Thomas The Tank Engine And Friends (1984) s01e08 Episode Script

James & The Coaches (7 min)

James enjoyed his life on Sodor but he had a lot to learn.
"You must learn by your mistakes," said the Fat Controller.
James could remember that accident on his first day.
"The coaches don't like being bumped," said Edward.
"l'm a really splendid engine," James thought, and let off steam.
The Fat Controller's new hat got wet.
The guard blew his whistle.
"Go on, go on," James puffed to Edward.
"Don't push," replied Edward.
The coaches said, "Don't go so fast!" James didn't listen.
At the next station, they stopped beyond the platform.
But no one seemed to know about the Fat Controller's hat.
They came to the station where Thomas was waiting.
"Hello, James," said Thomas.
"Feeling better? "That's my guard's whistle.
l must go.
" And he puffed off importantly.
Edward and James passed the field where James had had his accident.
(Whistles) They rested before going home.
James was thinking about the Fat Controller's hat.
The Fat Controller said, "lf you can't behave, l shall paint you blue.
" James didn't like that.
He was very rough with the coaches.
"Gordon never fetches his own coaches," he thought, "and he's blue.
" No one came near him.
"l'll show them," he thought.
"They think Gordon is the only engine who can pull coaches.
" "You're going too fast," said the coaches.
The coaches wouldn't let James go faster.
"We're going to stop," they said.
(Screeching) "What's the matter?" James asked.
"You've made a leak," replied the driver.
"How shall we mend it?" said the guard.
"With newspaper and a leather bootlace," said the driver.
"Your bootlace please, sir," said the guard.
"No," said the man.
"Then we must stop," said the guard.
The passengers said how bad the man was.
They were very cross.
He handed his laces over.
The driver tied newspaper round the hole and James pulled the train.
But he was a sadder and wiser James and took care to never bump coaches again.

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