One Piece s04e16 Episode Script

Get Back the Memories! The Pirates Land

Let us take again our memories! The pirates unload on the island! There is no doubt, it is me which wrote that… Sorajima, the naval base J-8, and all this gold… if it is true, all becomes coherent.
If I return to the Kokoyashi village I will include/understand certainly all but… how could I go there without a good ship… in more we are in GrandLine?!! According to this plan, one cannot leave in EstBlue halfway….
Wh… What??? It is you which are the capitainnnneee?!! Hehehe… you had chance.
If I would not be recalled, one would be always the subordinates of Usopp.
Keep silent yourself! I will never believe myself! No matter what you say, it is me the large pirate who is with the head of 8000 men.
The large captain of pirates, Usopp Captain.
Hahahaha, I recognize Usopp well.
But!! You are the gunner of the crew of the straw hat.
Shiiit… the roles were reversed… It… It is a monster like me, but he is captain.
Ouaahhhhhh Do not come here.
You still say this kind of silly things, you? Let us play as usual Did Ze .
ze make well really this zenre zoses ford ze would be a ship's doctor…? Yes!! It is your favorite number.
You always did it during the banquets.
This elastic monkey.
he says to have to find the memory but, he did not change at all.
that the captain does not change no matter what it arrives.
They call in vain me pirate, if I am ordinary, there is strong chancse that one me refile the dirty job.
Moreover, if I am with such monsters, even if I have several lives, Ca will not be enough for me! It is clearly now.
You did not lose the memory but it was concealed to you, and of course the criminal is… It is which this horrible brat… Eh… that is what it will make of our memories? I do not know.
Aaaahhh!! Zut-- Hein?? It is necessary to go to seek Nami and Zoro.
One goes there! You all! Let us wait the morning.
Hein? Why that Robin? It is extremely difficult to especially find them on an unknown territory of night.
Hum… it is true.
It is not better to rest until the lever du soleil? The boy had a good correction.
I think that it will not be shown any more this evening.
Hum… I included/understood! Then… it is decided, we will leave tomorrow morning! Wait a little! Ah?? There are no problems to bring back the LADY, Nami-san but I am not agreement for Zoro.
Me too! If you want to go there, go ahead to two! Me… also… What is what you said there? I just asked why one needed Zoro too.
It is a hunter of pirates him! And why does one have to try hard of going to seek it…? It is normal! It is because it is our nakama.
Even if you say to us that it is our nakama.
hein the guy? He does not even know this feeling.
You also, you noticed it.
The proof, it left as soon as it could.
Usopp is the gunner.
Sandy, the cock.
Chopper, the ship's doctor.
Robin, the archeologist.
Nami, the navigatrice.
And finally Zoro, the swashbuckler.
It is not necessary that it misses would be this only one person in our crew Straw hat!! We did not have other means only of taking again the memories of Kenshi-san.
If it is that, it is enough to botter the bottom of this kid to the coat not? As presently… Hein Chopper? Ahh… I feel that tomorrow, one will be occupied.
Let us sleep for the moment.
The key to solve all the problems is… certainly on this island.
I underestimated it a little too much.
Monkey D.
Luffy… it could be an embarrassing adversary.
But… I will carry out this wish at all costs.
For that, I must be made nakama… A powerful swashbuckler will make the deal.
Huhu, huhuhahaha It is true… it is different from yesterday.
It is the hunter of pirates… if I approach too much, I am likely to make the same silly thing.
Of agreement… Let us stop there for the moment.
I will on many other occasions.
And at this time there… you will work well for me.
The place where all are the vivres world… Allblue.
I dreamed to go on this legendary sea.
Interfere your business.
I did not ask so that you would be nice with me! Say me why?! Why!! Because you have the same dream as me.
Restaurant… Yes… I wanted to build it, it was my last reason to live.
Yosh! Me also I will help you! Thus do not die yet! Pff! It is impossible for a kid skinny fellow like you.
I will be strong! It is not believable which I can move away from the filthy old man with which I owe the life.
Why? What is what it arrived to me? Pepper, Ninjin, Tamanegui… which does make the crew of Usopp in this moment? [Ninjin= Carrot; Tamanegui= Onion.]
Yosh! The crew of Usopp ahead! To protect peace in this village! And thus? Today, you tell me which adventure?? Ahh today… good… It is the history of my battle against gigantic a poisson rouge in the tropical sea when I was 5 years old.
A poisson rouge? What has me most surprised it was the length and the width of its shit and I unloaded above thinking that it was a continent Hahahaha Huhuhuhu I had the dream to become a pirate like my father but… to drop them to become pirate… Why am I with the human ones? I rely only on Doctor Hiluluk and Doctorine.
Even among the reindeers, I did not have a friend and I was all alone… I will never strike myself… My name is Doctor Hiluluk.
I am a doctor! That wants to say that there does not exist terminal illness! Even if people say anything.
I will save this country as a doctor! Thus… I wove this mark of tête de mort to fight against all the diseases! Tête de mort? Eh yes! It is the emblem of my solid conviction.
I will carry this symbol and will beat me like a pirate!! And yet they are my Nakama? Moreover they are 6… I cannot believe that I am the ship's doctor of a ship of pirates… but… and if it were true? It will not disappear! My dream will never disappear and it must be similar for you! Nami! Zoro! Wait, one arrives us… You awake the guy…! One is already awaked for a long time.
The cock and the ship's doctor accompany us too.
Ah? I will not drop the LADY, and Robin-san needs also a BODYGUARD.
If somebody were wounded, it would be embarrassing if a doctor were not there, not? And thus… I undertake to keep the ship.
Usopp you come too! But.
euhh… in fact… I am reached of a disease of the heart.
It stops when I unload on an island… aieeee aieeee… It is not serious, come!! Me I know… that one can count on Usopp, the valorous warrior of the seas.
Mouais Oups….
Yooosh! One goes there all… Zuuut… I let myself go… And….
how is one to the island? Why not build a raft? Ouaaiiiis it is an good idea.
I entrust this Usopp load to you.
Me?!!! I am the Usopp captain!! Ok Ok.
In the worst of the cases, I am a gunner… in all the cases, I will not be able to never make like a carpenter.
To manufacture a raft, it is simply enough to assemble the trunks, not?? It is easy! Easy! Are the manner of making the nodes… sure for you that they is good? Ouais.
I think.
Hey, hey… these nodes will be demolished and the raft will be dislocated.
If it is that, it is to have a beautiful raft better.
What said some? Nan! This one is more beautiful… I would say rather than this one is with my taste! Ehhhhh!! What a pirate doesnot can build a raft correctly!! Pff! Ohhhh It is very beautiful work it is very well done I had said it to you that one can count on Usopp! grr… I do not even know why I was bored to manufacture a raft… YOSHA!! On the way!! Thank you for all.
Be to you which you? Hein? I am that which took a room here yesterday.
You know it?? Not I do not know this person.
It is not a robber by chance?? WHAT?!! Eh! Wait a little! Me I am your customer! I met you all the three.
You really forgot me?? Mister the manager, Manager? Me? Hein.
? It… is the manager not? Good Ah? I was likely to be able to sleep gratuitememt.
I wonder what it occurs here… it is not.
!! Who… are you? You also you lost the memory? They are like me yesterday.
It was yesterday?? Yes! It is thought that they came in this village.
It is a swashbuckler with a head of MARIMO and a girl on an odd machine [Marimo:green watery plant which has a round form.]
You did not see them?? Yesterday… What is what I did yesterday?? You aussiiii?!!!!! Argg!! How is ce qui' they have all on this island?! All as long as they are… Why do not remember they what they did yesterday?! Hahahaha they all are carefree! Be sure for you that they are simplememt there carefree? One can say some as much… us also….
It may be that the reason is the same one.
What does one make now? In this situation… it will be difficult to find them.
Yosh! Let us turn over on the ship.
One will gain nothing good to remain on this sinister island Hein? Said yes.
Nami Shit… Wait a little Ha… It is the hell… Why you flee Nami? I will never give myself that.
Even if one kills to me!! Nevertheless! To carry reached to a young lady like you, it is foolish! One will not pose even a finger on you! But in truth, I want very of it.
It which disease there has? Make something Doctor! I know that it is very serious but I also know that one cannot look after it.
Good… let us make a market.
A market?? I give you 10% of this treasure and you take me along until Kokoyashi.
Then 20% does, that suit you? Not.
then 30% not Not.
It would be necessary for you how much to be satisfied you!! Love you too the treasures.
I know that you do not even intend to give me my share, hein? How you know what I think… Hahaha! Of course that I know it! Since you are my nakama.
It is out of the question which I would be your nakama! It is not possible.
The negotiations are stopped.
Push! Not I will not move… Nami!! You must come with me! What?! It is a joke?! Why should I go with you? Push!! I do not move Navigatrice.
You have to have a strange impression when you arrived on this island… is not this step? What does it have T there big sister? An odd child….
with a flute.
I have boot to him the bottom!! Then a smoke escaped from its flute to enter my body and… The memory of the captain returned.
You dreamed or what? It is the truth.
Me also, I saw it my own eyes.
I have the impression that this kid was there day before yesterday too.
Why did it come one second time? It is not because it did not can steal you your memory in only once? According to what I know about you, you lived much adventures.
Not being able all to eat… it returned yesterday while being always hungry.
Yes… It must be that… Ohhh! Does Ca have a good taste the memory?? Then this child… Go! So long Yosha! This small kid should be found… to take again your memories.
Then Zoro will certainly return.
I wonder whether it is as simple as that but in any case, it is necessary that I return the currency of his coin to him to this small snotty-nosed kid.
Said… Let us drop Zoro… even if it found the memory.
I will not feel at ease on a ship where a hunter of pirates is.
Zoro is our swashbuckler… and Nami our navigatrice.
They are our nakama and one absolutely needs them! Even if you say that to me, that does nothing but embarrass me! Me… to be your nakama… If you were not there, I would be embarrassed even more than you!! The ship could not advance without the navigatrice not!!! Robin! Is what you can know where is this kid? Let us see… I would like to examine a place… Yosh! One goes there!! He! Gold! I will not let a young lady carry a so heavy load! If I can remain with Nami-san, there is no problem.
Argg… I have a bad presentiment… No matter what one can say… everyone follows Luffy.
Is what it is true that I had of the nakama.
How is what you do! Come quickly Chopper! Yes!! If you want to eat, be useful make you as at home.
I am hungry but… I do not eat this kind of thing me.
Good Ah.
Why me requests you not which I am? Ahh you thought ace that it was useless me to require it because the inhabitants of this island do not even know their name Did Onii-chan you leave on a journey to be strongest of the world not? Then, Monkey D.
Luffy will be an adversary with your size.
Me I am called magic Luffy.
Pff! This guy with the straw hat? Oh… I am surprised that Roronoa Zoro did not can detect the power of this type.
I did not can detect it? Eh yes… In EastBlue, it exterminated the band of the pirates man-fish, the crew of Arlong Park And in this sea, GrandLine, it overcame all alone Crocodile, one of the seven Shichibukai.
Shichibukai? And it is not all it has even botter the bottom with a god named Eneru on Sorajima.
Ah yes!! He baited himself on the basis of marine! Even the navy cannot anything against Luffy.
Hahahahaha! I ever saw such a pirate.
Do not make fun of me! I do not have time for these cock-and-bull stories You does ace envy to beat you against Luffy is not this step? Hehehehehe That devil you… Hahahahahaha Hum?? It is here? It is here that is the odd kid? It is lugubrious here.
Am Ahh… I caught cold or what? Since presently, I do not stop shivering.
So at least there was a doctor in these cases.
BUT It IS ME!!! These people… they intend well to take me along in a place where there is nobody to steal me my gold.
I will not let to you make!! Since presently, Nami-san directs its hot glances on me.
There is no doubt… it fell in love with me! Hihihihihihi patiko-N!! [Patiko-N:onomatopoeia which indicates the noise of the wink.]
Qu… what?!?! It is a sign to say to me that it will conceal me gold?! It is an odd man that one I see.
Ah! A butterfly! Ah?? You ace included/understood something Robin?? The culprit who stole your memories… not… I know who am the TRUE culprit Hein? It is not the horrible brat the culprit? Go one goes with the RYUUGUUJYOU [RYUUGUUJYOU:indicate a palate in which the king of the dragons lives and who is located at the fine sea-bed… that thus lets think that means quite simply:a palate at the sea-bed.]
Ryuuguu jyou?? It is what that?? Huhu… One will see….
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