The Legend of Korra s04e04 Episode Script

The Calling

Only the Avatar can m aster all four elements and bring balance to the world.
After Korra failed to return to Republic city, everyone's been worried about her fate.
So Tenzin tasked Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo with finding the Avatar.
Unbeknownst to the kids, Korra found refuge in the swamp with Toph, who discovered there was still metal poison in her body.
But when Toph tried removing it, Korra resisted.
Will the airbender kids find the Avatar and help her return to action? Tenzin, are you sure you can't go with them? Raiko asked me to stay here and help figure out a diplomatic solution to this Kuvira problem.
Mom, we'll be fine.
Grandpa Aang and his friends were around our age when they traveled the world.
Well, at least I won't have to worry about you starving out there.
Mom, we're going to be in the wild, living off the land.
We don't need your food.
But I made your favorite treat.
Sweet buns with happy faces on them? Well, I guess we're not officially on the road yet.
Aw, this one is smudged.
I can't eat this.
You know, sometimes, things get smudged in the wild.
Were you able to get a read on Korra yet? No, but once we're further out, I'll be able to hone in on her spiritual energy.
We should be able to find her within a few days.
Good luck, and be careful.
Remember, Jinora's in charge.
I answer to no man or girl, even if she does have tattoos.
Now, let's move out, soldiers.
Pepper, yip yip.
Finally! I've been holding my pee for an hour.
If you get through to Korra, tell her I said hi.
Do you feel anything yet? What's taking so long? Ikki, I can't concentrate if you keep talking.
Why don't you go play with one of those spirits? Jinora's spirity powers are broken, and she doesn't know where Korra is.
My powers are not broken.
I just need more than two seconds and some quiet.
While you try to pull yourself together, Poki and I are going to go into town and find out if anyone's seen Korra.
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Enough chitchat.
You can hold the picture of Korra I drew.
I didn't know you could draw.
You don't know a lot of things about me, sister.
Let's roll.
Have you seen this woman? Well, aren't you an adorable little thing? I'm not adorable.
I'm dangerous.
Dangerously cute with those cheeks.
This never happened.
Let's split.
The Avatar? We still have one of those? Haven't seen her, kid.
Man! - Can I trust you? - I guess so.
I'm on a top secret mission to find the Avatar.
Have you seen her? I haven't, sorry.
Top secret mission, huh? Yeah, it's been pretty dangerous.
I've seen some things.
Really? What kind of things? Crazy things.
I'm Meelo.
What should I call you, other than beautiful? I'm Tuyen.
Nice to meet you.
Ooh! Meelo found a girlfriend.
Go away, Ikki! Jinora's been looking for you.
We're moving on.
Looks like you got to get back to your mission.
Good luck, Meelo.
Thanks a lot, Ikki.
You drove away the love of my life! Jinora, Ikki! It's Korra! Where, where, where, where, where, where, where? It's just a photo of Korra.
At least it's something.
Pretty neat, huh? She came by here about six months ago.
Looks like someone just drummed up a good old-fashioned lead.
Then where did she go? Oh, I don't know, but she wasn't looking too good.
Ikki, this is all your fault.
What? I didn't do anything.
Exactly, you need to start pulling your weight.
That goes for you too, so-called leader.
Remember when he used to be so nice and sweet? No.
So What's the plan for today? You're looking at it.
But we didn't do anything yesterday or the day before that.
I know! Tell me the story about how you taught Aang to earthbend.
What's there to tell? I threw some rocks at the Avatar, he got all whiny, and Sokka fell in a hole.
I thought there'd be more to it than that.
What about the time you guys took down the Firelord? That must have been epic.
Oh, yeah.
It was hot, I was on a blimp, and I think a giant turtle showed up.
Wow, what a day.
Okay, you're terrible at telling stories.
You're terrible at listening to them.
Quit making all that racket.
If you're so antsy to do something, why don't you go and collect some mushrooms for dinner? You got it.
Take the path till you see the boulder with a hole in it.
Then go to your left.
Oh, and make sure you get the big, slimy ones.
They're the tastiest.
Hey, where's all the food mom gave us? I threw it in the river.
You did what? That food was supposed to last us two weeks.
Hey, keep it down! I'm trying to meditate.
Yeah, keep it down, Ikki.
Meelo threw away all our food! From now on, we hunt for our meals.
Meelo, we're vegetarians.
We don't hunt.
Enough whining.
Poki and I will go find some grub.
My name's Meelo.
I like to throw away food and fart at inappropriate moments.
I'm Jinora.
I'm so above it all because I'm meditating all the time.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't see you there.
Wait! You dropped your breakfast! Hey.
Does this mean we're friends? You're trespassing.
Hold it right there.
All right, little airbender.
Tell us what you're doing in the Earth Empire.
Are you spying? No.
I swear I'm not a spy.
I've been traveling with my brother and sister.
It's our first big mission, and my dad, Tenzin, is counting on us.
But if we don't find the Avatar, he's going to be really disappointed.
Can I talk to you for a second? This girl is Tenzin's kid, and she's looking for the Avatar.
Do you know what that means? No, but try this macaroon.
Get that out of my face! Look, if we capture these three airbender kids and bring them to Kuvira, I bet we'd get a big-time promotion.
You mean we'd get out of this dump? Sorry, little lady.
It looks like we got off on the wrong foot.
So you're out here with your brother and sister.
Where's your campsite? Why do you want to know? We just want to get the family back together again.
Maybe we could sit everybody down and have a nice plate of macaroons.
Where did you get those? I found a whole sack of food down by the river, and with each delicious snack comes a lovely, handwritten note.
This one says, "you're my handsome little man.
" That is so touching.
My mom wrote those notes.
That's our sack of food! Enough with the cute notes! Where are your brother and sister? Who cares? I don't want to see them.
I'd rather hang out here with you guys.
Hit me with one of those macaroons.
Are you okay? Yup, totally fine.
I hope you're hungry, 'cause we found some We found some berries.
Looks like you got some bad berries.
So much for living off the land.
They're fine.
I just ate too many of them because they're so so delicious.
Did you run into Ikki while you were picking your poisonous berries? Uh, no.
What, did she run off or something? I think so.
Great, now I got to go find the Avatar and her.
This mission is getting worse by the day.
This isn't only your mission, Meelo.
I thought we were doing this as a family.
It seems pretty lonely out here.
Where is everybody else? I don't want to talk about it.
Aww, he's just upset because Kuvira's taking all the troops to Zaofu, and we had to stay here.
Well, it's the last city left, and then the whole empire will be united.
And you know there's gonna be a huge party afterwards.
It's tough to be left out, huh? I know exactly what you're going through.
- You do? - Yeah.
My brother and sister are always leaving me out of fun stuff.
I mean, we're supposed to be looking for the Avatar together, but they won't even let me help.
Well, that's not fair.
Maybe we can help you out.
So where have you looked for her? We've been traveling down the west coast, and the only lead we have is some guy who said he saw her six months ago.
Well, we have troops pretty much everywhere.
If anyone saw her, they would have reported it.
What about this place? Oh, that's the swamp.
No one goes there.
Don't get discouraged, Ikki.
You're a valuable member of the team, and you have a big heart.
I know you're gonna find her.
Now, let's get you out of those ropes.
You're welcome, Ikki.
Why did you do that? We're saving you.
Let's go.
I had everything under control.
I just found our food, and I have an idea where Korra is.
You do? Then let's get going.
Hold on.
Sorry my brother and sister knocked you out.
Nice chatting with you.
There you are.
You got my dinner yet? No, this swamp, it did crazy things to my mind.
I had visions of all the times my enemies hurt me.
Yeah, I figured something like that might happen.
What? You wanted me to see those visions? You are one twisted old lady, you know that? Look, I know you want to get better, and so does the swamp.
It can sense you're out of balance.
It'll teach you what you need to learn, if you're open to listening.
Okay, swamp.
I'm all ears.
You said you saw your past enemies.
Now, why do you think that is? I don't know, because they've made me and a lot of other people suffer.
Sounds like you're carrying around your former enemies, the same way you're still carrying around that metal poison.
You ever consider maybe you could learn something from them? Sounds like the swamp's messing with your mind too.
My mind is just fine, thank you.
Listen, what did Amon want? Equality for all.
Unalaq? He brought back the spirits.
And Zaheer believed in freedom.
I guess.
The problem was, those guys were totally out of balance, and they took their ideologies too far.
Okay, fine.
But that doesn't explain why they keep haunting me.
Because you need to face your fears.
You can't expect to deal with future enemies if you're still fighting the old ones.
Maybe you're right, but how am I supposed to move on? Boy, you avatars sure need a lot of hand-holding.
Get up.
We're going to the Banyangrove tree.
Those soldiers said there weren't any troops here, and I figure if Korra's not feeling good, she might come to a spiritual place like this to get better.
There is an enormous amount of spiritual activity here, but I don't feel Korra.
Well, that's what we get for listening to Ikki.
Guys, we just got here.
Let's at least look around.
I'm sorry, Ikki, but I'm with Meelo on this.
I don't think we're going to find her here.
Let's go, pepper.
Aah! Why did those stupid vines pull us in here anyway? Because they want us here.
I'm telling you, Korra's got to be close.
I don't know, Ikki.
I still don't sense Korra.
Well, you haven't sensed her the entire time we've been looking for her.
Next time I go on a mission, it's going to be boys only, just Poki and me.
It's beautiful.
The roots of the Banyangrove tree spread out for miles in every direction, connecting this whole swamp.
Your problem is you've been disconnected for too long, disconnected from the people who love you and disconnected from yourself.
I'm tired of listening to you! Korra.
I know where Korra is! Yeah! I can't believe it! I saw Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo.
They're here! Good.
Hopefully, they're here to take you home.
Korra! Oh, we missed you so much, Korra.
I missed you so much too.
How did you find me all the way out here? Jinora sensed your energy.
But we never would've been here if it weren't for Ikki.
I never would've stormed off and found those soldiers if it weren't for Meelo.
I was trying to toughen up these ladies, but I guess it was a team effort.
I love your hair.
It's so you.
I-I'm so sorry.
This is Meelo, Jinora, and Ikki, Aang and Katara's grandchildren.
Your grandpa was a real pain in my butt.
Wait a minute, cranky, old, blind You must be Toph! Oh, I like this one.
You need to come home, Korra.
Kuvira is taking over the Earth kingdom.
You have to stop her.
I don't know.
I'm not the Avatar I used to be.
I can't even go into the Avatar state.
Please, Korra.
The world needs you back.
All right, I'm ready.
I'm not bending it out of you.
You got to do this on your own.
Close your eyes.
Clear your mind.
And don't freak out like last time.
Now, focus your energy.
Find the metal.
Let it move through your body.
That fight is over.
Release the fear.
Well done, Korra.
The Avatar is back in business! I feel so much lighter.
Thank you so much for helping me.
I'd like to give you a hug now if that's okay with you.
All right.
You earned it.
- Bye, Toph! - Bye, see you later.
- It was so nice to meet you! - We're gonna miss you! Finally, some peace and quiet.

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