One Piece s03e21 Episode Script

Criminals Already!? Skypiea's Upholders of the Law

The new clandestine ones have just arrived.
A crew of seven individuals coming from Blue sea at summer announced by the Amazon old woman.
Seven individuals coming from the Blue Sea… He speaks about us?! Company, halt! Heso! Heso.
Brothel, but of what you speak, the guy?! You are the seven clandestine ones originating in the Blue Sea, isn't this? We are here for you to inflict the Celestial Judgment! The clandestine ones?! Already criminals?! Guards of the law of Skypiea The clandestine ones? Does Ca want to say what? This E-is that it is true? Useless to deny it.
The guardian of the Door of the Paradise, Amazon, we sent these photographs, taken with its Visio-Dial.
Not! It is not possible! There must be error, McKinley captain! They are not criminals! Why it us draft the clandestine ones? Surely the tax… from 1 billion Extols each one that we were supposed to pay.
We did not pay it.
But, this old said that one could pass without paying.
It is true! Ca is not used for nothing.
Please, not of excuses.
Acknowledge simply your faults.
However, there is not not place to worry.
The clandestine entry, is a minor offense of class 11, being able to be punished by the Celestial Judgment.
Once your received sorrow, you will receive the statute simple tourists.
Then, why you did not say it earlier? I by of still delighted not, but which is this punishment? It is very simple.
You must pay ten times the amount of the import duty.
If you pay this tax immediately, you will be discharged at once.
Ca thus makes 70 billion of Extols for every Sept.
C-Combien that made Extol in Berry?! Berry.
The currency of the Sea Blue, isn't this? I think that 10.
000 Extols are worth 1 Berry.
If ten thousand Extols make 1 Berry, then… Ahh, how much that made? If it is the case, 70 billion Extols It is too much! I could buy tonnes of rice with that! Why would be necessary to pay a similar sum after having risked our lives to arrive here?! It is inadmissible! What you known as? You had only to pay the tax of immigration of 700.
000 berrys at the entry.
Ca remains too expensive! Will know that we others, the White Berets, we act under the direct orders of the priests.
Your refusal to cooperate your case will worsen.
They is good, that is enough.
Let us drop them.
In any case… I worry about what could arrive at Nami-san if we do not find it soon.
If that is, she cries all them tears of its body in this moment even! Yes, allons-y! It is not it which interests you! The types of presently knew that we were on the celestial island.
It had to arrive some thing with Luffy and the others! I must make quickly! Ok! Since the wind turned, let us leave to the adventure! Not, I want to say will seek Nami! He, Ho, Luffy! Q-that is what y' has, Usopp? Remain Zen! Calm yourself! With tweezers… Ben, if Nami is right part to walk, it should soon return.
One will miss it if one leaves now.
To walk? It left too a long time for a simple walk.
You include/understand?! Luffy uses right Nami like pretexts for to go to venture in the Field of God! Over there?! Indeed.
He decided to go there.
it is well what I say! She said that to attract anger of would God be terrible, not true? What is necessary to make then? Let us avoid having additional troubles and let us await the return of Nami! One speaks about Nami there! She probably has 7 million of Berrys to be lent to us! Not! I am certain that it has them! About what did speak you at the moment? Ca returns to me… If one of clandestine is untraceable… … they will be treated like fugitive criminals.
Have-HAVE-await! Wait one second! It will be soon of return! You then will be able to pay the entire amount! You will see, we are reasonable! You in ridges not and have patience! Listen, Luffy! Do not make silly things or you will put Nami in anger! You ace included/understood? They is good ? Wait simply! Just a little bit.
Sanji, you too.
Go, everyone takes a pause for the moment! Agree you to take tea, Robin-chan? With pleasure.
All goes well for the moment… He, Chopper! Ca you would say to go to fish? Ouais, they would be super! Conis, is there a place where one could fish in the corner? Yes, close to here.
I will lead you to it.
Make quickly and repairs it! Delay me to lead it! Oh! This Waver… with the air to be broken.
If you are responsible, it is a crime of Class 10.
It is about degradation of the material of the celestial island by inhabitants of the Blue Sea.
At all! I am sorry.
It belongs to them in fact.
It is true! It is mine! Theirs? It is rather suspect.
There should not be of Waver on the Blue Sea.
If this one were stolen on the island celestial, then it is a crime of class… Close maintaining it! Or I break you the mouth! To break me the mouth…? V you did not understand anything! It is you who ace wrong, Luffy! Poor wretches inhabitants of the Blue Sea… You dare to insult the White Berets.
One is better here.
These armchairs are so marrowy.
It is enormous that one…! Does not let it flee, Usopp! It is about to flee! Quickly, Luffy! Oh! Leave it to me! IT IS ENORMOUS! Is brothel, it what that? Still funny of fish… It with failed to devour Conis! It is another type of celestial fish? Ah, excuse me.
I thank you for the bottom of heart to have saved Conis-san.
Father, this fish… It is even more worrying… Let us go, go.
This celestial fish is a species rare.
Its capture is prohibited.
You violated the law of protection of the rare species! This is a crime of class 9! In what this is a crime?! Zoro saved the life of Conis! Did Zoro, you complete it? I used the dish of my saber.
Ah, so much better! If it is slackened, is the incident closed, not? Perfect! Look at! It with the air in form! Ca with the good air! Have-await, Luffy! Do not do that! Not! You cannot deny to have tried to eat it! Robbery attempt, this is a crime of class 8! It is too hard! I am not able to eat it! Ca is enough! Release, Luffy! He, celestial fish! turn over to water before making you puff out! You are free to leave! Ca makes me shit to remain here to be listened this type with its conneries on the crimes.
If it does not close it…! Wait! Wait, Zoro ! Do not ignite you! Your attitude is rather threatening.
Such a behavior is liable to a crime of class 7! It was not at all a threat! Zoro wanted just to say “that is enough or I explode to laugh.
“ It was a joke! A gag! A gag! It is equivocal all that! It tries to return to us guilty! Chopper! Do not complicate the situation! But, one can nothing make with them in our legs! One can nothing make? I included/understood! It would be necessary anything to make ! Let us make a nap! Let us do a whole a nap! To dare to break the quietude of Angel Beach of a noise if insulting… You are guilty of environmental pollution.
You have just added a crime of Class 6 with your case! He! One cannot even whirr? Ahh, it is what it is delirious?! I will smash to him the mug with this old man! One goes there? Have-await! He, remains here! Ca fears! There is already world over there! It is undoubtedly about nakama of the types which I saw… Please, made nothing stupid, the guy! You, Luffy, Zoro calm! Measuring rod? You know snails, not? WAIT ONE MINUTE!! Ah! Nami-san, you are healthy and safe! Luffy, does not put them in anger! But, this type is one…! Nami! Use your money to pay tax with immigration of 7 million Berrys! Perfect! Then the problem is solved if the fine is paid! It is… What?! … REALLY TOO EXPENSIVE!! Thin! In my anger for this sum ridiculous, I have accidentally…! He! C-CAPITAINE! Ah, Oji-san! Thank you for Waver.
It was really amusing.
Not, of nothing.
All my excuses.
There is more important, you are in a rather delicate situation! Captain! Go, the guy, one sinks! Why?! You do not finish brawls that you launched?! Better is worth not to oppose it type that they call “God”! Hold good! How did one arrive from there there? How did this arrive? Captain…! By the way, which type of crime has it just made at the moment? Apparently, an obstruction of civil servant, a crime of Class 5.
Ouf! It is right a crime of Class 5.
They is not good! If you make one crime of Class 5… Then in the name of Eneru God, you will be condemned to the “drifting Cloud”.
The “drifting Cloud”? It is what that? The “drifting Cloud”, that with the cool air! At all! It is the capital punishment! L IT CAPITAL PUNISHMENT?! CYB3RFR34K-ISO SKYPIEA-FANSUB It is in apples.
But, a capital punishment with the Kingdom of God, that appears a little excessive.
It is the truth! It is what occurs! The “drifting Cloud” consists with to pose a boat on a celestial cloud.
It derives in the sky indefinitely, until all the crew perished.
It is a capital punishment! I see.
Then it is like that it boat fell from a clear sky.
About what you do speak, Robin? The galleon which is to us fallen above, Bliss Feels it.
This boat perhaps underwent it even leaves two hundred years earlier.
HE, BAND OF GOOD-FOR-NOTHINGS! Summers you conscious of what you made the Captain?! What you ace say? Ah! Sanji-kun, wait… Yes, Nami-san! Let us go, of made not a whole dish! It was a simple reflex… A REFLEX?! Hum, how to say… involuntarily… INVOLUNTARILY?! Ah, it is that! You know… It was right an accident… ACCIDENT?! AN ACCIDENT?! It is that, an accident! All that was only one accident! It is really hard of to control Waver, not true? It is the first time that I test one of them.
The direction is very sensitive! What a awkward I am! The beginners would do better to avoid the so difficult activities! Would Ca be better, not? You had fun to lead this trick so easily.
He, Luffy! Nami controls the situation with this history of accident, then loop! Ah, this Luffy! A thing similar is impossible! Good Ah? Hum, excuse me.
It would be to better look after the Captain McKinley as quickly as possible.
Still sorry.
C-C' TRUE EAST! CAPTAIN MCKINLEY! Let us install it at home then.
We appreciate your co-operation.
Heso! You seven, remain here and do not move! INCLUDED/UNDERSTOOD?! Captain…! They set out again while crawling… Carry at least the guy! I know that you are not not criminals.
Then please, return quickly on your premise! H-He! We should listen to it.
I saw it my own eyes! An infested island of dangerous types! Then you went on this prohibited crowned ground.
The place where it is necessary especially not to put the feet? Dangerous types? Not a word moreover! Whether they are Gods or guerillas, I am sure that they will cause us problems! In any case, one draw! Immediately! To move away me from Conis-chan break me the heart… But if it is Nami-san which says it! If we remain here, they large troubles will have! It rightly! If they are shown to be our accomplices, their life will be foutue! Therefore, if we start from our characteristic likings, we will not attract any more troubles to them Of agreement? Ok! Let us return on our premises! Go! What do you make, Luffy? Why one flees? Because we are in danger! One is always in danger, not? But there, we are not not the only concerned ones.
They could be decrees because of us! But they did not do anything of evil.
It would not be right to stop them.
You are right, but… Please… Made quickly… They will not be able to go nowhere! One will wait how much time still? Grouillez you! How much time I will say it to you?! They is too dangerous here! Not only for us, but for them too! Where that one goes, it there always danger has.
Flee, please! Quickly! Shit! Ca is enough, young girl.
You know that if you try to help these criminals, you will be accused of complicity.
In any case, to have used several time an abusive language towards us, and for obstruction with a gardien de la paix… These criminals of class 5 are condemned to the “drifting cloud”! But I said to you that it was an accident! Go… dispatch us! STOP them! Please, flee! You cannot beat them! Fire! MILKY ARROW! Passes in front of, Nami! Of agreement! It is what this trick? Clouds? Charge… White berets! He? How you made that? Catch it! They is too marrowy, I cannot run! Caution! What a insane! To try to escape to us! Then it is that! A skate-Dial, hein? It is the class! Extra, your weapons, the guy! What…? Brothel, which is what it…? Its arm… lengthened! My God! GOMU GOMU NO… Impossible…! A fruit of the demon?! HANABI!! [Hanabi:Fireworks.]
With the fact… Nami! Which is the state of our finances? There remain to us 50.
000 berrys.
In theory, that holds us only one day or two.
It is what this misery? As a Captain, I warn you.
He will be necessary to stop throwing money by the windows! ANY SHARE IN MT PUFFS OUT! Well! It would be said that my plan B functioned with wonder.
Really?! White Berets… They beat them… I believed that people of Mer Bleue were weakened here.
The insane poor! Finished cretins! It is too late, now! You should have listened to me well nicely! The White Berets are the guards more nice and understanding of the Divine Earth.
But “them”… They will not be so lenient! You are now criminals of Class 2! You will beg in vain… Priests of Upper Yard… … will regulate your fate! Heso!
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