The Event s01e19 Episode Script

Us or Them

Previously on The Event The sooner we find the weapon and use it, the sooner our people will be safe.
What the hell happened to them? The virus was alive.
It was the flu.
Spanish flu.
The lungs are missing.
Where are they? They must be on the way to the airport, with a courier named Alex.
Flight 38, Aero Moscow.
Is this your idea of loyalty? I'll never go along with genocide.
If you aren't with us, then you are against us.
Take him.
She made a call to the outside.
She called 9-1-1.
No, Luis, it's all right.
Leila, you're not one of them.
We're your people now.
Follow my instructions and by this time tomorrow, you'll be leader of the free world.
Ahhh! Are you all right, Mr.
President? DR.
REED: The President has suffered a stroke.
Jarvis may be responsible for what has happened to the President.
You have to help me stop the succession.
To take him down, you would need irrefutable proof.
It's gotta be the coffee.
The packet must've contained the poison.
We need more than surveillance footage to convince the rest of the President's cabinet of any wrongdoing.
If there are no objections, I'll commence the vote to appoint Raymond Jarvis as Acting President.
Elias! Help! Ladies and gentlemen.
Can I have your attention? Chief Justice.
Vice President.
Are you ready to be sworn in? I'm ready.
Please place your left hand on the Bible, raise your right hand and repeat after me.
Pupil's blown on left.
BP dropping.
Ten of Mannitol.
What's happening to him? He's showing signs of elevated pressure in his brain.
HR 42 and dropping.
Where the hell is neurosurge? He's losing his gag reflex.
Elias! Ma'am, wait outside.
I, state your name I, Raymond Theodore Jarvis do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States.
do solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States.
Ventricular occlusion.
We need to drain.
Mark it at five and a half centimeters above the C-I vertebrae.
Drill? Drill.
Prep the endoscope.
I'm going through the fourth ventricle.
And will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Ventricular catheter? In.
No CSF flow.
Must be kinked.
Cath is open, flushes well.
There's no fluid.
There's nothing there.
What's happening? - ICP increasing.
That's not possible.
There's no CSF.
V-tach! We lost the pulse.
We lost the pulse.
And to the best of my ability, I will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
So help me, God.
So help me, God.
Thank you, Chief Justice.
Clear! No response.
Going again.
Clear! Another mig of Epi! Chase it with Lido.
Going again.
Clear! Wait.
We got a pulse.
Doctor, pupils fixed and dilated.
Let's do Q five neuro checks.
What's his EEG look like? Wave amplitude is diminished and markedly flattened.
He's lapsed into a coma.
This is the scene outside Bethesda Hospital today, as Americans pray and leave flowers for their fallen leader, President Elias Martinez.
The White House confirmed that Martinez slipped into a coma as a result of what his doctors are describing as a severe stroke.
Shortly thereafter, Vice President Raymond Jarvis was sworn in as Acting President of the United States.
He takes the reins of a country still reeling from the first terrorist attack to take place on its soil since 9/11, the destruction of the Washington Monument.
I heard you need to be fed and watered.
What happened to President Martinez? Quiet.
It's not a coincidence.
Sophia did this, didn't she? It's a disgrace.
Martinez was a good man.
Sophia takes no pleasure in doing this.
She's doing what she has to to save us.
Yeah, by committing genocide.
We need to make room.
You need to look at how she's changed.
Killing her former friends, turning against her own.
How do you know you won't be next? I'm not a traitor.
No, you're worse.
You're just blindly following her.
A sheep.
Shut up.
A coward.
I said, shut up! Accept the inevitable.
The native population is done.
They don't have a chance.
Don't underestimate them.
You're behind the times, man.
They've all but surrendered.
Sophia's calling the shots from the White House now.
What are you talking about? Before we begin, I'd like to acknowledge the tragedy that has befallen us.
As we sit here, Elias Martinez is fighting for his life.
In the short time he was President, he made an indelible mark, and I serve in the shadow of the honesty and integrity that exemplified his term.
Now, to the business at hand.
We are at war, ladies and gentlemen, and the time has come for us to be realistic about our enemy.
Sophia and her people have unbridled power.
Weapons they are willing to use against us that we don't even understand and cannot defend against.
The truth is, if we want to survive, a radical change in strategy is called for.
Meaning what? Meaning we are going to open diplomatic channels with Sophia, and begin negotiating a peace.
What? Sir, don't you think we're a little past the point of negotiation? I don't.
If we want to bring them to the table, we have to show good faith.
We have to stop hounding them and stop treating them like an enemy.
Effective immediately, all military and intelligence personnel, who have been pursuing Sophia and her people, will cease and desist.
You can't be serious.
We still have no idea what they may be planning.
And whose fault is that? This is our new policy.
Letting them live in peace, so that we may do the same.
It makes me sick seeing him at the head of that table.
He's all but murdered the President, now he's destroying any chance we have of recapturing Sophia.
I know you believe Jarvis poisoned Martinez, but without evidence, we can't act on that knowledge.
I may have it.
What do you mean? After the Cabinet meeting last night, I noticed some of Martinez's coffee had spilled onto my shirt cuff.
Enough to analyze? Yeah, I sent it off to a lab this morning.
If the tox screen comes back positive, we can start to build a case against Jarvis.
Let's hope it does.
But until then, let's not forget he's Acting President.
It's our sworn duty to follow his orders.
We have to stand down against Sophia.
And who's watching Simon now? Jason and Cameron.
I'm going back there now.
I just wanted to tell you what he did, myself.
I'll deal with it.
Aaron, please tell me things are progressing well on your end.
They are.
Our tests confirmed that the body we excavated is still rife with the strain of the virus.
There was a complication.
The men we hired to dissect the lungs from the body, they were accidentally exposed.
Everyone on the ship died within several hours.
This strain works even more quickly than we'd anticipated.
That could be a problem.
We'll need to run more tests on the lung tissue as soon as it gets here.
Where is it now? In a temperature controlled container.
Our courier is hand carrying it onto the flight right as we speak.
The plane is on its way from Moscow to New York.
And you're confident this courier is capable of seeing this through? Alex can be trusted.
You think we'll be getting off the ground on time? We're running right on schedule, sir.
You sure you don't want to check your suitcase? I can tag it here, it will be waiting for you in the gate when No.
I'm fine.
Do you speak English? Yes, some.
Um, flight 38, to New York.
Boarding is almost completed, the flight is closing.
We just need to see if our friend, uh, Alex, is on board.
You understand I am not allowed to give out that information.
Please, it's very important.
We just need to know if he got on the plane.
I'm sorry.
Are there still seats? A minute.
What are you doing? The flight's boarded.
If we want to stop the courier, then we have to get on the plane.
If we let that courier deliver the virus to Sophia, she will use it against us.
You saw what that virus does.
I don't want to be stuck on a plane with a WMD for 11 hours.
Then don't come with me.
I do have tickets available, but the flight is closing.
Okay, one ticket, please.
Passport, please.
Make that two.
And don't look so damn surprised.
Hold on, wait! Take your seats.
We're leaving now.
Thank you.
I got the passenger manifest.
And? There's no "Alex" on board.
I checked first and last names.
Nothing's even close.
So Alex is either a nickname, or the courier's not on the flight, but either way we're screwed.
You see this empty seat up here? I've been watching the guy sitting in it.
He's acting real weird, he keeps looking around.
And don't make it obvious you're looking, but he's on his way back from the bathroom.
Who brings their carry-on to the bathroom? Are you thinking the infected tissue is in it? It's the right size.
And he never lets it out of his sight.
It's suspect.
But we can't be sure it's him.
But we can't do nothing, either.
How is he? It's not good.
He slipped into a coma after the surgery.
The doctors don't know what triggered it.
They said if he doesn't come out of it soon Don't even think like that.
This stroke, it came out of nowhere.
I keep thinking it must have been because of the stress he's been under.
And I should have done something to make him try and deal with it.
Christina, this isn't your fault.
Nothing you did could have helped him.
What do you mean by that? Nothing.
What do you know? Look, I just meant Elias would be heartbroken if he thought you were taking this out on yourself.
I'm sorry.
I know you, Blake.
There's something you're hiding from me, isn't there? Blake? I'm sorry.
I need to know.
I'm sorry.
You're mistaken.
Martinez will never recover from his coma.
The compound has already slowed his brain functions.
Soon, it will stop them altogether.
How much time does he have? That depends on how much he's ingested.
Later today or tomorrow.
No longer than that.
I hope I'm not interrupting.
Not at all.
Lu was just assuring me that the crisis surrounding Martinez will be over soon.
Thank you.
Of course.
I came as soon as I got your message.
What's wrong? Do you know what scares me the most? No, what? The letting go of who I used to be.
I knew that it would be painful to follow through on Thomas' plan, that in order to make room for our people here, to insure their survival, I would have to sacrifice some of my principles.
Well, you've taken a huge burden on your shoulders, Sophia.
But that doesn't make what needs to happen next any easier.
That's the reason I've asked you here.
This morning, Simon attacked Carlos in the infirmary and he nearly escaped.
We need to move him to a more secure location.
I was hoping that Simon would soften his views.
That we'd be able to welcome him back into the fold, but it's clear to me now that that will never happen.
He needs to be taken care of.
You want him killed? He would have turned us in to the authorities.
Can you imagine what they would do to us now? Will you help me? Why me? You've always been loyal.
Michael, you've been able to set aside your attachments.
My attachments? You've never let your feelings about your family get in the way of what needs to be done.
You will do this for me.
Ohh What are you doing? I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Let me get you a napkin.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
We got the wrong guy.
It's coke.
Is everything all right? Yeah.
Everything's fine.
We're out of moves, Sean.
We don't know who the courier is or if he's even on this plane.
The courier is on this plane.
We have to assume that.
Or what? Or Sophia gets the virus, and then there's no hope for anybody.
We have to let the authorities know that there's a WMD on this flight.
How? You worked for the CIA.
You have to know someone we can get word to, right? Say I do.
Think about what's gonna happen.
Well, they divert the plane, land and quarantine it, until they find the courier and what he's carrying.
What happens to us? As soon as the courier figures out what's going on, he could release the virus.
Infect this entire plane, before or after we land.
Do you want to die like that? At least the virus would be contained.
Now are you gonna tell me who I can get this message to or not? I know someone at Homeland.
Thank you.
I know it's taken me a while to stop being surprised you're willing to help me.
Of your own free will.
And for me to realize that you're doing this, at least in part, because of me.
It was just hard for me to believe.
And why is that? Because of You understand, because of who you are.
Who am I, Sean? You know what I mean.
No, I don't.
Why don't you tell me? When I first met you, I was your target.
I watched you kill people.
And now, you've done the same.
No, it's not.
It's not the same.
Look, this isn't where I meant for this to go.
I was just trying to thank Well, forget it, Sean.
And don't flatter yourself, okay? You're just a means to an end.
I'm doing this to protect my family.
The people that I love.
Now give me the laptop.
I'll e-mail my contact.
I found a place to bury Luis.
About a mile into the woods.
The ground is soft, no trails.
And no one saw you? I was careful.
All right.
We'll wait until tonight, then.
I'll be back.
We can bury Luis, but what are you going to do with everyone else? How many innocent people does Sophia plan on killing? I mean, is there gonna be anyone left? Leila, not now.
You don't want to talk about this because you know that it's wrong.
Our people have nowhere to go.
So it's okay to commit mass murder? I don't like doing what we have to do any more than you do, but it's us or them.
Now I have to go.
When I was a kid, I was playing with the boys across the street, and they killed a bird.
I told you what happened.
And you said we were the strongest and smartest things on the planet, so we had a responsibility to protect the smaller, weaker things.
Because if we didn't do it, then no one else would.
That it was the right thing to do.
I don't know if you remember that, but I do.
And I'm looking at you, and I don't recognize that person any more.
Sir? Dr.
Narducci, come in.
I have the preliminary results of the analysis you requested.
I've kept it quiet, just like you asked.
Close the door, please.
The sample on the shirt you gave me contained coffee and sucralose, which is a very common sugar substitute, but I also found traces of an unknown biocatalyst.
A biocatalyst? It's not something naturally occurring.
It was synthesized, which is strange because, as far as I know, we don't even have the science to create it.
I'm sorry, but I don't have a better explanation.
I think I do.
Blake, what is it? We need to talk.
Can it wait until tomorrow? I don't think what happened to the President was an accident.
Not an accident? Well, he had a stroke.
Never felt right to me.
Well, I know it's hard to accept tragedy when it strikes out of the blue like that I know, things just weren't as they seemed.
I knew it in my bones.
So I thought I'd get a sample of the coffee the President was drinking that morning and have it tested.
A sample.
Some of it spilled on my clothes.
So, you really do suspect foul play.
There was foul play.
The lab found traces of an unknown compound.
You should have come to me with this.
I'm telling you now.
I have reason to believe the compound came from Sophia's people.
Is that right? And once I realized Sophia was involved, it all finally made sense to me.
Meaning what? Meaning you are not capable of doing something like this alone, Raymond.
How dare you accuse me I know you poisoned the President.
I know you're working with Sophia.
Well, that's preposterous! Now you listen to me! You listen.
I don't know what she promised you to do what you did, but she's lying.
The only reason she helped you get where you are Remember who you're talking to! is because she knew it would give her control of this office.
You're a pawn, Ray.
Her puppet.
That's enough! Look, I know you care about this country, but trusting Sophia will only lead to more death and destruction.
So, whatever you're doing, I'm begging you, put an end to it now.
Before it's too late.
Your accusations are outrageous and completely baseless.
This is where you and I part ways.
Your services are no longer required.
You may tender your resignation effective immediately.
You're done.
Ladies and gentlemen, just to inform you, we are currently under military escort.
There is no reason to be alarmed.
Our flight is being redirected to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland only as a safety precaution.
At this time, we ask that you remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened.
Thank you.
It worked.
Now would be the time for this guy to make his move.
Sir, please, you must remain in your seat.
No, I want my wife next to me.
We were given separate seats, but there's no way I'm staying here with her up there.
All right, I'll see what I can do.
Sophia, we have a problem.
What? Our courier just e-mailed me.
The plane now has a U.
military escort.
Someone told the authorities there's a WMD on board.
How? Who would know? Is it possible someone saw you hand off the case? No.
This could jeopardize everything that we've been working towards.
What if we use the virus? Once they force the plane to land, we can expose everyone on board to it and No.
No, given what happened on board the boat, we now know that they'd all die immediately.
There wouldn't be time enough for the virus to spread as far as we need it to.
So, what do we do? I know that you and Director Sterling have grown close.
And as you've been made aware, I was forced to dismiss him.
For insubordination, no less.
Yes, I heard.
He made some outrageous allegations.
Preposterous allegations, that were absolutely inexcusable.
Now, I don't know if he, uh, shared any of these notions with you.
But I would never want you to be swayed by hearsay.
The man obviously buckled under the pressure and stress of his job.
And if you ever felt as burdened as Blake must have been, please know that you can come to me and Understood, Mr.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello? Mr.
President, it's Sophia.
Sophia, it's good you called, but I would prefer you use the formal, diplomatic channels that we now have at our disposal.
fighter jets are currently escorting Aero Moscow Flight 38, bound for New York.
I'd like you to order them to release their hold on that plane immediately.
What? You heard me.
Release the plane.
Well, I need to know what the situation is.
I need to understand the circumstances.
You don't need to understand anything, just do it.
Sophia, we have an agreement based on cooperation and trust.
And right now, you're exhibiting neither.
Look out your window, Raymond.
Why? Look at what's left of the Washington Monument.
Sophia, please Call off those F-16s now, or I will take action against your people again.
And I will tell the whole world about the role you played in taking down your predecessor.
Sophia! They're leaving! Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
I am happy to report that the security threat was proved non-credible, and the jets flanking the plane have been called off.
Why would they call them off before we landed? I thought your contact at Homeland was credible.
He is.
Don't you get it? Sophia must have somebody on the inside, too.
Somebody who intervened to make sure that that infected tissue got off this plane.
to John F Kennedy International Airport.
Please have your declaration filled out and ready.
The courier must be around here somewhere.
Sean, we have to face the idea that we might not find them.
No we don't.
Not yet.
So what do you say, Alexandra? You want to split a cab? Sorry, my boyfriend's picking me up.
Alexandra? That's our flight attendant.
That's why the name wasn't on the manifest.
Get back in line.
You're not going anywhere 'til you have your bags searched first.
Director Sterling has been escorted out of the White House.
Sir? You wanted me to let you know Director Sterling is gone.
That's good.
Thank you.
Michael, what are you doing here? Sophia wants me to take care of things.
You should wait outside.
Well, I don't think that's a good idea.
Go now.
So, Sophia sent you to do her dirty work for her, huh? You're going to have to face up to what you're doing, Michael.
To me and the billions of people Sophia will ask you to kill.
Michael We got to get you out of here.
Give me a hand with the body.
Sophia must have used some kind of poison on Martinez.
Do you know of any way we can help him? The scientist who created the poison, Dr.
Lu, is on site.
I'll see what I can do.
You go get Leila, I'll meet you in the woods on the northwest side of the development.
All right.
Go, I got this.
Flight-343 for Sacramento will now be leaving from gate 38.
Flight-343 for Sacramento will now be leaving from gate 38.
Go, go, go.
Drop it! Drop it or I'll kill him.
Don't worry about me.
Take the shot! Put it down or he's dead.
Don't worry about me.
Shoot him! Drop the gun.
You can't let them take the case.
Drop it! Drop it now! Vicky, shoot him! Don't let them take the case! I'll kill him! I'll kill him! Drop the gun! Vicky, take the shot! Vicky, please.
You can't let them take the virus.
Down, or I pull the trigger! Vicky! No.
Vicky, what are you doing? Kick it away.
Let's go! Let's go! Why didn't you take the shot? They're getting away.
Come on.
Come on! Michael? Carlos? Ahhh! I'm good.
I'm good.
I'm good.
Just go.
Just go.
Michael and Simon are gone.
Lock down the perimeter.
We have to find them before they escape.
Where's my Dad? I don't know.
He said he'd meet us here.
We can't wait much longer.
Dad! Ah, sweetheart! Ah Okay, the perimeter fence is straight ahead, about 50 yards through those trees.
All right, let's go.
Get down! Come on.
To your left! Go! Dad! No, no.
Leila, Leila.
Baby No, Dad.
Dad, you're gonna be fine.
There's a vial in my pocket, I forced Dr.
Lu to give me the vial.
Get it to the President as soon as you can.
No, Dad But you're going to be okay.
Go, Leila.
This way! Just go.
Leila, we gotta go.
No, I'm not leaving him.
Go, Leila, go! No, I'm not leaving.
He needs help.
Go, take the vial to the president.
Hey, you're gonna be okay.
Keep looking.
I'm so sorry, baby.
I love you, Leila.
Dad! No, no, no! Please! Don't move! Don't move! Daddy! Dad! Damn it.
Damn it.
No! Dad! You did this.
You killed him.

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