Ranma 12 s01e129 Episode Script

Episode 129

This is the tale of a girl who devoted her life to okonomiyaki.
The secret okonomiyaki sauce she had aged for ten years Closed Today sadly ended in failure.
It was to be expected.
Incorrigible scatterbrain Ranma Saotome had tampered with the sauce! In order to recover from the shock of her failure Ukyo came to stay with the Tendo family.
Something's funny about this.
Have you got a guilty conscience about something? Ucchan an' I have been friends ten years.
You'll never understand.
But another secret lay hidden behind this sauce.
If you think it's good, will you look after me for life? Sure! Thus did Akane and Ukyo begin living under the same roof under hair-trigger tension.
But the one who diffused the crisis was I, Nabiki Tendo.
They're already married! We get along great.
It was just a li'I spat.
Oh, Honey! I'm starvin'! Lunchtime! Wanna go to the campus store? Yakisoba bun sounds good.
Ranma? Let's have lunch together.
I forgot! Akane and I are supposed t' be married.
I'm having a box lunch today.
- Dwah? - Dwah? Akane, I'm glad you asked me, Sweetie.
"Sweetie" ?! What's got into him? I got up early to make this for you.
You? Honest? By yourself? Darling?! Hold it! We're loving newlyweds, aren't we? What'd she just say? - I'm sure I heard "newlyweds".
- Me, too.
So Ranma finally knuckled under? Ah! It's not like what you're makin' it sound like, it-- We're loving newlyweds, aren't we? - S-Sure.
- Right? Pretty pushy.
I'm forced to agree.
See?! Doesn't it look good? "Ah.
" I gotta eat it, even if it kills me.
- How was it? - Crummy.
What was that, Darling? It's scrumptious, Honey! Have more, then.
I'm full! Why? I'm too stuffed with happiness t' eat.
You're so silly, Darling.
You're the one.
- They're really strainin'.
- Their faces are all screwed up.
The more a couple fights, the happier they are.
So Ranma and Akane--? Are deliriously happy? We're only pretending to be engaged.
The truth is, we're already married.
As a freeloader, Ranma-honey's in a weak position.
Akane must be forcing him to lie.
I'm fighting it till the end! You're giving up okonomiyaki?! Ukyo! What happened, Ucchan? This is a fight between two women.
I want to be a real woman.
So, as of today, I'm abandoning okonomiyaki.
Got it, Akane? Darling? Ranma-honey? Open wider.
Ranma-honey, my food tastes better.
Nothing fazes them.
Ranma looks so happy.
Saotome! This only happened because you promised Ukyo's father Ranma would marry her! No fair! Akane (& Ranma) Nabiki, what're you trying to do ? Look, you two are married so you should sleep in the same room.
Forget it! With this jerk? I don't wanna be stuck with an uncute girl like you--! What?! Are you breaking up? - Honey, shall we turn in? - Why don't we, Darling? They've gotta be kidding.
There's one way to find out.
How? That'll be a thousand yen.
Where're you going? I'll sleep on the roof.
You don't want me around, right? You don't have to do that.
You were hopin' for somethin'? Why would I?! That's what you say.
Stupid! Lech! "Stupid? Lech?" You two are terrible sports about this.
I was afraid this would happen.
I get it! There'll be no problem if I'm a girl! I knew you were only pretending.
Could be.
Nabiki! Whose side are you on?! The side of money, of course.
Nothin' beats bucket-water when you're thirsty.
Quit eavesdroppin'! ! This is gettin' dumb.
Let's turn in! I guess so.
We can't stay up all night.
Don't worry! I wouldn't touch some ugly girl like you.
And I'm not scared of some coward like you.
What?! Wanna fight?! Is this what I get for bein' nice?! That's my line! I can't sleep! Lousy, no-good-- Sleepin' so smug all by herself.
Maybe a swift kick'll-- Welcome home, P-chan.
Where've you been? H-Hey.
I'll never last.
I just gotta convince Ucchan to leave.
Welcome home.
Breakfast is ready.
Here! Let's eat.
Ucchan! - A big helping of rice? - I gotta talk to you-- Forget about last night.
Men will always have one or two little flings.
But I didn't do anythin'- -! I don't want to hear about it.
Do you think I'm not hurting?! Do youdo you hate me so much?! No, Ucchan! I don't hate you, Ucchan! Leave me alone! Ranma-honey, I-- I gave up okonomiyaki for you because I believed in you.
I'm staying here until you show you care.
Gee t'anks.
I know! There's only one way to escape from this hell.
Ucchan! All right! I'll look after you for life! You mean it, Ranma-honey? Tears really do work! It'll endone way or another.
What'll it be today? I want to cook up a storm for Ranma-honey.
Welcome! Um-- It'll be ready soon, sir! Don't rush me! Okonomiyaki Ucchan takes pride in-- What did I just do? I gave up okonomiyaki for Ranma-honey! I'll make Ucchan dump me! I will! Ucchan, I'll look after you, just like I promised! I'm so happy! Then I'll treat her worse than dirt! I can't stand it anymore! I'm going home to Daddy! The perfect plan.
Somebody must be praisin' me! What's your best dish, Ucchan? Okonomiyaki, of course-- I can cook anything! Your cooking has such a unique touch.
Gotta start all over.
Akane! Aren't you going to stop Ranma? Why should I? I'm sick of him.
He's the worst.
Don't blame me if you regret it later.
But-- Sure, Ranma's irresponsible scatterbrained, insensitive stupid and stingy, but-- You're better off without him.
Dinner, everybody! Ucchan cooked tonight's dinner? Ucchan's such a wonderful cook.
This is perfect.
Kinda rough, though.
Sorry, kid.
Who can eat this slop?! What're you doing?! "What're you-" Ranma! Success.
Ranma, what're you trying to do? Thank goodness we caught the food.
No matter what the reason no one's allowed to waste food at the Tendo house not EVER!! Kasumi, will you please pass the sauce? Here, Father.
Ucchan? Oh, no.
I did it again! I gotta move on to "Get Dumped" Plan B.
What're you doing? I'm goin' to the horse races! I'm pawning this for money! Don'tcha think I'm a no-good, home-wreckin' gambler? Just ask if you need spending money.
How much do you need? Maybe next time.
"Get Dumped" Plan C.
Evidence of hanky-panky-- Honey! Get down from here! You'll catch cold! - I ain't comin' home tonight! - Where're you going? Goin' to see my girlfriend, of course! Who wants to be your girlfriend?! C'mon, listen!! I hate you! You were trying to make Ukyo dump you?! Rats! It was a perfect plan, too! You idiot.
It's simple! Do the same thing you do to me.
You're uncute, clumsy, built like a brick--!! Akane, did it hurt you so much? Didja hate me so much? It was just an example.
It doesn't bother me.
I guess not! You're so thick-headed--! So just show Ukyo what a ROTTEN guy you are!! That trick won't work on me.
I'll just think of her as Akane.
It's easy! Hey, Ukyo--! What's wrong, Ucchan?! You didn't dump the sauce?! The sauce brought you and me together.
I could never dump it.
You didn't taste it again--?! You fool! Didn't I tell ya?! I made the sauce! It's awful, but it makes me happy.
Ucchan! Do you love me so much?! I can't stand it! Why do you keep wimping out?! Um, I didn't ! She's right.
You've got to make a choice.
But-- All right.
I'll end this once and for all.
Huh? This sauce caused all the trouble.
In order to correct the problem of the past it's the only way.
R-Ranma, you're not--? This is the best way I can make up for my mistake! Ranma! "Geh" Ranma? Ranma! Ranma! - What's that?! - Yakisoba.
- Wha--?! - Aonori and shaved bonito.
She flipped Ranma over.
She's grilling him! - It's -- - A conditioned reflex.
Huh?! That's what she was doing back then? The sauce triggered the response! Since Ranma drank the sauce to Ukyo, Ranma's a giant okonomiyaki! Ukyo! Snap out of it! That's no okonomiyaki! That's Ranma! What was I doing? She got out the utensils she'd buried.
And even put on her okonomiyaki uniform.
Okonomiyaki's scary stuff.
Ucchan truly loves okonomiyaki.
"You can't eat Ranma!" I was supposed to have abandoned okonomiyaki.
But where does this feeling of fulfillment come from? Ucchan--! - It's better this way.
- Ranma-honey! You shine the brightest when you're cookin' okonomiyaki.
Ukyo! Forgive me, Ranma-honey! I couldn't be all woman.
Someday I'll come back as a chef and as a woman.
Wait for me, Ranma-honey.
Then we'll really fight for him, Akane.
You can have this fool whenever you want.
Quit pretending.
I'll be going now.
And so Ukyo Kuonji, who devoted her life to okonomiyaki resumed the long, difficult training to perfect her art.
A jug full of sauce would've killed an ordinary person.
It's incurable? But it'll take more than this to kill Ranma.
Right, Ranma? Ri-Right.

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