X-Men (1992) s02e08 Episode Script

Time Fugitives (2)

NARRATOR: Previously on X-MEN Exterminate the vermin.
(ROARING) What's this? A temporal storm? What's happening? COMPUTER VOICE: Somehow, the past is being changed and the time stream is realigning.
As soon as the time stream has realigned, you and your world will cease to exist.
It begins with a time traveler from the 21st century.
We'll stop this plague or die trying! My beautiful virus! COMPUTER VOICE: Because of Bishop, the plague never infected mutants.
As a result, antibodies key to the future stabilization of the mutant genetic code were never created.
If our future is to survive, the mutant plague must occur.
What do I do? To save my world, I have to help Apocalypse destroy a past one.
Show me everything.
I gotta know what to do.
COMPUTER VOICE: The mutant named Bishop remains the key.
Apocalypse's plague must occur so that our time can survive.
I can't help Apocalypse! The logic is mathematically simple.
Millions must die in the past so that future billions may be born.
What's happening? Do something! Make it stop! -Tyler! -Help me, Dad! Get me back there! Now! COMPUTER VOICE: Vectoring for trans-time injection on previously calculated coordinates.
-Here we go again.
-Bishop! I already know that part.
Who, or what, are you? A time traveler.
Like you.
You can't stop the plague your way.
-We've got to find a way -Nobody gets in my way! -I got a job to do! -And I can't let you do it.
This one's for the future! (EXCLAIMS) I got no time for this.
The X-Men, they've gotta be told the truth.
Computer, body slide by one to intercept Bishop.
(GASPS) -Who is that guy? -CABLE: I don't wanna hurt you, but I can't let you stop the plague.
The future, my future needs it.
BISHOP: I'm not gonna stand by and let millions die! If you don't, my future won't exist.
BISHOP: That's not my problem! My future matters as much as yours.
I wish there was some other way.
Save it for somebody who cares.
Where'd that come from? Bishop, you fool.
Wait! You don't understand what you're doing! What's up? I thought you all should see this.
City officials have begun the quarantine of mutants Get rid of the mutants! It's the only way to stop the plague! in an effort to control the mysterious illness which is sweeping the country.
MAN: Send them back to where they came from! I've seen that man before.
He was at the mall where Jubilee was attacked.
Come on.
Let's go.
Computer, analyze for Bishop's aura residue.
COMPUTER VOICE: Analysis maximization underway.
Aura trail confirmation.
COMPUTER VOICE: Question, why did you not destroy Bishop in the previous encounter? I've seen too much killing in my life.
Bishop is only trying to help his people.
The needs of the many prevail over the needs of the few.
Destroy Bishop and your mission is accomplished.
I will if I have to, but not until I have to.
TV ANNOUNCER: We interrupt our programming for this special report.
City officials have begun the quarantine of mutants in an effort to control the mysterious illness sweeping the area.
The mayor has asked all citizens to cooperate so the quarantine can be conducted in an orderly manner.
Get rid of the mutants! Scum like that, and I'm on their side.
There's got to be some other way! (SIREN WAILING) (ALL CLAMORING) I can't do it.
Go home! The plague isn't caused by mutants.
He's one of them.
He's a mutant.
Don't make me hurt you.
(PEOPLE SCREAMING) I do not believe it.
Cyclops, that mob is attacking Bishop.
Bishop? What's that time-jockey doing back? Look! On the roof! He's aiming at Bishop! I'm sorry, Bishop.
Remember me, bright eyes? You X-Men better stay out of this! You don't know us very well.
Okay, mystery man.
What you got against Bishop? Huh? We've got to calm that mob down before somebody gets hurt.
WOLVERINE: I'll take care of Bishop! Hey! Darn it! (GRUNTS) I'm sorry, Bishop.
Looks like you got everybody mad at you, rookie! And one of them has a big gun.
It's time I lost that guy once and for all! Oh, man! Scott! (CYCLOPS SHOUTS) Pretty good shot from way up there.
(CABLE GRUNTS) Mutant freaks! I'll show you how to stand up to Not today, friend! (MAN SCREAMING) (GRUNTING) (EXCLAIMS) I don't need this.
Computer, body slide to HQ.
Now! That old boy sure knows how to make an exit.
Looks like you got yourself a powerful enemy, rookie.
Why don't you fight your battles in your own time, Bishop? You could've gotten a lot of people hurt! I was trying to save lives.
Yours and millions in my future.
Good as the day it was made.
Computer, reference the X-Men.
I need to know what I'm up against.
They aren't the wimps I thought they were.
COMPUTER VOICE: Name: Cyclops, field commander of the X-Men.
Mutant power: optic energy beams.
I know about him and Jean Grey.
Second in command of the X-Men.
Ability to control the elements of nature.
Possesses indestructible adamantium skeleton.
Mutant power: instantaneous healing and recovery.
Go back.
Computer, you've just given me an idea.
And saved the future for everybody.
REPORTER 1: You claim to have proof that mutants don't carry this disease? Indisputably.
Scientific analysis shows that the virus which causes this plague was created in a laboratory.
How does that prove mutants aren't carrying it? It shows no sign of contact with mutant DNA.
But, Dr.
McCoy, what do you think about the way Ladies, gentlemen, I must testify.
Excuse me.
REPORTER 2: Something big's gonna come out on this plague story today.
A mutant scientist says he has proof it's not their fault.
The Friends of Humanity say he's lying.
Time to reach out and touch someone.
BISHOP: Beast! Look out! (PEOPLE SCREAMING) Looks like the party's already started.
SENATOR GOODE: Order! Security, clear the chamber.
-Hey! -Next time try stealing candy from a baby.
Look who's back.
I wanted another crack at that guy! No, Wolverine! Focus on protecting Bishop.
You protect him your way, I'll protect him mine.
How about a game of one-on-one? -Just you and me, pal! -Whatever you say, Wolverine, -but you'll lose.
-Wanna bet? -You're pretty fast, but a bit outdated.
-Outdated! (WOLVERINE ROARS) Put me down, you freak! You lousy mutant! You cannot reason with closed minds.
Get Bishop! We've gotta get him out of here! Enough, Bishop! Desist! You have generated enough excitement for one day.
See what they've done? Let the world see that mutants carry the plague.
(CREED GROANING) Computer, body slide by two to HQ.
-Now! -JEAN: No, wait! No, it can't be! (PEOPLE CLAMORING) -Get him to the Blackbird! -What about Wolverine? We've got a plague to stop.
(CAR HONKS) Don't you guys ever use cars? Let's just finish it here.
I'd love to, but right now I need your help.
My help? Now, why should I help you? Because Apocalypse is behind the techno-virus.
Apocalypse! Yeah, right! Teamed up with the Tooth Fairy.
I can't let you do that.
(GUN FIRING) What did you think you were doing, attacking Creed on national television? Saving Beast's life.
Creed had some kind of a weapon.
I heard it go off when we were fighting, and then he got sick.
A viral weapon could be easily concealed.
I set the computer to record the broadcast from the committee hearing.
Computer, image scan mode.
What is it, Jean? -Are you worried about Wolverine? -I touched Cable's mind.
Who is he? What's he really up to? He's more important for the future, our future than you could ever imagine.
BEAST: Diabolically clever.
An ingenious delivery system for an airborne virus.
Creed infected himself trying to get to you.
He'll need treatment.
Let's follow him.
CABLE: Time to wake up, sleeping beauty! (COUGHING) What are you trying to do, drown me? I've got more important things in mind.
Computer, access primitive power grid and affect electro-transport to coordinates outside Creed's Virginia headquarters.
COMPUTER VOICE: Access completed.
(SIGHING) Not again! (EXCLAIMS) (MEN SCREAMING) Jean, see if you can locate Creed in the mansion.
JEAN: Not in the mansion.
Beneath it.
A secret laboratory.
And something else is in there, something with incredible power.
(JEAN SCREAMS) Jean! What is it? Hurry, Scott, before it's too late.
Don't worry, we'll stop them.
-Get us down to the lab! -Leave that to me.
I'm sick.
I need help.
I can't be sick now with the plague about to spread.
By the time I recover, it'll be too late to direct events.
(CREED COUGHING) CYCLOPS: Your game's up, Creed.
We're here to put an end to your plague.
And I'm here to help them! The name's Cable.
Remember it, Apocalypse! Your puny weapons can never prevail against Apocalypse! Why don't we find out! A mutant.
I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you.
I am eternal.
(STORM AND GAMBIT GROAN) You defeated my four Horsemen once, but now nothing can stop the Apocalypse! (CYCLOPS GROANS) JEAN: Scott! Annoying insects! I cannot be touched.
I cannot be harmed.
Watch me and tremble, for I bring the purity of oblivion to your world.
-Look out! -No! Wolverine! It must be! It's the only way! (GROANING) You've let Apocalypse kill him! No.
I've saved us all.
Wolverine's special mutant immune system is curing him.
And by doing so, he's creating the antibodies that all mutants will need to survive.
We have the cure now, Apocalypse! Your virus is useless! Remember it, Apocalypse.
The name's Cable.
I shall not forget this impudence! CYCLOPS: Get out of here before the whole thing blows! CREED: Put me down.
Remember, Mr.
Creed, a mutant saved your life.
My beautiful virus! The mutant filth have destroyed everything! (SCREAMING) (GRUNTS) I'm back in the future again.
Nothing's changed.
It's all just like I left it.
-Did we stop the plague? -FORGE: Plague? What plague? I'll tell you all about it.
Well, do I get a clean bill of health? As usual, Wolverine's mutant powers have cured him.
But the antibodies they created to kill the plague are like none I've ever seen before.
Who knows what a study of them could lead to in the future.
-TYLER: Dad! -Tyler! You're safe! Wolverine's antibodies did preserve the future.
I knew it!
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