Waking the Dead (2000) s04e08 Episode Script

Anger Management: Part 2

So when you came in this morning, the lock-up was open and the gun was gone.
Yeah, that's it.
Oh, and some files were taken from my in-tray.
What were they? Er, just test results.
DNA charts.
From this case? Yeah, so that's gonna hold me up.
We're not in a hurry, are we? The central piece of evidence is missing, so time is hardly an issue.
What time did you leave last night? Early.
Did you see anybody? No.
So this man, presuming it's a "he", knew exactly what he wanted.
He wasn't just some opportunist, somebody who worked in the building, looking for easy pickings.
There's more valuable things he could have taken.
Like what? Laptops, printers.
Yeah, but nothing that's worth Listen, it wasn't random.
Nothing else was moved.
Frankie, you do seem to have a degree of nonchalance about this situation.
I'm just I'm just trying to work.
You do have a sense of responsibility about what happened? Do YOU? What do you mean? I don't do security, Boyd.
I'm forensics.
How did he get past this security door? Were you rushing out to get somewhere and you forgot to lock up? Is that it? Are you saying Frankie's lying? I'm just asking her questions.
She's a witness.
This is work.
It is not personal.
There's a murder weapon out there and I'm embarrassed.
I presume that you're embarrassed as well.
Perhaps you're not! But we have a responsibility to the public to get it back! All right?! That's why I'm asking her questions.
All right?! Is Frankie responsible for perimeter security, then? I'm not talking about perimeter Why are you being defensive? Why are you being so defensive about this, please? I'm gonna need everyone's footwear to eliminate shoe marks.
I wasn't wearing these shoes then.
Why not go and get the shoes you were wearing? Hiya, Dad.
You're late today.
I slept in.
Well, you'll never get your day's work done.
Hello, you.
Oh, do I know you? Don't try and get round me, Sam Jacobs.
What have you done with it? What? My figurine.
Oh, I'm really sorry, Rebecca.
Where are the pieces? He got rid of the incriminating evidence.
How come you knew this? The guilt was too much for him, so he 'fessed up.
Why didn't you 'fess to me you'd broken it? Klutz.
I knew you'd be upset, so I hoped you wouldn't notice.
Poppa gave me that on my 21st.
Never mind, Mum.
It was ugly.
It was supposed to be my nest egg.
I'm sorry, baby.
You're forgiven.
Yeah, but don't you feel a whole heap better now that it's out? There are enough cameras outside this building to shoot Ben Hur! How can you not have seen anything?! What else do you people do all day?! You've got one job, one single job, which is to sit on your fat arse and watch a monitor! And I don't care if anybody hears me.
I'm discussing your complete and utter incompetence! Someone walked into this building, stole a vital piece of evidence and then walked straight out again.
Do you have an explanation for that? Right under your nose! Redo all security checks on all civilian personnel.
Has anyone seen a new face? Do I have to do your bloody job for you?! You kick butt, Detective Inspector.
He's had a very good role model.
Security say there's a blind spot in the system across the front entrance.
How convenient! So there's no visual record? In one.
This is a cool character we're dealing with.
Who else knew the gun was here? All the ex-cons from Bosco House.
Their friends and acquaintances, who are probably criminals.
And families.
Their mother, brother, aunt, sister, uncle, cousin, little sister That's a jaundiced view, Spence.
Do you wanna talk about this? Word spreads fast, Grace.
News like that has street value.
The person that needs to know gets to know.
CLOCK CHIMES The base of the skull is best, or through the eye, to be certain.
But you have to get personal with your target first.
Smell his breath, see the pulse in his neck.
Stay calm.
Know it's him before you pull the trigger.
Sam You didn't have the nerve.
I never Why did the police ask me if you'd been in that room? 'Is this your room?' I don't know! I do.
The next one has a bullet in it.
Please, Sam! Please! He asked me to do it! How much? How much? I want to know what I'm worth.
A thousand quid.
You pull that trick again and you won't get a second chance.
Safe to come in? It is now.
These are yours.
Thank you.
What I said earlier, Frankie You were just doing your job.
Yeah, I was.
But sometimes I'm not very good at separating my .
personal .
feelings from my responsibilities that I have in myin my job, you know, in the rank that I that I carry within the you know.
Well, isn't it impossible? Apparently not.
What? Have you been talking to Grace? No.
No, I'm just trying to become more .
um, you know, aware of of .
well, I suppose, really, um more self-aware.
Don't stay too late.
Boyd, your concern is making me uncomfortable.
Just go.
OK, I'm sorry.
Why don't we have any security cameras in here? Because you said over your dead body would anybody ever spy on the unit.
I did? Mmm.
I was wrong, wasn't I? Well, no, because it would be like working in a goldfish bowl.
What, swimming around chasing each other's tails? And we don't do that, do we? Night, Boyd.
Here, have the bag.
ROCK MUSIC Heard you had some trouble Thought I'd like to help you In my time I've had a little trouble too If you let it get you down You know I'll bet you It will get you down and walk around on you Sweet misery She loves her company She's in a crowd when she is all alone A thousand pounds.
Is that all I'm worth? Do you feel safe? You've retired, haven't you? Yes.
So, I'm safe.
It's not personal.
I have to be careful.
I can't take the risk.
What risk? Of you and your fresh start and your clean slate.
How far will this conversion go? You've never had cause to doubt me.
We had a business arrangement.
You broke contract.
Why send Mark? An employee.
He's an amateur.
No-one else on the books, love.
My man retired, remember? Unless there's been a change of heart.
I've never let you down, Phil.
What do you want, Sam? The rest of my life.
Don't you want the same? SONG COMES TO AN END You're blocking my view.
At first I was in denial, you know.
"This can't happen to me.
" Then I was angry with myself because I was terrified and I couldn't remember any detail.
And I guess pride has a lot to do with it.
That's your defence? What would you have done if I'd told you earlier? Had you seen by a forensic medical officer and signed off.
I would have consulted you first.
That's bollocks! Yeah, but the way you've behaved now has probably jeopardised the investigation.
I know, I'm sorry.
Why did you lie to us? I don't know.
But the facts remain the same.
Somebody broke in and stole the gun.
And threatened to kill you.
Well, post-traumatic stress maybe.
Listen, after the first lie, the rest just followed.
I wanted to be involved in the case.
I couldn't do that from a hospital bed or home.
No, that's ridiculous, Frankie.
You think I've let you down.
I just don't understand why you didn't raise the alarm after he'd left.
I blacked out.
By the time I came to, he was gone.
Why the hell didn't you raise the alarm anyway? I don't know! I thought I could deal with it, OK.
My lab, my problem.
No man is an island.
Or woman even.
No, it's a quote.
I'm using "man" as a species.
It's not a gender thing I'm not in any way being sexist or chauvinistic I'll never get that bit right! Yes, you will.
You've got the touch, Lucy.
Believe me, it will come.
Be patient.
It's coming up for curfew, Sam.
Are you trying to get rid of me? Who's Phil Brown? Oh, sorry, Dad.
I forgot to tell you - he rang.
The grass will grow through your teeth before you retire from my employment.
Maybe your little bitch or offspring would like to discuss it first.
What did he want? Don't know.
Said he'd keep ringing.
Who is he? He owns a club I used to play at.
Is this in your past life? Don't go there, Mum.
You never mentioned him before.
How'd he get this number? Under J for Jacobs.
WOMAN SINGS BLUES Called you on the Monday Called you on the Tuesday too Where're you gonna be? Called you on the Friday Called you on the Saturday too Where're you running to, babe? I'm following you now Just come on, babe Feeling hornyhandsome? GUNSHOTS How are you getting home? I'll be fine.
Let me tell the others.
Are you going to see a doctor? Yes, Dad.
Rabbi? Rabbi.
Sorry I'm late.
Is there no-one in? Yes, but they left me sitting on the steps.
Abandoned me.
You have lost your sense of humour.
You shouldn't have waited.
Our conversations have troubled me, Sam.
Sitting here has given me a chance to reflect.
Now, I've sat enough.
Let's walk.
Comparisons of the bullet striations from the missing Smith & Wesson 38 suggests nine professional hits dating from 1977.
Some may not match, but there could be others that we don't know about because we don't have the bullets.
But the gun's probably at the bottom of the Thames now.
It might not be.
If these bullets are a signature of the killer, why not the gun too? What does a professional killer want from his gun? That it's reliable Dunno.
38 Specials, like the one our guy uses, don't jam like semi-autos.
It's a very personal relationship.
Every gun is different.
The pivot, grip, action, recoil - everything.
You want to know that weapon like a second skin.
You wanna be invisible.
Well, he hasn't been seen.
He hasn't been caught.
This gun's like a lucky charm.
It's given him an identity.
He begins to feel that if he hasn't got this particular gun, his luck will run out.
So he risks everything to get it back.
Why not? And Frankie can't tell us anything about him, which is a shame Yeah, but it's not unusual for somebody who's been a victim like that to block out the memory.
Could he have killed Frankie? If we're talking about the same man who killed these others, no.
He would've terrified her.
He's shot nine people in the face! He does it for money.
He doesn't do it for pleasure.
He's not a sadist.
It's quick and clean.
He's a professional.
So this gun gives this man another identity.
Yeah, like another persona.
Could be.
So put the gun down and he reverts back to what he was before, whether he's a postman or a clerk Well, the job is irrelevant.
Yeah, but if this gun is a lucky charm, why leave it in Tim Denby's room? Because he didn't shoot Tim Denby.
So someone else was involved? I think Grace is right.
Let's just go back to the start.
Mr X is the hit man, yeah? And Mr Y is the bankroller.
Who puts the contracts out.
Now, both these people know where the gun is kept.
Could Mr Y have shot Tim Denby? Oh, woof-woof.
What? Don't keep a dog and bark yourself.
Yeah, Mr X has known Mr Y since the '70s That's a remarkable relationship.
They must hold each other's trust in a delicate balance.
Exactly, but what if that trust is broken? So Mr Y hires a third party, Mr A Why Mr A? Why not keep it in sequence? OK, right, Mr Y hires Mr Z Mr Z.
to kill Mr X.
OK, but if we're still thinking Mr X is Tim Denby he doesn't fit the profile of a hit man.
Why doesn't he? We can't find one person who disliked him.
What if he leads a double life? What if he's a Jekyll and Hyde? Hit man andprobation officer.
I can't believe you just said that.
You've got to get into the zone of thought Tim Denby was in the Falklands when Cornwall was shot.
I can't believe I said that.
When I was 17I shot a man.
Are you sure you want me to know such things, Sam? Yes.
You can't ask Rebecca or Lucy? They're my life.
How can I tell them? It'd kill them.
I'm worried.
Perhaps you're asking too much of me.
I'll leave that with your conscience, Rabbi.
That's what worries me.
The logic is here.
Tim Denby's an innocent.
Let's take him out of it.
PHONE RINGS Can you get that, Spence, please? What if Mr Z mistakes Tim Denby for Mr X? You're a marvel, Grace.
Oh! Am I? That's nice.
Mr Z, for some reason, shoots the wrong guy and puts the gun in Tim Denby's hand to make it look like suicide.
He convinced the coroner and police.
So we're abandoning suicide.
We've moved on from that.
Have I lost my marvel status? It's slipped.
So, unless Mr Z is incompetent and went into the wrong building, Mr X has got to be somebody in Bosco House.
That narrows it down to about 12, including staff.
Not bad odds.
How old is our man gonna be? Well, the shootings started in 1977 the youngest he would've been? Say he started at Over 44.
Your facility for mental arithmetic is really A man was shot dead with the gun that was taken from Frankie's lab.
Name? Philip Brown.
Do you think he ever organised bank robberies himself? No.
He wouldn't do the dirty work.
He was a venture capitalist.
Suspected of financing crime.
Collecting his stake plus interest after the deed.
Yeah, on bank jobs, warehouses, imports, exports, money laundering.
Whoa! Hi.
Prosecutions? No.
Had a legitimate front in property development.
You've got to remember that this man was a respected city businessman.
And no witnesses? No, scared of him.
People were terrified of him.
And if the borrowers didn't pay up? Their little lives were rounded with a sleep.
Oh, Shakespeare.
You know? Of course I know! Hi.
Frankie, are you all right? Grace! Oh, I'm sorry, sorry.
Just maternal instincts.
Right, well There were two shots.
One was to the chest and the bullet was recovered from the back of the seat and was a match to the missing gun.
The second one was to the head.
The bullet went through the skull and shattered the driver's window.
A double tap.
Just to make sure.
He doesn't normally do that, does he? No.
I wonder why he came out here.
Maybe he was forced to at gunpoint.
You've done all the Yeah, there are no fingerprints.
The car is immaculate.
There's some bird shit there.
Apart from the bird shit there.
He was very well manicured, lovely soft hands.
He's never done a day's work in his life, has he? What was the time of death? Somewhere between 9pm and midnight.
Ew! Sorry.
Someone like Phil Brown, he's not gonna let anybody into his car that he doesn't trust.
So he went there with someone he knew well.
Or they met up there.
Creepy place.
Is that a technical psychological term? Yes, one of mine.
Maybe they didn't want to be seen together.
Maybe it had some emotional tie, it was a rendezvous point? When was the motorway built? I don't know.
'60s? '60s Do you think this is Mr X hitting back at Mr Y? Well, it doesn't have that mark, does it? I meanthat one clinical shot.
But it was his gun.
He risked a lot to get it back.
He wouldn't give it away, would he? DI Jordan, DS Silver.
Mr Brown's PA, Mrs Hayworth, isn't it? He used to call me Rita.
I understand this must be difficult, but we do need to look around and ask you some questions.
Thank you.
(We'll never find him) Keen gardener, was he? This isn't gardening, dear.
This is art.
Each flower is like a watercolour or a miniature sculpture.
Mr Brown was a Rembrandt.
You mean he cross-pollinated them to create new flowers? Come in, Mark.
Ah, the Japanese revere these little fellas.
You're works of art, aren't you, my beauties? Did you know that plants respond to conversation and affection? Well, it must be true.
Prince Charles says so.
The old slapper.
It's the carbon dioxide.
Meet Hoshizora, Mark.
Hoshizorameet Mark.
Say hello, Mark! Hi.
He's a rare little breeder indeed.
You wouldn't get change out of 60K if you went into your garden centre.
Who needs racehorses pissing everywhere? Too temperamental.
I've decided to extend your area of competence.
Tea? See you later, Frankie.
See you later.
What did the doctor say? Nothing.
I didn't go.
Oh, Frankie! Oh, Boyd.
Why? Because I was called out.
Where? They could've got someone else to do that.
There wasn't anyone else.
That's how the forensics got rushed.
Well, I want the gun and I want him.
You want that word that I'm too embarrassed to say in your presence.
Not the C word! The C word.
Wonder what's in here.
Study? Mrs Hayworth? In here.
The room in the hall to the right, it's locked.
Mr Brown's office? If that's what it is.
I can't let you in there.
It's OK, Mrs Hayworth.
We're police.
You can.
No, I can't.
I don't have a key.
We'll just break it down then.
Oh, no, please don't do that! Hehe has a man who does things for him.
I'll see if he can help.
Is Mark Andrews here today? Oh.
He's not here.
Shall I try his mobile? No, no, don't do that.
Yeah? Phil Brown employed Mark Andrews as a gofer.
How long? Since he came out of prison.
What about before? Apparently not.
What's that - rehabilitating offenders? Good works.
I need you to check a mobile number and get an address for Mark Andrews.
I'll call you back.
He was the bankroller.
So Mark Andrews was the third man? Look.
Capability Brown, Phil Brown James Brown, ow! I've just seen Mark Andrews up at the window.
Call armed response.
Check again.
Mel, you stay there.
Does Mark Andrews have a room here? Is he in trouble? Does he have a room here? He stays in the annexe.
Is this your office? Yes.
Well, get in there and lock up.
Mel! Oh! Spence! Mark Andrews! The armed response team have been called.
They'll be here any minute! Now you can make the right decision or the wrong decision! The right decision is to put down the weapon and give yourself up! The wrong decision is to shoot me and I sincerely hope you don't do that.
Come on, the swim session's over.
Let's get out of the pool now, or do you want me to come in and get you? Come on, Mark, put that thing down.
Come on, put it down.
Your leg's a mess.
Yeah, you're in pain, I'm in pain.
Just make the right choice.
You don't want to do that.
Make the right choice.
It's important in life Please make the right choice.
Make the right! Mark, it's Rita.
I thought I ought to tell you.
The police are looking for you.
Why didn't you make the right choice?! Why didn't you make the right choice?! Why didn't you?! Why didn't you make the right choice?! Tell me! Armed police! Armed police! Answer me Stand still! Face me! Show me your hands! Face me! Move to your right! Move to your right! Keep moving! Keep moving! COMPUTER BEEPS He doesn't want a lawyer.
That makes a change.
Says he doesn't trust them.
Did he ring anybody last night or this morning? No, he hasn't.
Are we going soft or what? Were you Phil Brown's gofer? I'm not a gofer.
I'm a factotum.
What's the difference? Perception.
Tell us about your relationship with Phil Brown.
What do you wanna know? Did you get on with him? He was my boss.
You mean you didn't like him? Not enough to kill him, if that's what you mean.
Where were you two nights ago? Just chilling.
Where? Oh, are you all right? I'm not sure.
Who with? I can't remember.
Boyd, Frankie needs to talk to you.
When I stripped down the gun, I found some pollen trapped inside which I sent off to a friend at Kew Gardens for identification.
I didn't think it was significant.
I checked Denby's pathology report.
There were powdery deposits found on the right side of his neck.
I didn't recognise either sample, but my friend at Kew did.
It's the pollen of a very rare plant species.
Japanese? Yeah.
And each plant had its own DNA thingy.
How do you know this stuff? I wish I'd just asked YOU! Phil Brown imported flowers and bred them.
Yeah, well the pollen from one of these plants, which was found on the gun and on Denby, was also on these gloves.
Do you recognise these? No.
Why, should I? We found them in your bag.
So? What did you use them for? Messy jobs.
Be more specific.
I used them for working on the cars.
Where did you get them from? From the house.
Whose house? The boss's.
Phil Brown? Yes.
Perhaps you'll recognise these, then.
What's that? Well, you tell me.
You can read, can't you? I ain't no illiterate.
Would you like to borrow my glasses? Rare Plants.
Japanese Hepatica Gallery.
And what's that one? Hoshizora.
Are you familiar with hepa? Hepatica Japonica.
From the boss.
He grew them.
Were these his gloves? They might have been.
And you used them for messy jobs.
I guess I did.
Can I have my glasses back, please? If you'd had yours that night, you wouldn't have shot the wrong man.
Did you check his pulse before or after you put the gun in his hand? I didn't put the gun in his hand.
Yesterday you assaulted a policeman and threatened him with a firearm.
If you wanted to see me, you wouldn't have.
But you didn't want to see me because you shot Tim Denby and you shot Phil Brown.
If you think that playing the strong, silent type is just gonna get you a couple of months back in prison, you're wrong.
Double murder .
puts you in prison for a very, very, very very long time.
Now we both hope Don't we? .
that this time you make the right choice.
I didn'tshoot Phil Brown.
But you did shoot Tim Denby, didn't you? PHONE RINGS Where did you get the gun? The boss gave it to me.
Did the boss send you? He paid me to.
I'm not an errand boy! But you shot the wrong man.
I shot who the boss told me to.
Who did the boss tell you to shoot? You'll have to ask him that.
You think you're a really clever person, don't you? You don't have nothing on me for Phil Brown's murder.
That's a double negative.
I wanna see a lawyer.
Lock him up.
Do we believe he didn't put the gun into Tim's hand? Why make it up? So Don Keech did But why not get rid of the gun? Why make it look like suicide? Because Don did think Tim had shot himself.
And Sam Jacobs? Is covering for him.
Don panicked So Sam told Don what to do.
Yeah, and suicide verdict, Mel - it negates any further investigation.
What else did they have to lose? Their liberty.
Of? The identity of who Mark Andrews meant to kill.
Mr X, the hit man.
Don Keech doesn't fit the profile.
But Sam Jacobs could.
He's very relaxed, not at all threatened.
Still waters run deep.
Come on, Spence.
Oh, you want me now? Mm-hm.
Hooray! I presume I'm helping you with your enquiries into the shooting at Bosco House.
Yes, amongst other things.
Where were you two nights ago between 9pm and midnight? Curfew is at eleven.
Before that I was with a friend.
Who? Reg Solomon.
He's a rabbi.
How well do you know Don Keech? He's a fellow ex-prisoner.
We don't get to know each other that well.
Well enough to cover for him? He didn't shoot Tim.
You're very certain.
He isn't a killer.
Isn't that why he went to prison? He served 15 years for the murder of a man who sexually assaulted his 13-year-old sister.
It was an eye for an eye, a crime of passion.
And he's accounted for it.
He deserves to live the rest of his life without the stain.
So you're a criminologist as well as a music teacher.
Prison is a great educator.
And you know about crimes of passion.
Do you think that, er .
Steven Walsh, the neighbour.
Do you think that Steven Walsh sees it that way? I don't know.
He won't talk to me.
Oh, you've been to see him since your release? Yes.
Was that wise? I found itnecessary.
For what? To close a chapter in my life.
Which particular chapter? I thought that by confronting the consequences of my violence, I would find resolution.
And did you? I no longer think that's possible.
You've worked out that Tim Denby didn't shoot himself, haven't you? His conscience seems at odds with the certainty in everything he says.
His reasoning, his self-awareness, his stillness all point to someone who knows exactly what they want.
That's a pretty good description of a hit man there, Grace.
We should bring Don Keech back in.
Why? To tell us that he put the gun into Tim's hand and that Sam lied? He lied, tampered with evidence.
You think we should revoke his parole licence? Yes.
The prisons are full enough.
Let's check Jacobs' alibi for the night that Phil Brown was murdered.
The rabbi? What'll we do with him? Give him a Mogadon and put him in the cells.
I've had several conversations with Sam Jacobs recently.
But not on the night you mentioned.
What were the conversations about? He spoke to me in confidence.
Mr Solomon, we're Rabbi.
Huh? Rabbi.
We're investigating a series of murders that we believe Sam Jacobs may have been involved in, and he's given you as an alibi for one Detective Superintendent, I'm here because you asked me to be.
I'll do all I can to help.
But I am confidant to many and in my duties as rabbi, I am not - forgive me - governed by the imperatives of secular law.
So, what are you saying exactly? The Talmud commands us to love every person as we love ourselves.
I have an obligation to love Sam Jacobs.
Rabbi, we're not asking you to abandon ethical considerations.
Thank you.
Why do you think Sam Jacobs gave you as an alibi when he knew you wouldn't corroborate it? Let me ask you a question.
Why do you think he did that KNOWING I'd deny it? I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need to speak with you both.
I found this in Phil Brown's car.
What is it? A nail.
It's Sam Jacob's.
He might as well have left his credit card.
You don't think he's being set up? Mark Andrews looked after the cars.
This is a man who's meticulously planned and executed his crimes over the last 30 years.
Why leave a calling card BOTH: Unless he wants to be found.
There's an echo in here.
Um, Rabbi did Sam Jacobs ever talk to you about a man called Phil Brown? In what context? That he knew him.
Thank you.
Rabbi, do you think that Sam Jacobs wants to be found out? I think he feels that, through me, he's made his peace with God.
Perhaps he now feels that, through you, he can do the same with society.
You've met the rabbi.
And you found the nail in the car.
Why did you leave it there? In case I changed my mind.
About what? About this.
My wife and daughter know nothing.
No Nor do we at the moment.
Where do you want me to start? How long had you known Phil Brown? Since I was 16.
'64, '65.
That's right.
How did you meet him? I started going to his club in Mayfair to watch the bands.
Blues, underground Great times.
Phil got me into one of the bands and I ended up playing there every week.
Got hooked? On everything.
Pills, booze, sex, music, politics.
Politics? Kicking against the establishment.
Changing the world.
I remember.
Phil liked boys.
Hepicked me out.
You had sex with him? He was very persuasive.
Was it against your will? He made me feel I owed him.
I was very naive.
Middle-class, Jewish grammar school boy.
The whole experience was intoxicating, thrilling.
It was impossible to go back to what I was before.
When did you make your first hit? When I was 17, inSeptember 1966.
Who was it? I didn't know his name.
Phil only gave me an address and photo.
Did he pay you? Yes.
How much? Five hundred pounds.
What made you go through with it? Phil convinced me I was a vigilante, acting outside the law to account for its failings.
A crusader for justice.
A revolutionary.
What, and you believed that, did you? Completely.
You were in thrall to him? Body and soul.
How did you feel when you made that first kill? Numb, but triumphant.
Any empathy I had for my victim was extinguished by the sense that I was acting for a higher purpose.
Mmm, the five hundred pounds.
Did that change? Yes.
After one shooting, I watched as the man's wife and two children ran to his side and tried to How long did your revolutionary zeal last? Until it was too late.
Once I'd realised that that Phil had been using me, I left the country.
I'd been in Granada for a year and I decided to return.
So, why did you come back? I was living in fear.
Waiting for the gun to be pointed at me.
I thought I could sort things out with Phil by confronting him.
And were you treated like the prodigal son or? We came to an arrangement.
Once every two or three years, I would be his shooter.
He paid well and allowed me to get on with my life.
Hello, Sam.
Listen, Rebecca I won't be home tonight.
Where are you? Oh, you know catching up with old times.
Are you going straight to the hostel? Sam? Yes.
I can't talk.
I've got a student on hold.
She's in a state.
I do love you, Rebecca.
Hang on, hang on What did you say? I said you're such a klutz.
I know.
Bye! Kiss Lucy for me.
See you in the morning, sweetheart.
Bye! Bye.
Do you remember where you were on 3rd April 1979? I was at Sydenham.
I shot Derek Arthur Reed.
How about 16th July 1981? Worthing.
I shot a man called Spiller on the seafront.
I shot him by his car on Mucking Marsh.
How many other murders? Six.
How did you reconcile your crimes with your day-to-day life? I shut them out.
When I picked up the gun, I became someone else.
I used disguise to distance me from the killer.
Tell me about the Flamenco.
It centred me.
Its passion gave me an outlet for my anger.
What were you angry at? Anger at myself.
What I was.
What I am.
And I directed that anger at Steven Walsh.
He assaulted your wife, didn't he? If Rebecca hadn't pulled me away, I would have killed him.
When I was hitting him again and again, I was punishing myself.
I was lashing out at myself.
And your wife and daughter know nothing of this other life.
Now, see, I find that very hard to believe.
How's that possible? Before prison, the two Sams were clear in my head.
They led separate lives.
And now? In prison, there's too much time to think and the two Sams collided.
I don't know who I am any more.
And my family, who kept me sane and made me feel halfway decent and loved .
I betrayed them.
Why did you kill Phil Brown? I wanted to stop the killing, but hehe always wanted one last job.
He would never let me go.
He tried to have me killed and an innocent man died in my place.
And then he phoned my home and spoke to my daughter.
He said he would keep on phoning.
I had to kill him.
Why two shots, not one? I shot him first in the chest.
Why? Because I couldn't shoot him in the face.
Why not? Because it was somebody I knew.
Because I wasn't paid to do it.
Because it was me.
Where's the gun, Sam? I buried it.
Where? I'll show you.
Stop here.
I hid it over there.
OK, show me.
By that tree.
Just under the surface.
Go on, then.
What's your first name, Detective Superintendent? Peter.
Well, Peter I'm very sorry it has to be this way.
A SHOT RINGS OUT Boyd! Boyd! Why did he do that? Why did he do that?
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