The Universe s04e07 Episode Script

The Search for Cosmic Clusters

In the beginning was the darkness.
Suddenly, an explosion occurred, which launched infinity Extension of the existence of time, space and matter.
Every day, new discoveries, revealed the enigmatic umopomrachitelni and deadly the secrets of the place we call Universe.
Between the gas and dust swirling the sleeves of the Milky Way stars are born.
But they are not alone but in groups, maintained by gravity.
Gravity is the sculptor in the universe.
Preparing for travel between stars in clusters of galaxies, treasures that contains the space important answers to the riddles related to the 400 billion suns in the Milky Way.
Our stellar masses helped to understand how stars live and die.
This is a turbulent and chaotic existence.
Our search space groups may reveal a universe absorbed by the eternal darkness.
UNIVERSE Groups search space During the dark nights of the earth observed around 1000 stars with the naked eye.
This impressed us a beautiful view, but there are places in the galaxy, to stop breathing.
Imagine the sun located at the tip of a huge pile composed of millions of stars, fill the sky.
The density of stars is very high.
The distance between them can is one hundredth of a light year.
Magnificent in groups galaxies are more than beautiful.
You do not realize it, but they hide secrets of star--formation and destruction in the form supernova, the creation of the elements of life.
Our search space groups does not begin in the eyepiece of the telescope, in the cabin of a spaceship.
Our mission is Tour of the galaxy and understand why groups are so important and why are key to stellar puzzles.
Our first stop is the Pleiades -- the most famous of all star clusters, located at 440 light--years from Earth.
Known since antiquity, It contains thousands of stars, but only a small fraction of them are visible from Earth.
Pleiades are so "seven sisters.
" Bright and highly visible group the stars of the northern sky.
It turned out that only six of the stars are clearly visible.
Only people with a very sharp eye can see 8, 9 or 10 stars.
It is rare that a person to see exactly seven stars.
Perhaps in ancient times was star that was brighter, than it is now and we see that only 6 stars.
In fact, there are hundreds of Pleiades maybe 1000 stars.
We walked around the Pleiades, information search that could reveal the secrets of the universe.
Clusters are the key star formation to their way of life and death, the secrets of creation.
As in all groups, we see that the stars of the Pleiades so close to each other, that are practically uniform the distance from Earth.
Of course, the stars in the groups are not exactly the same distance but so far that small distances between them are irrelevant.
A good analogy is to look High stadium full of people.
From this point you think that people are equal away from you.
Most of what we know about the stars size, weight and age understanding of its apparent brightness.
But without knowing how away is the star can not understand what is its actual brightness.
There are lots of action.
It is very important that the stars in the group are the same distance from us.
This allows us to assess its luster.
If you do not know that the stars are equidistant we can not know look bright and distant star or closer and pale.
The battery can be judged.
The same rules apply and cars on the road.
Here we have two identical cars, and we know that their lamps are equally bright.
From here I see the headlights are the same.
Now let's see how it will dropped from different distances.
Well, Amy, give back.
You can see the headlights much paler than the above although they are identical.
This is the law of inverse proportionality.
If the car is twice as far lamps are four times more pale.
If it is 4 times farther lights will be 16 times more pale.
But sometimes, the light It seems clear, it really is.
It is a flashlight and beacon like stars in star clusters.
Flashlight is pale compared to the lighthouse but this is due to really pale and not because he was traveling.
Same with star clusters.
Up close, we see that in the Pleiades star is bright and dark.
This diversity of stars in clusters solve the mystery of evolution of stars.
Star clusters allowed us understand how stars live and die.
Imagine that Foreigners want to know how people live and die, but We can observe very short as it flew past the Earth.
It will take photos of millions of people and although you can not control development of an individual, understand the history of images.
Star Cluster is something like: time of the photo.
There are stars in different stages of life it was enough astronomers to understand how stars spend their lives.
We know that the biggest and brightest stars are the most dangerous and remain in the country.
These are the stars die hard living and fast.
Those who reached enormous proportions before they explode in a supernova.
The dangers lurking even harmless in groups with names such as jewelry boxes.
Our next stop is in place which is well known people in the northern hemisphere.
We bring to our closest cluster "Big Bear".
Overlooking the Cup, we see five central stars of Ursa Major, four of which we know Ursa Major.
People realized that move together in heaven.
In most constellations, stars to be built have nothing in common.
They have gravity connection.
Stars from the cup of the Big Dipper are formed while and move forward together in a group.
Over time, their movement change the arrangement of the stars.
We visited the Big Dipper to answer another question.
Why are some groups more scattered than in others? Irregularly shaped and dispersed species are called open clusters.
Messier is relatively connected sum of small stars.
Formed in the sleeve of spiral galaxies slow and propagation.
Scientists believe that all Stars are born in clusters.
Over time, the stars Open clusters are scattered by the gravity of other stars.
This means that most groups are small, because otherwise their stars would be in a heap.
Star cluster is something like These confetti in his hand.
Gravity gradually pridarpva Stars of the cup and spread so as I can fly and confetti dispersal.
If it is a cluster, gravity slowly bring to the stars cluster dispersion in time until almost nothing remains.
As researchers, these young people groups are important to us.
When we have so many stars in one place to determine what types of e frequently occur in the galaxy.
In most groups, we have seen several large and very bright stars in little more normal star like our sun, and many subtle stars small and pale.
How are densely populated clusters? Stars in clusters are thousands of millions of miles away.
But if you get the distances Our team find that they are very more closely than we think.
The density of stars in region around the sun is a bit more of a star every 50 cubic light years.
In an open star cluster has 500 in the same space.
Once we were at the pile but we have so much time has elapsed, that our nurses are able to other end of the galaxy.
What If the sun was part of the heap? To understand this, Aimed at a place where he is currently group formed.
We are 1500 light--years from Earth, Orion Nebula that looks like a fuzzy star the sword of the legendary hunter.
Up close, it is impressive light show.
Orion Nebula is one of the incubators of great space.
Currently no stars are born.
If you fly in the Orion Nebula you will see many stars, but in the middle there are four very bright stars.
Forman etc "trapeze.
" If you go there, you see these four newborns and bright stars and drebosatsi many around.
It would be a great trip.
Target star trapeze that are most important in this Stars laboratory.
Thousands of other stars are formed, or are in process of formation.
Scientists believe that the pile of exercise something like birth control.
Only 10% of matter in the cloud turns into stars.
Why is this so? We believe that have stopped the process.
Once formed, stars, cloud heating by thermostat limit the number of stars that can be formed.
The trapezoid has four massive stars the creation of a large number ultraviolet radiation and winds Raging around.
Thus the influence of gases trying to create stars.
Although approximately trapeze is consisting of a thousand stars star formation rate influence by ultraviolet radiation and winds.
If the nebulae are stellar incubators of the universe clusters are the kindergartens where the stars stay together while the galaxy is not part them.
But not all groups are similar.
We will comply with the groupings create some of the most extreme conditions of the galaxy.
There are so many massive stars, that are within an inch of the explosion.
When it comes clusters of stars, One of the things that people want to understand is, what is the largest.
Who really stands a group? It's like watching a big city.
Would you like to know what are its tallest buildings, and more distinctive benchmarks.
If we find a giant between the star clusters, must izminem Call Uesterlund 1 -- Super At present, one is Uesterlund the most important group that we know.
It contains about 100 000 stars A strange thing is that for a long time time did not know.
Uesterlund 1 visible light Astronomers have long known that but only 5 years ago realize how much stars in it.
Uesterlund 1 infrared light The reason is that then ñäîáèõìå Infrared detectors penetrating dust in the galaxy.
Progress in infrared observations revealed a large area only 6 light years full of stars.
Most of them are supergiant various sizes and colors -- from blue to red and even yellow.
Blue, red and yellow supergiant are phases of life of massive stars.
Born red turn blue, Sometimes I vary the two colors because the outer layers are willing to reveal the interior.
Between these two phases, which are yellow and call them yellow supergiant.
Sun, which we an ordinary star, is negligible in size compared to the supergiant.
Imagine that the sun, whose diameter is 100 times larger than the earth, is reduced to size the head of this pin.
This is really a contraction.
Therefore, most stars, red supergiant, have dimensions this telescope.
They are huge compared with the Sun, and it's great compared with Earth.
Supergiant, if are yellow, blue or red called "Evolved massive stars.
This means he had used nuclear fuel and become giants can explode in supernovas.
Supernovae are very bright and easy visible from long distances.
By David W.
Wing, Pennsylvania want to order "the universe" If supernovae can curved space, so we can feel.
David, we hope the distortion of space supernova can be detected, but will not be easy.
Do not be shaken.
We hope that the future of generations of detectors of gravity detect these weak waves the fabric of spacetime.
This is a new unexplored aspect of astrophysics -- gravitational waves.
Our Sun become a red giant.
Amply sufficient to swallow the Earth but did not reach orbit Jupiter, as supergiant and not explode in supernovas.
The presence of supergiant a lot We suggest his age.
These massive stars are important because they live very short -- only 5.
6 million years.
If you see a massive star that is the end of his life know that a dish can not be more than 5--6 million years because otherwise the star would have exploded.
Until now, astronomers have discovered more massive cluster.
As Uesterlund 1 Until recently, were unknown.
Until 10 years not did not know that group, which shows our ignorance.
All groups that we know had fewer than 10 000 stars.
We know that thousands of these small groups and only a dozen mass.
Since the galaxy There are a lot of dust known groups: simple groupings Open groups are close to the sun.
Dom massive clusters We can barely see center of the galaxy but with the development of technologies our field of vision is extended grow, reaching to the spiral arms.
Uesterlund 1 will continue to be the most massive group, because we discover new groups.
Near the center of the galaxy There are several Super Cup that a few million years can be broken of gravity located There is a giant black hole.
For now, their massive stars are subject of serious investigation.
Our next stop the group is pentagonal.
Massive fall in the former named after the five supergiant in the center.
Gun is the star, a of the brightest stars in the galaxy.
In the cell there are five supergiant mysterious whose secrets are protected by clouds of red dust.
In 2006, scientists puzzled Try to get close using the Keck telescope in Hawaii.
Its discovery was surprising.
Two of the stars are surrounded spirals strange This means that supergiant are not alone.
In a pentagonal cluster more massive stars, found in dual systems.
They are in the process of slow release their outer shells, the formation of this spiral.
Very rare multiple sites in one place.
These stars are very rare.
Are they scattered throughout the galaxy but not many in one place.
A matter of time before these and hundreds of other super stars to turn the container with supernovae.
This will destroy their own planet and colonize neighboring worlds with deadly radiation.
This danger is in another group near the center of the galaxy.
Called The Archies and is located at 25 000 light--years from Earth and only 100 light years from the center of the galaxy.
Stack was the first Young Archies and the massive galaxy cluster found in and is the densest of all.
The area around the sun is compared with an empty bowl Archies.
The only star in the 50 cubic light--years around the sun Alpha Centauri is the system.
Stars in the cluster Archies are so closely in the same space more than one million stars.
Illuminate the sky at any the planet during the day and night.
If we lived on a planet Archies Bowl or another dense cluster, we see thousands the stars in the night sky.
Some of them brighter than the full moon.
Night sky will be illuminated as an office during the day.
Archies Stack is an important milestone in our galaxy scientists because used to understand How big can to become stars.
The demand for space groups lead us to Archies, one of the most important in our galaxy.
Here, scientists have discovered how can become big stars.
It seems easy question but some years ago I do not know how big are stars.
Archies has everything you need to answer this question.
First, it is a large group large number of stars to study.
Secondly, the age of 2.
5 million years, the stack is small enough and massive stars not explode.
The biggest stars in the group would be a good reference point the maximum size that can reach the stars.
In Archies saw great number of small stars least among the stars And dozens of very massive stars, reaching up to 130 solar masses.
This is awesome.
If the formation of the heavier stars available would be in the Archies.
Apparently, the maximum possible mass of stars between 130 and 150 solar masses.
Walk away Archies youth group Aimed at an audience different parts of the galaxy.
In the quiet suburb of the Milky Way seniors live -- globular clusters.
Globular clusters are my favorite because they are shaped like a balloon.
They often contain up to one million located close to the stars.
These objects are mysterious, because they are some of the oldest stars in the galaxy.
Some of the stars of the age as the universe itself.
Although a notable species age of globular clusters makes them so exciting.
Because they are old almost as much as the universe raise the question age of the galaxy.
If the Milky Way is old as the universe? We know that the universe is 13.
7 billion years.
Given that the oldest globular clusters are 13 billion years This means that you have made the first billion years after the Big Bang.
This sets the date of birth and our galaxy.
We believe that many other galaxies were created the first one billion years after the birth of the universe.
Scientists do not know how globular clusters formed.
This is one of the unresolved mysteries of astronomy.
As they occur in other galaxies may be associated with the formation galaxies themselves.
We see the individual stars Globular clusters are very old sometimes reach 13 billion years This means that clusters are as old and form together with the galaxy.
It is still unclear if the first have appeared in clusters or formed simultaneously.
The demand for globular leads groups Beyond chaotic disk galaxy where there are many stars at a place called "Galactic halo.
Halon the Milky Way is a great nearly spherical region with the stars scattered around spiral disk of our galaxy.
There globular clusters.
We know about 160 globular clusters, but it is believed that once have been much more.
The situation can halons key to maintaining the spherical shape.
It is possible that all globular clusters located closer to the disk are degraded long ago.
However, in at least a lot of halons which is in danger of breaking.
Coop, which has lost Goal globular cluster M12, to see the devastation up close.
Circular rather than outside parts of the galaxy M12 passes near its center.
Thus, gravitation interaction with other stars was able to divert some of the lightest in the cluster.
Thus, with each step away M12 lost his lighter.
Ultimately, the battery completely swallowed by the Milky Way.
For now, most globular Remain overcrowded clusters.
There are 60 000 times more dense than field around the sun.
Since clusters are old, all massive stars, living in them long since died.
Globular clusters in the sky be crowded, but pale.
If we lived on a planet in a globular cluster, want to see thousands of stars, but the luminosity as several candles in a darkened room.
Walking in halos globular clusters in the galaxy are like moons for satellites.
Globular clusters around other galaxies show this is common.
Our route takes us away in our own galaxy.
We are 60 million light years from home a massive elliptical galaxy called M87.
It does seem a globular cluster.
Most points in this pale Hubble Space Telescope picture, Globular clusters are M87 orbit.
In the giant galaxy There are 15 000 of them.
M87 is the other person spatial groupings.
Located in the center composed of a bunch of no stars and galaxies.
Our ship is there, to see chaos Collisions with million km / h galaxies.
We have only a few quick Looking at star clusters, to see how effective gravity holds together the stars.
Gravity is the sculptor in the universe.
Affecting large areas and can make galaxies so go to as do the stars.
The scale of these clustered has millions of light years.
This is fantastic.
This process begins in our Astronomical region which prepares our boat out of the galaxy.
The Milky Way is a great spiral galaxy located in a small Galaxy Group something that is typical of the universe.
Only 5% of galaxies found in large groups, but more than half are small groups of galaxies.
The birth of our galaxy cluster is called the local group.
Pass 3 million light years We have conducted over two big cocks -- Milky Way and M31 (Andromeda).
Galaxy triangular is the closest.
Among them are several dozen dwarf galaxies.
The galaxies in clusters mix over time.
Over the next 4.
6 billion years Milky Way will merge with Andromeda.
If you're currently viewing universe of our orbit the landscape will look like: In the center dominates the map of our own galaxy.
But when we merge with Andromeda the sky will look radically different.
This event will be impressive create a spiral galaxy it will be different two merging galaxies.
Andromeda will fly along Milky Way several times participate do so in a gravitational dance.
The merger will destroy Its elegant drive.
Finally, there will be a enormous balloon structure typical form elliptical galaxies.
Local group is small compared with the large galaxy clusters in the universe.
Our next stop is the nearest cluster.
Local group is about many more Virgo cluster of galaxies called.
There is no record of a dozen years, of thousands of galaxies.
Local Group, Virgo stack Cup and several other are part of a larger structure, called "Local Super.
These groups are dangerous places with galaxies moving with astonishing speed.
It is hundreds of km / sec, or 1.
6 million km / h.
Titles such high giant clusters, authorize two galactic mystery.
Why are some stars, galaxies form clusters, and not in others? The answer lies gas in the galaxy.
There are galaxies that are rich in gas and those who are poor.
And gas--rich galaxies create more stars.
It turned out that the galactic groups is like a war zone.
The speeds of millions of kmh threaten any gas--rich galaxy with asphyxia.
Galactic asphyxia occurs when the galaxy is not in the group came to his case and gravitational attraction suction gas of the galaxy.
This leaves the galaxy without gas and can not create new stars.
It stew.
If in the galaxy bowl was stripped of the external pressure due to friction gas in the cluster.
Passing through these gases that this pressure may deprive the galaxy its own gas unable to leave their creates many new star clusters.
If you fly in search of Cup intergalactic gas not seen.
They are so diluted that the Earth we have accepted for the perfect vacuum.
Including detectors X--ray are seen as major ghostly glow.
The galaxies we see in the visible spectrum are not the only ingredients of galaxy clusters.
They are not even key ingredient.
This is a hot dilute gas to warm during training of clusters.
Now it's hot X--ray that shines which are invisible to us.
The hot gases are more gravitational influence on the groups, that the galaxies themselves.
General severity of these gases pridarpva galaxies toward the center.
Where to look galaxy clusters, we see our own future.
In the center of the cluster is usually large elliptical galaxy.
It is the result of countless galaxy mergers as what would happen between the Milky Way and Andromeda.
This is a common feature galaxy clusters.
Merging galaxies, supergalaktika create one.
If the universe is filled with supergalaktiki unique? If gravity will increasing its attraction? To find the answer using supercomputers as a time machine which leads us into the future.
It was predicted that more sinister than we thought.
Larger telescopes and satellite observatories Continually provide great space group images.
But these are only moments of time.
To observe evolution of the universe we need a time machine.
Human life is short compared to the cosmic scale but we can observe evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters by simulations on powerful computers.
Active supercomputer our boat in a time machine to understand how the universe has evolved and what their purpose.
This simulation shows how galaxy clusters form.
condense to less than one minute.
Simulations on supercomputers like this help us understand how the universe is organized and what is the future.
The simulations that show how development of galaxy clusters for billions of years are amazing.
Great to see development of space--time.
This is how it supercomputers.
Start with something scientists called the problem of n bodies n is the number of organisms that can are the planets, stars or galaxies.
The problem is some simple calculations, shows how the main laws of gravity by Isaac Newton affect the movement of planets and stars in space.
These simulations are a very good to study the development complex systems, such as galaxies and galaxy clusters.
Peter Tuben specialist simulation University of Maryland, integration formulas in the gravitational supercomputer called Deep Thought.
The determination of the orbit of a planet orbit around a star is very easy.
Called "two--body problem.
And students can do.
Imagine the movement of several stars in the cluster.
The problem of n bodies is something like juggling.
You and I have a ball Easy to launch, but I do not know and juggler if you are dealing with two balls.
Obviously can not handle.
Very necessary and coordination efforts juggle two balls.
Imagine juggling with three or four balls.
I can not do, but there are people who can.
However, nobody can juggling 20 balls.
Surprisingly, behind the bills This problem is relatively easy.
We need a supercomputer, because the accounts are too.
This is a work of slaves.
Well, take your position.
Students trying to Tuben do the calculations for the 12 stars without a supercomputer.
number 1 is 6--4.
Number 2? -- Second is 3--4.
number 3? -- Third is 2--4.
In these calculations, the initial the position of each star be recorded as coordinates.
Eight is 4--4.
Each star has its speed the rest depends on the students.
Using Newton's laws, They must understand of how severe the Star influence others to determine where it will be every star in next time.
Number 1? These students will have to work to do what supercomputer made for one second.
The calculations of galaxy clusters involving millions or even billions of bodies.
Fortunately, astronomers equipped with supercomputers, ready to simulate the past present and future of the universe.
Supercomputers are actually those who use home only much more in one place.
They are easy and inexpensive to build and many of them.
Among the more complex simulations is "One thousand simulated years in Europe.
She showed us the 10 billion galaxies in the supercomputer for 28 days One of the results is three--dimensional flight more than 2.
4 billion light years space which shows us hundreds of millions of met in groups of galaxies between large units of dark matter.
With the help of supercomputers, scientists not only study the past but can also be predicted the future of the universe.
Grande is the one we To use this we know about the current state of the universe and with the help of these simulations to move forward through time.
We can calculate What will be the final.
This simulation starts with the amount foam remained after the Big Bang and takes us through when all is skupchilo in groups and superkupove thick network areas and gaps as we see today.
This is the phenomenon of External piles taken to the limit by gravity.
Gravitational attraction a counter in the face of the mysterious dark energy galaxy clusters apart.
About a decade Astronomers have discovered not only that the universe expands, but the expansion is accelerating.
Held on Galactic Gravity clusters meet only locally.
Our local group supergalaktika merge into one but all the other galaxies be far from us.
After 100 million years, this piece of space is left in the dark.
After distancing of galaxies from us reach the speed of light Its light will not never reach us.
These galaxies are moving away vast distances and will disappear from view.
Our galaxy Isle of intake in the dark.
Nearby gas clouds will create groups of stars, but astronomers future You will not see anything beyond the confines of our galaxy.
If today's work Cosmologists are not kept, never understand Big Bang has been and cosmic expansion.
Nothing is known the existence A place today known as Universe.

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