Republic of Doyle (2009) s01e01 Episode Script

Fathers and Sons

Jake, you used to be a lot faster.
Dad, you're not helping! Now now, patience is a virtue, son.
Oh, just bite me.
We got you.
We got you.
Stay here.
Follow him! Don't go up there.
It's too dangerous.
Too late, I'm committed! For God sakes, we're private investigators, not militia men.
What's your problem?! - You nearly killed the both of you.
- I'd ask you to help me, but you'll never get your walker down here.
I'm going home.
Don't mind him, he's emotional at times.
~ Willow's Team ~ This is uncalled for, man, I got rights, you know.
I'm an artist.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Why is he still here? Is there a brain in there or just dandelion? - You pushed him off a building! - It wasn't that bad.
- He shouldn't be here.
He could sue us.
- I gotta put him somewhere.
Maybe I will sue you.
And I'm hungry, maybe you can get me some toast or a banana or eggs or something.
- Shut up! - Why aren't you at school? I'm not feeling good.
Women troubles.
Really? That's the third time this month.
Why don't you go to the clinic? - I'll get right on that.
- Mal, we have a client, remember? Dr.
Natche ? - Right.
- What's that all about? - Who's this? - Des Courtney, baby.
In the flesh and I'm going to sue you, I'm probably get the house.
How old are you? - That looks bad.
- It doesn't even hurt.
- Oh yeah? - Yeah, yeah.
I'm fit, girl.
- You're fit are ya? - Yeah, I'm fit.
He's fine.
He won't sue.
Will ya, buddy? That's your grand daughter.
Now you listen to me, all right ? You spray painting this city is getting on everyone's nerves.
- Especially city hall's.
- It's my art.
- It is not art.
- I like it.
- Thank you.
- Shut up and stay out of this.
I catch you spray painting the city again, I'll shove this can of paint directly up your arse.
Do you understand? Jake.
Get in here right now.
- You're a real dick, you know.
- Beat it.
- Have a seat.
- Thanks.
So he fired his lawyer? Why? I don't know.
I don't know what to do, where else to turn.
The police found Benny standing over his boss.
Brian Harris.
Benny was covered in blood with the assault weapon in his hand.
- Where are the cops with this? - They think he did it and Benny isn't helping.
He refuses to defend himself.
Says he doesn't remember.
If I beat someone like this, I tell you, I'd remember.
Amir, this is an open police case.
We're private detectives.
- But you can use your influence.
- I haven't been a cop for years.
Benjamin is my son, he's accused of almost killing a man.
Jake, you and Benny grew up together.
You know he couldn't do this to anyone.
He need your help.
We'll do everything we can.
Be careful what you say to Benny, you know what he's like.
- Stubborn, like you.
- I know what I'm doing.
- I gotta take this.
All right? - Oh c'mon.
I haven't got all day.
- Would you relax a little bit? - You're always on that thing.
No wonder your ears glow in the dark.
- How bad is it, Walter? - Do you want to reconcile? Very funny.
What does she want? It's Nikki, she wants everything.
Are you at a strip club? No.
Well yeah.
Walter, it's still morning, man.
- The brunch has scallops now.
- Hold on I have another call.
- Hello? - You son of a bitch.
What are you doing? We gotta talk through our lawyers.
I'm your wife.
I want to talk to you, not stupid Walter.
Hold on.
- It's her.
- Tell her to talk to me.
I did.
She's not exactly into that idea.
- What does she want? - Hold on, I'll ask her? - What do you want? - For you to grow a pair.
Okay, just hold on.
Walter, she's insane.
How did you let me marry her in the first place? Still me.
- Walter? - Yeah? Get me a restraining order or something, okay? - Come on! - Coming! Sorry about that.
Benny! Still wearing the school colour, I see.
- What are ya doing here? - Your father hired us.
What? No.
Jake, I don't want him involved.
All right? Benny, look around, buddy.
You're in jail.
He's pretty involved already.
Benny, sometimes it helps to talk it through with someone you know and trust.
Tell me about this Brian guy, your boss.
He runs the party boat in the harbour, throws raves.
I'm his DJ.
Jake, seriously man.
This is just going to upset my dad.
Upset? You're in serious trouble.
This isn't the cops, this isn't your old man.
This is me.
You gotta tell me what happened.
Please? I don't remember.
Not a thing.
- I don't.
- I've studied the police report.
It says you and Brian Harris had an argument, then you both left.
Then there's cops everywhere, and you're covered in his blood! So they tell me.
"So they tell me?" - That's your rock solid defense? - Jake, don't push me man.
Buddy or no.
Why were you fighting with Brian Harris? I don't know! All right? Brian was always raging about something.
What do you mean? Boys, Brian makes a ton of cash, okay? I wanted my cut.
That's probably why we were fighting.
And I was railed on E, okay? I was totally messed up.
If I got in a fight, I probably done it.
Okay, boys? Thank you very much.
Guard! Benny, it wasn't you.
This isn't you.
I'm gonna prove it.
Boys, I don't remember.
So just drop it.
Okay? Thanks.
Well, at least he cares about upsetting his father.
I don't know.
Benny was high, lost it and hit him.
- It's plausible.
- But complete memory loss? We've all blacked out from time to time, I've blacked out, what? Hundreds of time maybe.
I always remember something the next day.
But why not try to clear your name? It doesn't make any sense.
Benny was the star DJ on a party boat owned by the victim, Brian Harris.
Now Brian is a real piece of business, a muscle boy with 'roid rage issues.
His wife is Theresa Harris.
What a lucky gal.
The party boat is co-owned with the wife's sister, one Laura Dawe.
So let me get this straight.
Our victim is in business with his sister-in-law, Laura? - Quite the menage a trio.
- And the boys downtown tell me it was a wonder the boat could float with all the drugs on board.
I guess that's where Benny got the E from.
The erection drug? Dad, E is ecstasy.
I'm joking, dumb ass.
I worked the drug squad, remember? We know all about the erection drug, don't we? The only drug I need is love.
Are you two trying to make me puke? The only other player here is Tom O'Dea.
Part-time DJ, has a record for possession and trafficking.
Drugs never hurt anyone.
Not a one.
Lots of reason to think someone other than Benny had it in for this guy.
All right, I'm gonna go see the wife.
- Of course.
- Seriously, see what she might know.
Go ahead.
And I'm gonna talk to the DJ.
- The erection drug? - Yeah.
Yeah, bye.
Where are you going, sir? Can we help you? Yeah, I could use your help.
It's okay, I know him.
Jake, meet Constable Leslie Bennit.
Nice to meet you.
Leslie, Jake Doyle.
Pet detective.
Oh, Pike, you are hilarious.
What do you want, Mr.
Doyle? Call me Jake, and I'm a private detective and I'm actually working the Brian Harris assault.
- That's an ongoing case.
- He's so smart.
Yeah, I know that, Pike.
Actually, were you just checking me out? - Excuse me? - You were just You were totally checking me out.
No? Did you see that? You weren't checking me out.
All right, okay.
This case its like a family favour type thing, and I would really appreciate if I could talk to Mrs.
Harris for a few minutes.
Somehow that doesn't surprise me.
Thank you.
Theresa Harris? I'm really about this.
Do you mind if I My name is Jake Doyle.
I'm a private detective.
I was hired by Benny Natche's father.
- For Benny.
- I know this is really inappropriate, and you're probably gonna call the cops on me and they're gonna throw me out.
But do you mind if i ask you a couple of questions? Yeah, I guess.
Thank you very much.
Look I don't think Benny did this to your husband.
Sure maybe they were high and had a fight, but Benny is not capable of this.
- The police say it was Benny.
- Yeah, I know, I just Can you think of anyone, anyone at all that might have had a grudge against your husband? Maybe wanted to hurt him? Brian People don't understand him.
They think he's just some muscle head.
But if you know him I'm sorry, this isn't such a good idea.
Theresa, we're just trying to make sure that the right person responsible goes to jail for this.
You know? I'm sorry.
Who are you? Jake Doyle, I'm a private detective.
Is she going to be okay? Besides the fact that her husband is in a coma, and that she's 3 months pregnant, she's fine.
- She's three months pregnant? - A private detective? - What do you want? - I was just Oh my God, you're Laura Dawe? You're his business partner? Yes.
What do you want? I was just asking your sister if she knew of anyone that maybe wanted to hurt Brian.
Yeah, Benny Natche, the guy who did this to him.
- Creep, go.
Go! - I'm going.
Look, I'm sorry.
If you think of anything, anything at all.
My number's Looks like it's going to be quite the party.
You knows it.
You want to pimp your home entertainment centre? I don't need any speakers, thank you Tom.
You're a DJ on a party boat.
You with the compensation board? I'm not here about any insurance claim, either.
But, I could be.
So you'd better be answering some questions.
Like what? What happened on the boat with Brian Harris and Benny Natche? No, I already told the cops.
I've got pictures of you lugging them boxes.
All right! Brian and Benny were scrappin'.
They was always scrappin'.
- What were they fighting about? Drugs? - All's I know is Brian heads off the boat.
A bit later, Benny takes off too.
Next thing I knows is, five oh's is everywhere.
Anyone other than Benny have problems with Brian? Here and there.
I heard he ran into some static out west.
Out west? Alberta, baby.
That's why he came back.
What's your day job, Tom? Huh? You're an accountant, aren't you? Nah, man.
Bank teller.
I'll just hang on to these.
In case I have some more questions.
Peace man! Brian Harris "Blood forced trauma to the head" check.
What else we got.
Brian! Brian.
Brian? Brian, Brian? Who did this to ya' buddy? Brian? Code blue! Code blue! - Jake, what - I didn't do anything.
- I didn't touch him.
- Get out! - I was working on - Get out! Going.
Going, going.
Totally going.
So I think you guys are gonna handle this.
You are unbelievable! - What?! - "What?" What are you doing here? I didn't come here to see you, Nikki, okay? - This has nothing to do with us.
- Who said that? I'm at work.
You have no right to be here at my place of work.
I'm working too okay? I'm on a case.
I need to know what happened to the dead guy.
I'm a doctor, it's confidential.
It's a criminal investigation.
Would you stop being so dramatic? Jake? Walk away.
Scram! Go on.
Give the girl some peace.
Shu! Fine.
Atta boy.
- Good to see you.
- Same, Mal.
Look I know you really shouldn't, but it'd be good to know.
Subdural hematoma.
He crashed, there was nothing we could do.
Thank you.
And for the record, you made him a better person.
See yah.
See yah.
Why do you have to aggravate that poor girl? I wasn't aggravating anyone.
The cause of death was the brain trauma sustained in the attack.
- What did you find out? - The wife's a mess, the sister's a head case, and there is cops everywhere.
Benny's going to be on the hook for a manslaughter charge at the very least.
I'm thinking there is a lot more than that going on.
It's gotta be connected to those drugs on the party boat.
Now look.
Nothing says home from the Alberta like a cowboy hat, does it? - What do think of that? - Interesting.
That other DJ from the boat said Brian had some troubles back in Alberta.
Maybe those troubles came home to find him.
I'll take a snap, e-mail it to Rose.
She can run a dmv check for us.
Hey, Tinny, how's school? - Fine.
- Good.
Anything new going on? Anything cool? - Cool? - Yeah.
Okay good.
Listen, Tinny, I know it's a bit of an adjustment, you moving in with me and your grandfather.
You probably think we're a bit weird.
But I just want you to know that I'm here for you and, you know, your mum's away and everything and you can talk to me.
If you can't hear me, I might as well be straight with you.
I didn't move into this house expecting to babysit a 16 year old brat.
So keep it up with the attitude.
One night I'll sneak into your room and ring your bloody neck.
It wasn't turned on yet.
Brian is dead.
You're going to go for manslaughter.
He's dead? Are you sure? - Yeah.
- You need another lawyer, son.
You sure it was ecstasy you were on that night? - You lecturing me on my drug use now? - No, I'm not.
But no one does ecstasy and kills a guy.
Just stop with this now, okay? I got nothing else to say.
I told you already.
There's a lot of cops at the hospital.
Why? We know there is more going on here than this assault.
Just stop it.
Who are these guys? Who are they? Benny.
- I don't know.
- Are they connected? Are they connected?! I am going to find out what's going on.
I just hope it's not too late when I do.
You only get one second with this sign-in book.
I could get into trouble.
- Thanks, Reg.
- Yeah, we appreciate it, buddy.
Nobody knows about this, got me? - Malachy? - Okay, Reg.
You think Benny's scared? Someone trying to threaten him? What? The cowboys? Let's see if they've paid him a visit.
Laura Dawe, Brian's sister-in-law is visiting Benny in jail.
- You sure? - Yes, that's her name right there.
See? Reading, it's a marvelous thing.
Should try it some time.
Could we have a look at the surveillance footage? For this day.
What are you, on glue? Maybe not.
Thanks for your help.
Doyle, next time I see you at the goulds track, walk the other way.
I'll be walking the other way.
Why would Laura be coming to visit the guy who killed her sister's husband? I don't know, lets go ask her.
See you, Reg.
Shall we? Might as well.
Hello? Laura? Laura Dawe? I love what she's done with the place.
Unless we find a dead cleaning lady somewhere in here, I'd say this looks pretty suspicious.
There is an astute observation there, Banachek.
Oh, look at this.
What do you think? Using the scale for baking? Big doubters there.
Looks to me like Brian and Laura are supplying the boat and the party.
I'll go have a look around.
You do that.
Yeah, there's coke in this, dad, for sure.
Big Gym.
Well, you could lift Brian.
Dad? - What happened? - He went through the window.
Was he like a a bearded guy? Cowboy looking fella? It's not like he was wearing the hat.
- Do you want my help? - I'd rather crawl.
- What the hell are you doing?! - He's fallen and he can't get up.
I'm calling the police.
You don't have to be at that.
Hold on.
No, go right ahead.
Call 'em.
Somebody feng shui-ed this place pretty good, right? Something to do with the party favours? You and Brian have been selling some coke on that boat.
I'll take pictures, you call the cops, they'll straighten the whole thing out.
The only people I see here are you two.
For all I know, you trashed the place.
If you really thought that, you would be calling the cops right now.
I'm Malachy Doyle.
I'm a private detective and this is my son, Jake.
We met.
We're investigating Brian Harris' death and your door was open.
That's right.
Why were you visiting Benny Natche in prison? - What? - It just seems odd you would visit him after he put your business partner and brother-in-law in hospital.
Was Benny trying to protect you for something? Maybe because you're involved horizontally? I have no idea what you're talking about.
He's looking at a murder charge yet refuses to defend himself.
That's your signature, right? Come have a look, please.
We took this from the log book at the prison.
Look familiar? He works for me.
So I owe him at least a visit.
Conjugal visit? I don't care if you were sleeping with Benny, - but why are you trying to hide it? - Brian was a jerk.
He ran the business up his nose and down into the ground.
I didn't know that people coming to see Benny was the only thing keeping us afloat for months.
So, I was just trying to be kind.
Benny knows what he did.
Now, if you'll excuse me, my little sister's burying her husband.
So get out.
Now! Come on.
Wow, this must be fate.
Are you following me now? Please, I just need ten minutes of your time.
Let me buy you some chips? Can we get two chips, please? We think Benny was having an affair with Laura Dawe, Brian Harris' sister-in-law.
She is also co-owner of the party boat.
You got any signs of her when you were investigating your drug sting thingy? - What drug sting thingy? - What drug sting thingy? C'mon! Look at these two guys.
Look familiar? Cowboy friends there? I did some research.
Travis Lee and Jason Ward.
Both these guys were working with Brian in Alberta and both have rap sheets for drug possession.
What is your point, Mr.
Doyle? Would you please call me Jake? Seriously.
My point is I know you were investigating Brian before he got his head bashed in.
And I think these guys are connected somehow.
My niece she likes to re-program my ring tones.
- Cute.
- Yeah, she'll be dead soon.
Look, I need to know, is Benny hooked up in any of this or not? Please? Your friend Benny was covered in Brian Harris' blood.
He was holding the weapon in his hands.
But as far as I know, he has nothing to do with any drugs or Alberta.
Seriously? - Thank you.
- For what? He's a very close friend of mine, and I appreciate this.
I talked with my contact at the pen.
He was able to lift this surveillance photo of Laura signing in.
That's her, all-right.
Contact? I'm not the only one with connections.
- How come there is no sound? - It isn't satellite TV.
"Laura, it's the only way.
It's the least he owes us.
" That's it.
Where did you learn to read lips? I got my own mystery.
How did Jake Doyle know about these guys before us? He has his ways.
We've been working this party boat for weeks, trying to find Laura Dawe and Brian Harris' suppliers.
And a P.
shows up and knows all about it? I didn't say a word.
What's his deal anyway? Is he gonna be a problem? Nah.
He was a cop back in the day.
Uniform didn't fit, I don't think.
Hey there! Anybody selling any drugs? Howdy, just looking for some drugs.
You have got to be kidding me? What is he doing here? What do you want to do? Looks like the cowboys are bailing.
Let's go, now.
Everybody move in now! Sorry.
Excuse me.
Uncle Jake, what are you doing here? What are you doing here, young lady? - "Young lady?" - Yes, yeah.
Young lady.
You want something, old man? Not a good time to go full plumage, kid.
Nobody leaves this boat.
Don't move, stay where you are.
Not great with the third impressions, are we, Jake? If you told me you were gonna be here, maybe I wouldn't have come.
"Told you?" You're a private detective.
Why would I tell you anything? We had a very high-risk op.
Yeah, I know.
I know you wanted to pick them up on possession.
They didn't have the drugs on them.
How do you know that? Did you find any drugs on them? - I didn't do anything wrong.
- Stay out of my way or I will put you in jail.
That's a little excessive, Constable.
But Man, she needs to get laid.
You don't even start with me, niece.
Jake? Jake, hey? - Don't you have to get up? - No.
Yeah, honey, you have a lawyer thing.
You know, your divorce, your ex-wife? Oh, no Sorry.
Sorry I'm late.
- You look great.
- You look like crap.
Shall we proceed? My client is willing to negotiate an even split regarding the home.
Due to the obvious market increase, there will be a profit for both parties.
We agree in principle, but we're gonna detail in long form.
All furniture should be divided equally, except the large flat screen television No, no.
That's mine.
You know that's mine.
- We have a list of demands.
- "Demands?" - Please.
My client - Hey, don't try it.
It's mine.
My client will allow your client to keep the flat screen television.
What? Why? - Are you joking? - You know what? I don't want the TV.
Stop! Stop being so childish.
No, no.
I know doing here.
You're putting on this manipulative spin crap.
She's trying to be a martyr.
Aren't you, Nikki? - It's not gonna work.
- Do you hear this? A year of this! Do I understand that your client refuses to take the TV? - Oh no, he's taking it.
- Nikki, please.
You want me to take it? I'll take it under one condition.
Jake, you wanna let me handle this? Shut up, Walter.
What condition? We stay the hell away from one another for ever and ever.
You are such a bastard! We made a promise! We made a promise in front of God, Jake! Did you forget that!? Yes! Because we were drunk! Lets just all try and calm down! Walter, can you please deal with this! Get me a restraining order.
That's what I want.
A restraining order.
Crazy! Oh my God, what do you want me to do? Wash my eyes out with acid? How'd it go? It went good.
I think we're making some good progress.
Well, we've been doing a some thinking.
I can see you're thinking all over your old man lips there.
We were thinking that it's clear Laura and Theresa are holding back on us.
Someone trashed the place, which means they have something someone wants.
But what that something is, we have no idea.
Whoever trashed the place, they didn't found it.
Plus, you seem to have ruined whatever was going down on that boat, Bozo.
What can I say? Trouble just has a way of finding me.
I think it's the other way around.
They need to make another exchange.
- We need to find a way to get in on it.
- But how? See? Nothing says desperation like a really hot girl drinking alone at a bar.
My God.
Are you hitting on me now? I can if you want me to.
Please don't tell me you're gonna mace me? Check, please! Your brother in-law, your boyfriend in jail, two cowboys.
That's some load of men to have in your life.
Don't know what you're talking about.
These are the two guys that broke into your apartment.
They were looking for something and didn't find it cause I interrupted them.
- Okay, you're outta your mind.
- I don't think so.
See, I think this has something to do with drugs.
Whatever it was, you were trying to exchange it with them on the boat.
How do you know that? Are you spying on me? Day and night.
Seeing how this is like our first date, you should let me get that, you could get the movie.
I wouldn't let you buy me a drink if you were the last dick on earth.
Leave me and my sister alone.
- Jake Doyle? - Yeah? Peace Bond.
From your wife.
You've been served.
Have a nice day.
Peace Bond? What is that, like a restraining order? Hurry up, we gotta plant this bug.
- You should talk to her.
- I am not allowed to talk to her.
It's the whole point.
I mean I can scream at her from a hundred yards if that's what you want.
These things are pretty cheap these days.
You could buy a new ones.
- These work fine.
- They work fine? Just like the last one you planted.
Remember how it didn't work except for the 15 minutes of polka-dot door we picked up.
That's a good show.
Rose thinks I should let you plant these from now on.
You know, that Rose, I always knew that she had great taste.
Except for men.
She doesn't have great taste in men.
- Meaning you.
- Watch your mouth.
That's the love of my life.
- Got it.
- Hello, ladies.
Saddle up.
Morning, sunshine.
Well, it's not really morning, - more like afternoon.
- Let me out of here man.
Are you the fellows that are responsible for my buddy Benny ending up in jail? Number thirty-five.
Hey, what's that for? What's that all about? Let me up.
What's the key for, Tra Are you No, you must be Travis, right? You're Travis.
What's the key for, buddy? You better tell me.
You're wondering if I will actually do it? Let me tell you something.
Benny is one of my best friends, in fact he is almost family.
And if you're responsible for him being in jail, - yes, you better believe I'll do it.
- Man what are you talking about?! Drug deal with Brian, you wanted to cut him out maybe? Let Benny take the fall? Something like that? Are you nuts! Brian dying is like the worst this that could have happened.
Now I gotta deal with this Laura cow.
- Sure about that? - If I see you again, you're a dead man! See, that's the kind of stuff you say to a guy when you're not about to be electrocuted in a bathtub.
What's your problem with Laura? We had a deal for some coke, I gave Brian the money and he dies before we can get it.
I know it is supposed to be in a gym locker! - You sure? - Yes! - You telling the truth? - Yes! You better be.
I don't want your money pal and I don't want your drugs.
But if I find out you're the reason Benny is in jail Have a nice day.
Now you and your BFF, can ride off into the sunset together.
Hey! You looking for me? Brian Harris got my son into drugs.
That's why I did it.
I killed him.
Arrest me.
I killed Brian Harris.
Natche is sticking to his confession, they're holding him pending further investigation.
- This doesn't make any sense.
- I know, but when it comes to family, it doesn't have to make sense.
A father will do anything for his kids.
- Oh yeah? Would you die for me? - No.
- Take a bullet for me? - No.
- Go to jail for me then? - God, no.
It's a full time job trying to keep you out of there.
- It's your father.
- He's in jail.
- What? What for? - Right now? Creating a disturbance, and public intoxication.
But if it's up to him, by evening it'll be in for manslaughter cause he confessed to Brian's murder.
- He wasn't even there.
- It's funny how people would do that.
Take the rap for something they didn't do.
The apple doesn't fall far.
Do your remember when we were kids? Every time we got into trouble, you always took the rap.
What did I tell you? Don't We know Laura came to visit you, Benny, we know that.
She did, didn't she? You rolled over, just like always.
But if she killed him - We gotta get dad out.
- We can't.
Only you can do that.
Benny, you gotta think about your family and what you're doing to them.
I am thinking about my family.
Guard? - Guard, I want to make a statement.
- What are you doing? I killed Brian Harris and I want to sign a confession.
What do we got? We got a locker full of drugs, two cowboys, Benny in jail, a lying sister and a pregnant widow.
- A pregnant widow.
- A pregnant widow! All right.
So we already know that Benny is lying to us.
We know that for sure.
And if a father, well most fathers will do anything for his kids.
- Benny's the father.
- Maybe Benny is the father.
Just give me you're camera.
Find the picture from the sign in book with Laura's signature in it.
I got this in here.
- Here you go.
- Okay.
This is Laura's real signature, all right? This is her signature from the sign in book.
- They don't match.
- They don't match.
Oh, great.
You two again.
Reg, buddy.
Great to see you again.
Listen, I just need you to answer one question.
Which one of these girls was visiting Benny in prison? Look closely now.
- That's her.
- You sure about that? Her hair's brown now though.
Her hair is brown now.
Brown like a wig maybe? - What the hell are you doing? - Going on a trip, are we? While my childhood friend confesses to a murder he didn't commit, nice.
You might not want to carry heavy items in your condition.
- Theresa, don't.
- Where's the wig? You like dressing up like your sister when you go visit the father of your unborn baby in prison? Benjamin is a good name for a boy.
Or is it a girl? It's gonna be nice to have a doctor in the family.
What? Brian found out you were carrying Benny's child.
I guess he wasn't too happy about it? - How do you know about - Shut up.
Get out right now.
Your husband was beating the crap out of Benny, you grabbed something you stopped him.
Theresa, if Brian was going to kill Benny, there are ways around this.
The law is the law.
- If you were protecting him.
- Don't listen to him.
- We know you never meant to kill Brian.
- There's no proof for any of this.
We're not listening to you, cause you tells lies.
I didn't mean for Benny to take the blame for any of this, you know? All the drug money in the world can never get you far enough away from this.
Theresa, you need to get a lawyer, and you have to come clean with what you did.
You have to do the right thing here.
- What's going on? - It's going to be okay, Benny.
We have a good lawyer.
Theresa is going to be fine.
Your child will be fine.
We will do this together.
I was talking to Walter, they're gonna be laying charges.
But it could go either way.
Lawful defense of a third party.
So there's a chance that Theresa won't have to have her baby behind bars.
Still a hell of a way to start a family.
If Benny had just approached this calmly from the start, - they might never have happened.
- Yeah.
- There's a lesson for you in this, too.
- Is there really? - Calm.
- Calm? - Yeah.
- That's the lesson? Listen, you wouldn't die for me, would you? Nope.
I've another son as well as a daughter, which makes you expendable.
You're the third born.
The runt of the litter.
The fatherly love from you is like one of those Latter Day Saints Commercials.
- So much compassion.
- Move out of my house! I'll move out when I'm good and ready.
Lets go buddy.
Bed time.
Yes, buddy.
Like you would.
- Doyle.
- I got your little tip.
The drugs were in the locker, just like you said.
Constable, it was my pleasure.
I was just trying to atone for the whole boat debacle.
If you want, sometime, I can really truly make it up to you.
We're even, I think.
If you change your mind, I'll be here all night.
You're a cop, I'm pretty sure you can figure out my address.
You never know.
Night, Mr.
Night, Constable.
No way.
She's here.
What the hell are you doing here? ~ Willow's Team ~
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