Narco-Saints (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Hello, Mr. Kang.
Think you're better than me?
You asshole.
You think I don't know what you're up to.
Is that it?
The target of this op is Jeon Yohan,
who controls cocaine distribution
in Suriname.
You will enter Paramaribo
as soon as Jeon's cocaine is confirmed
to be in American territory.
infiltrate Jeon's residence with the LZ
just northwest of the compound.
After suppressing any local resistance,
secure the target.
Capturing Jeon alive
is of utmost importance,
as he must stand trial
in American and South Korean courts,
in addition to exposing
his connection to the Cali Cartel.
How much resistance can we expect?
Twenty heavily armed personal bodyguards
from a Nigerian terrorist group
stay with Jeon at all times.
All right, glad that's got your attention.
Plus, 20 to 30 followers
armed and trained.
I'm told there are NIS agents on site?
One agent, to be precise.
A former special forces soldier.
He infiltrated Jeon's organization
and is one of his confidants.
We are in close contact with him
to monitor the situation on the ground.
we also have a civilian informant in play.
He will get out of the way
as soon as the op begins.
What if he can't?
It won't be easy to protect a civilian
in the middle of the op.
We'll have to exclude him from the plan.
are you really coming back soon?
Of course. I've been keeping an eye
on your report card too.
That always puts me in a good mood.
Are you being nice to your sister?
She only ever wants to play sports.
She's so bad at math, Dad,
but I've been teaching her.
Nuh-uh! I'm good at math too!
Hey, both of you just keep doing
what you're best at, all right?
- Now pass the phone to Mom.
- Okay.
- So when will you be back?
- Tomorrow.
Or at least I should be.
If not, this weekend.
Come home.
They're growing up so fast.
I have to go. It's their bedtime.
Hmm, okay. Hmm.
As soon as the cocaine
gets to Puerto Rico on the flight,
the DEA will be all over it.
Getting you onboard that plane
and out of Suriname
is the number one priority.
Why would I want to stay?
The operation will be over, right?
I'm sick of Suriname.
Sounds like I'll be seeing you soon.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
Wow, we just couldn't have asked
for a better day, could we?
"What you decide upon, it will be done,
and light will shine on your ways."
So, it's a sign
everything will go smoothly.
My god is here for us,
since we are more rich in faith.
Shall we go?
Let's go!
Nothing quit like that smell.
I think it's a smell I could get used to.
Why don't we cut to the chase?
There's a great deal of concern upstairs
about the remaining payment.
We can't send our men in
without an NIS guarantor.
I quit smoking after Iraq.
Smoking room's right there.
Oh, sorry.
Can I make a call?
By all means.
What? Is this funny to you?
You prick.
You're honestly asking if the agency
can be a guarantor for mercenaries?
This op is done.
Jeon is putting his product on the plane,
and the DEA's ready to back us up now.
I have to capture him.
That's all that's left. Why would we quit?
Agent, everything's all set?
- Are you sure?
- Of course.
Your decision is the final piece, sir.
You've been overseeing the operation
since the get go.
We're not moving on this
until you give the all clear.
My, you're persuasive.
The final decision is yours.
Your approval will decide this
once and for all.
All right, Choi.
I'll provide the guarantee,
you bring him in.
And we're gonna have a conversation
when you're back.
Get moving!
I appreciate it.
Pastor, the plane is ready to go.
Okay. Pack up the goods.
Hey, Ingu,
have you been eating well?
Ah, we're just about to have our dessert
after a great lunch.
Everything's ready here, so I'll text you
the details about the time and location.
The flight to Puerto Rico is leaving soon.
Excellent work.
Hey, we should grab a drink later
to celebrate.
Yeah, just
make sure the goods get here safe.
Can you do that?
What? Do you think so little of me?
All right, just be sure
to eat on the airplane, yeah?
See you soon. Bye.
Oh, here's his text.
He says they've set 1:00 p.m.
for the rendezvous,
and that the location is Runway Three
at the airport in Vieques.
Okay, then.
So shall we?
Let's go!
Two hours till the start of the operation.
Look at this.
The president even sent us
his best Air Force pilot.
Looks like he's finally doing his job
after you told him off.
All right. I'll take all this over
and be back with loads of cash.
Wait a minute.
Here's a thought.
Why don't you just stay here?
What? Why?
I'd love to talk with you.
Mm-hmm, let's do that.
Puerto Rico's not far.
- Mr. Lee can go instead.
- Yes, Pastor.
There are rules in this business.
To not be there in person would be rude.
I thought you were hoping
to build an empire.
Hmm. Good point, Ingu.
So, let's say I go with you.
But it'll be a hassle.
All right. Let's go.
Tell me. Why bother going
just to fly back right away
when we could be drinking soju?
Uh, I'm not so sure that Sangman's
going to be thrilled about all this.
We don't need the guy's permission
for everything.
I agree. I'll just go call
and give him an update.
You should come yourself, Ingu.
You better catch another flight.
As a key piece in this,
you have to be there.
That won't be possible.
Once the deal is finished,
I'll have a better idea
of what comes next.
You can't honestly be serious.
Do you want to put me on the phone
with the pastor?
I don't think he'll change his mind.
It seemed like he and the deacon
were already agreed.
I see.
All right, then.
I'll call you.
Once the deal is done.
Okay. Sounds good.
Good luck.
Mr. Kang is staying behind.
Jeon didn't let him leave.
Do you think Jeon knows what we're doing?
If so, he would've backed out.
I think he's just being cautious.
Lee Sangjun's coming instead.
What if the plane gets here
and there's no coke?
What if he loaded fake goods instead
just to see how we'd react?
The safety of Mr. Kang is our priority.
Are you disappointed?
I'm not too heartbroken, but it's a shame.
I heard there was
going to be a pool party.
Mr. Kang.
The pool party isn't what matters here.
Byun, what're you doing?
This is the best part.
Yes, Pastor.
In this world, no one tells me
Which is a forest
And which is a swamp
Registration number 113-25.
Salvation Army transport, Red Shield.
Request permission
to enter Puerto Rico's airspace.
The control tower
has granted them authorization.
ETA, 15 minutes.
Why do you think he made me stay?
Does he suspect?
It does seem like Jeon's
holding you hostage.
But I still haven't figured out why
just yet.
So, you wait for my signal.
I'll distract the pastor,
and you get the embassy.
What happens if he figures this thing out?
We'll be done.
That is not your problem now.
You just worry
about keeping yourself safe.
The operation matters to me.
I risked my life for this thing.
What are you going to do
if he manages to get away?
He'll be gone forever
if he makes it into the jungle.
That won't happen on my watch.
I've heard that before.
This whole mess is on you guys.
You think I wanted to be here? Huh?
We've gotta make sure he can't run.
I'll sabotage his car's engine.
So you'll have to stall him
so I could do it, okay?
Are you sure you can pull it off?
You know I ran a shop for a decade?
You're just gonna have to trust me
on this one.
What are you guys talking about?
It's funny.
From back there, you look friendly.
- You two close?
- Ha!
No, we're not close.
This lunatic won't stop flipping the meat
even though I told him not to.
And he won't stop whining about it.
Listen, Pastor.
This little blowhard won't stop telling me
that I'm grilling wrong.
you taught him to grill like this.
My parents died when I was nine.
After that, the very first job I had
was delivering meat in Majang-dong.
So when it comes to meat,
you don't know squat compared to me.
All I'm saying
is if you grill pork this way,
you run the risk of losing the juices.
Stop shit-talking the meat
and grab some sausages.
The Johnsonville ones.
Don't worry, I got it.
I'll call you back later, okay?
What are you doing here?
Calling my wife in my car.
That's all.
Excuse me.
The Pastor wants to see you now.
I have another call.
I said right now!
What took you so long? The meat's ready.
Oh, my wife called. Kids' school stuff.
Is that all of the Johnsonville?
Too many of them. Couldn't manage.
All right, listen up.
Our main priority is Operation Virginia.
First, no unnecessary shots.
Second, be quick.
The objective is to confirm
possession of cocaine.
Not start a fucking war, all right?
- Yes, sir.
- They've landed.
Welcome to Puerto Rico!
Thanks for coming all this way.
Hello, Deacon Lee.
Who's this guy?
I shouldn't introduce him in the open.
Put simply, he's going to be liaising
with the US Army.
Shall we check the goods now?
Well, actually,
Pastor told me to check the money.
The most important this is the money.
I get that,
but you wave cash around out here,
the cops will be on us.
Once I check the cargo,
you'll get the cash.
Mr. Goo. What's going on?
We don't have time to waste here.
This is fucking dangerous.
I know. I know, I know.
Hey, calm down. Calm down.
Give me a minute to check.
Wow! Pork is tender and juicy
as rib-eye steak. Delicious!
A miracle like the fish in loaves.
As I thought.
I'm supposed to check the money first.
Come on. I'm dying out here, man.
Are you really that dumb? Huh?
- Is there a problem?
- Hold on.
I can handle it.
All right. You win.
Bring the plane into the hangar first
and check out the money there.
My men are waiting for me, okay?
Quick. Before we're spotted out here.
You heard him.
He needs to check the money first.
- Out of the question.
- I know.
But he's not from Virginia like you.
I guess this is Paramaribo style.
Let's just go with it.
It's a change of plans!
He's saying
All right, then.
Let's go with the Paramaribo style.
Abort Operation Virginia,
initiate Paramaribo!
Prepare live rounds!
The money's all there.
Wanna see for yourself?
We're with NIS.
Slowly put your hands up.
Don't move!
DEA! You're under arrest!
Drop your weapons and get on the ground!
Drop your weapons and get on the ground!
I repeat!
Drop your weapons and get on the ground!
Hold your fire! Don't shoot!
I believe in the Almighty Father,
and my lord
- Sangjun, it's all over.
- I believe in Jesus Christ
You're a criminal
and a disgrace to Korea.
by the Holy Spirit.
That's enough. Come on.
who suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, and died.
I believe in the communion of saints,
and the forgiveness of sins,
and the resurrection of the body,
and in life everlasting.
We got it.
We have confirmed possession of cocaine
in US territory in Puerto Rico.
This site is now under DEA jurisdiction
and I ask for your full cooperation.
Okay, okay! Let's go, let's go!
Let's go!
Agent Choi,
Jeon is still sending messages to Lee.
He's asking him for an update.
What do we do? Over.
Check their message history
and send back a similar reply.
Do what you need to do
to keep him off of us until we get there.
Buy us more time. Over.
Forty minutes to Suriname airspace.
Any word from Mr. Goo?
No, he said he'd call when it's all done.
Why? Is Lee not responding?
Pretty soon, he'll be in our custody.
Do you honestly believe
that after all this, he'll just confess?
He'll need someone to take the fall.
And who do you think that'll be?
The Lord God is punishing us for our sins.
The heathen brought us to this.
You know what the sentence is
for drug trafficking?
In Korea, you can get up to ten years.
But if we hand you over to the DEA,
you'll rot in a US jail
till you die. Understood?
It's your choice.
You cannot persecute or threaten me
with the mortal laws of man.
I know.
I know that.
It's not a threat, it's just a fact.
We're gonna make sure the DEA
releases you into our custody
and get you the lighter sentence.
All you gotta do is lie to the pastor
over the phone now. Hmm?
I am taking this call now,
whether you like it or not.
Lie to him or don't,
but your fate is in your hands.
Hello? Hello?
I'm here, Pastor.
Why didn't you pick up before?
It's been ringing forever.
Hello? What's wrong?
There's bad reception, Father.
I handed over the goods
and checked the cash.
It went smoothly, Pastor.
When I get back,
why don't you and I have a drink?
A drink? Really?
All right.
I've got a great bottle
of champagne chilling now.
Come back in one piece.
I will, Pastor.
He'll be back soon with all the money.
I should go and prepare the champagne.
Ten minutes to Suriname airspace.
I have a question.
What are you doing in Puerto Rico now?
I'm in Puerto Rico?
You asked me to stay in Suriname.
I mean, what are Sangman and you
planning to do in Puerto Rico?
You trying to take my coke?
Sell it all on your own?
Have you lost your mind?
I thought you said Sangjun's coming back
since it went so well.
He asked if we could share
a drink together.
Now, does he strike you as a drinker?
Tell me what's going on.
Is Sangman holding Sangjun hostage?
Or is it that maybe
he's hoping to have a drink
with his boss to celebrate?
You motherfucking liar.
Unless you want me to blow your head off,
you'll tell me where my goods are.
What a mood killer.
How about you radio the plane then?
Weren't we supposed to be celebrating
the deal with champagne?
We don't have much time.
Go straight to the coordinates
and detain the mark in ten minutes.
Fly as low as possible to avoid radar,
until we reach Suriname airspace.
I just checked with Air Force.
They're in contact
with the Salvation Army pilot.
They say no problem.
If you'd like, I can check again.
Yes, please.
I'm really sorry to put it like this.
You have trust issues. Serious ones.
What about the open-mindedness of faith?
I am very open-minded,
yet the devil spawn won't stop testing me.
No, no!
I'm sure there's a problem.
Look into things, whatever it takes.
We're approaching the border.
Stand by.
You have entered
the Republic of Suriname airspace.
If you do not present
your flight identification number,
you will be shot down.
This is the US DEA.
We are entering Suriname
to capture a drug lord
who has transported drugs into the US.
We're enforcing
the law of the United States.
Therefore, we urgently request
your unconditional cooperation.
Four minutes to coordinates.
Fly as low as possible.
Hold on!
Air Force say DEA crossed border
into my country!
Did you break our rule
and sell coke to US?
Why are they in Suriname!
I'll handle it.
Just stay on them.
How long you've been with the DEA?
How long was it?
Ever since you screwed up
my skate business?
Or was it the first day I arrived here?
Memory's fuzzy.
I thought you were possessed by Satan.
It turns out you're just a rat.
Time's up. You better answer me!
Tell me where the coke is.
In the US you're so scared of.
If you want it, why don't you go get it?
Piece of shit rat! Fuck you!
Yes, Mr. President.
What's going on?
DEA's not on our radar!
Send the Air Force and shoot them down.
What? Attack America?
That's the only way to survive.
And send the fucking troops here!
I was helping you get rich.
And then you pull this idiotic shit?
I don't understand.
What are you doing, Byun?
The target is on the roof.
Take caution.
The informant and the NIS agent
are also present.
On the rooftop. Target secured.
Armed men are gathered
at the south entrance of the compound.
Five more men approaching
from three o'clock.
Six men gathered
in front of the main building entrance.
Behind the north building,
two, four six men.
Jeon Yohan.
It's over. Surrender to us.
Oh shit!
- Fuck!
- Damn it!
- Pastor! Pastor! We have to go!
- Let go!
Let go! Shit!
Hey! Ah!
Go, go, go!
Okay! Go!
Pile of shit! Let go! Let go!
Fucking hell!
Take Pastor! Protect Pastor!
- It's not working!
- Shit!
Hey! Hey, President!
Where is the army?
You lost your mind?
Send the fucking soldiers right now,
you fucking asshole!
Over here, Pastor! Over here!
Go! Hurry! Go, go, go!
Gallas, please!
We will get the pastor!
Humans cannot harm the pastor!
You, Judas, must die!
Don't move!
- Don't shoot!
- Put your guns down!
Enemies spotted
fleeing the compound.
The target is among them. I'll open fire.
Careful, we need the target alive.
Let's go!
The target's attempting
to escape on a boat.
Over there!
Over there! There! There! Hey, stop! Stop!
Ah! Oh shit!
Come here!
Die, you son of a bitch!
You asshole!
Son of a bitch! I'll kill you!
You are Satan.
In the name of God!
You bastard!
Eungsoo's dead, and my life is ruined!
DEA! Get your hands in the air!
No! He's killing me!
Get up!
Don't shoot! Don't shoot, don't shoot!
Don't shoot! Please! Please!
Don't shoot!
I I'm a pastor! I'm a pastor!
I I don't know anything.
- Down on the ground!
- Okay! Okay! Okay!
- Down, now!
- Okay, okay, okay. Don't shoot!
I'm a pastor! I'm a pastor!
I'm a pastor! Please!
I'm a pastor! I'm a pastor!
Mr. Yohan, I'm with the NIS.
Along with the DEA,
and on behalf of us both,
I'm placing you under arrest for murder
and drug trafficking.
You have the right
to an attorney
and the right to remain silent.
Once we are done
with the Cali Cartel investigation,
I'll send Jeon to Korea right away.
I wanna visit you in Virginia someday.
Thank you.
Bring some scotch.
Sure. You got it.
Agent Kim.
It couldn't have been easy.
Just doing my job, sir.
Would you mind having a look
at my mom's car for me?
What's the model?
Bring it by.
But let's get back home first.
Mr. Kang.
We appreciate your work.
Back at you.
All right, here's your gimbap.
- Ah, great.
- Thanks so much.
- Enjoy.
- Thank you.
All done?
How much more do you have to do?
Have you finished all this?
What about this?
This one's still blank.
This one too.
- And that one.
- Dad?
Daddy's back!
It's so
Took you long enough.
Wait. You got prettier.
I mean
Did you get some work done?
Why did you get so ugly?
I only married you for your face.
You going away?
No, no way.
Never again.
My turn.
Wow, it looks so authentic.
Looks like the real thing.
Of course it does.
All of the parts,
including the tension rod,
only affect the cushioning
of the lower body of the vehicle.
Western and Korean cars
have different shells on top.
So we just put a brand-new body
on the guts.
Sure am glad I came to you.
Ah, you made a good choice.
You saved money, and also
you bought Korean-made products.
This guy.
I cannot believe
this model's still running.
You scrapping it?
There's been some reports
that a garage out here in Dongducheon
has been ripping people off.
From who?
And you never even paid me
the rest of the money you promised.
I should report you for that, you know?
Where is my money, anyway?
That's part of the reason I came by.
We had to take it up the chain.
While they weren't able to pay cash,
I figured out an even better solution.
We'll let you take over
two of our karaoke bars.
This way, it works out
to several times more than I promised
over just a couple of years.
Forget it.
I left all of that behind.
You do understand you get them for free?
Absolutely no catch.
There's always a catch, you know?
Besides, I only want to work
for myself now.
Let me ask you a question, Choi.
When can I let people know
that I worked with the NIS?
Ooh boy.
Well, you can tell people
anything you want,
but we can never
acknowledge you officially.
you know
After all the things that went down,
this story's about all I have.
I want my son and my daughter to be,
well, at least proud of their dad.
Working with the NIS would make me cool.
I went to see Jeon, you know?
Yeah, he's appealing his sentence,
isn't he?
He is.
He wanted me to pass along
a message to you.
He said you have something of his.
Some autographed baseball, I think.
Would you bring me the ball?
This baseball with the fake autograph?
Well, I'm no expert,
but the pastor told me this ball
is the only real thing
that he's ever owned.
This is authentic?
That's what he said,
but I have no idea really.
Who knows?
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