One Piece s03e44 Episode Script

The Upper Ruins Crumble! The Quintet Finale!!

Upper Yard Angel Beach The island of God:Upper Yard.
Zoro is confronted with the Priest Ohm in the higher ruins.
SANRYUU HYAKUHACHI POUND HOU Wiper tries to penetrate in the stomach of python, where Luffy and the others are retained.
After the discovery of the ruins of Shandora, the Gold City, Nico Robin… finds itself vis-a-vis face with Eneru God.
At the same time, Conis learns the appalling secrecy of Eneru God.
Skypiea will be returned in the Blue Sea! All the country will disappear! FATHER!! Higher Ruins in Crumbs! The Final Quintet!! Father… Suu… Time ago to lose! Eneru… Eneru is about to exterminate all inhabitants of the sky!! Skypiea will be returned in the Blue Sea! All the country will disappear! It is not… moment to cry.
We do not have time.
I must make my possible.
I must inform them! Take care of them, Suu.
I must go there.
I must inform everyone.
It sacrificed itself to warn us! All people of this island must know! This technique was more difficult than envisaged.
Ca shows well that I have still need for drive.
At least, maintaining it is calmer.
Sat! He obeys everyone?! Strike yourself the head and make dodo.
There remains nothing any more but it snake and this guy with the bazooka.
I must make quickly.
I do not have the time of glander! I am obliged to kill you! Species of bloody nuisance! Already died to you! After all these blows, he is always unscathed.
Afflicted, but it is time for you to die! Ca also, that does not go?! Shit! Its skin is too much hard! Brothel! What it occurs?! But what they foutent outside?! He! Come to help me! He! Nami, you ace interest to be in life.
That… It was what? Mercy.
I raised a saving hand on a ver de terre twisting pain and I returned his freedom to him.
It is the duty of God, after all.
It would seem that the girl hopelessly continue to run… But it is time for all it world to attend the celebration.
They will include/understand it direction of the word despair.
This man… [Note:logia = elementary.]
Now, we have less in less time.
Does one have to finish some? The final plan is ready to be carried out.
The final plan…? God calls upon you now! Prosternez you in front me, miserable mortals! [Note:Sango is the god of thunder at Yoruba (Africa).]
What?! What…?! I sent an invitation… with your companions to come in Shandora! Capacities of this man… These capacities are terrifying.
The ground crumbles! Eneru! Ca can be only him! I am in the shit if I do not do anything! Chopper! It is what, that? There is a hole in bottom? How the large final one starts! We are ready to fly.
Ouais, I have some enough now.
Luffy, catches Waver! I will start again the engine! He, you! Cling to me! They is good! When you want, Nami! Allons-y! I finally will leave from here! Wait! How their it arrived?! Pierre, half-turn! We must help them! What?! One falls?! I believe that one pricks of the nose! Pierre, does not worry you for us! Will help the two others inside! What one makes, Odd knight?! At this speed, one course straight towards death! I am called Gan Fall! Gan Fall! IT IS NOT the MOMENT! CYB3RFR34K-ISO SKYPIEA-FANSUB Ruins… How it can in to fall as much from up there? Mister the epeist! I could breathe more.
You fell from up there with the ruins? Whore! There I failed to remain! Yes, you should be dead.
No matter who would be it.
Oh, it is you.
Which is this place? The place that us sought, the Gold City.
Ah? Then it is that? I will not have believed that one was just above.
Then, you found the treasure? Not, there is no gold here.
Ouah, this python is unchained.
It would be said that one is incomes with the starting point.
Imbecile! If you had not clung behind engine of Waver, one would not be there! Afflicted! Afflicted! Everyone is outside now! They left us behind! It is your fault! No the problem! One does what now? Let us see seeing… Let us find its bottom and let us leave with the excrement! It IS OUT OF THE QUESTION WHICH I MAKE THAT! Oh, the horse.
It is a bird! You want that you above are assembled? The BIRD IS TRANFORMÉ IN HORSE! ITS ARMS SE ARE LENGTHENED!! I ate the fruit Gomu Gomu and I became an elastic man.
Of course that my arms lengthen.
Be to you what?! A pirate.
He, one goes there.
Be held well.
Go! It is time to leave from here! Ahead, horse! Take us along towards the exit as quickly as you can! Thank you, Odd Knight.
Fortunately, here, it ground is made clouds.
Luffy and Aisa remained behind.
I hope that they are well.
IEA confidence as a Pierre.
He will deal with them, that he that is to say a bird or a horse.
He, where are we? It would be said that we are not far from where we were presently.
But I am unaware of completely where we are.
Which is this place? Thank you.
To say that such a place existed in Upper Yard… Would this be? This is… our… native Shandia ground? Let us relight the flame of Shandora! In the name of the Large Karugara Warrior! Let us relight the flame of Shandora! Our terre natale… will be recovered! It is the place which we seek.
The city that our ancestors protected with pride! Shandora! It would be said that he seeks something.
What Luffy is still making? The python acts oddly.
He cries? That there is, Master of the Skies? Why you are agitated like that? Poor snake.
You are stupid! [Note:god norse of the thunder.]
Aisa! Whore! Nami! I can nothing make for it! Hein? Zoro? And Robin? You are there?! When you are exit of its stomach?! Madam Navigatrice, which do you make there? I am well.
But the snake… Luffy is always inside.
But what it fout in it? How you want that I it knows?! It was inside! Brothel.
I bet that all that is because of him! Why it is necessary always that it does that?! What I know some?! A blow… After all these shootings of bazooka… The Master of the Skies was hardly wounded! Whore! This attack had to wound Aisa too! Swell of Cloud! Eneru! What do you make? You have the well hung language, Wiper warrior.
Whereas I had generosity to invite you on your terre natale.
Control your anger.
Wait still a little.
The play is not finished yet.
Play? Yes.
An innocent little game.
You and others behind in be the competitors.
Welcome with you, courageous survivors.
I congratulate you to be arrived up to now.
That there does it have? I wanted just to amuse me a little.
Three hours after your arrival on this island, There will remain only one handle of the 81 people.
It is the play of Survival.
Me included.
Some arrived later that the others but I also counted them.
I had predicted that it there would have that 5 survivors.
Five? Zoro, Robin, Odd Knight, the man with the bazooka, and Eneru… Ca makes five! Brilliant.
He did not see me.
In three minutes, these three hours will be expired.
What wants to say that it is not finished as long as there will remain 6 people.
Shit! It knows! The prophecy of God must to achieve itself.
It is inevitable.
Then now, which will disappear? Will you fight between you? Or perhaps I must to choose myself? What do you think about it? I want any of it.
One is two.
I also refuse.
I made my decision.
He, wait! I… YOU will disappear.
That of insolence.

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