One Piece s03e31 Episode Script

Eve of Gold Festival! Feelings Toward 'Vearth'!

If you value your lives, return to the Blue Sea.
If you get any stupid ideas about trying to start something on this island Then we'll eliminate you like we will Enel! Who were those guys? Just fo using that one whistle blow he gave us for free, he fought this hard for us.
Well, pirates can't pass up a chance to steal some treasure.
And there's plenty of enemies out there.
This is gonna be about survival.
Yosh! Gold, here we come! EVE OF GOLD FESTIVAL! AFFECTION OF VEARTH! That beast is causing us some trouble.
We have to find some way to separate them.
Okay, I'm going in! Two Three attackers.
Laki! What are you doing? You're going to die if you just hang there.
Is this stuff worth dying over? Laki! Run, Kamakiri! You saved my life, Kamakiri.
Kamakiri! Wiper, kamakiri's down! What'd you say!? Damn it! We're so close to victory! Close to victory? It will soon be night, and our advantage will only increase.
Help the injured! We're moving out! Retreat to the rendezvous island! You think I'll let you escape? Wait, Ohm.
Why should I? God Enel has summoned us.
What's wrong? It feels like the rumbling is getting farther away.
The guerillas and Priests must be heading home for the night.
We should head back too, while it's still light, W-Wait for me, Zoro! Hurry up or I'll leave you behind.
YOU DON'T KNOW THE WAY BACK! This is boring! Who told you to stare at it? Once the purified water collects in the dish in there, pour it into canteens.
That's all i asked.
We have to make sure everyone has enough water for tomorrow.
But Sanji, we got a lot of stuff! Oh, thanks.
I appreciate it.
What did you get? Walnuts and aloe.
Bananas and garlic.
Rats and frogs.
Yosh, toss it all in the stew! Wait a second! Some of those ingredients were really gross! Oh, silly me! How careless You don't like garlic? NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! What didn't you mean? Miss Navigator? Wow, Robin! What's that blue thing? A jewel? Beautiful, isn't it? But it's not what you think.
Hey, is that a salt crystal? I found it beside the lake.
I thought it might come in handy.
Well of course! It's the key to life in a survival experience!~ I'll keep half the garlic and aloe.
I can make some burn medicine and disinfectant.
That should help the Knight of the Sky get better.
Need any frogs? No, absolutly not Need any frogs? Oi, hey, Zoro.
You're not doing anything.
Gimme a hand.
Hey, my katana aren't supposed to be used like this Quit whining! Disobey the cook and you go without dinner! What!? We're gonna eat a rock!? Is it good? You don't eat it, This is Hot Rock Stew.
The heat from the rock helps to boil the Stew.
Stew's a great dish.
It keeps all the nutrients of the ingredients, so they don't go to waste.
I see.
Wow, so tonight Dont thik about it But, Sanji I'm hungry IT HASN'T BOILED YET! Dindn't you just eat a whole skysharks!? Well Yeah, that was an appetizer.
Jeez, what kind of stomach does he have? It's beyond calculation.
What're you up to, Usopp? It's almost dinnertime.
Yeah, I was just going to bring this wood over to the ship so i can repair it tomorrow.
And were you planning to swim across? Huh? Yeah.
Those huge sharks are still lurking in there.
Repairs can wait 'til morning! Let's go eat dinner, Zoro! Yeah, Whatever.
Yosh, it's finished! Ladies first, understand? Yeah.
Yosh, everyone take your seats! I'll pass out the plates, so eat up before it gets cold.
Okay, guys! I'm gonna explain how we should plan to move tomorrow! Hey, this looks good! Everyone Oh, thanks.
You can keep eating, but listen up! Okay! Alright! A heart-shaped carrot! I appreciate it, Sanji! Well? Was my Stew of Love delicious? Huh? Everyone ready? First off, let's review Norland's picture book.
But, a few years later, when he visited Jaya again, The golden ruins had disappeared.
This stew is really good! Hey, are you listening? But, Nami-san, he started it!~ That Sky Island packed lunch was really good too! But, Nami-san, he started it!~ That Sky Island packed lunch was really good too! Let's move on.
That means, at some point during those few years, Jaya broke apart, and this island was shot into the sky.
It was brought here by the Knock-Up Stream? Yes, that's the only plausible explanation.
Cricket-san said that the explosions occur at different places on the ocean floor every time.
That thing was pretty big.
Even an island would get blasted up.
But from the looks of it, this forest is completely different from the one we went through on Jaya.
That's probably due to the composition of the Sea Cloud and Island Cloud here.
The environement seems to abnormally affect the rate and degree of growth of the plants and animals.
If that't the case, it would explain how the forest had overtaken that civilisation.
Mellorine has failed.
That reminds me The Southbird who helped us out of the lake was THIS big! Yeah i never see a bird this big But, what I want to know is Why would that huge Southbird save you? Well, I don't know.
But all of the Southbirds were calling the Knight of the Sky, ''God''.
God!? Then I should kick this Ossan's ass!? OF COURSE NOT, YOU SCATTERBRAINED IDIOT! Okay, that's enough! Settle down, scatterbrains! There, see? What's a scatterbrain!? You are! Anyway! Does anyone recall what was written about the City of Gold in Norland's logbook? I do! ''I saw gold!'' No shit, dumbass! If you're just gonna state the obvious, then keep your mouth shut! And then the stuff about the Southbirds There was a rather peculiar statement on the last page of the book.
The final words Norland wrote before he died.
''The skull's right eye is where I saw the gold.
'' Exactly.
Look at these.
I put the map Robin picked up on Jaya over part the old Skypiea map.
It's a little rough, but if you bring the coasts of these two maps together Look at this.
This is the topography of Jaya, 400 years ago.
Wow, a skull! It looks like a skull! Well? Cool! That's brillant, Nami-san! Yay! Yay! So then, the skull's right eye Here Norland was referring to the island as a whole.
That's why we couldn't solve the mystery.
I see! So that's why! I get it.
TREASURE!! All we have to do is head straight for that point.
We can't leave the ship unguarded, so tomorrow we'll split up into two teams.
No doubt about it.
There's a fortune in gold just waiting for us! CYB3RFR34K-ISO Wiper.
Genbou, how are Kamakiri's injuries? Yeah He's being treated over there.
Is it bad? Yeah.
I didn't think he'd be injured so easily.
It was Ohm.
A fearsome opponent indeed.
I'm sorry.
It was It was my fault! Man, I'm stuffed! There'll be gold tomorrow! You think tomorrow'll be sunny again? Sure! We're on top of the clouds.
It's getting late.
There's no need for the fire, so we should put it out.
We'll give away our location to our enemies.
What a stupid idea.
You hear that, Usopp? Can you believe what she just said? ''Put out the fire.
'' It can't be helped.
Don't be so hard on her.
Robin's a woman who has lived her entire life in darkness.
She just doesn't know.
What do you mean? We're SUPPOSED to have a campfire! It's human nature to have a campfire when camping, even if it costs us our lives!! You're the stupid ones! Hey, that's enough fooling around! You know how dangerous this forest is, right!? Don't care! There are Priests out there! And guerillas too! And even without them, forests like this are still dangerous at night! There's probably fierce beasts or monsters lurking out there! Monsters!? Sky Island scary Sky Island scary Oi, Luffy! Is this enough wood? YOU GUYS ARE IN ON THIS TOO!? Don't worry, Nami-san! Wild animals are naturally afraid of fire.
Behind you! Behind you! There's something there! Oi, he's saying something.
Come translate, Chopper! ''You puny pests have been keeping us awake!'' ''Go to sleep, you dumbass humans!'' WHAT WAS THAT!? I didn't say it! ''Hey, you'd better not be trying to move in on our territory.
'' No, we were forced to come here.
''This is our land!'' ''You think you can just barge in and start a fire?'' Ah, sorry ''Everything in this forest, from the trees to the weeds, is ours!'' I'm not giving up my treasure! Hey, look! You pissed them off What do we do now!? Me!? ''Shut up.
'' ''The whole lot of you couldn't take her on.
'' ''Babe, didn't know you had such a nice punch.
'' ''I like you.
'' So things are under control? Looks like it.
Then, let's have our campfire! AYE! Come aboard! Come aboard! It's the Eve of Gold Festival! What is this? It's good! Did you guys make this juice? It's delicious! I'll have some more! OI! What is this wonderful drink? We're getting that treasure!! GOLD! GOLD! Have they tamed the clouds as well? I know of no others who could cause such an uproar on Enel's land.
Oh, you're awake.
Are you sure you should be moving already? I had intented to help you, but im such a bother.
You did plenty.
Thanks for saving Chopper, and our ship.
What? I think there's some stew left.
Would you like some? No, no, I appreciate it, but I think that I had best not.
Oh, the weird Ossan's awake! Thanks a lot! Let's dance! Let's dance, Knight of the Sky! Aren't you the doctor!? Hey, Ossan, how's Conis-chan? Is she safe? Yes, she and her father are at my house.
You need not worry.
Really? That's great! I was worried! I'm glad they're both safe! Yosh, let's throw Chopper! Why? I heard a little of what you were talking about before.
Did you say that this island used to be called Jaya? Yes.
But I belive that you have yet to hear how it came to be known as holy ground.
Having this is what caused your folly in battle! Are you here just to get in our way, Laki!? I have done something awful to kamakiri.
We're fighting the Priests.
If we lack key military strength, we'll never reach God's Shrine! I know apologizing won't fix it! I know apologizing won't fix it! But please give that back! That's Aisa's treasure! I made her a promise! I promised to bring her back some Vearth! Forget it! Forgive me! Don't throw it away! Kamakiri What about your injuries? I can still fight.
You're right.
If there's any time to take out Upper yard, It's now.
In today's battle, the effects of Satori's absence were clear.
Tomorrow morning, we must attack again, Wiper! For you Blue Sea dwellers, the earth here must seem natural.
Huh? Yeah, it does.
I see.
But this is something that does not naturally exist in the sky.
Island Cloud is able to support plant life.
but unable to bear it.
Green plants and earth are not naturally found in the sky.
We call this Vearth.
The eternal yearning of all things living in the sky.
Once we take out Enel, There will be no reason to yearn for a bag of Vearth.
You know it, Wiper.
Because we'll be returning to Shandia, our home from 400 years ago!
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