One Piece s03e27 Episode Script

Chopper's in Danger! Former God vs. Shinto priest Shura

Impact! Sanji! The life is only suffering.
And now, more than two.
Very well, here it that we will make.
In the middle of the boat.
I hang it on the mast.
In the event of danger, no matter who will be able to use it.
It is equitable like that.
I prefer to keep it on me.
How? You are the only sacrifice for which I moved? Chopper is in danger! Former God VS Shura the Priest What do you think about it? Aren't they splendid? Forgiveness? The harvest of pumpkins was good this year.
Yes… I do not know how you to thank.
Please excuse me.
I caused you many troubles.
Your daughter helped this man with the hat of straw and his/her companions to escape.
What makes you their accomplices.
Your life is thus in danger.
It was a service.
Here, we are with the shelter of Mantra d' Eneru.
And on Angel Island? Yes? Harvests.
How do they spend this year? Ah, they occur rather well.
I see.
I am happy to hear it.
Here pumpkin juice of my garden.
It is very tasty.
Yes, sorry.
I will take some a little.
Conis-san, come to taste.
Small, there is in bottom in the Blue Sea, people who are made call “pirates”.
Did you know? Not… It is of the outlaws who sail on blue water.
Although they all are different, they are known to decorate their boat of a black flag with tête de mort.
I think that Straw hat and the others are themselves of the pirates.
But then! You want to say that they was criminals since the beginning?! And well, on the Blue Sea, it are surely of the outlaws.
But the marginal ones are found like them in each world.
In what their statute is it different from yours? Who can say that the acts of aren't outlaws creditable? To say the things in an extreme way… a héro in time of war… can be regarded as one murderer in other times.
Myself, I sympathized with pirates.
They came here there is more than twenty years, when I was still God of this country.
I found them enthralling and turbulent.
The good-byes were very painful.
Even if that is not seen with the first accesses, Skypiea is plunged in an interminable war.
Us, celestial People… sums constantly in war against Shandia, which we call the warriors.
Despite everything, Shandia defy the authority of Eneru.
When you were God, you wished a peaceful coexistence with Shandia to put a term at this century of war.
You had us to give again hope… I had almost achieved my goal when Eneru seized the divine throne.
Forgive me.
All these efforts for nothing.
Q-that do you say? You do not have to excuse you! A legend is transmitted generation in generation on Skypiea… Very a long time ago… The day when was born the Earth Crowned of Upper Yard… Mélodieux song of the island resounds in all the country.
And at this moment, the war enters them Shandia and the Celestial People was declared.
Like if this song in had been the signal.
Thus, when this song resounds again in our ears, the war will have ended.
Song of the island? Yes.
The Crowned Earth will sing again.
One day, undoubtedly.
That there does it have? Remain here, you two! The duty calls me! Ahead, Pierre! Father! This pumpkin juice is delicious! Yes, it is sure.
Nothing better… Time now came to offer your life to Eneru God! Fire! Why did you dodge? You do not have any chance to escape from it.
Fuza, ignites it! THE BOAT! You will grow.
Filth… Shit! He, Ho! Useless to worry about one boat of which nobody any more will occupy himself! You and your companions… you are lost.
But, which are you at the end?! Stop! And one does not touch only hair of the others! Since you worry so much, you would make better offer your life well nicely! NOT! STOP! STOP, PLEASE! Pas le boat! All except the boat! Shit! And shit… Shit! Stop immediately! They entrusted the boat to me! I am supposed to take care of it! Now… What does one make, Fuza? Raptor measuring nearly 9 meters - Fuza “Only one does not touch hair of my companions.
“ “Do not destroy the boat.
” “I do not want to die.
” Here is a difficult customer.
Priest of Skypiea - Shura the Celestial Rider A small so capricious shit.
Ca returns to me furious.
Gan Fall… CYB3RFR34K-ISO SKYPIEA-FANSUB He! Nami, hurries a little! The farm! Do not speak to me any more! And if I fall?! Is He, all well? Ouais… I suppose that yes… A thing after the other… Afflicted for all these troubles.
It is nothing.
That there does it have? You ace found God? Not… There is a puit.
A puit? Your boat… Your companions… Your life… You hold much with all that.
Why you are so weak if you hold so much with the life?! Stop! This extreme lance! Stop! Ah, shit! Species of dumb! You hope to live… without making sacrifices? What does it have this guy? It is like if… it anticipated my gestures.
So that a sharp person, another must die.
Thus the world functions.
You know that you are on the Sacrificial Furnace bridge? O-Oui.
Us a trick of the kind was told… It was true.
Your companions who survived, try to arrive up to now, in this moment even.
Marsh Numa Iron Tetsu Wire Himo Bubbles Tama Sacrificial furnace bridge On this island, four zones, each one are controlled by one among us, the Priests.
The rules stipulate that once one target enters one of these zones, other Priests cannot intervene.
But the Sacrificial Furnace bridge does not make part of any of these zones.
What means that it is a free zone.
I can thus act with my own way here.
However… All this supposes that those which underwent the Celestial Judgment already died.
Hein, then Luffy and the others are… Do not make any you.
The fact that I would be there does not want inevitably to say that your companions died.
Unfortunately… I am here for other reasons.
Other reasons? Oh! But then, if Luffy and the others come to save us, that wants to say that we will be able to leave? Yes, it is completely that.
If you arrive to you to escape from the free zone.
However… Good, wait.
The reason of my arrival is not written in the rules of the Judgment.
When there are exceptions like today, the rules are modified a little.
Exceptions? Yes.
For example… When three people leave the Sacrificial Furnace bridge with lianas to flee in the forest.
Oh, this kind of situation.
Is God on this island, not true? I am curious to meet it.
ALL IS DE SA FAULT! But it is what its problem? It leaves all alone in front of… It is really egoistic.
You treat somebody of egoist? I cannot blairer tone behavior with the idiot.
It seems to me that you are source of step badly of our troubles.
Really? When somebody escapes, somebody of other for expier his fault must die.
It is what is called a sacrifice and it is the principle which directs this world.
But it would be still better if they returned.
To see you dying would make them take conscience of the weight of their fault! Now, your life offers to God! PAS QUESTION! Die! All my excuses for waiting.
Knight of the Sky! Here a distinguished guest! GAN FALL! KNIGHT OF THE SKY! We have frightening adversary, this time.
Let us do our better, Pierre! What it old wreck fout here? Let us have fun a little, Fuza! Impertinent! This island does not need two Gods! ALLEEEZ!! CHE CHEVA KNIGHT KNIGHT OF KNIGHT OF THE SKY!!!! Still an attack, Pierre! AHEAD! Heap of shit! (I find that a little vulgar especially ken jap it says “onore” = you but in way impolite) You knew with what to await you while coming here… It is you the criminal now! Now, I will show you power of my anger vis-a-vis the bloody nuisances.
Ordalie of Wire! Always in life, really? Admirable! Admirable! What you of a gift would say that I especially reserved to you? Chain Surprised Bubbles.
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