Phineas and Ferb s02e33 Episode Script

Picture This (15 min)

by ashirogi27 Hello, boys, I thought I heard a noise out here.
Oh, hey, Dad.
Say, there is something pretty peculiar going on here, now, don't tell me! You turned the entire garage upside-down, now why on earth would you do that? We're searching for Ferb's favorite skateboard.
Dear! Are you aware the boys have turned the garage upside-down, looking for Ferb's skateboard? As long as they clean up after! Oh.
Ooh, just a minute.
Does that skateboard have a Union Jack on the bottom? That's the one! Turn the thing right-side up and come in the house.
I believe I solved your mystery.
You heard him, Ferb.
Let's turn it over.
So, what have you got, Pop? Take a gander what a certain old geezer posted on his blog.
Hey, it's Grandpa! Ferb, you must have left your skateboard in England the last time we were there.
I know! We could create a highly intricate and sophisticated machine, that will transport any object from anywhere on the globe to our backyard! Well, why don't you just build a new skateboard? Nah, I don't think so.
If it's all the same with you, Father, we're going to build the machine.
Whoa, Mom.
What's with the getup? I'm on my way to join Vivian Garcia-Shapiro, at the Mexican-Jewish Cultural Fair today.
Would you like to come along? Let me think.
Um No.
Oh, well.
Suit yourself, bubelita! Let's give her a trial run.
Start with something small.
Check it out, dweebs! Betcha can't shoot this apple off my head.
Hm Not really what I meant.
But, okay.
But I still got my apple here, William Tell! Nice buzz cut.
High and tight.
Hey! It worked.
Now, let's try it on something more complex.
I'm complex! Really, I'm like an onion.
It's like there's thousands of you guys.
Oops! I forgot to install the Fly Filter.
Better try that again.
Sorry, Buford.
Are you all right? I have a weird craving for something stinky.
He's all right.
Okay, Ferb, let's get that skateboard before Grandpa breaks his neck.
What in blazes– Yes! It worked! Oops.
I say, that's peculiar.
My bloomin' feet have gone missing.
I can breathe again! I smell lupins! Better send his feet back.
They're back! Egad, they're facin' me 'iney! I say, ha-ha, I can get the 'ang of this! Now I can finally see where I've been! Crackin'! Now, let's try out that half-pipe.
Hey, where's Perry? Hello, Agent P.
Nice entrance today.
Simple and understated.
I like it.
Anyway, we have a situation.
We recently discovered that all of the mimes in Danville Park have been trapped in actual invisible boxes.
It took days to discover because, well, everyone just assumed they were really good mimes.
I'm not even a mime! I'm a robot guy! We're convinced that it has something to do with a new machine Dr.
Doofenshmirtz has been working on.
We're sending you a photo of his new -inator.
Oh-ho, yeah! It looks evil all right.
You better destroy it.
Good luck, Agent P! Hey, guys.
What'cha doin'? We're conducting an experiment with our mega-half-pipe and our new photo transporter.
Okay, Ferb, let 'er rip! No way! Yeah! Yeah! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! ¡Oy, carumba! I've got to tell Mom! Now where did she say she was going again? (Song: Mexican-Jewish Cultural Festival) It's the Mexican-Jewish cultural festival! Mexican-Jewish cultural festival! Oy-le! There is kreplach on tostadas A pupik in our piñata We kibitz when we lambada How are things in Ensenada? We put bottles on cabezas We do mitzvahs up on mesas And we're coming to your places With big smiles upon our faces.
It's the Mexican-Jewish cultural festival! There is kreplach on tostadas A pupik in our piñata We kibitz when we lambada How are things in Ensenada? We put bottles on cabezas Mexican-Jewish cultural festival! We do mitzvahs up on mesas And we're coming to your places With big smiles upon our faces.
¡Oy-lé! Candace, I'm so glad you could make it! Mom, you've gotta come home, right away! Phineas and Ferb Have– Th-they built a– Th– A thing that– That– Oh, what's the use? I'll only drive you home to find that the boys' contraption I wanna show you has inexplicably disappeared, and once again, you'll think I've lost my marbles.
That does seem to be a pattern, doesn't it? Come on! Enjoy the festival! Here, have a dreidel-raca! You think your machine can find my long lost teddy bear? I got his picture right here.
Hmm Let's give it a shot.
Teddy Boo Boo! Where have you been, you bad bear?! I bet you've been on the road again, haven't you?! Well, you're grounded, mister! Oh, I love you! You know, Mrs.
Garcia-Shapiro, every time I try to show my mom something, it disappears and she thinks I'm crazy.
What do you think I should do? Eat! You're too thin! Have a matzah ball-rito! Err Thanks.
Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated Who's tap tap tapping? Is that that pesky raven again? Oh, big surprise! Perry the Platypus! And by "surprise", I mean completely– Uh.
Uh I got nothin'.
I was really expecting the raven.
I'll be honest.
And by the way, you're trapped in an invisible box! Yes, I know, I trapped you before in an invisible cage, but this is different! It's a box! It's all part of my evil plan to rid the world of annoying mimes! You see, recently, I was strolling through the park, when suddenly, I had the strangest feeling that people were looking at me.
And laughing! Probably because people were actually looking at me and laughing! I couldn't figure out what was going on until I turned around and saw a mime! He was mocking me, my walk, my incessant hand-wringing, my mantis-like posture! Then, that I decided to get even.
Behold! The Mime-inator! With this baby, I'm going to trap every mime in the Tri-State Area, in their very own invisible box! I know, huh? Fun with irony! Okay, Ferb.
We're ready! How 'bout you? I'm tasting the clouds! I'm feelin' the ozone! I am dryin' my pits! Say, "¡Queso!" Wait a minute.
The photo transporter! All I have to do is put my mom's photo in the machine, then she'll be transported right to the boys! Right? Jess? Then the boys' invention can't disappear before Mom sees it because she'll be in it! It's fool-proof! Phineas and Ferb will be busted once and for all! Can I borrow this? Hey! My mom gave me that! Smile! Aha.
Aha! Aha.
Aha! Aha.
Aha! Aha.
Aha! It's nice to see you giving up your obsession with the boys and getting into the spirit of things.
Aha! Aha.
Aha! Perry the Platypus, you really are quite the mime! It really looks like you are inside an invisible b– Oh, that's right! You really are inside an invisible box! I'm already tired of that joke, but I can't stop saying it.
You know, it works so well with the mimes that I decided to put everyone in the Tri-State Area in an invisible box! Oh, for crying out loud! And now, to pull the switch! Thanks for the headache! Thanks for the face-ache! Has everyone had a chance to try the machine? Yeah, I got my teddy bear.
I got my missing Mindy doll.
And I found my missing Uncle Maulik! Baljeet, I was just on vacation.
Were you having a good time? I was.
Perry's not back yet.
I know! I'll put a photo of him in the machine and transport him back here.
No, Perry the Platypus, don't press the self-destruct button! You're all so busted! Oh, there you are, Perry! Ah-ha-ha! Move it! This is it! The ultimate bust! Okay.
Oopsies! Ha! Come on! You gotta put more effort into it! ¡Oy, carumba! More effort? You got it! Yes! It worked! Mom! Mom, look! Where is the piñata? Mom! W-Where did he go? He was standing right there about to foil my evil plans and now I'm– And now I'm totally free to move forward with my heinous project! Woo-hoo! MOM! There is no candy in me! Look out! There is no candy in me! Could somebody please tell me if I am warm or cold? You're cold! There is no candy in me! Why is this happening?! And now, invisible boxes for everyone! Sure! Why not?! Mom! Look! Mom! Look! Mom! Look! Oh, my goodness! I walked all the way home? I guess it's hard to judge distances blindfolded.
Well, snacks anyone? Bu-bu-bu-bu-but Bu-bu-bu-bu-but Bu-bu-bu-bu-but (Song: There is No Candy in Me) Bu-bu-bu-bu-but Bu-bu-bu-bu-but Bu-bu-bu-bu-but Bu-bu-bu-bu-but There is no candy in me Bu-bu-bu-bu-but There is no candy in me! Bu-bu-bu-bu-but I am just a little boy Bu-bu-bu-bu-but There is no candy in me! Bu-bu-bu-bu-but Your mother is blindfolded Bu-bu-bu-bu-but So she cannot see! Bu-bu-bu-bu-but She attacked me with a bat! Bu-bu-bu-bu-but There is no candy in me! Bu-bu-bu-bu-but Nerd ain't no piñata!
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