The Universe s04e10 Episode Script

Pulsars & Quasars

In the beginning was the darkness.
Suddenly, an explosion occurred, which launched infinity Extension of the existence of time, space and matter.
Every day, new discoveries, revealed the enigmatic umopomrachitelni and deadly the secrets of the place we call Universe.
These are eccentric orbit.
Pulsars and quasars strange its existence seems impossible.
Monsters must be real.
Why did the world a better billions of suns? Why spin faster a wink and why they work in sync with Grateful Dead drummer? Once I met all these Bollywood realized that the universe is singing.
This is a strange melody beyond our imagination, created by pulsars and quasars -- astronomical spectacle superstars consists only of the strangest corners of the universe.
UNIVERSE Pulsars and quasars In 1967, scientists from the Earth made a startling discovery.
Something or someone We send signals from space.
Whether our exotic message sent? When pulsars were discovered, We were surprised.
Something sharp in the night sky.
How can something in nature to behave in this way? We call sites MZCH by little green men.
Astronomers in England The signal detected with primitive radio telescope.
Extensive network of poles and wires scattered over an area of 16 000 square meters The first sign was not simply radioshuma in a single beam.
Rhythm disturbance is repeated in 1.
3 seconds.
After a year, scientists realized signal is not the work of foreigners comes from the rapidly rotating stars.
The new phenomenon was called the "press" from the "pulsating star.
" Pulse Press, because the star rotation radiates energy beams its magnetic field that do not match with the axis of rotation.
We see the rays like a flash of light, when we crossed the line of sight.
Manga press This is like a jar.
Note that sparkles not because of any pulsation, inclined reflectors Although our field of vision see any flash.
It seems as if on and off.
Click Turntable the same.
Pulsar is not normal rotating star.
It is a rotating neutron star.
Exotic objects created when massive star was killed in a supernova.
Pat Slay can Astrophysics show significantly What remains after the supernova, when the pressure in the core can not resist of gravity.
I'll show you what happens when izsmuchem air from inside This 200--liter barrel and let the pressure The atmosphere of the Earth to destroy him.
Something similar happens in inside massive stars.
When they lose their internal pressure are creating a supernova collapse.
Lubricated stellar remnant becomes a neutron star with a mass 1.
4 times more solar energy but the size of Manhattan.
This is one of the strangest objects of nature.
Neutron matter star is on the verge collapses into a black hole.
The gravity is so strong that mates with electronic nuclei the creation of neutrons.
Take a lump of sugar, for example, volume which is approximately 1 cc If this lump of sugar up the field of neutron stars will weigh almost one billion tonnes.
That's about Incredibly dense objects.
The newly formed neutron star can only be rotated quickly.
All the stars revolve.
When a massive star collapses into a neutron star Its rotation is also changed, as a skater.
When a skater crosses his hands, begins to spin faster.
Rotating neutron star is a natural electrical generator.
Spinning top strong magnetic field eject electrons and other nuclear particles in space with enormous speed.
High speed particles always emit radiation Click on a move to radiation.
These are the impulses that we see but only when directed in our direction.
We know that more than 1800 pulsars and that number is growing rapidly, because they find permanent new pulsars.
The number of existing press only in our galaxy is much higher.
This is due to lightning are very small and see only a small part of all existing press.
Each pulsar rotates different speeds.
Slower than we know rotated every 9.
437 seconds.
And the faster it becomes If you are the surface would spend more than 156 million km / h.
This is 10 million times faster than the Earth.
Each press has a unique twist.
It moves at a given speed and this is like fingerprints.
If you know how this shift you know exactly what is a pulsar.
Because all pulsars are unique, can be used as a tool down location in space.
The idea that NASA have benefited.
Some of the probes, we sent away, Pioneer and Voyager We have maps of space showing the location Solar System the situation several pulsars.
Pulsars can be used as a milestone in the same way where the GPS system using multiple satellites.
Hopefully one day another race space travelers to discover some of the exercises and to read the card.
A stranger of average intelligence be able to understand where we are such as pulsars and open We estimate the situation for them.
This is because the only rotation of each pulsar.
Single spins of pulsars make very precise Astronomical clocks better timed and our most accurate atomic clocks.
The pulsars are so precise because the environment allowed.
We are in the bike shop This is a simple rubber looks like a pulsar.
You can see that the wheel spins very smoothly and met little resistance.
In space there is almost without resistance.
The wheel turns several times per second which is the average rate of pulsars.
This wheel has a diameter of 50--60 cm while the real pulsars rotate at the same speed, but the size of Manhattan.
But nothing is forever, and even Pulsars are the slowdown in time albeit very slowly.
The same wheel, we can show and what is the reason for the delay.
Press ago radiation energy inevitably diminishes them.
Let's see how the wheel.
It moves pretty fast but if you touch it Your Rotary Power Converter in the heat.
Now the wheel has slowed.
In real pulsars I want to touch the pen because they lose energy very slowly.
Click turning once per second delay of three hundredths of a second every million years.
Sometimes a pulsar can and to speed up a bit.
This phenomenon is associated with the crust of neutron stars material layer 10 billion times harder than steel.
However, there are slowdowns stars.
The neutron stars completely inside solid.
They have a bark that is incredibly strong but inside the star There are forces that sometimes breaks.
When you crack the crust, all Neutron stars have been reorganized.
This makes the change in rotation The creation of cracks in the bark neutron star agitation.
Although the strange world of pulsars have cracks, and stresses only differ in small flutter, which detect the telescopes.
What happens when the pulsar emit deadly radiation the space clouds after their predecessors drill a hole in the galaxy with its powerful explosions? How will it affect living things that stand in their way? Deadly Explosion supernovae are striking.
These are the cries heady of the stars of aging.
Powerful explosions not only kill all life in its path.
Supernova is subject zatrie of any civilization inhabiting a planet in orbit around the exploding star.
Galaxy is full of colorful remnants of these explosions.
Huge clouds of debris stars called supernova remnants.
If you are looking for a pulsar, this is the right place.
Pulsars are waste of supernovae, because they are formed after the explosion of supernovae.
While some pulsars are far waste or simply survive others remain inside.
Illuminate the surrounding cloud creation, etc.
Pulsar wind nebula.
" Pulsar Wind is not like Earth's, is airflow.
This is a wind up of particles and radiation.
Move to a very high speed.
Much faster than any earthly wind carries a lot of energy.
This energy interacts with Question of the exploding stars and forced her to shine.
The most impressive example of of the pulsar wind nebula Crustaceans nebula is a neutron star at its center, energy supply to the whole cloud.
Crustaceans Nebula is a remnant of the supernova that exploded in 1054 AD and is described by astronomers in Asia.
Supernova has been weeks together before disappearing later, as a supernova remnant only visible with a telescope.
Click on crustaceans nebula was discovered in 1968 Soon after the discovery the first pulsar.
This confirmed the theory that Pulsars are created by supernovas.
Viewed from Earth, the pulsar Crustaceans in the nebula as a minor point.
Before identified as a pulsar, unsuspected flashing 30 times per second.
In normal photographs of telescopes seems an ordinary star.
Fluttering in 30 seconds is too many of them visible to the naked eye.
The use of rapid photographic technique called anti--photons, which can shoot fast enough see the flutter of a pulsar.
Pulsation occurs when the beam He turned towards us and away from us.
Under press is truly amazing.
Everything we see Crustaceans in the nebula world because of the energy neutron star.
Neutron star in crustaceans nebula has a diameter of about 16 km but illuminate the surrounding gas stove a few light years.
It illuminates a little something large area around it, due to energy emitted particles.
Press illuminated by supernova remnant with a diameter of 6 light--years equivalent to almost Astronomical Unit (AU) used to measure distances in space.
Will Denver, Colorado want to ask What exactly is bird flu.
Will, this is useful information.
My short answer is that the astronomical unit distance is very large.
In fact, the AU is the average distance between Earth and the Sun, which is about 93 million miles or 150 million km.
Crustaceans chaos in nebula was revealed by X--ray images rays and visible light.
Press the wind to play drums waves around the Ecuador star while the polar jets are fired with great speed.
This is a very dynamic system.
Crustaceans Nebula It is interesting to study.
Like most pulsars, Crustaceans in the nebula gradually slows.
About 10% of pulsars have found a way to accelerate.
They are called millisecond pulsars.
" Millisecond pulsars are processed as pulsars.
Pulsars were common, have to stop pumping, but because they were part of a double star, have begun to suck question of its satellites.
Therefore, the speed of rotation is up to milliseconds.
Every time something falls on a pulsar, receiving the acceleration, because question is not directly but zavihrya.
Spinning wheel show how this process is accelerated by pressing.
The wheel is spinning, but my hand is The other issue shooting star.
Since it has few the star falls therefore increased speed.
Question is not direct.
The speed of milliseconds pulsar is umopomrachitelna.
Pulsars spin several hundred times per second and may reach a thousand times.
This is very unusual because This is something the size of Manhattan whip several times per second.
Even more strange and millisecond pulsars animals are called "magnetari.
Magnetarite are extremely rare.
No one knows to 1979 and we were not sure what we found.
Now we know that only 15 magnetar against the 400 billion stars in the galaxy.
Pulsars have strong magnetic fields but nothing can be measured with magnetarite in this regard.
Magnetic field magnetarite is incredible.
stronger than the Earth.
If there was a magnet near any damage Credit cards on Earth.
No credit cards accepted to benefit the people whose molecules can torn by magnets.
Magnetarite have the highest magnetic fields in the universe.
I do not know if we would have live in that magnetic field because the magnetism is extended water molecules.
Could hardly exist.
If magnetarite and milliseconds pulsars are not strange enough, in the Milky Way has even umopomrachitelni more objects.
What is the probability of finding double planets strike, strike with pulsars and working with the drummer for the Grateful Dead? Get clicking .
Meet Mickey Hart drummer long became known of the band Grateful Dead.
Now he makes music with the rate of pulsars.
I wanted to interact the fabric of the universe.
Things that have led to our existence.
We turned the electromagnetic waves into sound waves.
Pulsars are very interesting.
Electromagnetic waves Pulsars are more affordable for us form of radio waves.
Illuminating the sky with its ghosts lines characteristic of pulsars.
Create a radio pulsar, Unlike normal stars.
They are illuminated mainly in the optical.
When you find a bright radioiztochnik It attracts your attention.
On the other hand, if the signal is intermittent, It is even more remarkable.
We are lucky that the waves travel long distances without being influenced gas and dust.
No problems and in our atmosphere.
Perhaps most exciting radiolachi about pulsars is coming from hundreds of light years.
If you connect to a headset or speakers will be able to hear.
In the slowest pulsars listen vibrations at specified intervals, but the faster we hear continuous tone.
That is the sound of an ordinary pulsar, Moving to 1.
4 times per second.
Convert audio, sound a hypnotic beat.
But listen to this press millisecond whip 174 times per second.
It is so fast that its vibration merge into a continuous noise that is about to become the music.
Such a thing you hear when listen and Vela pulsars.
Vela Pulsar remarkable pace.
It is hard to imagine that Sound comes from a rotating star.
Jump priiskva to dance.
Vela Pulsar rotates in the center remains of a giant supernova.
Interrupts deadly radiation gas and dust around the galaxy.
Supernova burst before 11 000 years.
Today, the pulsar is the most impressive X--ray.
The photographs show that is touring shoots a jet of matter resembling the uncontrollable fire hose.
Extraordinary speed of the pulsar Vela is very special for Mickey Hart because it is the basis of his latest project.
Vela Pulsar is ideal compose because there is a constant rate.
Sounds good and may be used in the composition.
Immediately my attention.
Hart uses some Sounds simple pulsars during concert in 2009 Now the new parts used in drums album "Global.
He received a pulsar remember the sounds of the Institute to meet demand extraterrestrial intelligence.
I remember and they have given me sounds I was looking for.
Before I was not listening sounds in the universe.
They have many sounds I turned that into music.
Once I met all these Bollywood realized that the universe is singing.
To me that is both spiritual and and entertainment experience.
It's fun to work with space.
It is also deeply spiritual experience for me.
Choir gets bigger space a place called 47 here.
Messier Here in the southern constellation.
Stack is 16 000 light years favorite and has 2 million stars forming a sphere of diameter Incredibly, that in 47 toucan There are 22 millisecond pulsars.
Each has its own melody strange star in the choir.
For a split second Press the creation of melody We need a press, speed increased lowering of materials by their partner.
To achieve this, we There are many stars around.
What better place for this group of stars? Something like 47 here, where a large number of stars is ideal for neutron stars become millisecond pulsar.
The summary of pulsars in the group melody space is the sound that sounds weird generated by a single 22 ยบ different turn.
While milliseconds pulsars typically have satellite normal stars has a dual system that is truly unique.
It comprises two pulsars, orbiting around each other.
Discovered in 2003, only known double pulsar creates satellites when a millisecond click on the supernova exploded.
Now both are pulsars orbiting so little space to be found in inside the sun.
Pulsars can have for satellites other stars or pulsars, But things get even stranger I learned that after the supernova some of them are actually planets.
Click the last place around expect to find planets because the pulsar is created by supernovas.
If the star had planets were probably What the supernova.
In 1992, the first exoplanets found around a pulsar.
Giant Telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, was used for accurate measurement the rate of a pulsar, is Change is sometimes slow sometimes faster, which means there was something else In addition to pulsars.
Later it turned out that is a planet.
The calculations showed that about have at least three pulsar planets.
And suspects existence of a fourth.
Supernova can be destroyed original planets but the remains are form new planets.
Pulsars are the great powers when it comes single stars.
What if the weighted average these forces across the galaxy? On this scale are reported quasars.
Why are brighter than anything else remained in space and why scientists say that in my heart each lies a monster? Although things like pulsars and have bizarre magnetarite in distant parts of space has more strange things called quasars.
Quasars are dazzling bright cores of galaxies, with a huge black hole at its center.
They can be all stars galaxy.
This Hubble image shows how quasars can be brilliant.
Both sites appear almost identical but one is a star the other is a Quasar 9 billion light years away.
As the pulsar, quasars were considered of powerful sources of radio waves.
Quasar was first detected radioiztochnik called 3C273.
What 3C273? Cambridge Radio Telescope Catalog Preparation radioiztochnitsi the bright sky.
This was the third and catalog of objects ? 273 radioiztochnik was brilliant.
People are trying to understand What is that source.
When an optical telescope focused in this direction, I saw what looked like a star.
Then we realized that this object is too far.
Billions more light years.
This meant that their real power amount of energy emitting one seconds was immense.
To appear as bright from afar object must be very powerful.
as a very bright blue star.
It looked like a star, but do not emit radio waves.
It was called "Quasi--stellar radioiztochnik.
Quasi--stellar radioiztochnik was too long and was reduced to "Quasar" that sounds great.
Quasar is a good term because it implies something exotic and unusual.
These are huge black holes feeding the environment and emitting huge The amount of light illuminate almost the entire visible universe.
Black holes absorb matter the quasars are so powerful astronomers and if the name of fear.
Black holes in quasars Monsters are often called.
This is because they are very massive, of millions to billions of solar masses and strongly absorb environmental like monsters.
Quasar is powered by the black hole in the center of the galaxy.
The idea of something so brilliant while black Sounds a bit contradictory.
We know that black holes are very dense, massive and have such strong gravity that not even light can escape.
This leads us to think how they did something to offer.
The answer is that the gas fall into the black hole radiate energy before can be swallowed.
This happens due to friction.
If you started to rub his hands, that generates heat.
The matter falling into the black zavihrya hole is to rub on themselves.
In addition, and moves very quickly.
When quasars have gas motion and friction very high speeds.
In this process, which heated to millions of degrees ago very bright flash.
Astronomers are convinced that the centers of all galaxies huge black hole.
But why not quasars in all the galaxies? For Quasar Two things are necessary.
Huge black hole in the center of the galaxy Many of the gases around them.
It depends on the amount of matter is about.
If the black hole has eaten everything around it, there is nothing to shine and you Quasar.
The focus of most galaxies have black holes but if you do not have enough fuel not quasars.
There are conditions in the universe revived a quasar long after the gas around him have done.
One way this can happen is through the collision of two galaxies.
We know that galaxies face, and when that happens, was a great dining space Food Center the galaxy with the matter.
This can happen and the Milky Way, that is about to hit giant neighbor Andromeda.
After 5 or 6 billion years when Andromeda and the Milky Way begin to merge, the supermassive black hole centers can be suppressed enough gas to quasars make them.
Andromeda is likely to brighter of the two quasars, because their black hole is more massive.
If Andromeda Quasar become when it merged with the Milky Way will be bright as the full moon, although it would be 10 000 light years away.
Despite the closeness see quasars Andromeda disks, like the moon.
Instead, you look like extremely bright star, Bright because the atmosphere interference as all other stars.
But if the focus of our Quasar Galaxy was formed, not seen.
No matter how brilliant, among The Earth and the galactic nucleus there is so much dust that obscures the light.
Light Andromeda will illuminate the sky.
If in the future, Quasar near us may have various forms.
They bombarded with space astrofizichni common and have mythological names as blazari "and" dragons.
" Stories that tell us Lead in the epic space starting at the beginning of time and helps us understand how they have helped to quasars for the construction of the universe.
For nearly 50 years of searching, Astronomers have discovered almost 1 million quasars, scattered throughout the universe.
And as a result, have many different ways.
Quasar is the only a group object called active galactic nuclei " each of which is fed by the huge black hole.
The rate at which the supermassive black hole swallowing matter may be different.
Those who are not very strongly called active galactic nuclei, but are not quasars.
One of the strangest features active galactic nuclei flows are high, that some of these media.
a stream that is barely perceptible in the visible spectrum.
It becomes more visible in the X--rays and infrared and when you see in the radio telescope.
The jets of quasars are astronomical mystery, because for years Scientists try to unravel how to receive.
As in pulsars, rotating forces the wheel to show that scientists believe they are acting.
A vertical bar Line driving magnetic field of quasars.
The quasars have jets We need two things.
The first disc of gas is around the black hole.
The second is the magnetic lines that are stored on disk.
Here's how we think you are getting.
Charged particles, such as the magnetic lines adhere to them and rotary that shoots up.
The field lines are twisted participate in a dense matter column call "Astrofizichna current.
The charged particles in the flow moving at high speed and is visible from great distances.
It seems that quasars to attract attention and make your ad with large jets.
This ad widget called "air dancer.
Attention is as quasars jets.
In fact, works similarly.
The air bag is so twisted magnetic field of quasars.
The air moves up his sleeve in their walls to As the particles move magnetic lines.
The difference is that here the air running at 80--90 km / h, while quasars jet particles almost reach the speed of light.
Manga Air Dancer extends only to 4 m.
Current coming from or Quasar other active galactic nucleus extends much farther into space and may become a remarkable phenomenon called the "dragon.
" Dragon comes from the "Double Radioiztochnik of active galactic nuclei (Dragna).
In the long term, and use the abbreviation.
Form, when the jets of matter enter intergalactic medium.
These are major hot spots which can be very larger than the galaxy itself.
Dragon Scales is umopomrachitelen.
Typically up to 1.
5 million light--years wide, which is much more own galaxy.
If active galactic nuclei were the size of a ball size of the dragons would be enormous.
It would be so large as Earth.
Most dragons are associated quasars with their cousins, called "radiogalaktiki" because are powerful sources of radio waves.
Other family members The objects are high, called "blazari, whose aircraft pointing directly at us, making them extremely bright.
Our field of vision leads us the most incredible discovery in blazarite, radiogalaktikite and quasars.
Who would have guessed that these eccentric really like? Study, all types active galactic nuclei, can realize that are the same thing viewed from different angles.
Important for is the angle of flow in relation to the angle our point of view.
The centers of all Active galaxies are very bright but it seems lighting, because the material in the nucleus could be partly or completely hidden.
Flow is what we see surrounded by a ring of matter.
This is of gas and dust clouds and can block light from the central region.
Radiogalaktikite are one of the sites in which the wheel block our point of view the bright nucleus.
In quasars, we expect angle toward the center, allowing us to see matter around the black hole.
If the flow is directed quasars for us, it looks very bright.
We call this blazar.
The three sites are identical.
The only difference is our point of view.
Regardless of our point of view, all have one thing in common -- great distances.
Large distances quasars that moved us.
To find a way brighter so far must be real monsters.
Why not quasars near us? The closest is Quasar 2 billion light years away from us and furthest Most quasars are large distances from us.
This means that they see as as they were long ago when the universe was young.
Quasars are the children the early universe.
When at the beginning of his life create black holes, galaxies, they have very question to be ingested.
Therefore, create quasars.
The oldest quasars appeared shortly after the Big Bang which means they have played important role in the expanding universe.
It is possible that these supermassive black holes are called quasars, have been part of the process created the structure of the universe not yet clear.
Since most quasars are related to the distant past, study carefully with the hope that shed light on origin of the cosmos.
The first giant black holes may have been driving the first galaxies formed, giving primary gas chaotically in the shape of the what we now call universe.

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