Relic Hunter s03e22 Episode Script

So Shall it Be

Relic Hunter [♪.]
Aelwyn, the roman soldiers They're coming? Up the plain.
Then today will be a good day to die.
What about the astronomicons? We must remove them to the sanctuary.
Gather our brothers.
My blood is on your hands.
Murderer! Murderer! [heart beating.]
Everything seems to be in order.
Yeah, just no paper comes out.
None at all? [beeping.]
I tried that before I called the service guy.
Well it wasn't meant as a criticism.
You try setting up temporary office Everywhere syd goes to lecture.
You do a great job, I You do.
Thank you.
It's usually just a bit Of paper stuck in the Oh.
One Two Three.
I'll cancel the service guy.
Good morning.
Do I Sense a slight case Of undergraduate- seminar-itis? No, I had that dream again last night.
Da veiga, two nights running? Yeah, talk about your Midnight horror double feature.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
It must be the jet lag.
You have been immersed in all this Druid research recently.
Plus, you said yourself You're over- tired.
(nigel:) yeah.
So, what's up with you and da veiga? What? Dreaming about him like that, It's got to mean something.
What are you talking about? (karen:)come on, two nights in a row? Dreams are our subconscious working out What we can't, or won't, awake.
So mom used to tell me.
The last time we saw da veiga He was chasing us through the jungle with a pistol.
What's to work out? (karen:)you're not sure he survived, Are you? (syd:)nigel, run! [struggling.]
(nigel:)syd, syd.
(karen:)are you okay? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
Um Did you set up our first meeting? Yeah, gareth watson, The druid expert At bristol polytechnic.
He sent this fax confirming.
Meet him in his office.
You're not really taking any of her Pop psychology mumbo jumbo to heart, are you? Keep the change, thanks.
I must admit, We're still a little unclear As to the connection between dreams And the subconscious mind.
(andreas:)professor fox? Yes? Gareth watson.
I was expecting someone a little older.
Uh You must be nigel.
Shall we head inside? I'd like to throw you a bit Of a curve, I'm afraid.
I have a contact who called me To come and meet him.
But we just got here.
He offered to show me a map To the druid astronomicons.
So I'd like to make the same offer to you.
Don't tell me You're not interested.
In the keys to stonehenge? Sure.
I'm sorry to be so last-minute.
My contact just called me himself.
Shall we? Yeah.
A map to the astronomicons They've been lost for 2000 years.
Excuse me.
Gareth watson is signing books here, Today? I'm a huge fan.
He's downstairs.
Gareth watson? Yes.
I'm karen.
In fact, there was an expedition Mounted by hadrian in 121 a.
, But by the time his legions Got to salisbury plain, The druids had hidden them.
And no roman histories of gaul Give the slightest hint whether or not Any other evidence was ever found.
But If there is a map, It'll be the most extraordinary find Since they very rarely used parchment.
You don't suppose it's on oak bark, do you? He's not due until 10:13.
How did your colleague Come by this map anyway? He isn't my colleague.
He's an agent of the gural nataz.
How are they involved? In 60 seconds, A courier dressed in a blue trench coat, Carrying a titanium briefcase Will step off the train And step through those doors.
A car will meet him at the curb.
We will have the time that it takes him To reach the curb to intercept him.
Steal from the gural nataz? Are you crazy? Probably.
But letting a priceless relic Fall into their hands is not something I'm willing to let happen.
I'm betting you feel the same.
No way, it's too risky.
As risky as stealing back The pendant of tuthankhamen From their stronghold in izmir? Or of causing the arrest of An entire gural nataz cell in malta? The details of how we recovered That pendant were never made public.
Be that as it may Professor, his train's on time.
In 30 seconds we'll lose a chance to strike A blow to the very heart of the gural nataz.
If this is a setup, You won't even have to worry about The gural nataz I'll take care of you myself.
Now what are we supposed to do With this guy once we grab him? (andreas:)the courier has the map Inside the briefcase.
Come on.
Excuse me.
Change of plans.
We'll take it from here.
(syd:) thanks.
Got a knife? His contact probably has the key to that.
(andreas:) no, I do.
I don't think anyone followed us.
What's the combination? All the numbers left to right.
Once we get this thing open, I have a few questions for you.
Like where you get your information.
Oh my god.
(syd:)you're the answer man, watson.
I don't know.
You don't know? This wasn't in my information.
Did you dial the numbers correctly? Yes.
I don't suppose you have the number For a bomb disposal unit? Alright.
We can't just leave the map here.
A man who worked for My father's construction company Showed me how to do this once.
Defuse a bomb? It beat colouring books.
Don't worry, she has a fabulous memory For things she did as a child.
Actually, he taught me how to Wire a charge, never defuse it.
But it should work the same in reverse, Don't you think? Okay, step back.
There's enough c4 in there To blow the roof of the building off.
Okay, you've got to isolate your wires.
Blue, red, yellow, White and black.
Black's your power source.
Of course, it could also be red.
(nigel:)it's blue.
In every action movie, The hero always cuts the blue wire.
You want to risk our lives On information you got from the movies? White's always the ground, So Red is your backup battery, right.
But I only see one battery.
Must be black.
(nigel:) ah (syd:) black.
Ah Red.
Ah! Any other little tidbits of information You'd like to share with us? No.
No, at least I don't think so.
[cell phone ringing.]
Guess where I am? You know, This really isn't a great time, Lemme call you back.
Sydney, I'm at a book signing.
And the guest of honour is Your druid expert, gareth watson.
Describe him to me.
(karen:)just like the back of the book: Fifty, kind of cute, If you like the generous- Love-handles type.
Karen was just at a book signing.
Yeah? (syd:)with gareth watson.
Then who? (syd:)The hell are you?! Andreas da veiga.
Da veiga? His son.
Da veiga doesn't have a son.
That's closer to the truth than you know.
But why would I lie? I found about the courier by hacking into My father's computer a couple of days ago.
When? Two days ago.
Then I called you.
When did you hack into his computer? Sydney.
Two days ago.
Everything I'm telling you Is the truth, I swear.
So your father's still alive? Yes.
And I would do anything To bring him down.
(courier:)this is not my fault, da veiga.
You saw me.
I followed instructions.
Somebody compromised our security.
What, you going to tell the council? Obviously one of our dikes needs plugging.
Did you get a good look at The person with fox and bailey? I could pick him out a line-up.
Do you want me to go track them down? [gun shots.]
Thank you.
You know what this means? Yeah, we're in it up to our eyeballs.
Karen was right.
(syd:)it was coincidence.
(nigel:) was it? I think you had a druids dream.
I think you instinctively knew You were going to meet da veiga.
Sydney, nigel.
(nigel:)doesn't look much like a map, does it? I don't understand.
How's that supposed to Lead us to the astronomicons? There are words written down One side of the blade.
It's latin, I think They may reference the map.
First I nearly get us killed, Now I've stolen the wrong package.
Yeah, well you should have Come to us honestly.
(andreas:)I could have proved to you That I'm an academic in my own right.
Dedicated to the conservation of relics.
But I knew you'd never trust Anyone named da veiga.
I don't expect you to understand.
Try me.
(andreas:)after my father got back From the jungle, he was badly burned Doctors said he'd die.
He didn't.
He asked to see me.
I wouldn't at first.
He hadn't done more than Send me a card at christmas And birthdays since my mother died And he dumped me in boarding school.
He tried to tell me that what happened In the jungle had changed him.
He was going to re- dedicate his life To the conservation of relics, Make up for the time we never had.
I laughed in his face.
(nigel:) sydney.
This belonged to aelwyn, A druid high priest During hadrian's time.
The last time the astronomicons were seen.
Well, now taken literally, What's written on there Doesn't make any sense, The words are all jumbled up And in no particular order.
Code? None like I've ever seen.
Look at this.
Marks on the blade, Like grooves over the words.
As if something's been repeatedly Moved back and forth, Like a scabbard.
Might help you solve your word puzzle.
How? This scabbard, if it does exist, Might act as an ancient Druid message decoder.
We stand in the shadows, Protected by darkness, Hidden from light.
So is it always, So shall it be.
Who comes before the gural nataz? Stand and be recognized.
Can we do without this, rennes? I've had a very bad day.
We're all anxious To hear from you, fabrice.
Maybe the great da veiga would like To show his humiliation in private.
Rachel! You can't protect him forever, rennes.
Silence! I bring bad news.
My courier has died from the wounds He received fighting with the two thieves.
Then where are they now? They're being tracked according To standard protocol.
Where is the case? Why haven't you sent a team To cancel fox and bailey? I'm seeing to it, personally.
Very good, fabrice.
But this council will not Tolerate another failure.
I understand.
So it is spoken, So shall it be.
This high council is adjourned.
Mace? Follow da veiga.
Tap into his tracer frequency.
He'll see the power spike.
It will be too late.
Thanks, karen.
I'm not surprised you can't find Any information on the scabbard.
Well, I still have a few more People to hear back from.
Do you want me to wait? No.
It seems we've stirred up The hornet's nest here.
I need you to pack up, Get out of there And just keep your phone on.
You don't have to ask me twice.
Okay, thanks, kate.
No, interpol have no information On the scabbard either.
Looks like we've reached a dead end.
What about your father's house? Yes, it's possible He already has the scabbard.
You don't mean go there? We'd be sitting ducks.
I know the combination to his safe.
And I think I can get us past the alarms.
Even better.
Alright, let's wrap it up And get out of here.
You can't fault his taste.
I recognize this.
Yeah, he stole it from the National gallery in '93.
We're coming back here, And we're returning everything.
What happened to your mother? It was an accident.
Father never talks about it.
(syd:)were you about ten? (andreas:) eleven.
(nigel:)same age that you lost yours.
Put it back, andreas.
Rush him.
He can't kill us all.
That is the furthest thing from my mind.
Put the briefcase on the table.
(da veiga:)when you opened The briefcase This tracer bug started to transmit On a narrow band frequency Which I had kept from the gural nataz.
However, agents have now been dispatched And the man leading them will be Undoubtedly edward mace.
We have to leave before he gets here.
There's precious little time, He could be outside already.
Why are you helping us Against your own people? I have my reasons.
I don't want your help.
(da veiga:)I know you find this Hard to believe, andreas, But I am trying to save your life.
Maybe we could continue this elsewhere.
[machine gun fire.]
You set us up.
[machine gun fire.]
Give me the dagger and the scabbard.
No! (da veiga:)mace will have orders to take the contents Of the case.
He will not leave without them.
I'm sure I can convince him That you escaped.
What good are they to us If we're dead? (andreas:)no, don't believe him.
He's lying.
He always lies.
Andreas! No! Third man's got the case.
[gun shots.]
It's da veiga's son.
[gun shots.]
Watch your back.
Cover me! [gun shots.]
The other two got away.
They got andreas.
Edward mace is unrelenting and ruthless.
When he discovers he doesn't Have what he came for, He will be back with a vengeance.
Where will they take andreas? To the darkest place on earth.
I have to go after them.
(nigel:)let's see what we've got here.
The scabbard has holes along its length That coincide with words written On the inside of the blade.
Makes up a latin phrase.
"from sarsen stone, Beneath the druid's noch.
" (syd:) "peds.
" Is a roman measurement common to the time.
Yeah, the stride of an average man.
It would have been about Five-foot-two in those days.
Sarsen is a type of limestone, Indigenous to south- central England.
Also known as greywether, Or druidstone.
It's what stonehenge is made of.
And "druid's noch"? A period landmark.
The location of the astronomicon.
I'll call karen, Then we'll be off.
After we find andreas.
You mean rescue him from the gural nataz? (karen:) hello? Huh? Karen, nigel.
Yeah, I need you to look up a site.
It's called the druid's noch.
Circa 70 a.
This all seems so strange: You helping to rescue my son.
Yeah, well don't read Too much into it, da veiga.
It's you he needs saving from.
Thanks, karen.
Okay, she's on it.
I have to go.
Here, take this with you.
Sydney, we may need that.
We don't have that luxury.
He could trade it for andreas.
Because that's what you do, isn't it? Trade, steal When I show this to the gural nataz, They will decipher the code Just as you have done, And then they will send out more agents.
You have to find the astronomicons As fast as possible, And leave before they get there.
The thought had crossed my mind.
(mace:)it looks like da veiga Was working with sydney fox.
I can't wait to see rennes' face When I tell him.
And I'd have you to thank.
For delivering your father to me.
Why did you betray him? Was it power, Money? (mace:)they've used The empty case as a decoy.
Where is the dagger And the scabbard? Don't be stupid.
Tell me.
Or I'll turn you over to him.
That must be karen.
Ahh Sorry I'm late.
I found the druid's noch On an ancient roman map.
And I brought you those crumpets That you like from marks and spencer.
Thank you, karen, you're an angel.
You owe me five quid.
The noch was a small hill That was significant as a place Of worship for druids In wales 2000 years ago.
The druids supposedly hid From encroaching romans in underground Caves that were used for worship.
Alright, why don't you head back to the hotel.
Stay out of sight.
We'll keep in touch.
Okay, see you guys later.
(mace:) nothing.
Keep trying.
I'm certain he knows.
Da veiga just arrived.
Da veiga has arrived.
He's called the high council into session.
What the hell is he up to? (da veiga:)so I come with The offer of a trade, Following the finest traditions of our order.
My son's life For that which you seek.
Fabrice da veiga.
Once the most esteemed brother Of the gural nataz.
Now, a man who's reputation And even loyalty is in question.
For no good reason, I assure you.
But to show my trust in the Chairman's wisdom and mercy I have brought the dagger and scabbard.
I have new information for the council.
He is working with sydney fox.
The agent who recovered the case Saw it for himself.
(rennes:)I will render my decision shortly.
Recover the astronomicons, Eliminate bailey and fox.
By now, da veiga must have Handed over the dagger and The scabbard to the gural nataz.
They've probably decoded the runic And have sent out their goons.
Do you have to agree with everything I say? Sure.
[wind blowing.]
Syd, look.
[door unlocking.]
[door slamming.]
Guard! I don't want him in here! I don't think either of us have a choice.
I gambled and lost.
This rock, It's different from the others.
What are you thinking? It's been brought here, Quarried elsewhere? This is sarsen stone.
Just like at Stonehenge.
(syd:) uh huh.
Look at this.
The druid symbol for sunrise.
(nigel:) huh? Okay, let's assume for the moment That this is the sarsen stone, Referred to by the dagger.
Alright, 240 peds from here.
But in which direction? Sunrise East.
Underneath the druid's noch.
Alright, 240 steps.
Peds, very small steps.
One, two Nine, Wait a minute, look.
This is a druid "keep out" sign.
Keep out of where? Nigel.
There's an opening.
Ugh Sorry.
(nigel:)it's a death maze.
We should leave some bread crumbs To find our way out.
I don't have anything, Do you have something? I've got some string.
Let's go this way.
How do you know it's that way? [♪.]
All this time, And I don't know where to begin.
You can't just decide to change your life And expect to make up for All the ruined years of mine.
No, you're right.
I can't deny my past, andreas.
What I did, I did.
But you were a fool To take on the gural nataz.
You had what you wanted.
You knew the dagger and sheath Would lead you to the astronomicons.
And they had you.
You still don't believe that I had exchanged them for you, do you? I understand your doubt.
My misdeeds have led to this.
Physical scars change my appearance, But nothing compares to what has Happened to me on the inside.
All those days facing death, I came to realize that Nothing mattered more to me Than you.
These symbols may very well describe How the druids accurately predicted The movements of the heavens Thousands of years before the mayans.
(syd:) careful.
(nigel:) eugh, These are heavier than they look.
We'll have to come back for the third one.
Not me.
Sh, sh.
Come on.
[door unlocking.]
Your offer is rejected.
You can't do this, rennes.
As a member of high council, I invoke the rule of seven.
That is your prerogative.
You are free to go.
What's going on? You said you gambled and lost.
His offer of trade was rejected.
Under an ancient rule, Your father has substituted his life for yours.
(andreas:) father.
Don't be a fool, andreas.
Go now, While you still have the chance.
Good-bye, fabrice.
I'm looking forward to your execution.
And I promise, It will be slow and painful.
[door slamming.]
[door locking.]
I hope you're okay About going back alone, because I am never coming back in here, We're going to get ourselves killed.
Don't worry, I'll go back alone.
Eugh! Cobwebs.
Pass them through to me.
Let's get out of here! I'm not breaking up this set.
But there are three men with guns! I've got to go back.
Syd? Syd Syd! (mace:)what's this? [♪.]
What are you doing? Leading them back into the maze.
I've got to go back.
(mace:)they're behind us.
Trask, that way.
Durgin [♪.]
Ugh! [moaning.]
(trask:) durgin? Durgin! [♪.]
Two down, one to go.
(mace:) trask? [bang.]
(syd:)hey, q-tip.
Aaargh! Are you all right? Yeah.
How's your hand? Better.
He looks so comfortable.
Think we should leave him? Did you double-check the forecast? (nigel:)double, and triple-checked, I'm afraid.
No point taking these out of stonehenge If we can't see the sun to use them.
Or the moon.
Well, the forecast says it's going to Be like that for the next couple weeks.
Gotta love that english weather.
Well, the sun's going to come out Sooner or later.
Someone broke into my apartment.
The gural nataz? Well, whoever it was, They left a message.
To be delivered to you.
Me? (nigel:)what does it say? "tic-toc.
" That's the same message He left us after cambodia.
Who? Your father, He's alive.
Subtitle by: Kiasuseven
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