Space: Above and Beyond s01e10 Episode Script

Choice or Chance (2)

Previously on Space: Above and Beyond.
We've got a bandit over the bow.
This has never happened in this war, sir.
A wounded enemy bird.
Now we know where they're from.
Let's pay 'em a hostile visit.
- It'll be our Trojan horse.
- It's a suicide mission, Commodore.
We're losing her.
We got company.
Let's move! We're gonna get you out of here.
I promise.
Hang on.
- [Panting.]
- Stay back.
- I'm out.
- Two rounds.
Hawkes, what are you doin'? - I ain't leavin' 'em.
- We're outnumbered.
- The only way we can save them is to save ourselves first.
- All right.
- [Man #1.]
Can't go on.
- [Man #2.]
Move it.
Let's go.
Move it.
Come on.
- Move it.
- Hey.
Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan, it's Kylen! [All Grunting.]
! Nathan.
! Kylen.
! We're entering the Cerus system, sir.
We got a 155.
We got a 154.
- No indications of an alien fleet.
- Be on alert.
They may be positioned on the dark side of the planet.
Talk to me, Marine Lieutenant Webb.
I want a report on that wreckage.
Is that a Chig bomber? We're scanning the debris now, but it'll take time to reassemble.
Sir, we could get jumped out here by the Chigs - at any second.
- Patience, Lieutenant Krantz.
We didn't take the risk of coming all this way to leave empty-handed.
Did we? [Webb.]
Got it.
Stand by for V.
Alien bomber extrapolation is up, screen two.
- Fuselage.
- [Beep.]
Weapons chamber.
There's a huge chunk missing right here.
Looks like a missile impact.
It's a life pod.
We studied the bomber before you did.
Apparently we did a better job.
There's an escape vehicle in that section, Commodore.
And your pilots seem to have used it.
[Electricity Crackling.]
Semper fi.
Let's go.
Move it.
Come on.
- [Panting.]
- [Groans.]
Go on, Hawkes.
I'm slowing you down.
- No way, Colonel.
The A.
's are tracking us.
- Stay with me, you die.
Now you go on, you find a way out for all of'em.
- For all of us.
Come on.
- Go! That's an order, Lieutenant.
You've done a very bad thing.
What's your name? Hmm? You can call me Elroy-El 1327.
I was designed as a humor model.
A silicate to make you smile.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
Now, I know you're allowed to tell me your name and I just hate people who are impolite.
Wang, Paul.
First lieutenant, number 9483034828.
Well, it's nice to meet you Wang, Paul, 948-34-30928.
I'd like to welcome you to our little penal work facility.
Now, I'm sure there's a gag in there somewhere.
Sure there is.
Well let me fill you in on what we're up to here, Wang, Paul, okay? You're in alien-occupied territory but I'm sure you knew that, right? Oh, and by the way they hate when you call them aliens and Chigs.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
In fact, they call you "alien" and a name that translates- well, loosely into "red stink creature.
" It's a little more poetic, of course, when they say it, but- [Sniffing.]
Your blood smells repugnant to them.
They're a wonderful species.
And we A.
's get on with them very well.
In fact, we run this prison facility for them because the air is just impossible on them.
In return, we get to keep certain raw fuels that are mined.
Now that's very fair.
[Neck Cracks.]
Wouldn't you say? Yes.
They are very, very fair.
Kind, caring just.
- All the things you carbonites are not.
- [Groans.]
Right, Wang, Paul? Yeah.
You know, you invaded their territory first, didn't you? Didn't you? You threatened them first, now, didn't you? [Whispers.]
Didn't you? And this morning you murdered innocent lives.
Civilian lives.
Young lives.
Didn't you, Wang, Paul? - With your insensitive bombing attack.
- [Electricity Crackling.]
Didn't you? - [Crackles.]
- [Grunts.]
[Paul Screaming.]
[Shield Hums.]
- [Electronic Twitter.]
- [Shield Whooshes.]
Choice or chance? Chance or choice? - [Electronic Twitter.]
- [Whoosh.]
Choice or chance? [Electronic Twitter.]
- Kylen? - Nathan? Nathan.
Where are you? How can I get to you? No, no.
Don't talk.
There's no time.
We know a way out.
It's dangerous.
Another will help us.
Be ready.
It could be at any time.
Just be ready.
I love you.
[Electronic Twitter.]
Quick, quick! Put it back! Put it back! Believe in me.
- [Grunts.]
- I went back to the life pod.
- No sign of the Cards.
- I thought I told you to go on without me.
I followed the road they left by, but I couldn't find where they took 'em.
Time's running out, Colonel.
We gotta find them.
- Come on, sir.
You better take it easy.
- We gotta move.
There's an A.
Patrol that direction.
Is that a problem? - [Beeps.]
- [Shield Whooshes.]
Come on.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- Shh.
- [Electronic Twitter.]
- [Panting.]
Come on! He's dead! Come on.
- We're not safe here.
- I can't leave them.
Nathan, it took Crossland and me six months to plan a way out.
I'm not going back.
He shouldn't have died for nothing.
- Didn't you come for me? - And they came with me.
I'm bleeding.
It's not that bad.
It's just a cut.
I never thought I'd feel your breath on my face again.
I won't leave them.
And I can't leave you.
Remember who you are.
Who you are.
All-time Chicago Cubs team.
First base, Ernie Banks.
Second base.
Ryne Sandberg.
Lifetime batting average- I can't remember.
That would have to be- Wait.
Don't tell me.
Luis DeJesus.
Back-to-back M.
's in 2055 and 2056.
He left for the money.
He went to the Mets.
He was a traitor.
See? Isn't it so much nicer that we talk rather than hurting each other? [Paul Screaming.]
In a while it'll be us.
As marines, it's our duty not to cooperate.
As friends, we stick together.
- [Screaming Continues.]
- That's the problem.
- [Electronic Twitter.]
- [Shield Whooshes.]
- [Whoosh.]
- That's the problem with you carbonites.
- [Screaming Continues.]
- You meet someone by chance.
At school, work.
Just by chance.
But then you make it a choice to bring them into your life.
- [Screaming Continues.]
- For a night, for a year for a lifetime.
Sometimes you choose to stay with a person so long that right before your eyes you watch them die.
So why wait a lifetime? Our employers have decided one of you is to be executed and the other will spend their life working in the mine.
And they're leaving the choice up to you.
Go to hell.
[Groans, Electronic Twitter.]
See? It's really not so tough once you set your mind to it.
[Shield Whooshes.]
That's for the old Corps.
What now? [Man.]
I'm picking up a transmission.
Put it on speaker.
[Electronic Twittering.]
And now, with a little tweaking of this A.
Motherboard we've got enough power to boost the signal.
"Four prisoners.
- One hurt.
" - Localize that transmission.
- We've triangulated the signal.
- [Beeping.]
It's dead center in alien territory, and it's not making any sense.
"Sailor's grog.
Sailor's grog.
" That's McQueen.
Not enough power left to transmit.
I'll bet they heard it.
Not even an A.
Would take that bet, Cooper.
We gotta find the others.
's are networked through their modems.
So when you re-initialize 'em, they give up their home location.
Near the end of the A.
War I, was a P.
They do, uh, stuff to ya? It's frightening how much pain an InVitro- a human body can stand.
You'd like to believe the body would break before the will.
I held out three days.
Then once when they were doin' stuff to me I heard screaming.
Sounded far off, down the hall.
I remember thinkin' "That poor bastard.
What must he be goin' through?" Then when I came to I realiyed the screams had come from me.
Save your last bullet, Hawkes.
Why'd you come on this mission? How come- How come you're willing to die for humans? I could ask you the same question.
You're an InVitro too.
This ain't my idea.
Damn judge decided I oughta be a grunt.
That's not your story.
I mean, most Tanks just sat out the A.
Why would you give your life for a human? I did it- I do it for every InVitro who's ever been called a Tank or a Nippleneck.
I do it so no one- human or InVitro- will ever be able to say that all InVitros are lazy, or cowards, or don't stand for anything.
[Male Voice.]
Transmission received.
Kazbek Penal Colony, G.
Grid number 9, Baker,.
Found 'em.
We need one more thing.
No windows.
No vents.
Could we bribe them with chocolates and panty hose? They pass through this opening.
- [Electricity Crackling.]
- I hate when you make me do that, Wang, Paul.
Although, look at you.
I really wish I was human.
What must what I'm doing to you feel like? What must you be going through? Ah.
Veins all blue.
- Perspiration.
- [Panting.]
Pulse racing.
Why are you giving your life for them, huh? This war is being run by a bunch of Harvard white guys.
What do you owe them? Hmm? Are you tired, Wang, Paul? Are you thirsty? Are you hungry? Would you like a hamburger? Huh? I can help you.
No one else can help you but me.
You're ready.
I can see it in your eyes.
Dawson, Andre.
The Hawk.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
- Think you'll never crack, huh? - Never.
I'd like you to hear something.
It's a playback of a recording.
[Paul's Voice Screaming.]
Sound familiar? Oh, well, perhaps you don't recognize it.
Of course.
You were unconscious at the time.
But that is you.
Screaming, Wang, Paul.
I've already broken you, haven't I? Huh? Haven't I? Haven't I? Oh, no.
- No.
It's okay.
- [Sobbing.]
It's okay.
- Shh.
- No.
Oh, please.
I'm sorry.
It was for your own good.
Listen, Wang, Paul.
Your boy Elroy will never hurt you again.
Okay? I promise.
Scout's honor.
But listen.
I want you to do something for me.
All right? It's a small thing.
It won't take long.
I promise.
Okay? Will you do that for me? - Hmm? - Yeah.
I'll do anything you ask.
Good boy.
Good boy.
It's okay, Vanessa.
In here I kind of like it.
Sort of reminds me of home.
Vanessa if we can't get out then it's gonna be me.
It's neither.
Look, I joined knowing marines die.
That's what they're here for.
So what am I? If they put you to work, there's a chance of escape.
- You have a family.
- So do you.
Not like you.
You have a mother and a father and a man who is just waiting for you to come home.
- His daughter- - No.
I won't let you do it.
And you shouldn't let me do it.
We may have no choice.
- Now you sound like them.
- For once, those things they- they made sense.
Our families are given to us by chance but you can't choose for your family not to have you in their lives.
I won't let them remove you from your family.
Don't turn.
In the shadows behind you a Chig is watching.
So maybe that's what they're getting out of this.
Our enemy is studying its enemy's loyalty to one another.
They're watching how we react.
We're hamsters.
Guinea pigs.
What do you think? Well maybe we should give them what they expect.
What is your name? Wang, Paul.
First lieutenant, 58th Squadron, United States Marine Corps.
And what would you like to tell the people on Earth? I caused the death of innocent beings.
How? - I violated the Chig- - Oh.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
I killed noncombatants.
I dropped bombs on civilian populations.
I destroyed the innocent.
Are you guilty of war crimes? Yes.
And how does what you've done make you feel, Lieutenant? I feel shame.
[Electronic Whirring.]
[Electronic Twitter.]
[Electricity Crackling.]
Take a look at this.
What the hell is that? Hey.
Hey! - Hey.
- [Electronic Twitter.]
Come here.
I want to be the one who remains alive.
And I'll do whatever it takes to be the one.
When we return, you must kill her.
The prison is about two klicks.
- Two klicks? - It's military slang for kilometer.
It's hard to imagine you in the military.
Just the uniform.
It was the only way to get to you.
The A.
's tell us that we lose every battle that the Chigs are impossible to attack.
- It was until yesterday.
- How did you bomb them? How did you know we bombed them? It was what the prisoners were saying.
They said a ship would come for you.
For the others.
Is that true? You can tell me.
If we didn't return the Saratoga was to lead a fleet around the far side of the Butterfly Nebula.
Interference from the nebula would make it impossible for the Chigs to track the fleet.
They're entering the Cerus system through the back door.
Then there's no need to go back to the prison.
The marines will get their men.
Stop it.
Stop it.
I risked my life for you.
They risked their lives for you.
Don't you understand? You don't understand.
She would.
Sir, we have LIDARcontact.
- What and where? - Their fleet's emerging from the dark side, sir.
Set general quarters.
- [Man On P.
All hands, general quarters.
- We'll take some of'em with us.
You led us into this.
You know better than that, sir.
Sir, the fleet's heading away from us.
Bearing leads them toward the Butterfly Nebula.
We must have avoided detection.
This is your window of opportunity, Commodore.
It's a straight shot.
We don't do it now, we don't know when they'll be back.
Set course for Kazbek.
Let's get our people back.
Decisions, decisions.
- [Electronic Twitter.]
- [Shield Whooshes.]
- I understand you've made a choice.
- [Whoosh.]
And it is to say that you can stick it in any artificial orifice of your choice.
- That's not what I heard.
- [Beep.]
[Vanessa's Voice.]
I want to be the one who remains alive.
And I'll do whatever it takes to be the one.
In craps we'd say Damphousse bet the don'ts.
I don't buy it.
You created that.
It's a lie.
It's not.
What the hell is this? Look, Vansen.
You said it yourself.
I have a family.
I've got somebody waiting for me.
I can't believe that you would do this to me.
[Electronic Twitter.]
You've shown you're the one who can't be trusted.
Pull anything, Brandon pulls the trigger.
How can you live with yourself, Damphousse? A least I'll live.
[Electronic Twitter.]
You're Brando, babe.
You're De Niro, girl.
[Electronic Twitter.]
Our enemy is attacking the prison, Wang, Paul.
They've done a very bad thing.
I want to thank you for all you've done for us.
And I want you to know you only hurt the one you love.
No! Don't kill him.
[Electronic Twittering.]
Come on, man.
Come on, man.
We still can't get out of here.
[Electronic Twitter.]
She's our ticket.
- Ready? Ready? - [Electronic Twitter.]
[Shield Whooshes.]
- Where's West? - I don't know.
They took him.
Seventeen mikes to planet fall.
Multiple bogies, bearing 3-niner, A-Z 90.
- Closing fast.
Alien bombers.
- Battle stations! There are far more bombers than our intelligence indicated.
Gunners, target the bombers three degrees past the highest point of their return arc.
How did you know that? It took us nine Charno mainframes to extract that information.
All your secrets and intelligence can't take the place of human experience.
Take 'em out of my sky.
Fire mission, multiple targets.
All batteries, fire at will.
Popped 'em, sir.
I want a force recon assault team on planet in 10 mikes.
I want our people out.
- [Click.]
- [Kylen's Voice.]
I believe in you.
[Shouting In Distance.]
Take cover! - Take cover! - Wang! [Yells.]
What the hell's the matter with you? You want to get yourself killed? You're gonna get someone else killed right along with you.
Wang, Vansen, Damphousse, this way.
This way.
Nathan, no! I never told it who you were.
[Electronic Twitter.]
Oh, God, Nathan.
Oh, God.
- Colonel.
- [Rumbling.]
Move out.
! Move.
! Go.
! Move.
! All right, gentlemen.
Let's go.
We got five mikes left.
Move, move, move.
! - All accounted for.
- We'll clean up.
- All right.
- [Man.]
Keep steady.
[Door Closes.]
When I'm on a battlefield and I see a human- dead- I can tell.
L- I can feel something is missing.
Something unexplainable is gone.
's- they're like the living dead.
You can feel they have no souls.
That's how I knew it wasn't her.
You think we'll catch heat because we missed the target? I think we should prepare to be seen as a disappointment.
- [Banging.]
- [Door Opens.]
All right.
Let's go.
Get on board.
- Hustle up.
- [Man #2.]
Hustle up.
- Move it.
Move it.
- Come on.
Shuttle 375 clear for arrival, Pad 6.
Thank you.
that couldn't be done.
You put your lives on the line for that belief and returned with both.
Welcome home.
- [Whistle.]
- [Man.]
! [Man #2.]
[Man #3.]
Welcome back.
- [Man #4.]
That's what it's all about.
- [Woman.]
Well done.
Welcome home.
I said this was yours when you got back.
You're a hero.

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