Ranma 12 s01e84 Episode Script

Episode 84

Mousse, take char siu ramen to Table 3, please.
Leave it to me, Shampoo.
Thank you, Mousse.
- Shampoo.
- Mousse.
! Shampoo.
What the--?! Mousse, you come to help or not? We so busy.
Go home if you want nap.
Shampoo!! Seven bowls of ramen, ready.
I'll serve them!! You're finally going to help? I'm going to be Shampoo's husband! I'll help with anything! Mousse, you can carry? Be careful, now.
She's worried about me! Shampoo!! Shampoo! Here your fried noodle.
Shampoo, you're so cute.
Aiyaa! Why don't we take in a movie together? Mousse! You wash dishes in back.
Understand? Screw up this time, and you fired.
Remember! I only wanted to help Shampoo.
At this rate, she'll end up hating me.
Mousse? Shampoo! Can I help you with something?! Letter for you from China.
Finish dishes, okay? A letter for me? From whom? Ma! Mousse, it's been a long time.
How are you? Here, the snows have melted, and spring is around the corner.
I'm fine, now, but I'm getting on in years.
All I dream of is for you to marry Shampoo and come home soon.
Set your Ma's mind at ease soon, son.
I'll be waiting.
Ma--! I should've been thinking more about my Ma! I know! I'll defeat Ranma this very day and make Shampoo my bride! Shampoo!! Shampoo!! Marry me and come back with me to China! Get off !! - Shampoo! - I'm not her! What wrong with you, Mousse?! I not like employee who bother customers! Shampoo! I'll defeat Ranma this very day! Mousse defeat Ranma? No way.
I'll win today for sure! You'll marry me when I win, right? But if you lose, go back China.
Okay? Fine! A man has pride! If I lose, I'll give up and go back to China! I be happy to help you pack.
You pack your bags and wait! Mousse not acting like himself today.
! From Mousse's Mother? You--! Sharp as ever, Ranma Saotome! Mousse, you're as pesky as ever, too! Watch and see if I've changed!! Take this, Mousse's greatest secret technique.
- White Swan Fist! - Bug off !! No more.
foolin' AROUND!! Huh? You're still the same ol' Mousse, after all.
Ranma?! Ranma! Shampoo!! Shampoo!! You came because you were worried about me?! Hey! The dried-up old monkey--! Mousse, it's over.
Go home to your Mother and look after her.
Great-Grandmother, that's cruel! Look there! Ranma, you hurt anyplace? N-No, not me--! - So happy! - Get away! Blast you, Ranma Saotome! Be a man, Mousse! Don't you understand? The battle is over.
A man should know when to quit.
Return to China for your own good! Will ya stop--?! You're back for more?! Ranma Saotome, take care of Shampoo.
Mousse? I'm going back to China and pray for your happiness.
You leavin' for real? This is your chance to stop me.
Nobody stop you! Go home now.
Good-bye, Mousse.
! I'm really going now.
Be careful.
Take care, Mousse.
- Mousse?! - He went home to China.
- Why didn't you stop him?! - I dunno.
He loved Shampoo so much! Such a shame! But.
! You were never in love, so you don't know how Mousse feels! You think you're so smart! What about you, then? Well, I.
! You like it better without Mousse, don't you? You can get close to Shampoo! - Whaddya mean?! - What's that, then? For everybody.
- That looks delicious.
- Thanks for bringing this! Practicing to marry.
This nothing.
The question is, who're you practicing for? What was that? - Didn't someone fall into the pond? - I'll go see! Who's there?! - Nobody's out there.
- Maybe a carp jumped.
Eat now.
CAT CAFE I home, Great-Grandmother.
Isn't this Mousse's hanky? Did he forget to take it? Mousse? Mousse.
! Wonder if he arrive in China safe.
Shampoo! She does care.
! The onion make me cry.
Of course.
I use nothing but the freshest vegetables.
What a cute little duckie.
Come, no need to be shy.
Come right.
here! You like me too, don't you? Green Turtle! Kodachi has a friend for you! Play nicely now! Green Turtle seems to be very happy.
Yes, he's so excited.
Ranma?! Where Ranma go now? Ranma! With Mousse gone, Shampoo won't leave me alone.
Who're you?! I am Cupid.
I have come from a distant planet to bring two lovers together.
Is that you, Mousse? I thought you went back to China.
I'm Cupid, I said! Ranma Saotome! You're going to be happy with Shampoo! Be happy, I say! What this? What kinda Cupid is that? I'm starvin'.
Eat all you want.
For you, my Ranma Honey.
This is on the house.
Well, then.
down the hatch! What was that? What's the idea?! You dirty two-timer! I got you together with Shampoo.
and you're toying with another woman already?! I didn't toy with nobody! For Shampoo's sake, I'll straighten out your unfaithful heart! Hey, goofball! Ranma Honey's my fiance! That's what will happen to your love.
See? My okonomiyaki of love is indestructible.
Not if I can help it! So you're trying to tear us apart, are you? Fine! I'll take on your challenge! I'll fix all the okonomiyaki of love you want! Eat them all, if you can! Where's my okonomiyaki? - Give up?! - Not on your life! This is ridiculous! I'm starvin'.
! Ranma Darling! KUNO How thrilled I am to see you here! Rats.
Ranma Darling, are you hungry? N-No, I ain't.
! You are hungry! I, Kodachi Kuno, will fix you some food with my own hands! I ain't hungry, I said! Ranma Darling, should you say that? I'll scatter the secret photos of us all over town, I will.
This is takin' forever.
- Here you are! - That looks great! Start with this-- Are you cheating on Shampoo again?! No!! That's right.
Ranma Darling and I are truly in love.
You don't even know I feel! You can't be trusted, after all! I can't go back home until I see you safely married to Shampoo! Shaddup! You shoulda stood up for yourself ! I shall never leave your side.
You belong to me.
Get away from him! I'll show you--! I poured my heart and soul into making that food! You'll pay!! Fleeing, you coward?! Fight me like a man! Stop it! I don't want to be rough with a woman! Hold still, you--! No woman can defeat Mousse! That paralysis drug I slipped into the food worked, I see.
P-Paralysis drug?! That's for trying to come between Ranma Darling and me! Go to hell now! Mousse! It serves you right! Ranma Darling, I shall fix you more food.
Please wait.
Kodachi, what secret photo of us were you talkin' about? Secret photo? Did I say that? She tricked me! I'm not eatin' paralysis medicine! Hopeless.
! Guess I gotta save him.
WILL YA?! Pigtailed Girl!! Did you come to see me? Yes! That must be it! I'm ecstatic!! But you are soaking wet! You shall catch a cold! I'll give you a hot bath! Let go!! You pervert! Now you're grabbing a man?! He's grabbin' me! Just get away from him! Why, it's you, Mousse.
Why are you here? Or have you designs on the Pigtailed Girl, too?! - Who want this weirdo half-man?! - Hey! You speak in riddles.
Never fear, Pigtailed Girl! I shall let no others have you! Fight me! Fine! I won't hold back against a man! Come! Got 'em! You're wonderful!! Go, Kuno! Wait right there, Pigtailed Girl! Now's my chance to get away.
You're not getting away, Ranma.
? Pigtailed Girl.
! Why couldn't you buy me enough time to escape?! Though I die, my love for you will never die! Die! I don't care!! I can't stand it, anymore! Yo, Mousse! Quit following me around.
Fight me! Me too, am sick of your despicable philandering! I'll fight you in earnest! That's the way! But first.
! You coward! Calm down! Before we fight, you must become a man! Here I come, Mousse! Rats! Now--! Take that for eating my food!! Sh-Shampoo.
! Moose, quit following me around, willya? I must give Shampoo up and go back to China.
Don't give her up! No, I must go back to China like a man.
If you're so determined, I won't stop you, but.
Ranma! Akane! Hey, it's Mousse! You really are still in Japan.
Shampoo was looking for you.
She was?! Looking for me?! Shampoo!! Shampoo! Shampoo! Mousse, welcome home.
Mousse, come inside quick.
WELCOME HOME, MOUSSE Welcome home! Come here quick.
Th-This is all for me?! Of course, I cooked it with all my heart.
Shampoo! Now, Mousse, we go on hot-spring trip.
Watch restaurant, okay? Look after things, Mousse.
Shampoo! You do love me, after all! Shampoo!! I feel kind of sorry for him.
He'll never go back to China now.
Shampoo! I swear by the stars above.
I'll love you till I die!
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