Thomas The Tank Engine And Friends (1984) s01e22 Episode Script

Thomas in Trouble (Part 2) (7 min)

The line to the quarry goes along the road.
Thomas always whistled here in case anyone was coming.
(Whistling) One day, a policeman was sitting there.
Thomas was friends with the constable who had just retired.
Thomas expected the new constable to be friendly but he didn't look it.
He was red in the face and cross.
"Disgraceful!" "l didn't sleep, it was so quiet, and now engines are whistling!" "Sorry, sir," said Thomas.
"Where's your cowcatcher?" "l don't catch cows.
" "Don't be funny!" He looked at Thomas's wheels.
"No side plates! "Engines on roads must have a cowcatcher "to protect any animals on the line.
"You are dangerous.
" The driver said, "We've never had an accident.
" "That makes it worse!" the policeman answered.
- (Whistling) - Thomas puffed sadly away.
The Fat Controller was having breakfast.
The butler came in.
"You are wanted on the telephone.
" "l'm sorry, Thomas is in trouble with the police.
l must go.
" Thomas's driver told him what had happened.
"Dangerous to the public?" The Fat Controller spoke to the policeman.
But it was no good.
"The law is the law," he said.
The Fat Controller felt exhausted.
"lt's no use arguing, "we'll have to make cowcatchers.
" "Everyone will say l look like a tram!" The Fat Controller stirred and laughed.
"Why didn't l think of it before? "We want a tram engine! l met one on holiday - Toby.
"He takes trucks from the farms but needs a change.
"He has cowcatchers and side plates.
l'll write to his controller.
" A few days later, Toby arrived.
"l see you've brought Henrietta.
" "Do you mind? The stationmaster wanted to use her as a hen house!" The Fat Controller said, "We couldn't allow that!" (Bell dinging) Toby made the silly trucks behave even better than Thomas did.
- (Bell dinging) - Oi, you! (Bell dinging) At first, Thomas was jealous but he was so pleased when Toby frightened the policeman.
They've been firm friends ever since.

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