Without a Trace s07e23 Episode Script


Hey, I'll be right back.
Shay, what are you doing here? - I wanted to see you.
- Not here.
Not here.
- You're gonna get me in trouble.
- Who's gonna care? Lauren's mom is in the car.
You don't think she'd love to tell my dad about the tattooed guy kissing his daughter? I told you I was going to Lauren's for study group.
I know, I just thought you might change your mind.
You're very cute, but me flunking trig is not an option.
We need to talk later.
About what? Things.
Come on! We have to pick up my brother on the way.
I'm coming.
I'll see you back at the apartment.
We'll talk about things then, okay? - I love you.
- I love you, too.
So Maricella should be back from the dentist in about an hour.
- He's gonna need to take a nap in - In forty-fives minutes I'm being obsessive, aren't I? Okay.
This is very important, so pay attention.
'Cause this is one of those moments where the real answer is yes, but the right answer is no.
Like this.
No, you just want to make sure he's okay.
Your daddy thinks he's a comedian.
Very funny.
It is.
Hey, so what do you want me to give him for a snack today? You know what? You decide.
Daddies decide.
I forgot your medicine.
I was supposed to pick it up last night and I didn't.
It's not a big deal, don't worry.
You know what I'll do? I'll call it in at lunch and I'll bring it by.
Okay? I'm sorry.
I got to go.
I got to go.
You be good for your daddy today.
Make sure he doesn't overexert himself.
- I got to go to work.
- Right.
Jack Malone.
No Hannah's supposed to be at school.
I don't think she has an appointment.
Really? You know, I'm not Let me check and I'll call you back.
Okay? No problem.
Hannah? Hannah, if you're there, pick up.
Look, your school called.
You know, the place you're supposed to be.
You call me as soon as you get this message, okay? I know that.
I already called a half hour ago.
Could you please check his room again? - Hang up.
- No, he might have come back.
Hang up right now.
You ditched school.
You don't answer your cell phone - I'm sorry - What's going on?! Shay's missing.
He didn't come by last night.
He's not picking up his phone.
And I've called him, a million times already.
- He's my boyfriend.
- Yes, I know who he is.
What exactly do you mean, "he didn't come by last night?" - Okay, that's not what I meant.
- Hey, you know what? I am not stupid.
He's been in New York for the past two weeks.
And when did you intend to share that piece of information with me? I don't know.
Get your stuff.
You're going back to school.
It's gonna be school, home, and that's it, and if I have to hire somebody to watch you when I can't watch you, I will.
This is exactly why I didn't tell you he's been in N.
- 'cause I knew you'd act like this.
- How am I supposed to act? Different.
Okay, you want to ground me, send me back to Chicago.
I don't care.
I'm not going anywhere until I know Shay's all right.
Without A Trace Season 7 Episode 23 "True" The Underground Black Sheeps Team.
How you doing? Well, I haven't killed her yet, so that's a plus.
Look, are you sure this kid's not just at some rave in Weehawken? Well, I don't know him.
So I don't know.
- Have you talked to his parents? - Yes.
They said they have no idea where he is.
And and I quote, "He's 18 and not our problem.
" - So - Very supportive.
All right, what do you want to do? Well, I want to find him.
You know, otherwise, she's gonna be running all over town trying to find him herself.
Would you would you talk to her? Wait.
She's not talking to you? If I talk to her, we're gonna get absolutely nowhere.
She thinks that I want to break them up, okay? She I don't care if she marries the little jerk and has 24 kids, quite frankly.
Somewhere in a megachurch, a pastor just had a heart attack.
Yeah, well, family values is not exactly my strong suit.
Come on.
- All right.
- Go on.
Go on.
He sends in the girlfriend because he can't face me.
Actually, your father sent me because he thought you might be able to talk more freely.
Because I know you so well? Where has Shay been staying the last two weeks? The Troubadour in Queens.
I already called.
He's not there.
I would rather look for Shay myself.
You may not find him yourself.
Okay? We do this for a living.
If you're serious about finding your boyfriend, I need you to talk to me.
- He's not some jerk.
- Nobody thinks he's a jerk.
My dad does.
Well, you know what? It's what you think that counts, okay? To me he's beautiful.
He's perfect.
So tell me, what's he into? What is he like? He's really great with cars.
He rebuilt this '77 Camaro all by himself.
But he's not just that; he's an artist.
He's been working on this graphic novel, and it's just genius.
Okay, but that doesn't pay for a room, even at the Troubadour.
He also draws caricatures in the park.
- He doesn't make a lot, but - Listen, Hannah, if if you were willing to skip school, have your dad find that out Shay was here, you clearly think something happened to him.
I need you to tell me why.
Shay's dad hits him.
And because of that, Shay never gets angry or raises his voice.
And he definitely doesn't get into fights.
What happened? Something stupid.
You're actually bleeding.
Let me get you something.
Who did this to you? A guy at the park told me I was in his spot.
- So did you move? - Yeah.
This is his way of telling me I had to.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's not your fault.
It sort of is.
I can tell you aren't having any fun.
And getting punched in the mouth won't help.
I don't know.
I just thought New York would be different or easier or something.
But it's not.
Are you sorry you came? It's hard not being able to see you during the day.
I know.
I don't want you to get a scar and ruin this face before we take the jacket photo for your book.
A scar would make me seem more dangerous.
Not unless you have a better story of how you got it.
Fell while hiking in the Amazon.
Or bitten by my girlfriend.
Like that.
He told me he was gonna be really careful about where he worked.
I want you to write down where Shay set up in the park, anyone he came into contact with there.
Names, numbers of friends, family.
Anything you can think overhead.
That will really help.
- Okay, so how many do we have to cut? - 100, 125.
- What? - Ish.
- That many? - Yeah, if we have, like, 200 people to our wedding, you better pray we win the lottery.
Well, I've been playing the lottery actually.
There's something else I got to tell you.
- What? - The botanical garden called.
- We lost the space.
- When were you gonna tell me? I'm telling you now.
We're on the wait list for two other places.
Everything's gonna work out.
You're gonna look beautiful.
What's all this? Everything that seemed useful from Shay's hotel room.
Anyone at the hotel know about the fight? No, but apparently, he hasn't been around there much lately.
- What about the car? - Hotel manager described it as sweet, but didn't remember seeing it over the last couple of days.
You know, it's possible that Shay just bailed and went home to Chicago.
Based on what we know about the parents, it seems like he came to New York to get away from them.
Maybe the city's just a stopoverand he's still looking for a place to land.
I'm gonna expand the APB to the tri-state area.
Who knows where this kid's headed? I'm looking for Margot.
Margot? Margot? I'm Special Agent Johnson of the FBI.
- I've got a permit.
- Good for you.
I hear you're friends with Shay Hanson.
Why does it matter? He's missing.
Do you mind sitting in the chair? It'd be better if people didn't know I was talking to you.
Shay's a sweet kid.
Loads of talent, not a lot of street smarts.
That's a good line.
I feel like you stopped paying attention right here.
You just connected those two points.
How did you know that? I'm a hundred thousand sketches ahead of you, Shay.
But it's still a good line.
I heard you're looking for me.
I heard you had a little side thing going.
I don't know what you're talking about.
That's cool.
I didn't mean anything by it.
But if you need any help, I'm always looking to make a little bit of cash.
- Who put you up to this? - Nobody.
You had some customers, some repeat customers.
You saw nothing.
Don't mention me.
Don't mention my name.
Don't do anything.
I draw pictures.
That's it.
Got it? Yeah.
I got it.
Shay never came back to the park.
I assumed he got scared.
So, did either of them throw any punches? I can't imagine Shay ever getting into a fight with anyone.
So is Roger dealing drugs? Listen, I'd rather not end up in Roger's sights.
Don't worry.
How can I find him? He's here late in the day, and on the weekends.
You've definitely captured my essence.
Did you find him? No, not yet.
Vivian was in the park.
She was talking to Margot.
Your boyfriend stopped doing caricatures there about a week ago.
Park artists are crazy.
Maybe he just moved his spot.
You know what? There's a little more to it than that.
Margot said he was trying to put together some cash, and that he asked a drug dealer for a job.
No way.
She doesn't know what she's talking about.
Really? Does your boyfriend do drugs? He smokes a little pot.
So what? Is he a dealer? Don't make Shay out to be somebody he's not to get back at me for bringing him here.
I'm not responsible for the information that comes up when we're looking for him.
Dad, what aren't you telling me? NYPD picked up his car with somebody else driving it.
I'd like to go back to the apartment.
I'm sorry, honey.
You can't.
You have to stay here.
Look, I didn't do anything to Shay.
- Then why are you driving his car? - He sold it to me.
I'll give you a thousand bucks if this guy can provide a title.
We didn't do the paperwork yet.
Johnny,we know you got picked up We also know Shay drives a nice car.
I'll bet you were gonna jack him, and things got out of hand, am I right? I didn't steal it.
Shay worked at the shop.
What, he have a summer internship in carjacking? Nah, he was doing legit stuff refurbs.
Vic, the guy that runs the place, saw his car at a gas station, hired Shay on the spot.
Okay, when was this? About ten days ago.
Should've known he was too good to be true.
I know I said I'd pay eight, but Vic will only front me for five.
First Bank of Vic, always open.
I rebuilt that car myself.
It's perfect.
It's worth at least ten.
I only have five.
I already dropped the car at your house.
I don't know what to tell you.
Come on, Vic.
I owe somebody some money.
Could you help me? You like the car.
Why don't you buy it? You asked Johnny if he wanted it.
You deal with Johnny.
I figure when he craps out on paying me back, I'll wind up with the car anyway.
Really? Just give me the money.
- Nice doing business with you.
- You guys suck.
Freeze! Police! About half the guys got picked up then, a bunch more later but not Shay.
- And you think he ratted you out.
- Yeah.
You know what? It doesn't make any sense, Johnny.
If Shay was the rat, he would have taken the cash and the car and gotten out of town while you were in jail.
I don't know what to tell you.
Vic thought it was him, too.
Johnny, what was Vic planning on doing to Shay? Well, Vic is an eye-for-an-eye kind of guy.
He's not a deep thinker, like you two.
Maricella took Finn to the park.
I got your prescription.
I didn't know your medical ID number, so you're gonna have file for a reimbursement.
Are we gonna talk? I got to go back to work.
Well, we should talk.
Let's talk.
That should never have happened.
I know.
Because I've been very clear with you about what's going on and where I stand with everything.
- I'm involved with somebody.
- I know that.
Then why did you try to? No, I can't.
I can't deal with this right now.
I have to go back to work.
Hey, this is private property.
Fitzgerald and Taylor, FBI.
I'm on bail, I own the building, and I haven't done anything wrong.
- That's a lot of excuses, right? - It sure is, Especially since we haven't asked him any questions yet.
- What do you want? - Shay Hanson.
- Where is he? - I don't know him.
Sure you do.
He worked for you, didn't get swept up in the raid.
You said you were gonna, what was it? - Dump his Chicago ass in the Hudson.
- That was it.
I don't know where he is.
Well, if you're lying, you could kiss your bail good-bye.
I tell you what I know, we friends? Friends? Vic, We're best friends.
Start talking.
Well, he he came back to the garage.
You've got a lot of nerve coming back here - if you ratted me out! - I didn't rat you out! I got the cops at my door after I hand you $5,000! - It wasn't me! - That's B.
! I swear, I don't know what you're talking about.
Let me grab my stuff.
You'll never see me again.
- Whatever's in there is mine! - Let me get my stuff! You little putz.
Your ass is mine! I swear, you come back here again, you're going He ran out; I didn't follow.
And he's been smart enough not to come back here.
Vic, I'll take it from here.
- That's it? - That's it.
You're telling us he came back for that? What can I say? I was hoping for cash, too.
I talked to a friend in Vice.
Shay was not the informant.
- Who was? - Johnny Faloona.
Better to drop a dime on someone else than drop it on yourself.
Well, even if it's not Vic, everyone knew that Shay was walking around with 5K.
It could be that one of Vic's guys tracked him and took the money.
Well, I'm gonna call NYPD, ask them to canvass the area.
Maybe they'll find us a witness.
- Brought you a sandwich.
- I'm not hungry.
Well, you haven't eaten all day.
I know when I'm hungry.
You know He loved that Camaro.
Took him a year and a half to fix it up.
He wouldn't just sell it.
He needed money.
I guess so, but I don't know why.
I swear, I'd tell you if I did.
I know you would.
I just feel so powerless that there's nothing I can do to help.
Shay got that bloody lip over a sweatshirt, a Central High sweatshirt.
Do you have any idea why it might be so important to him? Central's near the high school that we went to.
But I don't know anyone who goes there.
If you do think of anything, you'll let me know? Eat something.
Hey, Samantha? Thank you for the sandwich.
You're welcome.
Tavern on the Green's out.
- Why? It's booked? - No, we're broke.
We can't afford it.
Unless you want to get married at noon on a Wednesday.
Yes, it's a sweatshirt from the cross country team season 2008.
Okay, well, if you have the roster there you can just read it out to me.
Mark Dwight Charlie Wilkins Shay went into Western Union and wired $5,000 to a Stella Wilkins in Chicago.
That's great.
Now is Charlie Wilkins related to a Stella Wilkins? I'm sorry to hear that.
All right, well, thank you very much for your help.
Stella is Charlie's mother.
Four weeks ago Charlie was involved in a car accident.
He ended up with severe brain damage.
- Who was driving the car? - They don't know.
- It was a hit-and-run.
- This is Shay's sketch book.
I think that he drew that accident.
I saw it some Only now it doesn't seem like an accident, does it? Mr.
Hanson, the damage we found on your son's car is consistent with the crime.
I would assume that if you want to help him, you would answer the questions.
Apparently, Shay's father comes from the lock-em-up-and-throw-away- the-key school of parenting.
- Maybe he's just covering for him.
- I doubt it.
You know, from these drawings, it really does indicate that that Shay was involved with this accident.
I'm starting to wish we had found that kid at the rave in Weehawken.
She's not going to blame you.
No, I blame me.
Do you want me to ask her about the accident? No.
I have to do it.
- Good for you.
- Why is that? For not walking away.
I thought you were going to say it was because I'm not a crap parent, but that's okay.
Listen, I'm gonna call Chicago P.
D, see if they can't pay a visit to Mr.
Jack, you have a call on line 1 from Mrs.
- Sounds pretty urgent.
- Okay, thank you.
Special Agent Malone.
My husband's gone out.
I don't have a lot of time to talk.
I really appreciate you calling back, Mrs.
- Have you heard from your son? - Not since he left.
Where you going? New York, to be with Hannah.
Her father's going to let you stay there? I hope so.
She doesn't know I'm coming.
When will you be back? Oh, no.
Come with me.
Leave Dad.
Just We've talked about it so many times.
Just grab your things and we'll go.
I won't tell him where you are.
You can tell him.
He won't come looking for me.
We both know that.
Be safe, Ma.
You, too.
I thought he was going to New York to get away from his dad, but maybe he was running away from what he did.
And when was this? Two weeks ago.
About a week and a half after, Charlie's accident.
You're going to find him, right? Make sure he's okay? Mrs.
Hanson, I'm going to do everything I possibly can.
I need to ask you were you aware of any problems between Shay and Charlie? I have to go.
There was an accident.
In Chicago.
A young man named Charlie Wilkins was seriously hurt.
What does that have to do with anything? We're not sure, but we think that Shay may have hit Charlie intentionally.
You're making this up.
Shay's sketch.
Charlie Wilkins.
You want him to be a criminal so you can hate him.
You want to take away the one person in the world who loves me.
- You've been waiting for this.
- I know why you think that, okay? But that's not what I want.
All I really want is for you to be happy, okay? Since when? Since the day you were born, okay? That's all I've ever wanted is for you to be happy.
Sometimes people make mistakes.
What? You say that and it's supposed to make everything better?! We're just going to pretend like nothing ever happened? That is not what I said! It's not what I said.
When was the accident? It was about a month ago.
Is that the real reason he came here? Just to hide? I don't know, sweetie.
I'm not going to know that until I find him.
What am I supposed to do? I'm totally alone without him.
It's okay, sweetie.
The Wilkins family has a Web site, and six days ago they posted a plea for help with Charlie's medical bills.
Didn't they think it was odd that an 18-year-old donated $5,000? I don't think they care where the money came from.
They needed it.
Charlie was one day away from being transferred to a state medical facility.
Perhaps that's why he felt the need to get the money so quickly.
When I talked to Charlie's mom, she said that Charlie and Shay were good friends, and she couldn't believe that Shay was involved.
You know, I don't think he was alone.
The Western Union tape just came in.
That's him leaving the counter after he wired the 5K.
Viv, I think I know that guy.
Let me see this.
Yeah, look.
There's Charlie.
There's Shay.
- There's their friend Mac.
- Mac Didn't Elena call a Mac to find out if he'd heard from Shay? And he said he hadn't.
Lie #1.
And then he conveniently left out that he's in New York City.
Lie #2.
I wonder what lie #3 is? - Hello.
- Just a sec! - Yeah, what do you want? - Hi, we're with the FBI.
We're looking for one of your residents.
Could you please step this way.
Well, that's something new.
We don't get a lot of cops around here.
- So who you looking for? - We are looking for this guy.
His credit card company says he's staying here.
He sure is handsome.
Or he was.
He checked out about an hour ago.
By any chance did he say where he was going? Out of town, I think, 'cause he asked for gas money.
He tried to sell me his watch.
I said no way.
I don't even believe in time.
Where's the closet pawnshop? - Two blocks down.
- Go check it out.
Go check it out.
Let me ask you something.
You got dibs on that tall drink of water? I just use him for sex.
Now do me a favor and look at this picture.
Have you seen this kid around here? Yeah, he was here yesterday.
They'll get suspicious when they get the money.
They'll start asking questions and she will lead to me Charlie's a vegetable.
The money's the least I can do.
He's a vegetable.
It sucks.
But we're over 18 and we'll do real time in prison the rest of our lives.
Maybe we should.
I'm not living in a cage because you can't keep your head together.
Okay, I got it.
So what do you want me to do? We got to get out of here now.
Fast and far.
To tell you the truth, we get a lot of idiot criminals in this place.
I ignore 'em.
- Did Shay come back after that? - I don't think so.
I went up to his room after Mac checked out.
It was empty and clean.
Well, thank you.
What's your name? Jubilee.
Just one name like Beyoncé.
Of course.
Well, thank you, Jubilee.
Can I have my pictures? Hey, Mac.
- You okay? - Yeah.
Danny and Elena are canvassing the building where Mac escaped.
NYPD set up a perimeter.
How many apartments are we looking at? to help with the search.
We might be able to speed up the search.
Mac borrowed his dad's cell phone and van when he left Chicago.
You were right.
He didn't turn off the GPS in the phone.
He's heading south on the Van Wyck Expressway.
JFK? All right, I'll tell Martin to head that way.
- Let me know if he changes direction.
- You got it.
We followed Mac to his van in long-term parking and Shay was just waiting there for him.
- Voluntarily? - Well, it looks that way.
When we pulled Mac out of the van, he told Shay to keep his mouth shut because we didn't have anything solid on him.
That doesn't make either one of them seem particularly innocent, does it? Not really.
I put Shay in Interrogation 1.
Do you know who I am? Hannah's dad.
She had nothing to do with this.
I didn't even tell her about what happened to Charlie.
I wouldn't do that to her.
You know what I'd like to do right now? I'd like to send you out that door, so you could take off with your genius friend wherever the hell the two of you were going.
Why don't you tell me what happened? Am I going to jail? I don't know.
I'm kind of hoping you're the guy my daughter thinks you are.
Me and Mac and Charlie were goofing around one night.
Car surfing, doing tricks.
It was Charlie's turn.
You gotta try this, Shay.
It's awesome! Why are you even talking? You have no points and like three minutes left.
- Get up there! - I'm pacing myself.
I'm going to do a flip for 50.
- All right, go.
- All right! - He's not going to do anything.
- So what if he doesn't? He loses.
I had the sack to do something interesting.
What's your excuse? Let's make this a little fun.
Stop! Oh, my God! I wanted him to pop up.
You know, say, "I'm okay" and laugh it off, but he didn't Get up, man.
Please get up, Charlie.
- It's gonna be fine.
- We have to get out of here.
- He's dead.
- We gotta call somebody.
He's dead.
There's nothing we can do.
- We can't just leave him there! - We have to go! Look, if anyone finds us, it's over.
I'm not going to get caught for this.
This is not right, man.
We gotta do something! Shay! Listen to me.
Now, drive! Come on! How could I tell Hannah that I was too scared to dial a phone? Because if you don't, you'll just keep repeating the same pattern.
- Mr.
Malone - What? Don't be pissed at her.
She didn't even know I was coming to New York.
Yeah, I know.
You can go in.
She's probably not gonna be able to thank you for about 10 years.
So, I'm gonna do her a huge favor and let you know how much she appreciates this.
Ten years.
That's pretty optimistic.
How's he getting back to Illinois? I know someone in the Chicago P.
They're gonna meet us there.
That's awfully nice of you.
You're not responsible for him.
I know.
It'll give me a chance to go back to Chicago.
Check on my other daughter.
Make sure she's not dating some other felon.
Yeah, just don't let that be the first thing you say.
No, I should probably say something like "Hello.
" Anyway Well, I should let you deal with Hannah.
I'll see you later.
I'll see you later.
He went right to sleep.
He pulled himself up today.
He used the coffee table.
And I missed it.
All right, you remember when you asked me why I'd need to be able to record video with my phone? You got it on video? - Well, let me see it.
- Yeah, but I need to say something first.
Aside from us almost getting killed and my being incapable of going to the bathroom by myself Things are really good right now.
They're good for Finn.
And what happened this morning was just It was a reflex.
It was nothing.
You and I both know it wasn't nothing.
- Okay, slow, quick.
- Quick, quick, slow.
Danny, please listen to me.
It's slow, quick, quick.
Please, slow.
Please, follow me.
- Follow me.
- I don't want to follow you.
- I'm gonna lead.
I'm the man.
Ready? - Okay, in a perfect world! You don't know what you're doing! Come on.
Just follow me.
Slow, quick, quick.
- Let's do a less complicated dance.
- Okay, like what - the hokey-pokey? - Do not mock the hokey-pokey.
At least with the hokey-pokey, the instructions are in the lyrics.
- I like that, not this "quick, quick.
" - Okay, let's do something.
I don't wanna do this anymore.
Let's cut this dance altogether - 'cause clearly, you're miserable.
- Great, then we can cancel the band.
We can't do that.
You know my mother will die.
She really wants the band.
- Disinvite your mother.
- Disinvite your Uncle Ramon.
- I thought you loved Uncle Ramon.
- No, I actually hate Uncle Ramon.
- I hate him.
- You know what? Forget Uncle Ramon.
Come here.
Uncle Ramon is officially disinvited from the wedding.
- Danny - What's your problem? Tell me.
I'm gonna I'm gonna have to say something.
Don't get uncomfortable.
I have to say it and then we're gonna pretend that I never said it.
- You wanna cancel the wedding? - No, of course not, okay? I really wish we could have a small wedding.
Just you and me, nobody else.
I wanna go to the justice of the peace and just That's it.
- Are you kidding me? - No.
The only reason why I've been going along with the big wedding is because I thought that's what you wanted.
- I was faking.
- No, there's no way.
You were over the moon about the thousand balloons and the confetti coming down.
Are you crazy? I was lying.
All lies.
Not lying.
- So, we're cool? - We're cool.
And you really want to get married, right? You bet I do.
It's a good thing we're getting married.
'Cause if not, there's no way you'd get me to do this stupid dance.
No, I don't wanna listen to that! I don't wanna listen to that anymore! The Underground Black Sheeps Team.

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