a complete stranger.
Oh, if I'd known you were going get me new hair, I would have gotten you new boobs.
Is it people hair? 'Cause sometimes they make them out of dog fur or they shave a monkey.
No, I sprang for actual human hair from Kuala Lumpur.
They get it from convicts and dead transients.
It's not a big deal.
I'll just call the credit card company and tell them to raise my limit.
I do it all the time.
That's not a solution, you're just extending the problem.
Oh, God, can we talk about this later? It is Christmas.
The season of giving.
Speaking of which, I'd love that Am I the only one that knows how to celebrate the holidays? When did Vince get hair? I don't know.
I was gonna ask you.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Pet, don't pull.
I want a Lala-Loopsie, Littlest Pet Shop, Lego Friends, a ballerina skirt, hula hoop Hang on, little lady.
Now, that's quite a list.
Why don't you just pick the one you want the most? I want them all.
Yes, but somebody's got to pay for all those toys, and you don't want your mommy and daddy to be over-extended on their credit card.
Here you go, Princess.
And don't worry about Santa.
He ain't been right since Blitzen kicked him in the head.
Happy holidays.
Man, these kids came here for toys, not financial advice from a fat guy in a fake beard.
Hey, if Molly had run into a straight-talking Santa when she was a kid, money wouldn't shoot through her like poop through a Christmas goose.
Man, watch your language.
This is Christmas Tree Lane, not Potty-Mouth Road.
Stay in character, boys.
The kids are eye-balling you.
Aye-aye, Captain.
Uh, Santa, can I have a word with you? Okay.
I'm not sitting on your lap, Biggs.
Oh, of course not, sir.
And don't worry, kids, Santa's not under arrest.
We're just comparing our "Naughty or Nice" lists.
So remember to keep your noses clean and don't do crack.
Right, Captain? Right.
I'm surprised the other elves haven't beaten him to death with their tiny hammers.
Yeah, but the kids love him, and every half hour, he break-dances for them.
Oh, I'm sorry I'm going to have to miss that.
Anyway, Biggs, I wanted to talk to you about your mother.
Uh, everything good between you two, I hope.
Oh, never better.
I just wanted to discuss her Christmas gift.
Well, she loves those slipper-robe sets, but you can't go wrong with a nutty cheese log.
Actually, her one request this year was to spend Christmas with her only child.
Oh, I'm definitely stopping by.
I got to give her her slippers, her robe and her nutty cheese log.
Actually, you'll be there all Christmas Eve and waking up there Christmas morning, like you used to.
I'd love to, sir, but I'm married now, and, you know, in order to stay that way, I kind of do what I'm told.
We'll expect you at 8:00 sharp.
And I'm sure once your better half sees the happy look on your mother's face, she'll be glad you did it.
Yeah, that's one way it could go.
O Holy night The stars are brightly shining It's the night of our dear savior's birth Savior's birth Long lay the world In sin In sin and error pining Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth Soul felt its worth You know, there was a time when they were pretty picky about who they let into the academy.
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn Your sister is going to love this baby.
This is the Lyric King 9000.
It's got a built-in on-screen song selection and a four channel wireless microphone, in case Victoria wants to work the crowd.
Oh, if there's a crowd, she'll work it.
And if there's not, she'll draw one.
And it's got auto-tune.
So you can get funk-kay.
Cool! And I still get your employee discount, right? And this is a floor model, so, another 20.
That's half off and Mike says I'm not fru-gal.
Does it play Christmas songs? In English and Korean.
Now, I gotta get this wrapped up and under the tree.
You don't want to hear me sing "Frosty the Noonsaram"? I don't.
If you could reimburse me now, I can finish my Christmas shopping tonight.
Oh, you know, Mike's actually taking care of the checkbook now, so can this wait until he's asleep? Actually, I need the money now.
You know, holidays and all.
Well, it's a good lesson for you about budgeting, hmm? You got to settle on a number and stick to it.
Hey, Mol.
Hey, Larry.
Actually, I'm Harry.
Whoa, I don't need to know your life story, dude.
Wax it if it's getting bushy.
Wow, she remembered my whole name except the first letter.
Just give me half of what you owe me and we'll say the karaoke machine's from both of us.
No, I bought it for her.
Not yet you haven't.
Fine, but you're helping me wrap it.
And it's gonna say from Molly and Harry, not Harry and Molly.
Could you write Larry on it, so she knows it's from me? I can't believe how much younger you look in this thing.
We should go out and get you a pair of skinny jeans.
Joyce, the top of my head might be different, but everything in my pants is still the same.
Should we go upstairs and see if the rug matches the drapes? It does.
I dyed my chest hair and plucked out the grey pubes.
Oh, that's why the sink looked like an old spider exploded.
All right, who wants a hot gingerbread man? I already got one right here.
What would you think if I grow a moustache or a soul patch? Ooh, or maybe mutton chops.
Or you could just comb your back hair over your whole face and hang beads from it.
You're just jealous 'cause I got a new, sexy young lover.
All right, as soon as Mike comes home, we're going make eggnog and sing Christmas carols.
And we get to open one present, right? Two, if the first ones are batteries or an A/C adapter.
Who needs batteries when you've got this strapping young buck in the house? Mom, you're making me sick on Christmas.
And we'll watch Rudolph and It's a Wonderful Life, which I purchased on DVD, don't tell Mike.
And then Christmas morning, it's hot cider and cocoa while we open the presents Santa brought us.
Santa? Bup, bup, bup.
Hey, Merry Christmas, sweetie.
How was your day? Wow, the tree looks beautiful.
You can't go wrong with a Douglas fir, huh? A little more expensive, but if you're going to kill a tree, you might as well kill a good one.
You ready for some eggnog? I think, of the two of us, you're the one that's going to need a drink.
And Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing Mikey back home to celebrate Your son's birthday.
I don't get to see him much anymore Mike, not Jesus, who I see every day in my heart but if you can go without seeing your boy for 33 years, then I can certainly survive three lonely Christmases in this cold, empty house.
Happy holidays, sweetie.
And Lord, bless that nasty Chinaman that lives across the street.
Even though I don't like him, and he doesn't believe in You, and probably eats his pets.
But he did help build the railroads, and he is still one of Your children, made in Your image, blah-blah-blah.
Amen! Amen.
Now, do we eat? You pray, then you eat, right? Boy, you're in for a treat.
Mom makes a great Christmas spread.
I got a beautiful honey-baked ham, scalloped potatoes, homemade green beans and German chocolate cake.
Oh, so my prayers were answered.
And we will enjoy it right after mass.
Mass what? Christmas mass.
Mikey and I used to go every year until you pushed your way into the family photo.
Well, if that's something you two enjoy sharing together, I'm fine to just stay here with Jim and the ham.
We'll go as a family.
You're coming, too.
Patty, would you mind warming up the car while I got out my Christmas frock? Absolutely.
Patty, would you mind warming up the car Your toasty chariot will await.
Want to look nice for the Lord.
Guess these two thought we were going to pick fruit.
This was all kind of sprung on me last-minute.
Why do I try? I'll honk twice when I've got the windows de-iced.
And Biggs, help my Christmas angel down the sidewalk.
Who? Your mother.
She falls and breaks a hip, you are on airport commode duty, checking the stalls for sodomites.
I'll get her to the car safe and sound, sir.
This is crazy.
Who the hell goes to church on Christmas Eve? Those services last forever.
I should probably bring a pocketful of ham.
You get the ham, I'll keep a lookout.
be forgot, for the sake of auld lang syne Damn it! Every year, I try not to cry, but as soon as George Bailey finds Zeppo's petals, I'm a blubbering mess! Aw, you're a big softie.
Bet I can firm it up for you.
Joyce, lay off! I'm an emotional wreck right now! Sounds like another angel just got his wings! Damn it, I'm a big girl! I should put barrettes in this wig.
Hey, Jerry.
You can call me Larry.
Say, is Molly around? No, she and Mike are spending the night at his mom's.
Very convenient.
Did she happen to leave a check or an envelope of money with my name on it, or for a guy named "Harry"? Tell me you didn't loan her money, 'cause there's a couple of people and a few credit card companies in front of you.
I'm sorry to have to do this, but your sister breached our verbal agreement, and there is only one way to rectify the situation.
Victoria, merry Christmas.
This is from me and only me.
Thank you.
I feel bad.
I didn't get you anything.
Perhaps we could settle up under the mistletoe.
I overstepped, didn't I? I knew it the minute it left my mouth.
He truly is the richest man in town! I'm unraveling here! I'm completely unraveling! Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotèntem, factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium.
Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Dei unigènitum, et ex Patre natum ante omnia sàecula.
How much longer does this go on? I can't feel my legs.
We're not even at halftime.
Plus, we're out of ham.
Mockingbird, tell me, everybody, have you heard? Have you heard? He's gonna buy me a mockingbird Gonna buy you a mockingbird Hey, sexy, you want to sneak upstairs again before they start singing "Muskrat Love"? Joyce, give it a rest.
Otherwise, New Year's Eve, I'm gonna have to put ice in my diaper.
I can't help it! You look just like Al Pacino in this thing.
Get out of here.
Really? You want to play games, huh? You want to play games? Say hello to my little friend! I'll say hello to your little friend.
Hoo-ah! Just when I thought I was out, you pull me right back in.
Hello, Mrs.
Well, look at this.
A wise man from the East bearing gifts.
I assume the drinking has already commenced.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa At Molly's behest, I brought some pies from the restaurant.
Here is the receipt.
The bad news is Molly's not home.
The good news is we got liquor, and now, pies.
That was a delicious meal, Margaret a real feast.
Why don't you boys give Jim a quick walk while us gals clear off the table? I saw him chewing on the tree earlier, so there's probably going to be tinsel in his yule log.
Make it easier to find in the snow.
So what are we gonna do now? We don't have to go to church again, do we? Well, actually, after dinner, Mom usually has me read "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," and then we listen to both sides of the Jim Nabors Songs for the Holidays.
Hard to believe that beautiful voice belonged to Gomer Pyle.
Speaking of which, why don't we see if Jim does his pile on the neighbor's lawn? That's actually very clever, Biggs.
Thank you, sir.
It was just sitting there like a softball.
It really was a wonderful dinner, Peggy.
Thank you very much.
Okay Guess I'll get this.
You just relax.
I'm sure this is the last place in the world you wanted to be tonight.
No, not the last.
Church was actually the last.
I appreciate you letting my boy spend the holidays with me.
I'm not sure how many more I've got left.
I don't imagine you're going anywhere anytime soon.
Are you? Is that your Christmas wish? No, not at all.
I guess I have been kind of hogging him the last couple of years.
That's just your nature.
You know, when Mikey was a kid, his dad and I usually locked horns every holiday.
Hard to imagine.
And unfortunately, it ruined quite a few Christmases.
And a tree or two.
It certainly hasn't soured him on the holidays.
That's because he gets to spend them with someone he loves.
Are you talking about me or you? I'm trying to be sweet to you at Christmas.
Don't make it any harder than it is.
You were saying? I'm saying my boy loves you, you're all right by me, and I could've done a lot worse.
Thank you, Peggy.
That was that was very sweet.
Consider it your Christmas present.
I appreciate you coming over here tonight, Biggs.
I know it meant the world to your mom.
I'm actually glad I did.
I haven't seen her this happy in a long time.
I'm guessing some of that's because of you, sir.
Is that a fact? My dad really didn't treat her very well.
She deserves a good man in her life.
Thank you for saying that.
I'd take a bullet for that woman.
Hopefully, it won't come from her.
Merry Christmas, Biggs.
We're not at work, sir.
You can actually call me Mike if you want.
And I'm Patrick.
Merry Christmas, Patrick.
Son of a gun, he did eat tinsel.
It's kind of pretty the way it glistens when the moon hits it.
You want to get that, Patrick? Pick it up, Biggs.
Yes, Captain.
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your nose Yuletide carols being sung by a choir And folks dressed up like Eskimos Everybody knows The turkey and some mistletoe Helps to make the season bright Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow Will find it hard to sleep tonight Although it's been said Many times, many ways Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to you.

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