Space: Above and Beyond s01e17 Episode Script

Toy Soldiers

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America and its allied Earth forces against all enemies, foreign and domestic and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States of America and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to the regulations and Uniform Code of MilitaryJustice so help me God.
- [Whirring.]
- [Woman.]
! Medic over here.
! [Woman #2 Chattering.]
- [Hissing.]
- [Chattering.]
Command sent down orders.
We're shippin' out again.
- We just got in.
- Mission brief's in 40 mikes.
Not even time to hit the showers.
- Let 'em send someone else.
- [Shane.]
Lose it, Wang.
! The 47 th never made it back from Ceres.
We're losin' him! He's fibrillatin'! Gimme a heart needle.
! Two milligrams P.
V! Stat.
! - [Monitor Wailing.]
- Let's get him up to O.
R! [Engines Droning.]
- [Man.]
Get him on the respirator.
- [Alarm Buyying.]
Check it out.
New meat.
Look at 'em.
They've got no idea.
- They look so young.
- Did we ever look that young? We must have that thousand-meter stare.
Look at the way they're lookin' at us.
Like we know something.
- You think you're bad, Private? - Sir, I do, sir! - You think you're mean.
! - Sir, the meanest.
! - You think you're gonna kill some Chigs? - Sir, yes, sir.
! Look around, puke.
! What do you see? - What do you see? - I see life-takers and heartbreakers, sir! You see blood! You see sweat! - Believers comin' home in mummy sacks! - Nathan, take it easy! You take a good look at those Glad Bags, boot.
'Cause some Chig's gonna cut your cable and you're gonna be seein' one- You're gonna be seein' one from inside out.
- What the- - Let him go.
That kid's not just some rookie.
He's Nathan's brother.
We thought we were alone.
We believed the universe was ours.
Until one night in 2063, on an Earth colony six light-years away they struck.
And now we are at war.
My name is Lieutenant Colonel T.
I'm an InVitro, a race of artificially gestated humans.
I command a Marine Corps squadron- the 58th.
The 58th- They call us the Wild Cards.
We fight when called- in space, on land and at sea.
To lose this war means more than defeat.
To surrender is to never go home.
All of us must rise to the call above and beyond.
Didn't he know his brother enlisted? He knew, but what were the chances of running into Neil in the middle of all this? Thank God my brother is not old enough to sign up.
Shane Vansen.
I met you before the war.
Came home with your brother on leave.
- How could I forget? [Chuckles.]
- This is Lieutenant Hawkes Lieutenant Damphousse and Lieutenant Wang.
- Welcome aboard, Neil.
- You got your bird legs? Yeah, but I'm glad to be back in standard gravity, you know? [Chuckles.]
Well, we got a mission briefing in a couple mikes, so we gotta head out.
It's good to see you.
[Sniffles, Sobs.]
- What are you doing here? - I came to explain.
Uh- - You can't.
- Mom and Dad weren't happy either but they respect my decision.
I told you to stay in college.
- The war might have been over by then.
- You joined.
Yeah, I joined.
I joined to become a Colonial Sentry.
My chance to get to Tellus.
- The war broke out.
I had no choice.
- Well, I have a choice.
- And it's to fight.
- What the hell do you know about fightin'? The Chigs are a dark-hearted enemy, Nathan.
They'll stop short of nothing less than total annihilation.
Look, it's not about losing a way oflife.
It's about losing life.
That sounds good and all.
But when you're out here - it's got nothing to do with that.
- [Scoffs.]
Well, uh, I wanted you to have this.
Next touchdown wins.
The game is to five.
You're ahead four to one, Nathan.
I don't even wanna play when you get all mad.
Next touchdown wins.
Come on! [Neil Grunts.]
- [Grunts.]
- Fumble! [Nathan Groans.]
You fumbled on purpose.
No, I didn't.
It just slip- - You let me win.
You always let me win.
- Well, what do you want from me? If I beat you, you get mad, and if I let you win, you get mad.
If you're going to win, just let me lose.
[Man Shouting.]
Gentlemen, can you taste victory? - Sir, yes, sir.
! - How does it taste? - Mmm, mmm, good.
- Tell 'em who we are! Fifth Force Recon! Highly motivated! Truly dedicated! Rompin'! Stompin'! United States Marine Corps! - Eichler, what are we here for? - Kill, kill, kill.
! - Miller, who do we kill? - Chigs, Chigs, Chigs! Donovan, how do we kill Chigs? Swift, silent, deadly.
! - West, who's the best? - Fifth Force Recon, sir! What's with the semper psycho? I know the scoop on Herrick.
He's with Fifth Force Recon second lieutenant, drafted right out of Dartmouth.
Honors graduate of O.
And T.
Military occupational specialty-infantry.
Feels like one of those textbook Shake 'N Bakes.
Gets command before he's even done his time in the thick.
How can such a pogue get command when he's never even seen a Chig? He seems more interested in his Silver Star than getting his men home in one piece.
Situation- enemy soldiers carrying assault weapons are dug in They are planning to interrupt our convoy of supplies! - Miller, what's our mission? - Seek and destroy, sir! Surrounding terrain is a triple-canopy jungle! Enemy soldiers are dug in at unknown positions! - West, what do we do? - Call in artillery, sir! Artillery? Are you a cake boy, West? - Sir, no, sir! - You talk like one! - Sir, yes, sir.
! - We're out in thejungle staring down the barrel of an M-590 and a battalion of bloodthirsty Chigs! We don't know where they are! We don't know how many are out there! We don't have time to call artillery! We gotta start blowing heads off before they start blowing ours all over the damn jungle! Is that clear, West? - Sir, yes, sir.
! - I can't hear you.
! - Stand down, West.
- This guy's a rock.
- Yes, sir! - He's Pvt.
West's commanding offiicer.
- It's not your place.
- [Tirade Continues.]
Mission brief's in the Orientation Room.
- [Herrick.]
Is that clear, West? - Sir, yes, sir.
! - Is that clear? - Move out.
- Sir, yes, sir.
! - This isn't boot camp.
! This is real.
! We're about to engage the enemy on tumultuous terrain.
! We don't have time for insubordinate - recalcitrant maggot pukes! - Lieutenant.
Give me your rifle.
- Don't you like me, Herrick? - Yes, sir.
- Are you trying to get me killed? - No, sir.
What's the first rule of general rifle safety? "Consider every weapon to be loaded until proven otherwise," sir.
If you can read it, Herrick, why can't you execute it? An unloaded weapon always shoots the loudest.
This one's a recon mission- strictly intel gathering.
You will be deployed to the planet Mors.
You will be dropped behind enemy lines where you will remain undetected until extraction.
Your mission is strictly observation and information gathering.
You are not to engage the enemy unless under attack.
You will take digital photographs mark coordinates of enemy facilities document any transport activity including ammunition convoys and artillery batteries.
The directives of this mission - are not to leave this room.
- [Herrick.]
How can we be certain we're achieving our objectives if we don't know the plan? The greater plan isn't your concern, Lieutenant.
The 14th, 19th and 33rd squadrons will be deployed to the eastern region of Mors.
- The 58th to the north.
- Colonel that leaves the 58 uncovered to the west.
We don't have a choice.
The 47 th squadron was expected to be a part of this mission, sir.
They didn't make it back from Ceres.
Right now there's a shortage of available men.
A MERG satellite could provide the fifth position.
I want eyes on the ground.
I volunteer Fifth Force.
Your team has an assignment, Lieutenant.
In the rear with the gear.
With all due respect, sir.
You want eyes on the ground.
We've got 10 to spare.
Sir, Fifth Force isn't ready for this mission.
Sir, we're marines.
We're born ready.
Lieutenant, this is a sensitive maneuver.
One false step and the entire mission could be compromised.
If I may speak freely.
- Sit down, Private.
- Let him speak.
Sir, on behalf of Lieutenant Herrick he graduated from O.
And T.
With top honors.
He's tough, he's smart, he's got impeccable instincts and we'd follow him anywhere.
I know I speak for all of us when I say we didn't come here to sit on our packs.
We want to get into this war.
Sit down, Private.
All right, I'm going to allow Fifth Force to provide the fifth eye.
However, I do so with the understanding that Fifth Force will be sent down strictly as a support element to the 58.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Don't be in such a hurry to die, Lieutenant.
You'll get your chance.
Dismissed! [Huffs.]
This is the commodore's decision.
Now, you've got a problem, and I know what it is.
But I also know that your responsibility to this mission comes first.
If you let your personal agenda influence your conduct as a marine you jeopardize yourself and every man in this unit.
Like the commodore said, this is a sensitive maneuver.
Get in, do the job, get out.
We're not looking for heroes.
Yes, sir.
Move! Nathan, cover! Everyone else- Move, move, move, move! [Herrick.]
Go, go, move it, move it.
! Come on.
! Go, go, go.
! - Let's go.
! - Let's move! Move out! [Aircraft Engines Whirring.]
Designated coordinates for hide-spots- - 6-4-niner, 2-0-8-7-niner.
- [Device Beeps.]
Fall in behind me.
Column formation.
Move out! [Vanessa.]
This is where we dig in.
Herrick, you're digging in 30 meters west.
Go, go, go! Fifth Force, move out! Fresh legs.
[Radio: Herrick.]
Bravo One, this is Alpha Two.
Our position is secured.
Maybe we're losing it.
There's a lot more to good command than digging a fast foxhole.
[Aircraft Zooming Overhead.]
[Wind Gusts Whistling.]
Just Chig jets on patrol.
Wait a minute.
I see something.
It looks like a- like a Chig C-3 Tower.
Roger, One.
I see it.
Wang, get the E.
Pinpoint their position.
Air Command can take 'em out in the next strike.
I say we go out now.
Blow that puppy sky high.
We're not to engage the enemy.
We don't have to engage.
We set a C670.
Chigs'll never know what hit it.
- Negative.
That's not our mission.
- Our mission is to win this war.
We blow that tower up we take out communications in half the Bacchus region.
Negative, Herrick.
That's an order.
Whoa, West.
What the hell are you doing? Alpha Two, we need a spare T-140 transistor.
- Roger that.
- Rendeyvous in between.
Send West.
You heard him.
[Wind Whistling.]
Watch your six with Herrick.
First, you tell me not to enlist, and now you're tellin' me what to do? - The guy thinks he's John Wayne.
- Who? Look, I've seen his kind before, all right? Long on gung ho with nothing to back it up except a squad of men.
- He's my C.
- Doesn't mean he knows what he's doing.
Well, how do I know you know what you're doing? The only fight I've ever seen you in was with Craig MacPherson when he asked Kylen to the winter dance.
Look, Nathan, I may be a rookie, but one look around here I can tell this ain't no winter dance.
I've been through a lot.
I've seen a lot.
All right, Herrick's never even seen battle.
He's got a lot to learn.
Don't be his guinea pig.
He'll learn it with your life, my life and the life of every one of your buddies.
You've been in the corps twice as long as Herrick and some girl's quarterbacking your team.
She's 10 times the marine Herrick'll ever be.
! [Scoffing Chuckle.]
Yeah, I guess we'll find out.
Look, I'm trying to keep you from gettin' killed! Why can't you just let me lose? [Sighing.]
I kicked MacPherson's ass, you know.
- Hey, Mom could've kicked that doof.
- [Chuckles.]
Yeah, Mom could take on a whole Chig division and send 'em packin'.
[Laughs, Sighs.]
You know, I'd- I'd give anything for us both to be home right now - getting yelled at for coming in late.
- [Chuckles.]
Listen, bro.
Herrick's a good marine.
I'll be okay.
[Sighs, Sniffles.]
Nathan, if that had been any other marine over there you would've never pulled that stunt with the radio.
- You would've come to me.
- Herrick's trouble, Shane.
You know that.
Herrick hasn't done anything wrong.
I can't condemn him because you're afraid of losing your brother to him.
He's a loose cannon.
He'll get us all killed.
This isn't about Herrick.
This is about you.
You have froyen Neil in time.
I know how it happens.
I did that with my sisters.
One of my sister's is married.
I still look at her like she's 12.
Neil's not a kid anymore.
Look, brothers, sisters, they always see the differences in each other.
They never realiye that they came from the same place.
Neil- he's loyal dedicated, stubborn- a lot tougher than he looks.
- And that's a description of me? - Mmm.
Neil's either gonna learn to how to make it through or he's not.
You can't control what's gonna happen.
You can't follow him through the whole war.
Let him go.
If I do I might lose him.
If you don't, you're gonna lose him anyway.
He only said what he did cause he's worried about you.
He's a control freak.
The problem is he doesn't trust you as a warrior.
But he will.
Rookies gotta prove themselves- go through a- a baptism before they're respected.
You think you're alone in this? We all got the same problem.
We all gotta prove we can cut it.
Until we do, 58th won't accept us as one of them.
- Nobody will.
- How are we supposed to prove anything? We're damn recon.
All we get to do is avoid the enemy.
You gotta be creative, Donovan.
You all remember Dan Daly? He was a sergeant in World War I, the most brutal war ever.
And he was the meanest devil dog in the valley.
They called him the "fightin'- est marine they ever knew," and, man, he deserved it.
He single-handedly wiped out all those German machine gun nests.
He lead charges against the enemy, and always- every time-he beat the hell out of them.
He'd go into battle yelling, "Come on, you sons of bitches.
You wanna live forever?" He was awarded the Navy Cross, the Distinguished Service Cross two Purple Hearts the French victory medal with four clasps.
Now, we all know he didn't get those medals sittin' around in foxholes.
He earned them thinking for himself taking initiative.
He got creative, and he got rewarded for it.
Our chance to make a difference has arrived.
It's time for us to take the initiative.
Now, there's a Chig satellite tower out there.
I say we take a C670 and we blow the crap out of it.
Sir, we were told not to leave our position.
Told to do? The Marine Corps doesn't want robots.
They want thinking men.
Daly sure wasn't a robot.
And look what happened.
A hundred years later they're still talking about him.
We play our cards right, a hundred years from now they'll be talking about us.
Come on, you sons of bitches.
You wanna live forever? [Device Beeping, Whirring.]
- Target is acquired.
- Call the Fifth.
Have them establish cypher link to triangulate and confirm its position.
Alpha Two, engage E.
Cypher unit.
Alpha Two.
Come in, Alpha Two.
- No one's responding.
- Where the hell did they go? This is it.
Let's blow this baby.
Sir, there's been no prior intelligence mission in this area.
I know.
We're it.
We'rejust adding a little initiative.
Locate the control box.
I'll attach a C670.
Stay here.
Keep an eye out.
[Beeps, Whirs.]
There's no control box.
There's none over here either.
There's gotta be electronics.
Wait a minute.
This thing isn't even operable.
- It's bogus.
- What? It's a dummy, like those fake planes the British used to trick the Germans.
- [Shells Whistling Overhead, Explosion.]
- Incoming! [Panicked Yells.]
- There's incoming down by the satellite tower! - Who's in a fire fight? Herrick.
Our position is compromised.
Get McQueen on the radio.
Tell him we've got a broken arrow, that Fifth Force is under heavy fire and we are in no- no position to provide support.
! We need immediate extraction! [Radio: Damphousse.]
Wild Cards to Queen Six.
Wild Cards to Queen Six.
Fifth Force has engaged the enemies.
Broken Arrow.
Broken Arrow.
Request immediate extraction.
Immediate extraction.
Have it pinpoint the location of the signal reception.
Dispatch a squadron of SA43s and a rescue APC for a bull's-eye extraction.
[Herrick Shouting.]
Fall back! Fall back! Move, move, move! Behind the wall! Behind the wall! Move it! Move it! [Explosions Continue.]
Alpha Two to Bravo One! Come in, Bravo One! - Herrick, fall back! That is a direct order! - Chigs jumped us! We're not falling back until we get payback! There's no way they can hold that position! Herrick, you are in violation of the directives of this mission.
- Get back here! - [Gunfire, Yelling.]
I didn't seek engagement! I was fired upon! I can see 'em.
There's only seven or eight of'em.
- We can take 'em.
- All right.
- Let's do it.
! - Go.
! Hoo-ya! Capped one! - [Alarm Blaring.]
- [Excited Chatter.]
[Overlapping Shouts.]
- [Alarm Wailing.]
- [Man Shouting.]
Go, go, go.
! [P.
A: Woman.]
Commencing Hammerhead engagement sequence.
Stand by for launch.
[Engines Whirring.]
- Wild Cards, this is Queen Six.
- I'm receiving transmission.
Wild Cards, this is Queen Six.
Broken Arrow received.
Air cover has been deployed.
Will reach your position in 40 mikes.
Request coordinates for rendeyvous.
Rendezvous at 6-2-niner - north/northwest of bull's-eye.
- Roger that.
Herrick, air cover's gonna be here in 40 mikes.
- [Explosion.]
- Herrick? - Ammo check! Ammo check! - Right.
- We've held! It's our window to fall back! - Forget it, West! We can do this! We can take 'em! Sir, we only got about four clips per man! - Then that's what we use! - [Groans.]
- Herrick? - He's not responding.
Nathan, you know better! Air cover is on its way to these coordinates.
Alpha Two, this is Bravo One.
Come in, Alpha Two! - What happened? - Get down! - Get down.
! - Why did they stop firing? - Probably reloading.
- [Shane On Radio.]
Alpha Two, respond.
Now! - Damn! - This is it, men.
The baptism.
between our legs and run.
I say we get up on that wall and fight.
Hit these S.
's right between the running lights.
Don't even think about it.
You wanna charge 'em straight on? Neil, listen to me, man.
[Nathan Over Radio.]
Neil, do the right thing.
Do the right thing.
Sir, we're in violation of the mission.
So now you're listenin' to him? Your brother's cowering a hundred yards back in a foxhole.
We're the one's out here trying to make a difference.
This ain't a democracy.
I'm your commanding officer.
We do this, we're heroes.
Five-eight, this is the Fifth Force.
- We're makin' a direct assault on the enemy.
- Listen.
Not just Neil, all of you, listen.
You go over that wall, you're dead! You hear me? Don't go over that wall, you're cowards.
Right now you've got no brother.
Right now we're your brothers.
"We few.
We happy few.
We band of brothers.
" [Radio: Nathan.]
Listen, Neil.
The only thing that matters is your life, man.
! Your life and the lives of your buddies! You go over that wall, and you all die foolishly! Show 'em what you can be.
Let's do it.
[Cocks Weapon.]
- [Agonized Scream.]
- [Yelling, Groaning.]
- [Yelling.]
- Nathan! No, no! Neil! - They're coming out of cover! - Right! Herrick should've checked 'em! The Chigs were hidin' the whole time! - How is he? - Not dead.
- They're flanking our left! - Look, there's no way to outflank them not with just a couple of guys! [Explosions.]
Oh, God! We're all going to die! Don't talk like that! If you talk like that, we will die! - Get on the ground.
! Take cover.
! - Nathan! - Nathan, this is Neil.
! - Neil! Neil! Neil! I hear you, man! What's your status? We're taking casualties! Herrick's hit! We're almost out of ammo! All right, listen, man.
I need your position.
Give me your position.
- [Explosion.]
- [Yells.]
Donovan's hit! God.
! He's bleeding.
He's bleeding! - [Shouts.]
Donovan's down! - [Explosions Continue.]
- Oh, God.
- [Whimpers.]
He's dead.
[Neil Whimpering.]
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Listen, Neil! I need your position! - Give me your position! - We're behind a wall.
We're-We're west of- west of the 3-C Tower! All right.
All right, man.
Just hold on.
We're comin' out to get you.
Okay? You read me? We're goin'out after you.
All you gotta do is hold your position.
So hold on, man.
Saratoga, this is Red Leader.
We're 10 thousand M.
's to Mors.
[Indistinct Shouts.]
Get down! Get down! [Gasping.]
Nathan, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
There's nothing to be sorry about, man! This is not the time! Now is not the time! [Radio.]
Just hold it together.
! We're on our way.
! I'm so scared.
I'm so scared.
- [Explosion.]
- [West Cries Out.]
Neil! Neil! - They almost took your head off! - [Projectile Zooming.]
You heard him! They're on the way! We gotta hold this position until they get here! - [Explosions Continue.]
- [Grunting.]
- Do it.
! - [Marines Yelling.]
- We gotta get over there! - Cooper, we're first team.
- Let's see if we can get to that shoal.
- You got it! Move out! [Explosions Continue.]
[Cooper Yells.]
Go! There's no way that we can charge them straight on.
- Air strike should be here in five mikes! - What do we do for five mikes? - Make 'em think we got more than we do.
- Lay down covering fire.
! We'll hit the Chigs on their left flank and catch 'em on a cross fire! Good.
Then Fifth Force can fall back to a supplementary position.
- Let's move! - Let's go! [Indistinct.]
[Coughing, Gasping.]
- You'll be okay, man! All right? - [Coughing.]
You'll be okay.
Just hang in there.
Just hang in, man.
They're on their way.
The air strike's coming.
We're gonna carry you out, okay? Eich! Eich! Keep firing! [Shudders, Groans.]
This is West.
Got 'em in my sights.
- Hawkes and 'Phousse, good to go.
- Vansen and Wang, good to go.
Ready? Fire! [Marine Shouting.]
Hold 'em.
! West! We're almost out of ammo! - [Grunts, Cries Out.]
- [Neil.]
! [Growls.]
They feel your fire! They know we don't have enough guns to hold 'em! Hold your position as long as you can and then fall back.
! - I'm almost outta ammo! - Damn! Where is air cover? [Groans.]
Come on! Come on! [Gasping.]
- [Bombs Whistling.]
- [Grunting.]
[Explosions Reverberating.]
[Bombs Whistling.]
Air cover! [Pilot.]
58th, this is Red Dog.
Are you the guys who dialed 9-1-1? - Keep your heads down.
- [Explosions.]
[Yells, Groans.]
- [Panting.]
- [Bombs Whistling.]
! Neil.
! Neil.
! It's Nathan.
! Neil.
[Nathan Panting.]
! No.
Neil? Neil.
[Nathan Sobbing.]
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