Numb3rs s01e03 Episode Script


- You're stupid.
|- No, you're stupid.
Hey, play nice,|or don't play at all.
Mom I feel kinda sick.
It's from reading|in the car.
You should have done|your homework last night.
Seriously it's my stomach.
|It really hurts.
Josh is gonna puke.
Maybe it's just a bug.
- You think you can go to school?|- I don't know.
I feel really weird.
Honey? Have you seen my tie|with the burgundy stripes? Dry cleaner.
Gray and red one? 'Cause it's not like I need them|to go to work or anything.
I heard that.
When you told me you'd get me|a job at the store, you totally left out the part|about the graveyard shift.
So? You can sleep|all morning.
I'm gonna sleep in|all week.
- Bye, guys.
|- Bye, Mom.
Honey? Honey? Oh, no! Josh,|you're really hot.
I feel so cold.
You ever coming|out of there, honey? Hey Are you all right? Are you getting sick? 'Cause if you are,|stay away from me.
I can't afford not to go|to work tomorrow.
Oh, I just need some sleep.
That's it.
I'm taking you|straight to see Dr.
Linda?|Are you okay? Oh, my Linda,|what happened?! Baby, talk to me.
Wake up.
|Bus is coming.
Josh? We're almost|at the doctor's, okay? CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL Commander Lee Havercamp,|Public Health Service.
Don Eppes, FBI.
Terry Lake.
Good morning.
Okay, our first known victim|is Joshua Kramer, 16.
He got ill Saturday.
|We've got about What does it look like? It's not anthrax,|it's not smallpox.
Probably a pathogen,|but we haven't ruled out toxins.
CDC's doing autopsies now, but until we can get|something definitive, we're keeping the residents|under quarantine.
All right, well, the FBI's focus|will be possible bioterrorism where it started, a-a|probable point of release.
Yes, we'll need to do|a vector analysis.
To track the links|between victims? Yes, and to predict the|spread of the illness.
The complexities|of the calculations require the use of|a high-level mathematician, and I've asked one to come in|on this case.
Actually, we deal with|a top math consultant.
We can get him on it|immediately.
I'd love to have him on board, but this is classified|on a National Security level.
- Possible bioterrorism.
|- Right.
Take a month, at least,|to get a new person cleared.
- Your guy's already got clearance?|- Yes, at the highest level.
Here his now.
He's a professor|from Cal-Sci.
This is Dr.
Charles Eppes.
He'll be doing|the vector analysis.
Don Terry.
I didn't know you guys|would be working on this.
So, I don't understand.
|You just said we need someone|with top clearance.
Eppes has clearance.
He does? You do? Is there a problem? You just never told me.
- I wasn't supposed to.
|- Right.
Charlie is my brother,|and-and he's the consultant I was just telling you about.
|I didn't realize Here's the mother|of the dead boy.
She's also displaying|the same symptoms.
We have to figure|out what this is before it gets|out of control.
We all use math every day|every day to forecast weather to tell time to handle money|to handle money We also use math|to analyze crime analyze crime reveal patterns|reveal patterns predict behavior|behavior.
Using numbers, we can solve|the biggest mysteries we know.
symptoms to look out for include aches, fever, nausea That could just be the flu,|or a case of food poisoning.
Neither of which show up|by breakfast, and both can kill you by dinner.
So, whatever we're|dealing with here is fast and|it's serious.
Death results|from respiratory collapse.
Until we identify|what's behind this thing, we are assuming it is|an infectious agent, probably airborne,|probably viral.
Are we putting out any kind|of public health alert? An infectious pathogen|is categorized as a weapon of mass destruction.
This investigation|is classified.
And if it|keeps spreading? It is imperative|that we avoid a public panic.
If people leave L.
, they will spread this contagion|faster and farther.
CDC and the Public Health|Service's job is to find out|what we're dealing with.
The FBI's is who.
And the key to both is where.
Right? Where it started.
Tracking|an infectious disease is a complicated|multi-variable problem.
Imagine an infected person|goes into an empty room.
Four healthy people go|into the same room.
Only two become infected.
Then all five go into|other rooms, each joined by four more|unexposed people.
More get sick, and so on.
By the time you've got|100 rooms it's tough to track back|to that one woman.
It takes complex statistical|analysis and graph theory.
Not everyone that|gets exposed gets sick.
But we don't know why.
And what do you know so far? We have several hot spots associated with|two or more victims.
Downtown is common|to five victims.
Could be a possible trend.
That's too soon to know.
|These are the results of a quick analysis|of the victims' activities based on|victim interviews.
So, there's no significant|commonalities, but I hope that|as more people get sick, we'll find some not that I|hope more people get sick.
We know, Charlie.
So, it sounds to me like what|you're saying is, you need more data.
Thank you.
Both to find the origin point,|and to track the spread.
In the days leading up,|did Josh go anywhere out of|the ordinary? No.
My husband, came home late the night before Josh got sick.
Late late from work? He's been in San Diego|the last few days.
Did your wife go anywhere|out of the ordinary over the last|few days? It's been a normal week.
She went to work,|I went to work.
She went to the movies|yesterday.
But we both did, and I'm fine.
|We both work downtown.
The movie was in Van Nuys.
Does that help? - And you live in?|- Hancock Park.
- Hey.
|- Hey.
- No classes today?|- Nah.
Are you working|on something for Don? It's a, um it's a genetics project|for a for a friend in the bio|department, actually.
|A he or a she? Huh? Your friend.
|Male or female? Does it matter? No, of course not.
|I was just curious.
I just thought maybe,|you know Well, listen, Dad,|whenever I have a girlfriend, I will let you know by, um by putting a note|on the refrigerator.
Well, that's nice.
Uh, where you going right now? My book club.
Mm-hmm, and|where's that? Phil's house.
|Raymond Avenue.
- You keeping track of me?|- No.
I'm just curious.
No claims of responsibility by any groups,|domestic or international.
Right, well,|if it were terrorism, somebody|would be taking credit.
They would be putting forth|a philosophy, an agenda Unless they're no longer|around to take credit.
Because they're infected,|maybe dead.
Just a thought, but we're|assuming there's a bad guy.
I mean, in this type of case,|there might not be one.
It's also possible we're just|looking for the wrong kind of bad guy.
Well, until the CDC|determines otherwise, we're going to have to assume|somebody did this.
This Geographic|Information System will allows us to map victims|and potential disease clusters with real-time data.
They're all over the L.
area, from Long Beach|to Santa Barbara.
Now, in computing|the reproductive ratio Actually, you know what? I've written it out.
Oh, sure, that helps.
- Yeah.
|- Yeah.
This is an S.
Susceptible Infectious|Recovered- used in conjunction|with the G.
- will work to learn|two key things.
What's the source? Is it a person|or a place? What the CDC calls|a Patient Zero.
And where is it going? Where are the new patients|we need to find? Looks sort of like a plant.
That's a great way to think|about it- like a plant.
A virus spreads out.
|It grows, so to speak.
Branching is a common pattern|in nature, from crystals|to giant redwoods.
Now, we don't have enough data|to locate where it started or to fully predict the spread.
Once we do, we'll know the shape|of the leaves and branches.
How's it going? Uh, good.
Any more|data on the victims? This is interesting.
A woman who picked up|her daughter at the Glendale|Amtrak station a man who had lunch|on Olvera Street a cab driver.
A cab driver.
|Commander Havercamp? This material just pushed us|over the tipping point.
See it? The commonality|of location.
It's like two trees growing from|the same root, right? One to the north,|and it's one south.
Both starting at|Union Station.
We have 12 victims|that were either there, near there, or picked somebody|up who had been there.
Makes sense.
Busy transportation hub,|people coming and going.
Don? I'm not so sure about|this finding.
You know, I haven't had time|to test its accuracy.
And if I'm-I'm worried|that if I'm wrong, the projected pattern|of spread will miss too many infected people.
Well,|Charlie, test away.
But we can't|afford to wait.
- Eppes.
|- We've closed Union Station.
Cover story being given out is|asbestos was found in the walls.
The station fits|the profile of a place to release a virus|for maximum dispersal.
Right, which is what I said to Charlie.
- It made no impression.
|- It wouldn't.
You were speaking terrorism;|he was speaking math.
I just got off the phone|with Havercamp.
A nd? The infectious agent|is the pandemic flu.
What?!|A flu? Pandemic?|The Spanish flu? Spanish flu.
In 1918 it was|a global epidemic.
It's extremely virulent,|extremely deadly.
The Spanish flu killed|a disproportionate number of healthy adults.
|It left towns half empty.
What did they do in 1918?|How'd they stop it? Nothing.
There's no cure.
They just waited till|the virus burned out.
How many died? In the United States? In six months.
In six months? I think we have|to tell him, Don.
We can't,|it's against the law.
It's his day to volunteer|at the skid row shelter downtown, like, five blocks|from Union Station.
Well, so what? Traffic downtown's|always terrible.
It's worse than usual.
There's a Sig Alert because|of an accident on the 2, and you'll blow your|whole day in the car.
And then downtown, isn't there's that, uh? Yeah, there's|that protest march.
Foreign|trade subsidies.
It's a big deal, they're|expecting thousands of people.
It's a big deal.
Meanwhile you could be|doing something fun.
Hey, hey, like, I don't know,|you could go bowling.
Bowling? Or golf.
You keep saying|you're going to play golf.
It's a beautiful day|for a round or two.
It's been two years|since I retired, and almost a year|since your mother died.
Now I'm finding there|are certain things I would like to do|with my life.
And one of them|is to volunteer where people need me.
I've made a commitment|to be someplace today, and if that means|sitting in my car, fine.
But I'm certainly not going|to skip out to go golfing or bowling.
- What if we told you|- Charlie.
- there's a really good reason you shouldn't.
|- Charlie.
Well, clearly there's something|you're not telling me.
That you can't tell me.
But you don't want me|to go downtown? Yeah.
I think it's a good idea|not to go downtown.
Okay, can we|leave it at that? Well, I'll take your concerns|under consideration.
Wish we could tell Dad not to leave the house|for a couple weeks.
Well,|good luck with that.
I've gone months without|leaving the house in the past.
" Yeah.
And I could've suggested that Dad take|a yoga class.
Oh, yeah, he'd be right|out of the door then.
The virus may have been|created in a lab.
Four bio-labs are working|with strains of Spanish flu.
One of them is here|in Los Angeles.
The doctor supervising|the research is Clarence Weaver.
of the 1918 pandemic from the Alaskan|permafrost.
They found intact pieces of|Spanish flu RNA in the lungs of a young soldier|who was killed by the disease.
So, what, you're saying you resurrected|the 1918 strain? Viral pathogens can exist for decades|hidden in nature, only to suddenly reenter the human population.
Ebola virus crops up|periodically in Africa.
Eventually, at some point, the Spanish flu|is bound to reemerge, and in a major outbreak.
And without a vaccine|we're talking about a global epidemic.
That's why|we've revived the virus.
The pharmaceutical|companies will need it to develop a vaccine specific|to the Spanish flu.
I'll want to review your security|measures and your inventory.
Now you'd know if any Gen-O|samps were missing.
I mean No.
We're obligated by law to report any losses|to the CDC.
And what about personnel,|have they gone on vacation, anybody called in sick,|anything like that? Uh no, not recently.
Only three of us|work with the strain- myself, a research analyst, Martin Grolsch|"Grolsch.
" and Jessica Avery,|a microbiologist on loan from Mount Sinai|School of Medicine.
That's impossible.
Why do you say that? Because the|Spanish flu pathogen is handled only|by experienced professionals.
There are protocols.
A release can't just "happen.
" You're saying any release would have to be the result|of a deliberate act.
The people in this field|who have access to the virus, they would not do that.
You're sure? You know all of them? Many of them,|yes, as a matter of fact.
And those that I don't know|work for people I do know.
They all understand the stakes.
What you're suggesting|just isn't possible.
Profile her for me.
Uh fascinating.
She's created a mythological|self-image of the scientist - as dispassionate god.
|- You like her for this? I find the idea of|a "medical hero" interesting.
Like an arsonist|who sets a fire so he can be the first person|on a scene to report it.
I don't know,|I guess it's a cliche, but I tend to think of|mad scientists as as madder than that.
Extremists don't have to be|drooling, wild-eyed maniacs.
They're often acting out of|sincere, if misguided, beliefs.
When they tell you why they did it, they expect you|to understand.
Well, you're gonna have|to give me a motivation that will seem rational|to someone like her.
Exposing the dangers|of viral research? Forcing more|federal funding? I'd like to run down|that angle.
All right, I'm going to see the|other guy that works in the lab, see where he fits in|the sane-to-wild-eyed spectrum.
See you later.
My reaction? My reaction is "whoa.
" You sure it's the Spanish flu? Oh, yeah.
|We're sure.
What kind of question is that?|Of course, you're sure.
And you do work closely|with the virus.
Are you kidding? I know its gene fragments|better than my own girlfriend.
Are you looking for|something in particular? Not really.
Though I did notice|an open suitcase on your bed.
Yeah, I'm flying back east|for a high school reunion.
Which one? Which high school? Which reunion? What year'd you graduate? I know you're here|because I work at Gen-O, but I didn't do it.
Do what? Release the virus.
How'd you know it was loose? Well, why else would you|be here talking to me about the Spanish flu? Besides, the word is out|in the bio community.
We're gonna need the names|of everyone you've spoken to.
Come on,|it's not against the law for a bunch of lab techs|to exchange information.
You gotta admit, this is|pretty major information.
Why is that you don't seem|too concerned? Are you kidding? I know this bug better than you, I know exactly|how dangerous it is, okay? I am freaked.
But? Well, if it's in the population, outside the lab taking lives, then the rush to develop|a vaccine is very urgent.
The major pharmaceutical|companies, they rely on labs like ours|to provide the pathogen.
Can I'm sorry,|can you not do that? He's just doing his job.
|Actually, I'd like to take a look upstairs|if that's okay.
Actually, no, it's not.
I haven't done anything wrong, and I'd like you|to leave.
You sure about that? I can't stress how serious|a matter this is, sir.
Believe me, it's my big shot.
My whole career is|riding on this outbreak.
If it doesn't kill me first.
Let's go.
Thanks for your time.
Grolsch is definitely out there.
Which doesn't|make him guilty, but he did have access|to the pathogen, and he does live spitting|distance to Union Station.
What worries me is that the CDC found no trace|of the virus there.
Well, Havercamp said it can't|live outside the body but for a few minutes.
What if we're wrong about Union|Station in the first place? Charlie, look, it is|a classic dispersal site.
I mean, especially if we're|dealing with an intentional release.
But too few|of the victims have direct links|to the trains.
You all right? Every minute that goes by I know, I know, people are|getting sick out there.
We're doing what we can.
|We're dealing.
Father, mothers,|their children How do you forgive yourself|if you're wrong? You don't.
|We can't be wrong.
Larry|you have a minute? Yes, because|we all have exactly the same number of|minutes, at all times.
- Do we not?|- Oh, my.
Listen, I am working|on a statistical analysis that involves complex variables|and multiple vectors.
I've come up with a solution|as to the zero point, but, um the experts in the field|think it's right, and I in fact, they're|quite sure of it, but, um But you think it's wrong.
But you don't trust yourself because the experts know|the field better than you do.
To be honest, the answer|does seem quite logical.
Charles, you're making|the assumption that these people|know their field as well as you know math.
And that's an assumption|I find tremendously problematic.
- Well|- And how can something be logical and mathematically suspect? I mean, as you are so fond|of saying, math is logic.
Right, but in|this particular case You know,|the most fascinating aspect of this entire|conversation for me is how careful you are|not to give specifics about what the problem is.
Now since you tend to over-describe whatever|it is you're working on, I'm guessing that|you're not telling me because you can't.
I would certainly love to Na, na, na.
|Don't even don't bother.
My answer to you|is still the same.
Go back to the data.
Okay, okay,|of course.
Of course.
|Thank you.
Let me ask one thing.
When you met me just now, was I going out or|coming into the library? Larry, you were coming out.
Oh my memory's a memory.
All right.
Larry, you were coming out.
Go back to the data.
Patient Zero might have just|come in from somewhere.
Or if it's|an intentional release, a central somewhere.
It's a classic dispersal site.
Busy transportation hub,|people coming and going.
The virus was at Union Station, but that's not where it started.
The source point is|the downtown main bus terminal.
But the CDC and the|Public Health Service are sure about|Union Station.
They say it's a logical place|for someone to release a virus.
But if they don't understand the|motivation behind the release, then how can they say|it's a logical place - for someone to release it?|- I see your point.
Here's Union Station.
|Right? Right.
Here's the pattern|of the pathogen.
Remember, like an oak tree growing north,|its reflection growing south.
Yes, I get that part,|Charlie.
What happened|to east and west? Why isn't the virus spreading|in all directions? Because it wasn't released|on a train we would've found illnesses|among passengers.
So how do we explain why|the virus spreads north and south? Well, I don't know, but|Union Station is definitely a point of commonality|for the victims.
I mean, it may not be|the only one, right? I'll give you that.
And it may not even|be the biggest one.
Let's see what happens|when I adjust the vector track to the downtown main|bus terminal.
See, now this model incorporates|more of the cases, So what does that mean? More sick people will be linked|to the bus terminal than to the train station.
Well, you know, Amtrak actually|shuttles people in buses.
So even if it wasn't|released at Union Station, it's still a place where|infected people would wind up.
Where you couldn't|find patterns linked to specific trains, I do believe|you will find patterns linked to specific buses-|one heading north, one south.
- And this is something-|- I don't understand.
What- am I reading this right, that people to the north|are getting sicker than people to the south? But that doesn't make sense.
How can the people to the north be more vulnerable|to the same virus? What if it isn't the same virus? What if there's|two different viruses? Two strains of the same virus traveling|in two different directions.
The differences|to their structure is small but the differences to their impact on the population|is significant.
What's the likelihood|of two strains appearing naturally, in the|same ace, at the same time? A statistical impossibility.
So it was released deliberately|by someone.
I just don't understand|two strains.
Atlanta on the teleconference.
Good morning.
They are two different strains|of the Spanish flu.
The incongruity is genetic,|one gene in particular.
But when Gen-O resurrected|the Spanish Flu, they didn't bring back|the actual thing.
They stitched together|RNA fragments from a standard lab flu strain with genes from the 1918 flu.
The other strain uses less|of the RNA from the original pandemic flu.
And as we can see from|the pattern of deaths, it's less virulent.
Do we know who manufactured|the first one? The less lethal one? Yes.
It carries genetic markers unique|to Russell Labs in Maryland.
But the CDC has no records of a sample being removed or|transported from Russell Labs.
But it is here, along with another one|from Gen-O's L.
The virus was released|via aerosol spray on two buses, one northbound,|one southbound.
The father of the first victim,|Joshua Kramer, he rode|a northbound bus.
But only his wife and|oldest son got sick.
The other two children seem okay.
All right.
We better start|running down everybody who was in and out|of that terminal on the day the virus|was likely released.
We'll get the county|public health department, LAPD, county sheriff's everybody just moving on it,|right? Well, now that we know|about the buses, we can find victims|we might have missed.
That means getting them help|sooner.
All right.
Stop the spread.
Bus terminal director's compiling|security videos onto discs.
We'll get it as soon|as possible, Don.
All right.
I'm gonna get them|moving on that.
|Where've you been? Uh, bowling.
Really? No, of course not.
I was downtown|at the shelter.
Dad Well, no one else seems worried|about being there.
That's because|they didn't know.
Didn't know what you|wouldn't tell me? Look, if everybody can be|down there, why can't I? I got this fuzzy feeling|you and your brother have been going downtown,|too.
Huh, am I right? Okay.
But were|we were worried about you.
Do you understand? Look, Charlie, your brother puts himself on the line|every day on that job of his.
Don't you think I'm worried|about him? Huh? But I know how vital|that job is to him.
You've been helping him out|a bit lately, haven't you? You know what I'm really|proud of? I'm proud that I've raised two sons|well, we've raised two sons who have a great sense|of public service.
You okay? Huh? Yeah, sure.
It's just a cough.
Be careful.
It's, uh It's flu season.
Yeah, well,|don't worry about me.
I never get the flu.
Because these flu viruses|are so similar, sometimes we can use|the less virulent strain to make vaccines and treatments|for the deadly ones.
But you can't cure|viral infections.
No, we can't, but we|do have therapies that reduce the symptoms|of some strains.
This is Russell's strain,|yeah? And this is Gen-O's.
|That's the more deadly strain.
Quantifying|the difference between the two strains|can take months.
Well, I'm just doing|a rough analysis to get sort of a simplified|perspective of the differences 'cause I'm just curious.
The way you've|simplified it I can see a similarity|to the protein signature from yet|another strain.
We've got a treatment|for that.
It's a long shot, but they're so close it's possible|to use the therapies to cure|the Spanish flu victims.
I got Dr.
Weaver here|who has something he thinks might be|very important to us.
It occurred to me that|these might be helpful in identifying the|specific viral strain.
Slides of the five known|Spanish flu strains.
They may help you|in identifying where the virus|originated.
Thank you very much for bringing|this down here.
We appreciate it.
Oh, under the circumstances,|it's the least I could do.
And I know|that during an investigation, the FBI has to do|its due diligence, but, uh, I would like|to take this opportunity to speak on behalf of|my research associates.
They're both|very competent, - trustworthy people.
|- Of course.
Especially Martin Grolsch.
I know he might seem a bit odd,|but he's a top bio-technician; ambitious and dedicated|to his work.
I simply can't imagine that|he would have anything to do with releasing|a virulent pathogen.
Well, we will definitely|take that into consideration, but we got a lot to do here|so I'm going to see you out.
Okay, I'm sitting|in a black hole.
I'm looking at you;|what do I see? Everything|and nothing.
But are we talking about a charged|black hole in anti-de-sitter space? No, just a run-of-the-Yang-Mills|black hole.
Charles|would you care to join our String Theory|Lunch Club? Sure.
I just wanted|to thank you.
Your advice on the problem|I had really worked out.
Well, the scientific|method works every now and then, if you give it a chance.
It helped, uh, a lot of people.
I wish I could tell you more.
You know, when I first|started out teaching, there were still many scientists|who'd worked at Los Alamos, and there were things that they couldn't talk about- this was after|30 years- so let's just hope that your secret has|a shorter half-life.
And doesn't kill as many people|as the atomic bomb.
You serve the warrant on Grolsch? No.
He wasn't there.
|We posted it and went in.
You said he referred to|a girlfriend? Yeah, he did.
He made, uh,|what was it- some joke about not|seeing her much.
Probably due to the fact|she dumped him a month ago.
Series of increasingly|hostile e-mail volleys ended with her|pulling the plug.
Enough to push him|over the edge? I mean, is this|all about getting the attention|of a woman? No- I think he's|a self-involved jerk; I don't see evidence|he's a sociopath.
And as far as his|personal records go, Grolsch is a keeper,|not a shredder.
Copies of his phone bills.
We're reviewing|numbers called.
So far, nothing.
All right These go back,|like, nine months.
Here's a hookup charge.
He moved here less|than a year ago.
Could be something.
Grolsch,|when we spoke before, you neglected to|mention that you came to California|from Maryland.
After you grabbed me, did you put my groceries|in the refrigerator? I had some frozen items|in there.
See, that concerns us|because not one but two strains|of the Spanish flu have been released here.
One from Gen-O and one from Russell Labs|in Maryland.
Strains from both labs? You're sure? Where were you employed|back east? Russell Labs-|you know that already or else I wouldn't be here.
- You didn't tell us that before.
|- Well, you didn't ask before.
Look, Russell and Gen-O|are in stiff competition; bio-research is a|cutthroat business.
Weaver was impressed with my|credentials and called to recruit me.
Let me tell you|something: You're linked to this outbreak in|two ways, do you understand that? And as far as|we could tell, you're the only person|with access to both strains.
Okay, no Look, this is nuts.
No, I am not|the only person.
Okay, Russell and Gen-O|are both competing for the same huge|pharmaceutical contract.
So when I joined Gen-O, I gave my new company a boost|by bringing along a sample of what the competition|was cooking up.
You took Russell Labs' virus|with you, across the country, when you came to work for Gen-O? I followed the proper protocol.
|There wasn't any risk.
But at least two other people|have access to both strains: Dr.
Weaver and Jessica Avery.
|It's not just me.
Okay, all right.
|Let's talk about pharmaceutical|contracts.
What were the two companies|in competition for? I think maybe it's time|that I had my lawyer present.
You transferred|bio-hazardous materials across several|state lines! I can't begin to tell you|the trouble that puts you in.
Now, seeing how|people are dying, I suggest you|help us first, and then you talk|to your attorney.
The competition|is for a contract with the company|developing the vaccine.
And what's the name|of that company? CraigMac Pharmaceuticals.
That's a major|manufacturer.
We're talking about|a hefty contract Hundreds of millions|of dollars over several years.
So that's why|you stole the virus, to help Gen-O|and make yourself rich? It sure as hell wasn't|to release it.
I don't want to kill people.
Right; it's just a harmless|case of corporate espionage.
Is that it? You think he was desperate|enough to release both viruses just to prove Gen-O's|was more deadly? Maybe; but like he said, there's also Janice Avery|and Dr.
Somebody else might've gained|access that nobody knows about.
Well, we need to find everybody|who could get to both viruses.
And I want to talk|to CraigMac about that contract|he was so hot to win.
As soon as that data comes in, you guys get it to me,|understand? All right, see|you in a little.
Hey, Havercamp tells me|they're responding to treatment, which she says|you helped identify.
Good going.
I'm glad I could help.
You all right? Hey, Don, did, um did Mom did she suffer? No.
No, not toward the end.
I mean, not with all the|morphine she was getting.
She had one of|those those - She liked that.
|- Okay.
Hey, I want to know how you got|a top security clearance.
I did some consulting|for the NSA.
The National Security Agency? Yeah, a couple years ago,|uh, Bob Tomkins called me.
Wait a minute.
Assistant Director|Robert Tomkins? Bob.
Charlie Do you understand, with that,|I mean, you don't even need a visitor's pass|to come to my office.
You have total access.
Really?|They never told me that.
I mean, I I'm just trying to get|head around the fact that my little brother|consulted on an NSA issue that went high enough up|for you to call the assistant director|by his first name.
The NSA consults|with a lot of mathematicians.
You know, you've never|been really good at keeping secrets-|think about it.
Charlie Don|we've got something.
Hey, so CraigMac awarded|the contract to Russell Labs two weeks before|the virus was released.
There's a formal announcement|due next week.
But you said Russell Lab's germ is less deadly|than the one Gen-O developed.
I did, and it is.
Right, but then the treatment|therapy would be derived from the less|potent virus.
When it comes to|corporate decision-making, other factors come into play.
- Such as?|- Russell Labs might not have the best pathogen,|but they've got a CEO who's got a good contact|at the FDA.
That's important to a|company like CraigMac.
This blows the idea that Grolsch|was trying to win the contract.
No, no, no, no, no.
He did not know|that contract was awarded.
They found something|on the bus depot tapes that we have to take a look at.
Come on.
Come on.
We got him entering|a second bus.
This is a guy trusted to develop a deadly virus,|and he's releasing it.
There you go- not a wild-eyed crazy person.
Weaver's not at home,|he's not at the office.
Told the assistant he'd be|gone all afternoon.
Well, let's find him now.
If you reach his|voice-mail, try again.
Or not.
Hello? Dr.
|Agent Eppes.
Good to hear from you.
Hey, look, I had a|few more questions.
I was wondering if I could|come down there and see you.
Actually|I'm out of the office today.
Oh, really,|it'll just take a second.
How about we talk|on the phone? Um, I'm driving right now.
Where are you? I'd be happy to arrange a time|to see you tomorrow.
Agent Eppes, I'm sorry,|I really don't like to talk on the phone when|I'm driving in city traffic.
Where is he? Approaching Hancock Park.
All right, notify LAPD and CHP-|he's in a residential district.
- This is his car.
|- All right.
Do not move.
Do not move.
Do not move.
I've got the bag.
Step back off the curb,|away from the church.
Is all this truly necessary? You wanted to prove|your virus was more powerful, so you tested it|on innocent people? Yes.
I had to, to save lives.
Save lives?|20 people are dead.
If the vaccines and treatments|are made from the wrong pathogen, and the Spanish flu reemerges,|which I assure you it will, we will not be ready-|millions will die.
So you justify these deaths|to save more lives later.
If you had been around deadly|pathogens as long as I have, you would understand|that I had no choice, Agent.
They are unforgiving-|we have to take every possible measure|to protect innocent people.
What do you got? Candles.
They're just candles.
Those are for|the victims.
I was about to light|a candle for each one.
Did you think I was planning|to release the virus again? - Let's go.
|- I have no reason to do that.
- Let's go.
|- We've already established that our strain is the more deadly-|releasing it again would be insane.
So, how are you two guys doing? Well, you seem|so much more relaxed than the last couple of days.
Yeah, I'd say, uh,|we're doing pretty okay now.
Finished our project.
Think I might get my first good|night's sleep in about a week.
I'm glad it's over.
You know, I thought|I'd let you know that I'm gonna be working|down at the shelter next week.
I mean, if that's okay|with the two of you.
Yeah, I think|it's okay now.
I think that's a good idea.
I'll see you two later.
I'm gonna be going somewhere|with Art Stanley.
What are|you two up to? Bowling.
After the fuss you made,|I thought I'd give it a try.
I still can't believe you never told me|you consulted for the NSA.
- It was nothing like this, you know?|- I hope not, Charlie.
You know, I mean,|a lot of stuff comes across my desk-|daily Bureau briefings.
Chances are, probably already|knew about your assignment.
It wasn't an assignment, really.
It was, um it was more|of a consulting gig.
And it wasn't really|all that sensitive.
We have troops stationed|all over the globe, right? All right, stop.
Stop, stop.
- Let me|- No, no, no, stop, stop.
Charlie, look, don't let|me play you like that.
You made an agreement|not to talk.
You're right, you shouldn't.
|I'm sorry, forget it.
It's over.
I won't ask.
I know how|your mind works.
I think your mind|works pretty well.
All right? I wouldn't|have it any other way.
Tell me what the assignment was.
Wouldn't you like to know? Come on.
|What was it? I really can't tell you.
|It's, um, top secret.

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