One Piece s03e13 Episode Script

The Legendary Family! 'Liar Norland'

Collect these deux-là and disappear from my sight! While you are still in life, weaklings! The celestial island exists.
Zoro! Luffy! This “New Era” of which they speak, it is shit.
The time when pirates dreamed is completed? Hein?! Oi! PEOPLE… DREAMS WILL ALWAYS HAVE! The legendary family! Norland the king of the liars Zut.
It… macaque… The boat is dilapidated even more… It is true that the hull is in a dirty state.
Would not be necessary to change it? I AI NOT REQUEST YOUR OPINION, DUMB! DUMB! You remember how one had this boat, not true?! PAS VRAI?! It is known, Usopp.
But that is used for nothing râler.
The Vogue-Merry is a member of the crew him too.
DUMB! ENF! ENF! Then, let us give it in state all units! INCLUDED/UNDERSTOOD! Luffy… be to you really one… COM! COM! INCLUDED/UNDERSTOOD! Oups.
… DUMB!! YOU WANT TO REPAIR IT OR DESTROY IT?! Ben, I want really to repair it… Oh, still… LUFFY!! After our departure of Mock Town, we took towards the East.
One should reach soon this point of the chart.
And this type which one seeks… Which is its name already? Montblanc Cricket.
This man who speaks about dreams saw here, it is well that? IN-INCROYABLE! It is its house?! It is a palate! This Montblanc Cricket is super rich person, or what?! Imbeciles, look at more attentively.
Isn't a dreamer? It is right slap-with-l'oeil.
How that? It was that a decoration?! WHAT?! It has only one half of house.
The remainder it is patching up.
Then it is a skinflint.
Which kind of dreams it could well to tell to be driven out of Mock Town? I do not know the details, but… It seems to have spoken about a gold mountain being some share on the island of Jaya.
Gold?! The hidden treasure of a pirate?! Who knows.
GOLD! DIG, CHOPPER! One will find gold! It is enough that I digs to find some? He only saw, without companions, hein? Hello.
There is somebody? HE, YOU WILL NOT RETURN?! Hum? Y' has anybody.
HELLO! No the answer.
Wait, cretin! And if this type were insane dangerous? He, the guy! He is not there! Look at that… A book of tales.
It does not have the very young air.
“Norland, the Liar” It is a super title! Ca sounds well! “Norland, the Liar”? You know, Sanji-kun? However, it is a book published in North Blue.
Ben, I was born in North Blue.
I had ever said it to you? I did not know.
I thought that you were originating in East, like us all.
I grew there.
Silence, Chopper! What you insane, brothel?! Usotuski Nourando (Norland, the Liar) This history is very celebrate in North.
It is that a tale for children, but it appears that this Norland really existed.
It was once, it there has very, very a long time… Perhaps more than four centuries… In a kingdom some share in the seas of North, lived a man named Montblanc Norland.
Norland was an explorer who liked to make the account… so fantastic adventures, that one believed in lies.
People of its village never knew if he told the truth or if he lied.
One day, while returning of a forwarding, Norland went to present his report/ratio to the King.
“I saw a gold mountain on an island of the Large Sea.
“ The courageous King, wanting to see that of its eyes… embarked for the Large Sea accompanied by two thousand men.
They faced enormous storms and horrible monsters fought.
Only Norland, the King and a hundred men arrived to the famous island.
But all that the King and his men discovered was a simple jungle.
Norland was condemned to died to have lied.
And here which were its last words: “I know! The gold mountain has summer absorbed by the floods! “ The King and his subjects did not believe it.
Nobody any more would believe Norland now.
But Norland continued to lie to its last breath.
Tales of the North Sea, “Norland, the Liar”.
This Montblanc Cricket is it descendant of Montblanc Norland? I often heard this history when I was kid.
In North Blue, there is not not a kid who escapes from it.
One comes from North Blue.
Obviously that it is known.
Always same the rengaine, “does not tell lies if you do not want to finish like Norland! “ It is more and more amusing! I would never have believed but Jaya had been the theater of all that! And the descendant of Norland, the Liar, is four hundreds always there years later, to seek gold.
All that to wash the name of sound ancestor, died as a wretched liar.
What a family of damaged! He thinks that some gold nuggets will be able to repurchase four centuries of shame?! Not but what a simpleton! And thus the poor liar… … died… … without never becoming one honest warrior of the seas.
DO NOT LOOK AT ME LIKE CA! AND THIS DRAMATIC TONE DOES NOT ADD! Luffy fell to water! What you insane?! WHO SUMMERS YOU?! You are quite shameless of to penetrate at the others like that?! This end of sea is MY territory.
He, Usopp! Will seek Luffy! OK! You want gold, it is that? YOU WILL BURST! SANJI! Sanji-kun! No panic! It has me magnifying glass! Have-await one second! Cretin, that will learn to you to have underestimated it.
Drop! I occupy myself some! He, but what you foutez?! Y' had bubbles… … at water surface! I was observing them, and then a sweet chestnut left water! But makes some, the sweet chestnut, it was an old man…! And it drew me with the fleet…! Papi! Bring to me of the cold towels! Open all the windows! Aeroembolism? Is the old man sick? Yes.
They are symptoms that the plungers have sometimes.
It is only momentary.
The problem comes from decompression when one goes back to surface… … a gradient of pressure develop and forms bubbles.
The nitrogen bubbles deform the veins and the fabrics and block the blood-vessels.
Ouais, a dirty disease.
It had to plunge the every day without leaving time to these bubbles to dissolve in its organization.
But why? I do not know… But they is bad for its health.
In certain cases, aeroembolism… can be fatal.
Oh! If that it is not Masira! Be alive for you? Did Ben ouais, why? Not, nothing.
You ace heard the shot, you too? Yes, my brother! He had to arrive something to the Boss! Quickly! My heart is beating wildly! BOSS, ALL IS WELL?! THEY COME TO KILL US! What you made here?! What you made with our Boss?! About what you do speak? One deals with him.
Brushes! MORON! You really think that they will listen to you?! They are mad monkeys! Mad! You do not see?! These guys are formidable… Let us flee by the windows! THEY HAVE You LISTENING.
CYB3RFR34K-ISO SKYPIEA-FANSUB You live here also, you two? In fact, the house of the Boss is also it general headquarter of the Allied Forces Saruyama.
[Note: Saruyama = Mountain of the Monkey.]
But one lives nevertheless on our boats, in general.
This house is too small to contain us.
You are too large, the guy! But, compared to the giants, you be that droppings of nose! How they can to get along so well? Birds of a feather flock together.
Ca astonishes me that a dwarf as could you, of one kick, to send in the air this large bacon! Really? You also you can do it.
Good Ah? Of course.
Be to you a monkey after all.
Luffy! It regained consciousness! Did Ah ouais? Oh! It is true that it flies well.
Papi Head of Diamond! One needs small information! Afflicted for presently.
I thought that you had some after my gold like these idiots.
Hein?! You have gold?! Stop that immediately! Then in what do I can be useful to you? Papi, one wants to go on the celestial island! Say how to make us! The celestial island? You really believe in this dream?! The calm one! It is sick! You want to say that it do not exist, papi?! And well… I know somebody who its existence affirmed, but… it was famous to have been largest of the liars.
And since, its descendants are risée of everyone.
It IS NOT ME! It is an old history which all people of North Blue know.
“Norland, the Liar.
” Since I say to you that it is not me! The name is different, you see well?! Now that you say it, I remember that its complete name was Montblanc Norland… Do you have a bond with Norland…? You are his downward?! It is here that was held this famous history? It is my back-back-arrear… grandfather, something like that.
A very old ancestor.
Its history me because many troubles.
Even a mosquito would not find not a drop of its blood in me.
At the time, All the line of Montblanc has summer condemned to the exile and to live in shame.
And this disgrace us continues still today.
However, nobody in family him in forever desired.
Why? Because Norland was honest man like one makes some more.
But, the book of tales… In this book, the last words of Norland are: “I know! The gold mountain has summer absorbed by the floods! “ It is represented with one to smile idiotic on the drawing.
But it is said that actually, he cried all tears of its body.
The island where they accosted was well Jaya, that where Norland had discovered the Gold City.
It was certainly not a turn of its imagination.
Norland affirmed that the city had finished at the bottom of water following the movement of the tectonic plates.
But everyone believed that it just sought to save its skin.
Norland was carried out in the middle of sarcastic laughter of the assistance.
Only the “Lying” word remained in the spirits.
I see! It is thus to wash the honor of Montblanc that you research this absorbed city! DO NOT SAY ANYTHING! USOPP! Oh shit.
That my ancestor was one honest man or not… Or that it was large explorer… I have anything with foutre of it! You imagine what can feel a kid… who undergoes the ceaseless mocking remarks of all it world under pretext which its ancestor was an idiot?! I have grows by enduring all that! Finally… It is right.
During these four hundred centuries, many are them members of my family… to have taken sea in the hope of to restore the honor of our line.
But none returned alive.
I was ashamed of my family.
I thus fled all that and I became pirate.
Then be to you a pirate, papi? It stays not really a vocation.
I just sought to escape with the curse of Norland.
Very quickly, I formed my own crew.
As soon as I entered on Grand Line, my life was full with adventures.
But ten years ago, the chance wanted that my ship leads me on this island.
Which irony, whereas it is me which disavowed Norland and the Montblanc family, I am the only one to have failed here.
And while I pressed the ground of this island deprived of very Gold Cité, as in the book, I thought: “It is the destiny.
” I could not escape to him.
Let us stop, Norland! You joke! Captain! Your stories of families, it is not our problem! If you want to seek this Cité of Gold, you clear up all alone! It is here that our ways separate.
Good-bye, Captain.
If it exists, it is well.
But if it does not exist not, it is well too.
My goal is not to prove its innocence.
It is right a duel with that which ruined my life.
I want just to regulate that, before clamser.
Q-which man! Then, which report/ratio with these two monkeys? What do they make here? It is surely another poignant history men… facing the depths of the ocean, tightening the elbows! It is right fans of the book.
FANS?! Ca breaks a little the history, that… They was there are five or six years.
They came to find me afterwards to have heard rumors on me.
They said, “We are convinced how the gold of Norland exists! “ SHOUJOU! Prepare to die to have done that to me! Pay attention so that you say, Masira! Do not cause me! The sea is deep in the corner.
These great dark and frozen sea-beds nothing has to go up you the moral one.
Especially when one plunges without stop alone, day after day.
These deux-là is encrusted in my life, without asking my opinion, and they have issued that I would be their chief.
To look at these two stupid large unbalances… honestly, they saved me the life.
You see what I want to say? Oh yes! Then it is that.
It is so important for a man to have friendly truths like that.
Good, that is enough for the monkeys! THEN DOES NOT SPEAK about IT IF It EAST CA! It IS YOU WHO HAS REQUEST! How I said! One wants to go on the celestial island, papi! You ace really no patience.
You did not listen to me presently? Only testimony on the celestial island is that of Norland, the Liar.
Follow its way, and you risk to become the rized public one, like him.
Hein? It went on the celestial island too? If it is the case, it does not have it written in its book of edge… A log book? It is that of Norland? Exact.
Lily thus this passage! Incredible.
A newspaper of four centuries old edge… “Maritime Calendar of the year “Have just left it merry wearing of Villa.
“ “Followed the direction The North-East, indicated by the Log Poses.
“ “Acquired of an object extraordinary coming from a navire marchand.
“ “It is about a small boat single-seater assembled on ski called Waver.
“ “It moves with its own wind, even when this one does not blow on water.
“ “I did not can well control it because that requires a remarkable skill.
“ “It became the pastime favorites of all the crew.
“ Ouaah! I want one of them! GO! LILY THE CONTINUATION! “It is told that the energy source of Waver seem to exist only on the celestial island.
“ “It would seem that it has there up there other objects quite as strange.
“ “In connection with the celestial island, a fellow-member explorer has me one day shown a flying fish.
“ “I can say to you that it is a quite strange creature.
“ A flying fish? “The celestial seas remained inaccessible to our ship, but as a sailor, I hope a day to foam them well.
“ “Montblanc Norland.
” Celestial seas! Robin was right! And it would seem that at the time, nobody did not doubt the existence of the celestial island! Then, it really exists! Eh, Boss! Is Ca better? With the hair! Good news.
Boss… this type, it has… Listen to me, both! You like them? Why you requests that? It would be said that they are well decided to reach the celestial island.
The celestial island? But there is one means of going up there.
And only, they in will not escape, Boss! This is why I ask you the question.
What would say you of their to give a small knack?
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