The Dead Zone s04e09 Episode Script

Babble On

I had a perfect life.
|I have been in coma since 6 years.
When i wake up, i found my fiancée married| to an other man Raising my son.
|Everything has changed Including me.
One touch, and i see things|Things that had happend, things that will happend You should see what i see Now at Lumber Liquidator,|Solid oak flooring at 99 cents a square foot.
And now on sale, the best|pre-finished flooring made Bellawood 50-years pre-finished flooring|in a wide variety of species and widths.
Visit your local Lumber Liquidator Can you hear that? That's the|HD TV you guy sold me.
If I knew why it was making that|sound I wouldn't need to talk to you guys, right? I'll call you back okay? Hello? Who are you? What the hell are you|doing in my house? Mornin' Mister S.
|Hope we didn't wake ya? How much longer, Hector? I'd guess another week.
|Two tops! Two more weeks? You're looking at sanding and refinishing|two thousand square feet of custom flooring.
The good news is, whoever|laid the original hardwood really knew|what he was doing.
My father.
He was quite a craftsman|so I've been told.
From the looks of it, he must have cut|and installed each board by hand.
You don't see this kind|of work anymore.
Great, now I'm getting a cold.
No cold dust.
|It's all over the house.
Oh, that reminds me, have you decided what|you want to do with the office? It doesn't look like anyone's|been in here for years.
Almost thirty.
This was my father's private office.
His sanctuary.
You let me know what you decide.
Daddy? You run along now Johnny.
Daddy's got|things he needs to do.
Dad? This thing must weigh a ton.
Where we supposed|to put it anyway? I'm gonna put it in the garage|until someone can pick it up.
I thought this was|your father's desk? Are you gonna help me, or not? Alright, but if I get a hernia,|you owe me big time.
On three.
|One, two, three lift! That's heavy.
I told ya' it was too damn heavy.
I'll have some of the workers,|maybe they'll give me some help.
Are you alright man?|You seem a little stressed.
I haven't been sleeping|very well lately.
Y'ever have any weird dreams?|Like nightmares? Everybody has bad dreams.
It's the brain's way of processing the|stuff we don't want to deal with.
Help me out some of these|boxes in the garage.
What is all this stuff anyway? I'm not sure exactly.
Most of it|belonged to my father.
These things belonged to your father|and you've never looked at them? He died when I was a kid.
I barely remember the man.
Hey, family photos! I don't want you to look at that.
Check out.
Mini-Johnny! Whoua! Is that your mom? That's her.
She was beautiful.
Yeah, she was.
Who's the guy scowling|in the corner? He's in almost every picture.
That's my father.
Oh, man.
My bad.
No, it's alright.
That's weird.
It's like|he's there, but he's not.
It's almost as if he was|afraid to get too close.
Yeah well It's hard to know what's goin' on|in somebody else's head.
Especially when you|never knew the guy.
How may I be a service? Gene I was cleaning out|my father's private office and I found some things.
I'm sure he'd want the|ministry to have them.
I don't know what to say.
|This is profoundly generous.
It's mostly old photographs.
|Actually, you're in quite a few of them.
Am I? Is there something particuliar|in your mind Johnny? I know this sounds strange, but I've been really thinking|a lot about my father lately.
You know, it's just that i'm|around my age that my father was when he died.
And here I am Gene,|a grown man and I have no memory of him.
Your father was|a cherished friend.
His death was so untimely,|it was tragic.
Was he happy Gene? Because I gotta tell ya,|when I look at these photographs I don't see a doting husband|or a loving father.
I see something else.
I see something Something familiar.
Herb was as all|accomplished men are complex unpredictable.
But you must|believe one thing John.
He loved you very much|and he loved your mother.
And in the end, isn't that all you|really need to know? No.
I've been having nightmares Really disturbong visions Gene.
I feel like like I'm losing control.
What's this? The phone number|of a trusted friend.
He's a doctor who specializes|in matters such as these.
You think I need a shrink? I assure you,|it's completely confidential.
I need to deal with this myself in my own way.
Welcome home.
You have to let me out of here before it's too late! Before they all die! Dad? Is that you? Gene it's John.
Mister Smith? That's right.
The doctor will be right with you.
Thank you.
I didn't see you when I came in.
Are you here alone? It's a very pretty doll|you have there.
What's her name? Mister Smith? John.
Won't you come in, John? Randolph Jenson, have a seat.
I don't really know why I'm here.
I'm not a big believer|in this sort of thing.
You mean talking? I just think people give up on|themselves too fast.
That they're too quick to dump their|troubles onto somebody else's door step.
But not you? No, I just don't think we can expect someone|else to solve our problems.
No offense.
None taken.
I just find it interesting.
What Doc? The duality of your reasoning Being both a skeptic|and a psychic.
Gene Purdy told me|you might be calling.
What else did he tell you? He said you were a young|man of unique vision.
And that he believed|that you were suffering.
I've been having these dreams There're nightmares actually.
About? I'm not sure exactly.
It's like I'm walking|through a cloud of dust.
I'm not really sure where I am|or what's happening around me.
Are you alone? No.
Men and women, children.
They're all covered in dust.
I can somehow|sense their pain.
This going to sound|crazy to you.
Crazy is a label.
A brand name.
|Like Chevy or Chrysler.
I'm more interested in the|mechanics of your subconscious.
Can't you just tell me what it|all means and send me a bill? Textbook explanations aren't|what you came looking for.
I belive there's|something else.
Something that|you're scared of.
Something about|yourself.
Doc I'm sorry this is|this is a mistake.
Ignoring the truth doesn't|make it a lie, Mister Smith.
Good-bye, Mister Smith.
Did she leave already? Excuse me? The little girl.
Little girl? She was just sitting right here|at the end of the couch.
She was holding a rag doll.
I just assumed she was|here to see the doctor.
You must be mistaken.
Doctor|Jenson doesn't treat children.
He hasn't for nearly thirty years.
Look at me go.
Daddy? They can't see.
They can't even understand.
What are you doing, Daddy? I can't explain, maybe you'll understand someday.
I pray you will.
You have to go now.
But I don't want to leave you.
We'll be together again.
I promise.
Johnny? Our secret.
This is impossible.
Smith?|Did you forget something? Uh, yes I did.
My wallet.
I haven't seen it.
Maybe it slipped down|the side of the couch.
That's alright.
I'll just take a|quick look and i'll be on my way.
Very well.
We made some real progress,|didn't we Ally? We'll see you next week, Doctor.
- Of course.
|- Let's go.
Good day.
I'll be right with you, Mr.
What? Thank you, Doctor.
Looks like somebody got lost.
Dad? It is my hope that he continues Why didn't you tell me|about my father? Mr.
Smith? I'm not at liberty|to discuss my patients.
I have a right to know.
And your father has a right to|have his privacy protected.
Even behind the curtain of death.
I'm going to find out what's|happening here, I promise you! Tread lightly, Mister Smith, You may not like what you uncover.
John, you've got to understand,|there's nothing I can do Walt, something bad|happened to my father.
Something this guy|Jenson knows about.
We've been down|this road, Johnny.
What about his files? Maybe|you could confiscate them, right? On what grounds? A doctor can not disclose personal|information about his patients, past or present.
|That's the law.
John Alright.
John? What did he say? He says he can't force|Jenson to tell me anything.
It's all connected to this.
I still don't get why your father would hide some|little girl's doll underneath the floor in his office? Maybe Our secret.
Maybe he left it for me.
But why do i find it now|after all these years? Damn dust! It's the house! What? Think about it.
All the sanding,|the dust in the air, the floors laid by|your father's own hands It's unleashed a hailstorm|of psychic energy.
Psychic memories.
Connecting me directly|to my father.
For what reason? Maybe he's trying|to tell me something.
You know, something nobody else|was willing to talk about.
Not Purdy.
|Not this guy Jenson.
Not even my mother.
Bruce Maybe my father is trying to|reach me through my Dead Zone.
But i will tell you|one thing for sure, it's going to take|more than visions and nightmares to figure|out what's going on.
you don't understand, it's real! They're all going to die! You have to warn them! Before|it's too late You have to warn them! Wnat are you What.
Tell them i'm not crazy.
Don't move, Mr.
Smith! I don't want to shoot you.
I came back here for some papers.
|That's how i caught him.
You've got a permit|for that gun there? Yes i do.
Here you go.
I understand that you're a personal|friend of Johnny Smith? I know him.
You got something on|your mind, Doc? I'd recommend a|seventy-two-hour psych watch.
John isn't crazy, okay.
If he broke into your place, i'm|sure he had a damn good reason.
Which brings us to|the hundred dollar question.
Are you gonna press charges? Not if you'll take personal|responsibility for his future actions.
You have my word.
You got something|you want to talk about? You wouldn't understand.
Well, why don't you try me considering I just put my reputation and|my career on the line to get you released.
You ever hear of a place|called Brockmore? Yes it's an abandoned psych|hospital up in North County.
Private school bought it|about ten years ago.
Why? That's where they sent my father.
That's where they took him|so I wouldn't know.
You would'nt know what? That he was insane.
I saw it, Walt.
The way|my mother looked at him the fear and pity|in her eyes.
The same way people look at me|when they realize who I am.
I have to go there.
To see for myself.
It's the only way I'll|ever know for sure.
Put your seat belt on.
We purchased the building|from the State in '95.
We enroll seventy special|needs students, most of them from|underprivileged families.
What do you know about the|place that was here before? Brockmore? State run mental|health facility.
Closed down in '79.
Victim of fiscal reform.
What happened to the patients|when it closed down? Way I understand it,|the doors flew open and most of them|walked away.
It's hard to imagine that this place|was a psychiatric hospital before.
Brockmore was never a hospital it was a storage facility|for human suffering.
If you'll follow me John? John? You coming or what? Yeah, right behind you.
We're slated to begin renovations this summer.
|Until then, the east wing's sealed off.
Are you sure this is|what you want to see? This is perfect.
Thank you.
You're sure this is what|you want to do, John? I have no choice.
I have to find out|what happened.
This way.
Are you hearing|the voices now, Herb? They're not voices.
I told you|that a hundred times! Then how do you explain it? These things|you claim to know things that couldn't|possibly be real.
It's not important.
|You just need to stop it and make it go away! Prepare the isolation room.
No We have to do something We have|to stop them before it's too late! You can't save everyone, Mister|Smith.
No matter how hard you try.
No! No! Three-hundred milligrams of chlorpromazine|and put him in restraints.
Doctor? I've worked with this|patient.
He's not usually violent.
It's for his own protection.
Everything's going to be okay.
You have my word You have my word There was a nurse.
My father trusted her.
Anything? Lydia Davis.
|1409 Walnut Terrace.
I need to talk to her.
I don't think she's|gonna be much help You say your father was|one of Mom's patients? Yes, many years ago.
I'm trying to|find out exactly what happened to him and I thought your|mother might be one help.
I'm afraid you might be|disappointed.
Why, because of her memory? It's gotten worse the past few months.
|Doctors call it progressive senile dementia.
Mom can remember|things, just not clearly.
She get's confused, like she might think|you're me or somebody else from her past.
She was a nurse for|nearly fifty years.
If she's able to help, she will.
Davis? Nurse Davis? Honey, where have you been? I'm so sorry.
I'm late.
I already gave|the children their bath.
Those babies want|to wear me out.
Are you alright? It's so dark in there.
I get so scared Can you hold my hand? Nobody believes me.
You You have to make|them understand You have to make|them understand Close your eyes.
Try to relax.
The air's so thick they can't breathe.
They're scared We have to pray for their for their souls.
All of them.
Davis? I have to go now.
Make sure you|wash those hands.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll do that What do you|want me to see?! No! Help! Forgive me, Jesus, I don't understand Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you Lord, forgive me|for the things I do.
Mommy, daddy! Purdy You'll start to|answer my questions.
I don't understand.
Gene My father broke into a house|and terrorized a little girl.
You took him there.
|And I want to know why?! When you were born it was the happiest time|in your parents' lives.
All their dreams came true.
And then, sometime around your|seventh birthday, something changed.
Changed? How? Oh, he came to me.
He was|confused.
No, despondent.
Why? He wouldn't tell me initially.
I pressed him|on the subject and he finally|admitted to me that he'd been seeing things things that sometime|weren't really there.
That's when I introduced|him to Dr Jenson.
The same doctor you sent me to.
I was hoping that you will discover|what I could not tell you.
Couldn't?|Or wouldn't, Gene? You have to understand, John,|I made a solemn promise to your father.
What kind of promise? He was terrified that you'd remember him|as the tortured soul he'd become, not as the righteous|man he truly was.
Did you think that|stalking a little girl, Ally, do you think that it was|the actions of a righteous man? Herb didn't know what|was happening to him he just felt himself slipping|deeper and deeper in the chaos.
For whatever reason, he assumed that she|held the key to whatever was haunting him.
So you just went along|to offer moral support? Your father asked me to come.
He was very afraid he might do|something he would regret.
To the girl? To himself.
You turned your back on him.
Then, you and my mother|sent him off to die in that crazy house.
We took the only option that was open to us|after he started having Having what? John No, you answer my question! Was my father like me?! Quite the opposite.
Heaven was bestowed|on you a divine responsibility.
What happened to your father|was nothing born of God.
What was the girl's last name? I'll find her for myself with or without you.
And when I do, you better|drop to your knees and pray it's not too late.
Ally? Ally Potter? Nobody's called me|that since I was Sorry, do I know you? Not exactly.
|I grew up in Cleaves Mills.
I'm actually late for a meeting.
Please, Ally that's really|important that you and i speak.
Why?|Who are you? My name is Johnny Smith Herbert Smith was my father.
What do you want? This is awkward.
What my father did|to you was wrong but I think he had a good reason.
Something that compelled|him to find you.
I have actually put all that behind me.
|And I suggest you do the same Will you please just|take a look at this? Where did you find that? Under the floor,|in my father's private office.
Ally, wait! Oh my god! Bannerman Walt it's a building! John? The visions, the nightmares I know what they mean|now.
It's a building collapse.
She's an architect.
John, I can barely hear you.
|Is something wrong? Walt, what's that sound? It's a Dixieland band.
They just finish renovating|the new Bangor cultural center.
Today is the dedication, they asked|us help out with crowd control.
Johnny, you still there? Hello? Hey, you guys still workin'? Are you kiddin'? Gas lines are still being tested.
You have to stop the dedication.
Get everybody out.
The building is going to|collapse.
Walt, the visions, the nightmares, they're all connected to a doll|my father came in contact with.
He thought|he was losing his mind.
You sure about that? She must be inside.
Who? Ally Potter.
|She redesigned the building.
It was her doll that|was buried under the floor.
Hey Boss, we got a big problem.
We're losing pressure|in the main feeder line Hey, you can't touch that.
No, no no, that's|alright, let him go.
There's a gas leak.
It's gonna blow|get everybody out of here! John, where are you going? Gotta find Ally! We gotta get these|guys out of here! Everybody, go over here.
Get|these guys.
You guys, i'm sorry.
This building is going to go.
You gotta go.
|This Way.
Go this way, go hide over here.
Everybody got to go.
Back this|way.
The building is going down.
Let's go, everybody move|this way.
Go, go, go, go.
Everybody get underneath this thing over|here.
Hide on the other side of the street.
Alli no! - Stay away from me.
|- There is a gas leak, come on! Did your friend make it out? I don't know.
How's Allison? She's fine.
Nobody else got hurt? Not a soul.
Hum, that's good.
Johnny, about our last|conversation Gene, just forget about it.
You know what? Actually, I admire|you for keeping your promise.
There's not much|integrity left in the world.
I just can't get my mind|quite wrapped around it though.
If my father did see|that building collapse it would mean he was|he'd have.
you know Does it really matter anymore? It's what's in your heart that's|important.
And your father carried you in his|until the very end.
Oh, I was looking through|some of the material that you left in my office.
|You may have overlooked this.
I'll check in on you later.
God bless you.
You shouldn't be|in here, son.
I saw the people, Daddy.
- What people?|- In the building.
She told me that|they're all going to die.
That there would be|a big explosion.
Who told you? We can't let them die,|can we Daddy? Can we?
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