Thomas The Tank Engine And Friends (1984) s01e09 Episode Script

Troublesome Trucks (7 min)

James had not seen the Fat Controller for several days.
He was left alone for being naughty.
"l shall have to stay here for always and no one will see my red coat.
"All because l made a hole in one of my coaches "that had to be mended with a bootlace!" The Fat Controller arrived.
"l hope you will be a better engine.
"People are laughing at my railway and l don't like that.
" "l will try hard to behave," said James.
l want you to pull some trucks.
" James was delighted and puffed away.
"Here are your trucks," said Thomas.
"Have you got some bootlaces ready?!" "Oh, oh!" said the trucks, "We want a proper engine, not a red monster.
" "Come along," he puffed.
"We won't!" screamed the trucks.
But James didn't care and pulled the trucks out.
The trucks tried hard to make him give up but he kept on.
Sometimes their brakes would slip on and each time the trouble had to be put right.
James was determined not to let them beat him.
"Give up! You can't pull us!" called the trucks.
"l can and l will," puffed James.
And slowly but surely he pulled them along.
At last they saw Gordon's Hill.
"Look out for trouble, James," warned his driver so James went faster.
"l'm doing it, l'm doing it!" he panted.
Then suddenly it all became easier! "l've done it!" he puffed.
But his driver shut off steam.
"They've done it again.
" The trucks were running down the hill.
But the guard stopped the trucks.
"That's why it was easy," said James.
"What silly things trucks are.
" "Shall l help?" called Edward.
"No, thank you.
l'll pull them myself.
" "You're doing well!" whistled Edward as James struggled up the hill.
"l can do it! l can do it!" he puffed.
He pulled as hard as he could.
"l've done it!" he panted.
(Toots) They reached the station safely when Edward pulled up.
"Peep-peep!" he whistled.
Then James saw the Fat Controller.
"What will he say?" The Fat Controller was smiling! "l was in Edward's train and l saw everything," he said.
"After that, you deserve to keep your red coat.
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