Mission Impossible (1966) s04e20 Episode Script


Good morning, Mr.
The Middle East's most ruthless terrorist, Ismet El Kebir, who has been sentenced to die for mass murder, is about to be pardoned and released.
A proclamation by his secret supporter, Ahmed Vassier, the propaganda minister of Suroq, will declare that El Kebir committed his crimes only out of concern for his people.
El Kebir's release would signal a terrorist uprising that could engulf the whole region in war.
Your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to see that El Kebir is never released.
As usual, should you or any member of your IM Force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
This tape will self-destruct in five seconds.
Good luck, Jim.
Typical olive-oil bottle.
You'll find it in every restaurant and coffee house in the region.
How about the bug? El Kebir should have no problems with it.
Jim, when were Major Sulti and Captain Lewis captured? - Lewis? - Yes.
Ex-British Intelligence officer.
When Suroq became independent, he stayed on as a mercenary.
He and Major Sulti were captured this morning as they crossed the border.
Naturally, that'll be kept secret until our mission is finished.
Just who in Suroq knows about El Kebir's pardon? Only the key personnel in the government and the terrorist organisation.
Everybody else thinks he's going to be hanged.
The psychological impact of his pardon will be tremendous, which, of course, is what Vassier wants.
Barney, any problem with the charges? None at all, Jim, I can set them in four hours.
Who built this underground water system? The ancient Mycenaens, Willy, to be used as a backup system in case of siege.
Does anyone in Bunam Prison know about it? No.
No, this chart was prepared by the British Museum from bits and pieces of ancient scrolls.
El Kebir's woman.
Interesting face.
Don't underestimate her.
With El Kebir locked up, she runs the whole organisation.
She's committed at least a dozen murders.
She'll commit a dozen more if she thinks his life is in jeopardy.
What's wrong? Something is wrong with the carburretor.
We'll push your jeep off the road and send help.
Kebir, Minister Vassier will arrive soon.
He wants to brief you on what you are to tell the press.
I have already prepared a statement, Major Marak.
A very simple one.
I forgive no one for my arrest.
I thank no one for my release.
The people follow me.
Our truck was stolen.
Calm down, soldier.
I am Major Sulti.
Now, tell us what happened.
May I serve you? Yes.
Coffee and baklava, please.
My sympathies for El Kebir.
All we can do is pray for him.
Perhaps we can do more than that.
An army dynamite truck was hijacked this morning on the north road.
Its cargo might be available for those who love El Kebir.
I'll bring your baklava.
Gentlemen, you will forgive me, but with El Kebir a prisoner here, I've been ordered to take extraordinary precautions.
Rafik here.
I see.
Put on Major Sulti, will you? Major.
Colonel, Major Sulti here.
I checked.
A truck is overdue.
But how do I know you have it? Where is the dynamite? Five thousand dinars now and 50,000 upon delivery.
Who are you? What's the difference? Search him.
The 28th, a demolitions unit.
Probably a deserter.
What difference does it make who I am? This is a business deal.
Not really, sergeant.
Either you will tell us where the dynamite is or we will kill you.
I don't care how many dynamite trucks have been stolen.
You are to return to headquarters at once! I will see that you have transportation back to your base.
Yes, of course, put him on.
Yes, General Rashned.
Oh, they're here.
Gentlemen, one moment please.
Yes, general.
This is Major Marak.
I agree, general, it is a direct affront to the government.
Very well, general.
The general apparently shares your concern about the stolen truck.
You are to have a free hand.
I will begin with El Kebir.
I cannot believe that he would be involved.
Why not? Stealing government munitions has always been one of his favourite pastimes, hasn't it? - But he's one of us now.
- Are you sure, major? I see that you are not.
A most ingenious crime, major.
I almost wish I had planned it.
However, I did not.
Perhaps your organisation? My organisation is under orders to cooperate with the army.
At least until tomorrow.
You have a sense of humour.
But then, we are all part of the black comedy, are we not? Yes.
Yes, I suppose we are.
The trouble is you do not play your part very well, major.
You are not an intelligent man.
You are supposed to be an intelligence officer, are you not? As intelligence officer, you didn't come to talk to me about a dynamite truck, not on the eve of my release.
What do you really want? - Only your cooperation.
- Major, you're a liar.
Kebir, put aside your hostility.
The government concedes.
You have won.
Have I? I will not have won until I am the government.
Yes? Well, send him in.
- Your Excellency.
- Good to see you again, Marak.
Your Excellency, I would like you to meet Captain Lewis.
I'm honoured, Your Excellency.
Major Marak.
This is not Captain Lewis.
What? I said, this is not Captain Lewis.
Well, it's strange you should make that accusation, sir, since I've been Captain Lewis for a good number of years now.
I happen to know that Captain Lewis and his superior, Major Sulti, are on a special mission across the border.
I see.
Yes, I beg your pardon.
We were on a mission to gauge what reaction there might be to the release of El Kebir.
We've already dispatched that report, sir.
General Rashned has already confirmed the captain's identity.
May I introduce Major Sulti? His Excellency, Minister Vassier.
I trust the reactions to El Kebir's release were favourable.
Our neighbours fear him just as we do.
What brings you to Bunam Prison? Investigating the hijacking of a government dynamite truck.
I just questioned El Kebir.
I believe he is planning to escape.
Escape? Now? But he is to be pardoned tomorrow.
Why? Perhaps to show contempt.
He wants to spit in our faces.
- What proof have you of this? - None yet.
I see.
I happen to know the army attitude towards El Kebir.
I prefer to trust him.
If I may be permitted the observation, minister.
It seems strange that you honour the word of a murderer over that of one of your own officers.
Perhaps, in this case, the murderer is a patriot.
And the officer an irresponsible provocateur.
I will inspect the radio and press facilities, then I will see El Kebir.
Very well, Your Excellency.
His attitude certainly bears out our information, doesn't it? Yes, yes, it does completely.
What information? We all wear the same uniform.
- I assume you'll be discreet.
- Yes, of course.
The minister has been the subject of a special investigation.
We have established beyond doubt that he has been secretly associated with the terrorists for years.
Major, what if I were to be placed in a cell near El Kebir? Could that be arranged? Yes, I think so.
Under the circumstances, I think it best that Vassier not be informed.
I intended to wait until he had left the prison.
I'm not asking you to be grateful.
I'm asking you to pretend gratitude for the press.
Vassier, the people love me, do they not? Many of them do, yes.
What you want, Vassier, is for me to thank you publicly, so you can share in that love.
Is that so unreasonable? He is stubborn.
Without money, we will get nothing.
Kebir, you need my help.
We must work together.
You know, there are little fish that follow sharks and take nourishment from between their teeth.
Do the sharks need the little fish? Or is it the other way around? What you are suggesting is that if there were a way out of here without my help, you would take it.
Do not worry, Vassier.
There is no such way.
Give me your word.
If you try to escape now, you will destroy us both.
My word? Surely you must know my word is useless.
You have something much better.
Five-foot thick walls and these steel bars.
Very good, Paris.
They should be about ready for you at the café.
Your Excellency.
Where is Atheda? Your Excellency.
- Atheda, I must talk - Take him out.
Put him in the cellar.
Atheda, I might as well be direct.
They are going to hang El Kebir.
- They're what? - The filthy hypocrites.
It was all a plot to keep you from breaking him out.
Hang El Kebir? No, there must be a mistake.
It cannot be true.
Atheda, I know what a shock this must be for you.
But think: Have I ever given your organisation incorrect information? But this time No, it They would not dare.
The decision has already been taken.
They are afraid of him.
They will kill him and wipe out your organisation.
When did you find this out? Today, only today.
They lied to me the way they lied to you and to him.
He is as good as dead, unless you help him.
All these weeks, I have been waiting for him, trusting them.
I should have known.
I should have known they wanted him dead.
Jenab, we have to save him.
How, Atheda? It is too late.
There is nothing.
Nothing? You mean you would let him die on the scaffold? The prison is escape-proof.
There is no way.
There is a way.
My business associate, Allan Rogers, will be placed in a cell to prepare him.
Now, this is a chart of the ancient underground water system.
You will note, if we could somehow penetrate this wall, we could reach El Kebir's cell.
Take your choice.
All right.
The dynamite is in Womek Warehouse.
I have a man there.
We have a demolitions problem, sergeant.
We are going to rescue El Kebir through this wall.
Through that wall? Not with dynamite.
You will need something much more concentrated.
What would you use? Plastique or nitro.
Such powerful explosives in such a confined area? Dangerous, are they not? Not if you use shaped charges.
Dynamite is made from a combination of nitroglycerin and fuller's earth.
And it is possible to separate the nitroglycerin.
And that is certain death.
We have no choice.
I will need a container.
Wash this and then you and your friends get out of here.
And give you a chance to do the same? Look, the slightest mistake and it goes up.
Have you ever seen a nitro explosion? There's no blood, no bones, nothing.
It is as though you never were.
Sergeant, I do not frighten.
Stand back.
Now, look here, you've no right to do this to me.
I demand to see the British consul.
I demand to see him at once.
Do you hear that? I wasn't doing nothing, taking a few pictures, that's all.
Don't you have any conception of justice? I'm a British subject.
I know my rights.
What is it? Why are you stopping? We cannot work during a thunderstorm.
Get on with it.
- We must wait until the storm is over.
- Why? Because of the danger of static electricity.
There is no time to wait.
El Kebir is to be hanged at 10:00.
Well, sergeant.
- We were lucky.
- Agreed.
But then I am always lucky.
Go on.
Knocked down the door to my hotel room, handcuffed me and dragged me off to headquarters.
Without even so much as a warrant.
Not a chance to even telephone a lawyer.
Whoever said this country is ready for independence is out of his mind, I'll tell you.
Call this a civilised country.
Not by half it's not.
Questions and questions all day long.
Not so much as a crust of bread to eat.
Not even a crust.
Who are you? Name's Allan Rogers.
Been working with Vassier.
You may not know me but you certainly know my merchandise.
Merchandise? Where do you think your last shipment of Sten guns to Wadi Kassir came from, huh? Me.
Vassier secretly arranged for me to be here so I could prepare you.
For what? Kebir, they're going to kill you in the morning.
What are you talking about? The army.
They're afraid of you.
Major Sulti is to be the executioner.
I can't believe that.
They couldn't be so stupid as to make me a martyr.
The people would turn this country into a slaughterhouse.
No, no, no.
You won't die as a martyr.
Sulti's arranged it for you to be shot like a coward, running away.
Why didn't Vassier tell me this himself? Because he knew about the listening device.
If they thought he warned you, they would have shot you right then.
How are you tonight, El Kebir? Quite well, thank you, major.
Step out.
- What for? - Just routine.
I want to have a look around your cell.
After all, we can't have anything happen to you tonight, can we? Put your hands on those bars.
Face in that direction.
This is a fine way to treat one of your future I said face that way.
Very well, you may go back in.
I will see you in the morning.
The chart.
Remember, he must be out by 9:00.
Nine o'clock.
The entrance to the aqueduct should be right here.
This is the reservoir.
The prison wall is there.
What has happened? They plan to kill you.
They always meant to.
- You saw Vassier? - Last night, directly after he left here.
The prisoner across the way, do you know who he is? Vassier's man.
At exactly 9:00.
- And him? - You'll bring him along.
I saw him again.
I believe there will be an escape attempt later this morning using the dynamite.
- But how? - Possibly by blowing a wall in the main yard.
Perhaps Captain Lewis can help us.
Yes, of course.
He's an hour early.
Marak, release El Kebir immediately.
But, Your Excellency, I don't understand.
I said, release El Kebir immediately.
Excellency, why are you doing this? My interview with El Kebir yesterday left me very uneasy.
We cannot afford to take chances.
But the press, Excellency.
If you release El Kebir now you'd destroy all the drama you yourself had planned.
Major, I am trying to avoid a disaster.
Perhaps it is unnecessary, Excellency.
Yesterday, after you left, we placed Captain Lewis in a maximum security block - in an undercover capacity.
- What? A precaution before releasing El Kebir, we should at least hear what Captain Lewis has to say.
Very well.
Bring him up.
The doctor wants to see you.
Open it.
- I don't need any doctor.
- Come on.
Is that the last of it? Yes.
Are you ready? Almost.
Take this out of the cave.
You shouldn't have brought me here.
He was talking.
Another ten minutes, I'd have had the details.
Captain, we did not have another ten minutes.
You see, His Excellency wanted to release El Kebir immediately.
So suppose you tell us what you already know.
The Erwadi cave that's all that I know.
What about the Erwadi cave? I'm trying to tell you, I needed more time.
- Now, it is my contention - Enough.
Obviously, we cannot wait any longer.
- Major, bring up El Kebir.
- Yes, Your Excellency.
What is it? What do you want? You are to come with me immediately.
They're in some kind of a passage.
They've blocked it off.
We must stop them.
How? How do we know where they're going? Kebir mentioned the Erwadi cave.
Come here.
Kebir, come down with your hands up.
They knew.
- The explosive.
What did you use? - Nitroglycerin.
- Was there any left? - Yes.
- Where is it? - In the cave.
He knows.
Come on.
Cover us.
Come on.
Now, where is it? I want that nitro.
Do you want to die right here? - There it is.
- No! Don't fire.
I surrender.
Kebir, put your hands up.
Now, listen, all of you.
This is nitroglycerin.
I will not hesitate to use it.
Now back up.
Do not do this.
Vassier, you are a dead man.
You planned this whole thing.
You wanted a way to kill me the whole country would swallow.
No, I beg you.
I beg you not to.
There is your man.
He carried your messages.
You're lying, Kebir.
Now back up, all of you or I will throw this.
Stay where you are.
Do not throw it.
It would mean his death as well as ours.
I warn you.
I will take you with me.
The people will remember.
I will not die alone.
These are soldiers, Kebir.
Not women and children.
It's a fake! No.
No more killing, please.
Put your hands on top of your heads and move forward.
Oh, Kebir.
These two, the army deserters, I want them for interrogation.
Very well.
Where is the real nitro? It's all right.
I got rid of it in the aqueduct.

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