The Six Million Dollar Man (1974) s01e03 Episode Script

Operation Firefly

Well, Steve, not bad, eh? For a wireless laser projector.
Wireless? May I? Go ahead.
What's the light source? For years, scientists have been trying to learn how the firefly produces light.
And here it is.
This laser is powered by a synthesis of chemical light energy.
Similar to that of a firefly.
You gotta be kidding.
Oscar, this is ingenious.
It's incredible.
It's all done with diode injectors.
Whose brainchild is this? A man called Dr.
Samuel Abbott.
Nobel Prize winning Dr.
Abbott? That's the one.
If he gets the kinks out of this, he's gonna have himself a-- He's not going to get the kinks out of it.
At least not for us.
We suspect that he's been kidnapped.
We've searched everywhere in the United States, Europe, everyplace.
We just come up blank.
No leads at all? We have one.
He has a daughter.
Her name is Susan Abbott.
She's a Parapsychologist.
But that's not a lead, Oscar.
It is in this case.
She's an expert in Extra Sensory Perception.
Wait, Wait a minute.
You're saying ESP, Oscar? I admit, it's a slim chance.
You actually believe she can use ESP to lead us to her father? Steve it's all we've got.
Do you have any idea how much that is worth as a weapon? Big numbers? To find Dr.
Abbott, we've got to find Susan first.
Where is she? Spain.
Robins? Leduc.
They've found Susan Abbott.
In Spain.
They're sending a man to get her.
A man named Steve Austin.
It looks good at NASA One.
BCS Arm switch is on.
Okay, Victor.
Landing Rocket Arm switch is on.
Here comes the throttle.
Circuit breakers in.
We have separation.
Inboard and outboards are on.
I'm comin' forward with the side stick.
Looks good.
Ah, Roger.
I've got a blowout in damper three.
Get your pitch to zero.
Pitch is out.
I can't hold altitude! Correction.
Alpha Hold is off.
Threat selector is emergency.
Flight Com, I can't hold it! She's breaking up! She's breaking-- Steve Austin.
A man barely alive.
We can rebuild him.
We have the technology.
We can make him better than he was.
Better, stronger, faster.
Yes, sir.
How do I get to the town of El Capote? The train, the bus.
It's all in here, sir.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Excuse me.
The brochure you gave that gentleman was to the town of-- El Capote.
El Capote, of course.
Could I have one too, please? Yes.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Susan Abbott? Yes? I'm Steve Austin.
Hello, Steve Austin.
Oscar Goldman from Washington.
He sent me to see you.
Ah, good ol' Mr.
Goldman in Washington.
What's it about? It's about your father.
What about my father? He's missing.
Wait a minute.
Goldman in Washington sent you to tell me that my father is missing, right? That's right.
Austin, are you trying to pick me up? No, but-- Then why don't you go and take a tour of a Moorish castle and take Mr.
Goldman with you, huh? Are you still here? I've seen Moorish castles.
They don't do anything for me.
Go ahead, play.
But I only know a couple of chords.
That's okay.
Just make some music.
Some sounds.
If I like what I hear, then I'll let you talk to me for a few minutes.
If not, well, it's been fun.
Go on.
Let yourself go.
Olé! Why do you think somebody kidnapped my father? Because they want the laser projector he was working on.
Okay, I'll buy that.
But how can I help you? With your ESP.
I can tell by the way you say that that you think it's about as scientific as sawing a lady in half.
Let's just say I'm not a firm believer.
That's what I thought.
Susan, you've got to try.
It's the only thing we've got.
I gotta level with you.
If my father was in danger, I'd know about it.
I mean, I'd have an inkling.
A message.
I don't know if you believe that, but it's true.
No, I do.
And there's something else too.
Doing ESP isn't like turning the water on whenever you're thirsty.
I mean, it takes time.
It's gotta come to you.
You can't rush it.
No, I understand.
But will you do whatever it is you do to test it? See if you can get some kind of message from him.
I'll try.
See? Dad got that in Alaska years ago.
Was his favorite piece until I demanded he give it to me.
It's very nice.
Thank you.
That was weird.
What? He's okay.
I mean, he's alive.
But the rest of it.
There was a-- A hurricane.
And a swamp.
You know, spooky stuff.
Tropical stuff.
A missile being launched.
That spells Florida.
Very good.
But where in Florida? I don't know.
But don’t worry, I'll think of it.
But right now, that's it.
Well, at least I know where to begin.
Yes, we do.
That's a very tempting offer, but, um-- You need me to find him.
And you've got me all worried about my father being kidnapped.
I'm gonna just sit here and listen to guitar music.
I couldn't.
I'll come up with something more specific than Florida, really.
Well, okay.
You weren't about to go searching through the whole state of Florida alone.
You knew all along I was coming with you, didn't you? Yeah.
Steve! Come on.
Get out.
You alright? Yeah, I'm fine.
Somebody waited to see this.
Hey, how did you stop the cab? By ruining my best pair of boots.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Show him in.
Good morning.
Good morning.
You are Mr.
That's right.
Oscar Goldman.
Goldman, I represent an international consortium of manufacturers.
We have an interesting product to show you.
You must have the wrong office.
You want the purchasing office, Mr.
We have energy to sell, Mr.
I see, but you don't-- Cheap, non-polluting, inexhaustible supply.
Energy that is capable of powering a portable laser projector Mr.
Oscar? Steve.
Steve, where are you? Susan Abbott and I are about to take a plane to Florida.
Why Florida? It's your idea, Oscar.
Last night she came up with Florida.
Ten minutes ago, the Everglades.
Steve, they've got Abbott.
A representative came to see me today.
He wants a lot of gold.
Well, stall him, Oscar.
He must be doing something right.
They tried to kill us this afternoon.
I'll contact the American Embassy immediately.
Do you have any descriptions of them? Relax, pal.
We gave them the slip.
We're going to the Everglades.
Let's see here.
Anything else? No, I think that'll be it, Frank.
There you go.
Thank you, sir.
Are you sure you don't need a boat guide? Ask anybody at the landing about Big Frank.
That's me.
I'm sorry, Frank.
I already got a guide.
Next time, maybe.
You bet.
Hey, what do you see? We're on the right track.
Yeah, well, I hope so.
I feel it, Steve.
My father’s out there somewhere.
I know it.
Hey! You the guy who hired a guy named Albert? That's right.
His wife got sick.
He asked me and my brother to take his place.
That your gear? Yes, um, but no thanks.
What's the matter? I know the swamp good as Albert.
Well, I already have a guide.
Frank! But Albert told us we could have the job, mister.
Frank! Yeah? You're our guide.
I'll get my gear.
You're getting two guides for the price of one.
You tell Albert I hope his wife gets better real soon, you hear? Steve? How come you wouldn't let them be our guides? I don't take kindly to guys who come out of nowhere with a story about Albert's wife, if Albert even had a wife.
After what happened in Spain, I gotta be careful.
I thought the natives were supposed to be friendly.
You're looking at one of the few friendly faces left in this swamp.
Rollins, this is Hobbs.
You hear me? Go ahead, Hobbs.
You better get on out here.
They're headed in the right direction.
Okay, you stay there and we'll pick you up on the way.
What were you doing in the woods? Knocking down a few trees to make a clearing.
Dinner smells good, huh? Yep.
Hey, what's the matter with you? You've been walking around ever since we got out of the boat.
Look, I want you two to sleep out in the clearing tonight.
That alright with you? Sure, but-- If anything happens, I want you to stay there and don't make a sound.
What's gonna happen? Nothing, I hope.
What do we sleep in? Sleeping bags.
Watch this.
What's going on, boss? Well, I'm not sure.
It could be trouble.
Hey, then I can really start earning my money.
I'm a good fighter.
They don't get up when I get through.
I appreciate your offer, Frank.
But it won’t be that kind of trouble.
They'll have guns.
You know, boss, sometimes when guys get in the swamp the first time they, uh-- they get, uh-- You know what I mean.
Imagining things.
Look, Frank, if there is trouble you stay with her no matter what, you understand? Sure, boss.
That tent's empty.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Stay here.
What's going on? My boat! Frank! Come back! Frank! Frank! Frank? Frank! Frank! Frank! Steve! Steve, are you alright? I'm alright.
I'm alright.
Everything's ruined! I mean, it's all burned! Can Frank get us out of here on land? Frank can't help us.
He's dead.
What are we going to do? I mean, we've got no boat, no guide, nothing! What're we gonna do? It's alright.
It's alright.
Control yourself.
I'll get us out of here, okay? Steve? How did you-- Hey! Ah! God, that's hot.
You alright? Yeah.
We gotta have some means of transportation.
How on earth did you do it? Well, you've got your magic, and I've got mine.
You know yesterday I decided to ask you to take me back.
But they killed a man.
A man that wasn’t doing anything except trying to save his boat.
They would kill my father just as easily, wouldn't they? They need your father because they want the laser.
Frank was a good man, wasn't he, Steve? Hey.
It's alright.
I'm okay.
Can I do anything? Why don't you get the gear together? Yeah.
You know, the thing about canoes is that they tip over easily.
Especially homemade ones.
What happens if it sinks? Well, you'll be the first to know.
It doesn't make sense.
I saw my father’s face.
He was smiling.
He was happy.
I'm no help.
You're trying too hard.
I've got to find my father.
We'll find him, Susan.
Well, he doesn't talk to me.
He doesn't tell me anything.
You said yourself, you can't force it.
You just relax.
I'll go get us some firewood, huh? Okay.
Ahhh! Steve! Steve! Steve! Get out! Get out now! I can't! It's alright.
It's alright.
It's alright.
Good talking to you, Bill.
Very good.
I'll try to get back by then.
This is the last time we’re going to come to your office, Mr.
I've tried to be professional.
I’ve waited patiently for you to contact me with an offer.
You've chosen to do nothing.
Before I leave here today, you will pick up that phone and authorize the payment of ten million dollars to my account in Switzerland.
There's the number.
All you've given me so far is words, Mr.
Clever, informed, but hypothetical.
I have more than that.
We have Dr.
Abbott and his perfected laser projector.
That's what you've been trying to convince me of.
We now also have Miss Susan Abbott.
And this fellow.
Steve Austin who works for you.
I see you understand.
Is he alive? For the moment.
Sally, get me the Secretary.
Stay down.
That's their camp.
You stay behind me and be quiet, you hear? Ah! Gimme your hand.
Ah! Steve! You okay? That's quicksand.
Dad? Susan? Dad! Thank God you're alright.
Of course, I'm alright.
What're you doing here? Who are you? I'm Steve Austin, Doctor.
I'm here from Washington.
John! John! Dad, what're you doing? Get your hands up.
He's come here to rescue you.
You’re wrong, Susan.
He's sent here to kill me.
You heard me.
Get them up.
Dad, I just don't understand.
Susan, I've been safe here thanks to John Belson and his men.
But Steve isn't an enemy agent.
He came here to find you.
We learned they'd sent an agent to try to kill your father.
Well, that just can't be true.
Miss Abbott, I am a government agent.
Now I've known your dad for a good many years.
Susan, the timing has just been too perfect.
Tomorrow morning, I do the final test on the laser.
They knew that, and that's why they've sent this man.
His name is Steve Austin.
Susan, I've licked it.
After all these years, the laser works perfectly.
This man, Steve Austin, and his people want the laser projector.
Certainly you can see that.
John felt that I should complete my work on the laser in hiding.
So it's all very official.
Steve was sent from Washington.
Let's see your ID.
I must've left it in my other suit.
Is that all you're gonna say? Susan, I'm afraid Mr.
Belson here is a little too slick for us.
But all those things that happened.
The taxi.
The taxi that went over the cliff.
The attack on your camp.
I had reports on those incidents.
Abbott, they were all staged just to convince you that this man here was authentic.
But a man was killed.
Our Indian guide, Frank.
I know.
I suppose his life didn't mean that much to them.
They were clever, actually.
Now your powers of ESP are quite good they did think of using you against us.
And that's one thing that we overlooked otherwise this man never would’ve gotten to you.
Let's take him outside.
This man Belson.
Are you really sure about him? Darling, John Belson has been protecting me since the Manhattan Project.
I've known the man for almost 28 years.
Why should I start doubting him now? I've been such a fool.
For whom are you working, Austin? Alright, our interrogation unit will see if they can help you remember.
Sounds fair enough.
Lock him up and I'll notify Washington that we’ve got him.
You may have convinced them that you're legit, but don't' waste it on me.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Porter? Everyone here? Uh, yes.
Yes, everyone.
Thanks to you, John, this moment has been made possible.
You said-- you said that it was ready.
Well it was, John.
It worked perfectly yesterday.
You see what happened today.
You see that! Look, John, relax.
I don't know what caused the failure, but-- Well, I can build another one in two or three months and then I'm sure that-- Three months! Are you out of your mind? I can't maintain security here for another two or three months! Alright, we'll go back to my lab in Boston.
I can build it there.
Or somewhere else.
Wherever you think it's safe-- Get to your lab and you'll stay there until you get this thing perfected! John, what's come over you? What're you saying? You heard me.
You're gonna work day and night! Until you come up with a model that works! Dad? It's alright, darling.
We leave the first thing in the morning.
I'm not going to work another moment here.
You will do exactly what I tell you to do if you wanna see her again.
Oh, my God.
Steve was right! Get her out of here! And you get back to the house! Take him! Oh! Steve! Steve, you were right about Belson! He is the enemy agent and he's got my father-- No time for apologies now.
Let's get your dad out of here.
How did you get free? It's an old Indian trick.
I don't understand-- Sorry, partner.
You alright, Doctor? Yes, well, I-- I don't know what to say.
Save it.
Let's get out of here.
Let's get out of here fast.
Come on.
Porter! Porter! There they are.
Be careful! Don't hit Abbott! Get in there and hide.
Meet me at the boat.
Run! Run! Run! Steve! Steve! Where are Belson and his men? Well, as soon as you can prove you're the real Doctor Abbott, I'd be happy to explain.
I think you had that coming, Dad.
Is that our boat? That's it.
Will it stay afloat with the three of us? Well, if it can't you'll be the first to know.
And what about Rawlins? Good.
Thank you very much.
Leduc is being held for us in Paris-- Hello, Susan.
Rawlins was arrested in New Orleans, thanks to your description, Steve.
So professor, now that Belson's men are in custody you can resume work on the laser.
What's the point? After years of experimenting and testing, it's useless.
I had that perfected.
After what happened in the Everglades It would've worked, Doctor Abbott, if, um-- I hadn't removed this.
Transis-- How could you have known that by removing this that projector would explode? Well, don't tell me you have a background in biochemical electronics.
I've snuck into a few classes here at MIT, professor.
Steve has taken advanced science classes at, um, other universities as well, Doctor.
Him? I thought he was a football player.
That too.
Football, player, huh? I wish it wasn't over.
What's the matter? I don't know.
You okay? I think so.
I-- I just saw something.
What? What did you see? I just saw a bottle of wine, flickering candles and an incredibly beautiful sunset.
I really like your visions.
You do? Mmm-hmm.
Let's go.

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