Wizards of Waverly Place s02e02 Episode Script

Beware Wolf

All right, which do you think is cooler for my date? Leather jacket or this hoodie? Let's see.
Nice leather, or what if we Good.
Yep, I'd go with the hoodie.
Take it easy.
I'm a mouth-breather.
I can't believe you let your WizTech buddies set you up on a blind date, and all you know from her is what you've learned from her profile on WizFace.
You haven't even seen her.
She's hot.
And she's into all the same things I'm into.
Listen, everybody's hot on WizFace.
They don't show their real picture, and lie about what they're into.
What picture did she see of you? Oh, I don't think pictures really capture my essence.
That's why I posted a complicated mathematical equation.
Come check it out.
I get it.
Because you're hard to figure out nobody cares enough to try.
What other embarrassing things do you have on your embarrassing page? Oh my gosh.
I can't believe you posted that picture with you and that centaur.
Don't you wish she'd told you she was half horse and half girl before you asked her to WizTech Prom? I saved a lot on a limo.
I'm just saying people, or horses, are not always honest on WizFace.
OK, that's Isabella now.
I guarantee you she looks exactly like her picture on WizFace.
Is this the Russo residence? Hi.
Here's your floral wristlet.
And here's some mail that came to my apartment by accident.
Oh, ma'am? Take it easy.
- Whew.
- Ah! I wouldn't "whew" so fast.
At least that lady only had two legs.
I'm sure Isabella's normal.
Oh! Forgot the floral wristlet.
Hi, I'm Isabella.
Is Justin here? Oh, well you're cute.
Justin? Isabella? Wow, you're even prettier than your pictures on WizFace.
And you don't look anything like "X equals Y squared over cosine of pi.
" I know.
Everyone says that.
So nice to meet you.
And even nicer for you to meet Alex, who thinks she knows everything.
Here, take a seat.
I'll go get you some of your favorite Diet WizFizz.
You know, the soda? I remembered from your profile.
Well, this was fun.
Can you pass me that sweater, please? OK.
Now that was fun.
Really? 'Cause my word was "awkward.
" * Well you know everything's gonna be a breeze * * And the end will no doubt, justify the means * * You can fix any problem with the slightest of ease * * Yes please But you might find out it'll go to your head * * When you write a report on a book you never read * * With the snap of your fingers you can make your bed * * That's what I said * * Everything is not what it seems * * When you can get all you wanted in your wildest dreams * * You might run into trouble if you go to extremes * * Because everything is not what it seems * * Everything is not what it seems * * When you can have what you want by the simplest of means * * Be careful not to mess with the balance of things * * Because everything is not * * What it seems * Hey, Alfred.
Are you ready to go walk the dog? I don't know.
There are a lot of streets to cross between here and the park, where a lot could go wrong.
Hey, Mom, we're going to walk the dog in the park.
All right, honey.
Wait, wait, wait.
We don't own a dog.
This is Tucker, Mrs.
Covington's dog.
She's gonna give us five bucks a day to walk him.
We're saving up to buy those cups-on-a-chain so we won't have to keep asking you guys for cups.
Oh, you know, honey, it's really not that much of a bother.
We own a restaurant, we've got hundreds of cups.
We want cups-on-a-chain.
Are you in or are you out? All right, all right.
I guess I'm in.
You know what? I'm gonna bake some dog biscuits from a recipe I saw on Dog Food Network.
OK? Why do we want cups-on-a-chain again? How many times has someone offered you a beverage and you have nothing to put it in? Never.
Well, it'll never happen again.
Oh, hi.
Are you one of Alex's friends? No, Dad.
She's with me.
A pretty girl can be with me.
Oh, right.
Of course.
I'm Isabella.
You must be Mr.
Oh, hi.
I'll get Alex.
Theresa, please.
A pretty girl can be with Justin.
Oh, of course.
Justin and I were set up by friends and we've been getting to know each other on WizFace.
Really? Oh, yeah.
I hear it's a fun, social networking site where people from the wizard world who don't know each other at all can get to know each other.
Can you come in the kitchen? We need help with the salami slicing.
It's Max's turn for that.
- Well, we need your help with something else.
- Yeah.
- What? - That thing.
What thing? Justin, get in the kitchen right now.
All right.
Come on, Isabella, we're going in the kitchen.
No, no! No, no.
No, no, Isabella needs to stay here, uh, because, um, because of that thing.
That thing with the Oh, what are we doing? Isabella, you stay here.
Justin, come on.
Oh Hi, Alex.
I saw that.
Saw what? I'm not sure what I saw, but I saw that.
Once again, we have to discuss WizFace and how dangerous it is because you never really know who you're dealing with.
And how you keep buying stuff on the World Wide Wizard Web that you don't need.
Like the Submarine- part-of-the-month Club? I know it seems ridiculous right now, but in a 128,000 months, I'll have a complete submarine.
And there's nothing wrong with Isabella.
She's really nice.
Well, at least this one's not half horse.
That centaur looked beautiful in her prom dress.
Honey, you are missing the point.
You didn't know she was a centaur before you met her.
She ate all the carrots in the sub shop.
Our coleslaw was flavorless for a week.
Mom, Dad, I hear what you're saying right now, but I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions.
All right.
Just do yourself a favor and get to know her better before you get serious.
Don't worry.
It's gonna be fine.
I'm going on a date with her.
Everything's gonna be OK.
Look at her.
She's fine.
She totally just heard everything we said.
We should really shut this when we're talking about people, and they're sitting right there.
So, uh, where are you guys going again? I'm taking Isabella for a walk in the park.
She'll like that.
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Squirrel! You see I almost caught that squirrel? And that bus.
And that cab.
And the guy on the bike.
You almost caught a lot of things.
I know.
Isn't this the best walk ever? Yeah.
I just thought we'd walk together.
Oh, OK.
Let's walk together.
And listen, if I ever get out of sight, all you have to do is whistle.
I like it.
Can you believe my sister and my parents think we don't know enough about each other to go out? I know.
I can tell from your profile that we're into all the same things, cozy blankets, long naps, car rides.
And neither one of us likes thunder storms.
Or vacuum cleaners.
Vacuum cleaners are the worst.
If you don't wear your shoes inside, there's no need for a vacuum.
I love shoes.
Me, too! I wear them everywhere.
I can't wait for my parents to see how perfect we are together.
Hey, Alex, we're getting cups-on-chains to wear around our necks.
Well, Justin's girlfriend's a dog.
Hey, guys! Can I play? Thank you.
Yo, Isabella! Fetch! Hey, Alex.
Isn't Isabella great? She's so athletic and friendly.
She says "hello" to everyone in the park.
Yeah, your girlfriend's a dog.
What are you talking about? She's beautiful.
You just hate that we're perfect for each other.
She put my sweater in her mouth and played tug-of-war with me.
Isabella's hiding something.
Oh, you just don't like the fact that I'm falling in love.
Yeah, I am.
I'm falling in love.
She ate a dog biscuit like it was a chocolate chip cookie right out of the oven.
She jumped in the air and caught a plastic flying disc in her mouth.
We both love catching plastic flying discs in our mouth.
That's one of the many things that we have in common.
You can't catch a plastic flying disc in your mouth.
You can't catch a plastic flying disc in your hands.
Oh, yeah? Hey, Gunnar, hit me.
Good throw! Am I bleeding? OK, OK, the swelling's going down, you've cried it out, you're gonna live.
Now, Isabella, did you leave out one piece of crucial information on your WizFace page, like the fact that you're a dog? That's ridiculous.
I wouldn't be ready to commit myself to Isabella without having a pretty good idea of who she is.
You're not a dog, are you? - No.
- See? I'm a werewolf.
I did not see that coming.
So what? Not seeing things coming is the roller coaster love.
And I am strapped in, ready for the ride.
Today, I found out my girlfriend's a werewolf.
Yay! How many other guys can say that? Well, none, because I'm guessing anybody else who could say that has been eaten.
That's a stereotype.
We're actually very loving.
I sensed that about you.
Oh, Justin, come on! Just admit it.
You don't know anything about her.
Oh, Alex.
I can't believe your level of jealousy.
I just hope that one day you can be as happy as we are.
Oh, Justin, there is one more thing that you should know about me.
Yes, my love? When you kiss a werewolf, you turn into a werewolf.
Oh my gosh, this is gonna be so painful! As my genetic structure is changing, as my spine shifts from human to canine, as my hands elongate and become lupine, waiting for the claws to shoot out of my fingernails I love you, Isabella! That's another stereotype.
The change is pretty fast and painless.
Really? Oh.
You're right.
Nice coat.
Alex, what are we gonna do? Well, don't ask me.
I proved you guys don't know each other.
My work is done.
OK, so I'm a werewolf.
There's a price to love.
Love hurts.
But I didn't die.
Just a werewolf.
I'm not gonna die, am I? No, you're good.
Just don't chase cars.
All right, that's about as much puppy love as I can take.
Get it? Where do I come up with these things? Wait.
Alex, you're not gonna tell Dad, right? No.
Because Dad would want to blame this all on WizFace and then say, "I told you so.
" And then he'd want to change me back.
And maybe I don't want to get changed back.
Maybe I like enjoy seeing everything in black and white.
Maybe I'm perfectly happy now as a werewolf.
With Isabella.
- What is that smell? - It's you, dude.
- It comes with the fur.
- Oh.
Well, then I like it.
I love having fur.
I'm enjoying my new lease on life.
Don't you mean leash on life? Oh, man.
That is good one.
Up top.
Oh, careful with the claw, though.
Stop judging us with your hurtful jokes.
Come on, Isabella.
We're obviously not accepted here.
We have to do what people in love have done since the beginning of time.
Run away to the only place where animals can be free.
The park! OK, don't forget your collars.
It's flea season! Another one.
I am on fire.
OK, we're actually going now.
And like I said, don't tell Dad that we're going to the park, OK? I'm not.
Why are you still here and not chasing a cat? It's that kind of hatred and prejudice that makes us unable to stay here for one more moment.
Come on, my love.
Hey, Alex, successful day of dog walking.
I got my cup-on-a-chain.
Livin' the dream.
What's going on here? Well, Justin's WizFace girl turned out to be a werewolf.
They kissed, he turned into a werewolf and they away to spend the rest of their lives together.
So I guess it's just you and me.
Well, hey, I got Justin a cup-on-a-chain, but, uh His loss is your gain, right? Let's have a race to see who can fill theirs with spit first.
Go! Oh, my goodness, I can't live like this.
Where are you going? To tell Dad that Justin's a werewolf and that I need him back right away.
I'm so glad we're out here starting our new lives together, holding paws on this bench with nobody stopping us, including my parents.
I don't even care if they were looking for me and even if they heard me.
I'm Justin Russo! Sitting on this park bench! Next to the lamp post.
I'm getting kind of hungry.
We should go eat some cats or something.
Werewolves don't eat cats.
That's a stereotype.
Just like how we only change during a full moon.
We change every night.
Even better.
It's like people watch a couple of movies and suddenly they know all about werewolves.
Oh, I love those movies.
Hey, Werewolf? About the inner-city school guidance counselor who understands the kids, because he knows what it feels like to be an outsider.
I can't believe you would watch those movies.
They're demeaning.
I mean, Hey, Werewolf? I didn't believe Ashton Kutcher for one minute.
Those shows make us look like animals instead of people with a condition, with proper diet and exercise, can live a normal, healthy life.
I'm sorry.
I got a little worked up.
But I had no idea you liked werewolf movies.
That's the type of thing you should've listed on your WizFace profile.
I mean, I don't really care where you went to chess camp.
You're mad at me because I left something out of my WizFace profile? I think you left something out of your WizFace profile that's pretty big.
What? Hmm let me think about what it is while I stroke my beard.
And my arms.
And my whole body because there's hair all over it.
Most moms have to look for their lost kids at the department store, but no, I have to look for my werewolf son in the park! Hey.
I said we'll get pretzels when we find him.
We can get pretzels anywhere.
Oh my gosh, do you smell your mom, your dad and your sister? But mostly your dad? Yeah.
And I see them.
And after I specifically told them not to come after me! Boy am I mad at her.
- Over here! - Good.
We'll lure them over and then make a mad dash for it.
I'll go this way and you go that way.
And no stopping and digging.
Got it! Oh, guys, there's something I have to tell you.
You won best in show? Congratulations.
I don't have to say, "I told you so," do I? No.
Well, I do.
I told you so.
You cannot trust what people say on WizFace.
I thought we learned that when your prom date had matching shoes and saddle.
But apparently someone has to turn themselves into a werewolf for the lesson to take.
My poor baby's a werewolf! What are we gonna do? Well, I'm not shaving him.
It's not about shaving Justin.
I remember a recipe to a potion.
Thank you.
I'll drink anything.
It's not exactly a drinking potion.
Dad, this is embarrassing.
I know.
It's a potion and a punishment all in one.
I don't think it's working.
He's still hairy.
I'm cool as long as he doesn't use my brush.
Oh, maybe you do drink it.
Yep, it's a drinking potion.
What?! I didn't have to scrape eggshells and coffee grounds out of the bottom of that thing? Yeah, looks like we learned a couple of things today.
Yeah, Justin learned not to trust people on WizFace, and you learned what the word "ingest" means.
I thought it meant joking.
Am I supposed to drink my own bath water? Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Ugh.
I think I swallowed an eggshell.
Hey, it's good to see you again.
I felt bad that it didn't work out so well with us.
I guess we should have gotten to know each other first.
I know.
We didn't even get to slow dance together at the prom.
I'm not doing anything right now.
Me neither.

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